The Daily Review JOiH. T.t JAMBS, Ed. and Prop WILMINGTON, N. C. WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 31, 1877. VIEWS AND REVIEWS. Blondin made a great fortune by Lis rope walking. A few years ago be went into tho 'wine trajJcaml lost alllusinonej. Now he returns to bis old business,' and gays be has a presentiment thaV he will lose his life by a fall. Mr. Archibald Forbes, British war coi respondent, has come to high honor. When in Bulgaria the Czar called upon him to narrate what he bad seen, and Queen Victoria has also expressed her wish that he should giro her a personal account of his experience. Ireland has lately lout a splendid speci men of a prelate in the person of Dr. i(nr;.rtv Unman Catholic Bishop of UVI 9J f a man nfprneds and Dolitics. lie 1LVI 1 J f -v-- x was attt c'ied with paralysis while conse crating the chapel attached to Lord Ken- 1 -l irilUriintr nrwl iiiwrr r,il mare b uoubc v nuimiivj, lied. During the past year ahe consumption of cotton reached the highest point ever attained in this country, while the value of cotton fabrics ei ported has, despite low incased ft7.000.000 withiu two years.' or from $3,090,000 for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1875, to $10,180,000 for the fiscal year ended June ou, iou. A queer question is that which agitates New Yorl: society as to whether the Iiuks or thq Russians' wounded Bball receive heip from them, or whether each shall be helped through a special organization. Except in rare cases the "barbarous Turks" and the "unfeeling Russians " draw on national lines in their hospitals. One of the Now York societies carries the Crescent and Cross, the other the, 'lied Cross, so that each bears a symbol that should lead its followers to a broader kind of chanty than hat which stops to inquire the nativity and faith of the wounded and suffering - soldier. A French convict ship, the Navarino, was announced to Bail on October 3 for New Caledonia with 400 prisoners '-a ' board. So fatal are the conditions of such a voyage that a caroful inspection is made of the brisoners before their departure, lest any among them should be oi a wpaklv constitution, as in that case the iw.':.n.;f. rmiH bp., certain death. The convicts are kept oetween decks in cages each of which contains about twenty prisoners. Their limbs are ircc, at any rate, at starting; but, as they are liable to be ironed for any act ot insuuor-i dination, it is probabo that this inlliction Is sometimes added to their sullenngs. Uaoh convict is allowed one hour's exer cise on deck . Prominent Cubans hi New York are . . m f . . i 1. .... ii iO,itn . I lfchorted by the irunmeio nave u.uv- ed themselves to a representative of that by naner n tne suniecv oi uw. c.v the Spanish forces of Don Tomas Estrada, President of the Cuban Kepublic. One o f these considers that the capture of Estrada is a severe loss to the Cubau army and people, tut that "it will not affect greatly thc prospects of tho revolution." Auoth er donbts the truth of the . report, as -he had informatien that a lieutenant-colonel of the Cuban army, of the same name a the Presidont, had been capture!! in, the neighborhood where tho capture of the President is reported to have bcen etrected. pain is cridently aKnit to try a concilia tory policy for tho reduction of the long ontinoed rebellion ot her Cubau subjects, and proposes to return property con cated ou account of the owners' treason Miibmit within four 11 UV ICV"JJ" months. u. Ti-f l.lrfitrr sava of the "ivu iinwi.vuv.vw I aby ahow now in pro-rcssin uorucuitur- . . tt . l. I .. . .. . T".. Iff at'tiaiit in vuwitjr, v v.. - -j iii.i .n1ACn with n wnnderinc crowd Of ladies and gentlemen, while the nd eentlemen of the smaller growth were wandering about the hall, running into Terybody, tumbliog down, gettiug a - - . p'again, laughing, crying, ana havio Kood Ume generally. The triplets sang their little songs to delighted listeners; the fai boy, turning the scales at eighty-four wounds, smiled complacently at the gazers the little ebony twins peeped over the edge ef their cradle nd wondered what all the nosse aid confusion were about A curiosity was added yesterday in ther scape of a child with one black a nd one tajf. AHogithtl-H w a happy-. and thiucs moved merrily all tho day lon. The entries now amount to two' hundred ana nmeiy-iour, auu one may Judge of thc popularity of the ihow ftcrn tha.', fact that five thousand fern hundred and ten tickets were taKn rv, rtikr: at the door. Now accessions to lha fulL ranks are expected, anct new toiceaV'wiU' be joined in the prolonged chorus mrtalo's constantly from the tunefu ftod cntarirfal throats of the younger gca THE NEWS AND COTOHSXl. rr.t rvi 1 . 3 ftm2m m inc unancsion iewi ana wwiw . rrri entered upon its tenth yeaf Dialer tig control of the ent PM Kiordan & Dawson, Tbo papr aaiea -9 r r lOUG i wululi your ii .vm We congratulate the present proprietors upon the position their enegetic labors has attauicd for their paper, for tbo good they have done in the past, for their present .. . . position and assured usetulness,: ana ior the bright future which opens ahead .V OUR STATE GEOLOGIST. jAVo trust that this officer will not for gthat North Carolina has a Cape Fear section and that one x( its component is situated the commercial emporium of J - the State and its larecst city. H has rendered little or no jpfficial service in this important section for years, and ytt no portion of the State offers a more m vitinic field for tho labors of such anjof fictr. lie promised sorao or our leadmg citize'ns last ppring tnat ho would: tnea . pav us a visit?, and would esjpecially f , M . ' amine the then and yet rcgent'llntffrLtt esting discovery of human bones' on, lot--1 Sheriff Black's plantation on .Middle 1 Sound. But whether of his own TOlltwn I or by (contrary direction of the Agricnt-J J rv J . , . I tural Department at lvaieign, Df feu West where ho has been much of b!p tme for tho past two or three years, - to toe r neglect, it seems to us, of the East. We are not of those who hare soHght to get rid of 1rof. Kerr, because, as some hold, he is, "in efficient." Ha hai been strongly attacked iu each successive Leg islature on this ground and by leading men. It is held that it is his duty to go forward upon the rough highways and in the lonely by-ways of the State . and arouse, by lectures and by clbse-mixiDg J with the masses, a renewed interest inj a"rinnlture. instead of SDCndinc SO much I , , , . -j nf h5a time in the shady and easy places of bis laboratory at Raleigh. Wo are .of trie same opinion and id this we are sustained 1 . ,. m. bv thougutlul farmers generally. Th very officer he holds implies thip. .If is .easy to speak occasionally in our cities. It is more laborious and useful to keep in the field of active service. The old saving, that ''a mare isa horse J ' , , t but a horse is not a mare, nas oeen pui in legal shape by a decision in the Urimi- ? ... 1 ST I ual Court in Baltimore, last wceic. i wo i young men were tried on an indietmcnt for the larceny of a mare, valued at $iuv. i The evidence showed, nowever, mat iue animal was a uorsu, auu uu - the defendants were acquitted. They were 'however, convicted of 'stealing a abuu It lias become very common . for ladies of thc Eussian nobility in the large cities of the mpirc-10 0ffer their diamonds to . , puric treasury, and wear as ornaments blltton3 torn from the uniforms of slain 0nlccr3 auj soidiers. Pi'mcc Jcromo Napoleon, who standi for a' Corsicau constituency, is oy ; uv nTCH IIS' moans' inclined to part with Ins title. xlhwithteit book instruction, is a particular . .. ...ntiral bed-fellows1 callinff object to. bit, political bccl-lellows caning him Citizen Bonaparte. t-. Ql,rmnn nv-Srrtarv Mc-1 TV ;.' Calloch, : and others, vill give their views -ai d to the resumption of specie ri A payments in tho November-Decent ber of jjrs. M. S. Cushing, whose long and faith number of the North American Review, ful experience renders her peculiarly fitted There is Danger Ahead When those usually akive little organs, the kidneys, are negieciitu oi iueir uutieo w grow sluggish. Fatty degeneration, lirlght's disease, diabetes and other dangerous Mala-1 dies, are the result of neglect to remedy' this inactivity by medicinal means. when the all important . "actions of the kldngys arc imperfectly dischargetl, those organs agent for that purpose -since it perform iU oilico without excit'.ng them-hi Hostetter'a Stomach ..Bitters, which, in comblnatleo with its tonic and cathartic properties, pos - sessusvaiua4",- T-; kidneys aftdbhulder are strengthened toy l and the vigor wmcn ii imparts iu uivmu, u. the gent lo but effectual impulse rmcu , , :,.....,;. ic thn hjdmiibii - w . . disused! frlvS Ul L1HJ1L uunawvuo, j ww m- ' . . ...... . xne lwiiers are iuYiurtUu-.wr avpII as the above, since tney remeay r ..... constipatiorj. gout. rhu mfl . Um nd othcr anments. i JUST AJJOTHEK LARGE LOT OF MEN'S, YOUTH'S AND CHILDREN'S Clothing Sold at low prices, at A. David'o. Merchant Tailor, Cor." Front" k Princess it. OYSTERO IFIRST OF THE SEASON! NEW RITER OYSTKUS1 Fat and sweet, cow icrred up at the 3. ' Centennial Saloon,; "1 'V v -V's :r. '" ' -r-f-;i .fj.f i':?fs ; The finest Wines, Ales, Lze m vigsn alirarsonhaad. JOHN CARROLL, tliccoUanoous. nnTnu ilMn-:miP . yUJXMRMpiX;ni.jKi. FlNB NOtl: PAPER br the QUIRE or . . .? -; , . v . S. JEWETT'S oct 27 Front Street Book Store. Tonsorial. TALES' H. CARRAWAY and WM. II tr BATEKAN are now conduction the 'i on forial art at No. 9, South Front st., ind are assisted br James Churchill. The iinest pomades used and all work guaranteed. Hair Cutting, 25 cents. Shampoia, 25 cents; Sharing, 10 cents. oct 8 CARPETING, CARPETING. A LARGE AND J Well Selected Stock of CARPETIIfG -New Styles, Best Goods CHEAP FOR CASH. SOL BEAR & BROS, 18 A 20 Market street. UPPITS """ oct lh. Vorpd with choicest fruits will be kept during feasom. --V- Urodlufcious will be kept when ever they l??"eUher thiaor the Charles- foBtmancetfc' Cream sent to any part ot the iit a4arfi and jrallons froxen, tree et ?F?!58-?r Cream for Sundaj iminnnnfluinuTB. -au Entrance to Paloi on Princess St. pi! 4 . . - ; FMie Emoyment for a Year. Less Than Four Cents a Week.; MAKE HOME ATTRACTIVE BY INTRODUCING 'mfc 'WWM EVENING ill; Which for mors than 55 Years has been the ZSBST 8T0RI, SKETCH AND FAMILY PAPER, n itu, pablished weekly, contains eight large patei. clearlr printed on good paper, filled with the choicest atones and shetches by the bert writers : not sensational trash, but such as a mother is willing to have her children read. The whole tone or the paper is pure and elevaUnir : It also contains Historical and Biocrraphica articles; Scientific ; Agricultural, and House hold Departments ; x ashion Article -weelcly, fresh and unexcelled j Humorous Notes j Lit- erary Reviews; News Notes ; Boys' and Girls Columns j and Strong and Sparkling Edito- etc tc i8 just 8ucn a paper as every pody lores to read, and the price is only ' rirrrr HOL"LAK.S A YEAE. gwbple containing ciub rates, etc., sent on receipt or a 3-cent stamp. Address, iJOi 9 I D BENNETT & FlTfjil I IT Rmnm Str.t. Philadplnhia Pa. If. B. Be sure and affix the number 918 befbreBKNNETT A FITCH, so that we may knaw throsgh what paper the subscription comas.. . jaa A Female School. MISSES BURR & JAMES, Principals. fJlHE THIRTEENTH ANNUAL Session of this school will commence on THURS DAY, the 1th of October. Pupils of all ages received, while the same care will be bestow- J::,yr ----- ------ -j . - & Uvtou of the school, the Principals, after i cMeM expe;ienoe) havin fjund . to fee the most advantageous method of imt parting knowledge to the young and enquir- jdc child. Yocal music and calisthenics free of extra i charge, excepting a trifle for the daily use of J caUsthenicapparatus. I a niMl liana vm An r i it rl n 4tiA ftiinn.r;;rt. lfor terms, Ac., see or address Principals, sept 6. 3oot& and Shoes. ST RECEIVED a full and complete lirie iTTiBsea and Children's Shoes. I JicYfrom ke maniifactorv. of everv rarie- I tyiityfe aftd descriHlen, EVEnY ; PAIR WARRANTED, I jLtgo nice line of Ladies' Lace and Button I Boots, , lients' Hand ewed uaiters, Uongresa, 1 "nV"" "JtVTt ""f Z UCB, "u Old irgima Stitch Down, the IKaniom Boota: and ererrthinc general t I fomad inr a" flrit-claes Boot and Shoe Store. i a trouble to snow good. Uall and exam- vine swex, siyie ana prices Deiore purcnasing tiiewnert. x. i. huwei. jr.. a . . . . ' ' j ftrtr i day 8trRB made by I O IJ t CDtJ AcentsselKneronr Chro- I T4xt. transparent, Picture and Chrorao I Cart ;-100 aamples, worth 4, sent postpaid Tt Mitt. HIlMtrmtMl raUlntma fpoo J. H. BUFFORD'S SONS, BOSTON, say 14 Established 1330. Vf. H. NASH, TASHIOyABLE HAIR CUTTING AND J; Sharing Saloom. Alt work done in th a b8tjtyt. Sharing 10 emiU. llair Catting 25 cents;" ruiampooing U cents. X-Sharing ticket 1J for $1. Jso. IS Sorth red C5fet. oct IS ' ' Juot Received, A FRESH 8UPPLXOF BIRD SEED, JA. Fine Awt. of Cakes and Crackers, Oraham and Bye Flour. Extra OUt Edge Table and Cooking Bat- t IfeT, 1. -. , ... Applef.-.Carrots, Horseradish, Bet and Cabbages, Ac., at - . ' L, VOLLERS', ct 30 1 S. E. Corner 2d and Market its. Tho. Centennial TS THE COOLEST SALOON IX THE city JLi aad eoatiaaea 'to furniih forth refreshing drlsks. CtcLrariaad' turtle, clam or reare t!i sap eTeiT dar Come, re hanrrr and ect fcr no tHrj and , ye thirsty and drink : JOffiT CARROLL. . - .' .. v .. ... . ..... . . - . I .;- .,, ,. -J ' Miscellaneous. H. Ellarcus & Spn.v ZJo, 5,C3arkct Otroet.1 BOTTLERS OP - NEW YOK. PHIIjADEIiPHI Ji CINCINNATI, MILWAUKEE, and BALTIMORE LAGEIt BEERS. ATSO, ; I'llILADELPHIA, BALTIMORE, and IMPORTED ALES AND PORTER. Families supplied. Goods delivered to any i part of city free. ' We guarantee to compete with any house in the line in price and. quality. oct in Painting. XTHERE XOD CAN GET YOURPaint- y V V ing done with dispatch, neatness and at reasonable rates is at C. C. PARKER'S PAINT SHOP, one door North of Old Jail building on Prin- I cess Etreet. HOUSE, SHIP and SIGN Painting done and satisfaction guaranteed. ureal care is given 10 small jods. may lb Street Cars, QN AND AFTER MONDAY NEXT the STREET CARS will commence running at C o'clock in the morning, and run every 15 minutes, each way from the Market House until 8.30 o'clock, except Saturdays, when th cy will run until 10.30 o'clock The Cars will alternate between the Ceme tery and Brooklyn. There will be a Car to the Cemetery every 06 minutes, also one to Brooklyn every 30 minutes'. There will be a sign on the rear of' the Car just d place rer the dash board, designating which the Car is going either Brooklyn or the Cemetery. Per sons wii-hine to take the cars on either of thtk three Railroad?, will lind the Street Cars the cheapest and most comfortable way" of reaching them. Persons arriving in the i city will a.ways find a carat the upper end I of Friont street near Union Depot, which trill take them to any of the Hotels for 5 ctntr, or j to an!j other part of the Street Car Line. Price from Castle and Sixth streets, to the Oenicteiy or Hilton, only 5 cents, for very near the three miles of road, and return for 5 cents. The very cheapest fare in the United States. Persons are requested to report any negli gence on the parr ot the drivers to the super lntenaent. vv ASilliXUlUJN JvliNLr, aug 21 Superintendent. OFFICE OF OUR LIVING AND OUR DEAD. TN ORDER TO SUPPLY OUR SUBSCRI- -L bcrs with numbers due them, we shall re sume the publication of U UK LIVLNG AND OUltjDEAO on March 15th, and complete the ly th Volume in monthly parts. No new subscribers will be taken except for the bound , volumes three of which have.been iw led and tne iytn Wiu oe icaay in June. . We can sup ply our old subscribers with anv back nnm bers, Except September and October, 1874; should they need aay to complete their files. PBICES TOR BOUKD TOLITIIBS : Jn Cloth $2.00 each. Half Calf $2.50. v?. v owl i kSouitierii Historical cMontWy. This Magazine, two numbers of which hare been printed, will occupy the same relation ' to the entire South that OUR LIVING AND OUR1DEAD did to North Carolina, and, in an respects, win De as woruiy 01 connaenc and siipport. For detailed description of this Monthly aua for thc opinions of those who have jthe initial number, we refer to larger! uituitiu juubu iiiuuua are soiiciLea. Tkums, Invariably ih AnyAKCM : 2 mdnths $4.00. 6 months $2.00 Auarestf, SOUTI1EUN- ffllSTORICAL MONTHLY t Kaleign, N. C. feb2i the latest improvement combined into thc organs and pianos manufactured by WISH & CO. Washington. XT. J. - : To all who wish to purchase either an OR GAN or PIANO we can truthfully say that tor ARTISTIC .CONSTRUCTION Beautiful. Finish and Sweet Muscal Qualities, our instruments take rank with those of that Most, Celelirateill IManEfactarersr i Oar only claim to favoritism over other .eading manufacturers is Our Low Prioeo, reduced to meeting the requirements of the times. Determined not to be undersold and at the same time furnishing, instruments; that we fully , " WARRANT FOR FIVE YEARS, we invite correspondence that we mar have an opportunity to prove satifactorilj all that wc acre useiu . Our PIANOS are furnished with the ! ImuoTed French Graii AcM (the rery best in use); - they are also HEAVILY STBUKQ with the improved wire; and the cases are of solid rose wood pCXectly seasoned and WARRANTED NOT TO CRACK OR WARP. Our ORGANS are furnished with all the modern improvements, as to stops, action, etc; while tne UASra are ot the recen tcabinet strle, admirably suited for the parlor. ff3end for Illustrated Catalogue, and Price List. , Address, COBXISH A CO., jtn 6 WaahiB'rton. Kizr Jersev. .: v AND Iliscelaneous. V - v ; . i" . Or 8nffarCoatefl, Concentrated, noot and Hertoal Jaice, Anti. Billons Granules. THE IJTTI.l GIANT CATHAKTIC, or maltum In ParTO JPnyslo. vThenoTeltr of modern Medical, ChemlcaL and Pharmaceutical science, ao use or any loryrer tHtig the large, repulsive, and nauseous p compos ea ox -cneap, cruae, ana dulk .j inffTedi ucation of nnta. when wa. can. bv a care nil ap Rhftmlcal science, extract all the cathartic and other medicinal properties from the most valu able roots and herbs, and concentrate them Into a minute Granule, scarcely larger tban a mustard seed., that can dc reaauy swauoirea hv those of the moet sensitive stomachs and fas tidious tastes. Each little Purfrati ve Pellet represents, in a most concencraiea iorm, as mnca cathartic power as is emDoaiea in any or uia large pills found for sale in arug-snops. Jt rom their wonderful cathartio power, In comparison to their size, people wfco have not tried them are apt to suppose that they are harsh or drastic In ffeet: but such is not at all tho case, the different active medicinal principles ot which they are composed being bo harmonised and modified. ana bv the others, as to produce a most earebinar and Hioronfli, yet gently and kindly operatiuir, cauiartic. tSOO Reward is hereby offered by the pro Tjrletor of these Pellets, to any chemist who. upon analysis, will find in them any calomel or other xorms ox mercury, mineral poison, or m lurioua drug. (9 Q Being: entirely vegetable no particular care is required whllo using them. Theyoper ate without disturbance to the constitution, diet. or occupation. For Jaundice, lleadacne, Constipation, Impure Itlood, Palu In the Shoulders. Tlahtuess of the Chest, Dizziness, Sour Eructations from the Stomach, Bad taste In the mouth. Bilious attaeks, Pain in re gion of Kidneys, Internal Fever, bloated feeling abont stomach,Rush of Blood to Head, If lgh-colored Urine, Unsociability and uioomy Forebodings, take Dr. Pierce's Pleas ant Purgative reuets. xn explanation oz the remedial power of my Purgative Pellets over so great a variety of diseases, I wish to say that their action upon the animal economv is universal, not a gland or tissue escaping meir sanative im press. Age does not impair tne properties or iicae Pellets. They are sugar-coated, and in closed in glass bottles, their virtues being mere by preserved unimpaired for any length of time, in any climate, so that they are always fresh, and reliable. This ia not the case with those pills which are put up In cheap wooden or pasteboard boxes. Recollect that for all dis eases where a Laxative, Alterative, or PnmtlTc is indicated, these little Pellets will give the moet perfect satisfaction to all who use them. T . J They-are Bold fey all Dmggliti at :cntf a bottle . . - erw TIM WMmwwwmwj mmm www m m wmf m , By an Immense praotioe, extend tnr through a period pi years, having within that tfine treated m&nV thousand COBRA nf thiviA riliwuv nAraillir to woman, I have been enabled to perfect a most potent and agreeable medicine that meeta he Indications nresentod bv that ni&M nf dis eases with positive certainty and exactness. TO dABbrnatA this nutiiml unor.lfli' mmiMmiili I have nam el It Or.Pierce's Favorite Prescription. The term, however, la hut a feeble exnresDlon Of my high appreciation of its value, baeed upon my own personal oosorvanon. jvs a ciose on server. I nave, while witnessing its nositlve re sults lh the few special diseases Incident to the separate organism 01 woman, singled, n out as the climax or crowniuar stem of my medical career. On its merits, as a posi tive, safe, and effectual remedy for this class oz diseases, ana one tnat win, at au times ana under all circumstances, act kindly and In har mony with the laws which govern the female system. I am willing to stake my reputation as a physician. Nay, even more, so confident am I Chat it will not disappoint the most sanguine expectations of a single invalid lady who uses it lor any of the ailments for which I recommend it, that I offer and sell it under A POSITIVE OUABANTEE. If a beneficial effect is not experienced by the time two-thirds of the con tents of the bottle are used, I will, on return of the bottleJ two-thirds of the medicine having . j 1 T I a a 1 .11 - . 1 . V. n nA oeen iaj&en accoruing vo uirecuuus. auu uiu huw being oneforwhiofc I recommend it, promptly b ney para Kir iu uaa x not uiu nost perfect confidence in Its virtues, I could not offer ft as I do under these conditions: but hav " rug witnessed its truly miraculous cures in thou sands of-cases, I feel warranted and perfectly safe in risKing Doth my reputation and toy money on ltr leriM. o 01 Tho following are among thoso diseases in which my Favorite Prescription has worked cures, as if by magic, and with a cer tainty never before attained by any medicine: Iseuoorrhoea, Excessive Flowing, Painful monthly renoas, suppressions when rrom un natural causes. Irregularities. Weak Back, Pro lapsus, or falling of the Uterus. Ante version and Botroversion, Bearing Down Sensations, Inter nal .Heat, Nervous Depression, Debility. Des pondency, Threatened Miscarriage, Chronio Congestion, Inflammation and Ulceration of tbo litems, Im potency. Barrenness, or Sterility, Fe male Weakness, and very many other chronio diseases Incident to woman not mentioned here. In all affections of this nature, my Favorite Prescription works cures tne marvel of tba world This medicine I do not extol as a cure-all, but it admirably fulfills a single- mess - ox purpose, Demg a most peneci speeiflo In au chronio diseases of the sexual ays asm of woman. It will not disappoint, nor Will It do nana, in any state or condition. .. Thoso who desire farther Information on these subjects can obtain it la ihk Pkoplz's Oomxoir 8x2(815 Mbdicax. Ad vis kb, a book of ever 800 pages, sent, post-paid, on receipt of $un. It treats minutely of those diseases peculiar to Females, and gives much valuable advice in, regard to the management ol those. aoaooons. . - 1 VAVOI11TE fuescxiiptio sold triAUi 1- l B-TMCML D,, PJOJi1, BUFFALO, 2f r, P $777 V times, but ft can be made in three months by any of either 8ex. in any part of the countrv who is will: to work steadily at the em ployment that we furnish. $6U per week in your own town. You need not be away from home ovar night. You can give your waoie time to the work, or only your ppare moments. We have asents who are making over $20 per day. 1 AU who engage at once cars msKe money last. At the present time money cannot be made so easily and rapidly at any other business. It costs nothing to try, the business. Terms and to Outfit free. Address at once. II. Hallktt A Co., Toit land Maine. uly 6 Wo Eespectfully Offer to the ' ; Public QNE OF THE Largest and Cheapest stocks or;. v i READY MADE CLOTHING, j BOOTS AND SHOES, ; ; j HATS, DRY GOO dI, &Cj, &c, &Q.t &c, in tbis city or Stite. "Worripcctfalljiollclt a call before par- tiisin' elrswtcre. 1 .: SOL, BEARABBC3. i i 1 1 1 1 WW UiBcellaneous. A FulTXii QF CARDS OP ALL KINDS, fancy and the beauUful?iM-0 Calftji Full hftj varieties-! Will print lbem cbeap; Call and scc ,rpcjB S. G. HALL, Hook and Job rriL. sep I 2" Spartanburg & ew Route to tho Mountain 01 western No. Ca. rpuis NEW ROUTE IS Now n,, leave dailv the Depot of the O a p S in Columbia at 12:45 p. m.. and' Bf,;::'X - minus of S. AA. K. R. at 8 p rK close connection is made with fni'1 coaches for Flat Rock, llenderl! Asheville and Warm Sprinr.! , 22' will have choice to eo throotrh or 1;7ensr, Mt, Trjon, where the fare resume their journey early neit m and thereby enjoy some of the finJ? tain scenery on the Howard Gap taSns?0 be found in Western North CafoHBiP ke'h Arrangements have been made ,-., .v W. C. A A. K. R., for round trip the following rates : . P bckeU From Wil. to Flat Rock and return " to Hendcrsonville an4 rttlni $15,85. . mn Capt. S. S. Kirkland. of N. C , merlf of the Air Line K. R., will be on the arrival of the trains at the ten. of thc S. A A. R.' R., to see that pS" are provided for and sent forward witkoK lay. On arrival of trains passengers werT quested to ask for Capt.vKirkland, Vum and Transportation Agent Try thia new route. julyl2 DUNCAN, IW; JAS. T.. PKTTEWAT. C. U. SCUPLU' mcuiiia coiiiiiissiiii Brokerage House. J.VECEIVE REGULARLY rn.H U. . exhibition, samples of Coflee Floor, Bitt Molasses, Sucrar. Svrurjs. Tobaepn. Ar.. i Take orders for Meats, Lard, Salt, Candlei. Batter, Cheese, Soap, Lve. Potash. Ac. Wire promptly all orders. Orders and cob si cements solicited. , Were agents for the sale of WILCOX, GIBBS CO'S MANIPULATED GUA.NU and the Beasiy Cotton Tics. PETTEWA Y & SCU I ILK EN. doc 13 Highest Hoiiorti' AT THE CEHTENNIAL EXHIBI1101I he judges unanimously rcc( mmend lb ", MEND E:L SSOIIN 'Pianos.- . fok Tin; Dijloiaof Honor ani Medal of M Placing them iu the Front Hank W ithout a S u oerior For strictly liret-class instruu)nt. $000 for $250. $G50 for $700 for $300. $750 for $32$ $800 for $350. $900 for tvH $1000 for $450 No Coru mission to Agents. No Discounts to Teachers. No Deviation is Fnce- Thd.rylendelssolin' GRAND, SQUARED H?mJ o Contain valuable patents . and improTenses never before introdoccd. CflATHUSHEK'S U tie greatat ff$JZ " - ...... 1 f - The Mendelssohn jJprijrhH ' ARE TII r l.VEdT IN AMtUlCi. They are pronounced the "PUu.i - Patarc", ' -1 " Ko. 190 ' 67th St. lOtlx ATepae. piAtios SEfIT mi TniAl te, lllMtrated and descrlpurt CateS1 c aUed free. ENDELSSOHN PIAKO (XX PRICES SEI HT1I Pdmo Busurm omci i leb n septal ' : . . - . - 7 FTCptitttTj

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