tlllS FAI'EK X. J AM E. JOSH. "' Jix months, $2 50; Th rce .tef; , 5 : One month, 50 cents. be delivered by carriers, j-J Prt otW cUr, at the !' -T or 13 centJ per wee. rates low and liberal. Airt.beribcr. wi please report wr and n .... rpcc.vetne.r p...-- If jtf Advortissmonts. spbFhg &summer goods M M. ICATZ'S, 36 Ularbct Street ftic .Lower Than Ever! DRESS GOODS ;-iI,.iiffjrcnltO-lMfroiu 8 CCIltS to :;R,iS:lfc85 CCIltS rr-yanl up. cJanai'DtlvaehcdColl'iii C cts. up. 3ANC1T GOODS. tREAT VARIETY ! GREAT BARGAINS i l'araiuls, Collars and Cutis LMBROIDEXIIES, TO WUAR WELL.) Men & Boy's Wear Housekeeping Goods! L ii Gents1 Cause Underwear rROBI i0 CENTS UP ! LINEN DRESSES. ii c f.'j-1 Jtioj liCLMlcd to cuuiplcte an H Mt outfit fur LadicvO'cnts or Cliildrcn. Patronize Home ! I'll Duplicate any Retail Goods sent for abroad OH tho fiamo TnrmR if. . 36 Market St. Patronize Home, j, WAVE TUIS SEASOX ONE OF THE Merchant Tailoring Goods i y : ' f 3 -l'C found annrl. . . i . ..i i i ji.uvii-, auu l win cm- f:i"lt0' a,,.v' Gu0 will at Retail iu any' tVrnchroatLesanic terms. A- DAVID. i Merchant Tailor and Clothier." Ice Cronm .u r... vat-A saloon win h ,r Crtim V811 ta t,ie public to-moi row. , vrcm j r . "oUt on h eilcate will be kept a a, ;Vol0r Cream ca Sunday Mt filled aj afternoon will fee JAS. C. LUMSDEN, Worth iront tt. I ,1;fai AM) "CHOICE tc Caro. wm Dates, Dried Fig,-, trcam Tafl, OranSes, APpl, Grapes, bbcllhatl- Wl.. T-T.. H w- LIP P ITT'S r Cry- i- inch 27 Kii!i i : )' DESCRlPTinvo ( For at bottom fiaure?by: VOL. 2. 1 1! NEWS SUMMARY. uuujju uus reuuereu iauiiuie uccision m tue cast oi aiyra Clark Gaines, involving millions of Jdol- lars in property iu New Orleans.' This ends forty years of litigation in favor off the claimant. Robert 4 Schuyler Gardiner of West Virginia called at. the . . - AVhitc House and in fif teen- m in teen- mm- uics i.oucri cnuyier uarcuncr vas AXn- ... v""" ron, cx-rnember of Con-ress; from Iowa. Ins been tendered and accepted the posi-1 tion of Minister of the United' States to I Spain, Gov. Hampton has sealed the doors of the State offices in dispute to await the action of the. Supreme Court. The liabilities of Lockhart & Demp ster, of LondoD, are" $500,000. Gholtsou, alker & Co., London mer chants, have failed. Their liabilities are small. Mr. Gladstone's health is causing his family anxiety and medical men advise him to go abroad. r Al fred Smith threw himself under a loco motive' hi Lexington, Ky., rather than face his wife, whom he had deserted. late estimate ofiiciaily places the value of real nstatnin ClmiWrm R P at 1S 90S ! 180, and personal property at $9,000,000. 1 thml exnloratioii of Africa has arrived at Suez. I The grand crash of arms in Europe f is not yet. -Gold is looking up and ever I tip; 107? in New York yesterday. Tiro Liverpool and Texas" Steamship Com-, pauy (limited) hhre determined upon I voluntary liquidation in conseruence of I thy depression-, in freights and the un-1 pruiitablouess of the steam shijiping trade; The company's three steamers will be sold and arc expected to realize more thaii- enough to meet all liabilities. The very latest from New Orleans says, "The Commission, it may be stated, are j very liopelul that an agreemont may, Dei jv.ivJo ur io , t:. Trntil 'Mi1 j 1 .in.nln i-nnm i nt.o oiiicu tlu (Commissioner I I' Public UnilfJings ue ;ted as Master of Ceremonies at the .unite House. Mr. J .incoln confided those functions to the I M:irsh;il of the District-, but Mr. Hayes I 5v..i.oriMl ili.-m' io the ConuriisVioni r.i ' : v ' 1 who is iitsw Colouel Casey, of the regular I lr'rny. Col. Chambers, of East J renncsec, has bceu appointed General Superintendent of Postal Stamp Print- . . Iin ug vice vt. j. i nuu. u w 11 - 1 I i Cabinet yesterday Secretary Sherman opposed a reconsideration of the termination to conveno Congress in extra j session, June 4, and the subject seems to have bceu informally, dropped.-' The pro clamation may issue any day. t-V LOCAL NEWS. New Advertisements. Ckoxly & Morris Horses and Mnlcd at Auction. S. Jewett More New Books. UtixsBERGEHHojt's Gcrinan Cologne.' Wm. L. DeKosset, Chui'n To'Hoide-s of ClaiiB3 against the county of Xew Ilanpverr A. Surikr. Collars by the bucket lull -5 cnt3 a bucket. ' The swla water season is at hand. No, scssiou'of the city court to-lay. Slc!imship - rtOiivia fioii this port, arrived at Baltimore liast Tuesday Nor. kmiue Slaiib'J, uudciiiCM, J-oinJ this purt, arrived at Stettin, on th n4tii - rJ i TU sigual service wires IrtwecuthU citv and Smithvillc arc again in wofiiui order. 1 A judicious use of houso pamt vjnpulU add to the nrreariSccrr A-puld streets. ; ' .;' ' . v fD Ol 2l Schr. lldcn A". .Comt,,,McCirt from this port, -arrived at Uath, .Me., oil I the ICth ii;st. If "April showers make. May Howers, n what, an abundance of floral trophies there will be next month. Mr, J. L. Barlow haa reaigued hia of lico of Deputy Clerk pf the Market, and Capt. John Cowan has been aprwinted tcf' tli2 position. j'; The first Germauplcuicixjr tho season will take place at tho Wilmington Gar dens, on the Oth of May, under the auspice of Gcrmauia Lodged No 4. K. of 1. -: Cotton men arc looking ! blue over the prospect of a general European war. .The oaly hope for them is , that some Yankee will invent a process fo,r converting cotton into cannon ball?. " v a year. Robert Sehuylcr Gardiner once w h!wc nf U, lAtitmaiant. vum imnsn. held Major's commission ;i ft ;nayc5: Th afanlliscalcOf tjic capacity regiment. - The Hon. John A,; of FodoolmdsAnd VHI rely for 4-,. I 4 - - f ii I 1111 The Thermometer. Fromibe-United States Signal 0 lice at i wia we vv.aiU vuu, louowin" rcioi i I oi ine inermometer, as tftKcu this morn- ing at 7:31 o'clock : , Augusta, 65; Charleston, 6o ; JaL-kson vill CoS.lMontgoincr)', 6G ; 'Nef Orleans- .68 Norfolk. 01 : SavAn i . . I nah, 67 ; St. l4ris:. ' meitT Scales. The CitVsCales 6x weishin-bct-r cattle. i nare arnvea aua arc oeinz unt uu in tno Uq in a day or two. Until thev arc ready. the scales at Mr. Springer's woo 4;n ont;nii tr h nnA vard Capt. JpBjHujSMrifor a Ion i time i or of past the able a'hd " accomplished eeli the Statcsville Landmarki has 'retired, having Bold out his interest to Messrs. J. D. BrojL&jj joui 1). Ramsey. ' lit M r. Brooks. we recognize the popular lifp in surance ageat who was at one time so well and favorably known to the people ofc-Wilmipgton. The new proprietors have our best wishes fof their success. Off for Texas: Mr. Sumner Thomas, t for r any years. PSt a clerk la Mr. Katz S dry gOOclS btorc oa:Market street, leaves hero . to-mof row for San Antonio, Texas. Mr. Thomas has 'secured a position in a leading dry S00?3 hfus in San Antonio' whcrf slsier ow resiaes. . uc. tiiniKs- na can Dcuernis lortuues by tne move to a new country. nd, hehas our ,most earnest wlb,lcs Ior ma success ana prosperity Canaries Abroad. lestcrdav a ladv observed quite a imm- bcr of birds huddled together, on the grass in front of the Lutheran Chi rch, chirping .and.cemiDg to be in distress or I very badly frightened, and much to her .surprise discerned they were canaries. The supposition is' the birds had gotten out of tuo avairy conneciea wuu xur. jamus lmt - house. which i8.only a squiiro from the cuurcn. Cape Fear Confederates. The -Ladies Memorial Association are anxious ta make up complete roster of ho offisera and onvates. living and tiiead. Wlir wfnt into the ' Confederate. ' Stiates v - kcrvice from the Cape I ear 1 lie Association has apppointcd a commLttce of gentlemen who have plac to attend" to tins duly, nlared books at Yates', lldius - v. .x- - . ,gerger t auu uovcu o w o'"v') 7 i r .i.r.. i..k.kT' i..i'- 111 one uf wlricUrcyer? living Confederate is do-ltjuested to' register his name, rank re- bud command. - Let every one register his name w th ut delay There should be no lacked in this matter. Graiid Lodffe of Knights of Honor. A Rnnd TAIseof-th'e Kuiahts of Honor 'was established in this city last night, Suoremc Dictator J. A. Lgc and the fyl- lowing P. D.'s lxjing present, llev. J J. Allison, DrH. Tull, Dr. D. Cugst'cll, Dr. W. J. H. Bellamy, Col. C. P. Jones Lud ilessrsM. iklamy, Y. G. Hrinson; P. C. Ciirleton and N. Jacobi. The! Su preme Dictator,' J. A. Egc, presiding. Dr. AY. JT H. Bellamy was appointed Grand Treasurer pro temp- and Mr. N. Jacobi Grand Guide 2ro icmp. j Atrclection of officers was cnlcrcd.i jto hich resulted as follows f I Supreme Keprcscntativcs P. C. Cadet m, s(l.,2years. j RcVT. J. Allison, 1 year. r 1-rir II Tull and N. Jacobi. Lsu..' Al- . i juif - Sfcrhatcs. I Bellamy, P. G. 11. C. K. Jones, G. R. WG.rinsrjTt.lllrD: Dr ll. TulI, 'P. Ke v. TV.J Al lison, G . C. NiJacobi, G. Guide. R,CLCarleton,G.R. t Dr. W. J. II: Bellamy, G.T. ' Dr. U. Cxsdell , G . Guardian. ; The ncit session of tlic Grand Ligc will be held in , Charlotte on t he tcci nd Monday in April, 1878, at '2 o'clock P. The Supreme Dictator left this morn M. to institute a Grand Lodge in South Caro lina and one iu Georgia. ; TlriDJ taodred aud uiue Wo nubVrdmatldctlpJ iu full workmg Mr- der in the ' United SUtes and scventtcu rand lodges. Duruig the year 1870 be cost to each number of the order ta C irry a life insurance policy ibr $2,000 was $11, which was paid in one dollar asaps mcnte daring tl year4 H&i report of jtbe GranoT Treasarer of the United States n.rt ir.1or L be in aflourishins con- ditioitandwjaccesaons to the roll oi V ,r r 1 1 THURSDA Y, APRIL Personal. We thought it was Cul. Dill Saunders, but it was'nf the same smite, "cbild-liko and Hand" the same geuial; pleasant, gentlemaoly make up, the same massive brow with the hair pushed back by the expanding brain almost to the top of the head, the same, in fact, in almost every thing, only younger and better looking than the ColoneH It was Capt. R. B. Saunders, brother to our old friend and quandom 'fboss," who called jn to sec us this morning and "make acciuaintance.' He visits Wilmington in the interests of the Raleigh Observer, and wc cannot i too highly commend him and hit! papeMo the consideration of our people. Blondes and Brunettes. rashion has taken a new departure in the adornments for the head this season. and brunettes come in for a lar'c share of favor in the brilliant hues iliat set oil so finely their dark treses and iia.ol -eyes. Heretofore blondes have had everything their own way, and the delicate tints that harmonize so well with fair complexions, golden locks and blue eyes have been altogether too predominant. The fashions arc ablaze with color, in winch red and yellow of every possible tint find great favor. Some of the colors are fascinating, especially the cameo tints, the different shades of coral, the brilliant ucw red, and the many varieties of orange and gold. The brunettes, therefore, who have the highest place on the present turn of the wheel, will enjoy the gay colors that become them so well, and feel !. at the same time that they arc in the height of fashion. The blondes, however, Deed not be in despair, for among the gay lints outrivaling the huc3 of the rainbow may be found delicate sprays of creamy white, soft rose pink and pale blue, in harmonious union with the lovely neutral tints that afford more real pleasure to the eye thau the gaudy glow, which is so muc h admired at the outset.' Hi unci tcs and blondes would do well to remember that voutli and health arc more attraclivo than any creations oi me raocnsie, ;mu that a tasteful simplicity that suits the style is more desirable than the lavish overloading of expensive and fashionable millinerv. , Safe in Port. ' As stated by u yesterday tbe stauutli little pilot boat, the Uriah Timmovs. ar rived safely in at Smith ville and on yes terday afternoon came up to Wilmington. Capt. C. C. Morse, her commsmder, long known as one of the .most capable and experienced pilots on the oust, has given us some account of his experiences which wc will endeavor to. reproduce hdrc. Capt. Moise went to sea with the Tim mons on the : Wednesday morning of last week on a cruise for vessels approaching the bar which might need the services of a pilot. On Thursday', at sunset, -.siw the last uf the Mary K. -fiprunt, she then Wxuz about 25 miles northeast t f the Liht Ship. The same night Thurslay) as was afterwards learned,. the fyrunl ran down to the Light Ship and cufjuircd for the Tinunons, and as the weather was that ii !..,! C-iA ..r.r flinil :ht lueu eiv uitu v -p she had put into Smithvillci Uh Thursday night the ga!-j ;tiuck tlie Timmons which was then lying ;1l the westward of the Shoals and clos-; up. Un Friday morning Capt. Morse? tried to get in over Main Bar, but was blown off, and a second attempt also failed, lie was then driven off to? about 43 or 50 miles from the coast. On Saturday the wind had moderated aud he sailed for Georgetown, which port he entered early on Sunday morning. While there he fell iu with a J schooner which had been driven ashore, on the marshes, the Captaiu oi" which in formed hi'm that he was in company with a pilot boat, which is supposed to have been the Sprunt, on Friday huniing, right under Bald Head. Capt. Morse remained at Georgetown about -1 hours. Uu his return he reports that he saw, oil Murray Inlei, on the South Carolina coast, a fore-and-aft schooner, with living jib-boom aud pjiu sail gone and with a btorm trysail set for a mainsail. - She was bound uthbut he did not Icaru hcrinacV.3fhe" Tit.imoM made her wharf xt bmitUtille ouTucsday, between 11 aud 12 o'clock, and amid, the uuiveraal rtjrtciDg of the-pebple tf tiiat t wn. The store on the Northwest .coTuer of Front and Market . streets, which has been used as a drug ', etore for many, years, is being fitted opkor a gentlemen's fanjisbtogesUbIihmeot and will be pre sided nvr by Mr. Daniel Kahnweiler. 19, 1877. NO. 76 Floods Every where. Two gentlemen from this city who had started to Onslow county in a buggy were compelled to return because of the condi H?? lheroads. The water courses aro all filled to overflowing, and it is hard work to get aloug anywhcfre. 'They found out that there is a tremendous freshet in Ncw IUver and that the bridge at Jack sonville is in imminent danger while the ferries are impassable. HeaVing such re ports they turned back and will wait f -r better weather. To tUe Tax-Payers of New II iino ver County. We have the honor to report that wo have carefully and minutely examined the accounts of the Tcasurcr of the County, checking off each item bv its vouchers. and with the exception of a few unimpor tant missing vouchers, wo find all correct. we nave also examined the original hiils contracted by the county for sup plies ol every description. But few of these, bills are itemized, and therefore it is impossible to. express an opinion as to their justice. There is no . doubt of : the fact that the county being unable to pay cash for supplies, has been charged a large excess on the cash value of such sunplies. 'There is. however, no excuse for the Com missioners having passed a bill for sup plies for the Poor Jlouse and Out-d,or 1'oor, with such items as these, viz : '. ' 2 doz. Dress Buttons, 2oC, $1.00 i l'air iJoots 4,00.'' as we can sec no reason whv 'such arti cles should have been furnished by the Commissioners, to snv jiothmir of the carelessness of the Auditing Committee in passing a bill which claims that twice 20 makes 100. Nor do wc approve of sun- pucs oi louacco and .mult hohvs irivcn bv uie countv to tho -Uut-door Poor ' as is showu to have been done by fhc very few itemized accounts of orders filled for such purposes. How far such matters have' been carried it is impossible to say. , The amount paid by the county for clerical services is enormousand'iudepeud cnt of the Register. f Deeds.' would be sullicient to ay for the services of at least two accomplished accountants by the year. Whether this is or is not in conse quence of a defect in the present system of county government, we, are unable to determine,- but if it is, there is no reason in the payincnt of such amounts as ap pear throughout the accounis forth? ser vices rendered. Thojvaymont .of $1,4.00 toJ. II. SmyiliC tracteTl ior. at less than half the amount, was ah outrage and deserves the condem nation of all good citizens. As regards the taxes levied and col lected for the pajincnt of-interest and principal on the bonded debt. We. find from the accounts that from Sept. 1, 1870 to Dec "1S7'. there has been paid on " ' Coupons and premium, gold, ,s ,l lo ?0 Hank debt.. , . . I'J.000 00 Lawyers' fees in iiijunelion suit .",U0 00 S 10.04O 80 The first item is i:i order. The second was to yy a debt contracted fur the pur pose of paying interest on the bonds. There is now a balance on hand belong ing to this fund of about $0,20O. The third item is in direct violation of law, and having been paid in October, 1870, was done in the face of the decision of the Supreme Court, iu which Judge Bynum says : ''If there is a surplus after discharging the claim of lo,0Qu, the Board cannot appropriate it to their own-'-or to other use than jxiymentqf' ike bonded dcbl." See published decision in which he further sajs : "They undoubtedly have the power to buy,,lneir bonds before payable and retire so much of the debt, audit will be a health.' sign if they can do so.: ''.'."- Since the passage of the law constitu ting a special commission to thoroughly examine the acts of all the county officers, your committee have dropped the investi gation of "irregularities and leak feeling that your interests would be fully and more carefully protected by that Com mis sion thin we would-be able to do. And as we have been named by the Legisla-j tine a "Special Board of Audit to settle the floating debt of the comity, previous to January 1, 1877, we - will confine our selves entirely to the duties connected j therewith and shall have no further occa sion to report our action as a committee. There is no doubt of the fact that it is impracticable to run tho county govern ment with the amount of taxes author ized by general law, hence the passage of the acts allowing special' levies to cover probable deficiencies, which were alluded to in our previous rcnort. W. L..DkKo-ct''-V. H. Ni-tt, . C .-j:h, K. Kinpr.i:. J Sensible Advice. You arc asked every day through the colmuus of newspapers and by your Drug gist to use sotnetiiing for DysiHjpsia and Liver cotaplahit that you know nothing about; you get diaoouraged 8jending money with but little succc&s. Now to give you satisfactory proof that Cheek's August, Fixweu will cure you uf Dys pepsia and Liver Complaint with all its effects, such as Sour tstomach, Sick Head ache, Habitual Cobtivencsa, Palpitatiou of the : Heart, , Heart-burn, Water brash, coming up of food after eating, low spirits, &cu, wc ask you to go to your Druggist and get a Sample Bottle oi Gbeex's Au GVvrjVLOvm fer 10 cents and try it, or a Igular Size for 75 cenU ; two doses will relieve yon. t -rr -,.tf.,MM 1 Mmm. v v; vi "II JL Wc will be glad to rewire ceaaulsstltit from oar friends on asy . W0. all txb'ieti If general interest but: tfw jrL - Tinf;. The name of Jtke writrr'ktalir furnished to the Editor.; t - - ,ir Communication mast b written ly one side of the paper.; A y 'Mi.'IT;i'; I'ersonaliacs must be, avoided. - ; .; Andit is specially and part Inlarl tiAir. u tood that Jie editor dort nt alvaja xv the views of correspondents, aniens tttlU4 , m the editorial columna. , MAKE NO M ISTAKE. In Dooijei V of Vh?i r-I,:R, you lho rUcfe ' ' of the kind m the world. The canr'are. " always full wcigbtt article purest and strongest joisible, K,thi lt smaller quantity than usual iifflctt?Io ' nl w- Ur bakiDS always perfect? ' Dun t fail then to use Doolit'b Ytktr ! - New Adverticomonts. Horses & Mules at Auction. jyp'KRS' STOCK-iiCorner .Piinceir and Second street.-., on SATUUDAT, April iltl,' l5"' cjir.m cueing at 10 o'clock, ' 4-gJf- r CKONLV A M0RR18, . ai1 ; ' -: ; " : AictV. - Wlore Wew BdoUd: rpiIE (JOLDE.V BUTTERFLY. A novel. Pickwick Abroad.. By.G.AV. MJlieapld The DuchesdofKoscniarv Lane. J : " 11 j It. L: Farjton. Black Spirits and White. Bjt Francis Eleanor TrpJJonr, : For sale at apl ID - yj I'll Mtj'-'X''' Hoy tV German Cologne - t T.VUP.P KIT nv inw'irta .-""-, 1 Celebrated German Clofse J ust receirod and for sale at the n-'- LIVE BOOK STORE ' W holesals Orders Solicited. ' ' 'I'- f.i. piAXOS, ORGANS, GUITARS, Violin Banjos and General Musical Instrnnteata. ' For sale at . . . HBinssa&ozizi , ' . Lire Book and llasie Store, 41 afdly 39A411Carktti ? w , i ; . To Holders of Claims Against " tho County of ITeV Itaii-; ; ' over. ' r' tTH PnP.ivj Til IT lUEBirJTI.'riga mkul; renting themselrcs, in. the adjustment of thi , debt of the County, upon a baiia aatlafaetory; to this Board, as well as the Creditor!, tppecf ' to he insurmountable; and. - v.; ; -s Whereas, The Law requires ns to "andit . crutmize and examine, and malt CB iuirr concerning the origin and coBsidarn lion" of each claim, and to "comprmif ad settle on such terms as they (we) maytnlak 1 just and equitable," and to "recoamesS lh! payment of such part as they (wn) inty denl 'TV equitable and just," of the claima afbreaald Wherea-, After a due cxamiaation W ,fiV orin and consideration of the etalnia, w are , satisfied that but fen, if any," bould bf tied for the full amount of theit fact jalwi, , , and it ii impracticable to adopt an j Ct,by which thej may be claisiiicd and scaled ;( nn4, Whereas, Upon intervietr held wilb ana -dry holders of the various clusca'of cUbst we lind no disposition on their part; to pro - pose any terms for a compromise ; and V. Wherea-, It is iinpracticabU for ns to mako -distinction.-- in the settlement of said elaitas which vouhl result sRtiefactorilr to alt Co-V corned, - . '? - . Be it -Ktvolvctj, That it is the nnantmoQt , opinion of this Board that a just and equitakle' " settlement'. of said claims would be the exj. change of Bonds of the County, , issued nrider ' the Act creating this Special Board of Andit, ' for Eighty Per Centum ofTbc'faee valfleof said claims, "whether in Juomcnfcoolify' warrants or otherwise.' . ' The above l'reamblc and ltesolatioa were ; unanimously adopted by the Board after a most patient and thorough investigation and , deliberation. Other reasons, . beeida tbote named, have forced tbemiclref npoa ni in ar riving at the conclusions. 'O )T i If such creditors of the County, who. are- ? willing to accept a setlement on. tho tenna proposed, will notify the underrigeed, Xjr . wBiiiNG, to that cfl'ect, the Board will at ' once rt pors their action in each case to fhc County Commissioners, who wltl cause tne Bonds to be issued in aecorda?ee'w!tk tne f provision. of the Act of Aucnbir. . J; i Tf Wil. DtKOSSKT, Chm'm - -SpcciaJ Board of AailL , , apl I'j NEW, CHEAP AXID GOOD; v CJI'KING STYLES XOW IXr - r Gronts' and Youth's and Coj$ Clothing. , r ,? SUIl.S FOIt An wklek tol-1 ( jltf:. ago for f 15. 4 ' A FACT ! A FACT 1 A IACtJ mrh 27 lfarkt ttnttit t rjew Sprinrr Q&Jlz?'.: SWEET AO A ZZZZi t .a : V It- upUG . : &A 7 NortbrrastsL ' rn HE DAILY EKV1LT & tsniH h 1 City Aubacriberi I at M cents nsatla , 'Or !

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