Till; OLD SCIIQOL BOOK. .LoiiMm IukjI book, in its rurJy i:k HI rXuUt l, lor an hour w. I -Bpriid' . i ' 'I , ' i .' one; more, st-s in days of 01 1 Tm tlw task tunt v-xl te brain; . . b-ssoii done, an.l victory won. And I ffd I'm a child again. vn l lMHitoKtand with iv youthful blind i.rfnl I rV.e' I ! 1.,'tr th; fun pre the school beym:, nd 1 )'in in the gladsome wen-. I t ik in' v place with a fsoler face, I n or tho well carved ile.sk I I Kind. MiVi hourly pore oer tbennti.,uo Mt. , ,i thy wonderful iige, old fru-nd. .,:i:j rnros were few, and our ffh-::ds j "" ' Vcr.k true, j .'. ..i ...!i in-ii.f wpw rare ana Imlii. , v..i ll wnsnauKlit(Hi we fondly though!, Kill a rcuion ol pure delightJ ,,, - has MHd, and our jiath ha Kd Thiuu-h a dark and tearful wciic; w ius-l awav are the nooxl and say, ' UlA- ihe old house on the arete n. liuf vv lUlhS no ore of the days of n , I or the tear drop dims the eye; ' ..oni old Uk, in Hie dusty nook, s Hi vears that have glided by. ', Midi we trae in thy honest tace, 1!,":! amlneofKold witliiil , -hed the vmith.a-they souj;ht for truth, ,1,, the M house on the green. MOON SHINE. il.lttlui i-itcliers -ion t hold inlicli. , ;ll lv- citu't l,o g.rls. iTht-rc ' many a sun pu a hkatmg rink.' ! j V- ! It's an ill wtti'l th.i'.-r-Uuws yuiir i.at, u.'f. j i A hir-1 'n haiiJ will ,11 away uniessa i.d.a tight.- - : Jmlgoihot a man by the coat '.hat .he ' V' tt can't m..ky, a silk lmrsj out; ol .'un''!cacfi!.'il calico. ' A tic vUc when both parties vote yes, ff-aiit the preacher tics th3 knot. The man who appears "stuck up'' am ".starch v! ! in his cum position'' c.ito" too hi.iihy potatoes, ol course, and .sn mtu t nc m.'vii diet.. " A lacjhook is entitled "Half Hours v.hh lnxlts." j What a lively half hour ...no can luve with a bee ! Mtc wf:s telling a female friend how .Mary Jane quarreled witli her "fellow," aii-1 saidlishe, "Why, if you heard 'em t,i!lc, you'd think the were married." The Alabama' Argus editor is reported ' have knocked down a wandering gla cier fur offering to put in missing window pa.'a iu the sanctum, and asking il'sjven t tight yo.u!d do. : A comprehensive school inspector asked ,Ui Aberdeen, chiss if any one Could tell Siim anything remarkable iu the life of Mose.s. Hoy: ''Yes, sir; he wir the only la n who broke all the coiimmaudnu'r.t.s iit nee. ; ! - . JiOILED DOWA. I - Tpe Lei&Iutiue of Virginia h:is passed "ill have a prominent place, wbilefthe latest Jii'i act paying t lie members $540 per Mt-I productions of AmericAn humori5ts will ap 1 . ...I : pear lrom month to month. The list of short f'"nJ I ....:.., i 1 ...i I : . Tlio total' emigration'. iVotli the I'uited I ungdoni during 187G was l'o 8. 'J and iiiinii'Titioii Oli C, IT i i A copy of the first edition of the lur- 1 ii.T i . .. . Iiioii l.iu e is nwneil In- Mr I'lirv ( J! I Tucker of the Troy Times. ' ' . " , i- , I . " I 'Miss THonipsou's (picture of Inkcrmau j iai bec:i purchased by an eminent Lou- : don publishing art firm l6r th3 sum of .V- ; fiMi n " v. . . , J0uincas. I A huge rhinoceros got louse in the ; fleam -r Colon in a storm off Cape Hatter- iug recaptured. There U a growing demand in France r till' vritili"' nf inmlerii liit i iri 1 1 , 1 i t- .r.t ... y u.,1... iCiinow popuiiruy was M.p- i KM t ) haVC bOCU 0U the declined. The complaint against the ueV fctcain ,eet car iu Philadelphia i not that they JJ noisy, j l.ttt that they .rua .pucliy for August, September, and October, con. b it cdestrtans are cudangcred. taining the opening chapters of "That Lass Iceorgia paid last ye; r $3,500,000' for 'lrifi' wiH be given to ejery new sub I' ? . .... , J , r 1 , 1 , 5cnbor (who requests it), and whose subsenn- j.Ueuat to Icrtihze her land, and the av- tion bejriuif with the November number. iie proluct of her cotton Tier acre is j Subicription price, 54 a year 35 cents a ip Ttevl as a. little less than i.30 per cent.' ..... . 1 ' ? i l ue woman who personated; Katie King , the l'hiladcl phia materialization sjanccs j is gone on the stage. She apprars in a : uiy called "Katie King; or, bpiritua'.is n ! L ! .. posed ilVoin pre ( 80,000 to 100,000 ii.-n e weekly fised in Aberdeen for cuinb Aiog until the importation of cattle va thibittl. The stoppage of Supply lu itscd great stagnation. Large quantities of marble aro bring ipjed ironi Khoxville, Tcnn. to San j farcisco to 'build a Stock Kxchange which 1 s claimed will be the finest structure of kiml'm the United States. ln emineat Frcach ihvsiolot:ist dh.-ld ' It the munerical proportion .of tativ in ri generation is the same, and that tak-. J a hundrcil iif the tallest men of any j deration they will present just th? same ' fifties of stature as the hundred idlest ?ti of the preceding one. 1 ' sfortune; and; Fortune Aear ; I Neighbors. A. few in'j'nths ag a paragraph"- in the ndo i papers described a melancholy ; Meat vvhich befcU a young nuu while's ish.tingr Astraysiut entered one ! b.s eyes and cxtinguishevl it. pi , ;tlcmau was highly educate, and Jiwt d, tloUgh w.tlo t for "Une. an Iho t only twenty-three years oge. tie was I tljht to his lod 21 mi-house in.i, ndja ! Sre he 1 iv sufrerin- lint l w...ihl,u lay SUlltriUg. but a wealthy omo youusr widow. tn whso cs - 1 huulome be happend to be shovjfiug whe:l-jhe i ..: lent. occurred, c-muiauUtwk up her h 9 in the same house in order to imrtC ; 1 .'J Htr tare was extended through ral weeks, but alas! the other evel ..1.: i i i i . i p mi .en wuii mat uiiicn nau been i i'Ut,.and it, lot, was cxtii.-guishcd, j ang the youth and holar hopelessly totally blind. Uut the pretty widow equal to the occasion. She proposed him-marriage. The result was a ndid company alighting at the dojr fashk.uable church, a beautiful dame thirty; attended by her two little Men, leading a blind youth of twenty to the altar, there to endow him with r exVnsive worldh "ools. an-1 the tv.n ie now. enioying their Iioueyiucwju ou he fine estate,, where the gentleman may meditate I on the anebnt say iogs.-,wbiJi dtl i?e. misfortune and fortucc to be nci 11 hi'.'h'Kkrs. . ' . ' ; -; Miscellaneous. SOB BNER'S MONTHLY. A a I : a;.: I i.i.i i ;;atkl il aoazinl Wlitii ' Sriuner lisjied its fiuiou3 Midtum uicr I!(iliJay Nuriiber in July, a friendly cr iiic- said rt it : "V e are not sure Dut that .Scribnor hia touched hiffh-watermark. . We do in it sn' jwhat worlds are left to it to con quer." but the publishers do not consider that they have reached the ultima thole Qf exct-lleiice-thQv believe "there ar . other worlds to conquer, and they S propose to conquer thcra." , , 'i he prospectus for tie new volume gives the titles of more than fifty paper (toofitly illustrated), by writers of the highest merit. Under the head of h,,Foreia:n Travel," we have "k winrfr on the Xile,"br Gen. Mc L'lellan ; i.Saunterings About Constantino p!.'," by C'harles Dudley Warner; "Out of My Window at Moscow,'' by Eugene Sehuy Icrj "An American in Turkistan' etc. Three serial btoiioa are announced: . Nicholas EVJinturn, Dr. llollamb the Editor, ; w luie-e story of "Sevenoaks" gave the hrgbes tatisfactioi to the readers ot the Afonthlr. The scene of this latest norel is ' laid on" the banks of the Hudson. The hero is a young man who has been always "tied to a woman's anion strings," but who, by the death of his mother, is left alone in the world, to drifton the current of life, with a fortune, bat with- out a purpose. ' ; ". Another serial, ''His Inheritance," bj Jflsa Traftoiij will bepin on the completion ot ''That Lasd'o' Lowrio'f-," by Mrs. Hodgson Burnett. Mrs. Duxhett's story, begun in August, has a pathos andldramatie power which liave been a surprise to the public. There is to be a seriog of original and ex quisitely illustrated papers of ' "Popular .Science," by Mrs. Herrick, each paper com plete in itself. There arje to be, from various pens, paper's on ! ; .' "Homo -Lifa'and' Travel;"' Alio, practical suggestions as to town and country village improvements, etc., by well-known. specialists. .Mr. H:irnard'3 articles on various indus tries of Great Britain include the history of ".Some Kxpriments in Co-operation' "A Scottish Lat Factory" in the November number, and "Toad Lane, liochdale, ' in De comber. Other papers are, "The British Woikingman's Home," "A Nation of Shop keepers," "Ha'penny a Weck for the Child,' etc. A richly illustrated series will be given on "American Sports by Flood and Field,'rbj' various writers, and each on a different theme. The subject of t 'Household ami Home Decoration" ii 5i"i un'i aju.itui iuu oiucr e&eicnes, etc,' is a long one. The edit rial department will continue to employ the ablest pens both at home and I abroad. There will be a series of letters on lit-rarv mattiM-s. from London, hv Mr. Wl. If.! lorn. . , Th; "V-. 't'h - r will be open, as lieietof.ire. m t.ir as 1 run ted space will per- mir,io tlu iicu.-ion of all themes affecting t,u' and religious life of the world, and rlucii'!'. to the frhest thought of the Christ- ian thinners and scholars of this country. '. We mean to make the magazine sweeter anu purer, higher and nobler, more genial and tfencrous in all its utterances and influ- before in homes of refinement and culture. FIFTEEN MONTHS for 84. beribner tor December, now read v. and which C0Ilt;lins tlie Q chanteVs of "Nicholas Minturn will ha rpad with parr curiosity and" interest Perhaps no more number. Specjal terms on bonnd volume. Subscribe ifli thu noarpst bnnVpltr nr smul 3 cJlcck or ,.. (. uionev order to ; (JRIBXER & CO v -k ' 73 Ii roadways N. V. MARK j Patt. Jut ?5, liTl. IV E CLAIM OU THC 1MP1;0VeW WHITWEY SEWING MACHINES The ; lo.ior, in z ?:)ceiac roints ofsnnrioritT: l Great Simplicity in 'i Ourabiiity. ?-Yli,,!5r i1!1 1 a m y - Construction. Rnnntncr. ituuiuiij;. A uistricss. Performs all Varieties of Work. rja - Bcantf oT rinUh'aWwkn ! ship. . " 7, KRKAT ItEOUCJIOX ip Price. .Y -T c.ul on lr-,al oelorepayment is re- mrcx : !v n ten grantee to keep machines - Jn order fir tire vears jriren with each ma '.chine. Wiir I'd Old I'sim For circulars and particulars. Address, THE VI11TXEY MF',( CO., dec J3 1 Tatgrsun. S.J. . i.n OTOCK S tXChanfife ' JAVINC; UECEXTLY changed hands U now .jHa lr the accommodation of the public. ' The IIOUSK has been thoroughly reno rated throughout and the ROOMS are neatly and comfortably f urnbhed. Polite and accommodating attendants ars always on band to see to the wants of Guests. The BILLIARD ROOM is opea and the TABLES are free to the Patrons of 'the Ho-are. ' ' feb 17 s few cK& is,&c: SaLlfimolre AND Wilmington, Rl. C, STEAMSHIP LINE. 4 The Steamer - Po J. Foley9 Capt. Price, WILL SAIL FROM BALTJMOUE OX SATURDAY, MARCH 24. To be succeeded by Stmr ray LTu CA.VT- OIiIVEH, On Wednesday, March 28, and thereafter sailing from Baltimore every WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY. Shippers can rely upon the prompt Sailing of-steamers as advertised. 4 Through Bills of lading- given to and from Philadelphia, and Prompt Dispatch guaranteed. . Forreigbfinggtmenapply fo Wilmington, W. C. L. S. BELDEN, Soliciting Agent. REUBEN FOSTER, General Agent. Corner Lee and Light Streets, Baltimore. mch --21 CLYDE'S Mew AND. Wilmington, szsivzz-wssHXi'ir Steamship Line. The Steamer BEIMEFACTOR, CAPT. JONSS, WILL SAIL FROM NEW YORK ON SATURDAY, MARCH 24. To be succeeded by Stennur CAPT;-WAEELEir, On Wednesday,. March 28. Shippers can relvupon the prompt Sailing of tteamers as advertised. "t SAILING FliOM WILMIXGTOX XLW- DA V Ay WEDNESDAY. For Freight Engagements apply to . , A. D. CAZATJS. Agent, Wilmington, N. C. L. S. BELDEX, Soliciting Agent. WM. P. CLYDE & CO., General Agents, 6 Bowling Green, or Pier 13, X. R., Xevv York. feb 0 1 77 t ii r 1877 INDEJAPPEAL, (Daily'and Weekly.) Published in Petersburg. a., Ls tlevoted to current news, local and foreteit; discussion of political and social topics, and a l"rtH and fearless advocacy of the rights and interests ojf the people. Its comiuercial itixrus are liaseilipon actual transact ions, aiul may nelied upon as accurate. Tlieallest journal istic talent of the State is in its employ; a vigilant and reliable corps of correspondents contribute the latest news and gossip from all important centres, and no effort is spared to maJve it a first-class family newspaper. The Index-Appeal ha a larger city and country circulation than any other paper in Southside Virginia, and the largest circula tion in "brtli-Carolhia of any Virginia iier SUBSCK1PTIOX : DAILY (one year) - - - - fa no " six months - - - - 3 mi " three months - - 1 ,V " one month - - . - ."o WKKKLY (one year) - - j-j m) " ix months - - - i ou roSTAGEPKM-AUl. All order for subscription must be aecoin panied by the cjvsh. Clubs of six will be furnished at Hie rate of 130 per annum, bend for specimen copv. INDKX-AI'PilAL PUi;. O).. lVU-rsburg, V;u PATRONIZE jHOJIE HANU- TAUTURES. Doors, Sash, Blinds, Mould ings, Brackets and ORNAMENTAL WOOD WORK of every description. Workmanship guaranteed, and puces lower than can be found any here. ALTA'FFKK & HILL, Factory Foot of Walnut Street," mch 1 7 y grTVT- WiucfyiToiy. O 1; . -1 CANDY FOR ALL. " JJARRY BERNARD, the well known Candy Manuftctttrer. corner Fpnt and Caa Je streets, is prepared to manuf icture Candj. or the tradtcd private fans lies. Orden elicited. cU mi ii York "T7r?n r zx an, rj i. v Miscellaneous. 'T t T a d A Mews Papery p s p lblished ey ry evening, Sudn lay exceptft t - AT o 7a w;-: Or 50 centra month,not"strictly in ad ranee :o The Reading Public are reh'exrtfullr inform ed that it shall be the constant aim of the pro prietor to furnishthem with A LIVE NEWSPAPER, .j - '!......-.,: contalnins the latest news of thadar, and en ' j " deayorins: to keep its readers fully informe in regard to events of interest and ixaportance occurring1 in every quarter of the worldr OUR DAILY MARKET REFORTS ""'V:'":-'y Will be full and correct, - and wiD be kept open until he latest possible moment. Mer- chants in the citF and countrv may rest aa- ' i eured that they will be thoroughly reliable. The News Columns Will cuatain the reporU. bot..' of news and markets, received here each dT at noon! aDd the , - ' ;.' ' J'...T; .t' 8. l o c l i) e r a ii r mi: v t Has been placed ia , careful and - experienced hands. Friend.- in the section of couutrvron-ner-tc-d with this city, will jfreaUr oblige tbe Editor, and will contribute additional ' inter est to these columns by forwarding any items of Bews that may. occur in their respectire localities. .'! ' ' -all ciHiiasroNi.LNC!:, ; On matters of general iuiercMTrill befjf laidlj receircd, but our friends must bear in miod that they must write only on one side of the paper; that they must forbear jtseless Terbi- r ' . ae, must correct their own; manuscript and must avoid abusive personalities! A re- liable name must be furnished with each ccm munication. as the Editor will not be held ac- countable for the view or ikagnig of ol respondents, "sk ' ' f - ' : OUR SUBSCRIPTION LIST, Even before a type wa set for the firet ixue, was an exceedingly- flattering jone, and ; ia probablv the largest bona fid list with which . r'' any newspaper in North Carolina ever befor began publication, and u now rapidly oa the , ejpeciall r on the rrima 'railr Sai r C ' increase lines. . 5 . i JOSXZ. T EaiToa 1KB PaoraiiTOa, . ia- Office n Scc4nf afreet, between Prio 1 Cao vwvdwis isvt wMm w vaMi sa . ;,.,.jr'l' .-V;-':.i w ' U l V 0 EW: -t-tt- , . Xliscellaneous. PROSPECTUS FOR 1877 LIPPINCOTT'S MAGAZINE, . AN 1LUSTBATED MONTHLY OF Popular Literature, Science and Art. Announcement for 1877. The number fur January begins k nine teenth volume of this Magazine, and while its past record will it is hoped be deemed a sofScent guarantee of future cxcelleuce, no effort 'will be spared To diversify its attract ions arod,. pro Tide increased supply of r orumnmtiADiKG ix tueIi;est ' AND MOST EMPHATIC 8EXSI The great object and constant aim of the conductors will be to furnish the public with Literary Entertainment of a Kenned and Varied Chapter, as well as to present in a graphic and strikingmanner the most! recent information and soundest view on sabjects of General Intrest ; in a word to render Lippin cott's Magazine strikingly distinctive it THOSE FEATURES THAT AHKjMOST ATTRACTIVE IX MAGAZINK 'literature. I The contributions now on hnd, or special ly engaged, embrace a highly attractive list of Tales, Short Stories, Descriptive Sketches, Narratives, Papers on Science and Art, Poems, Popular Essays, Lit erary Criticisms,. Etc., Etc., j; BY TALENTED AND WELL KNOWN WRITERS. i A large proportion of the articles,especially those descriptive of travel, will be PjlQFUSELY AND BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED. J . The pictorial embelishments of the Magazine constitute-one of its attractive features. In addition to the General Attractions of Lippincott's Magazine, the Publishers would invite attention to thefollowinc ' SPECIAL FEATURES FOR 1877. 1. . A new serial story, "The XKEarQiiis of Ziosisie," by George MacDonald, author of ''Malcoiui "Alec Forbe&,' V,RobertFaltoncr,"etc. To those of our readers who are familiar with "Malcolm," this new story from the pen of thi3 distinguished writer will need no re commendation, and his reputation is a guaran tee to others of a deeply interesting and powerful story. It began in the November number, which issue, with the December part, will be f urnished graits to all new subscribers for 1877. ;K 5 r 2. A prof of r ,- llustrated scries of sketches 7- 'S Swedish Scenery and Iiifc, by Prof.'illard Frik, author of Corne ll : University,' who is throughly familai with Sweden and its people from personal observa tion. 3. A series of popular papers on rt and Art M atters, j bv Edward Strahan (Earl Shinn), author of -4. ; Illustrated 'Sketches of Travel, n title Pictures from Spain, by Edward King, author cf the "Great SoatJi" etc. i I 5. Mrs. Lucy II. Hooper's Interessin and PiqusfflQiTBX'Cv-. , . ' Papers and Ii otters from Paris will be continued through the yen r. .6. - ' i ' The Beauties of the Hhiue will be described in ju icbly illustrated j series of papers. -?- . i 7. During the year will appear a number of handsomely illustrated short articles, de scriptive of Life, Travel, and Adventure in tne unitea oiaies, r,niuu, oouwi :iiMti Japan, Mongolia, and other countries. FOR SAI A BY ALL BOOK AND Ni:VS V DEALERS. TRICK, zr CEX'l. TkkM'.. Year Subscription, $i; Two cop ies, ."?7; Three copies SlU; Five copio,! ;: Ten copies, SU0; with, a cojrr gratis f the person procuriug the club. Single nui-ber 33 cents. : NoriCE-Thc November and December Xum bers containing the earlier chapters of "The Marquis ofLossie,"win be presented to all new annual subscribers for 1&77. J Jspecimex Nt'3tEj:r. mailed, ioitage i paid, to anv addreesvoa receipt of 20 cents, j jptr ToAnts a Liberal CommL-sion will be allowed. Address. . J. B. LUTINCOTT, ic Co., j ?" : I'liulhslicrs. 71a and 717 Ltrket ht., rhihukli;hi;i. . jan 5 TI GRANDS CENTRAL. 'ir jl he suuscKiiJEi; annolncesJ tint hh popular Safoou l THE iJRANDniNTRAL, on the or of the old National Hotel, is ' '' r ' .(' - : h jij-cparei1 for thc.Wiat-.-r eampaigu.eing sujiplie! with the choicest of Wines, Ales, Liquors & Cigars Frcih Instatmcnti of Lhc : Jacrl and fattest ZXcw Iliver recciTcdrerolarly ami crve 1 anyj ftyh dwirrd.- UKUiJKN JO.N CS. dec 13 ' si 1 IT 1 ' 1 I ill." The Camden Journal. PUBLISHED ejecy Thurday, at Camden, S.,C.,is the oldcr-CstabHhel pai.cr iu ! Kcrsbair cuuntr, ang was an sioive circu lation atnoBff the Merchant?, Farmers and ail classes of business 'men ia the county. . ; T lifters to th Merchants of Wilmintoa a T 4Wle aiedyyn i& aJartuina;, th gantry fin whick it drcujatrt-btangL nnected with thatcitr brsfeam' n the latere river, nd the WiLtojiCcriumbia and Anguita Railroad t j91J!"' Liberal terms will be made with those de siring to advertise. Sabscription price S3 bO rer annua. Address Editors and Proprietors. rp HE DAILY KEVEW v tornkhed to A. City SabscribersI at oO eenu a month a ii win Miscellaneous. THE r ' t"' HIGHEST H0I1B5 AT THE '"--- - a CEHTENNIAL EXIIIBITO. ' ( .i'.b' The ja-Jgcj ucaaimooly reco'mmtwl tka .M EjX:D'EL SS.OilN samios FOR THE ' -i.t1f - 5 O . . Diploma of Honor ani leial tfJBrii; Phcing them in the front Rink j Without a Superior I For'strictly "-first-class instrnmcnts. . AtO for $'2:ak $650 lor &75. S700 ft.r 8000. ' : 8750 lbrl$32k $800 for 8350. $000 Tor $400 81000 for 8450. I-1; -'.-' '!"'"" N Couuiiiiioiun to AgcLts. No Discounts to Teachers. l i No Deviation 4o Price. The Mendelssohn GRAND. SQUARE & UPRIGHT Coatiu valuable patents "and improvement never before introduced. . EVJATHUSHEK'S; N'UV. J'Alil.Nf I)c.PLi-, OVEESIBCXQ SCAUt,'' " T i - . : ,(.'. ' Is tiie greatest advance in the history of Piar no making, producinrr the most astonishing power, richness arid depth of tone, and a ; taining sinking quality never before attaifle!, being a ''Grand Jfiauo in a Square case.'? r 5 The Mendelssohn XTprigfitii u AUK THC FINEST IN AMERICA.' 7 Thoy afc pronounced the "Pianos of th Future," . ' ! i ' " ; T "' ' M.ANLf ACIOUY & WAUElLOOilS t ' K ; i A 05. Ai)0, A()'2, 494, 40G 408 Weil 5?th St. Ncs, S.S, SCO, 8G2, SG4, 808 870 10th Avenue. ' " '. PIANOS SENT ON TRIAL. Illustrated aud descriptive Catalogut mailed free. . " '. ' .. y MKXDHLSSOIIX 1'IANO C, r.rsiNKtis bKi'ics: : Yo. 50 Jiroii'licay, A'.. 1 feb 21 WeMerJs UnaMdsefl ! Dictionary,"1" ICE II COMPETmDir Piario fuu Tin;-school, n. , v , 3,000 " Hngravings ; I, HO Pages QuarW.-, ' Price $12 J .- ' a nzsw riATunsi To tlit ::1 Illustration? heretofore in Web- V ' ster'rf' Unabridged, we have added four'pagea " Colored j Illustrations, ' " ' engraved . vprcsily foV thftj work at Larre u -. expense. ' , NVaily- evtry State SuperLotendeot of , I'ubiic luftruction in the- Union or corral-' . po nding olficcr, where such an one exiate has ' . recommehded ' Wtbstcr'i Dictionary in tbe'.i .f'trongeft term. Au,iong them are ilioae' f t Kartern, 'Northern. Middle, Southern,, and , Wotcrn States TWKNT V-EIOIIT in all. st tb PtmcnA0i3D. ; , The Stat" of NEW YORK, hasjplaccd 10,009 -copi of -Webster'i? Unabridged in as many of ' , her Public School". ' . ' The State ,vT WISCONSI V about- 5,000-f" s nearlv every fchool. ' . - ' -. 4 '". The State ol NLW JERSEY 1,500ncarly, evorv Fchool. ' - '. " . The State of MI CII I G A N made pro vidua ' for all ber school.". . -'' i The State of MASS A CH UTETTS .ha up- piied her JchooU nearlv alL l ' '.. 'ihe Sute of IOWA La-. supplied her school?." .'.-!' ' ., The State of CONNECTICUT haa'mads . .f provision for- her tchoola. ' ' JZ Over 3,000 echwAs in TNDIA7TA svere supplied dariDg tLe year 1872, and uianr f1 uuore in 1S73 and 1S74. 1 In other SUteg many rtipis nave been par e-. 1 j 1 . iVi t tmrlt-Ir me- T " abi1 ties and tovrn. ' f - !: ; ' What better investment can be made for schooii? '. -.. . , r. ' More than tes ;irr aa many are vd, ofi '.' Webster's Dictionaries aa of any other series'. r ' -f . in thia country. " - , -- At least rocE-rT'Tr r'" all the scboobbooks .-" 1 published in thia cnu: ur own Webster aa'. - ' their ftacdard, at ! of the retnainder few ac- -j-kcowledzc A?tr r landard. f PttfUied by G. A C. MERRTAM, ' dec v Springfield Mart. .'V'1. vi 1 n - siO'T CB Bde Vf - " OlU r- Agents selling ovrCbrv' '';." ujo?, (Irarow, l'ictur and Chrorao CardJ t IOO sauipka worth sent postpaid for 74' ' ; centj. Illustrated Catalogue free. , j J . II. IIUFFORD'S SONS, BOST i Established 1'iir iti.sT IV tup rrrv u 1 Wa.a MiaS-tlliUltUMll Foot of Market Ct The rct of ALES, WIN ES, LIQUORS and CIGARS always on band and served by polite and accommodating attendants. New River Oyters, always fresb and alwy served in any style dtrsired. jan 17.

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