Silver a ;s r , schurz unit Earts, errer?Tililietfit Returning ,rd 1,01 ' f1"1 vutcrkhhir.. me 1 1 1 i tii like one i "ffv 1 here tmd dlierv: ' MAt fniHnd hi money, p,rvniK;ssar' 7 I tit lie dMn'd se7 . , ; . , M ? KSer? brodder a n il id ? i jnli 'P ;! 1(Mie ,lhc tos vas.,-.ft.redli.'lusird, K v .cn on a aphreo ?" rYZkivi-wtelieilot," , .1 llfrr I'lIS'-r. Ulien. lie. -Pil.VM-anUir1crk5.1i ins l'lu. .... .it likfMlht; Tnyk'l, jShin. tatnpl.ool uuo,Uou.s Hllcrr nig r, dlii-n, said In. IV .U tlr'-ftt I""' Jl'iP -H .MOOOC . I.iHrrI,iIr.T,ttlH-nt si 1 1 In. V a Picr vant a gl.rkh is, rj4Uonnt"r-IM prlng; L-kv!i'xnniniatorM iVp'Ul.lnd half tint ding;' fBOfa(Hinci,el!stedt iHotm-Vr any iv Hiirx iii tils ')Uinlry !' ,4lH..Trr:lt'-r,lh.Ni,siid Ik-. jmw -amxrsim i .kih mi n irn Tit Miscellaneous. all!' Call! Call! 'at tub BOOR STOKE jfjipSD STREET, riar the Post L there vou will find everything in the iTIONERV LINEm cheap as it can b r! the North. . ill so, ca'l ami see if it 'is not, At Danforth's, r'Al Xcar the Pobt Office.- "DON'T FORGET' 1.. SHE P A RD can be foun 1 SOUTH SIDE "3I.KKET ST., S?conJ and Third tst., J tti willin? tu zll kind. of toDfQ, GLAZING, &c. If TnF 1877 INDEX-APPEAL, dXtOvVntl.Wook-lv i . . v.. j ! ii... .... . fi&L?!ltl ftrin: discussion r "OPirvnf tho miii.. ABSnift wmwenrlal reports are VlTnew,8 and gossip from tTfir' -V1'1 V. effort 18 spared f: f nltid -V Vn. l v newspaper. i.' ste a larcer cl iu viS 2UUUU? any other mner iu Swh Dnd.Ulc njest cfrcula I llaofanyViiKlnlamijer t. 3(.BSt-WiTl..v. . - M 00 3 00 1 50 50 $2 00 1 00 wimotitaa . " Sif1 j? fum!!jied at the rato of TOB. CO, ' 1 . t FV n- i t lnSIUtC V ft. IS0 XEWSrAl-KI!, can ac uiaintain accorded to VW . cor Pancr Ever ' u.r- u' - it contains all 'ra. rn Aeswiatcd W;il Telegrams and cor. rLJ.i d mu Interest full lmT.rZ' and Fearless Ed ubt : Current Topics. It f , . t0 a st publUhcd any .irra noriiir nanera rftetion. .. rftx. v.t;ui. ver nut- unc. f nilrv: f"E TIMES; TU, 9 - . notit,FhUadelphia. 5 anrl fli ASnt.Tlln..' tit;u Pri raaging from 25 hi I. . ft rsiiiF N U. ALLEN, & Co's u UER J Warrant S' and all other .T'trot.. ; do- ' - ; a,l21 ,,in;i;'rutuplrkMiiiw, ' dhe iK'forr dlic poanl; t p.wurN.l " lMitscli tlluni Vfllow-s, ! Tttie lit gt-hat and biiort'd. ,iliiBrliiifllieiirniy- . T i Miscellaneous. r VICE'S v - ILLUSTRATED PRICED CATALOGUE. Fifty pages 300 UIust:ations, with De scriptions of thousands of the best Flowers and Vegetables in the world, and the wat to grow ji?em all for a Two Cent postage stamp. Printed in German and English. Yick's Floral Guide, quarterly, 25 cents a year. ' " . ' . (Tick's Flower and Vegetable Garden, 50 cents in piper ; in elegant cloth covers, Sl'.OO AddrcssL JAMES VICK. Rochester N. Y VickVFloral Guide a beautiful Quarterly Journal, finely Illustra ted, and containing an elegant colored Fiower Plate with! the first number. Price only 25 cents for the year,. The first No. fJr 1877 just issued in German and English. , . Tick's Blower A Vegetablo Garden, in pa per 50 cents ; with elegant cloth covers $1.00. Vick'a Catalogue S00 Illustrations, only 2 cents. Address JAMES VICK. Rochester, N. Y. viciro Vegetable and Flower Garden is the mosi beautiful work of the kind in the world. It contains nearly 150' pages, hun dreds of jfia.e i lustrations, and six Chboxo Plates oi Flowers, beautifully drawn and colored from nature. Price 50 cWits in paper coveri; ij.uw tn elegant cloth, l'nntea in uerman and .bnglisb. V iclt's Moral Guide, Quarterly, 25 cents a ick's Gataloguc-300 illustrations, onlr 2 cents.. Address. JAMES VICK. Rochester, N". V. VZCS'S Flower and Vegetable Seeds are planted by a" million people in America. See ' ' Vick's Catalogue 300 Illustrations, only 2 cents. i Vfck s Fiorai Guide, Quarterly, 25 cents a year. Vick'a Flower and Vegetable Garden, 50 cents; with elegant cloth covers $1.00. All my publications are printed in English and German. Addres3 JAMES VICK, ' PI3 j Rothester, S. Y. Patd. Jcty 25, 13T1. CLJLlJi FOK THE IMPROVE WK WHITWEY SEWING MACHINES The following specific points of superiority: 1 Great Simplicity in Construction. 2 Durability. 3 Exceedingly Light Running 4 Still Running. Noiseless. 6 Performs all Varieties of Work. G Beauty of Finish and Workman ship T GREAT REDUCTION in Price. Machines kent on trial before payment is re quired ; written guarantee to keep machines in order for jfive years given with each ma china. : Whit Pat Olo Prices ? For circulars and particulars, Address, IIE WHITNEY MF'G CO., dec 23 Paterson. N. J. Keystone Printing Ink Co - ' jlANU FACT UR tHS f PRINTING- INKS. bookLvnd news black a 17 XVorth Fifth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. . . .. . OUIi INKS ARij OF A SUPERIOR quality! being made from the best ingre dients and under the personal supervision Of a practical printer and pressman, therefore wc will guarantee every pound of Ink sold to bo of a Superior Jet Black, Quick Drying, and entirely1 free from setting-off. " Our prices are from 30 to 50 per cent, low ct than any jothcr Inks manufactured in the United States. ' . A trial of ja sample keg will convince any printer that he baa been paying nearly double what be should for his Inks in times past. Put up in kegs and barrej4u suit purchasers. Address, " . KEYHTONK PRINTING INK CO., 17. North Fifth Street, dc 13 . Philadelphia, Pa to:- JAMES GORDON BENNETT, U V 11 I K T O il. p i r u s t a r, i: r i: k. i: . ONE DOLLAR - t .50 Cents for Sis SHonths. ' - Au t-xtra copy to ever v club of ten,. THE NEW YORK, DAILY -HERALD rublishcd every day In the yeir. KSTAiii: Fiibi;. . 510 pays fWr one year, Hundavs included. S3 pays for one year, without Sundays, SS pays fotr ix months, Sundays included. ' pays' foir six months, without, Sundavs. 52 pa for one year for any specified d'ay of the fweek. ' -$1 pays for ir months for any specified day ' of thejweeki : i Vj' -31 pays for one month: Sundays Included. : i - " .' NEWSDEALERS, SUPPLIED f ' POSTAGE FREE, Dailr EilJfin "Tira mnA Klf war Sanaay Edition....'......Four cents per copy Address, 1 NEW YORK HERALD dec27 Broolwavand Ann t.Xew York. A9n wadVbj Q XU H ! q50 AgentsVllinS oqr CU4r ttos, Crayons, Picture and Chroma Cards. 100 sampla worth $4 sent postpaid for 75 - - .VHWU. ua W. . IjanlT " u uurruttu a ftUJS, 1JUST . icUbiistiea ? 1 YORE WEEKLY mm Steamship Linesc. aBoinnioire AXI Wilmington, W. C., STEAMSHIP LINE. Tiistaamcr E. J). IFoOey, . Capt. Price, WILL SAIL FROM BALTIMORE OX SATURDAY, MARCH 24. ; a To be succeeded b'y Siuir. CAPT- OLIVER, On Wednesday, March 28, and thereafter sailing from Baltimore every . WEDNESDAY AXD SATURDAY. ! Shippers can rely upon the prompt Sailing of "steamers as advertised. Through Bills of Lading- given to and from Philadelphia, and Prompt Dispatch guaranteed. For Freight Engagements apiy to AY D. CAZAUS, Agrcnt, Wilmington, "N. C. L. S. liELDEX, Solicjung Agent; REUBEN FOSTER, General Agent. Corner Lee and Light Street, Baltimore, .mch 21 CLYDE' Mew York AND , Wilmington, N, C, SXUVZX-WZIZSZSLV Steamship Line, The Steamer BENEFACTOR, CAPT. JOKE, WILL SAIL FROM NEW YORK ON SATURDAY, MARCH 24. i To be succeeded bv Steamer j CAPT. WAHELBs, r On Weqes 'ay, XVZarch 28. Shippers can rely upon the prompt sailing of Steamers as advertised. SAILING FROM tVILMIXGTOX SUX- ! DATA2T WEDNESDAY. For Freight Engagements appjy to ' A. D. CAZAX7Z. Agent, . Wilmington, I9 O. L. S. UELDEN, Soliciting Agent. Wil. P. CLYE vt CO., General VgciHs, 6 Bowling Grecu, or Pier 13, X. 11., New York. ieb 0 PROSPECTUS A. .,. OF THE Maryland Medical Journal, BALTIMORE, MD. QN THE FIRST DAY OF MAY NEXT, the undersigned will issue, in the city of Bal timore, the first number of The Masylaxo. Mehical Journal. It will be a monthlv pub lication, devoted to the advancement of M cd cinc in all its branches. ; Each issueofthe Journal v:!l e:atrti. ii nal articles, from rcpreitntaiive men iii ih- profession, a . ' Careful selections from foreiga and home journals will be made with a special view to the requiriments of the practitioner, i Reports of the progress of Surge y aod 3Iedicine in their special, as well as general branches, including Diseases cf the Eye and Ear, Diseases of the Nervous System, Diseas es peculiar t Women, and Diseases of the Throat and regularly given by men eminent ixi tliese several branche. These reprt exhibit in abstract form of the progress ia aach of these special d.-part-meots darins. the year. , The proceedings of Me-lu-a t rieties will be published as often and as fully as their im portance justifies. Prominence will be given to rare and inu-r-csting cases in Hospita antl Private Practice. NewnstrunieiiUaiM Appliance, New lienie dies and improved methods of managing dis ease wilt be specially treated. New medical publication.', as they appear, will be critically and impartially reviewed. No labor or;expense. will bo spared to ren der the Mabyi.a.x'o Medical Jocesal, a wel come visitor to every physician desirous of keeping pace with the progress of Medical Science as developed both abroad and at home ; Oonitrlbuiluns, on subject! of intoreit to the profession, respectfully invited, j Each number will contain not less than forty pages, printed from new type, on heavy cal endered paper of the finest quality. The subscription price will be $3 per an nam, invariably in advance, deUrerea free of postage. - P II. E. T. MANNING, M. 11. . O ' T. A. ASIIBY, M. D. inarch 2G . ;? . THE DAILY BE VIEW b. furnkbed to CUj SabscritwrsI at 50 ccau a month IIisceLfanoou3.: a o 0 y .it r -. -: o A News Paper s p iblhed every evening, Sududay excepts -AT- $5 A Yesio9, Or 50 cents a month,not strictly in advance The Reading Public are respectfully inform- 1 ori that it shall be the coastaut aim of the pror prietor to furnish them with A LIVE NEWSPAPER, containing the latest news of th day, and en deavorinff to keep its readers fully in forme in regard to events of interest and importance occurring in every quarter of the worId,J OUR DAILY MARKET REPORTS Will be full and correct, and will be kept open until he latest Possible moment. Mer chants in the city and country mar rest as sured that they will bo thoroughly reliable. ...... ' : ' The News Columns Will contain the reports, botn of news and markets, received here each dy at noon, and the L O C L D E V A R T M E N T lias been placed, in careful and experienced hands. Friends in the section of country con nec ted with' this city, will greatly oblige tbe Editor, and will contribute additional Inter est to these columns by forwardrng' any ittms of news that my occur in their respective localities. 'ALL aIUtESimbEXCEp- ; ; - ' , -Hi On matters of -neraI Interesf wmTMf'gtadTj received, but our friend must bear . n ratnd that they must write only on on sidej f the paper ; that thej must forbear useless vec b age, must correct tnelr own manuscript and must avoid abusive personalities., ,&f..jLfGr . . 1 1 i - - I nPi t f liable caiac must be furnished ith c4(f Sf4' munication, as the Editor will net be held ac countable for the view---'"-language f cor- respondents. OUR SUBSCRIPTION LIST, F.vm before a tyin; was m for the first ioe, was an exceedingly fiatttring one, and is probably the largest bona fide list with wlrdb any newspaper in North Carolina ever before began publicafioo, and is now rapidly on the increase, especially, on the various railroad lines. . EoiToa ax PaonucToa Office off Scond street, between Pria ce and Cheraat, near (km PastoSce. "C v Hiseellaneous. PROSPECTUS FOR 1877. LIPPINCOTPS MAGAZINE, , AN ILUSTRATLD MONTHLY OF . Poplar Literatnre, Science and Art Announcement for 1877. f ; The number for January begins the nine teenth volume of this Magazine, and while, its past record will it is hoped be deemed- a sufheent guarantee rf future excellence, no effort will be spared to diversify its attract ions and to provide an increased supplv of POPULAR BEADING IX THE BEST AND MOST EMPIIA TIC $EXSE. The great object and constant aim of the conductors will be to furnish the public with Literary Entertainment of a Refined and Varied Chapter, as well as to present in a graphic and strikingmanner the most recent information and soundest view on subjects of General Intrest ; in a word to render Lippiu cott's Magazine strikingly distinctive in THOSE FEATURES THAT ARE MOST ' ATTRACTIVE tN MAGAZINE ' - LITERATURE. The contributions now on hand, or specially engaged, embrace a highly lattractive list of" Tales, Short Stories, Descriptive Sketches, Narratives, Papers-on! Science and Art, Poems, Popular! Essays, Lit erary Criticisms, Etc., "Etc., BY TALENTED AND "WELL KNOWN WRITERS. ! A large proportion of the articles,epecially those descriptive of travel, will be PROFUSELY AND 13EALTI1TLLY ILLUSTRATED. , The pictoriaLembelishments of tho Magazine constitute one of its attractive features, i In addition to the General Attractions of Lippincott's Magazine, the Publishers would invite attention to the follow in z SPECIAL FEATURES FOR 1877. ! 1. A new serial story, II The IVIarcHiis of Ziossie, j bv George MacDonald, author f Mak-ohn, f'Alec-Forbft," "Robert Falconer,"etc. To those of our readers wJii .are familiar with "Malcolm," this new story from the pen Of this distinguished writer will need no re commendation, and his reputation is a guaran tee to others of a deeply interesting . and powerful story. ', It began in the November number, which, issue, with the December part, will be furnished graits to all new subscribers for 1877. ; 2. A prof llustrated series of sketches of '-. Swedish Scenery and Iiife, by Prof. Willard Frisk, author of Cornell University, Who is throughly familar with Sweden and its people from personal observa tion.' 'j 3. 'A series of popular papers on rt and Art Matters, ? . . ' ' by Edward Strahan (E3rl Shinn), anihor ol "The New Hyperion," etc. ; .4. Illustrated Sketches of Travel, e u title j Pictarcs from Spain, by.Edward King, author of the "Great So a th" etc. ' I 5. Mrs. Lucy H. Hooper's Interesting and Piquant , . ! . . ;. ' - : Papers and Lettci s from Paris will be continued through the year. ; 6. . . ' The Beauties of the Rhine will be described in a richly illustrated series of papers. 7. uring the. year will appear a number of handsomely illustrated short articles, de scriptive of Life, Travel, and Adventure in the United States, England, South America, Japan, Mongolia, and other countries. - FOR SALE BY ALL BOOK AND NEWS DEALERS. PRICE, .35 CENTS. ; Terms. Year Subscription, $4; Two cop ies, $7; Three copies, $10; Five copies, ilH ; Ten copies, $30; with a copy gratis t the person procuring the club. Single number 35 cents. ' NoncE-The November and December Num bers containing the' earlier chapters of The Marquis ofLossie'will be presented to all new annual subscribers for 1877. Specimen Xcmkr mailed, ' postage ' paid, to anv address, on receipt of 20 cents. To Agents" a Liberal Comuii;;h:i will be allowed. Address. J. IL LIPPINCOT'J',' A: O K, 715 ami 717 Murkc-t t., Phila.klj.hiii. jan 5 If you wish to grow -Vegetables for sale, rea Gardening for Profit ! If you wish to become a Commercial Florist, read . Practical Florticultur' ! If you wih t Garden (tr bom u- only s r a 1 14 ' ; Gardening for Pleasure ! All by Peter Ileiid-jri n. Price $L50 each, po-tpaid, by y.aii. "Jow CATALOGUE : V of Heverythiwg 1 FOR THE Nombering 175 pages, with 1 colored plate, ser.t 0 all castomersof past years, or to tLose who have parchased any of the above books; to elbera on receipt of 25 cects. ' Plain Plant or Seed Catalogues withou t plate, free to applicants. . PETEB HENDERSON A CO.. 8eedsmeu, Market Gardeners and Florid t 35 Cortlandt st, New York, jan 13 . -.' - - 1 CAK3Y FOH ALL lJ AKRY BERNARD, the well nown Candy llanofacturer, corner Front and Cas la streets, is prepared to manufacture Candy for thetrade and private faraili. Orders olicted. 4 v eel Miscellonconfl. THE HIGHEST HOIK AT THE GEHTENNIAL EXIilQITCj. The judges unanimously recommend th iiUj, ND E L SSOHN ,f Piaimo So ?.. r- . roil THE Diploma of-Jonor ani lleial of nerit." ' Placing'them in the Front Rank :f " Without a Suoerior. 1 ; . . ; - '. iVT prices nit coiiriiiS For strictly first-class instntatntn.1 ". $000 for $250. $060 for $276r; $700 fur $300. $750 for .$325 -r $800 for $350.' $900 fwlOOfe $1000 fur $450. :; wi No Commissi! n to Agents; ' "f-c'- 'i . No Discounts to Teachers. 1 .UH . ;N,o Deviation to Pricsjn The IV-endelooohn GRAND, SQUARE & UPRICDT Pisnmos Couiain valuable patents "and improremenis never before introduced. ; , jj.. SVlATHUSHEKsS : Nkw P.VTHxr Dltlejt, Ovkkstkitnc SCai.k, Is the greatest advance in the history. f Pi; no lliakiiu-. nroducinr lhi rnot mfnn?hin t- r ' i r". - - - I tKlll iM'. T!rlims nnjl flonl h rf tnnn - anil Im.' taiuing singing quality never before attained The Mendelssohn Uprights'-,?? ARE THE FINEST IN AMERICA.' 1 ' . ! h. r Th. v are pronounced the 'Pianos of tb- Fujure." ' 1 . Maxdi actokY A Wa ktaooiis : Nos. 4JM,,;492.,! 494, 4.90 tfc.' iOS IVeit" . oth:st. .' .v1;; Nos; KoS, SCO. 862, !864, . 8G8,J 870 lOth Avenue. i;7 .:t PIANOS SENT ON TRI All -? - . Illustrated and dcscriptiTi Cattlbru ,n ailed free. ' V --'"- MENDELSSOHN TIANO CO., ' iii;srxEss okfici: : I -. Xo. ,50. Iiroadicay, N. J 1 ''! "5 b 21 . - Ttt feb Webster's IMliriie4 Dicticsau, FOR THE SCHOOL IJ kfl 3,000 EDgravinars ; 1,840 Pages Quartc.t ' Price$12. , A NEW TBATTOXJ;15 To the.', 90 Illustration. bere'tofore in fifth,:.-, sterls Unabridged, we have added foarfpages; : ColoredJIUustration. :n engi dveJ expressly for the work at lare f f l cipensc. " ., V .Nearly every Sute Superintendent "of Public Instruction in the Union, or, TOrfeti ponding officer, where such an oaeeilstsfn'si' ' recommende,d Webster's Dktioaary :is atn i strongest terms. Among theaa are tAOff f M Eastern, .Northern, Middle, Western States TWE.VTY-EIOHT In alt The State of NEW YORK has plaeedl,t5t copies of Webster's Unabridged lfl-U mi&JDtJ-l Lcr Public Schools. The State c WlSCONSL out 5,000 nearlv every fchwl. The State of NEW JERSEY 1,500 nearly everv school. " The State of MICHIGAN ma2Jpp5ij ior an ner scnoota. i , ? m cfc mm m The State of MASHACJtt7TLTtHUy!Jl& piieu ner senooig-neariy ail. k The State of IOWA has supplied net school. . - The .State of CONNECTICUT, has made provision for her school. Over 3,000 schools in INDIANA f were supplied daringtbe year ItflLsndhL, J- more in 1873 and lb74. '- ' - In other States manv conies have be?n inr chased for supplying- schools f cities, coan- What better investment tao made Cot A schools? ' More than Tt.v times as many are tld- hw Webster's Dictionaries as of any other series v in this country. '. ;i't $t tzf At least roca-wrrns of all the school-books published in. tLLs ciintry own TVibtteff (ml M their standard, and of ihe remainder fewac-krowk-dze axt ttandard. . i-! ii -5 .itlW PsIfehtd by G. A C. M ERR I AM, decu , ; M Springfield UattJr I. Iii T1IK nKSlVBAK IN THE ;CITri8 the old cimm:ry Foot of TJarket Ct The Best f ALES, WIXES,1 ilQPCrn and CIGARS always oa tasd aa5 rfl Uji j polite and accommodating attendants. 'vw iiiver uysters, always iresn ana aiway eeryea in any siyie oestrea. - jan 17. "JUST OVER THE BRID BE" T3 AN ICE CREAM SALOON! In tao : X- : .---; v f . best sty le. Pare eream well froze guaran teed at all times. Private families and par tiea famished with Cream by " !T." 'X apl 30 J. C SCIIEVER?.

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