' f THIS TAPER - x ' " p-..-;Lrf :T -:;vr:T:'"-.: r: .U;; . . " j U r-MW Wj! afternoon, tn.Jji- . " ; . ITTPfl " ,," J, L-J iJflltB ' ' " ' " ' - -y TF' "V V: " j PLEASE NOTICE, We trill be glad to rwcife coiletioi. from oar friend on tnj tcU fif 6 s II I , 1 . t . . : fpiTOIt AD TKOPHIETOE. r i - m . j t . i ,. . i i - i i ; . -v r. i t ... i . . -? w ii ii l - m . -.-, . - " i jt i - n wi tf i ir tt -. 1 w v j in.: nunc : I'll i ii ii ii tm-- s i lt i t - i i 1 1 i r i ir. f . .ri 1 11 1 re n i i . k II 1 II II III 1 I f 1 ! V Jill I I l m II i tt:: i "v i nnuT " 7 It t Mi 1: ?r nA.i UUCnntki r.fl Thru i muiitliH, 51 Zj unc montu, D'J ctms Tbc pfper iwll b detircred bj carrier, J irw of ehkrife, in pjr part of the citr, at the hovo rt!efl, or IX cent per week. Adrertuin ratea low and liberal. jjaSabscribeM trill please report anj and fd'ilBffg to receire their paper regularly. II A YftS APfD THE SITUATION It js l course two soon now to venture -) VOL. 2. WILMINGTON, rf.C, WEDAESl.V Y, MARCH 7, 1877. xo. .i ircJictio;i ;w tj . vcTu iJ IV do wit what Sir. Hayei will b the rresiilenlial ufrive; wlivtlicr c will allow himself to be tuleil l.y tJ'Mont (irarit'd evil gonitis or whether 1 e'wil! v feroiialy and detcrroinately enrr o-if t!ic I' Vic of policy laid down for hiih i ff in bib letter tf last Summi-T in which Ii ? u'.r jtiol tho ;Kc)ublican noruiitntion itiid u hiJh he reaflirinel last Monday in in in-nirjl address. IIj has not vet anything n )t be i'i Htid that 0 lacness I his Cabinet and therefore like a positive prediction would order. I I5ut one thinjr i in la that ; there u considerable un- j i .- ii the ltepublidan cam n in Wash ingtou ciiy and some of yesterda'j p'ro- hi Ghsrcss would uem t uCl I 3 I catuthal he waters are stirred tothadei t'is .Senators Blaine and Morton arccvldth'fr i . i; i 1 ,il armed aud w0 (hopc with good reason. tli'-v f-vira disruption of tho old traditions .1 " !. L : ' I ..e mil tne uezinuuiir or a. new oiu;r oi things. If Mr. jjlayes should order the .withdrawal of the troops in South Carp- Louistana, it wouM bo se- ir legislativo procedingt and 6tU uews sec fourth page. . Swedish barqao Prima,, KrooklfroiD this .port Arrived on the 6th inst at Ubn- doa. . ' i ' ' ' Swedish krigAmdit, Christen sen, from this port, arrived at Qaeenstoo. on this 5th inst. . - - There was a heary frost risible this morning but the fruit trees " hereabout do not seem to have s offered any from iu eflects. j ; '. .. . " Ths Registrar's oflSce for the seoocU Ward U located iu the Grand Jury roorof at the Court HoaBe," and is approached thrdogb the yard. - . r Mr. T. L5aolan has been apemted Marshal for the celcbrationof St. Patrick's Day, by tho Iliberniah Association, of this citv. li iu blow to of Li.- which t'.t cy may the Radical wing tartV and one from J w i 1 never ie;ovcr. To thi end the v arc forcing the fight and their ! lirst advince forjivard was made in the ii t Scuate ytstcrdayj, when Mr. Dlaire urged Jhat KcllUrg be seated. I This would iu ;ve tne n-cogniuon uy ino cenaio oi mo I'ackard Usurpation and the Radicals cvi iluiitly count upotijit as the first slop to wards furtingthoir policy upon Mr. Hayes. If Ki-llogg is rcccignized aud seated by the cute, With Mr.ji Wheeler in the Chair, it will'le tXlairipuni to an oflicial cnd(jvse- munt t f tho actii h of tha rtturning board .it t Xcw p Orleans' and may force Mr Itriyes to tu curly aud a positive action. Whet bvr Mr. Hayes is 6nc who cau be easier driveu than. led remains to be seen i I ! i Mr. I'luii.je, speaking for his party, has Hjl said yesterday, in iroiiu on record urging Ktllogg: Mr. liliiine sul I 'i csiden 4,I do not .desire, Mr. I to detain the Senate by - any lengthy Ipresetitation . of Mr. Ivellogg's ..case. M'tranuti''!! him as I uo as the elected Senator from tin; State of Louisiana, I could jwish that there would be nej objcctiou to ! his being .sworn iii; l believe that he was elected lV the legvl Legislatureof Louisiana. I U'liee thM he was elected by and reprc tiints the regal government of IiOuisiana, and I 'do rot ecu now to-day and that is ; the main itoirit. T dfftir I to trpsumtlX-hniv any Senator who voted in this chamber that tho clcclova.1 vote of Lovisiarja. was legally anl properly cast for Rutherford v'PJ Hayes and yourself, -Mr. President, is pqniiittc J to doubt that S.' 15, Packard ie States"' , . - B if Mr,. Hayes Uti any of that stuff of which true statesmen arc made and if he 'really alesircs to be the President of jh pco IIe and nt of a party, Mr. Blaine's hasty action may prove a ruinous policy for himself auxl his supporters. In such an event a conflict between them and Mr. Hayes is simply inevitable', a LOCAL NEWS. 13 Governor 'of that ew Adfertiscments. & CQElcjau t Fruit Cms. PL II vers Uuttcr. J I ' llKiNSbr.sotr. Ia Stuck. . Vann SoraethiDg Xew. ! U o. W BAlLEt, ! Sect j St. (Jeor-e and Nr. Andrevf' Athletic Club. l'ou th Ward Atttention. beaded Kead ad. f i Jso. C. Jamej, Dcmocrati : Club; ' David Cowan f orliirs. Of ice. Board of County President Second "Ward C. II. RoBissok-pToticc. hmahk Imported Mine al Water A. Saana. Parti v-M ado Soirt at 00 ts, worth $2.50, cents T- Our friends ani patrons vrill please underslawi that uUoxcJ to sell riauc do carrier boys arc not couies of the Review not buy of them of encourage Vicmio sella itltcitl positively cost tlie boy his situation ichcn ddectcd. , Dr. C. tl. Rolxrts, ilr. Au Pope and Maj. C. M. Stedniau, were I in itilcish. Mon- dav. ' The sale of Ma the uursery of Mr. j nolia Grandiflora from folk, Va , will morning- it the under the Manning Uonly & Morris, f M. Bounot, at Nor- take I, place to-morrow ttoro on Market street, House, by Mtssxs. Auctioneers. ' U- - I hanKi . to the Committtec lor a canl of aduiKsion to a Festival and Ball to be given by Mt. Olivet Council Xo. 9. F. oi T., on neit Friday evening at Temperance Hall, tho kcasiod bcins tho tenth anni. Wc understand that out youug friecd Isaac X. Carr, has formed a popartncfihip with his father, Dr. Thc, B. Carr, for tho practice of dentistry in thU' city. Jf he prorcfl a chip of : the old block at the businesss, wo kuoxr that he will do well. , -, i On rumor, that Major Canaday b-asgone to Washington City, ho wants to be Col lector of thi port (of tho ensoing' four years. Gen. Abbott, il it li'ul, wantl to ship foreign on some nice little ten thou sand dollar consulate. , , A Deserted Camp. . Mr. W. J. &ott, while qntiog iq the woods east of the city yesterday for some cattle; cam across I two Urge bush camps at the head of Greek's mill-pond, neat the mineral Pprfug branch. From appear anecs the cajap bas&cn recently deserted. Several little things were picked op by Mr. Mutt, including, several copies of the city daily papevs. The campr no doubt, was occupied by some of the thteres who have been so actively at work in the city is nast. - ' -i for some months past. tho Council.: The Criminal Court Bill a Law. By a dispatch received at noon we learn thai the Crinunal , Court bill ped the House to-day, substantially as it pais-1 ed the Senate, and with the salary of the Judge at $2,500 per annum. This is as it should be. The position of the Judge of this Court will be ne sinecure. There are to be six term's during the year and it will be readily seeu that whoeyer fills such a position will have no ttmo to devotp bo any other calling and that he must therefore depend upon his salary for a support for himself and his family, , Tne Little -Giant. At a meeting of Wilmington Steam Fire Engine Co. No. 1, held last evening, the 'following officers were elected: I ... TP , Forcmau Joseph Price. ; 1st Asst. do. W. F. Hargrove, j Ud -; " G. W. Lamb. I - Chief Engineer E. W. Manning. : 1st Asst. do. Robert Morrison. ; . 2d " B. W. Kcwkirk. ,L". Recording Socretiry E. W. Mannings Corresponding Secretary A. C. Craft. Treasurer J. F. Gause. .' j, . . CapC F. G. Robinson, the retiring fore man, has served eight years and could not be induced to continue in the position. He waa fc-clectcd last night bj . a unani mous vote and then resigned, whereupon Capt. Price was elected Foreman. The anniversary of the Company falls due on' the 22d inst., when the officers elect will be installed. ! . ' -i . . Republican Magistrates for Wlnting ton. -, , ' t ' The cutirc city was startled last night by the reception here of a dispatch from Senator Troy, of Cumberland, who stated that there was some danger of the. rejec tion by the Legislator of ten of the magist rates nominated from this county and tho substitution in their places often Republicans. Street caucused were held and the wires wero at once put into requi sition by a number of gentleman, the in dignant demand being, in effect, "Gire us all Democrats or none." To-day the sab ject wai one of universal comment and if some of the sapient members of tb Legis lature could have heard the comments passed upon them we are inclined to the opinion that they would have echoed the scutiments of "all Democrats or none." Towards, noon tho feeling cot a little bettor, on' the strength of a dispatch from Maj. Englehard who had been among uie members and who stated-that every effort had been made, to have the BepatH ucan pan oi the business stricken out, and that the only success thus far had been to cut down the number of Bipub- i Uccn maps trate. to gre iwteidof ttn tSr. Klttder'e Essay. concluded. Af"fdjr after the "colony departcil, tblissejtaider Sir Richard Grcnville armed", buVtoola'te by a month ; better success would have establishes this as the first 'colony of. Englishmen on American soil. This Grenville expedition had but a short supply Of food, and after some ex nlerations returned. Raleigh wa notdis- it). i I - fac-simile lx i: i:i poss?:Vt:.n of a u t mVcr of the Socio: vi . f ' .': Cspt. Wimble 'ui;:jl- :t biirii v of 'thi; coast. Ht v;( :t lare, landed proprietor and made many "surveys of the-i portions of the con u try; also 'tiw peculiar i'ii:;est' which attHchcs to many onhesi inSpi, the nichtion- on them ?fJthrtiueV if tho citizens of the EeighborhboJ. Tho meaning of tiwwordr(R be the uame of theIndia4 tribe-w! werf Jlie abongiual owners of thepaitofhe county wc mhabit,is Sound. It'wiirbo rcmcrabcrcJ tUw Advortisements.i oka Island where Grenrille had , left fif- teen'men- ihey found there only Qne skel eton, with ammunition and other prop erty ; no human being was seen. The commander refused to proceed lb the Chesa peake as it was intended he should. They cot into difficulties with the Indians through misunderstandings, but finally Mantto i was solemnly christened as Lord of Bcseke. This was the first act of the sort erer fsribnned in this country. Aug. 18th Virginia "Dare, grand-tlaughter of $pvV Pare, wa born,7 the first child of Wbm parental born on - the Continent. Aug. 25th the Gorernor departed, leaving 117 per sods, among whom were his wife, grand-daughter end others, abandon ed, td an unknown fate, arriving himself safely in England. Two years later the settlement was visited. Six vessels ap proached the shore, a great smoke was rising up, which encouraged them to be- Ueve it proceeded from a houo. They' were deotned to disappointment. The tootprints of savages were scon- on tlie sand, and the-woods were on fire. They went to the North cud of tho island and found a sign board with the word Choatan en indigenous to the State, Mil smcrey n. t i la "I ' ".-mis. n. n mm, . . I . . i .iisorgg SSL Afiiw7s Allil?tif cinfi. f?2S KtCULAn lOXTIILY ME IXG of ihc Club will Leld at tLo Hall or -U3 xjrug .o tore, oa iiurd ?trcct. ---- . 7 - ' tm, nuo LIOCS. n. ILETV Secrc-turv. cared. In 1687 a new expedition under 5nd White, this time as Governor with 12 AHiitanta sailed aud came near Iwina wreke4 oo Cape Fear, but lauded safely that the Tuscaroras who arc of this tribe rc-' Jnl 27.4 They were first to visit Roan- moved to Western wX9rk."" Jhcy arc allied to the powcrfid tribe Jf Jiiuois. . The antiquarian is abroad' in ' tfttad. From the tombs oplycefefto Lnchcll mounds of Floriaa,; jta'cldVifa'iul pick: are at wrirk anii cvWy. oEirgtirret aud closet and secopdvi-.mil u ''c t ,re in - the land is yielding iu jre:.iir's;t'-rubu!ouss rates. The tixc to 1 4th Ward attentsbh. r J . C. or. Wed- j.urnisbed to the Editor. - CVarmuaicaUons must bvi written --oil f one tide of the nanr r rw Pcrsoaa'itica mnat be avoided. And it is especially and partiealarly madcr etood that ae editor does not always eaderse the news of correspondent, untcss .ia sUted "i the editorial columns. .-(' ;, , ' ; -1 ' '" ' ' i ' , : . 1 ' . " - New Advcrtjiocriita. " ELEGAXT it wimi WILL BR A'CIeetin- of t Wkrd-DemocrHtlf'j Club. .-Tt ti... o 4 Hi ouit e- ua; o ciocti una (Wednesday t:v ."ii,iur iuc purpose otomicatinIcindi datoa for Aldermen Those wMiitS d bt' come CUT Rubers will vie 1 lacH7 By.order of the Pr.CM.Jcst. . cure the bis of -history' vvi- uvo, -4HiiU:i'-. about was nev.er tnr.-d"r-.ro)i"ikil.s.' : .( Yet wis haye nut Itid; ''id I we1 tiiig'it tell of this rare euterVahl iJoFlivV givin, as much of our .SiVace-ia's v:y couKlin order- to pusn. On . the iiiGveiiic:it ,i.tiv;'.4so.-i. well, and favorably begurv y thi. new 15.)city We will wait with -catr. intt-r;etj il-r another Justitlliccifi jnw SS.Vl&utler; who is a!) anluUav; ii i hsstu's ical scholar of Well-kii'-iw:' p.;rts. Inote.-Tie. rctr.rlrtii 'a'iit'tU- v2kxc of name refers only to hrtjiprpiiid not to the Inland of Roanoke !f PtrHdifurther iu vestigatlon may showivl)y tho i-aango aud when it was made, fronvioi ut:c iq Iloanoke; a farther referenco to. thJ look may turdw--some light on the plant '"tSoiibh't " to liaW been the peanut. As to" the pcJatoe,' Mliiie Its orighi is obscure, it is not cltAmcd to have rnjIE rai-SIDEXTS '.OF tUe J)eh4c i ard Clubs arn reniipsfp.l in ,-a!l' . , inp'of their respective .Wards on TUESl mcht, lsth inst., to nominate 'candidatos uviuenacn, eitUer by ballot or otHeris iuc-y may aeto'nnne. j ' C. U. noiiixsofc, fcu Chm'n City Dcfi). Ex. (Jot IHI I'no Y ' , . - atic for f as i - ' t i - 1 i-iMn mis, i acts. i to Croat&n. No living soul was found, only remnants of their property. The history closes witbr the return of this, ex pedition. In 1063 the remains of Lane's bit were still risible, having been visited by a small craft from Ya. In 1653 or 1, another settlement was attempted on the shores of Koanoake or Chowan, without success. Soon after Eastern colonists I came in, and carried on a large traffic w ith the Indians. Roanoke Island was at one time owned by Joshua Lamb, a citizen of Boston, as evidenced by a grant exhibited to the Society by Mr. Kidder; Jt bears date of April 17; 1G76. The lecturer thought the colonization of Roanoke well worth ; the careful investigation -of the Society. It is not possible to form an ides', fruin our sketch, of the great value of Mr. Kidder's paper. It has been a theme upon which lie has spent much labor pure labor of love, and a considerable amount of money, for a time extending over thirty or forty years. It was a real treat t every one in his audience. Ajt the cob elusion of Sir. Kidder's lecture, he formal ly presented a heiiotype copy of the work of Hariot, "A briefe aud true report of the new found land of Virginia. Of the commoddities and of the nature and man ners of the natural! inhabitants. Discov ered by the English Colony there seated by Sir Richard Greinville, Knight, in the yeere 1585." ,'. The book contained the fol lowing inscription : "I take pleasure in presenting this the first donation to .the Historical and Scientific Society. Euvrard Kidder." j Mr. Kidder then exhibited some old deenments, and among others was a pat eat to Maurice Moore for one mile of land in Bath county, which included all of the present New Hanover county. This was signed by Richard Ercrard, first Governor, and bore date 1729. This deed has a history. When David Fanning was on one of bis marauding expeditions down the river on his way to Maj. Craig for sup plies and to bring prisoners to Wilming ton,' he'plundered houses of citizens. The house of Maurice Moore was burned in one of these explorations. Among other piunaer wmcn iounu us way to r ioriutt and finall- -to Nova Scotia after fe. flight fruif North I Carolina, wai this Otd paper. . Then too iu councctuii with this notorious character, he presented a yery rare manuscript, being Fanning s Narrative hv his (Fanning') own hand writing." This old manauscript has a his tory; and is known far and wide by anti quarians. The Richmond edition was printed from this and the New York edi tion ofa later date was from that. & drtinal manuscript of a treaty with tnadaiawba Indians was exhibited, dated By article publtshed :cSetvhosii it w iii be .seen that Mr. C. H.'Robinson.' Chair man 'of:. tho city. Pcmocralic Excelling Committee, has called upon the Ipsit&jhtb of -the various Dembc,rrtic-:Ward:ClQti'yto-call a meeting of tjrieir respective -wards on ncit Tuesday niiht the' lCth it fur the purpose -oi ..hoMnating caadfdatcs8. for Aldermen. imported Mineral Waters Hmsie Wine ouar;-.ijtciia pericctly pure. Cal! and iao ..samples at of -ofiici of CTS. eani- uca ,J Ce.pr Front and Ora-n;4"ri: 3Tn-rd Binocilitic ! r f bemoynti nf the Mil Wai,! in it ia'1 mi-r.airtnr.-IUrwjr ato e .posito thi t'itv o'clock,, on Ti.utIav evlnln, SI Sr etu.-forthe c-.rasi dr:it:o.a -of th e ! Axi-i-tiOir.tf.!ftMiiinatii5;? candidate's fur Al.lprnien form the Ward. ? 'J Xi). C. JAUEl, i ineii i For - Presitliftnt.' '1I1E6E ARE UUJ! RETAIL PRICES ! And lorrer than ever sold, befjro. . pas. 6. wmm. 5 l 7 north Front Otreot. m cook .vasiiet; axd ihUt. w Uod ii;uiCtnai-I. . A2o,, A jbo DAVID Cq',VA: t irrcJi 7. At Court lioli Meteor. , About ) o'clock last cvcuini;, a.XiOt beautiful meteor passed over the djy,ht iug up the entire ski?s. :It"tt utea i5'. llU' south of 1 us, and whyu,'4pp;i.rcnllv. , it reached the northern part of the-ci! v ii burst, with arerort similar to th a Stocks - itUig. Vl'sHS ' OI K JiOXW, Russia Leather' IiUUf (iluvv li.x.., Ciar' Cases, Ai:.), h jiiio aoiiiuent of entire' v iciuce Fra:uts. '. For i-'al-j "at nd r New- 1757. - Mr. Kidder also exhibited a copy of a map drawn by Capt. "Wimble, a man of rio mean part!'. It bears daU 1735, a reco;ii;iy:.d l ? :tt.-S me nu:ae-oi i a juhs jX Til VOiJA'CCO LIXK, ihep'bi T Tut. a!fO line plug cLc ift ''-'iobjjccM. ;S a n T" FIVE CHXT Ci pistol, .into taousacds of atoms' whi,-h' ' SS'T32'2ir33232l2-a2l3-were thrown out in even difccticr.i: A rfh . Live Book and .l u-. stdr. ' - ' ' "'''"' . . ., i The Tnermouietcri From the United States Signal Office ai this place wc obtain the .tfollowih report Of the thermometer, as taken, this not h ing at $y31 o'clock : ''. : Augusta, G7"; Charleston. J;;; Cincin nati, 43 ; Jacksonville, .-.4s ; Ii:cx ville, 25 Lynchburg, Gl . ;TJtuphis. 32, Mol)ile;l!3; Monjemeiy, aSj.Xasli ville, 3 New -Orln, Gl ; Xcw York .30.;. Norfolk, 39; :"rtbur, 11 ;. Savan nah,' 43. ;1 St. Louis, .57 ; Vv;wuogt6ir, SO: Wilmiiigjton, G8. icr- liiU ' I'll still in iLe su at j S Tobaeeo titur-J Maikct StrJed nr MAGNOLIAS AT AUCTIOTT. VI: WILL SELL i a i.orpr SioicE iandlia Oraiidiflbra; fi yut hz XurC!y of J. H. Boauot,'AorfoIk, Va., at A action iu 'store on Market street, u.a-l r the JIunuing. House on March 8, 1877, at 11 o'clock, A. II. ; - r - CliONLV & MOMUS, . n v,l(; Stjr copy. r ' AucVr, MEERSCHAUM PIPES,; Cigaretto Holders, ! Cigar Holders. yi HE VVJLN'.O AX i) SMOK1XG TOBACCOr Top, Marbioj, Iiall, Freeh Candicv Fear and other Fruit. " - : Japanese KiteG9 Fiy Awav. Fly Awaj. Fly Away. Se3 .tlrc Japanese; Kite fly. i ,V '" W. LIP PITT'S. COXFECTIONEK V STORE. il.Corner Front and PrincetsSts. Zis Sign of. Punch. , aich 6 Editok Kf.view ; We respectfully voters of (Third want D. iiura-j f irs Alderman a cenUeri :! WOrtllV alio MI.i Hied fur tin nH' !!-:, ii eit:u:(i vt;:iu cjiscnar20-tne lu v..trt- . . i cambent upon him honestly and- kiihf i-H" ua til ! '1 J t'.i day t-f -MaYcIf, 1 T7r fkr l without favor, fear tx nartralifv: " I ' -:''' . I 0i3gs Board of County CosaMoile NEW fJANONril COUNTV, . MAIXit 0,1- ' X V Proposals f ' - . I- For Blcdical "Attcndraico d ; ' Jail -aaid Out-Dor , P cor. wji..i r.iur;;sAi$ via bj recti-; firs Vor. .iivtuncc 'to 14 lauttcc ot4.;-; y.ai ;"U.l'-for. JIv-Jitrif! At.Md- i Eu. Review ; Flcaso state tUit;:i citizens of the Fourth Ward uro the s- t anej-rt'intIodir- lectiou to-night of C. II ltowns.-n- ainl ! - H. Toilers as candidates for AUormcn fm 1mvI-; h,r ae .c-ic f.o.i h'i:-th d Mcdicinti "r K.U tliCfOlit- said Ward: W 1 Quarterly Meetings; Second ron"ni of appoint rnenU for tlw Wilmington District of the jUthoiTist E. Church, South, as nnde Tv Ktv. AV. 3. Black, Frcsdiug Elder:. . . : - : -Magnolia, at Bryants, . ... . . . . March 17-13 Wilmington Fifth Street,.... March 2i-!.j Onslow.......;........ .March 31-ApriM Bladen, Bethel . . . . J. Apr!! 7 S Lhzibeth, runlnns .April 1 4-15 Smithville, BttheL.J...... .Ai'Ml .-21-2!? Wbitevilie and Waceainftw ' - . 3Iission, at Way man April "$-22 Wilmington, FroJit Street. . . ?Jay 0-0 !. Topsail, Herring's Cbap.E..'. jJay - 12-13 Cokesbury aud- Cobnyrfe, 1g . i sion;. ."i ri . .. . 7.1'. .... f. . .. ft zf: y 1 3-2Q Clintou, at Johns-ju s Chapel . Ma'j; 1'-J-I'7 Kenansville, . . . . . . . . . ..... . . .JuU i' 3 13ii to he a I Ji t 1 In thisac of education and'gcucral iu teliigence the household is hardly conipltte without a Cornish & Ct. liaii t5r Organ. Bead the advertUmeut iu aufHhar column, and then send for il lust raUtl catalogue aud price list. -'- j.tu 8. German brig; ifa. zat Braucr froui this port, arrival at Fahnoii'lio-.i 1h? 20th u!t. rM'lliV X l) s I (J X ED, La hs been an . X. pointPtFltcMtrars of Election for the 9, t'y of Wilmington, ior the approach jnff mu nicipal election to be held-on the fourth Thuj.rday in tbc month, tlic.22d test, and havic duly qualified as uch, hereby notify a" coriCcrr.L'l that the RivriitrBtlm hmAm will be opened, ia accordance with tbe reiuirc f l . . . . J - . j wt 1 a IS. bisiiininff with Wednesday, Jlarch 7tli,'frotn 0 o'clock-, a in, to C o'clock, p in., at the fol low iair places as rpecified in the act of V.cn. vss3 Mm UlfUHa; IAN Y ' iilUJUa Brands of Flour sold in tli i ".' City, but tho itsar PCS a i r. n K una r.j7 n J is ft Plant's Extr ' - - : ' S . . f As a!! nl:o fare tiltd it is ill to.-tirri ! CHAS. D. MYEES & CO ct. 5 6l 7 rrorth rront mch 7 -. fnUC DAILY REVIEW i- lurtUhrfd 1 -.City -SabseriVrrs at H) cecu a rat hih cral MsexsXAv, which arc a follow r ' Fif Ft Ward," Upper Divuion Lr, J Thorn Ion' .Store, Conicr 4th and Uar&ctt street, j First Ward, Lower Dirinion Stable St. jL'ar Company, Corner lied Cros and. 7tb it. Second Ward at Court Ilouao. ? ? ILid Ward Giblcui Ijde, Comer 8ih ArA Princess trecta. . Foarth Ward Enino H6ue on Ann t., hct ween Front and Second at. t .... Fifth Ward Store of Taaac X. Sharpe, on Queen between itli and 5th st.' ; ' ' I j. TUORSTljisr. f l: -l,tr,ar First Ward. Urpcr DlvfekHi. - W. II. YOPP, '. s'4' ' ' lUgL-tntr Finst AVard, Lower DlvWow.' T. C. J.vilES, ' '" - IUrgLjtrar HccoimI Ward. ME3 W. KIXG, ; . Rcblrar Thini Ward. C W. OLDIIAil.; Isitrar FotutliWanL jxo. c. JiiLUa, I, ;iir.rcn i lUgistrar Fifth Ward. Blar copy. "-' " James Cv rJundo, DRUGGIST : ' AxD DEALER IX TOILET FAKCT Aitklcs "iiiwa and Sappotiefa. , THIRD STREET, Orr. CITY IIALU WfLi5roTOir,'KJ C 2f.rurc Wine andLiouor fo; Medic 6 in O 0T di oa' made by O l U H Q AO Afiren w aelllog oar Chro nM, (.raronj, J'icture- and Chroma Card. lOO samples vrorth A sent rWtpauI for 7 cents. Iii ust rated Catalogue free-, T r J- H. RUFr'UUD'S SOXSi B0ST05. . -. ja?7; : - 'EI2itaUIUellS30. - - .'': ;-'': - X -'.. -' - - . ' - It -4

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