KEEP WING ! BROWN & RODDICK, 45 Z&arbet Street- 1 Great Annnal CleariDgSale. IT HAS BEKxf OUR ANNUAL CU8T0M during ths put four years to inau gurate a . in rider close out tbe balance rf our WINTER STOCK! atwf ich lime wewiU mike i;enerI Mark "Down on all Sur llu Stock ! Ua!-Trra will find every article marked - in pUia finr-f, th former price ia Blacic tod tbe UAUKbl) DOWN PRICK IN KEI), We cannot pt)nT.rte very R't.cle. as-it - waiiM iicufy tu much f our Fpase hut i-f llwirg will frire qii'n-- a g i.nfiil idea: WINTER DRESS C0QDS,7 81ASKETS, FLAHHELS, CANTON FLANNELS, Alio, LADIES', GENTS' AKD CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR. We mean business and will mrE every ar ti'le at mch a pr" ce that cannot f ail to satisfy a-it and all who anticipate makin? any pur chafes in our lm and would ad, for tbe b-nefit oi our patroninthecount'y,that'(hey roar rely on any orders thej may favor us with' being promptly and as faithfully filled h if ther stood at the counter. One Price to All ! SPECIAL SALE. We hare decidei to make a CLEAN 8WEEP of all our LINEN GOODS such as LINE?! TABLE DAMASKS, " " NAPKINS, 1 (k DOILIES, " TOWELS. And In order to make this a success we have marked them to the LOWEST NOTCH. Be assured they are reduced just as represented. You are Invited to Call and See for Yourselves, We have NO desire to deceive or rnisrepre-n ent anything. Our policy has Pi EVER been to get aYmuci as we could for our merchan dise, but to sell as LOW as possible in order to increase our outlet and keep the trade AT HOME. Call early. Brown & Roddick. jiall mm This important organ weighs but about three pounds, and all the blood in a living person fYj aoout three gallons) passes through it at least s other impurities strained or filtered frc:n it Pile e natural purgative of the bowels. -. Wif the Liver becomes torpid it is not i-eparaie Irom the blood, but carried through the ve'r.i f.n all parts of the system, and in trying to es ca; hrough the pores of the stin, causes it to . turn yellow or a dirty brown color. The Men; ach becomes diseased, and 'Dyspepsia, InJi 4 !cstion. Constipation, Headache, Biliousness, . Jaundice. ChiHs, Malarial Fevers, Pilos, Sick and Sour Stomach, and general debility follow. ; Mcrkbll's HPATlXK,the5Teatvegetai)idii Ll covery for torpidity, causes ihe Liver to throw W off frerm one to two ounces of bile cach'tin-.s the blood passes through it, as long as there is jan owcli of bile ; and the effect of even a fov in , dos npon yellow complexion or a brown dirt v iloolu5 skin, will astonish all who try it tbey beinr the first svniDtoms to disantiear. 1., 1 ...... .. ... euro in twenty minutes, and r.o disease ih.. aris from the Liver can exist if a fair tr- . iivw. bQLD AS A SUBSTITUTE FOR FILi BY ALL DRUGGISTS. Price 25 Cts.and$lv; cent V7ff TWTS it- The fatality of Consumption or Throat ar.d lA:ng Diseases, which sweep to the crave at Jm least one-third of all death's victims, arises from the Opium or Morphine treatment, which simply seupefies as the work of death goer cr.. fJJJ 'to,ooo will be paid if Opium or Morphine, cr lany preparation ot Upjum. Morphine or 1'rus ijsic Acid, can be fcund in the Glcee Flower I Cove m Strp . which has cured people vh- jare uv;ng to-uay wttn out one remaining lur.. 'No greater wrong can be done than to say that Consumption is incurable. Globe Floats O' Covet Sykit will cure it vhexi all other - means hive ti'ed. Mso. Cold Cuush, Mi Asthma, lrnchiti. and all discaes of the fcylthrqtand lungs. Read the testimonials f " "i the Hon. Alexander H. t-tephens, Gv.v. Sr::th fj'sad Ex-GoT.Brown of Ga., Hon. tieo. Vc.-.-2 body, as well as those of other re.markiiUc wm . res ia our book, free to all at t.e um iorti Q ind be convinced that if you wish to & cured 5 jw can be by taking the Globe Flower W CocriK Stkvt. Take no Troches or lxre:iges rt r Sore Throat, when you can gt Gloek FLcrwnt Stmt at same price. For sale by H all Drugg&S ljlPrice25Cts.and$1.00 n L mm Crave mistakes are made ia the treatment rf all diseases that arise from poison in the blood. p(.Xot oae case of Serofula, Syphilis, White Oi Swelling, Ulcerovs Sores and Slua Disease, in .a, thousand, is treated without the use of Mer l'curf in some form.' Mercury rots the bones, 3 and the diseases it produces are worse tkac . any other kind of bood or skin disease can be. "Da. Pkmbekton's Stthigia or Qvbex's O- DrUtiiTT is the onlv median noon which a " V r . j- - r t.n- j i-pa wi recovery irom ocroiuia, oypu Mercurial diseases ia all stages, can be hQis and reascn- ercui r. e bie aQunariBlK rm frmnri in i' 02 Price by all 1ruegists St. 00, . ( Globs FLowzjtXoc&w.STKvr aad Mek,- S 1 . w. f 7 . w S rTD!l FOt THE UTIR IOT S3JC DJ 1 Tl . . .... u jJTvggaa u 35 cent ana 91.00 ootues. mm ' cure "fall bilious diseases and Licr compijir.. 1 Us mde certain by taking Hepatixe in accord 23 fane with directions. Headache is trenerrui. I lr-i JV2J uy louaced. and that will cure lancer. 1 frojto will be pad by the proprietors if Em4 Mercury, or any hjgredient ot purely vrgeta- JI -ji V 1 t VOL 3. WILMINGTON, N. C.,1 THURSDAY, JANUARY LOCAL NEWS. ev Aiiverusecienrs. hK:s-8KEH iftcond-Hand '1'iaaos. P SiitttEK-an.i ObLdrffa'a Orercoat atreduced pric. ' ' S. JEWKxr Chri?:nia3 i Over. J. C 'ilL-NDs, I )ruit. Toilet at d Fancy The kitc season approacnes.j Wo-a is pleuiiful but no cK'ar er. TIju bi:; 5o" foot freslict inUie river is running oif npidlj. The hul caught' veste: of the season, were s 1 at' !." la or. . i . J- Partridges are pleiitU es are pSetittttil I at and robbing at ''" os!: 1 kit .n: (1 u;ar per dozen. There n r 1SM was a pi tit v ' heavy lire niDt somcwi;ere i;i the woods south of tbe city. ' Over r,GO,00i) bottles of Dr. Svrun are sold everv season i Hull's Cough :ul thousand? rf peisons sav- J from an untimely grave, lhe price is -5 Ci'uis 1 : Ltshiptillj standJ in stltu quo The b: on the marine railway ot Mesr.-assiuey & Ross; she'll be taken off irti few djs. Our German friends h; ternplation oiie ot their p ve had ia co'.i easaat j balls at' Germania Hall on Wednesday evening next,in which a new ajnd pleasant feature would bs introduced. Wo learn to-day that the proposed ball hits been indefinite ly postponed. Jauuary, J ebruary and ilarcli futjures advanced nine points in Xew York wi:hir3 an hour this aftcrnoon ai.d thirteen points since twelve o'clock. '-Whew t on:elOdy'a oing to get hurt, j j TheHopt Gerraaijjiaj Hall ast night, divided up as it was between Ihe old fogies and, very ycura AncriJa, was pleasant and enjoyable ' a all who. at tended. Jo was- a plejs:;) idea and "took" amazingly. i The Ger, barqns fsjdia lschau, Cap tain Bremcrs, for whom some anxiety had begun to ba felt, arrived safely yekterday :lt arrive alter aV v at Fleshiugca oyagejof sixty odd UilJS. X ii liiilljy IHCliu .1 The many liien-Js 1- w, Vj U II.IU Brcnjcr.s in .Wilmington will read this news of his safe arrival with unfeigned 1 I IT picasure r 13' a slip 01 the pen we j were maac to say iu j-esterday's editorial cd'!urnnks that Mr. Norment, Radical member of tbe Legislature, was from 'Cdlumbus county, when everybody knows -itj shouW have been Kobeson.' Old Culuoibua doesn't know bow it feels to have a Radical re presentativc in Raleigh. 1,1 Marine Items. The Nor. barque Wm. 'Jtuntcr, L$ tons burthen, Captain ' Johnson, which sailed from London on the 110 lb of last August, for this port, has not been heard from since. She left Dpal, England, on or about the Cist of Ai gust and it js fear ed she is lost. The Ger. barque Djtlia Vcschau, cleared from this port on the 13th ofj No vember for Antwerp, t arrived at Flesh- ingen, the entrance to the harbor of Ant wcrp, on the loth instant. . , 1 I Gone to the Bpttoin. Lieut. Ralston, oflicer in charge' of the Signal Office at this station, received the following from the Signal ..Office at "Washington City, this morning: "Nor, barque Success, Holding commanding. from Wilmicgtcn to Hamburg, was beach; ed in sinking condition,! seventeen miles South of Kitty Hawk, (yesterday morniig at 6 o'clock. Crew all- savd. She is now sunk three hundred yarda from tbe beach. The Success was loaded by Messrs Paterson, Downing & Co., the cargo con sisting 01 5,190 barrels of roam. iShe cleared from this port December 21st. STOP AT THE EMPIRE HOUSE 1 . This house has been thbrdoghly refitted ami refurnished anrl tl fi.;i;t;Q- ; - w tHuuwca for tho accommodation of its gmests nave oeen eniarzea and improved We are determined to make the house . as comfortable and desira Ie in e very particular as any in the Slate. ' A strictly first-class house, at prices to suit tho times. A fine Jiiluard Parlor ana Bar attached, dec 13-lm 1 T Y V X. la. UULOiY, , Proprietor. Goldea Cake. Two cupfblls of 5art butter size of an egg, well mixed; th yolks of eight eggs beaten to a stiff froth, one cupfull milk, three cupfuls flour, with one teaspoonful Dooley's Yeat Powdzc sifted throagh it, flavor, add tho eggs last. Bake in small pans, ;. J. .'r i Daily I V i ' ' snpreme Court. In the Supreme Court, cn Tuesday, the following cases were .called: State vd Js I-ewia, from,Xew Hanover; argued uy Attorcey Geueral Knan for State and D L Ru2.-el contra C M Donhim va ThoQia Oaiji, et al, from Xew Flanovcr; argued by W S & D J Devaue, plaiutiff, aud AT & J Lon don, for defendant.-' State vs J II Blackburn, from Pender; put at end of district I H Brunhild & Bro v J U Freeman, et al.'trom New Hanover;' argued by A T & J London, for the plaintiff, and D L lius ell, for defendant. I ; j - , j-- Rather Dangerous. I Tuesday alterujout a c'uiored lad about eight years of age1, discovered a squirrel -jumping about in the bushes, in the front yard of Mr. A. A. Willard's residenco, on the corner of Sixth and Orange streets, and pulled out a pistoi and firfed at it He missed his mark and the little pet succeeded in gaining one of the larger shade trees in front of the house suid after wards ran in a vacant lot ' adjoining Mr i WilUrd's property. The- boy again fired but with what effect we know not. Such promiscuous shooting is exceedingly dan gerous and we know that if the offender of the city ordinance ebuld be apprehend ed he would -receive rfio punisment he so richly deserves. City Court. The only case before the Major this morniog was th-it of Geo. W. Johnson, whose arrest was mentioned in the Retiew of yesterday, for the larceny I of sundry articles from Mr. Dick Cortjohan, on the corner of Brunswick and Front streets. ' Mr. Cortjohan swore to the identity of the party, said he knew him well, and wa3 certain that the defendant at tbs bar was the party who committed the theft. It is but just to say, however, that the prisoner disclaimed any knowledge ct the transaction and asserted that j I he could prove an a.ibi as soon as he oould get his witnesses. The Mayor bound him over in the sum ot 100 justiBcd bond for bis appearance at the next term of the Crim inal Court. ' The Art of Kissinff. Newer kiss a young girl if she don't want you to. Tba main ingredient that makes kissing endurable is a willingness on tbe part of the female. If it deepens into anxiety, so much the j better. When a girl claws a man's hair and scratches like a fool, drop her at once. She is destitute of gopd taste rnd natural affection, a ad the sooner you make love to her sister the bet ter. As long as a girl don't yell and claw like a panther 'it is perfectly safe to contin ue prospecting. Get a little behind her, pass the rigbt arm around her waist In front, take the left, .and if you don't know what to do next go associate with the boys. If you are just beginning to teach a shy young girl, who has only been kissed here tofore by her brother and father, touch your lips gently to her forehead. She wiil take it for an exhibition of profound re spect. When that position has been gained, working the way down to the lips is as natural and easy as a log sliding down a wood flume. Never sit down to kiss ; it looks awkward In case anybody is looking and it seems awkward anyhow. Stand up and the closer you press the girl the higher estimate she will place on your good taste, common sense and experience. . The Thermometer. 1 From the United States Signal Office at his place we obtain the following report of the thermometer, as taken this morn ing at 7:31 o'clock : Augusta, Ga,......47 Cairo, 111 30 Charleston, S. C....&0 Cincinnati... M. ...... 41 Corsicana, Tex 41 Fort Gibson, C. N.23 Galveston....M.......5T Indianola .S6 Jacksonville, Fla...59 Knoxville....MM...M52 Lynckbur... 33 Memphis. Tenn...39 Mobile, 4.1a.. 54 Montgomery Ala...48 Naahrille 50 ftew Orleana.......5T New York..........2l savannah, Ga 52 bhreveport.......... . 48 St. Lonii Mo.....M2i St. Marks, Fla (0 Yickaborg, Miaa....56 Waihington, D C.24 Wilmington, N. C.43 New Jersey Wine sent to Europe. The success of Mr. Speer, the great wine man of New Jersey, has arisen from the strict purity and valuable properties of his wines for invalids and feeble persons, and bis reputation extends around the world. 1 His Port Grape Wine is now being ordered by families in London and Paris. For sale by J; C. Munds, Green k Flanner, and P. L. Bndgers & Co. A card. To all who are suffering from the errors and indiscretions of youth, nervous weak ness, early decay, loss of manhood, 1 will send a recipe that will core yon. FREE OF CHARGE. This great remedy was a? 9 1 - m .m m tuscovereu dv a missionary in oouia Amer ica. Send a seif&essedtzraiope to the Bkt. 'Joseph T. IraAsr, Station D, Bible House, 3"o Teri City 1 V d 4e w -r -LlluliJ V , JL JJ V v o - County Commissioners. The j Board of County Commissioners mt yesterday afternoon,the Chairman.Col WmL. Smith, presiding, and Commisnon ers Wor.b, J. A. Montgomery, H. A. Bagg andlA. J. Grady, present. Official bond cf Nicholas Morris, Stan dard Keeper, in tbe sum of $200, with M, Cronly and Wilkes Morris as sureties, was tendered and accepted and ordered to te spread on th : record of official bonds. Ordered, that the committee on Koad t and Bridges be authorised to repair tbe bridge over Green's mil! pond, near the old plank road. Report- on tba division of the Gordon road was received and adopted. Notice was given of a petition from sun dry cilizehs of Federal Point and Mason- boro Townships, for the -laying eff of a public road in said townships, commercing at apoiut m the Federal Point road, at or near the scven-m le post, to run as near as practicable with the neighborhood rac, in iuasoiiDoro township, to a point in the Federal Point road, a or near the twelve- mile post. Commissioner B G Worth reported the collection of a claim of $103 GO again the county of Bladen, less ex penses of collection, which was ordered to be paid over to tho County Treasurer. Report of the County Treasurer for December was presented and ordered to be tpread upon the minutes and placed on file. . The Board then proceeded to draw the regular venire of juror3 for the February term of the Criminal Court, and the fol lowing is the list ; E F Cason, Robert F White, George IV Crapon, John Maun der, Aloczo Hewlett, George W Perdue, F Rhelnstein, Thoma3 J Capps; Sr, J W Johnson, Nicholas Morris, Iredell John son, Mosss I) Mott, James H Taylor, C J Sbutherland, George Leonard, A G- Mc Girt, R G Rankin, John R Latta, Lewis Davis, Alex Moore, Henry, Shepherd, Jesse Lowe, R F Eyden, Wm Kellogg, W M' Hankies, E T Hancock, Joseph P W aiton,, John Casteen, Thomas Ennctt . The Chairman of the Committee on Public Buildings made a report in regard to having iron shutters put on the Court House, recommending that the contract be awarded to M. King & Co , as the lowest bidders, which was, ou motion adopted. Ordered that the Finance Committee meet on l-riday evening next, at 7 o clock. j The Board then adjourned to meet Wednesday evening, 22nd inst., at 7 o'colck. The Board immediately reassembled as the Board of Education, but transaced no business of public interest except th ap portionment of the school fund. The amount to be distributed was S9, 170, and the per capita allowance was fixed at $2 per scholar, both for white and colored pupils in the public school. Wilmington District . , - irst round pf Quarterly Meetings, Meth odist E. Church, South: Clinton, at Clinton, January 11 and 12. ioharie, at Mingo Lodge, January 17. Cokesbnry, January IS and 19. Bladen, at Center, Januarv 25 and 2G. Elizabeth, at Elizabethtown, .Feb. 1 and 2. Waccamaw Mission, February 11. Smithville, at Concord. Feb. 15 and 1(5. I Wilmington, at Fifth Street, Feb. 22 & 23. " I at Front Street, Mch 1 and 2 Topsail, at Union, March Sand 9. Onslow, at Tabernacle, March 13 and 1G. The District Stewards, will please meet me at the Parsonage of Front ttreet Church, WUmington, Feb. 25th, 1ST9, at 10 o'clock, A. M. A full attendance is pesired. L. S. Bcekhead, 1 Presiding Elder. An Income Without Care. By the combination method of operating in stocks a handsome income can be se cured without care. Capital in any amount, from 810 'to $50,000, may be used with equal proportionate success. By this system Messrs. Lawrence & Co., Bankers, N. Y., pool the orders of thou sands of customers, of various sums, into one vast amount, and co-operate tbem under tbe most skillful management, di viding profits monthly. Each share holder thus obtains all the advantages of the largest capital and experienced skill, and the percentage of the profits is very great; $20 will pay $100 in 30 days; $250 will return $1,825, or 7 per cent, on the stock, and so on, as the market varies. P. D. Drake, Esq., publisher Ro;k Island (111), Daily A rgns. made $104.15 on an investment of $20, in October. Hun dreds of others arexdoing even better. Messrs. Lawrence & Co.'s new circular has 44 two unerring rules for success in stock operations" and full information, so that any one can deal in stocks. All kinds of bonds and shocks wanted. New Government bonds supplied " Deposits received. Apply to: Lawres'ce I k Co., bankers, 57 fcxctsng FJace, A . Y. City. 16, 1879. (NO. 296 Pictures of "Our Boarding Uouse,"have been posted on the boards of this city. They look very nice, and the play will no doubt be well patronized.-. What "is-a town withtut aj boarding house? The Rise in the River. Fom Mr. Watson, the steamer X.orih Mate, we learn that up to yesterday morn ingthe river had risen fif:v -five feet at Fay etteville, bat at the time of bis leavirg FayetteHlle, thore wa3 a fail of four fret. 'r-V 11.. . i m iue river commenced cn bun day, the 12th inst. and reached its maxi. mum on the 1 14th. He reports foi:r 'chairs" of the new bridge r.f 'the Western Railroad, across Ik, R.-er, ;.,v..i t:een i 1 away antl sero j -ied l-v tl Forth 'Nate at' Ga Cr k. At Phin ney's Bltulth North States Ikt, loaded with 25 coads of wood bioke. j-drift ai d as not taken iu tow again until .they reacjhed Brown's Iach, below White Hall No damage. ws sustained He also Jsta tea that tie mn a; i.r. ken t..n.Wr raft ' which 'w a -scafn-d i ili-ictcc- i f thirty mi!e. The :. is, Mt ! to lowlands are -entirely ci-v-r: by water and in some places the waer is ifa-t six miles wide.. .Persons iiviri .'ia tlie lowlands have been ccmpelied to -0 on the high ridges and ir many plact-j only the tops of houses can be seen. On The Wiirc. The following has been handed to u by a sea-faring man, with the hbpe that it may be of service to the readers of the Review: Yesterday, at 3 j. in., off FryiAs Tan light ship, passed schooner Twenty-one Friends standing to the east ward; weather thick, fesh gale from the Northeast and rouh tevt. Also parsed a two-masted schooner standingjin for Wil mington ucrleij jury foresail with bul warks stove and boat gone; This schoo ner is now coming up th'j river, aad'Ij will ascertain her ::awe, j.roo ib'.y before I close this. 1 The folio wing is a list of vcsvcls board ed this noon at Smithvillep Barques Ed win and Mathiklc, off.' Fort Caswell, fin ishing loading for sc. , Off Saithville. Barque Dan Jticardo, ' from IIartinique 'or Wilmington, ia ball lit. iJcaooner Mercy T. Trunchj of Calais, Me., from Santa Cruz, looking up frei gat. Brig Flamingo, from Wilmington for Liver pool. Barque Gustave A'lotphe, from La Roclicile, France, for Wilmington light. Barque Ialkcn, from Wilmington for Cette, France. Barque rank, from Wilmington for Liverpool. Schooner Mystery, of and from Beaufort, X. C, for Charleston, S. C, with assortoi cargo. Brig Bore, from LaRochclle, .r'r.tnccy for WTimington 'light. iThe disabled schooner proves' U be the Allegro, oi Machias, Mc.: on her y -ay up. ! TRIBUTE OF RLSPECl7. We, the nndersisrned Committee aon.ointed at a meeting of the W.ilminfrton Steaai Fi e engine uompany flo. I, to draft resolu tiona, hereby submit the following: : " Whereas, in riew of the loes we ha!v! sus tained by the decease of oar friend and for mer comrade, JAMES W. LIPPITT, and of me loss etwuineaDy taose nearest and dear estto him, therefor be it Resolved, Thatitisjbut a jast tribute to the memory of the departed t ear that in re gretting his lemoval from our midst we mourn for one who waa in avery way worthy of our respect and 'regard! Resoiyed, That we aiccerely condole with the family of the deceased on the dispensa tion with which it has pleased Liyine Provi dence to afflict them and' cocim end them for consolation to Him who orders' all things for he best and whose chastisements are meant in mercy. Resolved, That this heartfelt testimonial of our sympathy and sorrow be forwarded tc the family of our departed friend and com rade, ana also that the cs aal badge of mourn ing be worn for the spac e of ten days, and that a blank page left in the record book of the company in memory of the deceased, and a copr of these resolutio ns be sest to the city papsfs for pablication. fl. D. IiUKKE IM2B. 1 I A. u. BKOW.V, Committea. L. T. BUWDE.V J Hotel Arrivals. Empire House. Wilciinsrt on is. t j.- Jan. IC.L L. Dfllhv nrnnriptnr from 8:15 o'clock Jam. 15 to 8-ir oV.lnrlr Jan. 16 M M Bash. Ga- A R Hnlwll Sampson Co; AI J Blue. Moore Co- .T Leach, J A Lear, Shoe Heel, X C; W II Bagley. Welclon, X Q W Sanders, Wake Forest, X C: H B Hankies -Rock v Point; Jas (J Lacostn, Charleston, S C. 1 Icr tnivards of ThirtT Tears Mes. Wikslow's Syrci has been used for children. It corrects ,aciditj of the stomach, relieves tcind colic, regulates the bowels, cures dys enter' and diar rhea, whether arising from teething cr other cause.- An old; and well-tried remedy. 25 tents a IxtttU. ' d & w. RECEIV THIS i ORXLNG a splendid line of white and rnlnr HtrHi n.-l Bristol board. Can g tro a nice job and the u espesi joo in cue nt f . m IXAILX EEYiLW JOS OFFICE The 'Consumptive! Only nope. , Verily, to most people, whose ivstems , are failing or in any way out of order, Oil 1 as a medicine, is the most disgusting1 and difficult to take. Few ' stomachs do not 1 revolt at the mere thought of Castor or 1 Cod Liver Oil. yet, when those appalling symptoms of decay appear which physi- ' cians and patients alike know are unerring signs of greater waste of blood and tissue than the nutritive p6wers are supplying. uxi L,iver On is the most trustworthy and ' effective remedy in tho world. But re pugnasce to its taste and odor reduce the . nervous patient to despjir. It ia then that friends and doctor can do him the most inestimable kindness he has ever known, by telling him of Scott's Emulsiba I rf rv-l T ; T-n i:i . u u it 1 i r w vv uijti vii nuu mo uypopuuspaiico iof Lime and Soda; by truthfully assuring . him of its entire ireedom from unpleasant sirell or cdor;,of its marvelous qualities a's a nutrient, jand the miraclr'it works, ia giving' tone' and energy ttomach, nerve and brain. 1 .' Now Advertisements. : 1 . ' 11 pARHES IN WAST OF A GOOD SEC O.VD-HAND PIANO will do well to call At U16 Live Kook Store We bate, on'hand an Upright Piano foj", $10. i wo qnare 1 jilc", w ith q-ord tone, for A r?.r chstic-j for sr.v ono in want of a CiiLAP' lNSTf:UJIE:-i'i'. Call1 at once at IIFINSBERGER'S, Nos. 33 and 41 Market at. The Latest PJews. rym. CitLEBUAl.- I) PEaKLHIKT can t P! :ai utiJ ready for tie 81 Call acd 3e tben:. Xo SHIHT ia tie market Can compete with it at even 25 per cent, more money, s I Sold only by ! a."david, dec i The Clotbier. Christinas is Oven 1 "OUT I WILL EE PLEASED TO anJ you in tto . - i Eook and Stationery Line, , and will endeavor to give you satisfaction In I ' x S JEWETT'S. I dec 27 VrontStreet Book Stor. " 1 ' Christmas Comes ( UT ONCE A YEAR BUT ljoU CAN B come either to-day or to morrow and buy your kiuo uuuuo. i am oaeriaz . ' I T some rare bargains for the Holidays a Gents' and Youths' and Boyt' Clothing, ' Call and fcc the best Uslausdiied Shirt In he.Cityfor 75 cents V , AT I SHRIES'S EMPORIUM, , . Market if. dec 23 Foirnd Guilty-Suit for I Damages, &c, ' I A T THE LAS r Term of Quickton Market t. Court,;; Judge -harp, presidios:, quite an interesting case was read from tbe civi docket. It seems that L. J. OTTERBOURG, of "Men b Wear Depot" n thi- city, waa ar raigoed for selling CIothing-Hat,Furniahing Goods and Linn Collars below a proper margin, the same proving.disastrona toothers doing a similar busintss. After arguments, by the A ttorneys on b th sides, Defendant was' all iwd to testify, To-it: "In consid eration of the general moner depression throughout the country PRICES were re duced NOT BELOW A LIVING MARGIN, bi't in proportion to aforesaid bard times, Ac. Jury retired, returned immediately,, with the verdict of euilfy, not ot the charg hut guilty of "JUST LIBERALITY TO TUB avaTR0X8 OF MENS WEAR DE POT'" We congratulate, friend OTTER ROIIRn.n the aboveachierement thathe mar sell a hnn dred SUITS and 8UIT evervbody. is all theti'ttnfge we wish him. ' . jan 2 V . . 300 Bunches of Bananas. . - ... I HAVE TLMS DAY .RECEIVED 300 Euncbes of very choice Bananas, which will besoldver r low. Those calling early will have the advantage of selecting a.nlcd bunch at S. G. NORTHROPIS, , dec 30 . Fruit .vnd Confectionery BtoreSt -r I I . Notice. ALL PARTIES interested will please take notice that no indulgence will be given to those in arrears to January 1st, 1879. All accounts prior to the year 1879, will be presented and prompt payment re quired either by cash or note. RUDOLPH F. EYDEK, Eureka House, No. 4 North Water st. , dec 00-1m i Buggies, Buggies, Harness' & Saddles. FOR BALE AT azmnA&sv cl go's 1 3rd s t., opioeite City Hall. REPAIRING DON15 WITH 2TEAT5E8S AND DISPATCH. . , HORSE-SI I0EINO A SPECIALTY jan 13 tf, I ' Toilet & Fancy Articles PERFUMXK Y, Ac, f ' yo! ft CHRISTMAS PRESENTS i - .... Prescriptroa 1 compounded; at all hourly day or night. A eomolete t ock to bur rom. JAMEJ t C. MUNDS, Druggist, T1 did street, Opp. City Halt . dee 21 , . . Iotice. APPLICATIC N" wi3 be mada t- the next General Ar eintly or the Stats for a charter to iccrr orate tie "TTilniistJa Ut Cf '..i:.r.:r.'t?3,

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