1 ... irv. heart is God's goodift ... vol rfoffindernSs allowed; we meet ' of sWV0,!fmy fashions when we lift J ti love 5 Vn waters bitter-sweet. VF irst to our Hps "resistless power . ISSepirind with headstrong 1 f around like April's breeze and il 1 Jinwer, bb,v Aowf. a rapid stream, and still. lroJ?urpLsednes8 unto the heart iw.ith blessedness aim oes 1 it we t lov .Pieomes it aright, or wiier iaie: n She bosom with so tierce a tfmart, rUlftn we cry, is crueler than liafe. rwLIoJ iJ me ! When love has ceased to .d then, indtllCU A- br& hearts cry out for tenderness! our ft ir tenner ucw "" f e ln? ivint? on our mother's breast; . VU i?feclm that no pen nor tongue Afpfftiw aright, since silence sings it . f'Sifar removed from,, possion's heat iVoX the clilllness of its dying nrc; , A' frn lean on when the falling feet toT?n to totter and the eyes to tire. W brief heyday hottest love we seek; Irde't rose wo grasp-but wheu it lc! that later MosHoms, violets meek, "rinS for us lenoath life's Autuinu ' , .nt iomo loving one be near to bless GSrv way witli simple tenderness ! BOILED DOWN We may as go&T a wc p'ense, i 1 vc j,tobc good. . , , One of tb Khedive's sons is at the hng ish army school. ' . V . England paid abot $70,000 tax on .Weirds last year., J, i'roctor Knott wants to be U. S. jitor from Kentucky. . ....... -: Jfcc Barton letter carriers aro to join in . .nlkine tournament. Stanley' invoice of Africau '.names adds ccw terrors to geognipny. , --..unrlmlv man s favorito tree rnc tV debtor's Will owe. J 1-ruf lliclcs, of Montreal, recommends )at vhess bo taught in schools., j The Wngcst convict in the Kentucky I'cuileiitiary is there lor rourder. A KcnUickiau has lain in jail ihre reeks tinder refusal to pay his dog tax. : jt is thought Blaino will bo ready for a "JewJ fl"k" at no comino session.., yn Vicksburg woman is younger T1 rww till ! I i l tfwinF.Oriz, of Iowa, though 21 jcifiolil, weighs but orty-fivo pounds. The number, of men who expect a wir in France is 0 pal to the leaves of tho forest. . ' A wojnai andher seven children liave died of dii'thcria within a month, near Saratoga. ' 1 , J A grand International cattle fair is to be held in Switzerland at tho closo of September, 1878. . " To think kindly of each other is good, kit to act kindly toward bno another U best of all. , c - j ; ? " C A Maine pttlmistrcs'a ' rias -been fined $117 80 for opening a J letter passiRg li rough her oflice. Af,i!.m Aumi JJisbop, an her last ap pe.ir.ntxjt Loudon, was received with at c.i.'.'s Ami hisses.. Tho Michigan salt product for lhc year up to lhc jirescnt time will aggregate one millii'ii harrola. . ' ..' l!im;irck reflec'.s that whether Turk !y i;u58 or lluss Turk, either way makes Iim atlvautagc. . : Over 18,000 stray dogs .Were seized, in the streets of Londonlast ycar, and "dis used of' by tbo polico. The woodebuck will now. pleaso como 'ftl nl his lrolo and make a few romarks tott hard winder., " EliznU'th, N.J. has a minister who can 1'rcrch in six languages." His. congregation i m more in only one t V- , -: It is undoubtedly true that tho Pope's health is poor, but ' many old men live a jmg time with poor health. 'England has imported 896,000 barrels f apples from, America during, the last twelve months, and her cry is "Encore." Tho little moth has invaded tho house of Senator Steyrart,t Washington, and tttaflp $12,000 "worth of carpctn and enruins. ' . . Brooklyn SamTay Efle. Womaiin the White House. lb? wires of the Presidents have in instance been ladies worthy of the iiuon inoy ocenpied; ana in many " in 8oce$ they hare greatly adorned "and e'cratcil it by tho exercise of their pcr- wnai attributes. Mrs. John Adams was oman who even after.lhis lapse of time I'VWinthemomnrv of tin 'rwrmle na ft 8 - - ...w..... j - L i I n !.-. " r..i " ia: I fiwr. m . . 1 ir c,aractcr aufhcicnUj 'Strong and self- ifaiucd to have performed the duties of Husband's high office, if tbc emergency i demanded. Mrs. Madison was a SO- n some particulars sbo never hi! i .on tl omm.T Uaw xiinirvu-annii I'..- 1 - 'WalJiukcr and reared one, marrying I 1 1 1 11 iiiii linn jiil. j 11 & 1 iivuwu iaW own faith, and fivins?. durinc liCr aHn s short iilc, in the exclusive so- t? of Imp ttnrt ho rmhrrrpfl liko a ' 1 -"-k ;uti inio a society uvuy jihci uti with Mr.. Madison, the then law cutuf Philadelphia. . . ...... . 1 innft hud tne s roncrst rcrsoD.11 EUctice nf an v f Iho IfltSr dav ladies I a " - ... 1 1 White House. Sho vvent to it a p riin, wirl nf rcat:beantr. and vonn. Wirl of ereat- beatltT. and . 6 Wl it the idol uf Washington people; 1 not only of Washington p LffriHi : i j.. k... I ia .a . m-m nd hich-fcrcd. refinul .traja.- tier cuoence and power were not exert cd be- VonI K , i v ,i -;- . th social mcdom in which she ?5hacJlor. But she rnade" the domes Z-l. f the White House ideal in its r UolQess, and she ranks in history riMto WPnlarity, while e 01 aiODo n her unique p'aco- as .Ur.Madi oi,K Womkala America, 'who, waile dTt. V 5 neither the position of , wil JWterf held the first place In societ ' wife or tv ' mo nrss piace in society as ancCAiurin the tim of Mr. Buchanan's mental depression, loss of appetite, indl- adm...- K unity ui wr. ""v"" tesUon, cnlarjM tonsils, tictUii ooujth. etoi iniirat on. She w aa popular because Only a few ot these symptoms are likely to b v HT Ftr.niMnl cn-tnnM nf di?noSI- preeens m any casoai one ume, , I PUnroriio Wnlixn nf her YOUID. ipeQiwwruiisiDwnwnwuaww. UU ndthr .1 - r :, pleasant to ueo, containing no euron or caustic rctlhat she Was peculiarly fclta- Srugs or poisons. The Catarrh Bemsdy Is sold M HJttTins no near rdative to thiro with w cents, Whe avw cents,by all DreggUta. the position sho held and bo in a seose J. r. PIESCP, IL 2., JrepO "CI Lane and) -yet in certain? vrays he is her immediate successor; JtJrilike Mrs Grant. bno is an m,teresia ODsenrcrl, public af fairs, and an ardent and inerested actor in the events transpiring about her. Shi does not content herself .with social duties, nor yet doe's she ignore them. ; Like Miss Lane, sho is iDtently.wtChful and care ful of the; fame "and name of tho Chief Magistrate, and no act, however insignifi ccnt of itself, is deemed too slight to be considered if its results will add to thobct ter public understanding of his efforts! Throughout tho northern and eastern trip she was received, with tho partv, in the most respectful manner, but itrcmained for a Southern audience to give her wel come in a specially complimentary way, and pay her husband honor bj.showing her exceptional attention, jlier presenc wai In every ihstancb the sigualffor tho uplift ing cf hats and spontaneous welcome from every man before her. Miscellaneous. i l In the wonderful medicine to "which the afflict-; ed are above diroctod for relief, the discoverer believes he has combined in harmony more of -Nature's soverelm enrativo properties, which God has instilled into tho vegetable kingdom tor healing the sick, than were ever before com bined in one medicine. The evidence of this fact is iouna in the great variety of most obstinate uurenoco wmou uaa ueeu wuou KJOOnquer. la I MkJ.t. ill 1 J ."li i . W ine 1 euro, Ol UroncbltlB, Severe Conghf. I And V. rt A.wlif a to A - r V ? astonished the medical faculty, and eminent I physicians pronounce it the greatest medical1 discovery of the age While it cures the sever est Coughs, it strengthens the system and purl flea 18 IUU D14 lood. By its great and thorough blood-pur ifytng properties, it cures all Ha mors, from the worst Scrof nla to a common Blotcli. Pimpld, or Eruption. Mercurial! uisease, jmnerai xr oisons, ana their CudOts, are eradicated, and vigorous health and a sound constitution established; Erysipelas Salt rheum, Fever Sores, Scaly or Xlovglt Sltin in short, all the numerous diseases caused by bad blood, are conquered by this powerful, purifyingr, and Invigorating medioine. If you feel dull, drowsy, debilitated, have Bal low color of skin, or yellowish brown spots on face or body, frequent headache or disslness, bad taste in mouth, internal heat or chills alter natod with hot flushes, low spirits, and gloomy manr. "JLlver Complaint' only part of these symptoms are expenencea. as a remaay tor all such cases, Dr. Ficrce's Gtolden Medical Dis covery has no equal, as it effects perfect cures, leaving the liver strengthened ana healthy. - 9 SOLD BY DRUGGISTS AT 81 TtKEQTTLmV& rrcpared by R. V. PFEIIOE. TH, D., Boia Proprietor, at the WOBLD'S PXSrfiTftAftri Buffalo, y, Y, , This'Cut lUustrstosths Ma'nnorof Un'ofl JDK. WKRCIO Fountain Nasal Injector DOUCHE. This inBtrnmoat faTcefteclally deelgn pcriect appucauon 01 .; DE. SAGE'S OATAEBH BfiSaffii I a . . t uui n uitu uiuu xumiii;iiiu urn um wunou I niNt .n th. rvti I ca nasal passages, and tho chambers or cavitlea 1 commnnicktm therewith, in which sores and I ulcers frequently exist, and from which the ca- ot suecessta &eatlni (Urrh hertoe fSi arisen largely from tho impossibility of applying of the ordinary methods This obstacle ii the way of effectinfr cures la entirolr overcome Irv . . - - lao lnvcnuon 01 ino uoucho. Its use ia pleasant and so simple that a child can nndenftand it. MRB."5"?'octlonHa meat, Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy cures recent r f w attacks - of Cold. in. tliO rSjMc'yafewappUcations.- 1 ia v headache. riisr.h.iTefi fill inn- Into throat Bomo- SYMPTOMS Frequent ?c' Tlrr weak, or inflamed eves, stopping up. or obstruo .brZn "A Dr. Sage's Catarrhs Remedy, when used with Dr. Plerce'a naaal Doache. and ao oompanieU with the on which is recommendod in wrap8 each bottle of the E eonstitutlonal treatment n tne pamphlet that Remedy, la a perfect muaana BUTTALO, N. T. oct 1 JOHN SI JAMES, TUSTICE OF TUE PEACE.- Oflice North aide of Dawson's ATiMe, 2nd 41 r5 IHRQAT;LUNGIiIVER&BLQOtt ioreoouings, irrwuiar appease, ana fonguu cootedjTou are suffering from Torpid. .Liver or, " Biliousness1.'' In. manv oases ol copie, DHi l moerauons, scads rrom uicers, voice aiierea, jr-;nf I .nasal twang, offensive breath, impaired or total acq uaiu i- i oeDrivation of sense of smell and taster dixzl - aaaanisssBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaaasaaaisBBssBBBBBBBssssa. BttlIIdnc:Oc;''' wiLMiiraTdir, coltjiibia aitd au- ; y GUBTA RAILROAD. Wllmlof ton, K. C, Aagnst 4, 187T. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. On and after Smmday, Annet 5, the folio w lag flchedule will be run on this road: , DAY EXPRESS AND MAIL TRAl5(dailj 1 . except Svftda?.) LeTe Wilmington 12 00 U Arrfveatrioreooe 6 00 PM Leavp Florenee 12 SO P M Arrive at Wilminf km 6 20 PM NIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN (Diilj). Wilmington.... 00 P 11 LeTt Floreoc M.. 0 63 P M Arriv aiColuabU 1 11 A M LeT Colwabia ...i 11 30 P M LavPlorenoe.. 2 10 A M Arrive at Wilmington 6 80 A M TbWTrafa willealy gtop at FlemiagtoB, Whiteville. ! Pair Blmff, Marios, i ?lerence, Tfmmonsville, Svmter and Aetoa betweta Wilmington and Oolambia. THROUGH FREIGHT TRAIN (Dallj, ex- eept Sandayi.) Leave Wilmington.........: 2 JO P M Lav Florence- 2 35 P M Arriv at Colmabia... M 10 10 A M Leave Colnmbia 5 00 P M Leave Florence 2 60 A M Arrive at Wilmingtoa... 10 20 A M pS PasKnrert for Angaata and beyond should take Night Express Train from Wil mington, i -x pa. Through Steeping Cars on night tralai for Charleston and Macon. 1 1 JOHN F. DIVINE. aog 4 General Saperintendent. VILT.IIHQTOn & VELDON EAILH0AD COMPANY. Orrtoa or Gbx'l Buferiktbiidbht Wilmington, N. Cr, August 4, 1877 ft..- mA B.I.v kmrrmmi Kth 1 B77 Passenger trains on the Wilmington! Wcl- uua iwHtroaa win run as ioiiowb : DAY MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAIN, daily. Leave Wilmington, Front St. Depot at... 6 60 A M Arrive at Weldcn at k 12 30 P M Leave Weldon 11 40 A M Arrive at Wilmington, Front St. Depot at........ 5 40. P M NIGHT MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAIN. 1 , , DAftiY EXCEPT.SUNDAT. Leave Wilmington, Front St. Depot at.l 6 36 P M Arrive at Weldon at 2 20 A M Leave Weldon, dally at 3 15 A M Arrive at Wilminffton. Front St. Depot at 11 45 AM l ne JJaV The Day Train makes closo connection at Wldnn for all nninfci North via Bav Ltus Jt (except Sunday) and daily, via Rich mono and all rail routes. - Night train mskes close connections at Weldon for all points north via Ricbmond. JOHN F. DIVINE, augi General Superintendent. P P J AND ' " ; 1 All the latest impaovements combined into the organs and pianos manufactured by coaisH & co., Washington. 17. J. To all who wish to purchase either an OR GAN or PIANO ws can truthfully eay- that for i ARTISTIC CONSTRUCTION v I I Beautiful, Finish and Sweet Muscal Qualities, our instruments take rank with those of that I last Celebrated Sannfactiirers.' Oaronlr claim to favoriUsm over other eadinz manufacturers is , Our Low Prices. reduced to meeting the requirements of the times. Determined not to bs unoersoia and at the same time furnishing instruments thatwefuitt rMDDArJT Cnn tTlUC VCAnQ If AKlll All I TUli TI VC I CAIIOl . - 1. 1 I wenereM.ru Our PIANOS are rurnisnea witn tne iBOTBt 'EBKk BTUl ACtiOll (the very best In use); th Uo HEAVILY STRUNG with the J - . - i- . ..J mm nd ins GUM ire Ol SOllurOBO WOftd .nerfectlv seasoned and . JT rrrv mn rn in nn WARRANTED NOT TO, CRACK OR WAliJf. 4, Our ORGANS are furnished with all the "ftr,raiSs "a nuTss .tjle, .dmir.blT to, Jhe pwlor. -aena ior ihujuito vi.w6v, - Price List Address, jan 6 k $ CORNISH A CO., Washington, New Jersey. THOS. J. SOTJTHERLAND, T IVERY AND SALE STABLES, lJ Corner Third and Princess Streets, "ITT Wilmington, N. C. asu Horses and Vehicles for hire at rea sonable rates. Excursion parties .to tne Sound and country accommodated, may 16 Clothing and Hats Renovated. rXAVINQ COMMENCED tho business of XT dying cleansing and pressing all kinds of Clo thins; and llata, 1 wouia soucit tne patronage er tne punue in general. Charge moderate and satisfaction ruaren- iaed. - - aaw Old Oofhinsr aud Hats exehaace4l for work. - P. REMSKN. IlbcollancoTuj. .3 Z' Ja A TJewo popart s published every eveuing Sudodaj tzeepto -AT- 5 & Btf, Or 50 cents a month, strictlv in advance he eatest advance ia the hfatory of ,Pia ' """fc0 nO making, producing the moat astonishing power, richness and depth of tone, and a ens :o The Reading Public are respectfully inform- d ht It ahall h thm RoiMnt aim f thm urn. prietor to famish theta wha A LIVE ITEWSPAPEB, containing the latest newt of the'day, and en deavoring to keep its readers fully inform e in regard to events of inter est and importance occurring in every quarter of tho world, OtJR DAM HARKET REPORTS Will full and correct, and will be kept open until he latest possible moment. Mer- i - ' : chants hi the city and country mar rest as - 1 sured that they will be thoroughly reliable. 4: r? ill contain the reports, both of news and . i - markets, received here each day at boob, ' and the ' - . j LOG A. L D E P A R TUB NT Has been placed in carefui and experienced hands. Friends In the section of country eon? nectea witn inn ciry, iwm Krrf oik . I , , . I Editor, and will conrriDute aaaiaonat inw , tl est to.thcse corumMby forwarduir any losalities. ALL O)URBSP0NDENCB, Qn marteT8 general iatereet will be gladly! I . i. L I received, but our friends must bear la mind .. ... ti o.ir . . tt mt forbe.r Klea TtrM - . - , age, must correct 'their own anajcrlpt and V I must avoid abusive nersonalities. pS A re - uaoie name must ne ranusneo wua ctcb mnnlcatlon, as the Editor will not be held ae- oounuoie tor tne Jews or lauiruaaje vi . . . . . m respondents. miaikANMWAii s IAV Rven before a type was set for the first issue, wuu exeeedlBgiy: ftattertajjw? probably the largest bona fide Mst with which ... . . any newspaper in a arm uaruna- c - began pablkatioa, and is new rapidly oa the V Increase, especially on" the rarteaa rallroid I liaea. mi WW' . Earroa aaa PaomxTomJ A - ' ; -'f v " 4 to-Of3eai Beeoa.dstreet.betweeFrtsi. ZlificellaneousJ THE Z Hierhoat Honors , ; ' AT THE i gzhtb:hal EXHIBITION The judges unanimouplj recommend th Mendelssohn o FOBITHE Dirloa cf Honor ail neial of Qerit. t ' Placing'.them U the Front Rank ft ir For strictly first-d&es fsstnuatnts. S00 for.S250. $050 for $275. for $325. for $400. 700 for $300 $750 I $800 'for $350. , $900 , $1000 for $450. No Oommissinn to Agents. No Discounts to Teachers. wNo Deviation in Trice. The fyiendoissoh n &1AND, SQUARE & UPRIGHT Contain valuable patents 'and improvements never before introduced. MATHUSHEK'S NswPatikt Duplex, OvaasTBUsa Scale, taining singing quality never before attained, being a 'Grand fiano m a Squaro case. Tho Mendelssohn Uprights ARE TOE FINEST IN AMERICA. ,' . . , ' I ' Thsy are pronounced the "I'ianos of th i Future." r- tit A W A it -1 thSt. Ho. 4 n. - 1 If oi, . West ,- 2, 664. 70 ' Hi Avenue. PIANOS SENT ON TRIAL. Illustrated and descriptive Catalogue mailed free. I ! i . I MENOEL880I1N TIANO CX., business oFricE;: i No. 5G Broadway, N. Y. feb 211 . i s WB CLAIM roa TEB IMPB0VB WHITWEY ! SEWING TwIACHIIuES The following specific points of superiority! 4 Still Running. Noiseless. a Tklfnm o It IT a .lf ! Wtxfmt 6 Beantyof Finish and Workman- T GREAT REDUCTION in Price. Machines sent on trial before pay ment is re quired ; written guarantee to keep machines in order for five years given with each ma chine. Wht Pat OldTPbicbS? For circulars and particular, Address, THE WHITNEY MF'G CO., decW 1 Paterson. N. J. LIPPITT'S mm lap MSSJij fj fQPkWY ' Knr Or. P h I ft HaI ntl IO I WlUdili railUIiir 111 UUeiPsllUf "T TILL BE OPENED ON WEDNESDAY TV mornlng.asth inst. Pure Cream fla- I Tored with choicest fruits will be kept during the season. STRAWBERRIES large and luscious will be kept when ever they eaa be procured in either this or the (Jbarles - tea markets. Cream sent to any part ot the city in quarts and gallons froaen, free et I unr prices are rrora 39 10 M per oseit jaw eUrge. All orders for Cream for Sunday I thay aay other Inks msnatectsred the must be left Saturdays. Eatranee toPalor on Princess St. apl 24 THE EUROPEAN PLAN. OPPOSITE 1 W. Citj 1UU fjrk. Court Hoo A N. I'ostomce, new I or, aii Moaern imprvve- J ments, including Elevator, Gas and Banning I f BKIi III Sfcrj jwuj. 1 l T. J. FfiKNCH A BROS., Proprietors. ' I . July 35 Painting. i xTnrcE van niv nr.T vnTTK. . m m, l WSWU m. w w V " V-A awwota yy tnff done with dispatch, neatness and at reasonable rates is at C. a PARKER'S PAINT SHOP, one door North of Old Jail building on I'rin- a nntToo ontn J ulnw I 0088 fireei. nuyofi, ou r: ua .ows va w a asi vat w j may 1 1 Bpoctacles and Glasses. Ml fpHg LARGEST ASSORTMENT EVER I oiRreof (nhfs city at prices ranging from . 1 - i cents to 910. I extmine for yourielvea. juaeltl - C 8. LOVE. B. ALLEN. T. D. LOVE, Jr. - BEHOVAL. lft GREEN GROCERY has been remov JJX ed ta the cenunexlionj store on Market street, North side. betwer-;ecoud and Third, raceatlvoeeunisabT Dr.S. W. Ilarriss. as a lrug otore, wnere a wui 00 pieasea to W . W ... . . . . enTesadCllordcra - 0600 PIAI703 r0Il XZZ) And all other styles ia the samepropertioii. including Grand, 640 are and UprJghfcrftU FiastLiss sold direet. .to th fxzziaAr FacToaT Paicaa. No agents j , Ba . ee sions ; no diseovnta. These Piaaoe Bads one of the finest displava. at theOcstStsSal&hk bition, and were unanimouslv reee',t;5l. for the HIGHEST HONORS, JftzMm fsctory one of the largest a&d (LaceV the world. The 8ouare Grasxk coataia Uatt- ushek's new patent Duplex Ovuratrnsx Ocale, the greatest improvenrent la the KUtrot piano making. The Uprlghte art C Vtir in Aauatca. Dont fall to, writ! BtJC a ted and Descriptive Cataloi?ffy-Cf!:4itrefev MENDELSSOHN VIAH0 0Q4w apLlt' 1 No. 18 Bxoadirai,jrX., h Agists seliiag ecx hro- mos, Crayons, and Reward, iletto OrfSe Text, Transparent, Pletarv ft4Lrosao Cards. IOO samples, worth $4. sect postpafd for 76 cents. Illustrated Cataita J. IL BUFFO RD'S SON& COSTU.-" 4 mjl4 1 lBst2&Z2& 1 I mil il Prime Enjoyieatfcratos LesaTnaji Four Cents m TtztS MAKE HOME ATTIir.3glE ' Br INTRODUCING tHBpf mm Which for more than 5ft Tears has been th OZ307 STORY, SKETCH AJTD JPAlf ILT plbtSi, as is well known all over the Ualtw Utatce. eu anown aii over tne uaiwa tiiasse. ublisbed weekly, contains lhk large clearly printed oa good pspsr ded lie choicest stories and shetchsaby fbe it is published weeklj pages, with the best writers ; not sensational trash; bat eesU as a mower is wiuing to nave her ehSdrsst read. The whole tone of the paper fsvurs and elevating. ' . 1 It also contains Historical and IMogrp:&i articles ; Scientific ; Agricultural and Cosie hold Departments ; FasUon Article weekly, fresh and unexcelled ; Humorous Ho tot i lit erary Reviews ; News Notes ; Boys' and Girls Columns; and Strong and Spar kling Edito rials, etc., etc. Is jast such si papor M srery body loves to read, and the price is only , W0 DOLLARS A YEAtL Sample copy containing club rates, etosvsrt on receipt of a 3-cent stamp. Addrssv- No. 918 276 Sansom Street, fhUa4e!phla,Ti:il N. B. Be sure and affix the nambWotS before BENNETT A FITCH, so that WfCMy know through what paper the mbacdpUsa comes. i: JaaJr 1 . OFFICE OP OUR LIVING AND punC2p. IN ORDER TO SUPPLY 0URSUB8CJII bcrs with numbers due them, wa vshaU re same the publication of OUR LrVIXQ AKD OUR DEAD on March 16th, and eotarpleto the.IVth Volume in monthly parts, -ifoaew subscribers will be taken except for the bec&d volumes three of which havaboen issaetl.apd the IYth will be ready in Jane. We can sap Ely our old subscribers with any back num ere, except September snd October!' 13T4, should they need any to compute their pier. PEIfBS F0a BOVMO TOLVXSf I ' mk In Cloth $2.00;each. HalfUlf fUd. M . .4 i mmm Historical aiflDlM?. This Magaxine, two numbers of which bars been printed, will occupy the same relation to tne entire aoutn mat UUK LI VJNO AaTD OUR DEAD did to North Carolina. adtji all respects, will be as worth v of conn. ide and support. For detailed description of thai Monthly aed for the opinions or tWewho aave tne initial number, we refer Whrstr circular, nuoecripuons are fOUCllSOV .--va Terms, InYAaimT i ADvUroa s ' 12 months $4.00. Cmimtla flfiO IeD" 1 w KeystonO Flintinf Inh 40 MANUFACTUBeM Of ) .H PRINTING .IKKCf, BOOK AND NEWS BLkCK A 17 Ilortli Plfth ntriilitx m fVR INK8 ARE OF A I KJ quality, being mads frota tbs heitzt- I dients and under the personal ssttcrvlstea xa! la practical printer and pressman,. iherrf9re I wo guarantee cTery pound of XolJTo 1 "4 v ici yruj, I ni entirely free from setUngff. TTntfA Qa(ai Atrial or a rampie kcs win eon via ee tav printer that h has been paying nearty CftLbfe wnatuesnouia ior bis ibxs ta ttxaearlst. Pat up in kers and barrels Unit sxtreaafise. Address, ''! KEYHTONK rRTXCTTKO IlhtooJ ' 17 North Fifth Utreot; ; . dc IS ' PbiladebhiavFa. THE TI T Y FRIENDS AND THE PCjJUO; k -Mm. notified that I still HOLD THB POET m nLi at ine same oia mace, uawson nanx airr. . M a m mm . - WW The finest oyster", game end .delicacies' o the season and the BEAT CO0&. la Jfefta Carolina. - ' A:Aii-4 ' . . '' ' -.1 Yoagst what you sail far tad xifar only what yea get at COLilKBT, SALOON. ; . j seytn Wonted T 15 1 t Y A YOUNO MAN who haa(hlfi "pq -i?. ? a situation in soma 7flmlartas L ' Can furnish nnezetpuomaua rsT.rrr?tJ . A4dresay- J " ilr'l .1 sept 27 Lmingtoa, Vf$r. gfV - 'i ijT) iLaail ' DESIIlABLISi lirpprjoed Cross, near Third street, at preseat called by JedgeMcarta, Ayply t .nA itaU re - aj ca is m ne respect liko Miss . I - . Hag- IT f Cwrio Row 8econd Br. 1 eta csi Citit,t tsr &Jt3sZ3

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