o2SWARnBOUHD. rtbi2 frt)ttvc!aw5 to dusk. TiU fioit up Xrora,, tho sapphire ' ,ioud all the sapphire skies. AI1,' ni floating, while Koiden stars riflt f in n sea overhead , . &nyrlbitM from a seabelowi i i t''- ranire and purple and red ; lJ!teolpaiian, the stormy lnd of :Uf!?lfr " " " " ' ' ' , into strance, mysterious space, 08 iSxi shall find us a lauding piace. drifting, to lands unknown, :wliIt?l -rorid of love and care : ft away to a home united ir"'," heart that is waiting there, t ail swiftly O waters deep! rmcRifc to t'"5 heaen unknown PL th' tender low that waits" -v ITwforeve-my own. -10 arift aay from the sea of life, -miie!ts-oCla'iU.Uo.sUrro-winds of &fn lienvAi, out-to ft-fchorv. ... nr.. k love forevermorc. wrc f G(Xd Wut'(h. Female School- uiB5 BUMH Principals-I THIRTEENTH ANNUAL Scssior - ; anisacl from advanced -young" ladies to iHt'jt child. Object teaching combined i it book instruction,; i& particular L,f;tfie ;gctoOl, thoa'rincipals, after ? ,nd careful experience, iiaung loumi i i,..iiiffo tn the vounsr and ennmr- A'Jal music and calisthenics f rep of extra a.JJ excepting a trifle lor the daily use of Sthenic apparatus. u "i department under the supervision ,X7L S. Cinbinff. whosoi loag aad faitU Meipenence renders j her peculiarly fitted jf2ffc4Vc? oaddrtss' Principals. ' Spectacles and -.Glasses. ,- rnUE LARGEST ASSORTMENT EVER I l ten' iviijn(f examine for '.yourselves. f. H. ALLEX. 'iBn, feATBf ftdllTlI CAUO- .!!... i 'rrr- T'f ? u DuncaA 'lidines ana )tjc azauau, vs. fPHItx IS AN ACTION INSTITUTED 'r Wthenlaintiffs for the redemption oi a ivrftfiiiMrtiriffe deed executed by the ijlain- tiffs to tfcedefendant ; and St appearing that the defendant is a non-resident ot tne btate he ilj herbv takenoti.ee to De atio appear ai the Ttirm of the' "Superior Court of the ctintjttforcfiMd, to be beldr in the city of Wil mTnjrtftflmi.the tenth Monday after the second Monday in August, and answer ori aemur to A4 comn-aiht filed i'n said action or judg- m'ut, will be prayed' for according to the prayer ot gaiu couipiaiut. V It. DAUBY," yffp.fff AttofficV fbrPaintift. S 250 Reward, j WILL" rAV 'TWO MluNDRED AND KFTY DOLLARS REWAUI) for sufficient ndence to convict the' pefsdti who set fire t'jij ilnupe 6n Sunday indfning, the 7th " .5-'. V'V' - the house was. situated bp Fifth between j-. . . JtiMtlcX addHinover '. Btreets. ."- ;WU :-t?'i ' ? P. CAN AD AY. BHAHPOO-AD rBATHS. 'CRAVE," 10 cent. Hair Cut, 25 cents. 'tirin,a .oentfli Hot a,n"d? cold. Baths at H hours. Clean tywcls an! 1 sha-p razors in W o ! AJi work done in gilence and itHi?patcb. r V - I- FURMANSKl, - - Cor. Front and Princess. Hale's Syrup, jOJftjrODKD' AND TAR.; Pull's Cough Vsp.Botbet-Oerman Syrup. With a ful hlofPtrnt Medicines, Pure Drugs and tticali. Foriale by ' ' JAMES C. MUNDS; ptiC , . Third.St., opposite City Hall. REMOVAL. JOH X WERKER has removed , his larber m Soutli Front Street one door North h: vld etand. His many .patron and ?Be will now be pleased to 'tgc at No. 'ath Front street, (Cleapor's eld etand. ) Mid Notice. UXDERSIGNED HAVING THE right to sell the SEWING MA irXs manufactured, by the LINGER lACtURlNQ .CO M.PJLNY , in tho ,t!;of New Hanover, begs to inform the vStbatho-is prepareil to otter .EXTRA k-CEMENTS to those wishing to buy cyER SKWING MACHINES. aetdlej.oil and Attachment, of all kindf, "y.?Von hand, ir.i.t ! ' Jchinea Repaired. Charges reasonable. r Robert C. Dudley is authorized to e tollcctir.ns and rppeipt for the same. ; JOHN L. DUDLEY, boebnit Street, near Post Office, ow. Demorest's Fall and Winter Patterns ,Te rrived. - Send for Catalogue. ; New Design. entirely ijjns has just been "received and are 'ng Jd at, (itrt'inely pw .figures ; aLo a RKiiSOnmont of LE WATCHES, UPic4nd PLAIN GOLD UINQS and T l . obl nilt' jeomiucnco on THURS f v the 4th of October. Pupils of all ages i while the same care will be bestow- CttM fr'twitfrijwlll be neatly exe-Ju- All I ask of the Public is uv gfve me tri .,-t . - febji wr ' J. U. ALLEN. , 7n p WAtchaiaker an4 Jeweller Miscellaneous. QUARANTINE NOTICE. a1 UARANTINE WILL IN FORCE on the lit dar f June, 1877, and will xon tinue until furtlier notice, as follows . All ve5?ola from ports South of Cape Fear wi'l come' to at the Yisitinj Station for in spection. . AH ves?eh having ickne5s on arrival, or having Lad .icknt's.-: during the voyage, wil await inspect! t. above without regard to . ' " - thei'ort from whence .the sailed. Vessels iHit included in the-bore classes will proceed without detention. .All person? inU;restcd will please take no tice thit Quarantine will be rigidly enforced during tile coming ho t season, under the pen alties provided by law for the violation ot the same. W. G. CURTIS, Quarantine Ph v-Han Port of Wilmington, may 18 Sewing fachiries. The Last Chance ! : Cheap for Cash ! ONE Whvfler A' Wilson, $20.00. - ' One Hi mvo Family $20.00.. Oue No. 2 Singer, $20.00. ' , Two ilome Shuttles, each, $10. Tlicce Mae'.inos arc all in perfect order, have all the attachments with -them and 1 warrant them in every respect as good as new and for less than one-bilf the price. Call and get one before th'-'y are ail gone. " C. E. J EVENS, Third .-:t., iir.,. door North of Market. .' sept 27 - A FuSi Line QF CAi.!): OF ALL KINDS, plain, fancy and 1 1 . -Full fifi,' v; ;eauiiiul TINTO CARDS. lied ! I: iiit them cheap : Call and see specimens. S. G. HALL, I'o tk and Job Printer, Princess street. sept flight HOuse. AND FTER THIS DATE THE CEXTENN1A S.TI.OON will be kept open ilUnighi aa as. all day, from G o'clock Monday morning until 12 o'clock Saturday night. Vinc3, Liquors an'd Cigars, the beet and theFchtapett. New llier Oyster,? furnished in any style derired. JOHN CARROLTi, act 1 Proprietor. TheSouth Atlantic, A MONTHLY MAGAZINE DEVOTED 1 to Literature, Science and Art, will be issued in Wilmington, North Carolina, Octo ber 15th, 1877. Tho Corps o Contributors will include several of theiaost distinguished authors of the present d.-iy.. A serial story,, poems, sketches, reviews, scientific and historical ar ticles will' appear in every number. The Magazine wil contain only original litera ture. . The South Atlantic States will be thorough? ly c .invaded by an energetic agent. ' Subscription one year 3. Single copy 25 cents. ADVERTISING TERMS. 1 page one "year $120 K page one year $75; i page. one 'year 50 j page one year S36j 1 page one insertion, $23; page one inser tion, $15: M page one insertion, $10; page one insc: tion, $5. 50 per cei:t. 'additional for advertisements on the-Afagazihe covers Local fubscrijdions received and Maga zines sold at the City Bookstores. Contracts tor advertisements and subscrip tions received at the office of Messrs. Jackson & Dell. Hook and Job Printers. A'l communications should be addresfiedto Miss. CICEIiO W. HARRIS, suptS Editor and Proprietor. Spartanburg & A, New Eouto to the Mountains of Western No. Ca. rpillri XEW "EOUTE IS NOW opsn X to the travelling public. Passenger trains leave daily the Depot of the G. A C. R. R. in Columbia at 12:45 p. m., and arrive at ter minus of S. A A. K. 11. at 8 p. m., where close connect ion h made with four-horse coaches" f.-r F!:U Rock,. Hendersonville, AsheVilJe ar.d Wa. in Springs. Passengers will have eV'i.ee ro jo through or lie over at Mt. Trvon, where llie fare is excellent, and resume tlu ir j urney early next morning and tbeve-bv enjoy soine o the finest moun tain scenery on the Howard' Gap turnpike, to be found in Western North Carolina. Arrangemciits have been made with the W. C. aTa. K . R., for round trip tickets at the fodowiniT rate,s : From Wil. to Flat Hock and return,;$15.85. 4i . Ashevil and return, $ip.S5. " to Warm Springs and return, $25.65. . " " to Hend-rsonvillc and return; . 1.",;S5. Cat. S. S. Kirkland, of N. C. and for- uierl v of the A'r ! in K. It., will be present oh the arrival of the trains at the terminus of the S. it A. 11. K., to see that passengers are provided' for uiel .e:it fiii ward without de lav. Onnviivi: of train- -passengers are re qiietted to ::sk f'-r Cipf. Kirkland, I'assenger and transport -in-,vul. Trvthisn- w r;ule. n ..' : ' i). I!. DUNCAN; Prw't. ilil'S HOTEL, N' THE KiriHH'KAXl'LAN. OPPOSITE V. Civ H iii i'rk. Court House and New rostoiliee. Now York. All Modern ImprTe tuents, including Klevator, Kias and Running Water, in every Koora. ' T; J. FRFNC1I A BROS., . July 25 Proprietors. k J0IIN.S. JAMES.T I t?STtkK- iY THC PKACK. : ' : Olilee :'XVn!i ; si f Iawiou's ATenueind t'.oor troni l roiit st. sept -4 Iliscellaneous. THE 4 E) a Sly -: o :- A News Paper, a published every evening Sudndaj except -AT- Or 50 cents a month, strictly in advance :o The Reading Public are respectfully inform ed that it shall be the constant aim of the pro- -"'!'" ' ' prietor to furnish them with, A LIVE NEWSPAPER, containing the latest news of the day, and en dearoring to keep its readers fully informe in regard to eyents of interest and importance occurring in every quarter of the world, s ;0UR DAILY MARKET REPORTS Will lull and correct, and will be kept open until he latest possible moment. Mer chants fn'the city and country may rest as sured that they will be thoroughly reliable. The News Columns Will contain the reports, both of news and markets, received here each day at noon, and the LOCAL , DEPARTMENT Has. beeflrplaced in careful and experienced hands. ,Tf iends in the section of country con nected with this city, will greatly oblige the Editor, and will contribute additional inter est to these columns by forwarding any items of news that may occur in their respective localities. ALL CORRESPONDENCE, On matters of general interest will be gladly received, but our friends must bear in mind that they must write only on one side of the paper j that they must forbear useless verbi age, must correct "their own manuscript and must avo!d abusive personalities. J&4T A re liable name must be furnished with each com munlcation, as the Editor will not be held ac countable for the views or language of cor respondents "Ife .,'" OUR SUBSCRIPTION LIST, 1 Even tcfore type was set for the first issue, miss an exceedingly flattering one, and is probably the largest bona fide list with which any.newspaper in North Carolina erer before began publication, and is now rapidly on the increase, especially on the various railroad lines. , . , . , - if ? t. JOOZ2. T- JACXZ2S, ri1 Eoitoa and PsoraiiTOa, OUice on Secondstreet, betw een Trin ress and Chesnut, near the Pstoce. V ' OCX I' $5 f I S Miscellaneous. m JAMES GORDQIl DHIilETTj PRO P B I E T O B. r . :o: P O S TAOE F BEE . j ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR. ! 50 Cnts for SiXi3onthi, An extra copy to eTery club of ten, TEE HEW YORK DAILY HERALD Published every day in the year. S PO STAGS FREE. $10 pays for one year, Sundays inc4aded. $8 pays for one Tear, without Sundays. ; $5 pays for six months, Sundays included' $4 pays for six months, without 8undayt. . 1 2 pays for one year for any specified day of the week. j $1 pays for sb: months for any specified day of the week. . pays for one month, Sundays flncluded. NEWSDEALERS SUPPLIED 1 POSTAGE FREE. Daily Edition...Two and a half ctt. per co j Sunday Edition... Four cents per co I Weekly Edition............. Two cents per coi Address, NEW YORK HEEALD, , dec27 Brood war and Ann st.4Kew York Keystone Printing Ink Co MANUPACTTJ1KBS OP PRINTING INKS. BOOK AND NEWS BLACK A . H ' .1. 1 17 north Fifth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. OUR INKS art: of A SUPEBIOR quality, being inf.de from, the best ingre dients and under the personal supervision ot a practical printer and pressman, : therefore we will guarantee every pound of. Ink sold to be of a Superior Jet Black, Quick Drying, and entirely free from setting-on.; j Ov- r prices aro from 30 to 50 per cent, low ei than any other Inks manufactured in the United atates. ; i- A trial of a sample keg will jconvince any printer that he hits been paying nearly double what he should for his Inks, in ; times past. Put up in kegs-and barrels to suit purchasers, Address, ;:ti KEYSTO NE PRINTING INK CO., 17 North Fifth, Street, den 13 Philadelphia, Pa. OFFICE OF OUR LIVING AND OUR DEAD. TN ORDER TO SUPPLY OUR SUBSCRl X bers with numbers due them, we shall re sume the publication of OUR LIVING AND OUR DEAD on March 15th, and complete the IV th Volume in monthly parts.- No new subscribers will be taken except for. the bound volumes three of which have,beenisue4 and the IVth will be ready in June. We Can sup ply our old subscribers with any j back num bers, except September and October, 1874, should they need any to complete their flies. pf.ices roa Botrjfn volumxs t In Cloth 2.00 ;each.. Half Calf f 2.50. Sontliern Historical iMontUy. This Masrazine, two numbers of which hare been printed, will occupy the same relation to the entire South that OUR LIVING AND OUR DEAD did to North Carolina, and, ia all respects, will be aa worthy of confiaene and support. For detailed description of this Monthly and for the opinions of those who have the initial number, we refer to larger circular. Subscriptions are solicited. Terms, lsvAaiABix in AnviHCB : 12 months $4.00. 6 months $2.00 Address, SOUTHERN HISTORICAL MONTHLY Raleigh, N. C. feb24 AND AllfiJ11-'1 inpaovements combined into the organs and pianos manufactured by CORNISH & CO Was ffton. XT. J. To all who wish to purchase either aa OR OAN or PIANO we can truthfully say that for ' - - - --"- ARTISTIC CONSTRUCTION Beautiful, Finish and Sweet Muscal Qualities, our instruments take rank with those of that . Most Celebrate! Menfactnrers. , Oar only claim to favoritism over other eading manufacturers is : ' ' ' " v Our Low Prices. reduced to meeting the requirements of tbe times. Determined .no to; pe unaersoio and at the same time f urnkbing instrumenU that we fully WARRANT FOR FIVE YEARS, we invite correspondence that we may have an opportunity to prorc satifactorily all that we here assert. , . Our PIANOS are furnished with Uej . IfflDOTei Frencli GraiiMoiL, i . . . i .. 1 v I J 1 1 1 ; (the rerr beot in w; . . , j they are also HEAVILY STRUNG with the improved wire; and the cases are of solid rose wood perfectly seasoned and "!, ' WARRANTED NOT TO CRACf, ty? WARP. - 1 i Our ORGANS are furnhihed withaU lie modern improvements, as to stops, aetknr. etc, while the CASES are of the recen tcabiaet style, admirably suited for the parlor. j . Send for Illustrated Catalogue, and o!x. t :.f - ' 1 .rr" ivraDTTfltr i jail O IT UuLuwQ iicw oriwj u ' U :; 5 wiwm AM Iliscellaneous. . rTHE ' Highest Honors V AT THE GEIITENillAL EXHIBITION The judges unanimously 5 recommend th MENDELSSOHN o So fok;the I Diploma of Honor ni Medal of Merit. Placinthem ia the Front Rank 1 Without a Superior I -.. For itrietij first-class instruments $600j for $250. $650 for $275. $700 for $300. $750 for $325. $800! for $350. $900 for $400. $1000 for $450. No Commission to Agents. No Discounts to Teachers. No Deviation in Pric. The Mendelssohn GRAND, SQUARE & UPRIGHT 3 Contain valuable patents 'and improvements never before introduced. TJIATHUSHEK'S :. . . . NxwPatkhi Duplex. OvEasTBCso Scalx, Is the greatest advance in the history of Pia no making, producing the1 most astonishing power, richness and depth of tone, and a sus taining singing quality never bciore, attained, being a "liraud fiano in a houare care. 's ' ' t The Mendelssohn Uprights ARE THE FINEST IN AMERICA. Th)y arc pronounced the "Pianos ef th Future.'. . - ,-a vonr A WiREttOtMs: No. 4H). :2. 404, 4Wi & 408 .Vest NOS, r r. 8GC.862, 804, 80. 870 I th Avenue. PIANOS SENT ON TRIAL. - i aiU Illustrated and descriptive Catalogue mailed free. . MENDELSSOHN PIANO CO., BUSINESS OFFICE : No. 60 Broadway, N. Y. feo 21 WB CLAIM FOR THE IMFBOVE WHITWEY SEWIWC MACHINES The following specific points of superiority: x ireac simplicity in construction. tc xjuraoimy.; 3 Exceedingly Light Running. 4 vStill Running. Noiseless. 6 Performs all Varieties of Work. 6 Beauty of Finish and Workman ship. 7 GREAT REDUCTION in Price. Machines sent on trial before payment is re quired ; written guarantee to keep machines in oroenor nve years given with each ma chine. Wht Pat Old Prices ? For circulars and particular. Address, THE WHITNEY MF'G CO., dec29 Paterson, N. J. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, SCPKXIOR COCKT OF NEW HANOVER Co. The Dawson Bank, Plaintiff, against Francis Morris andThe Cape Fear Fibre Compcny, Defendants. rnnis action is brought by the i-:-i:ir a. .i. yimiutui. vu iccuTerui me ueienuame me sum of Eight Hundred ($800) dollars for money Aninut 27th '1TX a ih Hof..Tita .ml " r " rf.;iJn7;EEi at Wilmington, in said SUte, on the tenth - w ww MW14 4 XX aXX V WUI UUUDV JNO. D. TAILOR, ... - Clerk of Snpcrior Court sept lS-IawCw-sat State of North Carolina, Snpcrior Court. New Hanover Ccuuty William Larklnf, azaint F. C. Singletary, Robert Johnston and wife Isabella. A. J M ott and wife A. Sophia Mott. W m. JLi, Robeson And John H. Robeson an otners. rn HIS ACTION is brought bv the plaintiff! A as adminiitrator of Eliza C. GillcsDie.de- ceased, against the heirs at law of bis intes- tate, orih mtbom of ( eelliae the lands do - seribesi ia tn voosaMaiat ' filed fn' the office of the Clerk of the Sup crior Court of the county oi xi ew nsaovtrv to viake assets for tne pay ment of debts, and ch artrea of administration. and the defendant,? obert Johnston and wife, imou, A. J. nott and wife A. Sophia Mott, Wm. B. Robeoon mrrfl Jobn H. llobeson, who are proper parties to this action, are hereby notified mad retrai: -pd to annear and answer are proper parties to this action, are hereby notified aad retrai: -ed to annear and answer ... ... ....... .uo tu DD uni uieu iu uui action. cm the 25th day of October, A. D. 1977, at rm in. i.vnr n.tnk.. a it l wtt . the office of iBcierkTf SV SiY&uiC, V w Vr e tne ciiy oi wunuig son anq,taiajl Uounty aforesaid. If the aeiwamasauwa appear at tne ume tne rialn COmnlakU. torf ther with the coit nf tM Uon. JNO. D. TAYLOR, . ran TT.tXJa D..J. DeranfAttj's for Plaintiff. r sey inlaws Ta it . -' " ' ' OUBSC1BUE TO THE FBIC CQUFETI IS LBoainios jtonuay aiier ine secona xionaay in AugnBt, sj UVISBIO it la strenatn taa mauiv 1877, and then and there to answer or de- contain lcea Working Partsand UrUa mur to the complaint herein filed this day. DOING a wider ruMQCWerUtBLm Rail Road Lines, c. Gen'l Sup'to Office WILMINGTON, COLUMBIA AND AU GUSTA RAILROAD. Wilmington, N.C, August 4, 18t7 CIIANGE OF SCHEDULE. , On and after Sunday, August 8, Hie fblibw Lng schedule will be run on this roadi DAY EXPRESS AND MAIL TRAlir(Cinf except Sauday.) . Leave Wilmington.... ll t?3 T Arrive at Florence 00 PI Leave Florence u 11 X T I Arrive at Wilmington ft. .MM NIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN (DlUy)i Leave Wilmington CO P fl Leave Florence.... 9 St Pit Arrive at Columbia.... 1 11 AH Leave Columbia... .............11 SOPH Leave Florence........ ; IKIAtt Arrive at Wilmington M A H This Train will only itop at FiemiuftoBt Whitcville, Fair Bluff, Marion, FloruM, Timmonsville, Sumter and Actou bctwSjsjij Wilmington and Columbia. THROUGH FREIGHT TRAIN (Daily, ft cept Sundays.). ; Leave Wilmington.... 1 19 P it Leave Floreirce... 1 II P A Arrive at Columbia... 10 10 A M Leave Columbia........ 6 OOP XI Leave Florence.......... MAM Arrive at Wilmington....... 10 80 A M JfS Passengers for Augusta Ad beyetMl should take Night Express Train froa Wil mington. , ar Through Sleeping Cars on nlf ht traisa for Charleston and Macon. JOHN F. DIVINst, aof 4 General Superinteodeut. WILMINGTON a WELDC.N RAILROAD conFAnr. Office of Gen'l StrrBttiRTERDiKT Wilmington, N. C, August 4, 18TT. J On and after Sunday, August 6th, 1877, Passenger trains on the Wilmington 4 Wf4 don Railroad will run as follows t DAY MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAIN, da!!. Leave Wilmington, Front St. Depot ' at...... 6 50 A M Arrive at Weldcn at 12 30 PM Leave Weldon 11 40 A M Arrive at Wilmington, Front St. , Depot at................. 6 40 P M NIGHT MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAIN. r DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. Leave Wilmington, Front St. ! Depot at...?. 6 IS P M Arrive at Weldon at 1 20 A M Leave Weldon, daily at... S 11 A M Arrive at Wilmington, Front St LCpOt AtMtlttIIMIMttfll4Mt XX i J. The Day Train makes close connectiea at Weldon for all points North via Bay Lis daily, (except Sunday) and daily, via Rih mond and all rail routes. Night train makes close coanectionl at Weldon for all points north via Rich mom d. eldon auC 4 JOHN F. DIVIlfK,. General Superintendeut Miscellaneous. THE NEW p ho, mm At the Centennial ExhlblUonrlS? and. has always carried off the hbrnesl Doners waerevcr cxoiDMea Aniininr Brtrsr.ff TTTatv- I uujnrnv t D'"AA'Jt-i:n:sn7 pXiiSnt x&Uiminjr ana lut I llNT "IJUJWfV. eXlTCH" AIACHINE. ADAPTCTJ tdja SEWING MACHINE was I .n.a nM h tk nA nf t Ha ial-ntandJicchanlcal fik I All f rw MACHINE, is 61 MPLKin CONSlRUCTiOy; EewingMachinss. ItwillllUlt Cor without cosnsoo ME W.tYT f In tho Manufactara of tbia IIACUINII Cm Very Boat Matorlxilo ra-TT'7 Tbe WEARING PARTS aro MAHH l) and tho Median ism baa been oouaxxwvixaf J uaay Running, DURABLE, aad suAoat well, for Coarao or fine TUXUSAU; COT TON, 8ILK or LI MEW, SEWUIU CTtCl BSJ Light LEAT1 htmtt JUuun to isea9er -. pan her. such conndenfuiXLT I Vl-Jhe ia V HOI 9 1NTHINSIC MKRlTti "STlPvrYiTU'fllV a m mmmt m mmm m ma m M AGH I CII Oa nrnrpAiifp.il for Fivfi Yp.m " " w -w 4 - - K LITE AGENTS trusted Itt loctlitki irbtTO wc arc not represented, 1 Serid for prices, and Mfflptoa of Work r on the 11UMJ or caU at any of our o3cca m '; Joiiiisoii7.6LAnfKC; I cm tne uujuw or cau ai any or cur 30 TJuiou Couara. tfrtti iwSt w r , - EWAS AWARDED T2ZSW I 664 Washington Street, BottOftf xlasjJ. I - llll Btcm4 Ava,, PlUttTJ J I m am RtMt: mfnM. tit. - i . . . Per Moutg Praidio,, Cd. - I rrrcrrkc t QftlTfmirjTir arm I x.xxvrtj. f xr.iv.n irt - 1 u r. I Aj I Corner Third and PrlnCCxi 8tmts I r I TTilmlngtomi K. C I ..... - . I ft. Horses and Vchldoi for hire at lf.onbl.e Excursion parties to ts j

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