Ths Dailf ftsview. , i Jit1-1 - -' i4 mJjIINGTO If- C THURSDAY. APBlJlVlIl H " w - RIGHTEOUS NEW ilAMPSIIIRE. The tradition of a past filled with vis-ioiii-f'VPWtoiieJls witches, of vjgwfBtilaical'laws v.hich wouhl .i-CihtaTihtl Vrafer ttook in fun- - - y i ral crape twelve months Tii the year jui 1 which considers a laugh an allurcmciit of,Qfjamuch force n-jwAvith the maioriti-afilKJipeoie of New Hampshire as tVy1rw hundred years ur. Last, MondiVt5 -'Governor j and Council couqfjfteUY6$e for the , constitutional aroeuflnJentul of which are earned .s u e the firsti to strike out the word Protestant fronTlw LdHirWgTKfT 'the twelfth; irohibiUiftW&VaTfrthoIncc fur political gious lest as a qualification fr oil ice, was adopted by 1 thirteen votes over tnr uiral two-thir U. V re- THE VLAS OF.-ADJUST31EXT. . The fcMcmlaz joint preamble and rca lution, nhich arc a part of the plan of ad juitmcnt. wcrcadoptcd by the Xicholls AVhebbas,. The icople of thebaic of Louisiana, after years tl suffering .ami mi.s ril; vhtteWvilh supremo satisfaction seen the wise determination ul President nay es, as expressed in. hi inaugural and already happily executed in South Carolina, to restore the local sclf-povcrnmcnt of the tfbulbetn States, and peace and prosperity to the whole country by a return to a rigid following of the wise principles of consti iutiorfatrffOYCTntncut; therefore, be it Resolved, fey the Senate and llofiso of Repre&Kfcr&vVfrj the General -Assembly couvened: ' ' I,ir8t--That'.wd"ctrdially endorse the IKjlictptJiaPjcsident as enunciated in his' inaugural, and xve pledge our hearty co-operation, aid ami support to the" exe cution thereof. , , . Second! That the .execution of the said policy in tho. State of Louisiana will prove the sonree of inestimable;; blessings to her lepplc,i will lift up their burdened spirits, heal their wounded prosperity, renew tncir wasftd llieldi," i)fih2 '.'happiness to their homes, ttad., givo i to tha whole people, without distinction of race or color, a lu- ture of terial. p!c that they were', but that they lave still some rights left which a liepublicau administration inbound to respect. After twelve years of observationi and experi ence he has rushed iulo print and we will let him be heard' in Lis own behalf "in the following letter, addressed by himlto the Sccrccary of War : Hon. Skc. or Wai: Sir: From a joint service in the Tinted States Confess, in addition to an-interview the other day in your c-lliee, vou will pardon a fow. lines. I am a nativc'(with my father before me) of North Carolina ; was a Henry Clay hig, and liave been since the war a prominent Republican of my "State, and as a warm Mipportcr of the administration, actively employed in advocating its policy of con ciliation and kint'.nefs, let mc speak a word in behalf of n.y people. In the first place, that .people is by na ture and habit law-abiding and Union-l-.viri" to the core. Many of them cyeri mlistin during the' late war under the 1 V(kra! iLi" and now instinctively Union nn and zealous Republicans, yet under i Ik' circumstances, are fast alienating that usisophiatical people from earlier views and nreeonceiveu ideas. Malfeasance i i .i'.i. e bv both principals and deputies is lai-itllv doinir mischief. Inhuman and brutal misconduct oftentimes disgracing official conduct and mercenary considera tious alone guiding action, lhc peace and well-being of that people, :to say nothing of their allegiance to our 'nartv. demands a clianjrc ol regime. Kindness and common courtesy should denote, official acts and -inspire confidence and good will. Iheu, my dear sir,mstcad of yielding to the pressure for more troops, . J . 0 . . ' t 11111 thereby not only engendering .uau uimxi, but so directly antagonizing the pacific views of vour administration so wisely inaugurated by our illustrious President, let me suggest a thorough investigation and see if the people have not grievances worthv vour consideration and entitled to some regard beyond that ol periodical i,f lav -co! lectors and unfeeling "uvercinent agents. This propositi. n. sir, is. made in' good faith, for 1 h ive no "axe to grind,'7 but .simply for 1 1 y people I ' tU-sire to enter my protest against the present status in North (Carolina. 'J'l.c experiment is worthy a trial, an'! underlies the ' final sueeess of the policy of conciliation.' As at present administered alienation and distrust ensue, whereas, as proposed, good will may: follow. Our people are honest so ticat them and your confi dence will not' he misplaced. Give us good men, with honest, officials, .and North Carolina, with her unbounded resources will wheel into lino as the grandest of the old thirtewn. W ith high progress, as well moral as ma- r rv r rrrr rr- .' TWr&TRlf.aAaii? earnest Of our en deavor i' we liercby solemnly declare' that it is an!V?n'berUfe purpose of the gov crnraarl 3CtKc $Utpt Jxiyisiana, re pre BeXkF bP&finfe f 'XtclfoHs as its l!x ccutb'cffadfirsfc toccept in gxxl faith i thc'TWrtbeiAh, Hurtecnth and Fifteenth Amendments' of the Constitution of the. ; United States in letter and spirit; second, impartially to the cud that violence and . criii&sfialf -be 'suppressed and promptly puftfcllM,lnifthftt peace and order may prc vailf1irHthHtlKS hnmblcst laborer upon the soil of Louitiaua, throughout every parish, in' the State,-of every color, shall receive" t full and equal protection of tjie law07i&persoD, projcrty and political righU tod? privileges; .third, to the pro motioajofi tho, ,&indly relation between wb4t W?p)diai qtizcu's- of the State "PWjhAiiU of justice and mutual confi dencpurtihe? education of all classes of the peoplo being essential to the pre srTfonofre institutions, wc do declare our solemn jaurposc to maintaiy a system of pujbri fcubyU by an cp:ial and uniform taxation itpoh property as provided in the ConipCu'tiorf bt the State, and which shall secShr the 'education of the children of white fcrAl . colored citizens with equal 'al vanWgcii;' fifth, desirous of healing the dissensions that have disturbed the State for ytars past, and anxious that the citi zens of all political parties may bo free fronieverish anxieties of -political strife, andjein? bands iu honest' y restoring the prosterity of Louisiana, tho Nicholls gov ernment will discountenance any attempt ed persecution from any quarter of indi tuiuaU for past olitical conduct. Fpurjtli :lliat the Gueinor be request ed jo forward a copy of these' resolutions to thcjixyideiit cf the United States. swallowing of Chamberlain only makes htm the. more hungry for another victim. When he commence to devour the radi cal portiou of his party in the Xorth,.li2 will . perhaps find some of them more in digestible' than hi Southern food... : The friends of the' President say Packard has only this week in which to get out of the Miscellaneous. V New Design. Iliscellancons. mm m4 t r r. i i 4 DELicfous riBVDurrenjii """" I " just is: Perfectly Elegant I t. new desijos has just been received and a being sold t extremelj low figures ; also fine assortment of LADIES' WATCHES, SPAT, and PLAIN GOLD RTXOS ari LADIES' and.GENTLEM EN 'S OUAIXS: d Work left with me will be neatly -exe cuted. All I ask of the l'ablic is o give nl atrial. J. II. ALL EX. feb27 Watchmaker and Jeweller. . E. ARTIS, Fasiiionalp: bakbkk. Front Street, under Ptn ceU lloufc, - . Wilmington. C Hair'Cuttingj Shaving and Sbanipooiiig done in the highest style of the art. j Attentive and polite Barbers always ready to wait upon customers, feb 24 regards Yours truly, ( ). ii. Doe K i lty Y AS'Il I.N UTCKV LETTER. THE REST BAK JN THE CITY IH THE OLD CLARENDON Foot of Wlarket StL The Best of ALES. WINES, LIQUOR and UIUAKS alivavs on hand and served by polite and accommodating attendants. - New Hirer Oysters, always fresh and alwa served in any etyle. desired. jan 17. oitici: of OUR LIVING AND OUR DEAD. IN ORDER TO SUPPLY OUR SUBSCK' bera witli numbers due them, we shall re sume the publieation of OUK LIVING AND OUR DEAD on March 13th, and complete the IVth Volume in monthly parts. No new subscribers will be taken except for the bound volumes three of which have been issued and the IV tli will be itady in June. - We can 'su)- Kly our old subscribers with any back nuuj ers, except September and October, 174 should they need any to complete their me TKICE3 l OR BOI NU V.OI-CMES : In Cloth $2.00 each. Half Calf if -'.." , SUCCESS AS AX EV E-OPEXEH. The success of tic Democratic arty of late and the strength which' they have dcyeropcTj at home and abnad, together wilh lhc lulluetices thev can hriug to hear on ;lleimblicati admiubtratiuii, h is ifpcu ed the cjch of many astute politiciaus to the fact that it is the party of the future uud'that lladicalisni hereafter be knownla?Hhe8cciud estate in American Klilc-j i'cciAl Ir in this the ease in N'ortji Wolina, and in n Slate in the HoulU v the Duiuucratic pirty troogei to day than it is liere. This fact is .seen and recoguiftxl by many 'who were uuce. the set vilef t5ohi of "a cor r u p t ad : i i i n i s t rn t ion , infatnouj, corrupt and ;cxhai;iicd'' judi ciary. The rats are leaving the inking lidJQiaialgllic: .pro spects arc that there will not be kft. a hakci's doztu in its hold in this SfiAf.1 1 '6ie ' of the fattest andkbfggest" rutlcutai has been Oliver II. Doekery, of Uirhmond county, "my son Oliver," lln. O. II. Dockery, and at one time Kerrrcsentiifvc Dockery; ii the Na tional IXTCStXJISO'CArliave been oicncd by thtTtce9af the party he has fought Hrfr&'&h MB,1"' uow discoverexl wlut it would have b.'cn ut terly imp" ljtti&il t impress upon his mind, that the people of North Carolina Vrc ftoC the f b'riffrads 1 and "ban dittijiWtIiJiiii.iiarty labored for so mani jjiTtjj provfl Tnc pcprthern Tiie ArliiiKton Estate It is A Small Picture of Our Politics-Chaiiffes ill the Departments-Southern Affairs, etc,., etc. . The suit of the Lee heirs fur the posses sion of "Arlington" cnlls attention to that fiiic i:i '. l ty. It belonged to the wife of Cien. Lee and tHiie into possesion' of' the Cloveriiineiit at a saliMiiade' under one of the conliscati9n law.s. The Government also holds a,;iax title'", to the property. This is about the last of the real estate so acquired by the -Govern incut, which has n't been restored by the V. S. Courts' to tne i i :iual a i.ers ur their descendautt. The ." inie result in thi.s cae may Ikj looked for. The 1'Nt.ite is -'variously occupied now. and presents a-.ntinaturc picture of our present 'American politico. r'ivs: comes the jnevitable African, for twelve or fifteen hundred of those citizens are their squatted, under protection of the Government,. They are a bad lot. They are very iiM-va'ut. Few of them will work. rM-.t of them steal, so that' to own and cultivate a place hear them is i 1..! !! 'tl i' !! o ; m i.e i in p .tsioic. j licy arc sup posed to j ay a MU;di rent to tlic Govern ment, hut to nut. Then there, arc thousand of retleral soldiers htjiit d in a 'National Cemetery" thvrc. a piaee made more and more beau tiful from year to year by the hands of Ii h uos ami strangers .alike, and which is. held sacred 'in thousands nputi thousands of Noj tlu i u h(mes. There is no doiiU. t hj lepd ri"ht to the property is with the Lees; all the decisions in .simular i.ims ; re tlMt . way, but no s kujci- will the CV'Ui ts so dcchle and the Government heln to carry out the decis L'li, th in a llioiioand i'hiliipscs, Garrisons aiM blames will appeal to. the passions uf the jteuple against the prm. ceding. It is nvoless to kssuie them that lie: uC-'io will In; better ofl, if4 put where .he must work for his living: as hitu men do, or that the dead shall remain umlistui lcd when; tluy rest, and ii hand disturb a flower aver one of their graves. It is useless, fur .the whole stock in traile of these orator is tlicir hold upon the blind hatred and credulity of tluir lolluwei, and the legal adjust nunt uf rights would leave them without means of stinoort. What il.oi such agitators; could not change places with the brave men who sleep at Arling ton, and who fought and died, not ?n anger against brethren but that the thing might occur that long ago occurred that the Union might be restored. .Secretary Schurz dismissed sixteeu of tho employees of the Pension Oilicu ou Saturday, 'most of thorn ladies. Dismiss al will , also be made iroui the other Bureaus of the Department, he Laud Indiau, and Patent Bureaus. The dismis als were not preccdcil by any examiuation as to the efficiency of the parties and it is understood that the places ' will bei tiuoui. couipeuMvu ejuuuinauon-. Similar changes will soon be made iu the Treasary and Post Office Departments. This week promises to bo the last ol Packard's reign as Governor of Louisiana. Ilio President's conseh-ativeiappetite tfrows byvhat" it feeds on,' so thai the Sonllierii Historical Monthly. This Masrazinc, two numbers of which hav heen printeJ, will occujiy the same relation to the entire sioutb that lUU JjIVIU Ai U OUlt DEAD did to ..North Carolina, and, in all rcpectrf, will be as worthy of confidenjc and support. For detailed description of this Monthly and for the opinions of those wh ) have the initial number, we. refer to larger circular. Subscriptions ae solicited. Terms, Invariably in advance : 12 months 51.00. G months $2.03 Address. L.'OltTUI.'1'V IIUTOIflP , I MllVTIIf V OVU i lllill lllO VllHi.lU VI S .1 i II U M..f Rakigii, X. C. feh21 . The Philadelphia Times, FH5ST-CLASS lXDKPKNDEXT ri-u.ftwi V1'M'iir)4 1)l.-l' A ALL THAT capital and enterprise can aci complish will be freely employed to maintain the high reputation universally accorded to it, of being the Ablest and Jest Paper Ever Published in Philadelphia." It contains all the latest news, including the Associated Press Telegrams, Special Telegrams and cori respondence from all points, of interest, fuh and accurate Local lienor U. and Fearless FaH itorial Discussions of all Current Topics, li ia a tirst-class Live Newspaper in evcrv rel spect, fully equal to the best published any The daily circulation of the Tiuie3 excecdq that of all the Philadelphia inorninjr pavcr. coinoineu, witu one exception. . "Decidedlv the best newspaper ever pub lished in Phi'ladelphia." X. Y. Tribune. "The ablest and best paper in Philadel phia." N. Y. Sun. "The best paper in -Pennsylvania." ojriuyjjeu nepnuiican. pjio, lDciuuing postage vv a year, cr ou cents a montu. Adaress, THE TIMES, dee 9 . 713 Cheetnut sL, Philadelphia. If YORK mm i :o:- JAMES GORDON BENNETT, P ISU f K J K T o n. P O S T A F 11 E E '. ONE DOLLAR peu vkvi:: 50 Cents for Six IVIonths. ' An extra copy to every club of ten THE NEW YORK DAILY HERALD Published cverv dav in the veir. PO4TAUK VltEE. " ' S10 pay.- for one year, fcundavs included. . $8 pay for one year, without Suridavs. S) pays for six months, Sundays included. $1 pays for six months,, without Sundavs. $2 pay for one year for an v. ppecitied day of the week. I ; $1 pays for six months for any specitied da r of the week. $rpy for one mouth, SuudavS inclu lLd. XEWSDKALEP SUITLIEI) 4, POSTAGE FKEE. Dailr Edition. ..Two and a half cts. per copy SnurUy Edition Four cents per copy iWevkly Edition.....'. Two ccnta per copy Address, NEW YORK HERALD. dec27 Uroodwar and Ann t.,New York. AT GEO. MrERBV' apt 5 Pig oiifiairr mix- AXD SB&ZISBZIS' Occi-i3.iS3tL ! Over 70 Boxe ef the oka TonsoriaL IIE7 BAEBEB SHOP. HrX PATEDNS and i the puUUc generally jyXire respectfally informed that I have opened a NEW BARBER . SHOP, atu. 7, South Front street, where the fol lowing low prices nare Deen aaopieu : Sharing 1U cenis ; uair cutting , Shampoo 25 cent. Open on Sunday morning, dec 18 , CHAS. . CLEAPOR. cailBoad Lines, c l m. m m m m WILMINGTOlPg RAILROAD S3 Office of Ges'i, Suprrtv, On and after Suadav is. . ' h the passenger tr;iM S'fflis; We market SOLD IX ONE DAY? this Tea the very bet in Duly 75 Cents pef poctnd. g.uarantee GEO. mm 11 & 13 South npl; Front fStret. SCRIBNER'S MONTHLY. A a' IIniuvali:iIlll-3TUATKD Magazike When Seribner lseucd its famous Midsum mer Holiday , Number in July; a friendly critic said of it : "We are not'nurc but that Scribner has touched high-water mark. We do not see what worlds are left to .'it to con quer." But the publishers do not consider that they have reached the ultima' thule of excellence tbcv belicTO "ther are other worlds to conquer, and they propose to coouer them. ' The prospectus for the new volume gives tne titles ot more tnan iiuy papers imosuj illustrated), by writers of the highest merit. Under the head ot FP'LETON'S Jtffllfi-M liYCL-OPfflli NEW REVISED EDITION". KuUrely rewritten ly the ablest vvTiters on vun-iihi t. l'rintetl from new type. ond ill ust rated with .Several Tuouhand - i Kugravings aiul Maps -Tltevork originally publisliod under the titliof THE NK W AMEHICAN CVLCOP. m i mmnlatixl in l.7.. sii.rA which tinus the wide circulation -wfiicli it has at- tained in all parts oi tne unueuamiesanu the fcijrtial developments which have taken niAAlii vprv hrinoe of science, literattre. ana art, have Induced the editor and pnlK llaher u supnut it to an exact ami uwruusu revision, and to issue a new edition entitled THR MMRI(!4X tJYKLOP.'KUIA. Withm the last ten years me progress oi dujeovery in every department ofknoAVledge has made, a new work of reference an im tw.r.tiv. want. I The movement of political affairs have Kept pace wun me ui&ouvenes ui euiuii.-c u thir fruitful application to the industrial and useful arts and the convenience and re finement of social life. Great wars, and con sequent revolutions have occurred, involv ing 'national changes of peculiar moment. The civil war of our country, which was at its height when the last volume of the old work appeared, has happily ended, and a new course of commercial and industrial activity has been commenced. Large accessions to onr peogranhical knowledge have heen made by the indefati gable explorer of Africa. The great political revolutions oft he last decacto, with tho natural lesultof the lapse of , time, have brought into , public view a multitude of new men, whose names are in every one's month, and -of whose lives everyone is curious to know the particulars Great battles have been fought and impor tant sieges maintained; of which the details are is yet preserved only in the newspapers Or' in. the trasicnt publications of the day, arid which ought now to take their place in permanent and authentic history. In preparing the present edition' for t lie. press, it has accordingly been the aim f the editors to bring down the information to the lowest-possible rates,.audto furnish an ac curate account f the moist recent discoveries in science, of-every frehs production: in literaure, and of t he newest inventions in the practical arts,as well as to give a succinct and original record of the progress political aukl historical events. 4 The work has been begun after long and careful preliminary Labor, and with the most ample resources ior carrying it on to a suc cessful temiriation. . None of the original stereotype plates have been used, but every page has been printed feb Foireigfn 1 H ;.) ,: a day stiiK made by Q1U fc- Agents selling our Chro- ino. Urarona, l'icture and Chrnmo Prd ;100 sawplf s worth 4 sent postpaid for 7-5 tents.' Illustrated Catalogue free, f J.1L BUiTORD'S .SONS, LOST we have "A winter on the Nile," by Gen. Mc Clellan : "Saun tenners About Constantino ple." bv Charles Dudley Warner; "Oat of My Window at . Moscow," by Eugene Schuy ler : "An American inTurkistan, etc. Three serial stories are announced : Nicholas rvlinturrif Uv DrUoUand, the; Editor, :i whose story of "Sevenoaks'!! gate the Irigbcs satisfaction to the readers efthe Monthly. Tho scene of this latest novel ia laid on' the apron strings," but who, by the death of his mother, is left alone in the world, to drift on iub vutieui ui me, wan a lonune, out wun out a purpose; - . l: ; .. ' ..' - '.' Another serial, "His Inheritance." bv Miss Trafton, will begin on the completion of "Thkt Lass o' Lo wrie'g' by Mrs. Hodgson Burnett. jklrs. JJurnett a story, begun in August, has a pathos and dramatic power which, have-been a snrprise to the public ' ; There is to be a series of original and ex quisitcly illustrated papers - of "Popiihir science,- Dyjurs. uerncK, each paper com plete in itself. '-' There are to be, from various pens, papers "Home' Life and Travel." Also, practical suggestions as to town and country lite, villag-e imprcvements, etc., by well-known specialists. . .Mr. liarnard s articles on various indus tries of Great Britain include the history of beottish Jjoat Factory" in the November number, and "Toad Lane, Hochdaler'? itr De cember. Other papers are, 'The British v orkinman's Home," "A Nation f Shnp- Keepers, -iia penny a VYeeK lor the Child,' etc. ' A richly illustrated series will be given on "American Sports by Flood and Field," by various writers, and each oa a differ on t tneme. l ne subject of "Household and Home Decoration" will have a prominent place, whilst the latest productions of American humorists will ap pear from month to month The list of short er stories, biographical and other sketches, etc., is a long one. ..... ' The edit irial department will. continue to employ the ablest pens both at home and abroad. There will be a series of letters on literary matters, from London, by Mr. Wel ford. . The pages of the magazine will be open, as heretofore, so far as limited space will per icit, to the discussion of all themes affecting the social and religious life of the world, and specially to the freshest thought of thd Christ ian thinkc-3 and scholar of thia country. We mean tc make the magazine sweeter and purer, higher and nobler, more genial and generous in all its utterances and influ ences, and a more welcome visitor than ever betore in homes of refinement and culture. ) FIFTEEN MONTHS for 04: , ' . : '.- -. -.( i S'-nbner f.r December, now ready, and cuuuins toe opening chapters f icuoias JHinturn wdl be read with eager curiosity and interest. Ferhars no more readable number of this magazine hayet Mm 27 EUb!i8hci ; . . -' . ... PATENT SE LF-F.4 S i E. L G i AUS. ESPECIALLY AD APTED TO THE USE Cotton Shippers. ; ; T Neatly printel at LOWEST PK1CES "ik 7 t "5IT" w every new sao- 1L ll, and whose subscrip- tion begins with th November number. ? -Subscnpuon price, U a year-35 ceaUa Sn5i '"i terms onnd volamea. subscribe with the nearest bookseller, or send a check or P. O. monevord t . ' ec2 , 743 Droadwr. N. V. Something rev! N THS TOBACCO. LINE, the "Di Verl in" TLft, also fine.plaj ehewinj tobacco. X X I? 5' FIVE CENT (Cigar The still in the van at -! VAXTCT'0 Tobacbot?itori' , : . 'Market StVt. A DVEBT1SE .... , . t : INTnK on new tyjx, forming, in fact, h new Cyclo- poeuia, with the same plan una compass a: its predesessor, but with a far greater pecun iary. expenditure, and wiUi sueli improve meutinits composition as have been suggest- edby longer c'xperieneea nd enlarged know ledge. The illustrations which are introduced for the flnst time in the present edition have been added not for the sake of pictorial ef fect, but to give greater lucidity and force to the explanations in the text. They embrace all branches of science and natural historv. and depict the most famous and remarkable features of scenery, architecture and art, as well as. the various processes of mechanics and manufactures. Although intended for instruction rather than embellishment, no pains have leen spared to insure their artistic excelleucc;the cost of their execution Is enormous, and it is lelieved they will find a welcome reception as an admirable feature character. This work is wjM to subscribers only, pay able on delivery of each volume. It will be completed in sixteen larsre octavo volnmon. each containing about 800 pages, fully illus trated with several thousand Wood Kngrav- S5!hana Wltn numerous colored Lithograp nicMaps. Price and Stylo of Binding. . Ill extra Clotn, tntr vol, ?" ) ; In Library Leather, per vol, sRi 00: Jn Ifaif Tirrkcy Mo- oco, per vol, $7 W: In Half Kussia, extra i j,Ir voi, t m; in uU3Ior(K-o. antuiue, KfUt edges, ier vol, ?KJ 00; In Full Kussia, per-vof, 10 00. - Thurteen volumes now ready. Succeeding volume, until completion, will be issued once in two jnontlis. -' Slecimen pages of the Ameuican Cy- 5n f5l,;,8,low.in8 tj pe illustrations, etc., 1 ??.nt gratis, on applicat Ion. First-Class Canvassing Agents Wanted Address the Publishers, - amca. D. APPLKTUX & (JO., & 55 Broadway,!-N. Y. Watchmakers, &c. T. W. DROWN dt WATUIIMAKERS AND JEWELLEUS. No. 27 Market street, Wiluiibgton, C.JU (E'istablLhedJl823.) GUARANTEE THE MOXEY'S WORTU for every article purchased of them. An elegant stock of fine Watches, Clock?, Jewelry, Silverware, Fancv (Joods, c, kept constantly on band fur ah. ai a . r advance on New York cost. r Agents for the Diamond Spectacles. Oar country friends are invited to call and see- ' " dec 13 ii 2, irom me cnects of Errqrs and Abuses in ea !v life. Man hood Restoieo. Irapeditticntj to Marriage removed. Xew method of treatment. Xew and cmarkable tcinedies. Kook3 and circulars sent' free in sealed envelopes. Address 0 H w. UUUgg HowAaD Associatios, 4 ID N. intn ot, Philadelphia, Pa. An IiuUtuhon having a liih a I reputation for honorable con- leoct and profession! till B e 3 i Brock's Exchange Jjms O RECENTLY changed hanS is new open for the accommodation of ptblic, I The HOUSE has b.n vated throufann -...i l L-x ""uu lue ,luOjia ire nca tl v cunuortaoiy f urnuLed. 1 H Polite and-accoinniiwiai ' . always on hand to see to thn . . - -The BILLIARD fioox i . j TT Ta mra . x. na . tne TABLES are free to the Patron, .r noose. .: . , .. i apl.7 the f: ! thoroul'Iilr ri'nn W w notice, rgXPECTIXG TO ' BE AT TII3 XUitTII ,the eiuuinSfew months. I l-romii...-:-' .1' ilh Ir. John L. Dudley, licrc fri jri I find crery thing as usual in mj jioe " DAY MAIL AND pr-T.1 LeaveWiimington, Front St DpofAI, Arrive at Weldcn'at.".. ' 5 5l i Leave Weldon dail)' ai J ii f J Arrtt!vAi; NIGHT MAIL Ab' ETWif DAILY EXCEPT Leave Wilmington, Frht v Depot at.... ...... 4.......-- ..; M Leave Weldon, daUy'ttr""-"-" 28 1 1 i Arrive at W'Uinington, FronTst" 2,4 -ll'ennr at . ww The Day TraVnmakei"clo. 11 Weldon for all point3 , dailv. I exeent Snn.i .j 7 J1 wU. mnnn nnn nil roil Nicht train niVoi f -.7 , Weldon for all points north V. t1 Pullman's Palace SleeDbr i",, a"l,i mc'a 10- t JOHN V, 'tuvt. (ieneralSerbtfcl Gen'l Sup'ts Officfc WILMIXGT0X, C0LDir3lA;AVl) k GUSTA RAILROAD. Wilmington, . a, MircLU, K; CHANGE OF jSCUEDUU: On and after Suudar, March 11 Ui I ' 5 ing schedule will be run oa udVrod T"' - - , DAY EXPRESS AND MAIL TUl . except Suaday. ' Leave Wilmington w Leavo Florence.... j jj e Anireat Columbia Leave Columbia JttH Leave Florence 12 30 P i Arrive at Wilmington 5 20pr NIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN (Diilj). Leave Wilmington... ..;..' T 20 1 1 Leave Florence ............IJ Gill ' Arrive at Columbia J IJ1I Arrive at Augusta 7 Mil Leave Augusta. Leave Columbia. ........111111 Leave Florence , 1281 Arrive at Wilmington 8 till' This Train will only ilenuajta,' WhiteviHe, Fair Dlutt', Jfaripn, Floresoe, Timnionsville, Sumter and Kaetover bettsi Wilmington and Columbia. . ,r,Qfl THROUGH FItEIGIIT TRALV (Diflr, 1 cept Sundays.) ; - j i Leave Wilmington. 2fl Leave Florence,.....'................... 1 2911 Arrive at Columbia................-..' 10 Mil Leave Columbia. ..... lOOfl Leave Florence 1 Hi I Arrive at Wilmington....; IMf I Passengers for Augusta ui Wwrf should take Night Expresa TriiBfro T2 mington. ; ' ' ' , Through Sleeping Can on nipitaai for Charleston and' Aueusta. parlor Car on Day Express and U'l ' Charleston. ' JAMES A.VDEESOX, . nicli 10 (. ; General SnperintenAnt JAS. ,T. rKTTKWAY, I C.i i KWUUI MERCHANDISE. 11111 :ayd Brokerage vHous ECEIVE RKGULARL Ud hn exhibition, samples of Coffee, Flour, Rkj Molasses, Sugar, Syrups, Tobo, Take oVde for Heats, LaVP Butter, Cheese; Soap, Lje, wire prompuj ai vici ,----3 , sicrnments solicited. ; ' W' We are agents for the nlejol GIBBS & CO'S MANIPOtATW Pf and the Beasly Cotton Ties. '" "J-M VETTEW A Y &' SCIin?::4 dec 13 GILMORE & CO., Attoniej5.tL?, Successors to tbipruan, U?' 629 F Street ashingtoj? American and tottiJ, Patents prcmred in all coimtries. ( auvanck. No charge unleu uJ fm Itranted. No fees for makins VZ aminations. No additional &J and condnctins a rehearing. SPfuK piven to Interference Cases wSLe Office, .Extensions before uensw Suits in different States, ana a-"jcjr !r to InTentions or Pawn r- lertainin roa rAUTFTLBT or sixty tab - . United States Court! tniJej, Claims prosecuted In theSnpresc United States. Court of CaaiBAC mission ers of Alabama Claims. fTZ ? Commission, and all classes ot w t fore tne Executive Depaxtmea .1 , Axreari of Pay ail OrriCEns. coLDima and War, or their heirs, are In PJfSS money from the GovernmV&fLrrA no knowledge. Write f aU hisWTT" W state amount of pay and bgass close s tamp, and a foil xepif, . will be given yea free t- Peniiciu, ptr& AUomcras, soLDimsand JJ5if,-J ruptured, or injured ia JZ-ijtt1 ngnuy, can eotain a iffJ lng pension are entitled M J&dP' stamp and intonnallon win M-,f Uidted SUtei CeacriiJ A Contested Land Cm. SuiCj Mining, Pre-emption and VsfSZfc1 ecuted before the Genera iyT y . partment ol tlie Interien v The last Report of 3356' : General Land Office shcrvriiw ty Land Warrants oitiUD 1, .uennder act of ISM 1 W1 , cash for them. Send byreSJi, isf j assignments are imperfect w 4 ! to perfect them. , f' Sf Each department 1 in a separata borean, ,fi f rtenced lawyers andclerl, taff Bj reason Ji 'fJSSt are suspended from OTJ and other omce gssfrp attorneys tove cratmtonsiy ihxb-v-- M t,., proper papers on SPPTT, gsct"? frr wfnrn nostaXS SnOUlu Liberal arrangeiuc-- all classes of business. M , Address GUMV"ZJz& P.O. BOX 44. , r ;j g-Ptt ' I take pleasure in etflUf Law, Pau-nt and Colien . t. ... if.rtf Uespectrully, ' 4 - cb 19 jas. Disriain. 'IUILV ItEVHW I ... 1

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