CAKOlAtfA. n 1 A. 3 iumalcs V" 3 I ; t C!J!liwtjr is to have a new j iU. "The fruit id the .WcWon section is un injured. . cou Tii tn'MRlrM .iru DrcvaiHti!:. in Anson county, r .GjnigIJ iu 'Xcwbcrii ou Tutlay, at A horse fell hi the streets of Oxford and 1 broke its ieck. ' ... , : , . Kcr. tvfji. veil iixtui m v".i-v' , hj?.. t... ;.. i to-morrow night. n I Revenue collections Thursday, --$1,432.1:.'..' was k in K.ileigli, on . have Uctiucu i last mgnt m licigu. The Synod of the Moravian C lunch, S&Q J wt&i 0-t Halem in May. I The' Mischianza was to have been k- ilcated in Newborn last night. V i ...' t, m. r i I u', x- t rCTXSSSJ prcsldiWdoirwlenccsnextcelv In addition to measles, ami .ij.;...vfu Greensboro has the mumps, too ; Dafjo county ha3 just sent in one it- cruit,. colored, lor railroad -work. I, .WfiM lii" has been elt eicl f5Brgcou of the Kim City Killemcn. tjt, vw.uw - o I I Th Wadcsboro . Dramatic Assnnn-it ion will entertain ou'tle 2Cd and 21th hist; The total cost of the fence which sur rouQd'Mccklcnburg county will be about $1,400, Cfffrfcucelas been invited to address the colored Bucket Company in Kalvigh oftftftrtV May. ! I I Ono Raleigh dealer sold 10 ban els of kcrowno ou Tuesday, and yet the papers continue local I for more light. ' Johu tJf. Aldcrson, a noted rei;son coanty desperado and thief, has been caugnt in irguua aim viu uc ituioi lionpd bv fior. Vance. Wwkm ASH says: The re- ; if uteCTero weather has not damaged- the j truckforma in this vicinity. Mr. Khem . ; xt week. ! TheiVadcsbuio Herald says : Sonic vjllaii aUemptcd; to throw the Western j bound train oil' the track neari tho depot last Friday; by prizing up the "hog," and placing a rock uudcr it, and their attempt wonld bare 4 becu attended with success had it not been for the fact that an "extty." tiu jpaascd oyer it going cast,; thus bend ing in downward on a line with the rails. iTiM Ilalciirh .Obscrccr says: The heaviest bnow storm of the winter, visited Morganton on Friday last. A gentleman whoJTCCMt place yesterday informs us ,tbalhe Biountains are covered with snow, something very uuusual for this season. Uc aaya the'snow was much heavier than that of January 1st but it oulyi remained j oil the ground, except on the mountains a -few hour. The peaches aud Irmt crop generally were uninjured. ; The Raleigh Xcics says : Mr. Frank W. Clark, of Xorthville, Michigan, arrived in this cilr yesterday afternoon. He is an exfert In the artificial propagation offish, andvas' luch is sent hither by the United State Fish Commission for the purpose of euggin5.ia the batching of fish with which to rc-stock the rivers of 2sorth CarclinaJ jlllaviug luul a conference with Gov. Vance and State Geologist Kerr, Mr. Clark will proceed to-day to make the necessary hatching boxes. The lirst experiments will be made in the Xeusc, near KinjjtQDj. the Roauoke,' near Wcldon, v andsonWwrheTe on the 1'ee Dee. ..fltoY Kdcigb tefe: lie resignations of Messrs. R. I). .Jones, Chas. B. Cole,' Andrew' Williamsand J. B. llob- good, aa' Commissioners of Crauvillc countywere received ;. at the Governor's oflico yesterday. Our Oxford concspon dcut throws some light on this extraordi nary jkrocecding." He says: "Four out of thf five county commissioners tendered their: rcsiguatious to the Governor on Monday. The fifth, a colored gent, said he couldu't sec it; 'Tis s:ud tliat they did so lo keep from taking Mooru's bond as sheriff, and to kep Succ4, the present sheriff, in oflicc. Jt is aj-so said that Mauly B. Jones, Treasurer,, is behind $3,750 on the school fund, and has been sued,, he and his boiKbincn, .for the amount.' ' I The Raleigh Xctrs &yy. It is stated that 1 the old board of directors of the Insane I Asylum arc opposed to yielding to their successors; - It will be rememberal that tljic ground upon which a new loard was upjHjiaJLed'was that the terms of themcni ; ttia of tlic" fonrnMP DiMnI .halv expired by ' liiuitaiiou or by the failure of the Senate to confirm. Tlw old lK;ird, however, r maintain that they arc entitled to n ta'u possession of tlieir ofikts until the time ahall arrive for the new board to lake thtir places under the recent at of Assem bly,' to-wit: the 1st day of March, 1878. Ti 'what extent the old board will g hi their cppo8iliou is not .known. They may rebut by legul mciins. or may con teutthemsres with surrendering under pretext -. fic . .. .. . TneiakigU ' T5 says : police nas been itcTTCd uwn Mar Johu Hughes, -of Xewbcrn. to appear aud show causo why he should mH. be removed fr.j.n hc re ecivcrship of th-j Atlantic & N'urth Curo lioas Railroad, it being represented that he "is not a .proper person' to exercise the futtCtfani of uaid bHicc. The order is maA returnable before His Honor, .Judge AY-.A. Moore, who. is now holding, court in one Of tlw counties of the district in wbiclJ lie "Atlantic & North Carol ir lUiiroail ,ii situatciL This action Uo ma loes not,' ocoqrsc, adbct the cnl'r of .Judge Cox appoiutiug a receiver. That has al ready )joae to the Supreme Court ou, but, a rfAerfbcius trw creature of a courtiaTiablc to removal at any tiioe lijftbVsarttd , power at the h.nds of which he Mcfsthaolkc. This iiliitUriJond correspondent of the Vetthlfnrg Tmte-'Jpixwl fciyt: liolert lkkth, of YayueslP, X, C.,a boy about cmects to nather irardcu icas nc I'o5 ; ' . , , , i ! trustw.-rthv authoiit the prospects ior LSuuUay, night negroes entered he ( whcut;ul,! oat ca sare morc-llatcriug lodge -room ot the Cood le nph rsa C laj-. - Q xvhilc tUat torr,' Johnston county, and robbed it off f tok is equally favorable. The papers, bibles and a number ot other , - f t cuttoll .cro,jS ia i'.ve!ri"yeirsor age, ran away from lipuwv with Forepaugh's circus and U in the city now but will leave lo-nigM -with itc elephants. Last niglii he sought lodg ing at the- 3d' station-house and was successful and this morning was brought before the police justice. It appearing that he had no father or mother,- had fallen in love with- the circus and had been well treated by the, lie was discharged and went .back to tlic circus. Another Uv, seven years of age, has been found "at Klh'i IV Hodgson s, J.sqw .... i!w I'.i.w.k turnnike. He can I V Jt I a f' " - , . A give n-. account of nmscHy cans iiimseii "... ' . . 1 t -sunny and sayi hi mhiw ... .u i ana. i'u.-juo n- v.- - ' run awavfrom-their parents to y-m the ' circus. The sch-KMiiT John L. Crane, plying between Xerleru aud Hyde county, had . S,M,,0 durinc the recent sale. 'j The N'ewlnirn AV.&'Atc. says:; .OuThurs- ! ,jii,t the Crane, With Capt. Hunt, his ruate, a lady passenger and three col- : ,rcd men oil board, was anchored at , Urant Island, when the gale came up , with bitch force as to cause the schooner to I aAt- ler anchor for some nine miles the j c 1(drting wbcn ofT the mouth of Bay ; Kivcr Saturdavmorni lig , after which Capt. Hunt llCad his Schooner for Broad j (j,- and reached the laud somo time uluring the day. While the schooner was weathering the storm she sprung aleak i and it required constant pumping to Keep , . T her alioat, the wind being so tcrnlic as to strip the cluthing from the men at the pump. Capt. Hunt : vas .washed ovcr hoanl tlnoe times, -fortunately grasping portions of the rigging and dragging him self back on deck. His coat, containing $210.00, was stripped from his back, and engulfed in the foaming waters. He con siders his escapo anil that of the vessel and crew as a miracle. The. vessel on several occasions -was almost completely buried beneath the water. Capt Hunt says he discovered a large number, of cat tic which were drowned in the marshes. Thfi Stalcsville Lam'imuL says ; Judrr- in" fnim iho. i) resent favorable aspect of . "- . i . i .v.. :n ' . ' i ' - various -lys in tins yicmiiy , j.ei .s m be more prolihe than for several years' previous. 1 a tho o .unties ,.f , A exauder, ! Iredell .anil Wilkes, it is slated by most promising: there will be a decrease, in the acreage ct last year, ot more than nvc ncr ccl-jt (l!f f,rintr,--and, probably; twenty-five per cent on the latter. A carcfi fiirtucr-has estimated to us, that the ain,- in the acreage ct wheat, over that of last year, will exceed fifteen per cent. Thy decrease in acreage of cotton will bo olf-sst by an increase in that of tobacco. The usual acreage of cereals lint tnuti',ncd abore. excentinc: rv. will hold their own, while an increase in that of cane fjr making molasses will; by ten per cent., exceed the decrease iu rye. More than usual attention has been g'ven stock-rai?.ingf esnecially in Alexander-iand Wilkes. .Notwithstanding, the lavorable - K C ' condition oi c rops, merchants complain that the amount of fertilizers sold this rear -i.s astonishi;i'ly smaller lhan .that of last year at this time. - f quarterly Meetings I .Second "round of appointments fvr tin Wilmington i!striet of the Methodist K. Church South, w made by Kev. V. S. Black. I'i Coiling F.lder: Whiteville and Waccaiuau" Mission, at Wayman. . . .'.April Wilmington, Front Street fay Topsail, Herring's Chapel... .'May Cokes bury and Coharrie Mis-. si-mi .Mav Clinton, at Johns' -n's ('hapel.May 2S-20 5-0 12-10 1 0-20 20-27 2 0 Ke-i msvij le. . June Hi lop Atkinson's Appointnieiits for Iiis Spring Visitation. . St. 1 tike's. Washington county... April St. David's, " "anf Sunday after Faster. "'" riym-.-.uth. " St. -'.Tamos. Ueaufort county Ul o 21' 20 20 o0 St. I!yd' county, Sutiilav after Faster Fairfiild. IlV.Vcouuty.-. . . . Sh'lcsville. . Bath ..,...;.......'.... 111 M ay. 2 " 1 o " i C " i 10 " 11 ZioiF' 'iilKt ii Wasl.iii't -n Jamesvilic'-. . Williaiiist.u Iltaufort count v As.;onsiou Dav) Hamilton..... . Trinity Church. Scotland Neck, Sunday after Ascension. . ... 10 Collections in 'behalf of Diocesan Mis sions will be made at each place. 1877 ' TUF 1877 ' INDEX-APPEAL, (L'aily'uiia Wt-cklj.) PiiulKlutt in i'ctfisiHirfr, ., Is oS-voU-d lt vnrront iH Ws, local ami frolaii: tlix.'iissiu of io.liticl ami social Uh ;uiil n In aiui IV.-.rloss lulvtx-jicv of tin; rights nml interests of tin- coU Its ciMniiicrclul reports an bnc.l'u)on actnail transiu-tunis, ami n,ay 'e rclitl iimn jis swe.unifc. Tlwianirst jotirrtHl istic takm of tin tat i- in its -h1oj; a vigilant and iTlla)le corisor(ijrn"irmIv4s oMitributc tin latfst iii-s ami pip fnm nil important vntrts, nml no ellort Is sjxired to make it a lirst-class fanxily ncwX4rr. jr- The. I mlex-A pica 1 kzx a largercity and country cirtMiLntion than any other jxjier hi Southside Virginia, and the largest cirvuta tioa tu .North Carolina of any Virginia pper NCRscJurriox : . DAILY oncycarl - - .- - PI 00 " six monilis - -'- ; (W tliro nim-itliv i' ' en j " ne month -. - -' to I WEEKLY (one year) ... $j ui fcix moatlis - -' - i to rosTAGK rniPAin. AH orders for sulwcriptloii must be accom panied by the cash. Cluts of six will be furnlslictl at the rat" of $.1 per annnm. i , ! .Scud for spocini.-n copy. I I S' DEX-AITEA Ii PL'a CO.. retersburg. a. The Camden Journal, ItULISilED erery Thuoar, at Camden, . S. C, ii the oldest-established paper in Kershaw county, and has an extensive circu lation among the Merchant?,. Farmer and all classes of business men in the county, j It offers to the Merchants of Wilmington a desirable medium for ad rer Using", the country in which it circulates, being connected iritli that city bTsteame" on the Wateret rifer, nd the Wilmington, Columbia and Augtuta Railroad. m Liberal terms will be in ado with those de siring to adrertise; Subscription price $3 69 per annum. Address r PRAXTIIAM 4 HAT, JmIUoti and Proprietors. ; COIIIIEBCIAL HEWS. WILMINGTON BIATIKET. Ars:x. 193 P. M. J SrmiTS TURrEXTENE-Iarkct quoted quiet at cents. Bales of 50 casks. City Li- tilled, at 29 cents per gallon. ROSIN Market quoted steady at 51 fl5 $1 4 j. tales of 4jy)0 hbls trained atj $1 41 per 1bl. CHUDE TUItrENTINE Market quotcili quiet at $1 25 fof Hard; f2 10 for Soft anifi $2 ."50 for Vlrgui. 3alcs at quotations. TAR Market quoted steady at SI 1" let1 bbl. Bales at quotations. COTTON Market finotriLst. :itlv. .aics ofi 41 ljales on n,bajis of H;; cents. The follow ing are the official quotations : Good Ordinary 3-t Ct utd Strict Good Orduiarr. 10 Loir Middling.... ,". 10i " Middling.... M 10; " Daily Receipts. Cotton. Spirits Turpentine Eoain Tar ..... Crude Turpentine 50 baled l.'l casM 707 bbl bbl i'j bbM MARINE NEWS. ARRIVED. Bteamer North State, Greeny r'ayetb Worth & Worth. j SU-arucr Uuderhill, Piatt, Suiithvillc, O.G rarsieyAGo. Schr Mary Augusta, Holt, Ikoth Iay, ?b for Savannah in distress. CLEAR Steamship 1) J l'oky, Pii'v, i;;Utiui'iv, .V If Vnz&ux. Steamer North State, Green, EayetteviIU "Worth fc Worth. Steamer Underhill, Piatt, Smithvillc, O C Tarsloy fc Co. .Nor barque Hera, Grom-n, stHtiu, H'k t Mebatie;'ear. by Anderson y J.m-b. jf Kx ports. 1 UKKIUN. 'Stettin Nor baruiie Hera J,17-3 bbfs ioyhs ... I List of Vessels iii Port , 18th Aprii; '- f ' 1877. . M'MAMKUS. Kcirulator, Aui, HI? tons, Doanc, A D Cuzau.r V J Foley, Am. 551 ton, J'.ice, A D Ozau.c .. JJAltKS. Hera, Xor. 224 tons, Groon, Vick" & Mebau ? Lydia Pesibau. Gcr. 403 tons, Fetb tor, E Pcscliau & yeEteriuau:i Willielai Kc:lwir,Gur, 3'J7 tons, Bumeiiter, E Pcschau & Westerinan i Frvr. No'. 20 tons, ilalvorsen, R 1J Jleidu Foreote, Nor, 'Mill, Christcnseii, ; ' St. OIaf,Ner, 283 tons, Haiscll, Senior", Nor, 32U touts Ton nc--on, ' " ' Henrick, ( in below) Nor, lbjcn, lUilGS. Hiraia AbilV, Am,-32? tons. Urouii, a 11 ciiaabourn A ip .Viletu?. .or. 2l?, Ul-cn, Alex Siruut & son liultic, lr, 13S ton, brmlon, Alex Sprunt &. Son I)ar. Nor, oil tons, Jobscn, K Jv lleid scuo(xi:k.s. Faunic W Johnson, Aui. 205 tons, Cullin, 1 Harriss & llowcll Albert aaou. Am, 285 tons, Rose, - Harris & Howell Ida M Eldriire. Am. 329 t-as , Fhhcr. llarriss & Howell Susan Sr tu, Aui, 110 tons', Merry, .Master Ella II Rarnes, Am, K0 ton, Harriion, " Maiion 1' Cliampltn, Am, tons, Frcejnan O G Parsley & Up I, i Jvjwjj, Am, oil uns, Jl upper, , J it cuadDourn x Clo Pallie Mair, Am, 25i tons, Powell, J LLippitt J I' Wrmau, All), 108 tons', Hand, G G linker A Cl Nellie F Saw rcr, Am, 2SG tons, Hall, Jcs II Neft Traveller, Am, 172 tons, Hod-es, Jos II Nell' lieu y A. irowel', Am. h tons, btransre, ' . G O Barker & Co Miscellaneous. MALAGA 6RAP QRANGKS, LKMOS, Crcar h'oda Li'.-uit, , Criip Mi'k Craci crrf Xic-Nacs, Glen Cove an I Cliarcoal IJiciuIc. Fresh Goods crcrv Steamer ai:d Train. chas. mm & en. 5 6ib North Front Street. Little Beauties. O' UK IMG HAMS WKIGH FIVC TO K1G1IT l OUNDSL Sold bu'y by us. CHAS. I). MVIiUS ,v : ajd 10 5 A 7 North Front M Imported ' Mineral Water? Rteiu Wines and Claret. II A: M. TOLLMAN'S UKLKI'.KATKD IMPERIAL VIHE VINEGAR. Nonnariel Picklioj Vinegar, also, Non jarie : Cider Vincrr Orders, solicited. W. .1. RL 1 1 . MANX, Broker. zA 17 Lijfitts Row, South Fient rt. Tplu' Anodyne A Nl SLVENSPRINGS MASS A tufi ply of ecli recriretl by Exyriei this n'urnin; burekaana Oriental M1II3 CIwet I'a tvT, lOtW sheets iu a pacicaire it ij cenls. Will: a larm and well SllccUdtxk of DrugL-t Sumlries au raucT .kki?-. JAMES C. MuiiDS, DrujrsUt, f apt 2 Third St., opposite Ciij Hall. PRESERVED APPLES IN GALLON CANS. ' 35 CZ2X77S PEIL CAW. "PERFECTLY ELEGANT." Oa caa' will induce you to buy vn? Dozen.' ONLY TRY THEM ! GEO. M YERS, w 11 afIi3 F1XOITS ST. ld " ES' folloiriaff owUtioM reprctent Kmall orders higher prieet hart to b chtrgeo. BAGGING Gunny..... 1 x Double Anchor. I y 13 Doublo Anchor A" Standard Domestic.... J i BACON North Carolina, Ham?, y lb.... Shoulders, V & Sides, V lb-...f ....... Western Smoked- 12 9 11 13 Hams........... 13 9 10 U 11 Side?, V lb fenaulder? : Dry Sal ted ides, V ft Shoulders, lb BEEF On the hoof 6. & BAItltELS Suirita Tur;entiD Second Hand. each.......... I 75 2 00 New York, each 2 00 & 2 60 New Citr, each 2 00 2 10 ; BEESWAX V ft... 28 30 UlllCKS Wilmington, 8 00 10 00 f Northern 00 14 0? - BUTTER North Carolina B 18 & 2i Northern, f? lb CANDLES Sperm V 35 25 rg) 00 oo & 30 20 U 73 45 40 00 13 -16Js 15 13',' 33 23 Tallow, H). Adamantine, V set CHEESE Northern Fact)rjr, fi... Dairy cream, ff lb State, V lb. COFFEE Java, J Jb Kio, y Jb Laguara, y lh... CORN MEAI V bushel.... COTTON TIES V DOMESTIC Sheeting, 44 y yard. Yarn, y bunch 95 & libit Mackerel, No. 1, y bbl.. ..16 00 20 00, No. 1, y ihb 9 50 0 00 Mackerel, No. 2, y I)bl....l3 60 00 00 No. 2, y H bbl. 7 60 0 00 Mackerel, No. 3 y bbl..... 00 00 g12 60 Mullets, y bbl 3 50 4 00 N. C. Herring, y bbl 6 00 & 8 00 Drr Cod, y & 7 0 FLOUR Fine y bbl 6 00 & 6 60 Super, Northern, y bbl... 7 00 7 60 Kxira do " y bbl... 8 00 & 8 60 Family ' ' y bbl... 9 00 10 50 Citv Jlill Super V bbl... 6 60 0 00 Extra V bbl... 6 75 7 00 Family V bbl... 8 00 00 00 " Ex. Family V bbl... 9 00 00 00 FERTILIZERS Peruvian Guano, y 2000 lbs. 70 00 00 00 licugU's Phospbate " " 00 00 VO OU Carolina Fertilizer " Ground Bone, " Bono Meal 44 " Flour " Navassa Guano, Complete Manure Whann'a I'hosphafe ' Wando Phosphate, " Bererer&Brutz'sRos. " 50 iK) 65 00 " 00 00 40 00 " 00 00 45 00 " 00 00 47 00 " 55 00 65 00 " 00 00 67 00 " 00 00 70 00 " 00 00 70 00 00 00 00 00 Wilcox, Gibb Jb Co., ma nipulated Guano ...55 00 70 00 GLUE y lb............ 10 15 GRAIN 66lbs 56 57 Corn, carro, y 56 lbs 64 76ji Corn,ycl., y bush?! None. Oats, y bushel 55 CO Peas, cow, y bushl... 1 00 1 10 HIDES Green, V lb 7 8 Dry, y lb....... 0 10 HAY Eastern, y 100 fts... 1 10 1 20 North Rircr, y 100 lbs.... 95 1 05 HOOP IRON y ton 80 00 LARD Northern V lb. 12 14 North Carolina V lb 00 lo LIME y bbl 1 10 0 00 LUMBER Citv steam sa'wd v Shipetuff,resawedMft.24 00 27 00 Koughedge plank, VMft.22 00 25 00 V est India cargo, accord ing to quality, y il ft.20 00 23 00 Dressed flooring,sea8oned.20 00 35 00 Scantling and boards, com mon, VM ft ......15 00 MOLASSES CabaJibdVl Cuba, bbls., y cal.. A 1 Sujrar house, bhds. y gal. " bbls.V gl .. 31 Sugar Svrup. bbls. y gal. 35 NAILS Cut?4d to 20d,Wk'g 3 25 OILS Kerosene, y gfl...... ' 29 Lard, y gal. 1 10 Linseed, y gal. 1 00 Rosin, y gal 30 PEANUTS y bushel 70 POTATOES --Sweet, y bus. 50 Irish, Northern, y bbl 4 60 P O R K Northern, city a ess. 1 7 00 HThin,. bbl 00 00 . Prime, y bbl 00 00 23 00 28 & 50 4 00 30 1 45 1 10 40 & 1 00 0 00 4 75 00 00 00 00 00 00 . uuinp, l bbl... 00 00 00 00 RICE Carolina, y Jb....... 6 7 East India, y fb 00 00 Rough, y bushel 1 20 & 1 30 RAGS Country, y lb 1 J 00 iuv, rt jd ROPE ..A................ SALTtt Alum, "j bushel...;.. , Liverpool, y sack American y sack Cadiz 17 sack......... SUGAR Cuba, y tb........ 1'orto Rico, y fb A Coffee, y lb c ' y & Ex c y lb.. Crushed? Yb SOAP Northern. J lb 2;i 6 00 90 00 & 80 10 00 UK 00 3 23 00 00 00 10 00 12 00 10 llJi 13- SHINGLES Contract, VPI 00 & 6 00 .Common, y M 2 50 3 00 Cypress safe y M 6 60 0 00 nCypress hcarte, y M ....... 9 60 0 00 STA YES W. -O. bbl. V M.20 00 25 00 R O hhd. y E. ......00 00 000 00 Cypress, V M. .13 00 00 00 TALLOW V lb 8 l 9 TIMBER Shipping V -17 00 00 00 Mill, prime perM. 13 00 14 00 Mill, fair per M 8 60 10 00 Inferior to Ordinarr.pcrM 4 00 6 00 WHISKEY North'n, per gt 1 40 5 00 North Caro .ina. Per ral... 1 75 dh 1 hn ouii unwasnetf.ner lb 18 20 35 Wshcd,' per . llr Prime Emjient for Tear. Less Than Four Centra WeekT- MAKE HOME ATTRACTIVE BY INTRODUCING THE SAT1D.1Y BFEMG. POST, Which fer more than So Tears has been tt t - j STORY, SKETCH AND FAMILY TAPEB, t? -u wc 1,!i?0,Tn 11 orcf the United SUtes. It is published .weekly, containa eight large paSte, .clearly printed on good paper, filled with the choicest atoricaand ahctchca bv the best writers; not sensational traeb, but such as mother is willing to hTe her children read. The w hole tone of the paper is pure It also contauu Uutorical and ItiA.n1.;Ml articles; Scientifie ; Agricultural and liousc- Column?: and Strong and Sparkling Edito riala, etc., etc. ! just such a paper as everr bodr loves to read, and the price b only TWO DOLLARS A YEAR. Sample copy containing clab ratv. etcsent on receipt of a 3-cemt stamp. Address, IJ O 918 BEssnrr a prrcii. -'c Sanaoni Street, PhOadelpliia, Pa, m N. lllr-Bo sure and affix the number Ol ft ! UforcIIENNETT AFITCH, to tt"?5iSj! know tl.roajl. what ptpr die auUeri;rtl uu.u ieparimenu ; raabion Article wccklv, fresh and unexcelled ; Humorous Notes ; lifr erarr Reviews : News Not ; Ron nA corner mm ft) FERTILIZEES. the Tlf3 for iMW THE CELEBRATED FERTlU7bD Cwu aura 5 p U S ate c3 : tjano "IS OFFERED ON THE FOLLOWING LIBERAL .Tffijj, ON CltKDIT . TO 1st XOVEMI5EK, 1,77, M. ,70.00 ir ton ,, , -faying in Colton, ou tlic basis of 15 cents or Middling, iWivcrol st P4p!?V depot, (nanter.paying cijicnscsoa Guano to destinaliou.) ' . f'-r0 To tlio Farmer in buyii Unauo, that 407 pounds price may "be, anil can uia TMH QUALITY as has been thoroughly establislicd by sold. Our Agents "sell on same terms; Wilcox Charleston. S. pB, and Savannah, Vc do not . pu Wish cert ilioatci vn from its lon and extensive use", knov hardly any section in South Carolina, CJeoria, North ' Carolina,' or AUbacu, trber it is not usexl, and instead of tfivinu; certilicatcs wc would refer you JothclTja your immediate neighborhood wJ.. have used it, who can- testify persona)!j tai value. JAS. TV jan 15 RIARCHiL k SMITH PIANOS,-: The Handsomest,' the Best Tone, the SVlost Durable Pianos Jade. Thcy are Beautiful .ttu:o Wood, Seven 'and onc-lUird Octave.-, '' yi t h ev'crv ' lw,,sai and lujly guaranteed. Th:-ir nivderaic iicc and' uniform bltcccs lim . , fui- theiii lliv position ol'';i.St,tn Iard. uf Kconomy. and Dunbiiifr. Acknowledged by all Musicians to be the Best OVER AG K NTS WANTED IN MARGHAi & SOT PMNOI or. ROBKit r w. smith, Agent, 47 "University Place. XvWlKi apru d ... m- :, . r, lf th wish tf grow eg.t;ib!ei- for salf , Oardeniagr for Profit ! . If jou wlih to beeumc-a -Comuierciul Florist, read Practical Florticiiltur? ! If jou wish t "Garde a i'r hiuij v.j vuly r a" ' Gardening for Pleasure ! All by J'ct'.T Htiiderioi!.. Price SI. 5'Jfaeli, postpaid, by tuait. Our Combined CATALOGUE 177. RYTH8WG FOR THE Numbering 173 pages, with 1 colored plate, scut Frco I o all customers of past year?, or l thor-e who hare purchased anj of the above books : to others on receipt of 23 cent?. Plain i Plant or Seed Catalo-uea without plate, free to applicant. PETER HENDERSON' A CO.. Seedsmen, Market Gardeners and Florid r -5 CortJandttrt. NeW York. ! jan 13 : - W e j S C3 - ? 5 3 S a iijfj pi C d -5 c2 e p iia CO Z ;3 s KJ w. o 3f St ! S - Tie Great SariDs Siayiflj Mlfl- Hon of tie' city. W'il?? F'-WT-'.XA.S.S KHAVE trftrt"?.- WW'b 4ono in silence ua in me fates' ytvk too. . jb., 1 AAtjr Ut -1 I --o - on these terms ii plain, as ho will know whta L s Cotton( IMidailng) will pay lor a ton, ii0 lnal. nakc his calculations accordiuglv. ' '',wrS UP THIS GlJAMu JS the use of the many thousand tons t -as the. MAN I V UlATJbD G lAKO is w s .that it is unnecessary to do so. Twt EWAY, Ag't., i;vi:uv corxrv. 'DhinM 1 ri - ;i All tLe laU'at luiiirvfajlBiiW' . ... , r, j tuc org.-vns and pianos la irTufa? Was" R-tpnl ! T all v. ho w-L-h. to parcta GAX or PIANO . ve eiri tittup f AUTISTIC C0?i Raautiful. Fiaic'a aol - g;i!:tic(f ' onr intra: -j .,r:iJik with thccCcClW : Oar oalj claim to " leading juasuuzfnrtrf b, f Om Lbv Pricey reduced to jatcti4: ii'f ri-VjV times. Determined cut ' . that wc fullr . . t WARRANT FOR Fl we invite correspondence ta MJxi an opportunity to . .' ' we here aeei t Our l,IANOSari-fan'Jb,i:, : ! lapoyed rrsecu tf -(tbcrerrbfttiaefj- al.4 UEAVlLYSTBr mev arc improveu wire: aua i-w i . .1 . wood ncrfcctly caso .- iff WARRANTED NO? ' u Oar ORGANS fv!Z modern iinprovejnents,aJ tw j while the CASEdare o-r , can Address, 1 jm 6 e sa Washirigto-1': POOT AND lnairer. Second atrcst, t CORHISH t l 1 1 jm ket. Fricea Moderte3 1 X FURHA.SKI. Tjaas

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