jjj jj g THIS l'AI'CUJ ". . )- : i J ' sua a j) js , ulj:i-h-- i .very aliunouu, Miuya tx- nn " l tcptc! by i .s ii. jrr. J a si k, v.oiroi: am i-kovbietoii. , 1 M. JIM ..The live of Advt 1! fii ar, $5 -6 ; Six months, $2 50; Tbiee nths, $ 1 ; 2. j One month, 60 cents. paper' will be delivered by carriers, hare, in any part of the city, at the tti?, or 13 cents per week. rtiiin rates low and liberal. Subscriber will please report any and res to receive their papers regularly. . V.-. 1 fur -i'lii. Till' duclarii iloor., IW'AS rapidly T 1 1 1 S fi OON 'S M A I L. (!t- hburjj Index-Appeal Special, j March am crediia- j . " . . - , j;i.Allhit tlu position ol ftecretaiy r lm tarn or will he tcndcrcl r.t! JosT ph jl'. Johnston, of Vir- ii !;! ',' ii ; ' , ! i t'-lay iicmI ;i ii:oi:iTi'.n i'',Mr. Tdden elected.' lights ciecuri'tu to-uay -one o:; the . ' '.; I ! T ' '. :ii.(.TuN-, Marcl 1 : 10. A. M. i'l'hc yjuse is dispatching business quite htit the ijrobihility is tliat tlu- ses- s)o:i Will lat until twelve tu-uiorruv. j ne?s the House recx'tles from its inisition tinny bin t .u the A ty t.-hi-! in' hi Knclt'i I t't'Il lo jiojmla The i .1 t hi iero will be. a i extra .sent (Juvcrni.r Tilden ncct hViniaiiV' tnrr.ibrrs Jjotifv- n tiittjij House had iiilopUd i rcsohitioh ! declaring that he had al'v clH:t(-d hv tl:o clcctcr.d ard r vote. Ii uis:aiia Jl'.-lurnijjg Iol in a botlv. tb-niht on Hayts. Tlio It'ik extraordinary powers i:i (ranizin it I.VJ.l Suuthebi. lVistuCico1 clnibis incurred Trior ,var. sorrte three htin lrcd and lifty .1 d.!hrs. !;; u. C. W. CiAUOLirVA. J t tf e thonsa iii;. Siirn p . It is I, III I WYlf ln'X.t .1. b!l!C "1 St. .1 hiving .11, IS !l ving for a (Ji itninal Cuiirt. iiivtt!!, nKinbLr1of the; Hotiso from ii.'is i uiio ill. liitei.hl (Mercer i.ow claims tim circu!a,ii-n in '.tlr .State. Vail lh;it too Ahevil!e and Snar- takes i Ci v 1,io:ied Mi! tot i i tnarrreJ All- Mis. H: last The; til" i:a ' rut iu A .ml called 1 louse amended theyulesivinj the t House N'tiatuii ; passe i the bill paying i iu Icr of f t wn tl 1 he f;on r :i "lei .McKa" T,.c Iat i hiailb a and' Uil eight ti stiadin do" mi i," -It. fwilj reach I lenders m by nuary 1st., j! . ;iw Ashevillo has i;nbibed the iss martial spirit and is about to e a military .company, .hMs' 15. 0. Church in I'Jaleigh been j.leclfirc.1 unsafe, tlie eon ii will Worship in Ikiggs'. Hall. roMtl eb tvr tain men t : f the UaTcigh it Ton T"rnn)e and Cornet Hand hu-e in naleih on Tuesday even- I'v.'uipcfr, V.f Virgiiii'a, has reuisi Vance fir the delivery of and Fanny JTisirstoii, colored with burjr'a'rv and larce'.iv. j G. rrtnler; of r.aurinbarg, and ophja O. Gibbs, daughter ' of Kev. (iiuos, were mari;ieu m llicury L'dnesdav.. ! I . lickorV I'tcst say.; : A man. by ic of TpvJj; josser was severely - a'lrav at Iirind.etowL) on tnc Fob., 'and -died a few days later. h kingham Spirit says; A num 'ew residences are to. be "erected1 in ..ii' nil 1 . 1 :s J)ring ami summer. Among tlemcii'Svlu) contemplate building es arc lievitT. W. Gnthrie; 0. D. l'.sp, aiid l)i'. J. M. Covington Ii korv: 1'rc.i.i says: One "niqdit a fanne here on t bacei i y e'.ded reeentH cr;, some 'o! tne rnurtou-iovmg (zlarks's Creek in this county raid through that neighborhood ed e!cvcn si is 1 to M Mr. Miktj liollinger. Notwith thia Isom'j jicople value their re than sheep. " ; j -Tije Asheville Citizen savs: John Ihown sncen. inrre oi wmcn Harriett ISkmon ami r residing jKomc 1J5 miles below the French Broad, last year grew on thicc ! acres of land, which sjinc lj"00 pounds, and having slnpped the same to 1anville. ; a., lias rect'i.ved returns therefor. He realized an average. .of $ 32,1 1 "per hundred, crj the snug little sum 6nbur hundred and eighty )(7v. Xowiwhi) nvill say this does not pay The Asheviilo CWi'cu.svs : We learn oi a hoiniqido occurring in . Hay wikh! on the ine on the night of the 20th int., at Jenee-of a Mrs. Tate, a widow lady. atnty the tgsu It ap'po origiin o twein 1 rs that whiclji v ditliculty occurred, the we; have not obtainexl, ber axter TuriiinL a son-in-law of Mrs. Tate; aitd Creiijhtou Morrow, the lattcr-a loan soibe CO years ot age. - when lurpiu a'i t lum three times with a pistol, killing him. There were, two witnesses of the utftir, v; ho give directly opposite testimony as to th ; nature of thj ditliculty between t lie two :nen. Mr. Jiio. Tuipin, the fathei 'f the nrard.ercr, C;Une upon the scene and prewut' m.dcr a v!io. coi villi's vv vl his son escaping, keeping him rcct until the arrival of the Sheriff, ducted lam to the jail at Waynes- Mere tie now awaits trial. . i !U lie's i Wr.i.l P, Vxiltlo (: lr. A. what'W take it and Cut;:h s Out IlAlay Save Your Life is no Wrson diving but wliat h jrc or less i with. ; Lung isease, Cilds er CoiKutnption, yet soini ie rather than pay. -'75 cents lor a I medicine,' that would cure them. iKischtii's !J ( Jornvnv Svrmi b.is ' it ry liiin introduced in thiscountrv from UermaAy, and its wondrous cures astonish that tries it If you doubt fca-) in print, cut this, out and o your Druggist. ' ad gel a sanipjc hotiU for 10 cents and JoMt, rjr a regular iizc fcr. 75 cents. Look at it I A ;,Y CLASS SHAVE with Bar Rum, c"k- Stylih hair cut, 25 cents. ul,fcbf u,Pio by machinery, 25 cent. n fllenCC. A libeinl rr.lnctmn tn, ti,nntKlv cutoineTsat tbe great Reform Barber Shop under the i National Bank. Come and ?rJ ."ifjncw and' skilled barbers. t : i II I. r ITR M A VSKI. 1 H -1 VOL. 2. WILMiNGTON, N. C MONDAY, LOCAL NEWS. . New Advertisements. See advertisement headed "Lost." IlEixsBERGtH An Entire New Book M s. E. D. E. N. Soutbwortb. Y See ad. ''Democrats Attention J" W. E. X. Sellers Mountain Beef . See ad. "Found." Wm; E. Hut, B Knights of'Honor. Mozart Saloon Intense Excitement. FkanIc yij Agostisi Dancing School. Ciias. D. Myers & Co Extracts, Ac. A. Shriek. Partly-Made Shirta at. cent?, worth $2.50. by 90 Our friends and patrons wW. please understand that carrier boys are not allowed to sell copies of the Review. Picas e do not buy of them qr encourage tlicm io sell as it will positively cost iJie boy his situation when detected. , Xo session of the City Court to-day. seen 15'ue glass treatment is easily throrpli. . , Something new that no body wants pneumonia. . I The planters are preparing laml for the coming season. Square toed boots and shoes have gone out of fashion. ' . Cream ceflored dresses ruby colored sleeves. are made with ' Personal. AdmiralJ.H. Strong, of the U.S. Navy, isWpping at the Parcel! House. He leaves the city en route for Camden, S. C- A Family Quarrel There arc but six dailies in the State, and three of these, the llaleish Teics and 0oerrryand Wilmington' Star are bf g ging about the biggest circulation. The Ch.arlotte Observer and Newbern Nut Shell areyet to hear from,and the Review stands ready to take notes and report progress. . Oanclng School. ; Mr." Frank. M. Agostioi'advtises his dancing schools in thisissue.. -rrofessor" Agostini's classes wer3 comincnccl'about two weeks ago ancj now number'; over fifty scholars. ' Ho is a pretty dancer anjl havt ing personal knowledge of the Terpsicho rean art is well calculated to teach the young idea now. to snooj in mis uirec- tion. In the Way. The. schr. .E&a May, which was wreck ed a short time since near New Inlet, is inlhe channel, and submerged aud pre sents a dangerous object on which some bravo craft : may founder. 1 he spot should be marked at -oupe ,by a buoy The wreck, we understand, has been sold to Messrs. G. G. Darker &.Co ori private terras. . , is The now version is "when wrong mighty it must prevail:" Cool and cloudy this forenoon, but with a prospect cf better weather ahead. Barque Fai ry Belie, Gardner, from thi port, arrived at Rio Janeiro on the 31s of January. " . . Schis Helen M. Qondon, McCarthy, sailed from BcVfast, Me., on the 28d Ult. ffur this port jSelir Hallie Turner, Hupper, from this port; arrived at K ennebunkport, Mo., on the 28th ult. .. ' ' - The "Cabot" is the latest bounet. It possesses the pccular property of" making a young man. girl look hke an old apple wO- Mouthjy meeting of the Ladies' Benevo lent Society will be held at the Hook & Ladder Hall on Tuesday, ,March Cth, at 4 o'clock. If you have no cold victuals . for, th,e poor, hungry tramp,- don't send him awav without anvthiug. Girc him your mother's receipt for making oyster dressing. ' " ' w i i i ( Lapt. h. C. oodsou s name appears. at the head of the Raleigh Observer local page, as its city editor. We think Wood son and the Observer arc both to be con gratulated. " A little child's locket, bearing the iuir tials E. McM., was lost yesterday in Brooklyn Hall or on Fourth street. The tincter will be rewarded liberally by leaving it at this office. j 1 Mayor Canaday has gone West on busi ness connected with the Western N. C. R. Ii. and Alderman Gardner will preside at the revolving desk in the Mayor's office until his return. - . A visitor to ah art gallery, on bein g asked whether he: preferred pictures to statuary, said he preferred the latter, as "you kiu go all round the statoos, but you sec only one side of the picters." An old horse, the property of Mr. Al fred Martin, breathed his last this morn mg. lie was, a fine animal, and was rid den by a Wilmingtou man during the late uupleasantness between the States. ; He purchased his sweetheart a pair of ten-button gloves and Sianded them in at. the door himself. The servant girl took them, and goiug to the foot of the stairs bawled up : "riease raisj, 'ere's a young man as has brought you a pair of leggin's.' The most hopeless specinjen of im becility to bo seen these days is a man leaniuj over a,dry goods counter, staring helplessly into the eyes of the unsympar thiziug young fellow behind it, and wondering "what iu blazes "ijvas the name of that thing the old woman told . me to get'?"-1-; The Meeting to-night. The Democrats of the city, are requested to meet at the Court House this evening at 8 o'clpckj when matters of importance relative to the city bills now or recently before the Legislatute will be brought to their attention. Among these are the Criminal Courtand the friends of this measure should bo on hand to care for its interests. Billiards. . Mr. Fred W. Smith, of Buffalo, N. Y., is to give the lovers of billiards a treat at the Mozart Saloon to-night. He is to play a game against the best player in tie city, giving very large odds and' is to make fifty on a run or nothing. He is a fine player and performs some very diffi cult shots, one of which is jumping a ball from one table to another aud carom, and makes the shot he called before shooting. The public are invited to attend. See advertisement in another column, v An Krk Eater. On Saturday we published an account of a young man eating three quarts and a pint of New River oysters at oae sitting but the Reidseville Times marches to the front the champion egg cater. It says : :' Dan Martin of Reidsville wears the belt for eating eggs. He is-a negro. Some young men the other night bought - Dan 44 eggs and he ate them all, hard boileel, at one sitting. After which he drank seven glasses of water and called for more eggs. This is an actual fact. i We Would suggest to the business com munity that not for years have newspa pers bc:u so widely circulate! or so large ly read as att'uc present time. This,' in connection with the fact that the Spring trade is about opeaiug, niakes the oppor tunity for advertising a more valuable one than any we arc likely to bare for a long tiniatocom?. -. ' l' - cj- A Welcome. Visitor. Mrs Hemminway, the fender of the Tileston Normal scheol of this.city is here on a visit and is the guest of Miss Amy M. Bradley; the principal of the school. Mrs. Hemminway, is always a welcomed visir tor, and has certainly done more for tbe good' and welfare of the poor children and the cause of education than many of our own citizens. Her philan throphy has endeared her to our citizens, gaining for her the love and respect of each individual member of this communi ty. . How many children of this city will owe their education and success in life to Mrs. Hemminway's benevo'ence would be a very difficult question to answer. No Jubllaruiniflcation To-Day. . Contrary to the advice of several promi nent Republicans, the colored political population in this city 'determined on a jubilarum to-day in honor of the elevation to the Presidency of the.unelected candi dates of the Radical party. They intended to, shoot some brg guns; but they didn't. The preparations' were all made; the gu ners had assembled with cartridges and caps, priming pins, svrals and lanyards, the band was "thar". ready to blow for Hayes after every discharge of the mighty cannon j everything was ready, in fact, but the cannon, and that lias'nt been found yet; A substitute was looked for but none was found. An on-looking Democrat did at one time suggest that a greasy looking Republican who was busiest in the search for tbe msssing gun aud wjose psuth was apparently as big as aid oufof doors, be used as a substitute, but this sugges tion was scouted because of the fact that a barrel of powder and a bolt of flannel for one cartridge was a rather, expensive business. The xrroird finally dispersed Without the exject2d denfonstfrtf01. : 1 f :--"V k MARCH 5, 1877. , N0 38. ..... " . ', ' .f . ; i . ' -li. : . ' ' "' ' ; The City Bill a Law. auc wit io provHie.ior tno government of the City of Wilmington lias passed both Houses of the Legislature and is now a law. The citr i divided into five wards. Registration commences "at oneff and Is to continue every day. and an entirely new registration is to- bo made. A residence of 90 days in the ward is required. -The election is to be heldjon the fourth Thurs day in March and the term of officels two years, but the tQn. Aldermen elected this month mil not;go inio office until June 1. : 1 ' " , Tlie Thermometer. " From the United Stages Snal pffice at this place vre 'obtain the jioltdwinbbrt of the thermometer, as taken this ' morn ing at 7:31 o'clock: 1 f .. , .- Augusta, ; Charleston, 57 ; Cincin nati, 37 ; , JacksonviHe,' 60; . Knox vilie, 30 ; Lynchburg, 31; Memphis,' 33 Mobile, 55 ; Montgomery, 40 ; Nash ville, '31 ; New, Orleans J59 ; New York 24 ; Norfolk, 38; Pittsburg, 24 ; Savan- , Knights of Honor. Ou the evening of the 27th cf Jauuarv last a lodge of Knights of Honor j was cs tablished in this city, and sincp that time has nearly doubled its membership. , One or applications for membership are ldSQ at every meetjng and the lodge is.now in a flourishing ctffidition. We miderstand the regalia ; for thq crder has jbjipjged and, is daijy cxpectod to come. , The lodge meets to-night as will be . seen . - by reference to our advertising Kcolumns. - . .. ; l ! nah, 58 ; St. Lonis;i37 ; Wilmington, 47. 1 Washington, 32; . To Measure Land. . Ml , r . 5; . . io am iarmers in 5 arnvms at ac- curacy in estimating the amount of land in different fields under j cultivation, the following table is given bv an agricultu ral paper i - - 5 yards wide by AGS yards long con tain 1 acre. S 10 yards' wide by 4841 yards long con tain 1 acre. - 20 yards wide by 242 yards long con tain 1 acre. ' 40 yards wido by J2i yards long con tain 1 acre. i 80 yards wide by 60 yards long con tain 1 acre.- . j .-. 70 yards wide by 63 iyardi bng con tain 1 acre. J GO feet wide by 726 feet long coutainl acre. ..',:' . 1 10 feet wide by 369 feet long contain 1 acre. . l 120 feet wiele by ,363 feetlong contain 1 sere. 220 feet wide by 198 feet long contain 1 acre. - '" 240 feet wide by 18H feet long contain 1. acre.-.' i 440 feet wide by 99 feet long contain 1 acre. Quarterly Meetings. Second round of appointments for the f Wilmington District of the Methodist E. Church, South, as made by Rev. W. S. BJackPresding Elder. L 4 ' Magnolia, at firyants, . 4. March 17-18 Wilmington, Fifth Street, , March 24-25 Onslpw.. March 3 14 April "l Bladen, Bethel. ...April 78 Elizabeth, Purdies ... ........ .April 14-15 Smithville, Bethel......... . . . April 21-22 Whitevillo and Waccamaw : . ' Mission, at Waymani.. . .April 28-29 Wilmington, Front Street... .May 5-6 ' Topsail, Herring's Chapel... .May 12-13 Cokesbury and Coharrio Mis--: t sion,.. .................... ..Mayi 19-20 Clinton, at Johnson's Chapel. May 26-27 Kenansville;: .". . . . . ....... . ..June 23 We will bo glad tor eceire;coinBiialestieaj TljeA nv offtllStfiat-ait always foridshed to the Editor. - one side of tbe paper. - - -Personalities molt be aVotded. ; And it is especially and particmUrly inder stood thateeditot does not mhrmyi endorst the Tiews of compoadento unies o tUted in the editorial columns.; .:' ti Now 'Advertisements. 4 . :I .-.- ' :' . AND , ' ! . ,'"'; I .' i fi BY. AIL TIIAPS eOflb.u v.- . j, S Appointments by Bishop Atkinson for His Spring Visitation. Clinton (Good Friday )........... March 30 I , . .. THESE ME THE -. . - COLGATE'S AND '- ' ' i: Loss of tUe Dixie'. The little steamer Dixie which sailed (or rather steamed) henee lor New York on last Wednesday morning,hasbecn beached ne ir Beaufort, and will probably prove a 1 loiai loss, l he only lniorraation relative to the matterreceived herejs through a dis patch, from Capt. Georg Sullivan, to Mr, Jos. H Ncfif of this city, which, is dated yesterday at Beaufort and whsch simyly says that lha Dixie broke down and was beached 11 miles West, of Bean fort bar. The Dude has been used for years past by Mr. O.G.Parslty Jr. on the line between this city and Smithville, but-having been exchanged for the; steamer J. S. UnderhilL now on that line was at t he time of her loss owned by Mr. J. K. Fairbanks, of New York. .She registered bnt 13.16, 100 tons and originally cost about $6,000 although her value when she was last in this'port was not above 2,500. . She is probably uninsured. I ' i Windsor. ... .". . ., Wood ville, Bertie count v.... Murfreesboro, 1st Sunday after Easter.. .V: .; . Winston. . .:. ... . . , ... . ,-. ; . Gatesville...... St. Peter's, Gates county. . ...... Hertford, Perquimans county. Woodvillc, . -f-- -.-Elizabeth City, 2nd Suuday after f3Astor . . i ,t . Camden Mission'. 1.. . . . . .1. ... .... . . , Fenton..;:..i.i:.;:L V- St. Luke, Waslitngton coitntys. -i . St. David's, ".".;.::" 3rd Sunday after Eiis.ter ......... . IHymouth......!.;...... ... 1 . . , . '. . St. James, Beaufort 'county . St. Gcorgo's, Hyde couuty, 4tli . Sunday after Easter. ......... Fairfield, Hyde county . . bladesvillo......... . ..... ... . Mav Bath....;. . . . . ... . . . . . f Zion Church Beaufort county. . . "j Washington, " . " " ..; . Jamesvillc. . . :. . ... . H WiUiamstou ' ( Asoeiisioii Day ) i Hamilton,. .... ..ti Trinity Churchy Scotland Ncckj f uuoay alter Ascension..... X , Collections inbbhali of Diocesan 131 is si o'ns, will be made at each plaec, 1 age of oiucation and general i n - tejligence the household is hardly complete without ? a Cornish & Co. Piano ori Organ. Read the alvertisment in another Column.' and then send for illustrated catalogue and priee list. . : . ... jan 8. pril 1 1' 6 'f' ; 8 r o " 10 " 11 T ' .13 f !14 r .19 i t .- OO 24 u 26 i : ; '. f 29 4 6 6 9 10 11 13 Legislative locals. In the General") Assembly, on Saturday last, the bill for the' better government of the city of Wilmington came.orer. from the House and upon motion of Mr. Short; the Senate concurred in the: House amend ments. , , House amendment to Senate : till to provide for the weighing of cattle in Wilmington, and to provide for the repairs of the quarantine hospital, at . Smithville, were taken up land, n mot ion of Mr, Bennett, the Senate concurred. A message was received from, the House announcing that it - had refused to' concur in the Senate amendments Jo the bill to locate a permanent seat of justice for Pender county, and asking for a com mittee of conference, 1 ' . ; . Mr. Stkkney " moved that the Senate recede, and asked for the yeas and nays, which were ordered,and the Senate refused to recede. " 1 J la the house the bill to authurize . the commissioners of New Hanover county to levy a special tax, was taken up and passed its third reading, j V-- ' '!. Ibe Senate amendments .' to tho bill in 1 regard to tho county-ieafc of Pender I county, were talfen up ' and the.; House ; refused to concur. ' - ' , Bill to authorize New Hanover coun ty to fund its floating debt, was taken up in tho house and passed its, third: reading by a vote of, yeas 81, nays 0. 1 ' BUI to incorporate tlus Wilmington Oompress Company, was taken tip .in the bousQ and aiied its le-vera! iftvlins, . V New Advertisements. MULBERRY STREET, tbn ; morning, two LARGE KEYS AND A BUXCII OF SMALLOXES. The finder can recover them . ' ' . r -: by paying for this adrcrtiscment. ; meh 5 Knights pof Honor. TTEND REGULA ilEETIO, to night at 114 o'clock. ' I Ir mch "vvm:.e. hill, r. INTENSE KKClTElklENT. .-T THE, MOZART; BILLIARD IIALL, TO-NIGHT, (Mondar) MB. FRED W. SMITH, of Baflalo, Ne;v York, will play the best game of billiarda ever played in tliis cityj The frienda and patrons of the SaTdon and - v - :. . all lor era of Billiard3 are invited to attend. The gania will commence at SJ4 o'clock, mch 5 ' - : .-: ' ' " - ; - j .) Dan c i ng School. TiM B. FRANK Sf. AGOSTINI'S DANCING ill.-. ,:.,ir:--y - : ::.:.. -ii in- SCHOOL wiU.bCjPpeneJ tonight , in Temper ance Hall, opposite City; HalL ; Gettlemcn Class at 8 o'clock. Class' for ladies and Child . ; . ' ii i fen, Tuesday, ITibraUayTaid1 Fatardaj after noons at o'clock. TtiVate. lcau giTcn at residences Lcn deaired TBESH - : TO-MORROW MORNING i AT THE 17ET7 HEAT DEPOT X - ? "-ALSO1' 'mS7 " ' Fresh Porte Dansagei, ngg-s, .'-t Poultry, Cic- . Iff . CORNER FODttTH MULBERRY STS. ckS - , iX". R X. SELLERS. E) Extracts AND PRTJIT FLAVQBINCrSe I i -. Borden's FVTD Itf AP DtTP fiAIII!rk'W'Dfi coffee mmki BORDEN'S I , : AND.- -,:i ' ARE CofTee Extracts MAYS iJdilingwater only reeded'; ! Mi CHAS .ft ilIllRSiCO ,;- t o4 "4-:i -..' ry..i 3 A 7 XTprth Front ZirceU men o DEMOCRATS' ATTEtlTjON I fJIHB DEMpCRA T3; 05", i?TE : jCIT Y OF Wilmington are requested;; fc meet ,nt : tho Coort House.to-night,,(Mottday) -3t instat & O Clock. tO COnttider mat tin1 nf Imhnrlanra connected tcith bill islature in regard t: the citr, A fall tiend- auccisreiesira. O. 11. nUBinnUII. iiiui n City Democratic Executive, Cam. i (; D. G.; WORTH- . ' inch j Preriaent Central Clab. Aii .ifotiro t 'Nel3ob.iii;Py : Mrs: Boiithwartb.1, rpilE FATAL SECRET. " ." t - ' 1 ' By Mrfc E: D. Ei X Soatlwdrtb. Mrs. Sooth worth's New Khrti: Urn. Emma D. TL V nnlinHti iU'kAt'.l American authored, has iant tniht nor nouvellette. not a lint of ft tvtr hirtn Kn printed before, to hich ehe has rivctt the name ui "iuet aui Secret." Th'erQinxns con- - m. .v.. wvicv (uuici iivriw, by her utcr, Jlri Ffancu HtnaimwiVwien, and it will no donbt prove, to, if ope of, the moat popnlar volantei crcr i&iaed by tfata aa thor.;. Fyr sale at ' t a ' Aii' ft tt.i,(i- mimoBzixiqaivn.j mch 5 . . Lire Book andMui Store! L i '- . . ' ' ' i . GOLD LOCKET.-.wlth, Ctauu attaeaed. bearing tiie lnltioli of'feifci'u Vai loat j-esterday lHanday) evening Hi. iSkixOQyn lWiorouFwllistrefe The nruier vruf. tw JJrjerallji- rewarded try retarulcg same at this oce. . mch 5 . . i ,n . . I. t i. : . - ' M Rare Barerainc- TAY BE HAD IN C ENT'S sn3 YonlL's rm t a ww-,- hiiiljbiiiiiiiiiiii -m mum mmmsMm t DhriOl(s;Clotbip5 Howe, South aide of Market itreeL. . . ' . ' 1: ' Getting ready for Spring Ibck' find all neiry goods niUtoesukL y ' Oar ipeelalty is the ll-mad' Xiien Ubaoni ' Shirt for -OO Cents.- JrT l '; ' tiios rortLAnu 20 Cts. Boxes- of Paper had ENVEL0PE3 . ' 7 Af Danfdrtti'o1 V'i Wrreall fold, bat more bare conic' to jar..