1 !i" I-T'-ri.. ' , ,! , : U'Vft nTl J.Y of life ! . ..i ihe vnst mitten. i.WhtT'Cu! Unci, rv . ,..,v.-tmore. 7:07 j; 1, ,., ,; A UK ITT ..ST., . rtti ... CJi . " .....a s,h on !! .;r:V vf tINIi:;a. glazing,. &c. I ; . ' ! t I III I fl l III!- , , t -l assortment (if ra -y c 9 ii .-. d i'ca, wo hare i - yff& j ! f, .t'id SOMl tr 1 UO ' iV.i'il;! ' 1 '' t- pOll'lld-'.. It I 11 '. ij t . -1 !'. it k-M niuniiis, i 1 M- ;. ., - ;!, ui we could hare 't .' : 1 1 iiiiii L;:.: ii. 7 IJcrth Treat E l .v..-' i;r i-t . .'in. Liy .Mut fail t.. writj (Vr Illusti a- I'L.'Aiwav. x. y; i 1! o -' -'. h !'.". tint iiiv.. . - . v . -i . ... , . " '' 'Ui', tn i ar- . t!. .". , r':infi together with i.-f.!V. creating Ch&iruan.) F :-'...'. . .. :'': s ranging f,o n 15 urselves. 1 JALAtiriK L 1 w . .. . . . i . f-11 UW1 1I-ALERS ARE, I : r i I? A - i j .st or.TdCA'sr- .-: -a v. - Clin'a B. C. I .3 r,. 1 O - Is- Miscellaneous. f iLLLsyUTJ2D PBibqiJ catalogue. ? 1ity pacres 200 Jllust atup'i, with De sc iptioca of thousands of the bst Flowers and Vegetables in the w orld, and tue' wa,to oiiovv iiitM all for a -Two Cent postage s-tunp.' Printed in German and Encrlkh. s ' 1. ' i 1 If f km f i- f Vick's Fiural Guide; quarter v, 25 cents a Vick'i Flower and Vegelable Garden, 50 cents in paper; in eljrant cloth core-j, $1100 Address, JAilJiS VlCK. UochMte-, . V ' Vick's "Floral Guido a beautiful Quarterly Jfturntlfihelr lilustra tedand containing an elegant ( oh.r'ed 1' wer Plato wU'theiiirstlBUttiber. i'rief! only 25 etntif.j-thcryc'ar. Thp tirft No.fn- 1S77 'jusr i.-M:cd ia German and English. Vic-'.s Fluirer & Vegetable Garden, in pa-pc-50 rent.3; with elegant cloth covers $1.00. Vick's Catalrue iiOO Uluffations, onlr 2 cont. Address '.JAMES VJCK, .s . rt v ; - . -.Rochester, N. V. ;-;s; VZCS'8-'- I V egetable and Flower Garden , is the mlt beautiful w ork of the kind in the world: I contains nearly 150 pages, hun dreds of rfine, i lustrations, and six Giiromo Pt.ates of Floweks, beautifully drawn and colored from nature. .Price 50 cents in paper erifertj St 00 inelegant cloth. Printed, in GTmarr'fftid EngHsK. Vick's Floral Guide, Quarterly, 25 cents a year. , ., Vick' Catalogue 00 illustrations, only 2 cents. Addreis. , JAMKS Virrk' ' 7 ' ' . Rochester, X. A . .VIOK'O rioivc'r- and Vegetable Seeds are planted by a pillion people in America. Vick's CTita'ogue 303' illustrations, only 2 cents. ' Vick s. Floral Guide, Quarterly, 25 cents a yon r. ' Vici's Flower and Vegetible Garden, 50 center wlt!i ei.'nrantclotk.eovpraSl.ftO. All uij publieations-ae printed in English in.! Ge in. Address JAMES VICK, liochester, N. Y Tatd. Jctr 25, 1S7L . AIM FOR THE IMPtrOVEJ "SEWING ' Sewinfl-llfldiinft . ? j Th'ifoiIdwtng.peciic ointff of superiority: : 1 flreat Shnpiicity in Construction. '2 Durability. 3--ExrcediHgly Light UuiiMng -l Still Riinniiiir. ?Vnisflss. i J,2()i) .jpcriorms all Varieties of Work; !.:..-. C Ueauty of Finish and Workman-kIiiii. 11 IK IiY JE j & Cd.. I T-QREA'T IIRDUCTION in Price. 1 - i . , Machines sent on trial before paynjent is re- 5 fi 7 -r3--v. ,PTror nuiretl ; .'written guarantee to kee'p machines ' V" c t l . i ..r..fi .: i. . in muci nu i;iiia yivcii nun eueu mi dline. Wdt pay )lo J'kices t C T1.TJACJ taT) Arttrn I ' Fotc-irculars and particulars, A -riAWUp if Jxl 45250. AddrcwTHE .WHITNEY MF'G CO., dec 20 Paterson. N". Jl "tMAMES' 80BDQH ' BENNETT, i..-ui.U eintain Math' " , . . ,'.::i-.v Ouhii u.ng Se.i e. : !,t 'j" "' ''io'T ut'i . 1' O S T A 0 K F It V. K U IN iii JJ U L L A 11 - ri;n ye ah. 50 dents for oaj. An extra copy to cycrj cluh of ten, THE NEW YORK DAILY HERALD Published every day in the year.' POSTAGE FHEK. . . $10 pays for one year, "Sundays. included. S3 pays for one year, without Sundays. ti:i 'ji T.-ir s:?v innnt1) irnnrl'ix'a u?iw? ltut ' . , lM lrV:t- itatjfofk S4 pays for six months, without Sundays. li L'- aid of VvUdif ?itfi4-3 5 52 pu s for oneycar for an r .peeinel d"ay r .V i? Jl yl the week. SI pays for, six months for any specified day of th . week." f 1 pays fop one monihj, Suu'dayi included. -NEWSDEALERS SUPPLIED POSTAGE FREE. . Daily Edition. ..Two and a half cts. per copy Sunday Edition ......Four centd per copy Weekly Edition.... TVvo cents per copy Address, NEW YORK IIEUALDl dcc'27 l'roodivay anql Ann st., New York. INDEX-APPEAL, ; (ivatly'and Weekly.) I'ublil;eU ia 1 vteisiun?, v.. Is deyotcxl' to curreut news, !oeil and foreign; iiscrisslon of iKliliiil soel il topics, aad free and fearless alvoca'.v of tlie rlglUs and interests of the xetlo. Its comiiierciul reports are IvvmICiiik)!! ftcliml transactions, aikl may be ;relletl ivpon as accurate.- Theablest jotinial- lstic talent of t lie state is .ni. its employ; a vigilant and reliable corps of correspondents omtiibute the latent news. and gop from all importAbt centres, and no effort Is spared to mako it a fi rst-cass family newspaper. - TUo-Atttieji: -Appeal uas a targereity and DAILY (onoyc&rl c ;: -A - -.- ' - ' i sixmouUis :- - - " three months . :- . - one month. - - - WKllIvLY (one year) - six months - hi 6o 3 "0 1 fk) 32 U0 iwmuh nir.iii. t All orders lor subscription mutt bo accora paniel lj-tiie eali. Clubs of six will be furnished at the rat of 30 per an mi hi. Send for neciinn eopv. iS'DEX-APrKAIi PCli. CO.. I ' letnhunr. Va. . ;E;;;artis, IASUIOXALE DARRER, ' Front tr,eet, u'ader Pnrccll Houe, ,' . ' . , Wilmington, 1. C Hair. Cuttins:, Shaving and Shampooing done In the highest tjlo of the art - AttentiTe and polite Barberi alwj rwdj to trait uijon ciutomera. , to 03fLTcM Awarded CEfl YUj B T aTtrcn it. Sid Stamp for Qior brand Hlgtet TesQ- (Mi Act! Vfaated, A. h. Irri!?nij tk rn. amiSc5le? IL0.3" Ctoth, aad School rarnttam couiitrytCJjviuauoii tiuvn any otner paper in fcouthWd Vlrcinia, and tlie laret eircula tl'on iaprth Ciiroliua of any-Virglnlappe I TTr "r-N .n. 1 t 4 ' 69r& 621 Broadway, New YrkOtj. o " Steamsliip Lines, &c. AXI Wilmington, !3. STEAMSHIP LINE. Cm P. J0 FoSely Capt. Price, WILL AIL FJKOM BALTIMOIil- SATURDAY, MARCH . To be succeeded by Stiar. OX 24. a On Wednesday, March! 28, and thereafter sailing from Baltimore! every WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY. 23 Shippers, can reh upon the prompt Sailing of steamer- as advertised. "HSyv Through Bills of lading- given to and from I'hiladelpliiii, and Prompt Dispatch guaranteed. For Freight' Engagements a)"ply t- A. D. CASiLXJX, Agent, :- Wilmington, rrJ C. L. S. HELD EX, Soliciting Ageut. REUBEN FOSTER, General Agent. Corner Lee and Light St-'ebtsi, Baltimore. meh 21 iMew-'Vork - AM) . - Wilmington, S, CN, SEIVlI-WEEICIiY Steamship Line, The Steamer .BENEFACTOR, t W1LL SAIL FROM NEW YORK ON SATURDAY, MARCH 24. To be succeeded by Stcanner CAPT. On Wednesday, Inarch 38. Shippers can rely upon the prompt Sailing of Steamers as advertise -ft,' SAILIXU FROM WILMTXCTOX SI DAY AN VFJ)Xi:S!AY. For Freight Engagements .apply to A. P. CAZAXX. A?ent, r.v- Wilminsrton, 2M. C. ' L..S. ' 11 ELD EN, Soliciting- Agent. 1 WM. '. CLYDE l- CO., (-nerat gete, fi Dow iu'r urecu. or Pier i ', A. K., .New YorV - f fob p ! Koystono Priiiting' Ink (Jo . m.nl'KActlm:i.i:s nt" j PRIETiWG ISyKS. . . i HOOK AND XEWV IlLACK A . 17 Worth Tifth Street, Philadelphia Pa OUlt 1XKS ARE OK A SUl'ERI j)K quality, being made from ti:e best ingre dienta and under the personal supervision ot a practical printer rnd premas:. therel'vre we will guarantee every pound of Ink sold to beofa Superior Jet RUek, Quick .Drying,, and entirely free from fetting-od'. I Our prices are from 150 to 50 per cent, l fw 0! than any other Id ks manufaciuretl in the United States. t ' A trill of a sample keg .will convince abv printer that he has been paying ne.-rly douhle -what he should fr h.ij Iuks in times past. Pot up ia kegs and barrels to suit purchasers Address. 1 KEYSTUNK PRINTING INK Co.. ' 17 North Fifth Street, dre 11 Philadelphia, Pa PATRONIZE HOME MANU- TAo'TUaES, Doors, Sash, Blinds, Mould- ings, Brackets and ORNAMENTAL WOOD WORK of 'every description. j Workmanship guaranteed, and prices lower than can be foand anywhere. ALTAFFEU & HILL, Fictory Foot of Walnut Strec ?. mch lT Wilhihgtox, N. C For Hire, - i A GOOD COOK WASflEr. AND Ironcr i Alsrt,A Gool Ilousernald. ALm, A C'ojtKl j Korse. Apply to DAVID COWAN, At Court Honae. Tastsamer P N mch 7 MisceUaneeus. mtrn . ':t. I : as y A News Paper, s published ever evvaing, Sadnday exeepte AT- 5 A Yeair, Or .r eent a'lnontb, nutjrtrictlj inadvance The lioJi'Jinir Public arc respectfully inform ed that it shall be tho constant aim of the pro prietor to furnish them with A LIVE NEWSPAPER, containing the latest newa of th day, and en j deavoring to keep its reader fully iuformu in rearti to events of interest and importance L occurring in every quarter of the world,! OUR DAILY MARKET REMITS :" "i ' Will be full and correct, and will be kept open until he latest possible moment. Mer chants in the city and Country may rest as sured that 'they 'will be, thoroughly reliable. The News Columns Will .contain the i reports, bota of news and markets, received here rach dy at noon, I ard the v. c l D i: r a i; r men t . i iJ U't U 1,1 -,C-J'1 ' ireful . and experienced i ' v v .1 r i ' r ritiHis in the sectiOH of country on- ne til with this city, will rcat'y oblige the Editor, -md will contribute additional intr- est. to ttice columns b3" forwarding anv itims hI'bch;- tht miy! occur ih thcJr r?pective localitii-s. j . i : '" ALL ni:!i!siHNDi:NCi: On matters of general Ltei crt will be gUdly received, but our i"iienls must bear in mind that thev must write only on one side of the p.iper ; that they must fo bear useless vtbi- age. must correct toj-lr on manu-crfnt and f mv$it avoid abueive p rfoua!itie J A re liable name must be fuTLUhcd with each com-. i munication. as the Editor will not be held ac- countable for the views or l.mguar,'e of cor- reipoudculj. "IS OUR SUBSCRIPTION LIST, Even before a type was et for the tin isur, was an exceedingly flatterin;: one, and is probably the largest bona tide list with hichi anV newspaper in North Carolina ever before began publication, and i now rapidly, oa the increase, especially on the various , railroad lines. J03U. T- TAXaXSS, Exiroa n PauraiiLToa, 1 ia- Office on Second trect, between' Pri- w and CWnt, near the rostoSee. D ' Cliscellaneous. PEOSPECTUS FOR 1877 LIPPINCOTT'S MAGAZINE, A:; 'ii.itkati;i monthly' Popular Litsratarc, - Science aiii Arl. Announcomont for 1877. , -The number fir January begins the nine teenth volume of this Magazine, and while its pastT'ecord will it is hoped be deemed a suflicent guarantee c f future excellence, no ctfort w ill- be spared to diversify its attract ion's and to provide aa "increased supply of r o'r ula 11 in: a u lvg ix the best AX I MOST EMPHATIC SEXSE. The great object and constant aim of the conductors will be to furnish the' public with Literary; Entertainment of a 'Refined and Varied Chapter, as well as to' present in a graphic and strikiugmanner the most recent information and soundest'view' on ibiect. of General Intrest : in a word to render Lippiu coit's Magazine strikingly distinctive is tiio.se fi:atuiu:s that a in: must . ATT 1 1 A L'TI V K IX MAGAZINl': h-' iATEIlATriiil. The contributions now on hand, or specially engaged, embrace a highly attractive list of" Tales, Short Stories, Descriptive Sketches, Narratives, Papers on Science and Art,. Poems, Popular E$savs',JLit erary Criticisms, Etc., "Etc., BY TALENTED AND AYIXT; KNOWN WHITENS. A Iar:e proort-ion of the articleespeciallv those descriptive of travel, will be- PKOFUSEEY AND ' IJEAIT.IFl'ELY . . I L L LSST1 1 ATE D' ' The pictorial embelishments of the -Magazine constitute one of its attractive features. In addition to' the General Attractions l Lippinc.ott's Magazine, the Pu'blishers.; would invite attention to the following SPECIAL FEATURES FOR 1877, 1. A new serial story, 1 "The Sftarcuis of Iossic," by George" MacDonald, author of 'Malcolm, "Alec Forbes," ;-Jiobert Falconor.'Vdc. To. those of our readers wh. are 'familiar with "Malcolm," this new story from the. pen of this distinguished writer will need no' re commendation, and hi? reputation is a "'guaran tee' to others of a deeply interesting and powerful ftory. It began " in the November' number, which issue, with the Decjpb ran. J-jvill bp furnished graits to all ne: ubscribers iur lot ; 2. 'A prof llaftrate.l series !.f sketches- of ' ; Swedish Scenery and Iiife, . by profc Willard Fri,k. autlior of Cornell Lni versify, who is throughly fat'nilar with Sweden and its people from personal observa tion. .3. A series of popular papers on rt and Art ZVZatters, bv Edward Strahan (Earl Shinn1!, author of "Tht; New Hyperion," etc. ' 4. Illustrated Sketches of Travel, ' e n title ; Pictures from Spain, by Edward King, author of the "Great Soath" etc. 5. Mrs. Lucy II. Iloopet's Interesting and Piquant . Papers and Lett es from Paris will be continued through the year. c. The Beauties cf the Rhine will be described in. a richly illustrated series of papers. . . 7. During the year will appear a. number of handsojji'el y illustrated short' article.-:, dev ecriptive of iafe, Travel, and Adventure in the United State?, England, South America, Japan, Mongolia, and other countries. FO ii SAI.K IIY-A LL H H )K A XD'.V.L W'S DLALKUs. rnin:, clxts. Tetims. ;Ycar Subfcriptien, Two cap ieg, 7; Three copies. $lt: Five copies, ..l' ; Ten copies, $:0; with a , copy gratis t the person procuring tic dub. Single number 33 cents. - . NoiKK-The Noreiiiber am! DeCti r Num bers containing tlx? cariii-r c::af.ei's of ''Tlx- Marquis ofLosMe,'?wii! bepre.-cnted t(, nil ne annual subscribers for 177. Sr-KCtMrv- Ni'Mni:a mailed, - ostac1'?'. paid, to any address, on ivc-ipt ' '' ) .cent-. ptr To Agents a Lib ral (-:. will be allowed. Address. A. IJ. I.iri'lXC i IT. vV ., I !!nii- liei .-. I'uil.ul'Ji.Iiia. 715 aii' I 71.7 M'.uket si j.tn 5 SMotice. 1 NAC;:OCS TOOTH 'PASTE, j.u-t !e up arxl for; at .VJ cents -per box. War- i i i - . !,.--tim !' r ! ra.-ted tie, bt D...TKII A m.tcut.ictured, DENTLSTUY pra.il in ALL Us branch-f l" ' ,,n 1 11 w J' h 31 1 Ui " . . ...in i e r.."Xn I-v r- r-r r-1, -iTfti-v iMiv .L,TIIL.r-Anr.) V.llLOl . ! U.N, at Dr. CAUU'S '!,! -;tab;L-h.-i t:'.ic. T1I0?. L. CARL A SON, j . apt il'- 14 ... N". M.ukf t Strett. . y ?IOi FASfE.iI.Vi TAGS. i i ESPECIALLY ADAPTED Ty.VI.i. i'.-L CvUuu tltip-r. ! - Neatly pririt d at LOWEST PI:!CE Sole Agent f r Wilaiiogi '"' - CAHDr FOR ALL. JJ A lill Y IJEKNA KD, the well Lnowa Candy Mannfaetorerreorner Front and Cas vt etrecti, ii prepared to manufacture Candy for the trade and private fataiUee. Ordert olieited. f p HE DAILT BETIEW i- iurtisbed to J. City SobeeribersI at SO cenu a month. PITFATU ILIIUM UULl Miscellaneous. THE 1 HIGHEST I AT THE 5 . ; CEHTENNIAL EXIIIDITC1. : ".: . ' x r .:-t ; The judges unanimou?! recommeid At ' M-EXDELSSOHN So : If. - FOlt THE i'lacingrthcm in the Front R&ak ' . Vithout a Suoerior. For strictly first class instrnaitntf. :'V 8000 fur $2o0. . $G50 for $275. 8700 for $:m. $750 for $S25. 8S0O for $3.-,0. N?000 for f400. 81000 fur $io0. X'i C-jiiiiiiissioii to Agents, r Xo Disfcuimfs to Teachers. . " ri tf Xo Deviation iUV Price. The lUiendelocohn GRAND, SQUARE & WKWX Contain valuable patent and improTeaBeptr i never before introduced.'-i ' MAT HUSHEK'G Nkw Patent Ditlex, Oversibcko Scataf t- 1 the preatest advance in the Imtory of Ha no making, producing the mot aatoaisaiof power, richness and depth of tono, and -taiuing finding quality never before attmiacd, Ucin- a "Grand Piano in a Square caie.M ti - . . ! .-;.;!: i The Mendelssohn Upritrhts AUG THE FINEST IN AMERICA. V They are pronounced the '"Pianoi of th Future." Manufactory A Wauerooms,: ' Aos. 41)0, 492,;494, 49S A409 iTeat ! ' 57th'.St. Nos, 8.H, 8J0, 862, 864, 868, dk t?0 loth Avenue. .. . - PIANOS SENT ON THIAl. Illustrated and descriptive Catalajaa mailed free. .. ' . ' mlxdkLssoux riANom, . i;i siNi:ss orrici: : ; ? . Xo. oG Broadway, N. l ; , ; ni fe! 21 7- ' Welsterl UDairiipd DictioHary V FOU TJIL SCHOOL il . ." 3,0;o Engravings; 1,840 Page Quarto. Fricc $U. - , ; ; , A NEW FSATTrXlS. . To the ",0.1 Illustrations h-retofre In Wb- -.ter' Cnabridgcd, we have added four pt(M o: rolorcd: Illustrations, e;raved expressly for tlie fork, at large , , ' . expense. . , Z V. . C!.- CJ ?a 1 a. - ' ,, irf , ' j ""'I P?menurniT oV; ponding "officer, where fuch an one ex tf, hai recommended Webster's Dictionary in the ' strongest term?. Among them are thote of Mrongesi lerm?. Among ttiem are tnote or Eastern, Nortlrern. Middle. Southern, and Western States TWENTY-EIGHT in alL , The State of NEW YOKK haa placed 10,000 t . copies of Webster's Unabridged in aa many of ' her Public Schools. The State of WISCONSIN about ,000 n.early every school. - The Stote of NEW JERSEY 1.500-nearlT every reboot. I he htate of MICHIGAN made proviaior for all her schoh. . The State of MASSACHUTETTS' haa f7 piied her schools nearly all. ' , The State of 10 WA has lupplicd Lei ? School?. The State of CONNECTICUT haa; Wade' ! provLwn for her schools ' ? Over 3,000. schooli "in lDf.i; tJ ! Tn r i i j -' Poaimo PRICES BELOW HID "."i"v uuiica ujiii (.iiuies uiTeuecn Mr..,. chaed for sunblvinir. achouli of eiiieeioaaiv' ties an4 town. . . . .Vp-;;:. Whatbetter investaent can be a.ad;Tor.V ! fcboolj? - 'f,'-fH Iore than ten times a many are ao4.,eri"ri i Webrter'.i lliction-j ie of anr othur mtIm' in thu country. . At leat TOCK-rirrns of alt, the acbool-booaa i publisttea in. tins intry ova WetMte?. Mot- their f tandard, and A tint- rtnndfr ftflr'aCx I knowlidg'? a st standard. . : PtTJfehed by ii. k C. METITIIAM, j dec priBfffield Jfaas. " ' '-'- '. rr THE lUiST liAll IX TIlECn RJf the old CLflnPfinn:i: v Foot of Uarlcet Ct. The Iict .f ALES, WIXEd, UQCOBS . .! axwi CIGARS ajiraya on hand and served bj polite and accommodating attesdastx. New Kiver Oyjter, alwara frch aad a1ajt, crved iu any ttjle desired. . , alTt J . . ' Notice. . o hills will uharitiv in: atiilitsl br tha Andifltif Vtrmtmiitm of t the Doard of County Comrniaiosera Blnt . cuch bilta are accompanied by aa order fres a member of the Board or Clerk of the Audit' ing Committee. No other parties are aathe ized to contract debts against the Coaatr. $ apl 13 JOUN gTNyAUNKB, Chi'a. Ill

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