CAROLINA; COMMERCIAL NEWS. their' The Goldsboro VAftci are rcccivm- uniforms. TT?ba?Plottc Avt ,o Lc a3ain ifrvMlM Harfson 'of Fraijklntonj died very suddnly on Wednesday lf! Min read ifftWroJfcfcxtloiid.'iy evening. - A Lincoln county mau has u p'jeket knife which he has been carrypi WILMINGTON MARKET,. '1 ? May 11-3 P. .11. I M'lUITS TURPENTINE Is quoted firm at .'Jl cents per gallon. Sales of 2p .casks re ported at tliat figure. I ItOSINe--Wc hear of talcs: of 75 bbls Extra i Tale at MfjfcJ.Oo per bbl. No sales, reporieo. I in otlin trades .' We nuote 8 trained at tl 15 and,. Mr. . Haywood, .will -lH,r i,m ;nd Good strained at STK) per bbL I A It Tlie market nas uroppeu o tcuio i. Obi sincej our last report. Market reported fur 'J.y'Viiet atl "-.!-r bbl. Salc.-oi receipts at quotations. '? i; CRUDE T U ia,ENTIM-3larket unciiang- rears J.H- I PaVfiyas? elected flavor oi . L W(. l o1c 1Iartl S1 m bbl. Yellow ToiAot1 rfnd W. ft. wsonie ol HlacK I(,p r.r bbl and Virgin $2 30 per bbl. Cretk.i , 1 Sales at (hiotrrtions Hne mo tual dkr iu Wilsou and Bomcl COTTON-No sales reported and no quo- of the gofltfaHs. there arc spelling it. Vinrlcwcrila. ! an naiea .. 23G casks ..1,258 bblfl tat ion . -l"vj"".' : r i: " ::n . . r u- m Terpentine tit IT. L4 a1 . : Tl JillJ.... Goldsboro elctcd 7 Democrat and - will DAILT Receipts. far....;.. Crude Turpentine..........."..... 292 bbls 241 bbls the Republicans. Mr. Kd.-Ciriswold The Gazette is to bogiu next week publication of "reminiscence of Faycttc yillc IrejldeA times." the prohibition' law for one ye.d vjttjd for ' license last Monday by a large majority . Rer. R. II. Whitehead will lecture on temperance in' Wilson this 'evening and willndavor- to organize a Council of Friends. It Is a promising fielj. ! And now Tourgcc is, about to Icj de capitated from the Pension Agency at Raleigh. The Kalegh Agency oi which he is the boss is to be discontinued MARINE NEWS. and ARRIVED. hu'ani A P Hurt, Worth, Fayetterille. Worth & iWortli. St earned North East, Paddison, Point Cas well, II M Cobb. ; Steamer uoivuie, Henry, uannerman t jridec. A II Vanltokkelen. bteamet Underbill, Piatt, Smithy llle, OG Parsley M Co. CLEARED. Meamcr A P Hurt, Worth, FayelteYUM, Worth & Worth. . steamer North East, raddlson, rolnt Cas well, II Al Cobb. Stearae Underhill, Piatt, fjmltnvme, L u Parsley Co. - . Mc- a 18 conjolidtted with the Ricmond Agency. : The doldsboro '. Mcsscnacr: .nays: Our yoonflf ffymzh, CMr; Arnold Burden so far realized S645 from hi. two Pic5tiji?. 6p K&. over six acres of peas and expects o'rcalizc in all fully $1,- 000. ' The Fivdlhfllti Gazette says : In Dtniel's to1fnsfit), "yatnpson county 10UDC mau named bimmons. abou ' Teats of age, killed himself while hurrtiog recently, by the accidental charge'hiflr. gjm w Theaye'ttcYnio 6'arcff; says: in this section .nature is Jarish ol its chuacot blessings peaches, apples and the small fruits strawberries' raspberries. -e. They romiso to be of line quality. Too Wilson JZrjrcss says: Quite an old negro man, by the name of Ben Balrdin is Htbg near Black Creek in this couuty. lie fsaldrto be' 102 vcars old and is in m i first rate, health considering his age. was never General Washington's wai boy. The Raleich Observer says: A G i it- bam county friend informed us yesterday that the wheat and oat crop ol that county . was nprcr more promising for the scaison. Cbitham is' strictly a grain growing section and is the largest wheat produc ing cofinty in the State. The Wilson Express says: 31 r. .Jcp Lindsar oflsY8 ?ounty Avas found dead in hi ixMlasl Friday morning, and inj the evening. Mr.. J. W. Vaugh, of tho same county, was found dead in the door of his residence. . Heart disease is thought to have been tho cause' of both deaths, j The Wilson Exwcss says : While Joshua T. Avcock.' a voun'r man ; who Exports. COASTWISE.' N.w York Steamship Regulator 1,083 i i.i . : i . t j Mta I l.ia i o;is. i x'sini, oi.-j empty carooys, sa vo f U lb i turnt.3)()lbbls tar. 193 do crude turpt. 157 first J ales cotton, 10 do hides, 29 boes cheese, 25 bags ix?an(uts, 3 bbls gold ore, 12 pes castings, 1 1 bales cotton, IS pkgs nidse. List of Vessels in Port May 7th 1877. BARKS. " out ' WiljV.lm ltUker, Ccr, 3Q7 tona, Burneiater, dis- Lydia Vcs llunrick 1 E Peschau & Westermann t 1 Cr . T m Uiau, Ucr, 4U0 lous, oremers, Iki lJi-a. N but ' Abraham : ing , ,' Williams & Mnrchison Uen, or, o u ions, ftasinuBseu, vV i hams & Murcbuon O Viuj A Nor, :J33, Pedersen, l Aler Sprunt A Son RunerNdr, C.sp tons, Langfeldt, V i Hams & MurcDison Marcart tuaGcr, 570 tonsj Maashas, .. . lliiains & Murciaaon Ghana, NVir, 3JU"t)n?, Jacobsen, Alex fcprunt &ob or, lit tens, Hansen, n tu ixciae kalle, Nor, 336 to&a', Gorgensen. R E Heide . Nor, :05 tons, Slasfjeld " ruia. .Melrose, Am, Griggs, . J h JLippiit liufu. Nor, 223 tons, ChrL-tcqsen, R. EHeide SCHOONERS. J 11 liodudl, Auj,171 tons. Spalding, J H Chadbourn A Co J aiiits O'DonaLue, Am. 158 tonsWarren, 1 J H Chadbourn & Co Sidney C Ivkf. Am. 283 tons, Shaw, Harris A IIowcll Geo W ,K- ctt, Am, 2bl tons Blair, EG Barker A Co Ellen IM-at'e. Am, lGtons, B:ake William? & Mnrchison Miscellaneous" LIPPITTS 5!?jttW See Cream Parlor- 1CW. UajTS SU . 1IOU1 livmum, , I within a half mileof home, about S o'clock vrriLLliE UPE at niffhW -lie was knocked out of his part V niorhing, 25tb ENED ON WEHNESDAY 3th inat. Pure Cream fla vored witlii choicest fruits will be keptdurmg the season STRAWBERRIES SrThe following qtiotaions represent the holesale prices eeneradltX In making up hare to be charged. r W. small orders higher prices wuwio Alltuvi ............. ... Double Anchor " A . Standard Domestic 3ACON North Carolina, Hams, V Jb..i...... "... . Shoulders, fi.,,, ,.L ' Sides, xb-....i Western Smdted-fe I Hams Sides, V fiw I ehoulders.. 12 13 12 y n & 10K 10 s 114 6 j 14. 11 00 18 25 00 nxA 14 Of 25 45 40 00 13 17' 16 00 30 20 IS 17 13 33 . 23 6 0 00 8 00 and tobbed of $480. There is no Uue to thdgperpetrator of the dastanlly act, TImi xnoldshoro Ifessenacr savs : ! We learn frcSilaj,B.-F. Hooks that a heifer -ec aad i aseious wi be kept uhen eTer.they Ibw3rv- lrth tn fvyih piv- - can be procured in cither this or. the Charles on bis place gave birth to twin cau . a D1'k.,ls Crcara gent !to tnt part Cl tie day tt two ago, and the most rcmai Kablc c;tJ in uiarta and pallona frozen, free of part about this is, that the -mother isjnot , char-rf. 'Ail orders for Cream for Sundajs sunt tirrt vrars ohl herself. The calves mu-t be I ell Saturdays -i kn.ltl K,,t ,mn rtf lioi,l ! 5 Si-.EnJ -l.t,Vl .-. 1.mli ULiiifi'mv U -K ; li " rendered, rro, , The Goldsboro Messenger says: It mistakfr'to say that sheep husbandry w uaV'hi this section of the State. s a Ollt : It will pay andtj$iM be made a proltable ; . bedness. An instance of of this comes to ; ma from Jones county. A few years j af- j tertho war Mr. Franklin Foy invested: I. 1l ' 1 1 .; t "1 I U.anccp. since men no nas soiu $900:tWjfrtfr. ot wool and lambs, and has at present between S00 and 400 head of sheep tn Ms pastures all the result of a $36 mrestmont: And then there is the maanW besides, j, ! Wire rjh vers! Wire Covers! 7" IRE. DISH COVERS, , OVAL AND ROUND, OF ALL SIZES. Foi ? quay ! -' corjiE BISiTliLOM! ! W6")cpect You ! .Hi. to A OCR XEW GOODS are ready XI. v weleome yen as you will welcome them when you see the fine assortm?nt and the remarks bly LOW PRICES "we ca afford to sell at. WHITE SHIRTS all made atOi ceu;. BLUE FLANNEL SUITS, at COO and nnwartU., CASSIJIEnErjiyiXS frtm7.:o;u?. CO TTO X AD E SUITS from ".SI.OJcp. ; CHitS FUntllSHING GOODS T.XrECT the ciifuin nice to'Palor on Princess St. GILES k MURCHiSON'S. otice. ING TO. BE AT THE NORTH ; lev.- mouths,-1 leare my businesi with Mr. Jihn L, Dudley, where my frienda wi 1 iU;d evk-rv thins: as usual in inr line. Respectfully, ' RES II well-kn()wd TOOTH and fur LOT OF THE f&pS SAPONACEOUS QHUXlJ ASTE, JUST MADE UP le at oO centa per. box. War- at Dr. CAI ar-ril 12 liiSt Prices to rait all. ) SOZi. BEAU & BROS., .a 18 & 0 Market St. ADYRRTISEJ - i . j' in Tin: JAS. DAN" FORTH. . i. . r EMotice. ranted the Uest DENTRIFICE manufactafed. DENTISTRY i raeiiced in ALL its branch es, and ;i'.I work warranted. TE2T1I EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAW, RS old established office. THOS. B. CARR A SON, -4 No. 38 Market Street. A2 Wevv Desian. X INVOICE OF CLOCKS of entirefy uew-desicasl has just been received and are beinjr sold alt eitrcuiely lowr tgnrtsz also a fine- assortment of LADIES' WATCHES, SEAL and PLAIN UULD KINGS and LADIES' and GENTLfcMiN'S OKAINS. ?Tr- Work left with me will be neatly exe- 1 sLst oi toe i noiic is io gtr me cnted. All 'a trial. febj; T0 15 i I. 11 audited giTe J. H. ALLEN. Watchmaker and Jeweller. IM otice. WILL THEREAFTER - BE bv the AedUiaz Committee of the Hoard rif YVmntr Commissioners nleas socu buls are accompaniea or an oraer irono a member off the lioird or Clerk, of the Audit in;; ComaiUec, No other parties are author ized t.c.ntrtict debts against U County. At .l 12 , UOHN G. WAGNER, tWp. r Dry Salted Sides, V lb.. Shoulders. V fi.... BEEF On the hoof.. BARRELS SDirits Turnentine Second Hand. each.......... 1 75 2 00 ,New ToreaeKIl;i-..2,fO 2 50 New C4tTiteachi:i...V2-00 2 10 BEE8WAJ-i.y Efcia.Ai... V28 3 BRICKS Wilmington, V 51 8 00 10 00 Northern ..... BUTTER North Carolina fi Northern, B) U CANDLES Sperm lb... j. Tallow, lb....... ... Adamantine, Vet... CHEESE Northern Factory, fl ... Dairy cream, fi . State, lb ............ COFFEE Java, ? B)... ...... Rio. lb.. ; ' Laguara, W fi).... 24 CORN ME1I bnsheI.v;.W90 f COTTOK TIES V lb....... I DOMESTIC i ' Sheeting, 4-4 yard. ...... 1W x arn, Duncn ? ki FISH Mackerel, No. 1, bbL...lG 00 20 00 No. 1,M bbl 9 50 0 00 Mackerel, No. 2, V bbl.... 13 50 00 00 . No. 2, A bbl 7 50 0 00 Mackerel, No. 3 bbL....OO 00 12 50 Mullets, bbl 3 50 4 00 N. C. Herrine, V bbl...i... 5 00 8 00 Dry Cod, V & FLOUR Fine. V bbl . Super, worthern, f bbl... u uu cs y uu Extra do 1 " ' bbl... 0 00 10 00 FamUy - " y bbl...ll 00 12 00 Citv Mill Super $ bbl... 0 00 0 00 Extra y bbl... 0 00 10 00 " . Family V bbl... 0 Q0 11 00 " , Ex. FaaulybbL.. 0 00 12 00 FERTTLIZEBS V i Peririan Guano, 2000 ibs.W 604 00 00 Baugh's Phosphate " 00 00 00 00 Carolina Fertilizer " " 50 00 65 00 Ground Bone, " " 00 00 40 00 Bone Meal " 00 00 45 00 " Flour " " 00 00 47 00 Navassa Guano, " " 55 00 65 00 Complete Manure " " 00 00 67 00 Whann's Phosphate u " 00 00 70 00 Wando Phosphate, " 4. " 00 00 70 00 BergerABrutz'sRos. " " 00 00 00 00 Wilcox, Gibb & Co., ma nipulated Guano ...55 00 70 00 GLUE Vfi 9 lb GRAIN Corn,store, 561bs 00 S3 . Corn, cargo, '& 56 lbs...... 00 75. Corn,yel., bushel........ None. Oats, $ bushel...... ......... 55 60 Peas, cow, busheJ........ 1 00 i 1 10 HIDES Green, y fb 7 8 Dry, fi) ; 0 10 HAY Eastern, 100 lbs... 1 10 1 20 North River, V 100 lbs.,.. 95, 1 05 HOOP IRON-i.V-ton.......'e0 00 LARD Northern $ fb 11 12 North Carolina V lb.....:. 00 13 LIME-1?bbl i 1 10 0 00 LUMBER City steam sa'wd Ship stuff, resawed, f?M ft. 21 00' 27 00 Rough edge plank, yU ft. 22 00' 23 00 West India cargo, accord- . ing to quality, y M ft... 20 00 23 00. Dressed fiooringjSeasoned. 20 00 '35 00 Scantling and boards, com- , mon, V M ft ..15 00 23 00 MOLASSES Cttbajhhdgl 00 23- Cuba, bbls., f? gal 00 47 Sugar house, hhds'fJ gaL. - 2$ u bbis. y gai... n ol Sugar Syrup, bbls. Tgal. - 35 50 NAILS Cut,4dto 20d,k'g 3 25 4 .00 OILS Kerosene, V gal...... 20 SO '? Lard, ? gal j. 1 10 1'45 Linseed, y gal 1 00 1 10 Rosin, y gal... 30 40 PEANUTS y bushel........ 70 1 00 POTATOES Sweet, y bus. 50 0 00 Irish, Northern, y bbl..... 4 50 4 75 PORK Northern, city mess. 17 00 00 00 rjThin, V bbl...., ..00 00 00 00 Prime, y bbl,......'..., ;.00 00 00 00 Rump, V bbl .....:.00 00 00 00 ttliJIS Carolina, y tt i. -East India, y lb Rough, ,JbusheL,x.i.... RAQS4&uBtry;y fl.t ..v. City, y ft ROPE SALT Alum, y bushel Liverpool, y sack..... American' y sack Cadiz y aack.M New Advertisements. 3 23 00 SUGAR Cuba, y Jb ft 6 7 00 00 1 20 1 30 ' - IK 00 2) 6 00 y0 00 SO 9A 10lA 00 11 . 00 00 00 10 00 12 00 i 13 1XA Porto Rico. A Coffee, y ft B " y ft c- " y ft Ex C V fix....... Crushed y ft..... SOAP Northern, V ft..... SHINGLES Contract, fJJM 4 00 6 00 Common, y M....... i. 2 50 3 00 Cypress sap y M 6 50 0 00 Cypress hearts, V M ....... 9 50 . 0 00 8TAVES W. O. bbl. y M.20 00 25 00 R O bid. ? E...... 00 00 00 00 o Cypress, y M., .....13 0 00 00 TALLOW y lb 8 9 TIMBER Shipping y M ..117 00 00 00 Mill, prime perM. ;i3 00 14 00 Mill, fair per M : 8 50 10 00 Inferior to OrdinarT.perM 4 00 6 00 WHISKEY North'n, per gl 1 40 5 00 North Caro ina, per gal ... 1 75 2 50 WOOL Unwashed, per fb... 18 20 Wished, per ft ...i 35 ' Prime Enjopent for a Year. Lees Than Four Cents a Week. MAKE HOME ATTRACTIVE BY INTRODUCING THE SATURDAY EfEMSG POST, Which for more than 55 Yean' has been the . SX38T: v. 8T0RY, SKETCH AND FAMILY PAPER, as is well known all over the United States It is published weekly, contains eight large pages, clearly printed, on, goodpaper, filled with, ttxfice4atDrieend abetchea by the ttert writers; not sensational trash, bat such ras a mother is willing to hare her children read. The whole ton of the paper is pure and elerating. ' . 1 It also contains Historical and Biographical articles ; Scientific ; Agricultural tend House hold Departments ; Fashion; Article weekly, fresh nd unexcelled ; Humorous Notes ; Lit erary Reviews; News-Notes;; Boys' and Girb' Columns f and Strong and Sparkling Edito rials, etc., etc , fs just such a paper.aa every body loves to read, and the price is only TWO DOLLAES a year. Sample copy containing club rates, etc., sent on receipt.oXaS-crnt stamp. Addxeav L JOa 7 1 O BENNETT t FITCH, j ' 276 Sansom Street, Philadelphia, Pa. N. B. Tie rare and affix the number 918 before BENNETT- A, FITCH, ao that we may Knowuireuga wuac papar tnc subscription DO YOU WAWT A BARREL OF Family FBoug9 AT A REASONABLE PRICE ? . ALSO, THE BEST 11 mm m m mm i At a Reduced Price. FERTILIZERS. FEE nri rfr LNM : Yr i n A r O i 1 ... a 0 ; . 600 GALLON CANS 600 OF THOSE ELEGANT SERVED APPLES! Three Jans for SI. AT GEO. ITERS THE O E LE BRATED TO IS OFFERED ON THE FOLLOWING LIBERAL TFT" ON CREDIT TO 1st NOVEMBER, lf77, at $70.00 per ton. n. Pavinff in Cotton, on the basis of 15 cents or Middling. deliTerd I J. Utui) iiauivi L"-J O "X 7 . TJPlio Advantage J At &. 13 South FrontStreet. mav 10 . To the Farmer in buying on these terms is plain, as he will know when 1-L Guano, that 4G7 pounds Cotton( Middling) will pay for a ton, no matter price may ue,'auu vu maao ma voviv" owviuiugij. . .THE QUALITY OF THIS GUASO IS as has been thoroughly established by the use of the many thousand toni? fct sold. tJur Agents sen on same terms. 1 'A .5 vJUllw e 7 iiviportehs and dbaxsxls in ouaxto Charleston. S. C, and Savannah, Ci Home Amusements. 1llOOUETS. Another lot of those CHEAP CROQUETS iuit received. Send your orders to II E f N S B ER G R' 3 Live Book Store,' who will fill yours orders promptly. " mav 10 - . Albums. li . . !i. i i i...:.. .... j: . " " . . . . - . . i l. Tl rmrrw x ri 1111 t u inr nil I mi v m i i - i i. i k iitii i 'iiuoofw j mm VERY LARGE ASSORTUET of Al- " " X .a : "V" " w ua io. t,, il bums, at prices to suit the times, lrom 1 uaruiy auy swtion iu ouuw viunut lawi. nwm varouua, or Alalaau.tW . m i.x ii i j: i if : : . i j . .. it is not utseu, anu insieau ui giviug wo wuum reier you totherTrMi ; k- t-i i j l- ,1 :i ... "-cn your immouiate neignuoruooii wuu uvc uaei u, wno can lesulj pcrsomlljlj jan 15 J AS. T. P E TT E W A Y, wiLiiimoson, a e March alIj smith piiiii; The Handsomest, the Best Tone, ti Wlost Durable Pianos Made. They are Beautiful Kosewood, Seven and one-third Octaves, with everj Ixgraraaed and fully guaranteed. Their moderate price and uniform success href for them the position of a Standard Of Economy aad VmbHHf. Acknowledged by all Musicians to bs the Best .. .4 NOW 111 USE; over n o Fuaa . II II II II. U II q vz IX EVERY COL'XTl. ADDRESS, 1 MARCHAL & SMITH PIAND C0 or, Robert w. smith. Agent, 47 UnWersity Place, XTewTd aprii o 0 SO AGENTS WANTED almost nothing' up to Ten Dollars, apiece. cend jour orders to HEINSBERGER'S may 10 Live. Book and Music Store. Receiving and Offering. v SOAP, Washing Crystals and Candles, Lye, Potash, Soda and Baking Poirde ?, Distillers' Glue, all grade?, Lard and Meats, all cuts and sizes. - Molasses, Coffee, Corn and Salt. Constantly receiving Samples of the above from Manufacturers and Importers. Orders promptly lilled. Price and Quality guaranteed. ' I From up Count y large Invoice Cooking Butter, to be sold low. Oliering Choice A irginia and N. C Pjg Ilam?, Diied Apples, Eggs, Poultry, Ac; Peanuts and Corn solicited on Storage. "We have ample room for lare quantity. Price moderati'. . PETTEWAY .;& SCI1ULKEX, Brokers and Commission Merchants, Next North Princess and Water Sts. mav 10 - . Still Ahead ! QL-I1 CELEBRATED WAMSUTTA Shirts, acknow Icdgcd the boat in the- market, osjiysr si oo AH 'the latesst styles 'in Scarfs, Neck Tie?, Collars .uvl CuiTi, and Gents' Furuishing .. 1T. i- 1 uuMi.-, uvuiTiiuy, now ior saie at poptiiar 1 i icci. , - -feallandcoe. our Patout Yoke Suspenders. a ouspenaer ana a race combined. "Ease, com- ion ua .ciegancc. . il. DAVID, may j Merchant Tailor k Clothier. p& .Great Mil S&ayiu Instiln- tion of the City. T7HERE A FIRST-CLASS SHAVE can t be had for 10 cents ; Stylish Hair CHt for 2.5 cents j delightful Shampoo, for 25 cents and Moustache Dyed for 2a cent. Also razors put in excellent order and only 25 a ti ' r . cents charged. All this is done at th rMt Cooked, Pigs Feet, Reform Barber Shop under the National rv rr i , m Bank, where everything is done in silence Cooked Turkey and Tou arl 22 I. FURHrAivsirT OKe(I Chicken and Tongue, . . . I Cooked Roast Beef. -w- ww. w Aviiuugg Packed in Brougham's improred Patent HAVING RECENTLY changed hands Is -n , W- ,,' ea nanat u CaniaUrs.', These Meats are cooked in their now open for tho accommodation oi the own juiceTjy a new process and are the most puoiic- The HOUSE has been thorou"hlr reno vated throughout and the ROOMS are neatly and comfortably furnished. Po ite and accommodating attendants are always on band to see to the wants of Guts. Ihe BILLIARD ROOM is open and the TABLES are free to the Patrons of the House. BROUGHAM'S Celebrated iCanned COOKED MEATS, COOKED CORNED BEZF, Beef Tongues. Pigjs Tongues . ... u f J ' " ' -'" and' - i2ue, All the latest impaoTea" the organs and pianos manWf! CORISH&t Was rton. aprH 7. delicious goods erer put np. I :' !-.KtsM'or sale bv.i" :':X CHAS. D. II VERS &m 45 A 7 ZTorth Front Street. may 3 The Atlantic Coast Line PASSENGER DEPARTMENT, WiuiijfCTox, N. C, May 2,1877. comes. ..-Jam 20 Natural Mineral Waters. TMPORTED ' -jV J- APOLLINARIS RRI7WEV and " i ' HUNYADI 'JANOS BITTERWATER, Kept coastantly on hah i, VT. J. BUHMANN, Agent, may 7 LippitPs Row, South Front eL This Day. TU3T RECEIVED ANOTHER LOT OF J those 31AY 17th, 1877, will b tr.f - liSZJ V??" erer offered for FIVE jELEGATES TO SESSION OF THE General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church, convening at NEW ORLEANS, j this Line, at the following rates : Richmond, Petersburg and Ports- ,5,"Hlu -. :......$i9 25 , ....... 49 25 wm - . 15 iS 43 75 v,A.'1 lSi nmmgion only Dr me. FIGARO and PLAN'Tifinv nhia ft rUVTO --.w., " VAIJIT'O Tobacco Store, a mT 7 Market Street. " Wilmington... i.""".."."" Florence and Chaiottc!"r.""' Columbia j V For Hire, 41 75 A GOOD COOK WASHER AND Ironer iO OA XX I A!sa n.i ti ;j , . at which TnfaMinrrvr roin nTTrMMn. I ' - 5S.?I!UIVD'E.10!hllesokl,, wk. Apply to DAVID CO WAX. iui from all points on thwlin- i. .5" . At Courtniouse. ta,Mac.m and Colaaabu. General Pajaenger Agent. FBAUK H. DABBY, A TTOBNEV-AT-tAW, . 1 T, OGce in Journal Building, Pit- r?5S street-WnrBi"nrtrvn v n To aU who wish to VJZm $ GAX or PIANO n in for ABTISTIC COITSKpp -M.DetetoliilB Oar only clalni ta 6 4 leading manafacmrcrf OurLowPric reduced to meetinz wfJV times. Detmod aot " andatthesamstim , thatwefollr. : ' - 1 VAnnANT FC Bjfe we inritc correspoBdairt gets;r as opportunity to pro" we here assert. JtiA r tt i vns are 4 ThflrflP miiurcii they are also (the "7Tf5Vrii)J3 wood penwj Price Lut COSfi;- jan 6 , L. f i -

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