bibbed ererj afternoon Sumlajs S Hi A JOSH T. JAM US, $5 00 months, $2 50 ; Thrve " 1 bs $1 25'; One month, cent.' . ffl .pr will be delivered by carriers, rbe PPer J f charge, la part bf "tbe c; at tb( free or 13 CeniS Per wei;4 1 ; . -Subscribers will please report any aod JfZtont to receive their1 japefjtcgnlarly. LATEST NEVSi- . . . u . - i Lri'c , '. ,BD FIGIITI0;. ATVi. Ai -i t, .ll ! i ' muo, Sept. 2Jtfcs:.pr0bal!p 1 1 thtf Turkish accounts arc oncc th&t SSStras revictualled reeopd on twenty :ljaitafou., of. in-- KiwU? ofrtjn .2,000 t t auil ammunition." Several . corrc- icntn intnrton.thatTa $ Jjinoirations.? t ,'-s-- rectire, , Tiwi ' inn W'rtOVGU TO he. feand gophta is tnat uie ituaaans anu t9 invent aa imitator. Uno saloon Keep ianians are wiMraJgJ of turning his crank, goes Kontna iV. attempt azauist, ITewa,,. from nt. Stanford's correspondent, tek- praDhin" ' from vr""uvt -M'th .v1 5,)Sdayy- " A cother .immcri. cou ro of precisions, TOumtiona.of-war; ; ancj fra"e is abouto start , for. VMmf escort-, , br difisiw- Many nierchnnts and Ute inbabilantsof rfcvifahd left tlx Hn when tlie lUwsiarifi' first advanced, are nccompanying uie convjjra ic u i ia cd upon as safe, from , capture. ,i he looked upon Khr Ahmet lfzi npcccssitr for ; the 'retention of a I force here or at " Sophia., . -It id too vffer the llussians-to attempt1 a dash on ikklcr, and even, could th da; so aa annauld scarcly force this pass i( held ifircc or four, thousand men.',' , Ioxdos, ScpC26, 'A' despatch to fester's Telegraph 4Jornpan j'datcdCon tfmtinople, 1 1 o'clobkedQcdayhight, bjj; "Private telegrams' state- that the Ri-sian centre attacked Pleyrra; yesterday, jnJwas repulsed with a loss of)00 men and four gans." -. ; ; ; 'l: . . Thii report is probacy uiifquaaed, as oofficial ctnGrmation has been received. BcciilitEST: Sent. 2G: Geils: Skybe- loIT aad Toulcben left here, to-Jay, for the- tmS' ' ,r . . ' -'.,, .'. If , M London, Sept. 27. TUQ.spwwl to Lue Times from Cettinjc announces that Oor- ansko has surrendered to Montene grins. The Belgrade correspondent of the Times toleraphs as loilows : JI wo mi - Iion rapes have arriicd fmra lUiasia. This is said t6 be thd tinkXHhi&llMfaViiT frtic mi t , e , r ica. 1 bo : wabtouon, of, the. , troops lontinues. - Scrviais ' about'-!6;0eniaiw,f. the with hwal of Turkish troops fromthaServiap frontier, it wi't ;be rcmembpred' that " 'a mhit deriiaud ;fprmcU the. preiude to a' declaration of war last .year . ; ' T ' , ,Lo5DOX,';Sept.v; tIhQ J.&jznuaru Tbni correspondent ihearsGejim any will :eM her remonstrances' .-the' JVrle gainst breaches of the'Geneva Convention a more poiejinafBbiri-Al y ! .' AUnaexofltow-'liayes Pbltcy is to WAgiiiatbSpaSiffdylicart us not been bleeding tor the roor .negr sllaVa!,. & irdiMjrlrtnfter use aoTcraber election .vrhiphj gave X r. Tildea i majority ot the votc3 cast; bnt We of ins party bate net ' forgotten the 1 WSri.and a careful and elaborate re ft Id regard 'to .the last votb'. Carolina laigajs in ppaiatpffW ppblication "won asCugrcss mttailjU viU bo: d coapUtiou of all tho evidefcetf accessibW . tN subject of bntrags r'frf nifc'' Slate;' itatopions extracts fr3ni l&ficiimpaigh' pcecbcaiQ by Democxatf. , f-Thb dou- it probably intended to ahave gome cflt-ct on the contest for the vacant seat fraaSouti ft:?-!; f n.i,; nn. ,aca elected and which. Cerbin l prpbabf ji bvl k Effect, but the preilaraliba i 1 a' paraphleuf this character is a fair index w toe manner in which' TIayes's policy is Skcdirithe Uousocf Ju friends, W foe Senate. s?i v The PateMJmceire" 1 1 5 ? ' 0GTbsept 2CThoI,ateut fire aad the losses occasioned there 9 a ari Jimpof tint subject before the finct to-day.' There was a -long con iou ujpoa the condiUonVofthe public S&gcneraly, audit was finaUy-dc-ithat the Secretary oft! War and Sec rj -of tho Treasury Vueutd select a Pjaission of three prominent ensinexitt n jrewtect to exam; ue all the pujblie- irrK ia w asUmgton, and report a to tierthey are fire-Proof orcot. and eich suggestions as tbeyay derfi o 'Tender these lS8' safo otiflagratiQnsr, TTb5 annmisiioi. ttFriday - . fis - ! F&oBank PresidentMn Jailf . Ul ine -aierco?.nfs' l anneiTJoa 8 about 2,000 depositors, their C ifi?1? GT0X 't. " 26-Severar, vtli t$ n1 'bUe.UoW to-day to Uuf,i 8 Vdcnt upon bisterrfrn to the ei ,SAtterson:iAa;an inter n President. -.Tiie .rnembers ric tnl ftlln aumcroua papers xefer Cafiit SJSff 5Upt:o; in nl ia reported to ue e-Mumy- 1 1 w ui Russians as far as IVubhikat.iyb place w,r Ahmet lfzi has fafrivedv .There ' I ' f -i - . ' ' 1 ..' ' ' VOL. 2. f The Private Bottle. Jllitii:.iON!, Va., Sept. 27 The oppo sition to tUc M.jftilt bell punch is taking & 'practical' turn, and the private bottle is pet the increase. By baying as much as f e gallons, the. special ,tax of 40 cents & gallon is -avoided, and drinking at home is r4ore popular. So are the private club reborns mote popular. ' Tne only temper no cc journal of this city is opposed to the .laAv, and anti-Moffitt candidates for tbe Iiegislaturc ..arc called for iu 'the cities and. towns of the State. All agree that. the revenue from the tax will be considerable, but very few have any npiicn of' the measures resorted to in tho early days of the law to cvatle the rcgis- early days of the law to cvat trption of drinks sold. In a mcnl of call .bells for oflicei good assort- mejit otcail beils tor ollices. ana Hotels tile true f;ring" of the Mofiit't bell is so readily found that it will not be necessary -. uirougn me mouon an tne same, sound ing a call boll concealed under an old hat nqar the: register! Wherj a party enters ari adjoining room and orders oysters and st raight whiskey, and for them in tlije room, w'lio can ay whether the reg ister is turned I or not ? One bartender has been reported to the Grand Jury of the present1 kirn. Richmond, Norfolk, arid -Manchester, have been furnished with the register and t'ney are - being made as fast possible. - I ! I po ! ' The Mexican Question! f iW'A; huTgtox. Septi I2G The first Cabinet. meeting in a fortnight was held at the White House to-day, and a brief discussion of the Mexican question sprang U!. It was -generally.' agreed, however, that -it' would be unwise to take any action while the reported resignation of Gonzales arid Trcvino-rested only on rumor. Mean while, affairs are slowly drifting nearer some overt hostility by Ord ; at least that "s-the opinjfcJu of army ofliccrs upon the ground, i One of I Ord's subordinates, writing-to a friend here, also an army Oiiiccr of distinction and himself of expe rience on tho Mexican froliticr, says that Ord has concentrated twenty-three com panies ia the .ncighboi pood of the Nueces, add intends to distinguish himself under orders recently issued to him orders of which the public is as yet entirely igno rant, but which may have results as start ling as the orders issued thirty years ago -an American',.! J commander on the Kiieccs. ' ,' ' - - i iticie is-excellent autuonty lor tne Clit Gent Sherman- does not Iavov the aggie, sive courso wnicn ura is tiiiing.The army officers generally seem to sec mure p'uitiW than civilians the dagger ofdriftiu into jvar, and deprecate sccord ingiy the p!icy now pursuing. 1 , 1 The' Wisconsin Democrats!. ' jlvNiV Mr LAciSept, jG. The Demo- cr .tic .Stute Convention met here to-day, aid'was presided Over by Jrmcs G. Jen k ns- of Zi!raukce. The resolutions de chro' that.1 iho . Democratic and reform party of Wisconsin renews its pledges of devotion to the union and the Ixmstitu tiii:vitb alliits amendments. It declares iti livm belief that the will of the naoDio .-.was defLded iu the ' late Presidential election by fraud and clpcaney ' i;;ider the" protection of the Federal nr.litai y, and through the . ballot bi:c will t prcis us couuempaiiou vk me a ackirs. It declares for the a:id tl frlidor. of the ballot unawed by the bay- $ hut .military interference in regulating aild controlling elections is sub v4rsivc or the hi st principals of free gov- eriinieut. . i h'he' followir.r ticket was nominated: For Cio'vcfrr.oi.'.Jamcs Mai lory of Milwau k?j Lieuteuajnt-GoYernbr, It. p. Davis of Piiiie; Secretary or State, James LJ. Hayes, i I V1 m. Q '!':r;. i sun v lT.Iiii TMnfln r f "MavathJi!., . j'.. " . - j 'rjllar tfurd Times.) - 1 j A Family's Snug, Berth. j f Joan D. Defrees is the Government Printer lie receives a salary of $3,G00 per auiuirri. , --Thomas D.jDefrees, his son, is a clerk in? the Post Olfiee. Ho draws $1,400. .(J9hn 1). Defrees, Jr., is employed in the Gpyer'nent Printing Offiice at a salary of $J,200. ' I ' ! Another son, Tony Defrccs,is amessen gir there Jd rawing TP ft per 'year. IT. Eskcn-tha foreman of Ithc spccrfica- Lt:n room.jis a nephew of 'Defrccs. lie gats ,oti a year. . -? 1 -A. Sample is a son-in-law of Defrccs. .-HjR is snugly fixed iu the Treasury De partment at $1,000 per annum. Jlksldes this, McKuight, a brothcr-in- IaXy.ol ikerjis m, the Government rnnt- mg-Olucc at ,a good salary. .'tii'k so pro- Along -the1 iiolivia Coast. IPanama, Sept. lS.The health cf Mr. tnry Meigs ii reported as somewhat injproved. ,. Shocks of earthqui cdutinuocsly felt in some of the i akes are dutmuocsly telt in someot tne southern porls. f Ona of a most alarming nature jkvas experienced at Cobija, Bolivia on the 2sd ultimo, and one '. at Iquique. A few iays before, at Copiapo, there was a simi- lar visitation, ana tne innaouanis leu their dwellings almost terror 'stricken. The shock "felt at Cobija is said to haTe been more severe than that on the memo rable 0th of May last. The Pacific Steam Navigation Company's steamer Ayacucbo, Commodore King, was at anchor at Cobi ja, and all on board were alarmed at its extreme 'violence. There was nq agitation of tho ?ea. - . - ' r!:": WILMINGTON, N. C., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER Attacking the French Covcnment. Paius Sept. 20 The lUdical-Socialist Republicans of Paris have issued a mani festo attacking the Government and the supporters of Gambetta. The manifesto demands amensty for the Communists, the abolition of the Budget of Public Worship, the expulsion of the Jesuit?, the substitution of the armed nation for a standing army, and of a single progressive tax for all existing taxes, and the .aboli tion of the Presidency and the Senate. The Worst of the Yellow Fever. - Jacksonville, Fla., Sept. 20 There have been no deaths at Fernandina iu the past twenty-four hours. Five new cases have been reported, among them Capt. J. E. Grossman, Collector of Customs, and one of the most active workers on the Sanitary Committee. - Dr. McFarland thinks the worst is over if the people can bo deterred from returning before frost. At OldtoWn, a suburb of Fernandina, over half the population is down with fever. . I ' ,i ' Death or a Naval Officer. Philadelphia, Sept. 2G Commodore James ' Madison Frailey, United States Navy, died this evening, aged 07 years. LOCAL NEWS. New Advertisements. A. Shrier Fall and "Winter. W. B. McKor For Rent. ? Mies Roberta Lord School. Bixford, Lokb fc Co Just Arrived. Reuben Jones Removal. Mosrok & Kmc Stall Fed Beef and Corn Fed Pork. No City Cou rt to-day. The Guard House is M. T. New River oysters in market to-day. A man who has character Js sure to have foes. 1 Calender's Minstrels play in Charlotlo on Monday night. ' . Rev. J. B. Taylor will preach in Brook lyn Ilallthis evening at 8 o'clock. A pathetic and seasonable ballad is called "Father's putting up the stove.'' The fashion is, for round, deep collars of rows of lace. ' The same idea is applied to sleeves. Now look out for the annnai epidemic of "Burning of a summer hotel. Loss covered by insurance." If yoiican see Mars' moons in a mirror it's a pretty good sign that it ia time for you to sia the pledge. Fashion favors the greatest possible depth in fringes, some of which measure twenty-four inches. , The new style of ladies' hat leaves very little room for the brain. The inventor knew what he was doing. - j Parisian ladies affect pieces of needle work that require the patience of a Penel ope to bring to completion. It rained nearly all day yesterday and all night , last night and the low places hereabouts are covered with water. . Embroideries of many colors will be the rage th:s winter. Tfcpy will be worked on cloth and cashmere as well as silk. We are requested to slate that the hour for Sunday School at Brooklyn Hall has teen changed from A to 3 o'clock. An idle mai altvays thinks he has a right to be offended if a busy man does not devote to him as much time as he has leisure to waste. The plattings of crepe lisse for thp neck which are so becoming and perishable, have been replaced by colored embroideries on white muslin and torchon lace. . i ...... A bright boy in a suburban sciool, being asked the other day to give1 an example of the comparative and superlative degrees, promptly ) answered : "Miss, mister, mis tress.". ' " - i ', It Is the duty of a gallant man always to pretend to bclicTe everything a woman says, out of respect to ber: l hover to oeaeye anything she says, out of respect to himself. j Some people seem to esteem it no dis honor to contract debts; but deem them selves highly insulted when asked to pay them. True honor never scouts its honest obligations. Ballast sidewalks have been laid on Second street, opposite this office, on Chestnut, North aide, between Second and Third and on Third, West side, North of Chccuiut. The Many Thousands who are constantly using Doolet's Yeast Powder all speak in nnbQu4ed praise of its reliability, unKcrm strength, and mer its in producmg exceuee rolls, bu?cuits, bread, &c. . ' i Cole's Circus will pitcb their ten ts? in Charlotte on tho 10th proximo. : Local news is as scarce to-day as green backs and they aro as scarce Binuers' prayers. . ; . , . ,c n 3. Got. Vine has issued a ,procjtnl.ntQ1 of Jerry Forbes, and $100 for the cap f ; turo of Thomas Johnson, both cscar3edf colored convicts and both frcpn this ' ' ' - ' r . .. countv. V j- 1 . -1 - , I ; We were pleased to receive a call to day from Mr. J, L. Garrett, of the Western CtMridTjIpblised atllendersonvillo in this State, who visits Wilmington in the . in terest of his paper. We have received a copy of the North Carolina Amaieur, published at Rose Ililli Duplin county, witb , Messrs. Geo., M. Carr and Edward A. Oldham, as Editors and Publishers and Mr. W B. Souther land as Associate Editor. We wish it success. i In tho list publia! ns yesterday of the officers of the Second Battalion N. C. S. G., we accidentally left out the name of First Lieutenant N. H. Sprnnt, Adju Unt of the battalion, which should bare fAflowcd that of the Major. It is said that P. T. Barnum, with , bis great h'ppodrome, will come South this season . This has been regularly stated, generally by request ef Mr. Barnura, every Fall for the past five years and the great hippodrome bas'nt got here yet. . The storm signal from the Observer's office was thrown to the breeze this morn ing and from present appearances persons who intend changing their places of busi ness and residence will have a very un pleasant time as the equinox seems to have broken upon us.. A gentleman informed us a few days ago of a beet raised by him in Columbus county which was 36 inches in diameter. lie states that after. the peth came oatjrf the beat he set a hou in jit on eighteen eggs. We thought, to complete the story, those egg3 should have bccK laid by a turtle: I ' , . ' Battalion Drill, We are requests! to state that if the weather wiU permit there will be a Bat talion drill to-night as well as Saturday and Monday nights, and' Lieutenant- Colonel Taylor, commanding, orders every man to bis post. ' "'V ' Death of Mrs. W. H. James;, , , We spoke yesterday of the illness at Wadesboro of Mrs. James, wife of Capt. W. H. James, of this city, and now we re gret to learn of the death of this esteemed lady, which took place last night, the dis ease being diphtheria. Capt. James was iu Wadesboro with her when she died. Amount of Rainfall 111' this Section: The amount of rainfall since yesterday afternoon at 4:30 o'clock to , 7:30 Itbis morning in this vicinity is 3 .8 lnchcsj from tho commencement of the storm at 0:45 yesterday morning tratil hilf-past 7 this morning the entire rainfall was 7.40 inches, ' . n I We are in Jebtcd , to thei obliging and courteous officer of the SiguaVBrj-cau, at this place for the foregoing facts. The Thermometer. From the United States Signal Office at this place wc obtain tho following report of the thermometcrai taken tbiilimdrn ing at 7:31' o'clock ; v.; . ,.'Itt 4 Augusta, 72; Cairo 67 y Charleston, 72 ; Cincinnati, j Corsicana, 67; Fort Gibson 63 ; Galveston, 74; Indianola, AZy Jack sonville, 74 ; Key West, 1 80; Kn6xVille, 64; Lynchburg, 71;; Mempbb, 67 ; Mobile, CO; Montgomery sj0 V'.Xasb; ville, Q4j New Orloana, 76; New York, 67; Pittsburgh, 64; Punta , , Rassa : 78 t Savannah, 73 ; Shreveport 72 : 5t."'ljni?, 65; VicksbUT Mi 'Washbgton, 9i r'ft, Cooke's Combination ' ; Mr. F, H. BardweHfAen"t ; of Combination, wnicbtidW BmWtbe 3d and 4th proximo, ia in the city making arranffements for hia'trdnoe 'Of lYtot Cooke the Boston -HrW,84"cOirQfe port, say e i .. ? . ' .t tr' i The rfcea,elthiV" Uetaan and assistant ate , s5xarfj 'M imrngpga. Nothing approaching to thexn lias ever been seen bere before. Other exjjosures sink into .simple CiasgaiSmcifllle them. They arewhat they sbcfbQ-T-convincing to aU fair-minded people, and any one not besotted witb saperstition cannot fail to be cured by ' tbeft of all fait ia or respect for pkysical nlraifcsU tions. Professor Cooke isdoin' a tend work, and he is donrf 1 it' ao tlsorouirWy that society under laitinz obliv ttopi to bvm. fExer)fa'tiuQl& :isWhio. 28, 1877. NO. 2 J Statistics in, New Uancver : We arc indebted to Mu-ir:-i Ci :i Morris Tax Liters, r' t:.? t .-!;. Valeations and statist ica i:: the c-unty. as ; deri red from tho tax Knl-- i jThero are 1.116 .white and l.-H-j1 P.r, acres cfiac'-":, -. red t $307,405; Ttown lots valued at 83,- L38,42; 477 horses, value 1 at $uu,i:0- 2Ctmiles; valued at 15,453; IOC gcafs,; valued at, $161; 2,834 , cattle, valued 'at $18,318; 8,069 hogs, valued at5.-l i0: 362. sheep, valued at 470; personal furniture, clothing, anrs for musler, vVc, vilucd at "$102,383; monpy, S-JT.CblV solvent credit!, valued at GjioOT: stocks id incorporations, valued at $20C, -o 08.; pcrsonaFgoods wares, merchandise, Ac , yalued at $C77?90G; a total of $5,73,7. ico. income, 562,100; franchise, $2,100; State tai7$24,G01.43; county tax, $01,30 1.7S; city tax, $99,724.16; a total trx of 185,- 027.37." 1 ' , f,.;; - .. ; f.', The Kains. - ! Too : much iainbjr I ilf. All fcv.J iu this section, it seems to have, uileu u h h .-.;l intermission i during thej past thirty hours. The water courses are full to ov;r- tlowiDg and the iarmcrs are h fear serious damages to rn J 'clt;n and an entire destiuctiflji of the i prospect. ' r'J ' - i 'Prince George Crruk, ab-ut on-j r:rle this side nf.Ndrtb Eat Ferry,- ; i.-s-ablc, as a pai .'y who aitemp? t d Jo cress there this morning was coinpeHe-l t turn back. The water iti th'B creek i higher now, it i.-t said ian it 1m bv'en siiice ',0. Personal. ' Col. llicket, of Vi!kehbaru-; Ii , who Visits this State uu' a prospecting tour among th0 iron -interests, is in the itv, and favored us with a call to-day. Col . Ricketts commanded a battery of artillery at Gettysburg, and thinks that there were 2k few North Carolina troops left Iu the army of Nbrthein Vir'g:r:a at that ilrr.o, inasmuch as they captured ar.d ?;;-;l'.ed two of bis pieces on that occasion. Another Big Fire in CioIbi ;i'.c. i i ' Jost before, going to pre v ve Icrr . f anotbtr disastrous fire " which occurred ia Goldsboro this morning on a bio:'; n Main street, just South of that facing the Humphrey Houss and cu the "Wck-t hide bf track. It caught id the upper story cf a hardwar6 store, and when the train p.:scd ,'tberejfc was burning furic:iry ith t'.;e prospect offhc foiVructiou cf all ;f contiguous hcses and stores. I Ad jutont' General denes will Wil mington nest Tuesday for t'i) r '.:rr. sc oi inspecting' Companies "C. ' ' !). ' of the N. C.Si G." , Sensinie Ad v Ire . YqU are asked every day tlrju-h ua columns of hyspa per s Drug gist, to Use something for I);s y)siA. :. nd Liver complaint that you kV.ovi .nothing about; you get discouraged sjidn-hn money with but ': little iuccets. giveypujsatisfactory proof that GuKiis't August FIower will cure yc u of Uy.s pepsia and Liver-Complaint" with alfii effects, such as Sour Stomach, Sick Head ache, llabitual .Costivcncss, Palpitation o, the Tlear, Heart-bur, Water coming up of food after eating, !'- .-uiritn. &c, we ask you to go to your l)ri:iit "and get a Sample Bottle ot" (iRtt: 'i Ar GUST FLOWER-for 10 ceLts and trv it, r angular. Size, for 75 cent-; iwV;L-ic-s will .relieve you. r ( Now Advortisomonts. Just Arrived, ANOTHER LOT OF THOSE CELE- . .' i I TT 1 T . -T ! ."FAVORITE" HAMS. j".""-' '!i ':r And we can also OFPER INDTJCEMENTS IN : molasses; salt, 1 ," k FLOTiu, coffee, sugar, j ' SOAP, STARCH, &c. ! u DplFORD, LOEB & CO. StaU Fed Beef and Corn Fed 5 ! , '; , Pork. rjUIB FINEST IV KARKET can be Lad at in' Block, to-morrow Eorcicg. cead in yoar orJere REHOVAL. MT, GBXEy OROCEEY has been remov ed to the co mm odious store on Market street. Iftfrta side, between Seeoad aad Third. recently occupi jd bj Dr. ,W. Harris. B Tfc I t-t a. W-f m yrox ore,weie a wia oe pleased to re- oeixe aaa uu orucrs. RFlTtrv jnvrc septus ' Grees Grccer. PLEASE NOTICE . '"v I Te will be glad to recti tawmratux!:&tlo L from oar friends on as y and all subjects f general interest but : -: V f . :v .lifnl Hbe came of the writer amst always bf furaiiLed to the Editon r ' V 4 " ComraunicatioDS moat b wiitteB; ?ftl , oi one side of he paper. j" . , , - rc-rscnaiities must be avoided. f1 ' 1 f , Andii is eipeciallT ind particularly mndVsr' -stood tLat Ae editor does opt 'always eaTrf -iie views. of corre?pondenta, valest iftgiSiedtA ia the editorial columna. , ' c (, it.itut Iow Advertisomonto.: HISS ROBERTA T.OTm:,i 1 r OFES TO RESUME UEB SCHOOL i - '.m ' ueteotr wu., , Lost. JAST NIG 111', coming from the Opera ,. House, either on rrinceii cr F Mirth trtb, a Pearl Lorgnette. Xllbetal rt-u ? '' i r 1 ' ward will be raid Ifleftat this office. ' St-pt "2C ' -V ; ". ' "Jwf . , : ; Sewine Wachmco.- Tho Last Chancy ! ; ; " ;J Cheap for! Cash !; ONE WKecier i Wilson, $20.00. One Howe Family, $20.00. ' . Orje So. 2 Singer, $20.00. ' 1 V ' j Two Home Shattlea, tacb, $10. - Tii.j Michines aro all ia peafect order ( jhavj aM ths: attachmenta with then.'an4 1 i "oi.j.ui lutra in every respect as good at -low aa J for less than one-half the prict. Call and -t-t one before thej are all gone. ' , C. E. JEVEN8, it.ird st. Crst door North of Market rpt -i .. . i .,: 'They arc- extraordinary." P. T. Barniui. OPERA Housr?, SATUEDAy Sopt9mbort'2a5 . ; ' T - -s Ku-appcarance after 4 years abaence. r CALLUNDEIl'O PAEIOtTD GEORGIA lfMINSTnElS GEORGIA" '-MIHSTnSLG GEORGIA 'SMIHSTnaS, Uproarious Plantation miniatreliy t : Ifew ' Acta ! Jubilee Songs! New Sketches! ,iJ i" ;UILLY KEliSANDS, DICK; LITTLE, J. GRACE, Ac. ) fhe y far excel their white imitator", if. . Herald. "They are absolutely tho beit 4n America." lloston Advertiser. ;"Tbey are juns.urpasEcd." N. Y. Graphic: l-cth Year. All tho Old FaVOritCI. ; Prices ."0 cents and 75 cents.'. Kesecrcd ! scat.s 2o coats extra, to bo had at lleicsber ( p.-r's Hook Store. sept 17 For Sale. vynirK pArn?. for WRArriKO, t ar size either by. the quire.' or ream. f-M'l 12 A; at ' TUUi OTIICE. . . r I" ALL AND WINTER. . MY STOCK OP ' v.of; FALL AND WINTER GOOD . -1 ..... i j . i uow arriring. ll-.-l- l-IK ) A. trie 7 I3ct COOdS, aad cuear est Stock tor Gents, Youths and.BoyD. ' CsiU ami examine XDybtocJlxforopurc2UUI ir.!5.lsewhfr.v i "i : Si'l't i'i 30 Marlrvf at. . 8-5 nirerir; Y 1KI1:D5 AND T1IE TUBLIC ar notitic-J tbat I still KOLD THZ FORT, at tlth ; a tc old place, Dawson Bank Alley The fcneat oysters, gamo aad delicacies O, thc?;ason cd thj (BEST COOK la Kcitbi Carolina. -. i .v-.- I" ' ' . . x . i Ru- You irtt what you call for and pay far tiily v.hatycu get at COLLrNS OFFICE"1 SALOON. : seytn -k ; Wanted. , Bi A-.YOUNO MAN who has htd font 1 vt-ar. experience in the Orocerr bataM a iita-iioa in some Wilmington house Ciufurxiiah unezeeptioaable reXereaceii r I Address, . ,ept2.7. LlllingtoD, Pender Co., J(; C Expected :Dai!y:;r l-'v '' ft AXOTHEIl .SHIPMENT OF TlO' ! CELEnUATED- i j 2 ?; MAKED -HAnO'E Acktowkdged by, . -All who have trixl tbsm, THE BEST j j the mirket. Frod W'to tin ' I icun-Js in weight, j ,M I . ' ii ' '. . f f ' i I t Owned and soid oufy ir 1 V1' JN0. L. BOAimirit'. 5 & 7 IJortb front Ctrc-t ; 1 " r j i 1 i, I i sept 21

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