... . !t 1 . . m r - . 1 1 - . 1 -n " - - r f THIS PAPJ5B ' ceptcdby J JAMES' ASP riIETOB. L " . i.'.'.ntnniusLS - - j 3;. k' .iVi. One month, M-cent , ' - . ) r. "TTk. AeVivered by carriers, r or 13 cenu p n milt- ' " l.--1 tfetf Advertisements. ' w' mttv , srraw-: , ,.'.- -1 "n?- 11 iib . 1 ii : 1 mmmmmmi j i fc ,.!. i VOixaWLrMtNGTON, N. C.J WEDNESDAY, MAT 2, 1877. j-UMMER GOODS A i 35 Xarkot Street- Wicss Lower Than Ever ! DRESS GOODS iheiiffcrcht .fv,! from 8 cents to ,;wiWk85 CCntS per .yard .up. lhedHd Cnblonchca C'ytton CJi cts. up. TANCT GOODS. BT VARIETY ! GREAT BARGAINS ! i.iadLi'xTi'.-.- ag cents p- I'arajols, Collir: and Cuffs 2&X3R0ZD2XIXES.. H-f.A';) to i ix'. I? ii ;. .Jen & Bov's Wear Housokceping Goods! aMGsiits: Ganse Underwear FROZVX 10 CENTS UP 1 LINEN BKESSES. Ii iliurt ercrriLiu,' uecili J t cuui'plcte au 'ji outfit for Ladle, ,GtuUor Cliildrcn. Patronize Home ! Duplicate any Retail Goods sent for abroad on the Sams Terms. 36 Market St. sil NO. 87 !VEWS sea iiXHryiuuu incaifai journal. I We will b? gjad to receive' cowmuBicttioni fioaioar friends on an and air iube ef ; general interest tut : - - - . . ; .r; The name of the Writer Etoat ifwtya be furtiihed to the Editor. f - ' - SjW Communications must be written iIt on kne side of the paper. f ; ' :',-(fH i f rerona!ities must be avoided. f Andit is vspceiallr and part ictlarljr tndcr ,uvu "ak -- tuuor aoes cot aiwaja eodone ii;e viows of correspondent, unle?s to atated in t he. editorial. columns. ?.ii . J.MM-jlh llrc)ks, Puhtmasjter at Little H'x.1, wjliu. will be- remembered in cbriri(M:ioi uith tbcr".;'Brpo1c-Daxlcr troubles in 187 1, Oictl . 5toalay . evening; ,- Rev. lltictor Brawisonytho oKleet MetUoJist clergyman iu :Uiu-QtiTe ; dutiea of ithe ministry in KgYork and for , i t. - . . tbirty-five yjears .ftgcnt;'of the American Bible Society, ilicl -Monday .of i)d a'ge aiid exbauiitiou, aged .'. S( y.crji. Thq Paducah raid ilcmpliif KaUroauJ Kvas auc- tioncd Mouda v . for 105,009 to ; ' Henry Wi Smithcrs, Joiin. 'J.:i -ICdnunds, and Giiiirkvs J. Cauda, truBlccjj, under sin agreement wit i.ths. creditors' of tbe rail road company , The road, which is in 'Ken tuck v and Tentiessee, is . 1 08 miles long; but fur about forty miles in the middle of tlte ivvtta the Vails are nut laid, and there ir muvh diflicnlt aud.;exjciiive grading to be ione.- The capital stock is $3,000,000;' ai d there is a. funded debt of The purchaser intend to tonipany and complete tho road, pulling in - siirdittonaP capital. It is repuited that the Steveus Battrcy -has beeb sold to Russia for $1,000, 000. Commander J.r D. Marvin, of tho L'uited States l(Nip-of-war ' Alert shot himself 1,511,000. , organize a netv on lard his ship, .mlor,, .Aprif. 10. in Yokohama V h The President is apprehensive that un til his 'Southern policy is fully discussed in extra sesk, it may affect the Repub lican .elections it the Nortlr - Pincb back anil Antpiue arc lighting for the New Orleans naval ofli'ce. - The President assures Uen. onesrer mail tnc eoiorca people shall be House. accident this represented in the Custom Another 'tcr.riblc. railroad time on the Chicago. Al- jtdus Jiaiiroaa -nve uiucu two sevcrety wuimded. ton and . St. I outright and A Richmond lirm of tobacco brokers has failed for 100,000. Four hun, died miners avej ou a strike in Ohio.. - -Fiostin AJabama "on yesterday, ; A portiou of the rcof of tho ncvi- Postofhce in Xew-Yc'rk has -fallen and killed. two laborers. Claims for antCTbelLum mail contracts must be made to Second -Assistant Pc stn waiter General by contrac tor or his executor Mecca sends toe The ,Sullan , ThoScberiffot Sultan 4,000 troops. . wili nut. uufurl ,tbe Prophet until all other -Tbc Porte and Russia tandem! "f the means failed. v hive given assurance of no intention to invade Servia. claim's that. Fra Sirai Staying Institn- tiOTl (if tlm Pitv - T w, i,, --"j'-uii.oa ntiA Ji can WrfirH rn.cnt -der .and onlv 25 :r?Er i3 done at tha Great krwl ,p undcr tbe National Via Utcst style too. , . f CHEAP AND GOODi Pte andYouth'sandiBpys' Clothing. : 1 . . i 1 ACT iJa FACT! A. SXXXLXSXL, Market a tree t. cr The Duke De Cazes ice's relatio js with foreign powers ha; not. been' so' good for sevin years. Recruiting has been ,pro gretsln briskly in Englaud "lately; nearly all the regiment's are full. , The Pjjpe is leceivijig pilgrims; his general health is much improved. 4 :Ner; AdTertiscine,nts.. S. Jewett iNps. 84 and So. A. P0rE, Gen fl Pas3. 'As- -The Atlantic Coast Line. IlrixsBr.R r.tn-4 Pianos. Or srans. A. Shbieb. dollars br the bucket full 25 cants Scq new adsJ on 4tb page. s false alarm, of fire was gi ven , last uiiibt about 12 oVIock. IH-crttiats and fires were not uncomfor tablc'tbis morning. Mav 2d A. D. 1877. i. . ' .: 1 .. . f. ins port on tnc !oUin iuc. - . - , - ' ... - -r: U XewjVork for I ' 3ESEEYED APPLES IN CAU0N CANS. 35 CUnss PBXU CAXT. pFECTLY ELEGAOT. iuUa:c ou to buv ouoDoun, tbisi Aibrt. amve.i h at Galveston last i ... TRY THELI 1 i . . . GEO. MYERS Sthh Kiu-jhl, Amlerson,uirpm to''ixtt, arrived at Portsmouth, N. g., .,a.ioa' ..ll ' '' ' ' ' " on luOfiom uii. , ... Lk toj the fastening of your gate; the f ! cows are abroad in the land, riibbliog'it We' have received tho first -number t L ! this periodica', leguii in Baltpuiore i-v i th-green things everv where. i t i i" iV as i i'V. tut' lornuT 1 - t .. n Fr the IlVvi The Postal Service. in com nnai.ee v vour Messrs- Manning & Ashley, t'ne former whom . was .recently a rcsidei.lt A' this State." It is very handsomely and . is issued monthly at $3 30 ct. the sinarle copy. As to its merits rc cannot speak not being sijfnciently lip irv Xa'zrid Mtdka. TUe Sunday Magazine. traut leslie s hun lav Ma-'axnie. printed i year or ai- way the first, is at hand already for June, thus early iu May. It, presents a. very ' handsome froutispiece, 4 c. lored plat?, entitled "Convalescent,"' and this is accompanied by a double size pieltu re representing- the members of the Convention now. in session for the revisal of the Old Testament. The number is a very hand oomc one. with a larire oiiitutity lof choice and varied reading matter, .and is illustrated throughout. irofuscly Bishop Atkinson in Edentcn. The Edenton Tunes of the 2h s.ivs i. This able and venerable divine paid Eden ton' his annual visitation last week and held services in the Episcopal church in this place; on Thursday, the l-b inst The atte:idance was large -and attentive : everv one seeming 'anjxiou.s .Schr. Traceler, Hodges, from St: Pierre, iiantiniqijc, for Baltimore, which jmt iu here in distress on the 18th of last month. cleared to-day for her original dcstiuatian. ! ' 'Ihe atteudauce at this term of Federal G airt is unusually large, there being lhaiy petty eases of violation of the tobacco and liquor la vs from -the. surrounding' coun-- tr-- q ) -a Magistrates Court. . Joanna ItObinson suetl out a warrant against Phillis Moore for . trespass,., which after a patient hearing before Justice Gardner, vas decided against the defend ant to the extent of a fine of a penny and the costs of the court. 1 .1 nevouu v. make the moit of sueh rare- and to Un favored opportunities. Bishop Atkinson, though quite an old gentleman, h; wonderful power of mind, which Iteems to be ' unimpaired, II is phyieal condition is excellent. Tiio entire congregation seemed deeply interested, and we might say ppell-bound, wiiii the vigor and earnestness of a discourse that lasted over an hour, and which was o replete with lesson's of wisdomll'ur ?M who lisieiied to him. If such e; m.:: could 'och'eard in our midst oftencr,' we think it would Ii.ive a tendency-to make us all better men and women. The Storm in Raicign i Tlio details ol tnc storm in jtaioign on Simday afternodn, as published by iu in yesterday's Review, were in th? m:iii correct, although they, did not begin to in dicate the -damages done. The Raleigh naners are full of 'tho subject, r i . , particulars are 'interesting only t. who are familiar with the various ties in tbe citv. The cyclone, for The Thermometer. From the United States Signal Office at this place iwe obtain the following report of the thermometer, as taken this morn ing at 7:31 o'clock ; Augusta, ou; Charleston, oo; Galveston, 01 ; Jacksonville, G2; Mobile, -50 ; Mont gomcry.u.j; New Orleans, 03; Norfolk, 04 ; Savannah,! 07; Wilmington, 48. Excursion From the West. An Excursion train from Shelby .under the management of Messrs. Bostic and llarril arrived here last evening. The .1 -excursionists are to remain here to-day and to-morrow, eugagetl iu sight-seeing.. The excursionist are from all along the line of road but principally from beyond Charlotte. Many of them took a trip flown the river to-dav. . . . The Federal Court. C'nsiderabie iuterest has been nsa'nifes- this and the previous terra bf Court in the progress of a case m v.-inert tlie WTTm Lait the those it was iu reality, seems to have entered the city from the southeast and to have pa ssed both colore tevl during the Fede.ra of libel h u I way Bridge Company ' sued the steamer t ug Alpha and h(?r owners., fuj" damage done to the' property " of the former. This is the second time in whicli the caie has been brought -. forward L and this morning it was dismissed because of a - want of jurisdiction on the. part of the Court. Messrs. GeO. Davis & Wright and Sted maa appeared for " the libellant, and Messrs, A. Empie and .Marsdcn Bellamy for the respondents. . '-.-''.;; The IIo Stealers. , Before tlie Mayor this nioruiug the i - - - . case of Jack Watkius and Mariou Ilollv, out at the northwest. It left a track of destruction in the way o broad small houses overturned, chimneys leveled, giant by the d. tin r ar- in oaks a huiidretl years old torn up roots and twisted o!V by the wi roofs of store bouses blown off, ll'v dens and (.ut-houscs destroyed some instance's dwellings crushed falling trees.' ..Fortunately there loss of ;hfa although several -colored- per sons were injured Severely. Thej oldest inhabitants there .never taw the lilke be fore. Tha fury of th.v wind lasted ynly about two hours, jet the marks of the storm will be visible, for years to com'e. In the country near. Raleigh, in the track of the cyclone, it is said that the iniurv to farm houses and the ue.-truyti n 4 rf - 7 . of tb growing crops, esneeialiv ia very gic.it. , who was shot at last Sunday while stealing hogs, an account of which we have published, was invest igatl, Jack Watkius, the wounded mm, was ordered to give bond of 500 for bis appearance at next term of Criminal Court, failing in which he was turned over to t lie Sheriff and by him committed ''to jail; Marion by -the i Ihj!y was held in a bond of $2t)0 ' for bis was no r.'onearanee at Lruniual Court. M.r HiiAz j - . becoming his surety, and John McKov, the guard who shot Walking was ordered iiieh irg'ed. .John L. Holmes, P2sq., ap- pe:ired for Holly, John London, Esq., for John 'McKov and Watkius had no counsel. ;!e fruit. ;i Uio!ir. Il-iiow- ol the -He, on Diocesau Conventiou. 'By request of Rey. J. Worrall 1 the gecreUiry, we give place mej mg: friic Gist Annual C-juvcntiou V)fu-M Vctcr sX'hurch, v hu i Vvidnesday, May abtb, 1B77. fCUw-iisI and It oanoke. "anil 0.no- i.'l UO kjcauvtuv. a-P. - .i i in T? vi.U wilt Usu'J "return una eutini j.j-.v., , pkets to the Qfcigy, and Lay ljates foionefar6 ,theAYilinington ad Wel- ddb, the Kdrth Cirolina, the Ralcjgh and Gaston, lUleigb and Augusta Air-Line, the Atlantic and N-rth iCaroliua i .4.. ;sne. return tickets, at 0 cents The Excursion from the West. .Some further xatticular-iii regard to I the exvursibn of business men of tbe West to tiie Atlantic Coast, bave trans ited. ' : ; " 'j. The invitatiiiu is issued under tho auspice s al the. Great Central Dispatch line, an! ir issued by David .Gibson. . ! - I , President I'ackjsl't G., Win. C. Wickham. Receiver of t Chessiipeake & Oiiio rpad I! i. lir;.?, i::-i . ' " -Iiichmond ' Danville li-nlroad; The obiect of the excursion, as stated liv 'the ongiuators ' of it, it to atf;rd the mercuania becomiu DeAU Si!; request that I v.-ouhlVfuruirii some i'aets illustrattrcf? tneaf.jA1te fir the information of your readers, thd following very iucomplcte statement is submitted; The postal service. wh'cJi n.orc nearly l-totichcs the who!t: ne-.ttde- thar. anv other department of the -.genera! -government, is an immense and ever-increasing system, and therefore. ci:o in wliich great abu.ses ami much corruption have at times pre vaileeh . One pi the worst" of these evils, however; f-f-st raw -bidding'" has, . itftcr years of: persistent eiTort, been almost en tirely supprciscd, although it did seem nearly impoi ;ible to frami law iu such a way as to prevent it aJ .-olutely. As the HHl roads have no competition there is no bidding fe)r;cammg til.maijs on them, nor generally is there any on steamboat routes. - r -Straw-biddiag was." therefore, .confined to what is called the - star ' service - that is. the carrying of the mails on other ih.n rail road ami steainbwak ivules, .but these "star; n.utpSj of, cursxy vviiituic a very 'large1 majority. They ' "were- ' f x . veafs coinpletely con t rol fed by - Jc-rrup i . . "-mU-natious of contractors who swfm.iied the govern meat annually cut ui'-mihions ol dollars, until the expoMins u.ih by in vestigating committees of C,::grcs-."v;;:id the remedial legislation con'seoiev..t tiiere upon broke up tiio system. Thc-.iulaud mail transposition of - the country, at' the cud .of the la.-t li-oal vear (June :30th, 1S7'0, .was divided letvc-n 012 rail road, 88'. -steamboat;' and 8,000 "star" rouiea or O'.OOo routes in all. These routes aggregate 28 L70S miles in length, and the cosi of carrying the niaifs over them was more than fiftrca millions of dollars, exclusive of tht; pay of '.-route agents, clerks; iVc, A-c. The pay (tor the numbea- of miles no, anl no: according to the' length of Ahe routtsj io, i rail roads about 124 cents per ' mile-, to steamboats' about ltil cents per iinihi ' and to '-star" routes about O .l-.j cents rr rni-c. The length of routes was iuereased hu-t Mar nearly fbur thousand mites, of which more than one-half was ou rail roads. ' There has been great trouble in adjust ing the pay tor mail service on railroads. The first Act of Congress on . the subject (1838) limited tha'-pay to 20 -per . .eeh't. above, ivhat was-paid to post coaches ; the second act (1839) forbade the payment of more than S80U per mile, anbum: th.e third (1845) divided "the. .railroads int three classes, according t . size of mails speed, &c, Ac, 1 inviting t he- t:Vv to the , I York p 'stoffice, of which I was a member Lomp.aints bad teen made, pr suspicion hjd Leen excited about tampering with Mr. llcwrtt's mail, aud a thorough invca tigatn n was ordered. It took place in the splendid P. O. building in that city aud resulted m a completer-indication of the postmaster. and his subordinates by the committee who were unanimous in their report. 'In the course of the investfga-. fioii, the pouches were brought directly from the .lamp-post boxes into our pres ence by the carriers (whp did not know what it meaut) and were emptied on the table before us. It was a curious and in teresting siirht. AVe tumid, as was proved to bo gener a!y -the cnc, .that th most crrJessly put I up mail matter carhc from the bankiu" and moneyed institutions and heavy mcr- '. chants. Letters with money, with checks, drafts, Ac, were barely seated, cr entirely opeji, exposing the contents almost at a ' glance. ' 1 miw a package of. bills sent: Jroni out Wc.-t SDmcwhere. wVtcli trPr ' . - J " - V V smq..y wrap.ed in-brown paper, the ends of the package lacing rubbed off undf the bills -a large amount exposed to view; also a large package of U. S. ''coupon'.' bonds, payable to bearer ahd not icgis .tered. in the same condition. The most surprising thing, however, was the amount of coin sent from Califor- ' nia, Nevada, Ac, Ac, through tho mails. I had supposed coin was always shipped by express-. The testimony showed that 0 v e r lbu r m II I ion s i n gold had gone through .Vho New York ofliee in ono year. t r 4 Tbe New York Postcffice is one f of the ' 1 est managed, establishments in the world, and has at its head a master who is as '"' clever and honest as he is able -and expe rienced. And this reminds mo ofthc foreign mail service aboutk which a few : words and then I will stop. Previous to July 1st, 1875, postal 'ac counts had to be kept between the United States, and other governments for mail matter transmitted between them, -which ." was a very inconvenient arrangement; but in October, 1871, a general postal union treaty was concluded at Berne (Switzerland) which went into operation, after the eate first mentioned (July 18 6) whereby cheap and uniform rates of post age were established for our people to all parts' of the world and at the same time the Postolrice Deparment Aras enabled to s;tvc money. ' . 1 Under this treaty: which Was .after wards extended to embrace other countries ties-ides the iirst parties to it each coun try now keeps for itself a' I the postage Jt cancels, and nays on V the inrineri,aJ 1st class to J0 per mile: th.e 21 to j charges on the mail matter, merely keep 8100 per mile, and the yd to $50 - per i ing' an account of the weight's of it for that -' mile, allowing 25 per cent.- additional for purpose. ' There were about GOO tons of night service. --t This produced corHplaints as to proper ciassificati.O!i : among the roael s--t he iowe r cl a ssf h iem and i ii g a 1 i gh -erclassiUcation. The lirft idea. w:.s -am adjustmeivt accerrdiug'to the !' .toe mails, but that was found' .to he unfair, and. then "a. -.mixed- bais 'allowing' tbr- weight and car-snace both was ad Thedifticulty nowis in adjusting th portion of vAy to.be allowed for was a- ov,te( . and car-space respectively, about there is much difference of 07. i.r:io in regard to-which -elaborate rep rf ,wi;;cii mad matter sent from the United States- to-the couiitrics embraced in the Postal Union last year. . , ., - ;, It is paiiiful to remember in this .eon-. !icciiou that excepting the weekly line from'. Philadelphia to Liverpool -the Pa cific Mail Steamship Lino is tho only one carrying the American Hag on the hish r -! seas. ' y :.".-'.- Before eioHiig Jet me 'say that, if the weight 1 aw remains as it is. we will after tlie ;'U I ! eensu 1 I of 188.U Le entitleil to the free de lve rv systern iu Wilijjinten. It is con- . i i .... . -i - . . maiiv speeci:e-s nave H-eu nuvie- m both 4:-:ie-i to Cities contaimn Ilouses-uf Congress. . 1 1 is adifibult pr.,-l - tant and, upward. iicm. Last duly Congress cut down tlie .number now,' but it will reouire a cehsu We must have that T'i--. pay of railroads for carrying the ni.wU 10.1 to prove per cent.' an I ou all those o-uit or lr. td grants frdm the government 20 per eont. more. "Upon the passage of tiiis.r.-t the great trunk lines wi thd rc wt he "i.t-1. mail": trams wnicli had -been -tab!i! fed. Postal CommLssien wh-th. recratl.v tlis city was cteatetl by thi? :ku:m last July to investigate the wh : of railroael mail Iran "port at inn .-v. ) ! so that proper legislation- c n'.d 1 t may uc that we Avi!! h ve on the Atlantic Oj.v-t Lie.e. a:.d present compensation i 4r earn mail on" it m.iy lx incre-is.-uncertain.- The.totiil veaiiv Department' are it. 1 're-speetfuiiy. A. M. Waiuell. -1 f-t n- ii the i uUvli xpensts-of tiic 1. th. i'i V-lii ! i-e ! I rnillioj.s anI the tyiai receipts are Si: I y harden Tori! 19m CHEAP'. . r 1- SiVce DansaritejrBteM Cify, HUifl IViiSyiingS 'TlVwas ;J rfiUt fall of hail otf 'lait Ur . mile.. Pctsoes in all casts, wlien . . - . i ...... ii.L hoi t disUince below carchasing tickets 10 coiuy me acu Vtu vine, iut'" it is not ibouuht that thnt they desire to attend the Convention. 1 .-.' i. r I, -i.iwi',.n-n ll 11 e.f X. C. and the anv uainagc was fcuswiiu. 1 ioo - . wi.l be 1 , - ... I . lVirtits to no ana raiu5 of the interior on bunUay last nayr 1 equivaicuw w r- - :v i'i'sAme tlimi fcct. ,iU f' Ireturn for one ursi-cia . wi-. 0 i ' - "'" : i I t: n.,--- n.1 tbe Secretaries of 1 I luC UC . .te.' , ; of tbe West an opportunity of persenally acquainted with the commercial m'.n of the South-eaef iu 01 der to allorii at opportuuity for -an inter- 'c ofibusness 1 pinions which it w povo mutually bnencial. thought that there will be .from to a huuPed buvi css r.en in the j.j about' ...... ... . . . . . . . k 1 . , : '. ' : - i.jL-iaj -ui:;u ,1-1. xuu:;onsv-xc.kvin j; r. ieii ciencj; uf ainf .ur.m; MdViih lW sidorblj; rrt!iiceii dutiug tii. Li-!t ft.v years, .as i!w icuipts luvc Ueu itcie.iw'.r.i; d. .1. ... ... "' e 1 " .. - - ' cxpt-n-ics only it tlc.mu of abo auuuauv -r U'tvcr, befj ieCf-sistuiuc.g s 1 4 tlX:e-ple: bui ii will L-e a-i'Vg time, T . '" 1 ?iiepiirt;.;H oeonu s llU, hpwcvtr, p-ecuikiriy 1 in !it.-iL-rva- us kiiu .i'j hoped -nay It i fifty AT. . 1 ? There ha5 been alight increase the Western North Carolina Rait llo ad, v waterin the river at rayettevillethe issue half faro tickets, which xvid ,.r,vyto,.rTi,r nn Stmdav W havr univalent to allowing parties to go s from tbctrucKers in ims ueign-1 , . . , vtries. arc respect 1 tne several i 1 ViC-..U'..! 'tla rrtifieates U TaAAAidL :-- I fully rcpacsuii-u vi - in?., inerc was n9np jEsi-jt"'"b. 1 r. - tn tha uudersi-tie.i; at borhbod iadiiatc a slight rest tliis morn fi V1 Dtb" iwo weeks before the timejip.tcd 4 ... ; 1 I for the meeting of the Coaventwn. i-iicraaro voucoini this' Summer ? is j . jnt''int tbe 'Bishop, the Clergy i thevsay toeacH ether were 1 as they I J ,:Jrlk L brinz their snrpuees. - --.' ' t-t-r T.,l with ?i ir?a crdok tho pregnant binges of -tbe elbow , or, .ua" - Li", ' J ict 1- ir 1- W w!l of salt, sailed from Bermuda oa the , U narty The exciursiti will leave CiucionaH vz a steamer ou he 0th. o( May for 1X0JP' inTtou, thene by .'the ChesipkAr Ohio Railroae' to..'Bich:noi.ilj4hqriCL7. steamer to crfo!k.'aiitl thevr?' U Wil- mintou Iby S. Ac R. & vW. Railroad, therp to Charleston by the V C. & e:d toast : "The : fair daugh-; a:id ; may they add virtue to ract envy .from friendship, rniab'e accomplishments by d'--temper, divide, time by soeiabiiity and economy,' arid reduce scandal to its lowest denomination." it ' S V. I il-S .i-e o.ty. ub hinhiply sweetness You always gejt DoilkyV .Ykast Pow iu:u from your grocer in cans, qnarter p vand, half ound, one pound and .five -.n weight. So test has ever shown a binule canto be shcrt by the veriest triiicv Another thing alxiUt this baking po v l-.r is, its absolute pufity trcDgth au.i cx ttness i, . composition. Co i::..ii.s i newspapers aneiuy vour JJrug- gist to r..-'--- sonx-tfiing fjr Dyspepsia and Liver complaint tliat you know nothing about; you- get" discouraged spending money with but "'little success. Sovy to give you satisfactory -proof that Qkees Auoi sT rr.owi::; will cure you of Dys pcpra arid Liver G.mplaint with all it ts. s'jeM m Jxmr Stomach, bick llead- I i-; t ' 1 - ' . . , e..e.;s. sueii ..- .-onr . nf!Mi r ui. , .r, ux uy ..lial;ituai - Costirenes, Palpitation of """""0J.J "te:'-A '."'""s"t the Heart, '.Jlcart-b " The nmiib;;r tt i :ii ,t-iii the United j - ' v y - w land get a Sample iiottleot Gulls' At JM.P -y puWisiieai,trM. iYoweu for lO.cenU bum, Water brash.. r;g up tf f ''."fl after eating, low spirits,, we a sit you -0 to your jjrnKiist at over i0,0Oy ii vit the uc pairy and of this liuiber , ;Cvnu Caia.a had 1,110. .,ThcDcprtyat uy ju:v claim credit in. vlevr.uf ii . tl-iat with more than S0-60 ; prsoi ; n,m..aing the mails iii tbeif paisa'-ovwr..tl.ta,-UJUwr.:ls of a 'R?giri-ar Size for ivHR relieve von. ; and try it, or j cmts; two doses A. a: Xortb-llislern, theacc to For Tho Itevlew. -The Shotgun Policy. 1 1 l bo- rcgrett&l that the citv au touted and a;: tbc thv;ut4is of nost tlriiie hare adopted tho 'ihotirnii I bfiSce Jth5 ixLX iWrevUioiia have Ihxa so p-l;cy" in the destruction of dogs, tbo r . . j ii t .-"1 . i .. 1 - . 1 . 1 . . . iwr, e3cuaiiy. ...tiy, ipwyes. 01 tu piau is certaimy one tnai is iraagbt witu partmc, v. . r 1 ; There were vtr iilur; uilat'U iet:?r; nou5acuf, ih&;if$fueS' orcers issnetl asaount taoTerycatyrurc to) miuons cMoLrars.cahkdi tha; Itoartmerit re- iwa bv .he S. C tbeuoe to Cjlura- registered Tat 'year' &ad.iU avrragu lass 0 . ... . v... ti.l lftTl riftr. ll.nn , .nn ill iu tire Ul J - "T - "XI --J."! rf OH'"" T thence to Dfiville aud nichmou,iLby the R, & D-l acl finally back to C.ucmnati by lluntinirei. r ; n , -? Tbe entiltripl it iicitctttatcdwni occupy abo . twa weeks, aad it is said that we j m lok for thutb) XYilnaiug ton. where aey expect io' rcmaia but one day, ab t the middle of tlii month. cores' aboW six hundred. aa4 fifty 4650) Thff Mpiraflainly Have great ! confi depee in the P. O. DeptrtmtJtit, as was c5cariyjdei3ortriUlM4il Winter before tho committee to investigate the New great danger to pedestrians who throng our streets and thoroughfare. I remem ber well, two instances in- which tho par-" ties were - seriously, but not mortally wounded. - They were ladies, and the in terval of time of the two accidents' was over twenty-five years, yet both occurred from care'essoess iar shooting dog,' Tbea why not adojt a pita which would b without incurring any I risk ta life ot limb, say the muzzle and roisooetl . ; sausage system ? Tbcrc wozld then bo danger t'lonly the unliccnsel dogs. X. " e- apl24

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