THE OHIO GOYERKOBSHIP. senator Thurman Declares that he Will Kot be t Candidate. WAsmxaTox. Jan 5. Senator Thar man will not determine until to-mor row whether ho will attend the JLemo vratin nAlftfirfltion at Columbn?, Ohio, He will do" so if the .h mnlprnfpji bo as o render Ipsa disagreeable than nw t' onoh hn will start for that citv to-morrow' sight. The theme usslgned to hira for ft speech is "Toe Jackson Democracy," and to this sub ject ha'aava he "would devote, h re marks, without discerns the finan cial question. He would sileo give the whv ho dees not desire hi? name to be used as a candidate for thH Governorship of Ohio, aa Las ueer predicted 4for hira. The Senator 1 tree and emphatic in the declaration that, under no possible circumstances, will he to bo -thus used, and of thin dJ mination he has advised numerous i-nmint Demo crats in Otdo who. I :ir.' vr:ttv!i to, or orallv ccmmunicnttd v,t Km- up n the subject. THE FKEJit'll ELECTIO.NS. . Great Kepublican Triumph About Flnr-Sercn Majority in iho Senate- pAnia, Jan 5 The Senatorial j -U c. tions, which took place to-day, iesult ed in a great liepubliexn triumph. Of 47 Conservative Senator, whose terms ixpiredi only 13 have Iwn re-elected. All the retiring Senators havo been re-elected. The jzeueral re Hult shows the election of 16 Conserva tion and. 64 liepubiican. I The Re publican majority in Ho Ssnftio will bo about 07. Btcond ballots are :.5tc -sfary ia tho Depitrner,t: or Haute Garonea and Xiinde". Tho tt-Mib of tbe elclson ijvMMrriniijMO i"t yet kcown. , Amonc the uewl-. lecttd Kej.ibli- can Senators are M M Fournier.Ambaf pador to 1'r.rkeT: Do .Rismut-at, I aye Massy, nud Gen .IV 1.t'1k ' Among Iho rejected Cck2 r'-i'i v-. (TO AIM de Ife.'castel, Ijictrr r. hie, i)ufaur de Gavardie. Adrian i . M.-mffolfier. Vioointe d .U ttbz. 'M l:i , m-, M de llaatard Datu, (Seu. i'oibson'net, 31 Bernaid-Dntrell. M. Ii:rnpard, Comte da 15ouillt Mtir.siixi Cu;ri.brr, and Gons. Ponrco?, L v n-l de Espe'uillct;. Later retaiiiij show that M Dufanr de Gavaidie. 0.hru vAt:v -.' brt-n elected to thn rftiat- .: a. s- e:nd ballot; v Elector 1 btaustici wonderfully, cor roborate .the reports of Ui progress made by tho Rermblican party in France. "Fifty-six. Cdnaervativos elec ted in 1S7G received 15, GIG yotes, whereas ia 187D they obtained 3,208 votes onjy. thus losiug 12,433 votes. Nineteen Republisans elected -in 1876 received 5,636 votes, and in 1879 re ceived 20,262, thus gaining 34,626 votes. The Failure of Ihe Cornish Bank LbxDON, Jau 5 It is believed that the liabilities of the Cornish Rank are over a million pounds sterling. Some say the bank can pay in fa:), but it seems to be the more general opin on that this is impossible in the pres nt state of mining enterprise. e lieved the mines of Western Cornwall I aione owe tne bans jKIUU.UUU, tne caU- ing in 01 wmcu loaus would nave 9 most disastrous effect 0:1 the whole oi West Cornwall. Collections to lid Archbishop Purcell. Cincinnati," Jan. 5 Collections t. aid Archb shop Purcell in his financial distress were taken in the Cathedral an other churches to-day and large sums ob tained. The committee sent out to takt collections throughout the diocese are ac tively a work, and tho amount thus ob tained is very large. Suleiman Pasha Exled for Life. C0NT2?riN0PLE, dn. 5--Saeliman Pasha'rt appriti uk been rejected. H' has been degraded and exited for life, and now. appeals to the "Sultan foi pardon. Sf vet Pasha, tho new Am bassador to Paris, has asked the iultn to be allowed to remain in Constant. , nople, and is authoriz?d to postpone nis departure. It is possible that anoiLer AmDassacor may ne appoin ted. The Porte to Surrender Podgorltz.i Constantinople, Jan. 5 It is ea:d that the Montenegrins intend to forci bly enter Podgoritza, without awaiting the arrival of the Turkish Commission at Scutari. The Porte has informed Prince Lobanoff that it hs absolutely resolved to surrender jfodgoritzt. J the Commissioners fail to pertuidt the inhabitants, it will withdraw the Turkish troops and functionary 8. Prince Lola aoff has replied that ti e surrender cf Pdgorit2a will ascelerate Russia's evasuation cf Tuikish terri tory. Grape juice. Tho art of fermenting the Oporto Grape - nw wme m mis country nas been orougn: to a greater decree of perfection bv Mr. Alfred Speer. of Passat. New Jeraev. I than by any other perion; and his wine is! very popuur as a lad wino. well fla ror ine Communion tablA and for invalids- ?0nale bv J. C. Mnnda Rrm Sr cer ana r. u Bridger8& Co. A Cir.i. To all who are snfTAHnf ti wm aou inaiscreuons of youth, nervous weak. w a w uviu eus 4vw tiess, early decay, loss of manhood: At. II Peat wUl cure you, FBEJS 1 k)kf L-UAKGE. Tnis great remedy was I h y Nonary in South Amer- ta aiessei JIop3 to the 1801131. There will bo aNeuseriver improve ment meeting in Uoldiboro, on Thurs day, the 16-h inst. i ' Charlotte Observer : There! . li' CO demand for gold whatever at the city banks. Only a few persona -have ex pressed a desire to have it instead of greenbacks. . V ; : ; Oxtord l&rchlight: Rev Mr Shields, of. Winona, Misa, hai t; been called to the Rectorship of the church of Holy Innocents, Henderson, N G- It is not - ,.' I . AX yet - learned if ne uas accepvea me can.. . 1 v-: , -r: ' , ' The Raleigh rAea, learns that I be number of conv'cts at the Penitentiaiy on the 1st of December was 349; at work ou the Western North Carolina Railroad, 592; on the Western Rail road, 99; on the Ciiester and Ijnoir 48; end on the Georgia and North Cdn liaa, 2?, making a total of, ,1,1 16. The Kinstcn Jovrndl 'caysr- In the last CoDgressioaal eC:i03; Captain Kitchen lacked only iiueen fptes of receiving the Vanca vote of 1876, in Jones county. Now, we hope Col Waddell will not think we had no po tatoes to dig on that day, for our neighbor, J C Parker, made this year at the rate of four hundred bushels to tt!tcre and had plenty time to vote for Kitchin. If any body doubts it we win jve particmarj. ( Bcboaw, N. C, ) Jan. Ctb, 18 179, j imjon Review ; The Board of County Comraissionors convened here to-dayJ consisting of Mes srs. Daniel Shaw. Jaroca Alderman and George N. Corbett, all Democrats. Dan ial Snaw,E3q.t who is one of the beat fi nanciers in the State, and a skillful man ager of countv ..affairs, is chairman of the Board, and by nsa supenor aaministrative ower, 13 cl course its master spirit. Ac tion was taken to secure,' a special liax by the legislature to meet .present indebted ness of the county and to erect public buildings, such as a pu and poor house Uharlfs M. lay lor, purveyor, gave his bond, which wag accepted. A. . h. Taylor, Coroner , elict: )fired his bond butj it, was f rejected on the ground of insufficiency in not ' meeting the ltgal requirements wnreupon, Dr. lieor-je r . liUcas. a gen- tlemau of talents, science and skill in ,he medical profession, wn elected Coroner. This is an admirable fcppoinlment. The ofSce of Coroner should alray9 be filled by a corap tent and true piivsifian. . Other buvint-s-i or. importance jU-as trafiictDi . . . , Oivts Wilmington District N ?irsl lound of Quarterly Meeting, il tb- Duplin, at Magnoia, January 4 and 5. CliciLon,at Clinton, January 11 and 12. Coharie, at Mingo Lodgcj January 17. Cokesbury, January IS and 10. 1 Bladeu. at Center, January" 25' and 2(?. Elizabeth, at Elizabethtown Feb. 1 and L. Waccamaw Mission, February 11. Smithville, at Coucord, Feb. 15 and 16. Wilmington, at Fifth Street, Feb. 22 & 2S u atFront Street, Mch 1 and 2 Topsail,' at Union, March ,S and 9. Onslow, 4at Tabernacle, March 1 15 and 16. The District Stewards will please meet rae as (the Parsonage ot Front ctreei Church, Wilmington, Feb. 25trjy 1879, at iu o ciocir, A." M. A, lull, attendance i& pesired.- L. S. Buekhkad, Priding Eldetw ' A Valuable Discovery. The Discoverer ot the prd cess for matrng cod liver oirJ paiatabl s is cer taiuly a public hen e factor, for it is uuiver- sally adraiLted to be the best remedy foi Consumptive and Scrofulous cases evfei prpduced, yet ou accbdnt of its sickening astes many risk death rather thau take it 1 h3 luauufdCLusors ofScoTT'ti emulsio K COU LIVEK OIL. With the ' IIYrOPHOB phit-8 of limb and soda, have by then1 peculiar process, succeeded in removing he unpleasant taste of the Oil .and mad- it as palatable as Fresh Cream, and. witl he addititlon tf the Ahich is au excellent Bone aud. Nerv Tonic, have produced a remedy of tbt rea.:est value iothe above diseases. Hotel Arrivals EmpibeHocsb. Wilmington N. O.. Jan.. 7 1. it. L)oibv.i , oruurietur - from .8: 15 o'clock Jan. C to 8:16 o'clticP Jan. 7 Ceo T Gillsj ee iiFlemington, N C; A Ross E Legg, W Alster.mithvihe, N C: J W Dunn. Raleigb. N C: J A jMill Spmter. S C; W A John'son, Dar lington. S C; E Jackson, L Frank, ,Rich- raond, Va; E U Brinfeley, Weldon. N C; w J Graham, A Lennon Wedgefield. S C: J L' Collier, Paris, France; A 1), La vers, Philadelphia. ' n .- The TUeriumier. ' From the United States Signal Office at his place we obtain the following, report of tho thermometer, as taken this morn ing at 7:31 o'clock : , , ' ' Augusta, O ........IS Mobile, Ala..i 25 Cairo, 111 24 CHarleston, S. C....2a Montgomery Ala...2t Nashville 17 Cincinnati 9 New Orleans 34 Uursicana, Tex. 30 New York ......22 rort Oibson, C. N.29 Galveston 49 (ndianoia 43 savannah, Oa 2 ShreveporL. 25 ftt. Liouis Mo 24 Jacksonville, Ela...27 St. Marks. Fla If bnozvilIe....n 10 Vicksburg, Miss.... 18 Lyncabur...... 18 'Memphis, Tenn..M.21 v asnmgton, D CIS Wilminjrton, N. C.18 STOP AT THE EMPIRt HOUSE This house has been thoroughly refitted anil refurnished and .the facilities for the accommodation of Jts gutai nave oeeri emargea and lroDroved Wa are determiued to make 1 the bousQ ' . comfortable and1 desirable in utuja4 j " wtawc. . A strictly first-class house, at prices to suit tne times. A tine DUiiard Parlor ana Bar attached. . I. L. Doir. dec 13-lm Proprietor. Bookbindery. fTlHE DNDEB SIGNED would recneetfollv inform the eitiseas of vYUmlagton that 14 now prepared to execute all kinds of Bookhinderr. Old books mads as rood as new Priees very reasonable. Orders for work may be left atS.O. Hall's Job Printing ofiee .rrtneess street. , nevll . R. GRANT, Ja, GOIIIXSBCIAL I77 S. WILMIKGTOIV MARKET Jajbtujlbt 71 P. SPIRITS TURPK2fTIirE Market quoted nrm at 25 ceats. Sales of 40 casks at tnese flgares, . k ROSIN 'Market quoted dull at St 17K Strained and Good Strained, ?o sales re ported. '. - .. :- - .. . TAR steady at ti;63. Sales receipts at quotaUooa . : .- CRUDE TfJRPJiS TIN E Steady at $1 25 for Hard and $1 85 tbr Soft .and Vlrgla. Sales at quotations. ' v . COTTON Market quoted, doll and nomi nal. 2io sales reported. The follewlnf are the official qaetaUoas : Ordinarr . . - - Cents. 8 1-16 Good Ordinary.......... Strict Good Ordinary. Low Middling.. Middl in fir... ....... .... ......... I Qomd Middling.. biilt aicairrs Cotton . ; ... H ST3 bales Spirits Turpentine.... 193 casks Rosin.: . ...............1,923 bbls T. - 120 " Crude Taruentine.'. 4fc8 " . BIABINE JJEWS. ' ARRIVED. , Steam-yaobt Passport, Harper, SmiChvllle, Geo Myers. . , -: Wor barque olyst, Johnson, Dandalfi:,.R EHeide. ' Steamer A P Hurt. Worth. Fasrettevfliey -1 Worth fe Worth. 1 , . CLEARED. Steam-yacht' Passport, Harper, Smithvllte, Geo Myers. 8chr Jennie E Simmons, Grace, Philadel phia, Harrias & Howell. I Nor barque Sivah, Olsen, Hamburg, G Boney A Soa. 1 Am schr Kapldan. Bowker, Bermuda, (ballast) G Barker Co. Steamer A P Hurt, Worth, FayeUevllW, WortnA Worth. . ; . Exports. COASTWISE Phlladslphla Sohr Jennie ' E Simmons 69.370 ft lamber, 83,050 shingles, 210 tons old iron. - soasiea. . Hamburg Nor barque Sivaa 2,773 bbls rosin. WEEKLY STATJSMElf T , stocasow BAira ir. 6, Bf9. . Omo ashore ' afloat 1 Ttai , Spirits 3hora... 8,608 550 0,058 Rosia asbore.... .mM 0,168 9.082 aftoat... TtrtaL. 89,23. Tar anoreM..' afloat..-.. 5,416 ! 1,500 Total 6,915 Crude aahof e....-..... . 1,690 j aitoat. 70ftlee ! 1,600 aBoaxtra vaoM 1, to .ta. C, 1879,. Cotton.... " 1 T - 1 t i 1 in' - r 1 1 iiiiiiiiii pits.....,...,.,,,,.,,...,.,,..,,,,', Rosin....... ........,.... ............... . 1,363 1 952 7,918 881 crude...... 1,026 iroars; fsok lAr. 1, 10 sin. 6, 157S. Domestic. 1,159 spirits Kosin 161 639 145 175 2,0T9 I tide.......,.......... ....... i ForeijrnL 1 Resin E,&H:T. ANTHONY & CO., 591 Broadway, Xew York (Opp. Metropolitan Hotel.) Manufacturers, Importers and Dealers ir . Velvet Frames, Albums, Graphoscopes, Stereoscopes andTiewr Engravings, Chromoe, Fliotographs, and kindred goods, Celebrities, Actresses, ett Photographic Materials. , . ' - .. i . Wejare Headquarters forHerything i , in the way of ,. Stereopticons and Magic Xantems, Being Manufacturera of ti'ie Mitt vSdentific Lantern, otereo-ranopticon, i University Stereoptican, Advertiser's Stereopticon, fc v Artoptieon, School Lantern, Family Lantern, People's Lanteru. Each style being the best of its class in tne maraet. Beautiful Paotosranhlc Transnarnrfft of Statuary and Engravirgs for the window. convex feiass. Manufactuers of Velvet Frames tor-Miniatures and Convex Glass flexures. - Catalogues of Lanterns and Slides, with 1 J A. 1 m m ' uireciions iot using, sent on receipt ot tea cents. octll-d2w.w2m t B All 'Right JatJ Last ! ARE PLEASED at being able to state to oar friends and the pnblic that the store oceanied !br ua. dun k m m-mt r ' m w J . flra, hat beealfhoroaghly repaired and that ws have new in stock a fufi line of Ere&h Family Groceries, aad ata prepared tp fill all order. We hava aHH a fw ir(ili tun.j by the late fire which will tw sold at almost aaypriee. J. W. ALDEB1IAN A CO, . Familv Groeara. Cor. Ckestnutand Water streets. dee 4 SUBSCRIBE TO TOE DAILY &EY1ST7 Only f 9 oemta per month t city smasar Oa it r w; Vi ter aad Ghestaaftta, ' 5,122 1,074 17eT7 Advortigpsieiita. P. L. BBlDGrEBS & CO. Tkote wWU read this rbyass and tL-U oar w W ; . .... Will appreciate more than ever before That omrmaie does not V1IKI.T aspire , To climb Olytspas, and iagtoriootly expire la the attempt, bat keepi-an even pace With the time, and always point to the. place Where taey 'Wow' about one special thing. Which has, withoa: doubt, the rro basiness rinff. ' And this thiojr w wil biiflr plJ.i, With the hope that we wi 1 0109 uo pain To brother (frocert, wo, ia years g ino oj, Learned to git good at figure lUit sr-ie high. . . Unfortunately wa see S''iif th-in invh. To ftfUo.Uie'castnii. " Auld $jief Bat we cocside-r'h fTff t-r of congrataiatidn That we're no fuy u ina in oar edaeationl In old time "big. profita" hd a wid range, And old habits are hard, hard to caange. Of Wilmington grocers we take the lead 1! Now t ; prove this assertion wecnly need To remine the public that ou r clean new store Made others be paiatod and wpt a little . more! .1' ' Like all baiiness men who are. truly mist, We at" once began to extenetreljjadrertwe, Whoa oar friends catching the idea, tt ought ' it. well 1 ' ;- To Increase thir space, as th printers will tU ! At first we pat some poetry ia oar "a Bat when they saw this plaa was not bad, They followed oar lead. And when we tried I prH ', The followed as aleely as if led by the bom! We neat Jthonght 'fcrouM be well to tiy rhyme, ' When !o! they grasped the Idea as rablimel ThoeghJ tley lave fallowe j ia all wo hare When this battle it well fonght aa 4 wen, Some will see that "extra per ceBt" isn't "nonsense," . ; But with old stock ani raeh heavy expense, They will find that tbept lees ofP. L, Bridgers . A Co. . . 1 If foilewed will sni bly t ring them to wo! To prove that we main what we say, We announce that we sell for a week from to . day, ' .. .. . . ; JSieven pound of "AJdogar" for only oro dollar, , Which lead we iavite all srrecers to foHow. The mase here eanffht si lie of -tht mic horee grinding machine of Herr Von Kns Kringle, and was so thoroughly dfeguted at the cbeap way of srindioer oat coetrT that oeitherJoTe nor money could induce him to finish or rhyme, so it had to come to aa abrupt ending. - 1 Kespeeff ally and Truly, jaa Stf '.. P. L. BK1DGER8 A CO. Piour5 Bacon, Coffee QQQBh8 FLOfJB. aH grades, OQA;BexesDry:Salted and ' e'moked Baeea, OQr Sacks Jara4 Leguyra ' and Rte;Ceffie Sugarslllolasses, 90 WW Crushed, Oraaulated, 8Und 4tOJ ird A, BaeC, and O Sugars, j Bb!s PortoJIticoTCuba, IT. O. 91 to ndS.H.AIolaHei. AILARQE AND IFEESHfcTJPPLT.OFl ''Tacxers. Cinii q. 04. u ... PoUlsh' LJ BaaJJ MTS's,:o!ri j , vmir. uiae. ifnnora. Tff.n. Hoep Iron, . Ac., Ac BAQCrINO,7T WINFjriES. ' Salt. Lake George and Lebaaea Bh'eetlngs, ManchestetlsndiBaadolph Tarns'. For sale low. by XMT4 II -mm- - - "I ff AJIiamS &, filarchlSOIl. I jaa Msw. - i z Aft am a 200 Tons Coal. NnTniuirtin'' . , I out ta proportion to aloresaid nard times, ,tZ a ED 911 czes nd wellc Jnrj retired, returned immediately, v.&ecuni lieilVJrA - I Delivered promrrtly as I - T J$ 8I usual. 4S00 Kegs Dupont's Powderunburht Atlowtpri(ffcah'-unbanit. mA Tj cV? w. customers. I Wood and Shinfflfta pectednext week. resb supplies ex OiO.Pltflrmr t. Cood Yard, Cor! Orwgf and B. ' Jn 6 Reduced Prices ! FOR y 003F,ilF0aE335S AND jaaf Miscellaneous Wum Dfiy pe (MORE t IGoods. Cheanest Poo . " 'I I . 1 1. I ijyfflfc mkA nM n, 1 Mllln V IlflTI tin 1 ft 4 ? r. fill j - - ...... . u Besii-aWe Styles ! h . Sold all the year SLTv J&. When we sell goods that are USEFUL as -yell as pretfy. stock and get prices. No trouble to snow goo3s. dec 11 ! SPEER'S Port Crape Wine Dsed in -Hundreds' of Congrations tor Char ch or Cod-. mnnion purposes. Excellent for Ladies and Weakl? Per eons and the Aced. Mt. Prospect Vineyards, New T . Jersey. ... Speer's Port Grape Wine J Four Years Old, V THIS JUSTLY CELEBRATED W ATI V m - , ' iv- . V&3 Wine is made from the juice of the Opoftr Grape, raised in this country. Its invaluab' Tonic, and Strengthening ProjertK are uasnrpassed by any other native Wine' Being the pnre juice of the grape, produced ander Mr. Speer's own personal supervision its purity and genuineness are guaranteed Tho youngest child may partake ol its gener ous qualities, and the weakest invalid jnaj ise it to advantage, t is particularly bene ficial to the aged and debilitated, and goiter to the various ailments that afflict the weaker .. Tt Tg. in every respect, A WINE TO BE RELIED. ON. , Speer r: J. 8herry? The P. J. SHKKK.Y U a Wine of SUPE tlOR CHARACTER and partakes of the rolden oualities of the crrape from which it is made. Fe PURITY. Ricbness of Fluror and MEDICINAL PROPERTIED, it will be fonnd nnexcellert, and must cot be judged Yy the many brands of Sherry now baforethe public 1 ajpeer's P. J. or Pedro J- Brandy, This noted Brandy is a pure distillatioi rem the crrape and is equal to the firust Hen- nessy or (Hard -.Hrand cs ; tr medicinal par . . . . .I . Doses it cn oe ren-a apon as iriciiy pure. 8eethat ,thf signature of Alfred Speer,. Passaie, S. J., id over the cork of each bott.e. A. BPEER'S ML Prospect Vine.yards,p. Jerser. Office.No. 34 Warren 8t New Yor For sale by GREEN A PLANNER, J. C. MTTNOa, Drueeists. and P. I BRIDFR 4 CO . ) ' jan 1 Lost. VNE 8IDE, or rather, oce half of aGold yonnC Locket, containing tA likeness of a Lady. The finder will be satisfactory re- warded by leaving the same at thisotlice ice. i I w mm Found GnUfy --Suit tn Damages, &c. A T THE LAS r Term of .Quick ton Market iJL uonrtta Juaee narp, preswi- c qui'r an intereetlfisr cae was read from tho civi docket It xeea8 that L. J. OTTLUBODRG. of "Men s Wear Depot" n thi city, was ar- ratgaed for selling rioiungf Hat-.tarnifchicg woas' anatLiiiinn uoliars Deiow a proper margin, the same provingdisaetrooa to -.thers doing a similar busin ss. After a-game fc, by the Attorneys on b th i .cs. Defendant was su-'weo to lesuiy, io-n: "in consa it a- a. ii m . . -. w eration of the general mono' depresi' throaghout thecouatry PRICES wire re- with th. virti.t Af ml M with the verdict or (rai!tv, not t the charge nnf mifUs.Ar KTrtK.TIIlCDillTV r . . THB P RR OF MrN"i"wEAU DeI POT'" We congratulate, foe.d OTTER- Rnnun v-.Kr-., ouutiuon tne aDoveacnievement tnat n mat aeii a sonarsa ouii s tea rvi l everjDody, 11 S B'.f W -m. ' m . m . . " an me aama we wun mm. jan 2 Samples from Baltimore and NeT? Orleans. -BDEBS for Molasses, E aJrar.Coffee,8oap. Meats, Bice. Ac, promptly exeentcd at bot prices BJ 4 AS. T. P sTT -.W AY, i .: r U W.t.r Street. 9ardware, Hardware 0LLI5S' TlkBER AND wnnn a vpq ', Everv Axe warranted. Nlmmn. u Zand Broad An. HmK hu.' ji... r-r m ' r'-" "vre motion Ae. All for sale ac lowest living ts br 1 GILFH A MOBOHIHON, 7 r ,a f840 Murchison Bloek, Dm'tbayHardware,Tiaware and Crockery htfora aalifag oa us. Sn 7 Miscellaneous; foir 0 0 0 1 pile OR IESS.) Prices, Latest and1 Kn round bufc especially at T JL'IStitt if i ' ai:l ce Removal. T REMPRCTFOLLY INFORM T0E' PUB.' xiic tnat I nave removed lie WILM I vol V 4RNCH OPTHk; A lit Vail iitn t . 1 hi owir.g to the d tiuction by hie . C Street adjoining Carrie's Stables "T A.rravs afullntoIr r cpfi 1 Vn r, mm TLKDBEEB oa hand, T iiU1 Th 8 BEER l hotti.i f.M ; . relied upon for its PURlTf.' " iats ;r.f jToFsir tfi fil,d an4 deIi-"d rJfe0:8 ? Uecc a-e jaa ' 7 V rvvmir, tAi. Steam Tug and Lfglitcrs For Sale. i ; i. HAVIN DETERM1NED to change cur. BoaitDWNTTAe,r fa, tho Steam Tpfi. uoat WILLIAM NYCE It ia inn . Length 56 7 10. Brtarf.fc?; if, a , ?v. toarether with M-ivrpwowu 10 Liffhters anrl 'flSTm.'- a 1 w-ll furnished with eT.rr cie for tho i.ioht.,-,.- oi: I' "VVV r 1 tllnu.L l ; Bnsi ess, and all, in "V"'ueu rei- and ready ror brk. Any penon desirons ,f j only examine. jan 6-lw LEM MERMAN A Cob.f . r 300 Bunches or Bananas. T?7? 1 "IS DAT RECEIVED will o? low Thosr?f' Wh'f will have the IdvzZi lW8 ' . lLit auvantaM of seleprinrr a nW -nr.1? OI v?ry chi Banam Hiit.sw - -...-faViWI scieuiisE a nice Du rich at s a MnnTnoi,n.t. dec 30 : Fruit aod Confecti.nerv fctores Tonsorial. nrr,.?".?1" A' I the base- nno-hi. J ""UBC ' "ve tnor-, ui iub fTl rra1 1 1J . .. nj ."1 " u na improved the old stand JlZiT-. P'ePred to shave.eham mir. and shave.sbampoo, ar d .VAwr y.J. Ihe best of work- Prices. ' narp jraxora aod low puces. . r k Vim . t,i mn lnM a V , JnlT W Bnggi inlv 27 t, rr. ' " l l ft a " usrue er Shop. ies, Bufffiries. Harness & Paddles. w jb wtt OAJLE AT ' GO'S Srd sL. opposite Hit Mali BEPAIBING LjJJJNE' WITH NEAT5ESS AND DISPATCH. jau3? WWG A 8PECULTT - '"' i.' ! ' : i ' ' ' '-f VI , . ' T n : : C S l C 1 VV 1 s ''5 :i . &i - - ,SJ i I ft h-jr W - , 'I