J i : : ! I1 : t -: ; i . I . I . i - : ' I'll-.. .-. i , i m ' ,.; ,,,., I ! THIS PAPER r I' i I i vcrv afternoon, iNuuUy: ca- ted bv. ,MSII. 1 i KiiiK AS i' rKorKifcrou. ICitlPTlO.NS, POSTAGE iVJJ (,!. C4i ,$S 0; Six uiontW, $2 50 ; Tin i ,' luoutllir, $1 2ij Unc month, 60 cnt.-. The paperj will' be delivered by', carrier, in any part of the city, nt the H t o of charge above ralrf, 'r cents per wcck. AdrcrUhjg; ratca low aud liberal. J5T Subscribers will please report an y and ll failure to I receive their paper regularly. MVS SUMMAIIV. 1 i : - ii (V-U'iijilf w ill i tt iu hi 'fitvor lo-ilav; - 7- t - - i . - - lit-w" OnlMiict took possesion t-U tlicir i t f. .1 :. yq.strr'laan'l tlic oKl CAbi net . .1 I I i r . '.I ri ift Kx-CJovcriio" ... . T .... ... a . - - .-,. oi;,.. J SUutli Caioliiln, h.i I tin i imI ii mm;; ll.unjkn. wiill ii ;i ! 1 1 : i. .in. PivgrctiJiiii1 in Kuto;c! but a il Ii: ir!i!jt is I iii.iniiyl. c:v( i vli io. ii ci. - l lf. nLcriituc " bjrnmi.lt i c of lh i. . iii;i.V:i.ritic usual 411:11 tiily Mt nil. 1 Ii v Jlicnuotneter was , -0 - ! .rcc r 1 -v j ro at !t. lVltrisljUJ;; ." lilt; . IV ' 1 h;iit-l ft IVilIi UicicHvub 1'roiii o to J 2 Ictl t r (ivlil is'aimlown Hiutnig il UoW. r W i-iirs in iirk ami s rxnririi 10 :. :liU l.iWer'l in 1 a Slew !iy. Wlieclir iirC'ftJv'ivinorjiit-P a.s it llic al- l. -o! isitriitroti ul" Mr. llayr.i. I10 cnl bni S-uili. I'hnilH rhun i jacking liis JlUlf J MljiCt I P" MIKl- t:i ii U-W "1.1 D 1 ' 1 I . jnoplic-y tiial South li'anIina will ktiuw Itiui 11O myru (ortvtr V. Ovarii, s-jii Urvi iH-coiiMf-i Yix'X cX:Mt.rc- ..f SlAic, I vice -: 1 C;uhvalla!iT. -r Mr Il.iycs Jul mt "worNliip uu.b r I'ar-X'U Xilwiu.urs tjii.se cn !.SuwIa, and I lie c. ' I'trlfiitfl I'l'MiS jVleiiiau is not lianpV. (jeni ;iirlifld, ill jlir ; aia.li.:i oj Viii tin1 '-Cin'ftwt lor Mr 'lcnn;Ui o ii'auc )!i the Sctudt'.' ,)V K. Uplon has b- in a!iznttl to duty a. Cliiff Civil: ul t! e Tivuouryj lvaittiict. - r1- binuioa llo Sitiiicr.jf alias Cameiou, has. resigned !c;.t-i as V. S.iScirulor: ho wil try lo 1 ioi.t," D.'Mi, thu 1 )cvil; mlo tbu placo. - A ! 1' jK'i'c 1 1. Irotn ni'.huionil in Iclialf of lh(j C.lilOil Mil I'lxsidont uUntion oi' Miss Van lic'w for the Kieh- ii:unl oust ohice. - -H The Dvniocr.UiV lyislaltue in "IiOiii'Maivi : lia'vo obl nu l ijli.e election 'of a I H. tJcaator. A aiiibliuj i1cj iu Washibtou 'as raided by Ihc Iiec a few niglffsFnire and Ida ol I'.'Sj ollicia and jex-jSenajors- and cx Kt Ii c: ctitattvco' wcic t ij'tutxjd amUtKled lin the uard! douse.! i 4-1 U' U ltosilivclv tJlated iiow that Mr: 'Haves will call Cin- ;4.css together in jiieeia'lessioii before t he -middle ol 31 ay. r Nulay lonnn Mr. Il.iy.-.s went to eh:irLh,j and Sunday i vcniii'' hedilicil with Ili'erso!l. the infi del and blasjinenier; lh(; :giK.Hl effects of the iii"iiniii; seruuju must have worn elf very iui kiv. ; -ji-Thc Sjiriug freshet in the C'liiiieeticut iiver is 011 hand. "A Priaf iliApateh to the- Sfanthr'iti Jioin Madrid, nays tbc jouruals of that city, ix pir:vs in;uke displeasure at the apoointr jiient of Messrs. Kvarts and Schur. to po sitions in tli pew (Jabiuct; they sa both Ii ie sujipoiicxl the j Culiati ttlibuslrs in the l'i.;toilLsUtes, and they cntcr'atn !.!'! of the jvsult of iiieir acees.sioii . to f"C - lUrdons or couiinulatkdis ... i 't ;rlitclice Co iiiiiUliirst have been i granted lot -J I convicts. The Turks 1: arc I ji ti 1 vu.i the bauks of the bavel and Cnn i, on the jJosuiau ahd Austriaufron-t.'-r. j- - Kusluhuk dcfpatjh to the (iazktc hays the greater pait of tl." .I'urk-usliilutilla on he Danube, which ii itiiU is 17 t' with 00 guns, have I' ll Sulinit harbor and been stationed at various poinU on the Oauulx.. ; j 1 ''; I tl'l ll .ild rsewberu 011 JSatunl.iv at I o cent 5. i ; The Xewbcru irjilit.uy! are to tfxeurt U) I i-KMvbboro- to-dav. ; Mr. J. J. 1 'ickard haoicsi eil the oPiiice oi'l'o&l master at ilonroe; l lic Methodists have juit cl a largo .1 cvi val niectlri'2 at 'Williimv.f . ie:u A. f. Seales'Mlnc. reside!!-. e at UrceuKro i3 ready for occupancy. 01 nc ot the ladies1 ! of Chjik-it: t-j ):old anjyVithoi.V Vmx to-night. 1 4 The imcnew ,,-in for the lOpiscopal Umrea m Nebcin has becu received. - I.eKlge Xo..Li:0:"f. I" m-.i. orcanizol liight.! ' tin Moviroc j llast ' We'dncs:l:u- ,u,r riPS$ Choir ;l T':'"g vuiu.g 1 ol AN aSismstoa.cd suddctdv on tlu -na lust. f The bliud tag-Ors is ree led ;is prevail .2 among the horse, in difeereut parts ef . the .Jbtate. - :. , ...... -Thc Juveiije dewing SoJiety of Chiist C.iureh, Xubernf have; paid for a large and handsome window for the Church. Aebangeofsehcflulelias gone iu to effect "u the Atlnticl& X. C. IL H. by which tue mail traindcaves Goldsboro at i):Z0 " M.juid arrives, 9:30 A. 31. Col. Walter Steele, Congressman from the Oth pistrict, hasibecji chorea to W(t tIKai'.hual address Vrore' the two Dr.'jH Assistant cataryJye believe iu JStatesyillo.; His . " - 1 . r '-- . r. m . . . . r , - . .. - t . vol -1 n 1 1. i ii ti. j ,1 1 y x Pieties of Chapel . llill, at the e;nnieiiceiiint iu June. ' I Th-? Morgan ton Hade say s ; Mrs Joliu Helton, of Catawba county, has a girl b'aby which, at four mouths old, wcighetl :j) pounds, ami at fire months 35 pounds. It is uijvv ucar six moutlis old, measures 2 fvef around the body, aud A inches across the shoulders. - . ! Tjip Morgan ton Blade say? : ;The news ju.-t reaches us that the "High : Bridge" tunnel, in the mountain, is oieti through. The "lack Lo" tuunel'wni be complet ed, if no delay occurs in April, leaving then only th$ "Swanuanoa, which is being driven withjt large force.! ( ' Anfcjn Court will opcu on the UlU of Atri! ,Judga jlJIcKoy presiding. The Monroe Kj press say3: There are. about two hundred I- tale cases qu docket for trial, besides an unusual large uurubcr of iuipoitant. eivir caiics.i The ityckcts arc the largest ever " before knowft in ; this county. '1'hvee ;c)sons will be tried for their lives. ,1 v 1 . , )-.' 1 The Ciiai lolt; i Observer sa'sr "Kx ty. iialoi' 1 Uvid M;! Key, who H tq liavc cj uirgo of the poiolhces etc., during, the next four years, warf a refugee to North Caioliiui from 'Tennessee during ' the last year of the war. Jfc spent several months af. the residence of a gcritlemati in J rcdcll, whoso wife is a connection of. hts r bv marriage, .lie also spent some, time wife has An extensive il'latiousliip in thej Western part of the Slate. . i TiicChailott Obsa;Lxr says: Informa tion was received here late last night can important change of officers which is about to take place 011 the Air Line Railroad. The HeceivcioWp of Col. Fjshr expired .with the" eonfiiUiatiou of the sale of the road which took place several weeks ago,: but he has been actipg iu capacity of Presi dent of the road until the present owners should' take possession. This has been done. The report receivctl tare states tb:it Mi". SiblfV r,f p tv Wirlr lnn rtf t.bn largest htockholdcitt, is l'residentand that Col. I 'islier. will hold the position of Gen eral ME41 ager. Col . G. J . Foricacrc, late Superintendent of the Virginia Midland Railroad, succeeds Col. J, B j Peck, as Superiutdadent. Ho poised through the city labt night ou his way to Atlanta to take possession: lie has a tine rcputatiou a a railroad inauinnd is one of the shrewtlest men in the bjusincss. ' LOCAL NEWS. TUc Mails. The Malls close and arrive at the City r.istoilic follows : j i ;( j ' . CI.0SF.- - ' , ' j 2suiilaii ttujjush mails - - .Mil l Xorllu'in jHirotij;h and way-mails-. S:15 A X. .Mails for tlie M. C. Itailroad, and ' : routes supplied therefrom - i- 3:13 1 31 Soutbcm maiLsfor all points bqutln daily - - - - - J - I 6:13 1' 31 Western mails (CYC. R. W.) caily (exeept Suiulay) - - - - 1 6:00 A M rayetleville, anil olliees on Cape ' Fear Itiver, Tuew.lay.s ;uid Fri days - ..- - - - - 4 1.D0 P 31 Fayetievilk by C. C. II. W. daily, (e.xcei t Sundays) - - -iiO A 31 ouslow c H. and iutcriueillate of- - 1 lit, os every Friday - - . CaTO A 31 bmithville liiails, ly steamtxjat, '. '. daily, (t xecpt Suudays), - -r 2:00 V 31 .Mails for Easy llill, Town Creek;, supplj-, shallotm and Jattle f Itiver, every Friday ir--4i:MA 3f -AUhlVK. ,.v Norllieni tlrouacl, inrtiis ) ..! ' 12:13 T 31 7:13 P M NorUwrn through and way1 mails. Mails delivered lrow fcW A. W. t 7.1N) 1. M.. am! on Sundays from 8:5"J to !-30 A. f. stamp Ollieeoix-'it froni S A. 31. to 12 M.. aiid from '2 U it 1 M. Jlowy onler and tKejibU-r J-H-iaitiueuts oien Kiiae as btamp oliice. . ; tamisfur Kile at general delivery when sxtampolliee is rio.svtl. j Key lloxes accessible at all hours, day and nifilit. - l j . ' 1 Mails c-onrclocl from .street boxes every clay id UW V. M. . j , x 1 t . . 4- - New Advertisements. A.,- Shkieu. Fhic Assortuicut iof Cuil'i- rcn'd SuiU, Justjlicceivcl. f 3Ir.. Soutbwortb. ' Beo' by! A L).v i-'qu Cpiaplete. , Our friends and jxilroiis will please understand that- carrier '9b4ltU at not allowed ''. to sell copies of thci Review rieatc do not binj of them or cnccy,ragc them to sell as it tcill imilitd'j cost the boy his situation tchen detected! DEMOCRATIC TICKET. .-i-x ;. j' -f 1 or the Municipal Eleetioa toj be held in this city on Monday, March TOR ALDEUMEX. SIX wahp: CUARLte 1). MYERS, :-r t llLXRV" .ii. FLANKER. - TII1KD WAHD. L. II. I0 WD EX. II. A'oxGLAHX. ' . i ' . locum wai;i:v .' .WILLI AM L. UkROSSE osan G. PARSLEY, J, . I II i- Tho iKanial live ' longer Hum the sin Half of all who U vc die befjrc scven teen. ; . ' : "I ' :; '' j. This gives forcj . to the strong that the multitude have no habit of self-reliance Or original set ion. . . . !.. ; - .j. ....... II ' 3Ev. : ..4.;.- N . - ............. v.: 12 ,'.,:. I.'.. ' WILMINGTON, N. C , TUESDAY, MARCH r.rif? lfiram Abitr.. Brown, sailed hum &t!T lie.r6?AVcct on&itunlar, Ho low ur toss, po?t. Two or three very trilling case not worth rexorting, were all that claimed the attcution of the Mayor this morning. . Household members The foot of the bed the leg of the ,chair, the Mm of the sofa, the elbow of the stovepipe, tin; hands of the clock, and the head of the table Mr. T. Dgjaolau has appointc"! as his assisting mVrsnabi jn"flle celebration of St. Patrick ilav by Hie Hibernian Asei- atiou Messrs. John MeliUler and n . 31. Collins. . The Goldsboro Mcsscujcr is to be till further improved. RoniU ineiit the re markable success he has met with Hi he is one of the ''livcst" newspaper men iu the South. . The newest breakfast caps have muslin crowns with two broad - frills of Smyrna lace, and trimmings of rows of loops with upturncil. euds,,jnadcialteruately of car dinalTituhcif navy blue silk. ' 0n Siindal slrari fasteuctl with a large bucket on the instep is the latest fancy hi house slippers. The clockc l stocking is seen in the open space below tho sandal sfrap; a tiuy bow is plaecff near the tcc of tho slipper. , The battle hi the Firt.t Ward ester lay afternoon was short, bharp aiid decisive". Hatchets were used; the boue and biuew of the Republican party was knocked down and the physiography of many was temporarily altered. Old Col. Zachary, the well kuwu pupliu.comityhawk hunter, is iu the city j ;L .i ' t - ' - 1 , 11. 10-aay, uaving arnvcu ucre, we ucncvc,.ma raft. It is said that the old ilian can scare up more hawks in a day's hunt than any other ten men in the couuty. ' x ., - J l ' . Doolky's Yeast Pom ueu is prepraed on scientific principals, and from iugrc dieu ts that .arc the most effective aud wholesome. It has received the- highest encomiums for- these .merits from (eminent chemists, scores of our best physicians and) ; thousand of intelligent cooks and housewives. The gemri ic can be had only in tincaus. Bccauscwc happen to take our shotguji and start out for an afleriioons gunning; it js no reason why a half '"dozen impudent persons should inquire if we wen? on a lour of collecting subscription money The times are hard, and the ammunition costs too much money to lc waited on tlc linqucnt4sulcribcrs just now. ) ..." We'll FlRht It Out. Tlicrc was talk, at one time, of the Re publicans refusing to take part jn the ap proaching election and of their contesting the Wlter before that last refuge of Radi cal, politicians, the Supreme Court. Rut better counsels seem to have prevailed of late and they now assert their intention ol goiDg in to the canvass x head forcmo&t, witi the belief that they can elect bis of the ten Aldermen. lit this case the Fourth Ward will be the objective point of the campaign aud our friends there should look to . their ' priming aud See that, 110 ground is left for a flank movement. The Fire Tliis Blomlng. , Tho alarm bells sonuded this morning at about half past 2 o clock. The fire came from the byusc 011 Fifth street, be tween Mulbcry and Waluut, occupied by W. II, Moore, col., and his family; It caught in the kitchca near tho chimney and wheu first discovered was mounting up & the roof. The dwclliug houscj was . 1 1 -. ii . f . ucstroyea Mm luc nrc ueparimcut mau aged losave the lower portion of the shel while an oQkc adjoinidg it was burned to itbo ground. The inmates saved all of tho furnitorc. r - Mr. E. Pcschaujust South of the burn ing building, Was at -ouc time in great danger. The flinics had actually commii uicatcd to the weather-boarding of the back part of the house, which was but a few Lsards idM&ntfrom ,tbt ikimcs, when a Vwell dircciy linanf ot water from the Little Giant's piic al'Jycvl all fears iu that quarter. t Moore vas,iuiurcU with 3Ilssrs. Jiio. W. Gordon & Bro. Hixuicc buildiug and furniture, iucluding a bagatelle table and a billiard tabjo which ycrc stored there, was covered by a policy for $4-5, with $023 on his dwelling and $275 ou his household .furniture, all in the Hamburg-Bremen. His loss will foot up proba- Mr. Pcschau thinks that he his been damaged to the extent of between $100 and$150 His dwelling is insured with Messrs. Gordon & Bro. in the Liverpool f jlmdon Ghile, for. 11,200 K .. - Personal. " " Col, Walu-r L. Secle,thc tjcw Reprcsciir laiivc in Cugrcas from the. Sixth Dis trict ; Capt JucY 1. llussdy, of the Statcs ville landmark, 'And Reading Clerk of the House at Raleigh, and 3Icssrs. Sandcifer, of Gaston, Robinson; of Buncombe, 'and Mjorc of Mecklcuburgi;. members of, the Legislature, arc in the city. " KgRS by the BusheL Eggs arc cheaper than ever known be fore on i the line of 1 the Wil: Col :& Aug: R. R. jiist over the line in.South Caiolina I u some instances they bare sokl as; low as 8 cents alloec a. A ailro3da: jfeays iBat he was oll'erod a bushel of eggs foe 5 but not knowing whether il took 30O or 3,000 to make a'bushelhe dcclmccl to invest. Brooklyn SpeaksS-?'-The balloting for 1 lepubl tcan candf dates for Aldermen in the Kiret" Ward resulted in the cnoiec'of F. W. Foster and James A. lxnrrry. .Tatncs Hcaton and Duncnu lfohucs weir aspirants for Al dermauic houors mid 'had - au eye to the mayoralty in case of tltc triumph of -the 'firo-lricj- we': hate been ! informed. At the "tale cud of tltc wako' things were lively, auej all wiv? not 'quiet along the line in First Ward. 1 I Wbrtli Trying The gardcucr .of the L inversely of Rcrlin ati" male ,lhe discovciy that hyacinths may be , propagated by Hieir leaves. ,IIq cuts them close to the bulb, places tfiem in a Sinuetr, aiid covers with a thin layr of sandy leaf mold. The saucer having J&ccn pliced in a greenhouse, the extremities of tho leaves, will begiujto turn dry iu about eight wecis, sure sign that bulbs are grpwiug out of iicm. It might le worth trying byptir, ladies friend's. j-- - They Font. V Two female viragos, both colored, had a slight buplcastanncss this morning, there being, of course, a. man in the case. They both .jhit but straight from the shoulder and the consequence was that both had bloodjf nc&fcs.i Tlicir names are Mary Eliza Hart aud Jane Davis, and Justice Gardner, to whom tlicy:"hacl recourse, thinking that they had both been pretty well punished alryofdCftjd 'ttjicljl dis charged on the payment ofcos(sbycach. The Thermometer. From the United States Signal Office at this place Ave obtain the following repea t of the thermometer, as taken this i)nru ing at 7:31 o'clock ; , r " Augusta, CO ; Charleston, 60 ; Cincin nati, 31; Jackson villc, CO ; Kuox ville, 4G ; Lynchburg, 51 ; Memphis, 43 ; .Mobile,'' Gl; Montgomery, 58; .X'ash vi lie, 41 ; New Orleans, 01;' New Yrork 39 ; Norfolk, 5S ; Pittsburg, 33 j Savair- uah, 01; St. Lonis,: 38 ; Washington, 18 ;I Wilhiingtou, C2. 1 Not llappy. - Our devil fs a precocious 'youth, eJKck lull of hilarity, and i hand jsouki ab he is long. He has gTeat powers as a vcntrilo-qui.-st, and has determined to vie with Wyman as a magician. He is uow train ing two mice to perforin ou the horizontal bar and says he will not be satisfied until he makes a returning board out of them. He supplies the country once a year with his pictures, which arc generally used as comic vatentiucs; says he's in loc with a girl who is in ldvc with somebody else, and yet is not happy. A Sound lUtluy. . - . .1 . i ' - The green things growing up around us are suggestive of the fact that Spring is ucarly here, and. that Sunnier is not far off, aud. iv hen wc fhUik, upon these these things our imagination goes b thie "Sands of the Sea-shoe', distant only eight or nine miles, and when we get that far in our musings we wonder why it is that uo one has yet taken steps looking to the completion of the rail way to the Sound. The Street railway will be told early next mouth, and if the right men would take the matter id Juud they might purchase this road as a first movement towards bnildiug the lkie to the const. There is cuough irou on the track to lay the road nearly one half of the distance to the Souud, and this once secured aud an earnest given of real workwe Imagine that the, necessaxyi amount of stock might be raised. Wlu will take the mat ter in hand ? Don't all speak at 'once. ' . - ' tt ; ' . . Iu this age of jeducation and general in telligence, the household is!hardly complete withou t k Gozpi&Qcu thno "or Organ, Read thxeTLieTBe tTa another column, and then semi for illnstratcd catalogue and price list. s , ; r ?kn Next month the oyster season'' chases, anl Hi? fiih reason npns in (porn- tl, ' 13, 1877. NOJ Jo 1 vs I-ist of Letters. -, The flowing is the list of Iclters re maining unclaimed in lie Posloflkl, Wil mington Xl C, Wcdiidar, Marcli 1 lib, '1877:',';"'.. " 1 , ".'. . BIrsAmia Bennett.. Reuiu i;.vd. Cblomrjus Blakcnv. Cantolia lhow.1 l' 31 LBIackley, Mrs Kegecs Brown. f C John Cox, Joseph II Conlaiid. John Boston Cooper, Miss Carolina'Corner' 1 Robert Dennis, Alfred Dillard, Joseph 'Drake, Miss 3Iary E flmqui l, Rfclard Dickson, liedc. Dcvane. j F Mrs f Carolina Farrow, 31iss Marv Eliza Fisher. I .. '.." " 1 G--MrsAun Gleiison. ii Ml-Sabra Howanl, 3Irs Kitty! Hum phreys,; Mrs Catlicriuc Ann Huriiphrevs, Hans IJamson, James Hendry, Emanuel iiau or llill, Frank W-Hali,U FUirwav, Vyuanesiiarriman. J Jack Johnston, Ccrnelius Jt'l mslon, T F Johnston. j C. K E T Kennedy. I-N A Lee, John C E T Love. Lewi.5, J3 Lilly, t. , M Mrs Elscy Miller, Mrs Aiua B .lurphy, David McNeil,). Miss Nora ilor ris, Purdy McNeil, Joel L Mooro, Mrs RhodaMoorc. . ... N Mrs Sophia Xixou. ' ' I I . P Mrs Calia Patrick, Ellis Patrick MaryF Price. . v ' Q James Quiuu. R Hill Russell, 11. Ii Rasberry. . : . Robin'.y.'iifiljatiitk. i;-. b v.AaItoii Sessoins, Charles 1 Calvin Shaw. Hester Swann. Sinitli." ' ' aid W T Mrs Susan A Tucker, E.hl Taylor, Mrs S E ThecsJ IT Mrs Erne L'rdall j W 3IrsAiu Wheeler, Amelia field, Sirs 0 R West,. Miss Uuvhfie Whit-Wad- dall, 3Irs Ei II Wilson, Jano Williams, s .Mary l Wo-.hI- Joseph Foy Walker, Mi ward, , . Y--N F Young, icrsous. calling tor IctUriu alibvo list .1 . i; !! will plouse say "adverti:d"; if nl claim ed 111 dO days will be se it to tha i letter oflice,, Washington, 1). C. I E. R. BKIXK, V M. and Ktuk Commissioners of Navigation riloiage. ? ! AN AC'i; TO AMENJi CllAl'TEU :J5,f i.aw.s- of lbGO-'70. ' tt Section l. Thi General Asujublff of Xorlh Carolina do cn'ucl: That section four, of chapter two huiidred and . thu tv--five of tbc laws of 18G0-'7O, being section first, of chapter eigbty-seven, of Battle's Rcvisal, bo amended by striking ; out "April" and inserting June, aud by striking out -"May? aud inserting July: J'rotidcd, however, That the Corrmmsi on ers appointed undc the rrovisions of the sections referred to, aud all T)crsons ap pointed by suchCommissioncrs, gllall con tinue to hold aud exercise the duties of t'.icir respective otlices 1 or appoihthjeiits until tneir successors are duly ap Sec. 2. Tliat this act shall be from and after iis ratification. Ratified March Olh. 1877. Ji.aiitcr ol i;autle's llevis-.d, ;reters to the appointment of 'Connijiibiicrs of Navigation jaud Pilotage an 1. lIarbor Master, and the liccusin of pilots, and PlLli&h herewith the first: section of the act as il is (bund in ! Batths- Rcvisal, wheu the efi'ect of the amcnuni'enls ub- lislicd above wjll be been at a glance: The 3Iay-pr and Alderincu of th city of Wiluungton shallat one of their regular meetings in the montlF of April of each aud every yc;u, appoint live suitable ier sous to serve as Commissioners of Navi gation and Pilotage for the1 Cape Fear river. and bars, who shall enter upon their duties.on the hrst 31ouuay in 31ay of each aud every yean 1'rovided, that the Maybr and CotSmissioncrs of the town of Smith ville shall at the same 'time appoint two suitable persons to serve as Coniiuission crs of Navigation and Pilotage: 1 rot idol t that the Commissioners appointed i by the city of Wilmington aud; town f Sinith ville sliall have iower to do and iierform all acts heretofore authorized by law to be done by the Board of Commissioners of Navigation and Pilotage, j Wonderful Success. It is reported that Boschee's German Syrup has, since its introduction in the United States, reached the immense sale off 40,000 dozen jer year. Over; 0000 Druggists liava ordered this medicine direct trotti thc Factory, at Woodbury,' X'. J., and' not one has reported a single fail ure, but every letter speaks ot its aston ishing success in curing severe Coughs, Colds settled 6a the Breast, Consumption, or any disease of the Throat and Lungs. We advise any person that has any pre disposition to weak Lungs, to go to their Druggists and get thisMexlicinc, orln quiro about it. Regular wzc, 73 cents. Sample Bottle, 10 cents. Two doses will elievo ' any case. -Don't neglect; your conghri v :',' . . i Brock's Exchange JJJLVIXO RECENTLY changed hands is eotr open for tlic accommodation of the public,', . - - . . f: ."V "'' The UOUSE has been thoroughly reno vated throughout and the R00U3 are neatly and comfortably furnished. J Polite and accommodating attendants ars alirays on hand to see to the wants of Guests. The BILLIARD ROOM is open, and the TABLES , are fre to the 'Patrons of the lIoui',"'! fb U . tleasb Notice. .L" We win be Iad to receive eeVislie.Vi.a, from our friends on any and aTTtjfta f genera! interest but V' ' The name of the writer aart alirartb f' 1 nubed tolh Editor." ; vf iCWmnaieatiiMMintutbtf writlen e.l was ltd- of thc paper.; I craeualiticj must be a folded. And it ii cypecially and partlemlarl Mder tuod Uut hc editor docs not aJwajs udorva llic vicw of correspondents, aalcsa so stated in the editorial columns. " - , ' Now Advertisements. An Entire New. Book by ! Mrs. Southworth. THE FATAL SECRET, ' . -by:: ';';:-"' ; : Mrs. Emma D. E. M. SoalliTcrlli. . ' Printed from Urn. Soutbworth'a llanascript. just u:rittcn, and never before published in any form whatever. . nTH-'FATii1' SECRETi , JJuEin.aa it. 1.. A. tsoutbworUi; and oUier slot ics brhcr - ' sister, Mrs. Frances II. Badea, fa pnbiuhetl - Td .ia "Piforn ty le withI?limacr : and "ielfdiiscd '. Price $1.73 in clotb., - t For sale at ' "0' -"' sBxxTSBEaaaci'a, iueh 1.; Xos. S3 and 41 Market Street New Spring Stock.1 j: 11 AXE JUST RETURNED FROM THE Xortbiru markets 1 where I 'purchased one of ! the largest and uiott complete stock of (J ent Youth3 aud Children's Clothing land Far nhhiag tioods ever brought to Ihu market. 1 defy eouipetitiou aud defy the hard times aad am prepared to sell at prices that will en sure aaliifactiyu. A. 'inch 1J Market street. MY STOCK OF MEN'S, YOUTH'S and Children' , ; Spring M Sttmer JJIotiiiiir V Li now complete in allltu branches and acciv before were such extraordinary inducements . j" .. ollcred to buyers. ' , Everything JJTcW, Cheap Bd Otylish A DAVID, .Mciebaut Tailor and Clothier, 27 Market I L mcb 13 . , PETTEWAY & SCHULKEI BROKERS AND COMMISSION M ER chant?, arc filling orders for , All Descriptions of 3Icrchaadiic, Corn, Oats, Bran, Tea.', Ac. Mola-sscs and Sugar, all gradas, . . Coll'ee,. Candles, Soap, Lyc, Ac. MuIleU, Mackerel, Ac. . Meats and Lard, all grades, Glue, Spirit Casks, Ac, Ac, . .At the Very Lowest Market Prices. ".JKSS Attention jriren t selecting Quality of Uoods and Packages. , ' . - ; - ' ' " ''' -. . ..:.::? Ki : r: Cousiirnments of NaTajl Storei, Cotton, Poultry, Hides, Tallow, Wkx, Furs, Ac, hTe special attention. ? . - inch 12 HATHORN AND CONGRESS : ' ' :;WATlER.';'c;7;: h I 1ST UECEIVED direct from the iJpiiuss and for sale Ion , by the bottle, dozen or case, bv .I AMES C. MU3TDS, Drngjrist iueh JS MEERSCHAUM PIPES, I Cigarette Holders. . .'.'- Cigar Holders. . jin;vix(; and smoking toraIuo Topi, Marble., UAi, J'rcsh Candic, Pear a aud other Fruit. ' .. Japanese Kites, Fly Away. Fly Away. Fly Away.' Seo the Japanese Kites lly. ' c - , J J. W. LIP PITT'S, , COXFECTl ONK I i Y STORE, . .' N.i:.Corner Front arid Princess 8 ts. Sign of Punch, . mcb 6 Straw Cutters ! Oil SALE AT , . . , GILES & nuRcmsoirs New Hardware Store. iueh 12 THE BLST BAR IN 1TIIE CUVY IS the old clarh:do;i Foot of Market Gt- The Re it of ALES. WINES. LIOUOR5! and CIGARS always on band and served br ..i:. ...1 . .. . . J I'viiw mu vuQBiiKU'.ua aiieBuaaisv- - . New Rircr Oyster's, alwavs fresh andalway fat,, served in Any style desired. jan 17. . I, THOSE POPULAR 20 Cts. Boxes of Paper and ENVJEL0PES . Z At E3)anfbrth's Were all sold, but more have cokio t-darv fob 23 - ',.. I , ' t ' . QIICSCIRBK TO TUB O , DA1LV UEA'IKW 1- ; CI - j.