f'T.T papek """""""" ! v . """"j"- , ' ercrr afternoon, Sundays cx- ;Cptcdby X. JAMES, TtoStage paid. -onths, $250 ; ft I?,-. One month, 60 cents. ? will be deiirerca pj earners, 3e pipCf iany part'of the city, at the a"5!' Scents per week. yiTe their papera'rcgularly. i ti: wVii served in I the Tjef:it . .,nd who aftcr- 1 to tbi country, have organ club called "The Tope's i Jo it' are sm. ";u,w,B v rradc, which nt' to Rome in 'Is-' Tn it'arc sixt; members of If1"" ; ;n "1801. 0'-, ta- TlnrvAfl. Of BfOoklVD, 'v. ' i,i tr. live oh bread and r .'V.-,!; Thompson has re- Uiu'" ," i. rirr .1 three rears cm. or; now ia Knropc. UJ3 "y" 'her fur the legitimate The Canadiau pilgrims who Kncla.t spring, reached Now . J.i.r return on Sunday. -. ;iisIUorcafraMcftbe labor troubles ,0, f H-irrfKlshllrfi 1V.. a . .i ..1' II jim.vv- -j, --. 1 Jlx'couM, interviewed that with a cowhide. ti.-.inu.iif Tins "-issiffril a ri'jr that its cm j-loycs must pay their (&n,c!' me Avar . . j . f mf nun i nn 4 - t. invites John A : i a J.r l'l.i'ndchdiia. to act as com- lit1' vi :a,irs to Siting BnH. Gctl toiiutcutit'i'S are to make tlic South-trtwnsccomUry- to the working nifBi''wWacliampioii be proposes 'to ir, i'rcbident Hayes has dcter- giotJ Mat liiiiiselfvaiid buUc. shall pay ;kir car fare,; except Avhcn the party i ia charge of a committee. to!, rigadierT General," is now mn-tocatcli up w itji Col. Gibbon who had the rare impudence to get bc- m him ami that ,Xczj Tcrccs rear he i ten, following up.- -The lur- k!i troops are committing terrible alroci- iniJJulgaiia. ' The Stand- U Uucharestvcorrcspondeut telegraphs LIIows : ;'An emvr.cnt personage here U an interview with, the Grand Duke aulas jThuriidciv. Tbchttcr admitted at the troops were somewhat dcmoral- i an.l said thci? was no probability of resumption of. operations for three ab, when he would have received re- kcmcrilsyof 100,000 men." A istautirioplc correspondent' of the bfanTsavs it is rumored that the ira liasi appeared in the Russian, aps. The Daily JScws cortes ;sicct at Sistova concludes his statement k situation ou Saturday, as foljows ; Sicca doubtful whether the Balkan jf"S will continuei to be held by the j-HUiS. j i-.ight thousand starving Bui- fu iuu-ws are in aci vi. 1 ne wcatner bai broken, and there arc heavy continuous ia'n?." The natives say Tct.wcatlier may be expected for a SSht at this season, which ?ftly conduce to the spread t ScknCSS in fl.o orrr " . . rumors of tin throitcnad teaeral iw o Cllihpprs nn.V firnmmi nncn j O w l. It Hi ViliVll A-JU T ta dc- -4- The Frteorificiuo. a bipluiltcjpccialjy for preserving mU on long voyages, has arri ved " iurcr Platte with a canro of clt,D condition. One hundred and r.e'7 s have elapsed sinco she com- loading. . Tho Ttmej Armo. Respondent writes that the stories atrocities in Armenia are ut- Htruc. The Kussiana have through- aaved well. The Turkish regulars je khaved well, but the irregulars "tj.of atrocities iUnMl? 'efforts of Mukhtar ffwstrict thcml Sulieman P;111'US taoononsivd, has march- the, Feredich. a Balkan a strong . rcconnoitering 1 1 tr.l as the K . ! VIA ' V 7""W Wh rh 1?nccTirs in rrirtol.l i l - i tDj -""cthuic' iorce. r i rc &Hujson Can-d fiimnanv niortasa:e on all of their vania, $10,000,000. t. , -U1-nt rr.i . -, - tZ Sl la Warrctt wunf y, N. Y. CI1110""0'1 AVitU mortality has lf- a! 'anions tLe horscs Jcrscy .- arics Sun1!! c xtr i .., , . a t van i-u U Ue,k lust six hoi horses from suQcrin WftiiSi. ratrick McGowan rWol mason to work on rtT?-nsand-i8 th only one firin 'yJ:,0Qeers6f Ralei-h that is ff lVS y? hal? hearty and cnnnil ,. jean . J j J 4r- W it n m our midst L ' IT lr vui uuusw icDu? "?f Tarb0r haS kty. , U0I),ty-Vardcn of tho Pen- " 'H 1 j jj i ' 1 VOL. 2. t WILMINGTON, N. C, TUESDAY, AUGUST 14, 1S77. NO. 175 Tlic Mails. Tlie Mails close and arrive at. the City Pofetoffice as follows : 1 , i'l CI.OSF. j Northern through mails - - -! 4:i I M Northern through, and way mails. t:15 A M Mails for the N. U. and A. & N. C. Kailroads, and routes supplied therefrom - -. - - - - i- - 4:15 P M Southern malls for all points South, daily - - - - - - 5:00 P M Western mails (C. C. Pw W.) daily , i (except Sunday) - - - 5:00 P M Fayetteville, and offices on Cape Fear liiver, Tuesdays and Fri days - - i - - - 1.-00 P M Mails for points along line of Che raw & Darlington K li - - 1 - 11;30 A M Fayetteville by C. C. It. W. daily, (except Sundays) - - - 6:00 A M Mails for points between Florence and Charleston - - i- -. - - 11:30 A M Onslow C. H. and inte'rmedlate of fices every Friday - 1 - , - 6:00 A M Smithville mails, by steamboat, ' daily, (except Sundays) - - - 8:03 a M Maiis for Kasy Hill, Town Creek, . every Friday at - - - - - - 3:00 P M ARRIVE. Northern through mails - - 12:15 P M Northern through and way mail. 5:50 P M Southern mails 7.U0 A M Carolina Central Railway at - - 6:30 A M Mails delivered from 6:00 A. M. to 7:00 P M., aQd on Sundays from 8:30 to 9:30 A. M. 1 Stamp Office open from 8 A. M. to 12 M., and from 2 to 6 p. M. Money order and Register Departments open same as stamp office. 1 1 ' . i Stamps for sale at general delivery "when stamp office is Closed. ,t Key Boxes accessible at all hours,-day and niglit. i Mails collected from street boxes every day 3:45 P M. LOCAL NEWS.' New Advertisements. . A. David Another Large Invoice.' Johv L. BoATwaiGHT Flour Call and Examine Choice Vig llams. Biniobd, Lqeb & tCo Lager. 0. G. Parsley & ,Co Excursion to Suiith ville. , ' 1. FiriutANSK'i Shampoo and Baths. Figs ten cents a dozen. Tho watermelon. crop is on the ragged edge of a decline,,. Sonic very nice shrimps-sold Yesterday in. this market at o cents a quart.' Cantaloupes are becoming somewhat scarce and sell now from 115 to 75 cents a dozen. , 1 . ' , Capt. V-V. Richardson, member of the Legislature from Columbus county, is in the city to-day. " If you aje troubled with mice, gum cam phor placed alout their hauhts will drive them away, ' " When you go to Beaufort carry your own stimulants vithyou as prohibition runs the town now. The.rcjbatc been recent heavy rains in the interior and the river is still in good boating condition. i. Grapes, figs, peaches, apples, water melons, cantAloupes and all manner of fine fruit grace our market now. r Merchants' hero' are . taking stock and Squaring up things generally, preparatory to a trip North for their Fall purchases. . : , . r "I ish I were dead' is a common .ex clamation with the 'dyspeptic, and yet no man can get over a fence or crawl under a barn faster than he when there is danger ahead. t .A - - There vas a heavy black, cloud over head last midnight, which seemed to cover the entire sky and to hang over the earth chock full of too much rain, but it passed over and not a drop fell here. An excursion party from up the road will be down here to-morrow morning and the steamer UiiGcrliill will take the party to Smithvill, The boat will leave the C. C. R. W. depot at C:30 and her own wharf al 7 o'clock."" The fair is only 75 cts, for the round trip. 1 i p. . ... , Unmailable Xetters. The following is a list of unmailable Ietcrs remaining in the city postofficcj: C. U. Gilbert, Gillisonvillc, S. C. ; M its Frances Waddcll, Bladen Co. X. C. , Religious. Rev. J, li: Wilson, D, D., Pastor of thcFrst Pics'iyterian church in this city, has gone North for a few weeks, and during his absence there will be services held in boih churches by Rev. i C. M. Payne, Pastor of the Second Presbyterian Church, jvvho will fill his own pulpit on Sunday morning anil that of Dr. Wilson on Sunday afternoon. i - The Thermometer. From the United States Signal Office at thislacc we obtain the following report of the thermometer, as taken this morn ing at 7:31 o'clock ; Angusta, 72; Cairo, 72; Charleston, 79 ; Cincinnati, C7; Corsicana, C8; Fort Gibson C6; palveston, 80; Indian6la,80 j Jackson ville, 81 ; Key Wrest , My KnoxvOle, 74; Lynchburg, 73; Memphis, 73; Mobile, 81; Montgomery, 74 ; Nashville, 73; New Orleans, 80 ; New York, 70 ; Norfolk, 76; Pittsburgh, C8;PuntaRassa, 85;Savannah, 84; Shrcveport, TC; St. Louis 64; St Marks, 74f ; Vicksburg, 72; Washington 72; Wilmington, 70. City Court. . I At 9 o'clock this morning, His Honor, the Mayor pro temp., opened his court. Tho only jpri soner was Isaac Baker, cul ored, whp was arrested yesterday af noon, corner Sixth and Castle, by officer J. S. Bender, on complaint of Mr. W. If. Biddle, for trespass. The evidence of officer Bender, which was corroborated by" five or six other witnesses besides, was rather unfavorable for the prisoner. 1 The testimony . prove! that Baker not only committed trespass upun.Mr. Biddle's. premises, but also the more severe offense of resisting and striking the oflber of the law was proved by more than one witness Officer Bender testified that the defend -aut, when at the corner of Sixth and Nunn streets, Avhile under arrest, and on his way to1 the Guard House, suddenly stopped and refused to go any further and that while remonstrating with him and endeavoring to urge him on, the aforesaid defendant turned upon him (Bender) and struck him a blow in the rxouth with his fist and knocked off a piece of a tooth ; that he then used i his club on him and struck once and summoned others to help him; that the prisoner still continued to resist, and had to 'be thrown down and tied and hauled to the gaurd house in a cart;that while lie was in the cart tied hard and fast on the way to the guard house, he managed to jump out of tho cart, but with tbc aid of those whom he had summoned,- the prisoner was put back in the cart and in this condition finally taken to the cell and locked up. : 1 The evidence of all the witnesses cor roborated officer Bender's statement that the prisoner was very obstreperous,rcsisl iug all the time and using the most horrid aud vile imprecations, cursing and swear iDg at everyone around and at the same time using the most vulgar and obscene language. From tho evidence given in, officer Bender must have exercised a great clca of forbearance. Others who witnessed the affair state that Baker str ick the policeman, Bender, several times before Bender used his club. j The Mayor"pro temp, asked Baker if he had any witnesses, and lie replied, No. When asked what he had so sav for him self, he stated that he supposed he was drunkand didn't know what he was doing. Baker claims to be a sailor. The sentence of the court was 20 days' solitary confinement on bread and water and at the expiration of that time to be turned over to a magistrate to be tried for his iolatiou of the statute law of the State in committing a trespass upon private premises. The case of young Ilowland, w ho was arrested for firing a pistol in Wcsseli's grocery store, on Secoud, between Market and Dock strcets,last night, was dismisscd from the City court to be investigated before Justice Harris's... Having no further business the court adjourned. Special Term of Ihs City Court. Argument in the case of Gerritt Walker Esq., for violation of a city ordinance in refusing to pay tbc cart tax of ten cents imposed by the city upon all carts coming to the market, was, as previously agreed upon last Saturday at a special term of the City Court, heard by the Mayor pro temp, this morning at 11 o'clock, Col. W. S. Devane appearing for the city and M. London, Esq., for the defense. After ar gument on both sides the Court decided against the defendant md imposed a fine of $5 for refusing to pay the tax. An appeal was taken to the1 Criminal Court of New Hanover county. Mr. Walker was recognized in the sum of fifty dollars for his appearance at the October term of the above-named Court. Captured at Leesburg. Ex-Sheriff Horrell, of Pender county, arrived here to-day from Lcesburg, haviDg in custody Mary Eliza Nixon, colored, who is charged with the murderous as sault on Margaret Ann Clarity, also colored, spoken of by us in full in yester day's issue. The woman was arrested yesterday at Leesburg by Mr. Horrell, who found the razor with which the cut ting was done on her person. She was turned over to Justice Harriss, who is sued the' warrant for her arrest, and by him turned over to tho Sheriff to be com mitted to jail to await an examination. Martha Wescott, the daughter of Mar garet Clarity, who seems to have been enticed from her home by Mary EUha Nixon, die no hava rooney enough to bring her to Wilmington and therefore got off at Burgaw with the intention of walking to tho city. Blind for Fifteen Yeats. Old aunt Susie Robinson, a former slave of Capt. James Robinson, of Bladen county, has been blind for nearly fifteen years, but recently her eye sight has been restored to "her by Providence and she can now see toj thread a cambric needle. Aunt Susie is nearly one hundred years of age and the restoration of her eye sight at her advanced age is looked upon as soniethtng remarkable. This Term and L.ast. The fact that tho Criminal Court Which closed its labors here last Saturday night got through with the docket in one week does not necessarily prove that the Court officials w'orked any harder this term than they did during the June term, when the session ran into the third week. The docket was much lighter thisT- time, that is all. It must, be remembered that at i 1 the previous term Solicitor Moore secured 110 Convictions, a fact, which in itself, evidences the immense amount 6f work done then. You can' save Money x " by using Dooley'8 Yeast Powder, for less butter, Hour, eggs, etc., arc required to accomplish satisfactory results. This is not a needless hap-hazard statement, but a fact verified by the experience of many thousand families. Try it and prove the ciaim. , A Dastardly 'Attempt. A fiendish attempt was made sometime on last Sunday or Sunday night to de stfoy the engine in the press room of the Star by filling the valves with ink. It 4vas discovered in time by the pressman and what might have proved a serious disaster ; was averted. The composing room, where the; printers work, is imme diately over the press room, and if the boiler had exploded a serious loss of life must have resulted. The author of the outrage is unknown, bnt Mr. Bernard has offered a 'reward of 50 for his detection 1 A Valuable Library. General Abbott has in his private li brary at Abbottsburg a complete record of the Congressional proceedings from the day the Continental Congress met in Carpenter's Half, in Philadelphia, Sep tember , 1774, down to the present Congress. This comprises the old Conti nental Congress Reports, the Annals, the Debates, the Congressional Globe and the Congressional Record. We suppose that no other library in North Carolina con tains this perfect set of reports.' Even the State Library and the' University Li brary do not have it, nor any other private library has this rare continuous record. The Names of Nails. The terms "four-penny," "six-penny," "ten-penny," etc.,' as applied to nails, means this : Four-penny means four pounds totha thousand, and on. It is an English term, aud meant at first "ten pounds" nails (the thousand being under stood;) but the old Englishman clipped it 1 to "ten-pun," and from that "tcn-punny" and so it degenerated, until "penny" was substituted for pound. So, when you ass for "four-penny" nails, now-a days, you want those a thousand of which will weigh four pounds; but in these degenerate timcs, we question whether you will get us many as a thousand in that weight. When a thousand nails weigh less than one pound, they are called tacks, brads, etc , and arc reckoned by ounces (to the thousand) ; so you will sec "8 oz., or 10 oz.," on papers of tacks. List of Letters. ; The following is the list of letters . re maining unclaimed in the Postoffice, Wil mington, X. C, Wednesday, Aug. 15th 1877: ' A Mrs Jtilis Ann Artis, 2, T J Arm strong, Rev J. II. Anderson. ; " B Bason lirady, David Bender, D F Braseland, Jackson Brown, James Brown, Miss Fannie Rro vj,Miss Alice L'Bcisley, Mrs Alice Benton. CSantec Charles, 3, John Cannon, J D Chestnut, Mrs Lucy Cowan. : D R Dudley. ? 1 Henry Edins?, 2, Charle M Epps. F Eartis Fonvillc. G Jerry F Gore, 2: H Mrs Silvia Hill, Mrs Milly Uelflin, Mrs Isabella Hurst, Miss Betty Herring; Miss Dollie Herring, Cass Hooper, Wm T Harker. i J Jas F Jason, Briokky Jenkins, Mrs Caroline V Jackson. K V J Kerman, Jessia Kncx. L Mrs Mamber Lovingston. M Robt McKensic, Miss flora Mc rherscd, Miss Maggie D Moore, Bridget McLanc, Mrs Sarah J Murray, Hugh Mc Donald,, M .Mrs Emma Nelson, "Cold ". PMiss Mary Peal, Miss Martha Par kers, John Parrott, UP Padison, O L Miss Hattie N Sharp, Robt Strange, 2, J N Sharp. T Henry Tate, J G Trasley, Thos B Thayer. W George Wiirurnstoo, Cfcas Wat son.' j - ' r': ' Persona calling for letters in above lis will please say "advertised'; if not claim od in 30 days will be sent to chad letter Office, Washington, D. C. ; e. 'it : brink; p. m. v The People Want Proof. There is no medicine prescribed by physicians, or sold by Druggists, 4hat carries such evidence of its success and superior virture of Bosciiee's Gekman Syrup for severe Coughs, Colds settled on the breast, Consumption, or any disease of the Throat and Lungs. A proof ofjthat fact is that any person afflicted, can get a Sample Bottle for 10 cents and try its " rv . t r t r . , superior euecc ociorc Diiying the regular size at 5 cents. It has latelv been intro duced in this country from Germany. and its wonderful cures arc- astonishing every one. that use it. Three doses will relieve any case. Try it. TRIBUTE OF RESPECT. ENGINE HALL, V HOWARD BELIEF Fire Eng. Co. No. 1. I Wilmington, N. C, Aug. 13, 1877. J Whereas, it has pleased AlmijrhtvKJod. in the dispensation of His unfathomable wis dom, to remove from our midst, in the prime oimte, our isrother J?ircman, CliAKLES J. GERKEN, we deem it a duty, due both to the memory of the deceased and ourselves, to make manifest our sincere grief at his sad and untimely death : therefore, be it ' Resolved, That this Company, bv the death of Charles J. Gerken, has lost one of its best members j one whose name stands engraved upon the annals of this Company as one of its staunchest members; one whose genial pres ence ever cheered and animated us with a good feeliner towards one another. Resolved, That to his aged mother we len der the assurance of J our deep and heartfelt sympathy in her bereavement. Resolved, That a memorial page of our Record be duly inscribed to the memory of our deceased Brother, that the Hall Room be draped in mourning, and that our members wear the usual badge of mourning for the space of thirty days, as a token of our high appreciation of his good services and many social virtues. Resolved, finally, That these Resolutions be published in the city papers, and a copy thereof sent to the family of the deceased. L.P.NEWMAN, A. ADRIAN, J. G. OLUENBUTTEL, H. HINTZE. M. UATIIEJEN, Committee. New Advertisements. EXCURSION TO SMITHVILLE. ON WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 15. STIVER. J. S. TJxVDERIIIIiIi, WITH AN EXCURSION PARTY from aloncr the line of the C. C. liaiin-av. will leave the Railroad Wharf at fi::o A. M. and our Wharf, foot of Orancrc st, promptly at i a. m, ITALIAN BAND will be on Jard. ' Fare for round trin. 75 centL;. Children unaer 14 yea's, 50 cents. auxr 14 O. G. PARSLEY fc CO. LAGER. ANOTHER CONSIGNMENT OF THAT SUPERIOR CHAMPAGNE LAGER BEER, The Finest Offered o:v the Market. Adapted especially to Family L'sc. 10 Bbls. Pure Cidor Vinot ! I - 'I ' ; gar, Choap. BINFORD, LOEB & CO. aug 11 PLEASE NOTICE. We will bo glad to reed?" eOBxaBskatloai . from our friends on any and all subjects o ff general intcrestttt: r-:n it. .T . H Tho name of the wrifctti syi be furnished to the Editor. " ' " , .; ".,. .'I. -.-! 'T Communications must b3mittcn only OB one Bide of the piper.; ') " " trill t I'ereontlitica moat bevoided. Andit is especially and particm laiJ nde Etood that xhe editor' docs not always tndorft the views of correspondents, unless so sUtedT in the editorial column. New Advortisomohti m ', ANOTHER LARGE liiVCICE OF pearl mm- JUST BECE1YED. Thcsoia waiting eta be accommodated. Remember it li giiaraa tced to be the Best and Cheapest Shirt U tfie ' . -I ' . . m j I ' market. ! . ; , .-; i .yit V'. " Call andece the PEARL SUlET onljL A. Davidi.r: 1 - 1 augU llcrct.nl Trilor 4 Clothlur. . I Call and Exarhiho : i. aug 11 Family Grocer. ! Choice Pig Hamc ' '5 kf A SELECTED LOT OF CHOICK .; , ! I 'Ml Pig Especially for the Warm Season. VERY FINE. J Once you try them you will purchase no other. 1 .r:' ' ' ' . ... . ' - i . ' ' JOHN L. BOATWR1GHT,: 4,1 . . ; t - 5 & 7 North Front St. jfh ' aug 11 Family Grocer'.' 1 W. H. SPRUfJT, Exchango Corner. ' ' , IT'XCHANGE CORNER is the place 16 get lA everything in the FANCY GOODS Ihxv The NICEST GOODS kept. , It has ahvays been the place for the Nicett and most FAS II I ON A It T. K MIMiVFriv . GOODS, and will in future prove to ho inch io an wik) may come or lena toeir orders. ' ' ceivc Prompt and Special Attention. Remember EXCHANGE CORNER : lor your FALL GOODS. . 1 1 . L'lllllll'll rt . iinn ' X?" van nun iur ou UXJUIKS. ' aug 11. N. H. 8ritUT. IFDOlLflD- ! 100 Bbls. arid Half Bbls. of our Old Brand IFavo ?9 SHAMPOO AND BATHS. , '111 i ? ! qilAVE, 10 cnti. Hair Cut, 23 ccnU, ( Shampoo, 23 cents. Hot and cool baths 'at" all hours. Clean towels and sharp razors In abundance. All work doao in sUeaee and with di?patch. , aug li t viTnUAVatrt Cor. Front and PrinCcW. an? l:: . JAMES C. KXTKbS, '' Third St.. oppoaite City UalL . otico. 1 S9.50 per Barrels 84.871-2 por Half Bbl. : ' ". I . : ' - ' . Ground from New Wheat Guaranteed. JOHN L. BOATWBIGHT, " 5 Cl7 ZJorth ront St. aug II FAMILY GROCER. A DjTEBTISE CX U THE DAILY REYIKTT. 4 LL PERSONS INDEBTED TO THE V ix. ......-, Vj i late firm of C. D. MYERS k CO. era ft-. quested to call and settle their acexraata be- ? fore the FIRST OF SEPTEMBER, u jin that day they will b placed la tbe hu.it tt, BIT AltftrfivfW mtAim . " r r ' ? 1 f x i f JOHN L. BoATWftlOliT, alfrl SAT 5orth frost SL )' Polk TJiirer Ci. Go'd; ITALIAN INSECT POWDER I TTarraat- - ed to kill Roaches, Flics, Fleas, AcLf, Uo 1 Crotoa Bugs, Bed Bugs, He? 'jnitoef , C lexers Uce, Flower Bus, Uelon Bas, tsi all ctl :r species of Insects. : - , . Not poisonous to bum as beluga, y mesticanioahj or fowls. aplTi OUR NEW LOT OP i ' ' 1 7 " t " i' V -i- i. ' ' ' CHOICE TEAS, -; both Ulacs cl oaxinrj, A Choice Shipment just rcccired." ' 1 rr: "; ..-. - t Only 50 Cents Per Pounft. 1 i JOHN L. BO AT WRIGHT, I y o k 7 North Front'sL ; " Tho Excursion land Pic Nic j i mm Season Continuos' : AND ALL GENTLEMEN WISHING , first-class work done should call at No.. 0 South Front streeL Sharing 10 cents f Hair Cutting 25 cento, Shampooing 25 cenU.. Even at these prices no lard or pips fat used as Pomatum, only fine oils, beauUhers, perftt- mcriesandbay rum. " . June 25 .. JNO. WERNER. , QONSTANTLY BECEIYINa A5D , ALWAYS ON' IIA5D':, a full line of Drugs, MedicinesfCbemlcais, ' . Fa-cy Articles, Ac. Oar Cigars,. , are unsurpassed. .;'?'? " ' i j j I 1