THIS PAPER every afternoon, Sundays ceptedby ex- JAMES, J splTOB ASD PEOPBIKTOB. -ipTIOKS. POSTAGE PAID. L 00 six months $150 ; Three "'' .1 One month, 50 cent. soJ' :n k delivered by carriers. fcf pP . .rt of the city, at the r 13 cents per week. t, low and Uberal.. , KS&erf will pleaae report any and , f fflSHBMTE, m'KET STREET DEALER IN DRYOODS ! Udymade cLOTHina, Boots, Shoes, Hats, &c., &c. oods Sold at Mew- YorK Price; HECT SATISFACTION GUARANTEED :" ! FKKSli LOT OF THOSE CELE- BRATED iUL MORPHYS Jl'ST RECEIVED. m V M L BO AT WEIGHT. 1 . I 6 & 7 North Front St. Daily Expected ! NEW NORTHERN OF SUPERIOR QUALITY ft.MLY EXrttTED BY M 1 7 Worth Front Street. sept 17 . ' "A CHOICE RO CERIES! LW5. ON HAND A FRESH LOT Of CHOICE rILY GROCERIES AT L. BOATWRIGHT 5, 5 & 7 North Front St. PAUL'S FE1IALE SE1IIHART., Ak6;a. Grammar School for Girls fcnd Bovs. G. TV nrnt.n...' . . . . TaiS ISSTITUTION wUl be re-opened "rrti. .j . . . " OBfrT!40? J PPu on MONDAY, ec. e "me rltes of tttlntt U JI fe Sbpr p.rUcuU circular or ap IF.S AMIItlALIIV HE' 1 1 1 1 7) A TTYY I VOL. 2. WILMINGTON, N C, MONDAY SEPTEMBER LOCAL NEWS. . New Advertisements. A. Dxtid Grand Opening. S. II. Fishblati Dry Goods ! John L. Boat weioht Cigars. Joan L. BoiTwaiOHT Daily Expected. Johw L. BoAiwaiQHT Choice 'Groceries. Gso. Myers Reduced Prices. W. B. McKor For Bent. . W. E. PBEEMiir, M.D. Tothe Public Das Friema & Adams Professional Card. - Rav. G. D. DeaHflEiV, D. D. St. Paul's Female Seminary. A. bhrikb .rail ana winter. 5ic o our subscribers as may change their places of business or residence tciU please notify us promptly of the fact. The guns of the Cape Fear Light Ar tillery are being painted today. Cautionary signals were ordered to be raised along this coast last evening. Dr." W E. Freeman has associated with himself Dr. Geo. S. Adams, in the practice of medicine, as will be seen by Lreference to our advertising columns to day. We invito attention to the lengthy and j attractive advertisement of Mr. S. II. I Fishblate, the wholesale andj retail Market ! street dealer, as it appears: in this issue. A gale blowing 48 miles an hour was reported in Texas last night but as it has not reached here yet, the presumption is that it has changed its course and has given U3 the go by. The flags of various nations are swung across Princess street at the intersection of Second, in honor of the anniversary of the Order of Good Samaritans. The Order will celebrate the day with a grand pa rade. - 1 The St. Paul's Female Seminary, as also a Grammar school for boys and girls, will be re-opened October 1st, under the management of Rev. G. D. Bernhoim, D. D., Principal, with a full corps of accom plished assistants. ' Another Bargain ! Malta Lace Scarfs 2J yards long, deci dedly the richest article of the kind that has been offered in this market. . Brown & Roddick, tf 45 Market street. Purity, Strength; Economy.. These three requisites arc combined in I Dooley's well-known Yeast Powder A few trials will convince you that it is not only the best, but also the cheapest. TToIn T'h!!. I.t - I we notice Dy ino jwieign cwttct-mat, the citizens ot mat city aro maKiog up a I ...... i subscription for the purpose of purchas-I mg new pants for the Raleigh Light In-1 fantry and this reminds us that a commit-1 tee from the Whiting RiQes were recently I appointed to solicit the citizens of Wil-1 mington to aid them in the purchase of I their new uniforms. We hope that the J DeoDle Of Wilmington will be as liberal as I those of Raleigh and aid the young gen-1 tinman of the Whitincr Rifles in their I vm . . i. i -w - " l o V. If. JiO AT WRIGHT. I laudable effort. The Tliermometer. I From the United States Signal OrHce at thi tilare wc obtain the- following renort I . r - o t3w t.hprmomptfj'- as tatnn this Vnwm. I ins at 7:31 o'clock : Augusta, 75 ; Cairo, C j ; Charleston, 75 ; Cincinnati, G6 ; Corsicana, 73 j Galveston, 76: Indianola, 79 ; Jacksonville, 78 ; Key West, 84; Knoxvillc, 71 ; Lynchburg, 74; I Memphis, 64 ; Mobile, 92; Montgomery, I 74"; Nashville, 71; New Orleans, 80 ; New York, 68 ; Norfolk, 71 ; Pittsburgh, 66 ; Pnnta Rassa, 81; Savannah, 78; Shreveport, 7 5; St. Louis, 57-; St. Marks, 77 ; Vicksburg, 72; Washington, 73; Wil mington, 4 0. ' Some More Fast Running A few days ago the mail train of the W. C. & A. R. R.. was behind time and the W. & W. R. R. was called upon to make up 48 minutes lost time. Mr. Char-1 lea uivine. sraaaiea tne iron norse, ana i not only made up the 48 minutes hut an I aaoiuonai mrauw, uie lengui oi ume i he was compeiiea to wait at tne turnout l for the down train . 1 bus it will be seen 1 mai nc ciosuu uy n w iu. .u.mi made in connection 162 miles, the distance I from Wilmington to Weldon, besides mak-1 mg the regular stoppings, mese w. W. boys are always good in an emergen-1 cy ana are both experienced ana steaay. Thft Rtove Fittlnst Shiri. Browx & Roddick, 45 Market street are the only firm North or Son, who sell this Shirt for 75 cents each arid guarantee i, t : ci.:- :w lUvnr mmnri4tiM that ran V riurchasod lk this m ti , WHAT IS SUE A Strange Vessel Off Lock wood's FoiIy--Had L,ost Ilcr Bearings Suspicious Conduct Supposed to be Ini Command of Mutineers. A very strange fact is reported here this morniDg, the particulars of which are as follows: On last Friday, evening, at 5 o'clock, Capt. Joe Burris, a jdut, -while ! n a crnise south of Main Bar, and when off' Lockwood's Folly, m Brunswick county; about 20 miles south of the Cafe rFear, feli in with a very suspicious craft. She .wai a Xbur-and-aft schooner, named the Jonas Smith and' haMing from some foreign port. Some of her sails had been blown entirely away while others hung in shreds from the masts, only a few being at all serviceable. Near the water line weeds and grass, a foot loDg, were grow ing from I the hull, evidencing that she had been a long time out of port: Capk Burris counted on her deck one white man and thirteen negroes, the latter of whom did all of the talking. They claimed to be irom Boston bound for Sa- I ! yanhah with a full cargo, but of what was not ascertained, and said that they had been out but three weeks. They had cn- tirely lost their bearings, did not know where they were, nor how Charleston or Savannah, bore. Capt. Burris gave them the bearings when the vessel sailed off to the South. As slid did so the white man, who was standing at the stern, turned his bask to the colored crew and beckoned and entreated with his hand for Capt. Burris to return, and was in this position aS long as he could be seen from the deck of the pilot boat. Capt. Burris returned to Smithvillo on Saturday afternoon and reported these facts and yesterday morning Capt. Frank Barr, of the revenue cutter Colfax, sailed on the search for her. Capt. Burris re ported that the weather was heavy and foggy and that the schooner could not have made much progress since he left her. The Cutter returned to Smithvillc this morning, but we have in vain endeavored to obtain ! information from that point. The affair has caused considerable dis cussion here and there are many surmises as to the character of this vessel and her ultimate destination, but the opinion most generally received, as uaseu upon me.uuovH facts, is that her crew of negroes a'"c lnu. tineere and that the "white 'man seen on board was retailed by the crew when . i.. .i .... xney masrerea tne vessel tor tlio lmrnose naY:eatinr he- - - - . The Fire This Morning The alarm of fire was sounded morning about 2 o'clock, caused hy this the buraingj of three small - frame houses on Brunswick between Second and Third streets, the property of Mr. Jno. W Strauss. A colored man living in the neighborhood discovered the firo1 burnin'r under the house near the chimney cave the alarm and threw water on the fire, but bv this time it had burst out of the top of the house. The fire spread rapidly and soon two adjoining houses were enyeloped in flames. The fourth ,t house was on fire when the Adrian ar rived but by well directed efforts on the part ofthe members of the company and an incessant stream of water on it, the honfe was saved with but small damages. Mr. Strauss is of the impressioa that the fixe was the work of an incendiary, The houses were not, insured, and Strauss estimates his loss at $G50. City court. Only one case for the Acting Mayor's consideration this mornmsr. wliich was disposed of as follows : $5 fine or 5 days imprisonment. The case was one of as sault and batter v upon the person of ffnnah Bland by one precious individual called Judy Bowen. It was all about qnarrci originating between their children It w-g vtoreil beyond the cavil of a doubt respectable witness at least that the Toman Judy Bowen was the aggressor -was E-y of assault and battery jtj- ncrson of Hannah Bland. Tlio husband ot Judy uowen j passed aLe 4k- Uch had the effect of re- 2. bis consort from durance vile. xhia ended the sitting of the Court for to- I Qnaunea. Mr.Thos. O. Bunting, tne newly ap- pointed Constable for Wilmington town- ship, presented his bond to the Board of Oountr Cominissioners at their regular I session this afternoon, which was accepted I Mr. Bunting thereupon duly qualified. i 4 A Pleasant Surprise. Just kfore the close of the services at the Lutkran Church last evening, Rev. Dr. Bcnheim stated to the congregation present that the members of the Church had jjcei fit to present to Rev. F. P. Cook, who bid so ably and acceptably served them drring his absence, with a testimo nial of iheir appreciation of his labors, and reqiested them to remain seated after the Beiediction had been pronounced. Dr. Bembeim, in a neat speech of about ten minutes, during which he aUtlded to the manner in which Mr. Cook had fiilled his mission here, and the great responsi bility resting upon him as a young man just commencing his labors In the Lord's vineyard, and, trusting that all his work would be much appreciated wherever his lot in hie might be cast as it had been here, and assuring him of the love and best wiJ S of the entire membership of trie Church here, in their behalf present ed a beautiful gold watch, as a reminder to him of the esteem in which he was held by them. lie also stated that a chain made of the hair of his mother and sisters would be given him as soon as it arrived here from New York wncrc it was Deing made. Mr. Uoofc was altogether taken by surprise, and as he arose to reply, his voice trembled and he plainly showed his. feelings. Ho however thanked the donors for their beautiful gift assured them that they had already ' won a warm place in his heart, and this watch would only serve as an additional and stronger tie to bind his heart to them; he hoped that his labors had not been in vain, and trusted that they would one and all prove wise sons and gather their har vest from the fields of the Lord while yet in the Summer of their lives. He thanked them again and took his seat. The mem bcrs then crowded around tendering their regrets at his proposed departure from our city. The watch is a fine arid costly one and was purchases by voluntary sub scription from the members of the church nearly every member donating something. Mr Cook proposed to leave for Mt. Pleas ant, the home of his parents, some-time this week; and will carry with him many regrets at his departure from his friends iu this citv , " Day of Atonement. The Fast of Yom Ha-Kippurim, or Day of Atonement, which is the most solemn day of the Jewish Calender, Ibegan last evening at sunset and closes this evening at the same time. The authority for it is bund in Leviticus XXIII, v. 26 and 32. Appropriate services were held in the Temple at G o'clock yesterday evening and during the continuance of the Fast to day. For the Review. Proceedings of Democratic Execu tive Committee of Pender County. The Committee met at Rocky Point Saturday, 15th September, 1877, at noon, and according to previous notice to all the members. A quorum was present. The object was to recommend to Governor Vance a suitable person, to fill the existing vacancy in the Board of County Commis sioners caused by the resignation on the 1st Monday in September of the Chair- man, Augustus ixamberg, Jbsq. mere were also present a number of leading Democrats from different portions of. the country, manifesting a laudable interest in the selection of a successor to Commis sioner Gambcrg. After a free interchange of views the following resolutions were unanimously adopted by the Committee and the entire meeting: Besdvcd, That? the past services and excellent record as a Commissioner of Pender county of our Democratic fellow citizen; Daniel Shaw, Esq.; his uniform and firm devotion to retrenchment and re form in taxation and public expenditures, as well as to official honesty and rigid ac accountability in public offices, entitles him to the gra teful appreciation and sup port of every true friend of the county and of that just ind comprehensive policy without which neither county towns nor counties themselves can either be pros perous or secure the public confidence and admiration. Resolved, That he is our choice and the choice of the Democratic party of Pender, represented by us on this occasion, for the vacancy now existing in our Board of County Commissioners, and that in view of his fine administrative abilities, bis well known integrity and devotion to the best interests of every section of Pender county, as well as his acknowledged ac-! ceptability to the people, we cordially reronmaendhim to Governor Vance for appointment as Commissioner. The Chairman and Secretary were re quested to forward these proceedings to Governor Vance and to solicit his appoint ment of Mr. Shaw. James Gaiuusos, Ch'mn.: S. S. Satchwell, Secretary. To destroy cabbage worms, sprinkle dry fine earth on the cabbage while the cjew is on them. It is said to be a spcific. 17, 1877. NO. 204 New Advertisements. To the Public. JJAVINQ ASSOCIATED WITI! ME IN the practice of Homoeopathy. DR. GEO. S. ADAMS of Philadelphia, of whose profes sional Ability I have the highest recommenda tions. I would solicit for us both the same liberal patronage which has been accorded me. I still &EMH5 in my office on North Front street, and for the accommodation of Office practice have added another room. aept 17 W.E. FREBMAN, M. D. W. . Fanskir, M.' D.1i( 'Geb. B Adas,M.D. t . Dfs Freeman & Adams; FRONT STREET, WILMINGTON, N. C. Office Hours : Until 9 A. M. and from 2 P. M. to 4 r. Ji. and from 6 1. M. to 8 P. M. sept 17. EDUCED PRICES CEO. MYERS, 11 dt 13 SOUTH FRONT ST- JUST IN RECEIPT OF FAMILY FLOUR! S7,CO Per Barrel. 1 IN THE 1RL1) ! 100 Boxes Fresh Cakes and . . i Crackers. EVERY POSSIBLE VARIETY ! ' THE LARGEST STOCK OF WINES, TEAS & LIQUORS ' IN THE STATE! I AT REDUCED PRICES i sept 17 GEO. MYERS. Cape Fear Military Academ PERSONS vIlSHlNG TO EXTJJR thiir sons or wards for the Fall Session, are requested to make application before the Tend of September, either personally, at the Wanning House, or by letter, addressed to MAJ. IS. J. BURG ESS, incipal. sept 14 Pri Lost. SMALL LEATHER POCKETBOOK with GOLD PIN. Masonic and Odd Fel low's ; also Fire Badjje No. 4 ; two Rail Road Checks, one W. & W., the other a S. & It. R. Road ; with some papers that arc not of any uae to any one but the owner. The tinder will be suitably rewarded by leaving it at this office, or at my store, corner of Fourth and Harnett streets. II. Ii. GAY. sept 15 r ' FALL AND WINTER. MY STOCK OF FALL AND WINTER GOODS la now arrlYlag. Newest Styles, Best Goods, and Qieapc-bt Stock for Gents, Youtns and Boys. Call and examine my stock before purchas ing elsewhere. . JL SXXXLXSZL, sept 10 50 Market ft. Excursion to Smithvillo and Fort Caswell ! ! " ox TTXUDZTS&DAir SEPT 19. ON Steamer J. S. Underbill ! ! gTEAMER WILL LEAVE O. G. Parsley AvCo'i wharf, foot of Orange street, promptlr. at 8:30 a. m., sharp. TVia Italian U?n T? A - A 711 t . a,MP tlIHM -l mujj UIUIU Will lUrDlill I tie Music Tickets 60 cents. Children half price." Manage will exclude all objectionable rer sona. Refreshments on board. Tickets can U bast on the boat or of JiS. W. LIPPITT, .PtI i ' Manager. SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES. Missis lCifyEiiY ad ilAcr, PrinciiiaLi. r mavuax ETofcssor of Mutlc. T mms school will re-open on Thursday, the 4th of October. Bt iastrue tioa ia all Departmecta. Clxsses Unght VOCAL MUSIC tad CAllSTHENlCS free " . .- of extra charge Tor tennr, Ac, aidrcfs the fffpt 15-eat-ta th i'KlNCIPALS. DEST BUTTEI PLEASE NOTICE. We will be glad to receive? communicatlcaa from our friends on any and all, subjects of general interest but : ,"' . The name of the writer mVtit always be furnished to the Editor. 1 Communications most be wi ittcn one side of the paper. Personalities most be avoided ' Andit Is especially and particularly under " stood that Che editor does net always endorse a the views of correspondents, unless so Stated j j in the editorial columns. . . r Now Advertisements, For Rent. m WO OR TUREE DESIRABLE FRONT X Itooms, nicely furnished and nnnKM with gas, and hot and cold water, for rent at iviuuoauiK prices. , Apply at the Dental office of - TIIOS. B. CARR k SON, ' ' sept 15 38 Market at W. B. McKOY, Genoral Real Estate ;Ag6nt stock unonnri. TOR MINT. A fine two story dwelling on Fifth be- , tween Church and Caatle streets. 'Fire ' '; rooms, kitchen and serr&nt's room. , STORE on Market Strict, next aW Oldham'c, occupied formerly by J. H. Shcp-hard. A larse and commodiona dnrellinir over Howej's Shoe Store, on Market street. suitable for a boarding huse. btorc formerly occupied by F. M. Apros- tini, m, on ooutn side of Market street : very desirable. Rooms aboyc can be rented sep- a 4a1f A fine dwellintr near the corner of Ninth , and Red Cross streets, with six rooms and every convenience. Good water,1 Ac. Street cars pass the door. A large double Warehouse on Ofelnce's Alley, running through from Front to Water StrectSouth of Market. A fmo dwelling on Love's Avenue, North of Wilmington k Weldon Rail Road, coa taining six rooms and in capital order. That fine large dwelling on the corner of Dock and Second Streets, known as the llarriss house, containing twelve rooms, with additional. rooms in a tenement houre on thp premises;. one ofthe best locations in the city for a boardipg house. - Also, several ether houscs,;well located, in various parts of the city. For terms apply to W. B. McKOY, Real Estate Agent and Stock Broker. ' Office on Market street, between Second and Third streets, over Ilarrisa' Drug Store. sepl5 Look2 Sugar Cured Hams Dry Salt Bellies ! FULL STOCK FRESH GROCERIES t AT BINFORD, LOEB & CO'S. sept 14 ' Grand Opening: Of Fall and Winter Clothing - TO-MORROW, AT COHA'ER FRONT AND PRLNCE5S , STREETS. ' . 1ALL AND SEE THE GRANDEST and V most extensive stock of ' ": Clotfiipi and. Gents' FarnisMng GooAs, ' f . ever before displayed in this city.j A crdial invitation is rxtendedto every , T , body. ... I ' A. David, 8cit 11 " Merchant Tailor Clothier. For Rent- DESIRABLE RESIDENCE ON THE Southeast corner of Third and Chestnut sU. Situation desirable and houso in perfect order. Apply to " M ' WM. B; McKOY" Real Estate Agent and Stock Broker sept 17 . . t . i Per Express. - RODDICK htTcreceUed B this ly per express a beautiful line of -HAMBURG EDGINGS " AND INSERTIONS ; at prices ranging from 8 to 15 ctf Mr yard, NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY. sept 13 . j Parties Buying Groceries, LARD, BUTTER, CR3ESE, MEATS : Salt, Mclaes, Corn, Flour, Bagging, TU- Tobacco, and nji-Mackctel, Herring Freeh Citi'ht L'ullets. Coictuanicatc with us and wc will place. orders at lowcat prices and on best term. We are in daily receipt of Wax, Uidu, . Tallow, Wool, Rags, Poultry, Eggs, Ac, .. which are disposed of quick at market price. PETTEWAY & SCIIULKEN, , Brokers A Com. Merchantt, i , Next North Priaces and Water Street. ' sept 12 ' For Sale. -yyiUTE PAPER FOR WEAPmc, large size, either by the quire or ream. Sfptl2 Apply at TniS OFFICE. j , i tr it-.: i -"' In . r y I i. 4