! Sundays cx- - T. :d by - .1 T. J ' 7 ,rTl)-. 6Q Three "l 1 oO .S months, BV Oflcxnntbf-60 cents. . .4 l-v rarricri. ill be acuTcr .v ' u .r partof tbe city, at the . n nU Pc week. low .ndllberal. 1 ff Lire their papers regularly. ,ilir'"' t " rmrkiteODjCrTC"' . fc . COPAI-COSVEKTIOS. Tie Diocese to be DiVi- 5KOND DAY. '. VOL. 2. AVILMI i..aIN'i session. T.uuiy, May 3!st, 1877. .. ..invention was called to r'.t ill. the following r.t !v awl liy-dclcgatca answcrcM, NGrTON, N. . C, SATURDAY, JUNE 2, 1877. NO. Ill I cornmmend this whole subject to the careful attention of the confront ion' At 11: 15, th special order,; for - the 1 erection1 of a new diocese, f was taken up, f fc( and Kct. Dr. Marshall read;, the recom mendation of the committee tot ' its erection;' '. '. y:v.:'-' ''' . A, discussion sprang up on the report of the committee, and certain resolutions were introduced by,vGeii.' J, G. Martin; setting forth a largo portionlof the teriri torjr, west tf tle JJlne" Ridge (and now within tlhe present diocese of North Caro lina) as a missionary Cold, which was eon; tiuued tiutil 1 o'clock, when, on ruotion the wliole matter was postponed until the afternoon session. : A FTERXOON SESSION-.'." " lii: ' I I tbe Mails. I.KK'V. i Curtis. K.D. Drvnt:, Libber r"'T "C fcusbton, II. 0. Hilton, J. ':B'l'f 'c i-. ttircw. A. A. Walson, ,.o-i;:i.!:.ATi. .. - W L r.ittcrson, J. J. Krwiu, rTJ.'u. Tate, II. K. Uyron, J. U:vlc. . r I'-ishoj Atkinson tbtn dclivcr .TMUddrw to tbc convention, BUlctAilbii visitations during the .'.r the iiumU-r of times he had slit! at c.V-li place, amUhe confirma- fhn .. jfihc (liilcrciit jccacns, iarticular -oiatrcinc Western orinro "w'jich w.i a riits field for labor. t-fk'm.w be suinmirizcil a follows : ;ir of " confirmations by himself - the y . 'ar, were During the jf lime, liishop I.yinan c juhrmcd 2ob . -s this time, be .(bishop 'AiKinsonj illantia-J 10 persons, of whom 10 were Z m C.inf ints; h:.d performed J uriije K T'co'and one burial scrriw; fimr one deacon, viz: Kcv. lienjaman i :.cr hissitcr,- anl two priests, viz : It.KjbcrtlJ. Dranc and lie" v. James A. I'.ita. l'isliop Lyman bas ordained one a, the Kcv. ( ieorgi C. Cooper, and .-f.rat;l J5t. Mary s Cburch, luuston. :src h.il been received by him into the ,"rj, from the Uishop of Tennessee, i.l.'.uicu lldnxs; from the Bishop of iuiia, Kcv. Harvey A. Judj, and from t r.ilnp if Virginia. Ucv. Jno. T. Clark; i! tr. uisl'er rcl by letters. disuussaryl Itcv. atis .1. Jnc I) Indiana; Kev.'. TVT. rl 11 D , to th llishop of Albany, and p.Jofm T. H'bea. V. D., to Ca!i:'o iiia. ' Turning to the losses which tbe Church i-ifljUhicd dminj tbc, year, he mpn iiV.with peculiar sadness, the death iiS.r..VlJert.Smedt6 I). D., and paid in beautiful tribute to bis manly vir 'tfclbigh christian cbara:tcrs.. "1 need nrDxliin'of his personal wortli," said J I hive, often uttered the opinion in which I take this occasion to ex M publicly, as.niy deliberate judgment, "itl'r.Smcrlcs accomplished more for the l4nccmcut of this diocese, and for '-'" tu uftjic best interests of society ''"Ubiiu thanauv man who ever lived lwmliJatcs for Priest's OrdiTi were Haujhton, Charleg 0. Brady, I Smith, Picnjamiu S. Lassiter, ::prK. Trice, Jas. I). Cheshire and v.i. . . wtom Orders, were Edwin A. Os aaJBrksG. White. was glad to note an improvement We wuditioo of 4bc dioceso; an jn l1 the number of the clergy and mucanta.. The increase of coinmu ; j ;y wcr, did not correspond as it wrobtt confirmed. He made .stions to the clergy on ymaa then detailed to the -jmjcu In icrviccs during the conVen 3 Ue bad baptized 18 persons Ml ... tl 1 m V Convention called to order at half past fonr, the Bishop presiding. ; Her. D. H. Duel introduced a resolu tion in regard to the establishment of mission stations, and moved to referHt to the committee on cauons. It was so re ferred. ( A supplement to the financial report was submitted by Dr. A. J. DeRosset who asked that.it be mado a part of the original Report. At 5 o'clock the question of the erec tion of the new Diocese came up before the Conventioii. Judge AV. R. Cox took strong grounds against the division Rev. E. R. Rich, a member of the committee who recommended the division, favored it, and quite a number of the clergy and lay delegates took part in the discussion : on both sidles. Finally tudge Cox j moved tho postponement of the qusstion until the next! Convention of the Church. A viva voce vote by orders being called fer the motion was lost by a vote of 29 to 3, the clergy only voting. The Bishop an nouncedjthat a question of this character would necessarily require the approval of both ordlcrs clergy and Uj delegates ' and as tlic clcrg hpd already, voted down the proposition to postpone, the motion was lostj without any vote on the part of the lay delegates. On moition of Gen J. G. Martin the questions! before the Convention were divided atnd the question was put "shall a new Diocese be formed within the limits of the present Diocese, with the consent and approval of the Bishop -r-vcto ef the clergy U t fer, i jote s against. The vote of the laity was, thirteen parishes voting aye, six rio, divided four. The Bishop anuounced that the question was decided and new Diocese would be '"formed On ImiiUou of Rev. B. S. Bronsou, a committee of five was appointed to canisd- or and repqrt upon the best line of (Hvisr . i' . ii. - i ii.. "r: composed of the following gsutlemen: Rev. Jams Buxton, Dr. A. A. Watson, Col. W. !L. DeRosset, John S. Hender son and W. II. Bryan. Gen W. R. Cox introduced tbe follow ing reporjt': The committee to whom was referred that portion of the assistant Bishop's ad? dress relating to the AYilbcrforce LUocesan School, hare had the same under comsid- eration. and fully impressed with, the inir porunt enterprise, rcspeciiuny suum nie following: i?ttotoc7,.-Tliat the Bixhops of the IJot cce be refiiested to secure the services of some competent person who shall act under their direction, to solicit funds for the pnrposes indicated in the address. W. R. Cox, ) T. Geo. Walton, VCom. J. I. Erwin . i The piotion was carried and Col, T. . G. Waltpn was appointed, - I Ou motion the Convention adjourucd The Mails close and arre ut the City P08tJfBce as follows : Northern throucli mails' - - - IM Northern through and way mails. 0:1 A M Mails for the N. C. -Railroad, and .' routes supplied therefrom - - 5:0;) P M Southern maifsfor allpointsHouth, - daily - - - - - - .j:h V 31 Western mails (C. C. II. v. daily i! (except Sunday) - - - .3:00 P M Fayetteville, and offices on Cape Fear River, Tuesdays and Fri xlajra - - . - - 1:00 P M Mails for points alout; line of Che-' ; raw & Darlington 11 11 - - - 11; -Jo A-M Fayetteyille by C. C. 11. W. daily, M (except Sunday s) - - - :00 A M Mails for points, between Florence ' ! and Charleston - - - - - - ll: A M Onslow C. II. and intermediate of- ' i flees every Friday - - - 0:0) A M Smithvllle JnaiLs. bv steamboat. daily, (except Sundays; - . - sw M Mails for Easy Hill, Town Creek, every Friday at ----- - 0:00 A M i AKKIVF. Northern through mails - - 1-:1 P I Northern through and way mails. ": "0 I 31 Southern mails - - - - - 7:oo-P M Carolina Central Railway at - - 6:o AM Mails delivered from 6:00 . A. M. to 7:00 P M., and on Sundays from 8:30 to :'0 A. M. Stamp Office open from 8 A. M. Ut 1 M., and from 2 to (j 1. M. Money s order and Register Departments open same as stamp office. Stamps for sale at general delivery when stamp "office is ciosed. Key Boxes accessible at all hours, day and night. Mails collected from street boxes every day 40 P. M. ' LOCAL NEWS. till y, o'clock this morninj t's-i, Had ordaincil 1 person Ajrj. 11 0rdcr- administand ;kL EvU&!on times in connection ti!U"JC)4visits'bcsde8 otbcr cel" rtA ln 0It,inary services of the 'ri , l'wt ni reviewing the work of ?wiit., The church, however, in,... - ' ,jrC nirni anA m.A I.iIhm men of the church should be their duty in this respect, .wiuiDg. "Hence," said he, ML"' be found more potent it -k. l " "Ppbel by a thorough dlTt cb5tia school; It is lrnr itl uIculate the influence for WaS SUCTh an institution may bo i4fiu PIuuialth consciousness tte t ,.,cu wc are encountering W1SumeQt of yur propose3 icul . S! at -Mfrganton, 1 had iure this time, to see this good 101 the t mM i the times has rendered it ossiblo to raise the funds ISUCCCMfnlK.;. 1 r : SliCtrrlc5c,i 10 dcternjiue what matter. ni cwjviJf- S5wUons oa thc Part of f&nMWel.UVCat MorPgantou wi:?1 attracUre sites for such a r , Caa anvwherc be found -W ""rnltu n th.e ncce&wry buildings C?i 0 ve WsUtutiqa i:' tt no question of I' Quarterly Meetings. Third round of appointments as made William S. Black, Presiding Elder, fof the Wilmington District, Mel odist E. Church, South. Wilmingfen, at. Fifth Street, June 9, 10 Magnolia at Carlton Chapel, June 1C, .17 Waccamaw Mis., Fine t.og., dune lo, l? Bladen, at Center. . . .;June 23, 24 WbUeville, Fair Blufl, June 30 & July 1st Onslow, at Gum. Branch. ...July 7, 8 Kenansvrllc, atRichlands. . . .July 14, 15 Elizabeth, t .Bladn Springs, July 19,' 20 Smithville, at Smith villc. . . July 28, 23 Cokesbury and Coharie Mis sion at Black s Chapel Aug . -J, ' o Clinton at Hopewell. . ...."....Aug 11, 12 Wilmiustonat Front Street.. .Aug 18, 19 Topsail at Rocky Point, (Dis- tnct C)nlerencej ,..,.....,. Aug -M Tfee People Want Proof. There is no medicine prescribed by physicians, or sold by: Druggists, that carries such evidence - oi lis success uu suDerior Yirture of BocnEE a.. German Syrup for severe Coughs, Colds fettled on thc breast, Copsmptpn, or any disease of tho Throat and Lunss. A proof ofHhat , . . fact is that any person alliictcd, can get a Sample Bottle for 10 cents and try its superior effect before buying the regular size at 75 cents, it lias lately oeen m,tro duccd in ' this counUy from; Germany, and its wonderful cures are astonishing evcrv one tuat use xuico uoota nut relieve any case, iry it. r t ... Spectacles and Glassc3? offered in this city t price? rssgpig fro Call and examine for vodrselrcs, New Advertisements. Chas. D. M vers & Co Try a Diawhig Organize I Organize ! Jahes Si'RCM Historical and ycieutific Society. T. C. SKRVOas--Ollictt City Clk & Ti ca--. Change Schedule W & W R R. Change. Schedule WCAAE R. S. Jewett Standard and Popular Novels. A. SHRiEB.Collars by the bucket full 25 cants - " Thi is the ocaPu for cats. . cruquct ahd spring colds. Only two interments in Oakdale during the week past, both infants. llot-housc flowers and exotics atv. v.sw in .he height of tlir lovciincss. it's June blaukets intead of June bugs now. They were in demand last night. Five interments in Pine Forest Cemetery during the past week, t wo ;wlul ts' p. iuI tprec. infants. . Their name is 'legion,' and they all. want some "orfice," and about ninety-nine out of every one hundred of tlicin will get a disappointment. j. Maj. Jno. W.'Dunham, who bib been quite ill for several days it i- ow- bet ter and hopes to be able to take his place at the.ClcrkV deck in the Criminal' Court on Monday. . ' Mr. John ). love, who was reported hy uh on Thursday as being dangerously ill, is .till in a very critical condition, al though we are. glad to hcjar tiat he was slightly easier this morning, j The June Term of'thc Criminal Court for this county convenes nct-'Monday, fhc docket i pretty full one 'aud it is probable that tho Court will be kept very busy during the" two weeks of its term. Lecture oh Entemolajry Tbe regular meeting ef the Uisterica aud Scientific Society will be held nex Monday evening on which occasion Mr W. F. Wcnzel will read a paper on Ento mology, which has been prepared by him with especial reference to noxious and beneficial insects. Mr. Wenzel is fully equal to the subject he has undertaken and the paper he will present will afford real entertainment to those who may be present on the occasion. . Dr. Deems in North Carolina. Yesterday's Raleigh Observer says: Rev Dr. (-has. F. Deems, pastor of the Church of the Strangers, New York, arrived in tbe city yesterday evening, and took rooms at the Yarborough House. Theugh much fatigued by his journey, he was able to receive and entertain a large num ber of friends during thc evening. Dr. Deems is en route to Chapel Hill where he will deliver the annual sermon before the graduating class Wednesday even ing next. The "shutting up" business went into effect lasfevcning at the ringing or ! the Market House bell. This signal- will be given out every evening now until Sept., Joth, as a note of warning and iuiurma- tlQU. Applications lor Oflke. By advertifemeut published this morn in"-, it will be seen that all applications for municipal positions must be handed in to Mr. T. C. Scrvoss, City Cserk and Treasureron or before nest Thursday, at wktoU tims (Lo Iioorvl f AKlormuii ill t into, au election to fill the '-various offices. ncss ou the other. a,t25 An Honor Worthily Bestowed. We arf t,J ' f the apprecia tion which our former fellow-townsman. General Rl K. Colston, has met with at the hands of the Khedive of Egypt, in whose service there arc so many Amer ican officers, lie has recently received a high testimonial of this fact, which con sists, of thc decoration of "a Commander of the Order of the Osmauieh," which has been conferred upon him iu, acknowl edgment of his distinguished services in Kordoftn, This decoration is ia the shape of a seven pointed star or cross of reen enamel, with red or gold centre, hanging from a gold crescent, and isVcrn around the neck ou a green ribbon with a red stripe. you, Caa Save Honey, Bj using JJqoley's Ykast Powdo., for leas butter, flour, eggs, eU., ,are required U not a needless hap-Vp sutemeit, but I Ct Venuea. by It he experience of t many thousand families. Try it and Prof. Agostini's Entertainment. There was what might really be called ila. tremeudous crowd" at tire Opera House last evening, tbe occasion being the final entertainment of Prof. Agostini's dancing school. -Every seat was filled and the in terest was inicnse and unflagging. It is no llattery to Mr. Agoctini to say that the entertainment lid him honor. The pro licicncy of his pupils was something wonderful to behold and we know that the entire audience were delighted and pleased. After the exhibition by the' chil dren the City Hall was then opened and the young disported themselves there in the mazes of the dance until tho small hours. The Fire To-Day. About noon to-day an immense volume of smoke was' seen rising in the southern portion of the city, and for at least fifteen minutes persons in the vicinity of the Market House were undecided whether it proceeded from some of the distilleries or from a burning building. The fire alarm was sounded and the fire department turned out promptly, but before any branch of it could reach the scene of con flagration the burning building was com pletely' consumed. The house was situated ou the corner of Front and Mearcs' streets aud was oc cupied by Mrs. Kershaw and her two small children and owned by 'the estate of Lary Williams. Mrs. Kershaw was unable to teU us anything as to the origin of the fire, and says the first she knew of it was the floor near where she was sitting sew ing was in a light blaze. Thc poor woman lost all of her household effects, save two wooden bottom chairs aud a small table. When we left thc burning building the poor woman was sitting in the . hot sun with her little children crying and clinging to her skirts. They are indeed to be pit-ti-d no shelter over their heads, no food to eat, and without money a.nd frieuds. The Seventeen Year Locusts. The seventeen year locusts which have made their appearance throughout Eastern Virginia, and portions of North Carelina this spring, are said to he a harmless in sect, and da no injury till about the time of their departure, when they per- ft'uratc the tender twigs of forest and fruit trees aud deposit their eggs is countless thousands. They perforate the limbs in double rows, and so deeply as to kill most of them at once, or leave them in such a crippled condition that they are soon broken off by the winds, f- In this way they indict serious damage to young" fruit trees and limbs ol the forest trees. The eggs thus deposited hatch '' out into small worms in about a month, aad fall to thc ground, which they soon penetrate deeper and deeper, until they get below the limits of freezing, where they silently grjw, aud undergo a transformation from year to year till they arc fully grown, when they come to thc surface, and cast ing their last covering, emerge therefrom in perfect form and growth. It i tbe male that is heard filling the forest with its soft, plaintive notes, which is beard for about six weeks, which ends their career. After that all that is seen of them is the wreck of their dead bodies strewed abomt. But few of the middle aged will ever sec them again, and none before the year 1804. A Bold and Desperate Thief Caught and Stolen Articles Recovered. This morning Robert Ellcrby was ar rested on a capias by Deputy Sheriff Thos.'G. .Miller, charged with thc rob bery of Mr. Thos. II. Smith's store, some months ago, and since his arrest it has been ascertained he was one of the thieves who has made so many successful visits to the premises of persons living near this city. Last night the chicken house oh the premises of Mr. W. P. Canaday was robbed of a great many fancy chickens, and this morning while Bust West', a ser vant of MrvCahaday, was in the market, he discovered a woman carrying a cov ered basket." His suspicious were at once aroused, and he called Officer Strode aud pointed the woman out, when she started off in a brisk run, but was soon overtaken and carried before 'Squire Gardner Upon examining the basket, several pairs of dressed chickens were found,, and the woman stated, that Robert Ellcrby had .brought the chickens to her house. A search warrant was issued and the house searched when the following articles were found: A pitchferk and pea raker, the property of Capt. S.AV. Nobles; a large clock and dictionary, belonging to St. James' Home; two band-saws, bclonffim: to Mr. Taylor at the National Cemeterv. and the heads of thc chickens stolen from Mr. Canaday. It is thought Ellcrby is one of the men who shot Mr. 'scar Grant a short time ajro, and also visited the butcher pen of Mr. Thos. II. Johiiion aud the premises of Capt. Alexander Mav and Mrs. Walker. The husband of the woman arrested has been fccut to jail on suspicion of being a confederate of Ellcrby. List of Jail B irds. Up to to-day there were IS prisoners in jail, awaiting trial at the. Criminal court which copvones next week, and this morning Robert Ellevillc, charged with arceny, was arrested on- a carnas by offi cers T. C. Miller aud Tony Ashe, of the Sheriff's force and added to thc number. The list now stands as follows : Chas. M. Epps, charged with larceny. committed by Justice Tan Amriugc. Ida Evans, with larceny, committed "by- Justice Gardner. Robt. Ellevillc, larceny, committed on a capias. . James Harvey, assault and battery, committed by Justice Harriss. ' Hcdrick Jones, larceny, committed by Justice Gardner. Edwin Joyncr, larceny, committed by Justice Gardner. .!. ', Thomas King, larceny, committed by Justice Gardner. Beu Lane, willful abandonment, com mitted by Justice Van Amrigc. Cato Mack, assault and battery, com mitted by Jnsticc Gardner. Ida Mack, harboring a priooncr, com mitted by Justlc Gardner. Samuel Merrick, larceny, ccnimilted by Justire Harriss. Aunie J. Speight, larceny.; committed on a capias. I Chas. Soutberland. larceny , committed on a caoias. Abrara Thai ly, bigamy, committed In justice Gardner. Robt. M. Walker, alias Taylor, forgery. committed by Justice Gardner. Jack Watkius, larceny, committed by Mayor Cauaday. Taylor Woodward, assault and battery and peace warrant, committed by Justice Gardner. Baaxell Ward, larceny, committed by Mayor Canaday. Robt. Nixon, larceny, .committed by Justice Gardner. Of the prisoners 2 arc white and 17 are colored. FLEASE JCOTICE. !T Wc will be glad to receive comauueatieat from oar friendj on any an d all tmbjeeti o f general interest bat : f - -: ; :. ' . U i Thc name of the writer autaliraji be furnuhed to the Editor. Communications mostbe written oal j on une eiae oi toe paper. " Personalities most be avoided. Andit is especially and parti elarly madcr ' stood that ihe editor does not always eadorae the views of correspondent", unlets so stated in the editorial columns. r - ! New Advertisementa. - Office City Clerk anfl Treasurer, . CITY OF WILMINGTON, j. C," Jvxe 1st, 1S77. A ITLICATIO.ys for appoin mcnt under tbe present CiJy Governaient ust be handed in at this Office on or before THURSDAY, tho 7th intt. Uy order of l?oard cf Aldermen, " T. C. SEBYOSSj I june2 City Clerk aad treasurer. Historical and Scientific Society. . Notice. nUIEKE WILL JiE A HEOULAK MEET- ing of the Society on MONDAY Evening next, at 8 o'clock, in the Lecture Room of the First Presbyterian Church ; wbeu a pa per will be read by Mr.W. F. Wenzel, on tho subject of Entomology Villi special reference to noxious and beneficial insects. I ' . A full attendance 1 of the members is "re-" quested. JAMES SPRUNT, iune 1? Secretary A Treasurer. Stummy Cakes. wadc-froni the ii:t green apples of the season arc in fa now. . " i - WILMINGTON & VELOOh RAILROAD COMPANY. Offick of Uen'l Scpekintkkdknt ' Wilmington, N. C, June I, 177. J On and after Sundav. June 3d. 1877. the passenger trains on the Wilmington k Weldon Railroad will run as follows : DAY MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAIN. Leave Wilmington, Front St. Depot at 7 00X11 Arrive at Weldcnat 12 50 P M. Leave Weldon daily at 11 40 AM Arrive at Wilmington, Front St. JJepot at 5 10 P M NIGHT. MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAIN. DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. Leave Wilmington, Front St. Depot at 3 35 P 31 Arrive at Weldon at 2 20 A II Leave Weldon, daily at 'J 45 A M Arrive at Wilmington, Front St. Depot at V......... 12 00 M The Day Train makes close connection at Weldon for all points North via BayLin daily, (except Sunday) and daily, via Rich mond and all rail route?. Night train makes close coancetions at Weldon for all points north via Richmond. Pullman's Palace Sleeping Cars attached to all Night Trains, and run through from Wil mington to Richmond. JOHN F. DIVINE, juns 2- General Superintendent. Cen'l S up' ts Office, WILMINGTON, COLUMBIA AND AO- GUST A RAILROAD. Wilmington, N. C, Junc l, 1877. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. On and after Sunday, June 3d, the follow ing schedule Trill be run on this road: DAY EXPRESS AND MAIL Til A IX, (daily except Sunday.) Leave Wilmingtont 12 15 P M An itc at Florence 5 OO P M Leave Florence 12 30 P II Arrive at Wilmington 5 20 P M NIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN (Daily). Leave Wilmington..., 6 00PM Leave Florence... 10 05 P M Arrive at Columbia.. 1 11 A M Arrive at Augusta 4 32AM Leave Augusta..... 8 23 1 II Leave Columbia.. 11 '30 P H Leave Florence. 2 45AM Arrive at Wilmington tf 40 A M This Train willonlr stop at Flemiojrton,' Whiteville, Fair Jiluff, Marion, Florence, Timmonsville, Sumter and Etover between Wilmington and Columbia. THROUGH FREIGHT TRAIN (Daily, ei cept Sundays.) Leave Wilmington 2 30 P M Leave Florence 2 20 A M Arrive at Co.lumbia 10 10 A M Ieave Columbia ............. 00 PM Leave Florence .t... 4 30 A M Arrive t Wilmington 12 00 M TRY A DRAWING OF OUR BENEFICIAL I1E-N0 TEA ! IT NOT ONLY' PLEASES AND BE nefits all who use it, but it is the best TEA for the lowest price . SOLD IN THIS CITY and we are tire Sole Agents. II. ALLEN. . I prove the claim. T-j attention ef our readers is direcled to tbe changes made in the schedules of the W. & W. and W. C, Jis and in the nours fr Jopernj; ajid clcsing the mails. Chas. d. hyers & co., - 0&7 ZTortb Front fit. juue X l : ' ' i QUBSCIRDK TO TflK DAILY REVIEW j3y- Passengers for Aup-utta and beyond should take Night Exprew Train from Wil mington. ZSff- Through Sleeping Cars on night trains for Charleeton and August. JAMES ANDERSON, june 2 General Superintendent. ORGANIZE ! ORGAlJIfflSl A ' - AND BUY YOUR ' Family Groceries OF EVEIlY KIND. 4 Flour, C. fifce, Sugar, Teas, Hams, Bccoa and Sundries of "every tied fur Family iue, where there w the Fullest Stock, Fretheit Goods, Lowest Trices- and Free C5ly Delivery. That place is at . CHAS. D. BIEBS.ii CO. 5 Cl 7 north Proat Ctrcctl

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