llf If ' ' - if '1. ' flttl Oai ontb,M cents. ' - 1 v"-t delivered by rnrt nr part of tbeeMyV" k'!- Wd liberal " Advertisements rr I ! u -V.I (VI Mt Mvtf' f 1 1 Al Ill',- ' ti4 . . - - v z 5..; i . - - - i obs ms! ?y.7Arf VOL: 5t. WILMINGTON, IV. C., THURSDAY, MAY 3, 1877. GROTS' S;jj8 SUMMER GOODS AT v;v - if A T,TCi 36 Market Street. -! Lower Than Ever it. NO. S8 The Second Day of 3Iay,! 1863. I Who is there in Wilmington' that be- fllou. E H. frwekiun; late Justice of lougetl to the dorious old jarmy of Northern Virgiuia that djcs not reto'lect this day,- fotirteen - 3cars a;o, when the tU? Xcx;- YofyiW&SWrk U dead- District- Attorney.' at SiltVLake to test the citizensliip ' of; GTeQrge Q. Canriuo, Dcgate to jQnsrewi ' from Utah who, it is claimed, Uyldn illegal naturalize ion paper, u -The , next return f the Bank of EngU'id will probably show a roduction of u0,000000 in the amount of fcold lield," tind the Kime amount - in the reserve Hettreen 2 and 3 o'clock on -Tuesday morning tlie lad- : "fsmall-frWbnUding at outh Orange, X.Yl wefo deatroyoJ by tiro. The twenty boarders in f he hotel escaped in their night: clothes. - - Drownlow ras burieil at Kuox ille on Tueaday aftcr uoji). : Boss Grant tvas at Eliza beth, X. J. on Tuesday night when he was serenaded. . Every regi- '...iJjiT.TrBtitvlesfrom 8 cents 10 jil III": - I jS:ik 85 CCntS per yard up .lciPUti,!LT.I,I- avkcI Cotton C-cts. up rAHCY OOODO. VAT VARIETY GREAT BARGAINS . ... t. .j OA f nf UD. x i'ar'l3, Collars and Cuffs EMDROIDBUIIlfl. ; wvsm tu iiTv-irTm.); ,1en & Bov's Wear Housekeeping Goods m ail Gents' Ganse Unjerwear r&0Z 40 CENTO UP ! LINEN DRESSES. a ibort crcrvtfwnm-c-dcd to complete an ire kutSt for adif, (Icntsor Children."' Patronize Home ! il Duplicato any "Retail Goods sent for abroad oa, the Same: Terms. incut iu tho English service is now full, aud the iron-clads are' ajl getting roady for sea. The Union Banking Com pany pf Philadelphia, has failed. The railroad bridge at St. Paul,' Ind., was burned yesterday. Emerson & Fisher's carriage factory, in Cincinnati, wa burned Sunday night. Lo3 in stock and machinery, $60,000 ;' insurauco $35, 000. Building 10,000; fully insured. ' Col. Fors3'th, the well-known and distinguished editor of the Mobile tiegister, died yesterday agel GO. Col. Forpyth wias: the leading Democratic editor of the South, aud w'aa Minister to Mexico under Buchanan. He was a native-of Georgia.: John T. Daly, millionaire and proprietor of the Windsor LIotl at CS'cw York, is missing. Suicide is .feared;-' The President and Actuary of the Popular Insurance Company and the President aud Secretary of the Continental Life Insurance , Company, have been indicted 'for criminal practices. Scarlet fever and measles are epi demic at Annapolis. The authorities of the Xa?al Academy have, established stringent rules to exclude the disease. - President Hayes wifl attend the opening of tie. exhibition at Phil.ldelphio, 011 the. 9th. : Bomania ha in effect declared war ajainst Turkey. The Russians report that they have taken; the fortress :: vts B; ja.id.: hi Armenia. The Turks'- 1,700 strung, withdrew..-to ;lhe hVtht?, leaving a large quantity of ammu nition. , The Russians occupied the towu. A Rcuter telegram reports the Rus sians before Ears. .1 he Russians will poutouu the Danube from a poiut on the Rounmania side, opposite .Isakia, ivhiM-n flnrfi ix a ??ool road to the unlands EM toff StlfltfTnnr . Tnctitn. of the Dodruuscha. ' The Turkish 36 Market St. 9 I 1IVUVIIII3 lllU j'lUVWlllllp liviiunvoiuiiiuij UUU 111 II Ml 1 1 1 1 V . . . I .llillior l1lPiTi:lsk fif I )i TUack Sea. WliUul Shauipoo; for 26 1 1n ran try and 5,000 cavalry, provided the Hputi5,,D(Ior2StJ1enb,f Aif Porie pava a part of the transportation I ra K I,th'w ia at the Great aud equipment. Spam sends a few krtTX ndcr-.Uie: National morc troot)S to Cuba. 4 tUsLViJtoinj: U done in silence . IM 10 no. 1" 91 I. iURMAN'SKf. r ' Vr aU IxUUii. MBt rYHs XOW IX. i -.:. I. ats' ad Youth's andlBoys' Clothing. The Statis tical Bureau claims an excess of exports over imports during the past nine months of $155,000,000. During the same peripd the imports of specie, exceeded the exports over $5,000,000. : LOCAL NEWS. SO Wfti;h . Bold .... .. .u 'ACT! a. year A. t'ACT I, A, FACT 1 .; a. onniiin, Market street. LIPPITT'S 6 fp - nt yiUBE OPENED OX wibSrtiV M. . !.-ilh iHu.. 1'uro r,rn Hi. r,u SlRAVllEKRlEs",;.!J-;.ti New Advertisement. .CaAsJJjgpsaA Co Brougham's Cele brated Canned Cooked MeatSi Pettiwat & ScncLKEN-tReceiTing nd Oflerini. U ' ; S. JeWkii Xos. 84 and 80. - Ilei ssm,c ke Pianos, Organs. A. 'Saaxtfu Collars by the backet full 25 cants. . : . 1 ; Belted basques are in favor." . Z ; I V No cajses for, trial to-Jay befort the Mayors "- . .: J. ' Memorial Day pext .Thursday one week frr&0(wiayf t w J The Grand Jury of the Federal Court rfr in.fJ 'ons frozen, free of I have thus fir found nine true bills. rVUtnm - I- iFirqs andovcrcoats were again com forta- M . : L. r lcnOS O f o- tie ' r -Hazc, hawthorn, heliotrope, pansies, IDEoss Avn I aiid rach b!cysso.ns arc the favorite flower tu.v 1 . - i. -. JIM r rtlo)eut of iiICurkr-: Pr marketfs poorly sttpplicd with gar- tail .Van Jy 8utkn ' ' i ca trhct, but a few days of warm weath- JlXn i .!V""'-J 'fir trill mak adrir1fvl AlffrrmrA. uUiBiu;i. : r."r r - Xedicil t-i' ' v f .cvSrJ sciipUsa; -; Kew pploaaisca are made Tvith Breton- first bottle of the .Wilderness was foOght the day that was to prove so eventful in the future history of the Southern Con federacy ? For on this day, or j rather tjhe night of this day, fourteen years ago, the Napoleon of America, the great, the im mortal Stonewall. Jackson, received the wound which carried him "over the river taut some two lor three miles from the Wilderness Church. 1 'Twaa here that Jeb Stuart, in this on battle, won more re new n for h i mse) f than all he ever d id i n all of his cavalry battles. Generals Jack son and A. P. liill having been wounded the night before, the command of the Second Carps devolved upon Gcri. Stuart and right well did he command it. The way he handled his artillery was superb. The enemy's works were charged the next morning by sunrise and carried, but owing to some mismanagement the troops were the enemy's position, and on noi sauce, a3 he passed our to rest undertlio shade of tbc tree." and j not pt iu exactly as directed and the enemy executed a flank movement which caused the extreme right of Trimble's Division, commanded by Colston, to fall back temporarily; and it was right here that the gallant Ramseur executed the brilliant movement of changing front in the face of the enemy, so as to meet their attack, which gave Colston time to re form, when the Tar Ucsls of Trimble's Division again dashed forward with a yell recapturing the works, and driving the uemy over two sets of fortifications clear back to the Chancellor House. These two battles were certainly the most brilliant of the whol$ war; Long stieet was down on the Peninsular aud Jackson, with only his corps and Early's Division, defeated Hooker's entire army of over 100,000 men. The battle of Chan cellorsville has justly been regarded as the moxt brilliant of Jackson's many achieve ments. Gen. Lee, in his dispatch of co'uloleucc upon I hearing of his able Lieutenant's misfortune, said: "I congratulate you upon the victory due entirely to your skill and energy.' Consequently, it was Jack son who planned, it was Jackson who fought, and it was Jackson who won the glorious victory at Chancellorsvilli?. I , . . . ... The Thermometer. From the United States-Signal Ofiicc'at this place we obtaiu the following report .of the thermometer, as taken this morn ing ait 7:31 o'clock : Augusta. 57; Charleston, o'J; Galveston. 70; Jacksonville, 60; Mobile, Gl ; Mont gomery ,57; New Orleans, 01; Norfolk, 49 ; Savannah, G6; Wilmingtou, 50. ac0Mo4 V l&oo& r : "ii. m Tfsk auJ cottars, and are trim- loretle fixed with bands of embroidery. Km Mav is fd trV Iv ati nnlnrVv mAnth for rinrvtM -U -i mwrying uuiua relioxr wants to nitcnop r lJook Music stort! .i - l Hst .bad bUl hardly boM back 00 that ; ,UMirkett.'Mc!otinL ' ' ' this, too, at the hands of his own faithful followers. j "Twas thiue own genius guve the final blow, I And helped to plant the wound that laid thee low. i 80 the struck agle, stretched upon the plain, i No more through rolling clouds to soar again, ! Viewed his own feather hi4.he fatal dart, And winged the shaft that quivered lu his heart." ! The Eighteenth North Carolina Infan try, under command of, the lamented Purdie, carrying out the instructions of General Jackson himself, fired the fatal volley into the cavalcade as they came re treating precipitately from the enemy's lines. It was Gen. Jackson's custom to always make a rccouuoisancc!in perso of j this .rccoh butposts. he gave instructions to Col. Purdie's com manding the 'picket s, to look; out and be prepared for a' cavalry charge, as he thought thceneiiiy would attempt same thing of the kind, in order (to penetrate our designs, and then passed on to nVake his reconnoisance, but the enemy, discov ering Jackson and his staff, fired upon them. This caused them to.rctrcat rather hastilyand, as they came galloping back to our lines, the gallant Purdie recollect ing only Gen. Jackson's instructions about 'a cavalry charge, and not being, able to recognize any one in Use dark, gave the command to Jirc This brought Gen. Jackson to the ground , A. P. Hill and one or two of the staff also. The mistake was discovered immediately, but alas ! too late, Jackson had .received the wound - which was to Cause his death. The wounded Generals were taken from, the field to the hospital at once, and such was the great secrecy preserved ' that the mi&Htuiie which had befallen the Arm'v of Northern Virginia ami th cuutrv lar e was '- scarcelv known until alter ;thf t lnihtian ' hero's death which. oc-currtkl eight days j afterwards, on what is now jour Memorial j Day, the 10th -day of Mav, the pcoplo ! ol the Carol iuas and Virginia having con- - 1 1 secrated this day to tho memory of the immortal "Stonewall.-" 1 The second day of May, w.ts one fraught with great interest ! to the mem bers of the Second Corn of the Army vf We Norlherii'i Virginia. The forced niareh that Jackson made with hjs corps 0:1 that day, the bold movment.of cto.'sing the enemy Is flauk, with his coinmaud inarch ing in column while Hooker was iu line of battle, near the Old Forge; the double quicking that Jackson's men did there, and the rapid movements they made until they gained their position1 at 5 o'clock on that afternoou ; the mystery, of the whole movement to all except the one master mind, that directed it; tho sudden surprise giveu to the enemy that memo rable Saturday afternoon, when Jackson's meu advanced in three liups of battle upon llooker's rear; the sudden scattering of the detail of cooks that had j been sent to the rear to prepare three ldays: rations for Hooker's army in its j"Ou to Rich mond" march; the attempted stand made by the blue coats with a battery at tho .Wilderness Church; tho impetuous charge of Jackson's men; the precipitate flight of the Yankees, Icayiug their gUns behind them; the pell-mell running fight that tran kept up with the enemy uutilaftcr dark; the terrible night that: succeeded the victorious day; the awful destruction that tbc enemy's artillery worked iu our ranks that night; the horrible scene on the plank road when a section of artillery, unman-? oed, came dashingdown the road, the affrighted .horses running away with the caisonsand guns, tearing right through our own ranks and scattering death aud destruction (so close were the men massed on (bo road) that is was almost equal to the enemy's shells, as they guided by the di rection of tlie noise, got perfect range of our position and sent their shrapnel crashing ; through the Confederate ranks! "Twas a night long to be remembered and a field: never to be forgotten " The day following, Sunday, the 3d day of May, is no less memorable, for 00 this day or the morningof this daj was fought the bloody battle f dianJorsrilJe, - Decoration Day. understand tliat Hon. Anir. S. Seymour has received and lias accepted an invitation to deliver the address at the Memorial Services to be held in the' Nation al Cemetery -on the 30th inst., Decoration Day. Other arrangements for the due observance of the occasion arc beiug per fected and will be announce 1 in a few days. Federal Court. The following ases have been called aud disposed of in this Court to-daj: U. S. vs. Francis Falk, for illicit distil ling. Jury withdrawn and case con tinued. U. S. v. Cornelius Shine. Verdict not guilty. U..S. vs. Charles Bottcrner. A'ei pros. U. S. vs. J. S. J. Began. Jury out. These were all for violations of the rcvcmir laws. In for mat ion Wanted. The parents of a young roan by the name of EugeneH. Stuart, who somctmes went by "the name of James E Hatch 'are exceedingly anxious to obtain some infor mation in regard to his whereabouts." Stuart is a young man about 22 years old and hails from Bridgton, Combland coun ty, Mc. HO last wrote to his parents from this city mi -ior date of last Decem ber Bthy since which time nothing has been heard from him. Any information left at the Marshal's office at the City Hall will be promptly forwarded. Marshals for Memorial Day. The following is a complete list of Mar shals dor Memorial Day, May 10th: Chief Marshal Capt.; Jno. T. Kankin. Assistant MarthaU -Captains James I. Metts, E. A. Maffitt, George Sljan and T J. Southerlaud and Meters. J. II. Beat-; wright, B. K. White, Prettoti Otmming G. J. Boney, John Sctt. J. W. Wwlriu and B. A. Ilallett. Tho following eard IVmu Git. Iliakiu explains itself: MEUOSIAL DAY. TIkS Ladies Memorial Association1 have requested the undersigned as Marshal to extend an invitation tQ all urgauizatious, civic and military, and schools and all other persons who sympathize with aud have heretofore participated iu the annual memorial celebration, to join tketa Iu pro cession and assist in the ceremonies on TUorsuay next, the tenth day of May. Jxo. T. Baxkix, Marshal. Just 487 dog badges sold np to nooo thiaday. , The Tables Turned, Yesterday J. NoVlcs reported to an officer of the' U. . S. District Cxmrt that Mr. N. L. Williamson tried to bribe him with a ten dollar bill to.swarc falsely in a case then pending, and accordingly the papers were drawn upland .Mr.. Williani sou arrested.-". The ea-fb 'was'. called and the table was turned "arid now Nobles is rcposiug in the shades of' retired lilc in the jail, on' the charge of perjury. Our Western Friends. The excursion tarty "which arrived iiuiii rmcioy on i uesciay evening s train, iu care of .Messrs. IIarrj.ll and Bos tick, took a ' trip down the river vesrer- day morning, returning early last evening. They express themselves as well pleased with their trip, all agreeing in saying that they spent a very pleasant day. The party were to lave gone to the Sound . this . afternoon, after returning from which they will sp-nd the nigh here, aud leave in the morning on the return trip to Shelby.; ' i Ingenuous Counterfeit coin De tector.' There is $30,000,000 of good silver currency afloat, and a great deal that is counterfeit. Some of. the latter is ad mirably executed, and silvered over so that' neither eye nor lingers can defect the fraud. It rings Hat, however. -An automatic coin detector ik out, of meat ingenuity, and unfailing accuracy.. Its principle is based on the fact that' if the counterfeit coin is the same size 'and thickness as tliej genuine it is lighter ;'df it is the same .weight, it is necessarily larger or thicker than the genuine. When you drop the counterfeit coin mto the detector, therefore, if it slides, through the little slit prepared lor it, it will not tip the scale. If it tips the scale it will" not slide through the slit. If it both slides through the slit and tips the scale, it is genuine TJic 'Fashions in Parasols. The color of the parasol which is to supersede last year's novelty." will be car dinal. It is fo be t.hc fashion' to carry sun umbrellas, large, untrimmcd and not lined, made of heavy Isilk, and the shade is Lliie -either a diagonal silk in bright blue 'or a reversible silk, with an outside of invisi ble blue and the; insid.r of changeable j shades of of lighter tones ; the. handles' arc. of bamboo, Madagascar vine. ..r. 'are ; tipped - with ivory. Just innv there' is 1 quite a rage for oddities in the war; of' handles. Some are a. combination cfhru j and a metal composition atid areeneiiv !el X ; with a band set .with turinise: the! Madagascar vine Ij ukiIcs are li.ht and highly polished. PLEASE NOTICE. f . . 't'r- tTjrpff T". W will be glad to recdreroaaiaaif aluAf from our friends on any and all sabjceU f goneralinterest but : fir t' . .!? Tht? name of the writer maiyalwari it furnished to the Editor. " "" ' V, Communicati'JDS mu.t b writ lea nslj . na one siI of the paper. " . '. I'ettona'.ities-must-be aroidid.1 : V v Andit ii specially and part ietlarly aider stood that hc editor doea ct always tsdont the views of correepondent5, linleta ao itaUd ''" in the editorial columns. - - -'- ; The lcople Want Proof. ' r There -is no mediciuc pi-escribed by -physicians, or sold by .Druggists, that i carries such evijdence ot" its success and superior virture of Bo urn's German SYnri- for severe Coughs, aids settled on' the breast. Consumption, or any disease of. tho Throat and Lungs. A proof of that fact is that any person afflicted, can get a Sample Bottle lor 10 cents and try, its superior - clTect before buying the regular size at 75 cents. It has lately been intro duced in this country from Germany, and its wonderful- cures are astonishing every one that use it. Three doses will relieve any case. Try it. . New 'Advertisements. " , Receiving and Offering, i JICE AN D DRIED APPLES, Ifutter. Tubs and Kef a, all grade?, Meats, Western and North -Carptisp. i Molasses, Cuba and New Orleans, I'ig Hams, Western and North Carolina,! Lard, Egg and Poultry, ... CJreen Peas and other Vegetables. Wc have at all times Samples ' Coflee, Molasses, Lye, Potash, Sips, Baking Powders, . ' , ; AV ashing Crystal, Ac., , V Glue, Spirit Caski, Ac. Orders and Consignment! solicited. PETTEWAY & SCHULKEN ' ' Brokers and Commission Merchant!, Next North Princess and Water Sts. ' mav J BROUGEAH'S Celebrated Canned COOKED HEATS. COOKK1) COKNKD liLSF, "" " 0 I'e' f Tongue?. PisV Tonguvs Cooked I'is Feet, CooTvcd Turkey and Touue, "' ; :-,-' :,' - - Cooked Chicken and Tonjue, Cooked Roast Beef. ' , , '...packed in Brougham's improved Patent Canisfirs. These Meats are cooked in thir oun juiei.' hy a new process and, are the roost delicious rool .-vtrr put np. Fdr sale by " , CILlSJ.MMWm 5 & 7 Worth Front Street. Nos. 84 and 85 JAKFSIDK LIliUARV. Madcap Violet." By William BUck au thor nf "Tiie .Strange Ad renin res of I'ha ton." "A Princesa of Thut' "Tun Feathery". Ac, Ac. Vrictf'Ofcvht, bf mail centi. For :ile at " ' ; J way '1 S. JKWETT'Si . Large-sized parasols with fcsL - nicd edues arc also in dark 'colors, lined with sjine j TVio Aflof;v fon.f Ti'. dark green lighter shads that harniunizi with straw color, blue with cardinal, r.nd ' tlje lining is of suft-finishel Vdl; : ..the parasol being a!s j corded outTje wirii the j sawc. A bow of ribbon is sot on tnc top. ; : it j i i ii i-i - aiiuuici on me naiune, wiiir-ii l- ci s- riic light and dah'ity pattern. All tho.-e are in the shape of umbrellas., .are n t can opied, and afford a pleasant shade 'highly grateful on our warm summer davs. A Queer Place for Money. A cargo of .cottmi, shipped from this Krt some time since, on the . Br. brig Brisk, for Liverpool, has been heard from, an item of a rather peculiar naturehaving been developed. The consignees iii Liv erpool, writing under date of April Jlst to the shippers in this city, say: ' The Cotton Mills Company com- l.'ASSENGEi: DKPAUTMEXT, Wii MiN' rv, X. C, May 2, J77r -5Z 51 JJKLFOATKS TO SESSION OF Til K General Aaiuiubly of .the Preabyterian Church, convening at NEW ORLEANS, MAY 17th, 1877, wi 1 be transported orer this Line at the follow injr rates: " Uichmond, I'eteroburg and Porta mouth. . Weldon.. Ooldsboro ... Wilmington.. m a a mm -a t..M................MM...; 45 43 75 Florence and Charlotte Columbia 4t 75 40 00 plain !) that ou oiening two of the bales of cotton ex -brig Jirisk, a dollar note was found in each. Tho finders sol 1 the two notes for 0s. :1. which -'amraiut Was doubtless soon absorbed bv excrcisin" their powers of suction." Now the qne5tion. arises,' wh , '.so in.. hjcv was it ? Did the two 'notes gr.w in the cotton bollv. ready printed, tigiud and stamped or were they accidental' drop ped in among the lint cotton at the gin or has the (impress Co.::pany gjt j many of them that they drop in one occasionally iu a bale of cotton as it is compressed by thorn, as a siHxrirnen to the"bloo!y furrincrs" of the good J ks of our circulating uirtlinrn T As a financial speculation it wa hardly -JiiKfuful " a. Us. 3l. fjr the two note lacks smu 12 per cent of being their market value in g'dd. : NO HOUSEHOLD IS COMPLETELY till its kitchen is supplied with DooLtv'h Yeast Powdek, known the country over as be chef d'ocutrt of baking powders, ltd made of the purest cream-tartar, so difhcol t to get even at the druggist's, and it makes the product of baking aarpass- ingly at which prices .ROUND-TRIP TICKETS, ood to return until JUNE 10th, will be sold. Tickets will be placed on sale MAY 12th. ' .. I-' - The route of direct connection and qaick time from all pointa on tblnlinc ia fia A adna ta, Maron and Columbus. may A. POPE, C -neral Pasaenztr Agent. BairgaioifuS f i CLOTMIHGll AND. GENTS1 FURNISHING GOCDS 9 AT pi 2S Soda VJater. OYKL'Pd made from Crashed 8n2ar ani O bt Frait Calces and Extract. . " ." -10 ' Centa per Gtast, - t-,;.;.-i.t - , t 15 Ticket for One Dollar. A I way a Ice Cold. - " " JAMES C. HtTNDS "V - DmHftv J pi ' Third 8t, oppntinTcirr HaL r 1:

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