. ii "L- -. 1 - i : : ' i . " r 1 ! ; !' 1 i i - , J . 4 - !;)) i . rnrs papei; : ";,rygfternoo.,-;SaB4ajriieJ ' " t-OHTAGK PAIR month,, S2 Wl.Tb One month, 50 ccati. Trw! i rercd br carr le week. . .IV.,.. -,n r! liberal, i ltT?" - .,i .uaarnrt anr sna 9b,frietrrperSre.ularlj. t.-t7 Advertise nienta. ;rrj , CI1 ;. . .. i me OA! li : mmmwm I ... J . . . i k KATE'S,' ;0 -i' lie-. .Znr'icl Street- 'PLEASE K0TIC1C W Jirill bef gld to reeeltr roBUkstt ; from 0Qr riend on iaj ad. all , fub))ecta f cne terest but : ; ',",v VOL. 2. WILMINGTON, N. C, TUESDAY, MAY 1, 1877. E 4; NO. 86 NEWS SUMMARY.. sr.s.' GOODS : s;,.. ..1 :fv!c-:rn 8 cents to c! trt P-r vnrd up. ' hI Cvtt-ir .'J'l ct?. up. .11.. riiifcr GOODS. CHEAT BASQAINS 1 x,-7,: SO cents up . j ''.;;,.,!. Collars aud Cliffs i,v;A T'i Mi TAll WELL.)' &;Bbv's.Wear cnsokccpng Gooas I Underwear : i l at'. :v;..a;u'-:-i ta finplete an .utS: .a.i.'i.-. (itnx r Ciii!l:n. PaiTOhizc Homo I " D:pMc;:lc auy Retail Goods Lc:t for abroad .h dcro Kins, tho new Collector at New Oilcans, ia'aa uUi-litie Whi. The Whiskey King -arc beiog re-arrested in St: Louis. .ThebodyoflVlVlMiM, killed at the Abhtatula disaster, was found in fake Erie. The New York tiold Exchange wont' out of existence yesterday. The Stock ; Exchange opened strong for stocks of , allkiniU. l .Tle Paducah arui Memphis Railroad sold under a foreclosure fur . $105,000. - - Terrible tragedy in Mississippi; six persons killed ami. erne mortally vrounded. A lex. H. Stephens is well enough to argue cases in the L. S. Supreme Court. - Cel. Geo. II. But!fcr,nephew pf Ben, irf made special Postoffice Agent for the Black Hills. Two hundred aud fifty employes were discharged from the Bureau of Printing . and Engraviug; r- - Nine persons killed and ten ". injured by the falling wall of a burnt factory in Montreal. England is getting her ships' t)f war in readiness hurriedly. -Over 1,000 Turkish ...v omen and chil dren are flying from the Russians at Riistchuck. The Russian newspa per" Galos, has beeir suspended for; at tacking the administration. A fire in Constantinople destroyed 500 houses; two women perished in the flames. Hungary sympathizes, with the Turks. - Russia has blockaded tha Danube. One hundredj and twenty thousand Russians have crossed the Pruth. - The Turkish army of the Danube has been reinforced lly 40.000, Circassians, The Khedive I will support Turkey with men and material. ..Parson Brownlow died at Kmxville, Ten 11.,-''n Sunday. A :firc in Canajoirarie, N. Y. destroyed 200,000 worth of property. - Tho" body of W. II .Finch has been found floatius iu the East river. City Court. Two -white boys were brought before th3 ..'.Mayor lUisniornini;, chirgo I vith fighting, one having drawn a knife uii the other, but as it Was. a very aggravated case, it being shown clearly that the. boy with the 'knife." was -acting strictly on thh defensirc Miyor Canaday released him, and fined" the other boy 10 and costs. Persia assures the the Grand Vizier that she has entered into no engagement with Russia. 3n tho Samo .Jcrms. aLffl.Kat LOCAL .NEWS. new AfiTernsemenis; llEiJi53EKGER Pianos, Organs. Geo. Mters Apples, We Receive Onrs,Ac. . S. Jewett Read's Grand Duchess Cologne. A. Shiueb. Collars by the bucket fuU -25 conts. We gain montb. -1-2 "minutes of daylight this Jx . t and the For tae Old World, Mr. Marcus Boar, of this city,Jv.iil k;av; for Europe on the 12th inst., accompanied by his., sister, Mrs j Julius FerubcVger. They will sail,, from . New York 011 the 19th on the ocean steamship Iihe'm, and will go on a visit to their native country Bavaria. Mr. Bear expects to travel over a large portion of Europe while he is away, and thinks of visiting Constantino ple, if he can get there. The j travelers will be gone about four months and we wish them a safe voyage and a happy return. o arrived e learn of Painful Accident. From Route Agent Rourkc, wl here last night from Weldon, w a painful accident which occurred to Sena tor Ransom on last Sunday afterjnoon. It was at his home iu Northampto'u, count' and the, Senator, seated in a chair, tilted it back towards the wall, when he fell. He had miscalculated the distance and on endeavoring to recover himself fell with his arm under him,) which was! broken. The accident, although painiuj, is not considered serious and? as. the necessary surgical attendance was promptly render ed -it is hoped that the bones wil at once bezin to reunite and the fracture be healed in the course of a few weeks. Meteological Summary fori April, From Mr. Seyboth. U. S. Signal Oflker at this point, we have the foll wiug report tbr the month cjf April': j . Highest barometer, 30!-3'j9 i!iclics; lowest barometer, 20.3S7 inches'; niontli y range Of barometer, 0.9S2 inches; highest" tem perature, 859; lowest temperature, 80; monthly range of l'tpmp.r.?.Jp. greatest aauyjrauge ot tempciaiun mean of maximum temperatures, C (5-lt)); mean of minimum temperatures, 520; mean daily range of tc-niperaturcs, ia5 (5-10); total rain fill or melted mIjw T.fil inches; r,rcvailing. wimL s Uih xvct; total nunilxir of mile t raveled j Printers' Ink. S 11 ne one has recently discovered -that tho rahker-worm, a . great jcst of fruit trees, can be effectually dcstroj'cd hj smearing printers' ink on the trunk and branches. It is pleasant to note this ad dition to tli3 many ways in which print ers' ink is potent for tho suppression of pests. . : . ; s The Tnerinometer. From the United States Signal Office at this place wc obtain the following report of the thermometer, as taken this morn ing at) 7:31 o'clock : Augusta, C9; Charleston, 56; Galveston, CO ; Jacksonville, G2 ; Mobile, 59 ; Mont gornery.53; New Orleans, CI; Norfolk, 51 ; Savannah, 57; Wilmington, 53. Mr. Finch's Body. Found. The body of Mr. V. H. Finch, formerly of Raleigh, . but for some months -past resident in New York,wherc he was doing a fine insurance business,, who, it will be remembered, disappeared very suddenly from his home some five or six weeks 1 - since, was found in the East River at the foot of Twenty-first street, New York, on last Sunday evening. The body had evi dently been in the water some four or five weeks. There is no report a3 ret as to how he came to his death. Harbor Master's Report. . The following is the report of the Har bor Master for the month of- April, 1877: Steamers . Barques...... Brigs! Schooners...'. ..10 .15 .. G ..23 Total Aifieate tonnage, foreign.. 18,382 5,581 Ovstcrs now Ic'.ong to the pas fuUirc. t Sfc t 1 5 Great Sitibj S!ia?iiii Iustitu- '5 May has come and with it the Italian scissors grinder." Just -109 dog badges have been -sold up to 4 o'clock this afternoon. ' This month has five Tuesdays, five 1 Wednesdays and five Thursdays. 7,85 maximuni velocity of wiod, 10 u.i.es ptr hour; number of cloudy days, other than those on which rain "fell, 5; number of days on which rai:i or snow fell, 11; mean monthly barometer.. 29.950 inchep; mean monthly temperature, 001 (1-jlOi r about 15 below usua.1 average); -mean monthly humidity, 09.8 per cent. County Commissioner?. A ealled meeting , of the IJuai J f County Commissior.er was hehl jast eve-'j nine nrcaent Mr AVanvr the Chairman Pilots' report of soundings ou Bars and liips made at low water: Bald Head Chan nel, 10 feci; Western Bar, 11 feet G inches; Rip, 7 feet; New Inlet, 9 feet; Rip, 9 feet . Federal Court. The. following is a' list" of the Grand Jurors drajrn this" morning: Wm. Watters, Foreman, Alfred Howe, foShYi'St&S--co--- "Ai: H. Car George, Jas. C. Grimes, Lawsou iv. omi per, Peter Rourfc, John H. Mrntz, E. S. Gerncr, John V. Cox, F. A. Newberry, Thos. S. Watson, Libcns Cooper, Jas. F. Shiuc, Johu Gore, Goo. L. Schutte. The only case argued before : the Court this raoriiing was oue of jurisdiction iu regard to the libel of the steam-tug Alpha by the Wil. R. W. Bridge Company. The Compauy claims 1,GQ0 damages for injury done to its pier by the AljLa while towiuG! the! schooner Annie E. Barker to the Navasoa Guano works some eight or ten months ago. Counsel for plaintiff, Messrs. Wright and Stedan and Hon. Ofl' for FJii rape. Mr. Ale.T S 1 rtm t: tlip'irrf 1 , r1?4 sul at this pr.rt, left 'here thii ' morning' to make a trip abroad. r j!r. Suunt goes' direct -to England and from; thence to ScotlamI and Wil.. probably make a tonr of the Continent or n portion ctM, lefbre his return; Vvhich will pr,Aal-ly be the latter part cf- Ann?t. Mrtl James Spriint; of tiie fihu'of -Ales fprunt X: Son, will het as wfsl h:ring m father'. absence. s ... Sj . Rabbi Browne ul llic Teinplc. Wc understand that the lecture deUver eu oy uauui lirowttn r.t th2 Temple of Israel on Snnday lait, . the third of the scries, was largely attended, there ' Le;u many Cliristians in thVcengregadcn: some of them gciitlemea of distinguished 1 putation. . The Lecturer was listened to with much interest through- ut lils discus sion by all who were present on the occa sion. I: The name of- the ' writer ift lirty W ffrniihed to the Editor. , ) Communications mvst b writUi ey one side of the jiper." Personalities must be arolded.' ' 1 Andit is especially and parties Urly stood that wie editor do sot always CBdgfM the views of correspondents, unless sv sUtt4 in the editorial columns. " DIED. April, of Tahcs mesenteric. ill: In hs city, on the mornine of the 2th cf HiLi,. Jr. rs. Amtwx J. 'Ule5sed are the dead who die la the Lord." This morning, at 5 o'clock, at lis res&oee in this citr, Air red Moon, colored. Tee funeral will take place to-morrow eilersooa at 2 o'clock, at his late residence, corner ef Bladen and Third streets, thence to Pine For est Cemetery. The friends and aeqnsisUn ces ofthe family arc inrited to attend. New Advertisements. 1. 1 - Tah lVr nm 1 vt v write 1 . i- i 11.:. U IS llli'l' Mnj j'- ... 1 f'wv : a-v-'"vl Shamroo, for' 2a this fv-reuoou by a b';aziug wood fire. U Owmissioners Worth. Grainger .-wR4?ue.UTfi'for2aecnti.:'Also , . " " tT . !V".V?Vor. and., oulr.25 Steamship llalcigh, Oliver; from this Nixon and Holmes pJVt, arrived at Baltimore last Sunday. , Te IVjard proce, ea tu FA.T Hon. rlTieT f rri ' -L-5tS5. e!ct rm' tl,e siitl1 congressional district State, where-no objection i 1 . - i 1 - Geo, Davis, for defendaut Messrs. Adam Einpie ami Marsdcn Bellamy. List of Letters. i'lie following is the list of letters- re maining unclaimed in the Postoflice, Wil- N. C, Wcdncsilay, May 2d raised, the county ' aING STTLES xo7 IX v '. The do2 law -roes into effect tt-day and isievied by the State .... , . t . . 1 . a-- v - - CWnnA'vk; ii airr, . , those who have not yet badged their The county levies were tue saue as-the , cduines are urged todo so at once. ; State, with a few exceptions, iucluduig ! Clotilina.-: V.: u. AV;w form Cardenas the usual tax on railroad and caitoL fv:is f x Xx-'r was loaded with 450 hhds of molasses. to De pai.i oy au !, . .. . . 1 . .. t. j j " . : - icaueu . .of whatever .nature, ;m addition to the. - . 1 .1 : . The C. C. Ran way Company has pur- d y aiorcm tax. Drummers, lusuraucc j;hascl : a steam plow, which will be used lssuraDCe companies, and charters' of f jr Widening the 'cuts' along the. road ; the I jngporated compauics, are not taxel by dirt to be utilized in filling in the trestles. tbeconnty. vT.wVcnftimarkedcoolnessofthe . It was ordered that a commmee o. inree V4V - , "' AflCX!' A i AOT t A .VACT I til - v- ta-VX4 itrt GALLON ;C& srrCTLY ELEGANT." m,.;:giviu IS 7; A J V lMi? The Shot Gun Policy! Wc understand that Mayor Cannday has given instructions that the thot gun policy be inaugurated here forthe'ueistruc tion of the luckless canines whoso: uwners may neglect to .badge them. Thc jold way of catching them - with . a ua hud im pounding them has U en found too trouble some and too expensive and the still -older way of baiting the hook with leadfjs to be revived. The gun is to be placed! in the hands of aii officer of weil-knowij skill, coolness and caution and " it is thought that, with the arrangements agree! upon, an accident is next, to impysib!c.f I Terrible Storm in Raleigh'. From a private' letter received by a gentleman in this city from a" friend in" Raleigh we learn' of a very disastrous storm svhich passed over' that " citr about dinner time yesterdav. It fir.-t struck flip Depot and; then passed up Fayetteville street-and went out by Dr. Hogg's resi dence iu anorthcrlvdircctioiK Dr. lio n's house was very badly injured, several trees. having beeu blown across it; the roof of Metropolitan HalligprajiJ a pal t of the roof of Uie Gipi,toUvAs torn Kjff. The ypitoi grouncJ s arc . .bad Iv in in red . having oeeii iinnrr' xo xrrt:-"grouTia, St. Mary's, ' on llilsboro street, is slightly damaged, two large oaks bavirg been torn up on the ground.-. 1 l:r: gen tleman who describes the storm savs. it was the most terrible "gale he had ever1 encountered and for about two minutes it was perfectly fearful. ' j . The People Want Proof.; There is no medicine prescribed by physicians, .or- sold by Druggists!, 'that carries sucli evidence of ks. . t?ucce4s and superior rirturc; ot.BcVciiKL's Gkuux fsviiur lor scvorc toughs', L-oius setueti on the breast, ConsurnptioU, or any disease of the Throat and Lungs. A proof of tliat fact is that any pcl'Sn ai'.lieted eanget a Samile Bottle lor 10 eent a:M try its superior eiTect bef. .re buying .the regular size at T5 cents, it h is lately lieeniantn ducel ia this cuuutry. iVuni Gerpiany, and its 'wonderful, cure, are asto:shhig every "one that u:-.e it. Three .d-.n-: will relieve any case. Try it. .j New Advertisements! Pianos, Orano MELODEONS AND MUSICAL IXSTUUUEKTS of nil klada. jgOOKS, every department of Uterntttrts gTAPLE and Fancy SuUonery. " ! " QTA.NDAKD and Miacellsneous Works , J . 1 of ennr rfpMrrfnrlrm. JVAW, Medical Thcolocical, :ho School Bookf . Ac. A. Trn r . junujii.3, tngrannjff, e. - I For sale at . .'.'' ' ' : j Rszrrss zraann vo; : : Live Book and JIaaie Store, may 1 39 A 41 If sxket st Natural Mineral Watoro. TM PORTED I : 1 1 ! 1 APOLLINARIS BRUN5E5 I and HCNYADI TAX08 BITTEBWATEB, Kept constantly on hani. , W. J. BUHMANX, Agent, . apl 20 Lippitt's Row, South Front st JUST 0 VERTHE BMDGE" TO AN ICE CREAM SALOON kept la the beet style. Tare cream well' frozen rsaran- teed at all times. Private families and pnr- ."';'-... . - . .. .. ' ties furnished with Cream by - PJ30 J. C. SCHETERSl iHlemirDjgGs A Tew Packages put np fcr .- r- ..- -" Family Ubo. . . 4 ' " rir'.i! n.iwii - apl 30 DeXXOOOS? CL CQ. ' IBanrgaDimo IN CL0TH1H61! '-.1 ' - ' AND - GENTS' FURNISHING CC3DS ' . AT . ' apl 2S BINFORDj CnOW & Gdn -.V- ' OFFER FOR SALE ? HI,.!, rA TtSli V .11. and TCDA MOLASSES. UUs FLOUR, 100 500 esley Ay res. Asncs Bryant, Miss Mary Lucelia (lark, Wm Cromwell ssan M Dixon, Tyman I atmosphere the steamer Waccamau: car- be appointed to advise; the best means for ried a happy and fesfiTC crowd down tht making cut the tax list, and providing for r - : ' . h all other matter of detail iu copnectipn 1 - river this morniui: on the oXASionili a r,l nir bw. linrtitof the Fifth St. M. with the county ta. I'lw aw v , . - . . - . rt . - - E. Church. At this writing tUcy nave not returned. 1 54 13 rnbriT ST. ' parden Tools; May Festiral. 1 . A May Festival u ta be giveu in the City Hall this cveuing and to-morrow evening, by tho scholars iu the colored sihcol taught by Cornelia Russell. ,The entertainment will consist of a Queen 0 On application tho following uatneJ per sons" were granted licenses to retail ipirit nous liquors in the c4y of AVilmington and county of New Hanover: A ' Deume landt,D;Towcrs, F Lubrr, Cailj Mugge, A C Wesiell, A B Co-jk, Mrs A K Heyer, George L Schutte, D Cartjohn, I) Otte, JohnC Bomcau, M Mully, John IJaar, I t ; "wr r rvtilins. .1 W Moodr. Uoha F May Festival, together with music, red- - nbir. C Schulken. C OUJ.ktl, wwux - tj v Mn R IT .T Ahrens. tWilliam M-Plicd to the Uucfit of. the jjfa. wm Ddscb, W -V : -.- --'nUi ; HM Koch, Mrs SirMcycrs, Will Grot- rK Fil i I Ipr - A - f k' Jril V5 f,d ??n?' ribcS. Gcrdts, Carl Vesf41, A D. Wcsll, Geo i i ! I r , - -w.i uzii asiue lor uisuouest ukiumww, i AU t. Butler. Xcro Bauncrinan, John Blount, Jerry Bes.- 1) M Brown, Ilcv l l.rai- well. C MiJ D Mi4 Dunan. I F Miss Uciia l'arrar. Miss Lucinda ! Frink, Misis Elizabeth Fraukliu. G Miss Cora L Giuyard, . Edward Gause. H Mrs Gurie Haniss, Mi&i Elinbcth Hall, F T Hilburu, Fred Uawes. J M iss Jennie Jones,' Wcst'ley Jordan, Stephen Jones John Johnson. L Henry C Lewi?, Mrs Isabella Lar-kius.-Mrs Mary H Leslie. " " ' Robt V Matthews, John Mc Millan, A MaDgym, Miss Martha Mas-ra, Miss Mitilda Mwre, Miss Bessa Moore. X J Netson. P Samuel H Terry, Meury relletior, Miss Maggie Fcarsall, ll-r-Mrs iMildred Bobinson, Miss Nelia P Richard, Dick Hicbardsou. S Mrs I Sophia Sjtokes, Mrs Isabella Snicer.Miss D Etta Smith, E D Sheppard, Fred Stephenson, Lewis () JSpiecr, Robert Stewart, ancy Stransberry. , T Miss Emma Tate, T J Tarit. W Wm rd, Undsey '.-Walker, An drew Williams, Mrs Daff jui Whitehead, Mrs Mary Anu Williams, Miss Dura Wood. ; . ' Fersous filing for letter in above list will please say "advertised'; if not claim ed in 30 days will be sent , to iVad . VrUer ofnee, Washington . . - I - ri 1L BU1NK, I. M. vve rseceive yur..j CAN APPLES FROM THE PACKERSl 1 and can offer srpater itvJuceinent tulurra a than an v City House. GEO. 1YEES II Ai 13 South Front JStreet. Ubl3 SUGAR, Bags COFFEE, , lk,xes C. R. SIDES, Boxes TOBACCO, (Old work.) 75 50 100 Xorth- Carolina Uanw, Buckets, JJroeear, Candies,. - Matcbc?, C'andr, Starch, Soap. Mackerel, Ac, Ac. , apr 27 - - ' .. ' Apples. 1 - '! ' THE GREAT DEMAND FOR ; THESE OEUCiOUS ONE GALLON CANS OF BEADS EMMfflElS WSH TT IS .NEITHER "LOTT," KOR I" YUL L gar,' bat steals over the aenaes like soft,. FTret-t mnfic, pleasing the aott fllUdloIS. For sal at K .- jKj? ' ; arr iT S. JKWETTS. Lipwrrs Ice Cream Parlor V71LL BE OPENED OX WEDNESDAY; V morning, 25th insL Part Cress fs -rorcd with choicest fmiu wUl b kept tfxriaf thd seasoo. . .. . ." i- --r.liH " . ' STBA WBERBIES ia-e andlojciovj i I be ketot wbeaerer4ky can beprocarei in either this or t!w Chsrtes- ! vm markets. Cream seat to say part et te citr in quarts ant c'"ona froxea, fre of chirpc All orders for Cream for 8a4y iMUJrt be left Saturday . , . i j ; Ectrance to'Palor on PriAeessSt. apl 24 ; : --iwi vu i- acu fx aside tor Uisnonest mercnanis, exc. i - - rk,,,jf n v Afnller Jas P -.V -irT- r. T V Y.vAnrt MA GlaniTCr. ! uouuceu Qt present irauoa, . axjvx uiui- xveegau, j i mcd'shell is likely to ha,rc vmaDj, oc- j Scarborough, John D Steljes. cupanU. lint you may be sore of this, Qq motion the Board adjourned Vo tht jou get absolutely foil weight and v , nb' inouthlT the Wt material' in DoorrV Pi t neMavJ. rrgutar. jnouinij Mb. 'Editor-If1' lot owner"7 who complained in yeterdayVIlc-ifrvol feis. sons stealing flowers from Qikdi Cviwe tcry will report tU persons to tho W rec tors and lurnish the eridcoc .of their 5iult will I sec that4 their punishment follows. ! " - Pbesidsst. May 1, 1877. his iacreased our orders frvai 25 t iv Cases jr ueck. . Trj a cu- aeJ tcu iil ',be satiifi&J n'A vu', -wkh tLe ' Trice, bat witii lie .' . .- . A'aftaralFiaTor. :'lt.'" PIE PEACHES fa 3pouad cans at 1j cents- - GEO; MYERS', V Cl 13 Front Street Soda Water. OYRUP3 made froa Cnubed Sazar nets rnui woioes uautfacu ii 3,' may 1 10 Cents per Glass, ; i 3 Glasses for 26 oeatc, 15 Tickets for One Dollar. Altrajf Ice ColcL- , JAMES C. apt 12 Third SL, pposiU 5ty Han. FBAIUI H,DA1 VI iY A TT0B5EY-AT-LATT, - . ' - ; ; - .' ' ; : ;y Office In Jourril Coi:rr,Trh- .. . - cca f treet, Wilmington, If . CU aPU4

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