e THIS PAPEB Ii published every afternoon, 8undavi ex eepted by JOSH. T. JAMES, KDITOB AID FBOFRIXTOR. SUBSCRIPTIONS, POSTAGE PAID. )De rear. S6 00 Six months, $2 50 ; Three moathj, f 1 26 ; One month, 60 cents. The paper will be delivered by carriers, free of charge, in an y part of the city, at the above rates, or 13 cents per week. Advertising rates low and liberal f&B Subscribers will please report any and ail failures to receive their papers regularly KEEP MOVING ! BROWN & RODDICK, 49 Market Street- Great Am ual Clears Sale, IT HAS BFKN OUR ANNUAL CUSTOM during the past f ur years to inau gurate a in cider tojjcloee out the balance of our WINTER STOCK! at which time we will make a general Mark Down on all Sur plus Stock ! Ouf ; a ronn will find every article marked in pl-iin fiur--, the former price in Black nnd the MARKED DOWN PRICE IN RED. We cannot enumerate every article, as it would occupy too much of our space but the following will give quite a general idea: WINTER DRESS GOODS, BLANKETS, FLANNELS, CANTON FLANNELS, Also,; LADIES', GENTS' AND CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR. We mean business and will mark every ar tiole at buch a pr.ce that cannot fail to satisfy anv and all who anticipate making any pur chases in our line and would add, for the benefit ot our patrons in the country,that they mav relv on anv orders they may favor us with being promptly and as faithfully filled as if they stood at the counter. One Price to All SPECIAL SALE. We have decided to make a CLEAN SWEEP of all our LINEN GOODS such as LINEN TABLE DAMASKS, 1 " NAPKINS, it DOILIES, TOWELS. And In order to make this a success we have marked them to the LOWEST NOTCH. Be assured they are reduced just as represented You are Invited to Call and See for Yonrselves. We have NO desire to deceive or misrepre- fcent anything. Our policy has NEVER been to iret as much as we could for ear merchan dise, but to sell as LOW as possible in order to increase our outlet and Xeep tne trade A i UOMK. Call early. rown & Roddick. jan 11 Lecture by Col. D. K. McRae FuR BENEFIT OF THE t Wilmington Libraiv Association. lOL. MeRAE WILL DELIVER his cele- brated Lecture on "Genius and Talent," un der the auspices of the Librarv Association at the Or h.KA UUUoJSi on r it lis A l fliuni, January 31st. Tickets 25 cents each. Will be sold at the Book and Drug Stores, alto by member of the Committee ot Arrangements, fio Ke served seats except private boxes, which can be secured at Heinsberger's Book (store. jtn 25-eat-mon-wed-thu e-tr and Sun copy sun-wed-th-fri There is a Big Rush at SHRIEK'S jOR THE BARGAINS NOW so freely offered there in Winter Clothing and Fur nish ioe Goods. The entire stock Must be Sold I che next thirty day. to make room for S3 cr i r urtn H- inn i h hv iiul ltci si tipp get such bargains as you never ne&ra of - tj u i j i mJ ru L' ti unu I I I mm Market st Ummt Shirt in tho Pitv fnr cts Jan 25 ST BBT BJ - W I U BJ U AJ TJT I WILL BE PLEASED TO serv in uu Book and Stationery Line, . . rill endeavor to give yon satisfaction in transaction at 8. JEWETTS, i t r oat Street ifoox store. & Fancy Articles. r UK CHRISTMAS FRLSfcM'H ipaons comnnundpd at all nonrs . .. Ight. wete nock to bay rom. JAMES C. MUNDS, Druggist, Third street, Opp. City Hall. The VOL. 3. WILMINGTON, N. C, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 3,1879. NO. 311 LOCAL NEWS. New Advertisements. Hall 4 Pxamall Seed Potatoes. Hall Piabsall Good Flour. Johb W. Gobdob A Bao Life, li.e and Marine Insurance. Jambs 0. 8tbvbh80S F.ower and Garden Seed. Gilxs A Mobchiso' Direct Importatien. Gxbhabdt A Co Buggies, Harness and Baddies. A. D. Casaux Baltimore 8teamship Line. A. D. Cazaux Clyde s .New i orx aieam- ship Line. Williams A Mubchisox Just Received. Boatwbismt A McKor To the Pubic this week. P. Hbixsbxbobb Pianos and Organs. Pbsstob Cumming A Co Cora, Hay Ac. A. Shbibb There is a Big Rush. 8. Jbwbtt Christmas is Over. J. C. Mdnbb, Druggist. Toilet at d Fancy Articles. For other locals see fourth page. A bard thing to sharpen -The water's ed go. A locomotive drinks forty-five gallons a mile,. The man who has a; lellow-fcelir.g- The blind man. . Yesterday was one of the days of tho season. bHtter cold Some men are like ways murmuring. brooks. tl:ey are al- Nolhing can constitote good bteediug that has not good nature for its founds tion. People who are in' tha habit of flying into a passion should have their wings clipped. The indications are that there will be a big house to see Griofla-Griofle to-night. So mote it be ! The cornet is becormug popular instrument of church music, wicked man desires to know if as an Some this is praising the Lord in a horn? Before the war the fashionable styles in ladies' dresses reminded us of an um brella hoisted; now they remind us of an umbrella let down and buttoned. Nothing does a doctor so much good as to prescribe an ocean voyage for a sick man who can't raise money enough to pay his s(reet-car fare down town. The number of heart beats is estimated durine the year at 2,360.800.000. A V v www, young lady on Fourth street wants to know who can estimate the estimate the number of heartaches ? it is simply astonisning bow many people in town are laid up sick at this time, with ills, resulting from the recent sudden and peculiar changes in the weather. There is- but one verdict, and that is that in thirty-three 5 cars Dr. Bull's Cough Hyrup has never tailed to cure a Cough. Cold or General Hoarseness. At Drug stores. Price 25 cents; five bottles, $1. 4 Simple and Useful. A practical truck gardener in this f vicinity says .Perhaps one 6 fthe most ap propriate uses of an old fruit can that can be devised, is to make it contribute to the growth of new fruit to fill nsw cans. This is done in tbe following man ner : The can is pierced with one or more pin holes, and then sunk in the earth near the roots of the strawberry or tomato or other plants. The pin holes are to be of such size that when the can is filled with water, tbe 'fluid can only escape into the ground very slowly. Thus a quart can, properly arranged, will ex tend its irrigation to the plant for a period of several days; the can is then refilled. Practical trials of this method of irrigation leave no doubt of its success. Plants thus watered flourish and yield the most bounteous returns throughout the longest drouths. In all warm local ities where water is scarce, the planting of old fruit cans, as here indicated, will be found profitable as a regular gardening operation. The Thermometer. From the United States Signal Office at his place we obtain the following report of the thermometer, as taken this morn ing at 7:31 o'clock : Augusta, Ga. 31 Cairo, III 31 Charleston, S. C....32 Cincinnati 31 Corsicana,' Tex 36 Fort Gibson, C. N.'i9 Galveston 46 Indianola 46 Jacksonville, FU...37 Enoxville.............23 Lynch bare. - V Memphis, Tenn.. ...33 Mobile, Ala.. 34 Montgomery Ala.. .32 Nashville 28 New Orleans. 44 New York!. 32 Savannah, Ga 36 Shreveport..... 36 St. Louis Mo 3? St. Marks, Fla.. Yickaburg, Miss... .33 Washington. 38 Wilmington. 27 Daily Yesterday Morning's Fire. Yesterday morning, about 3.80 o'clock, one of the female members of Mr. J. W. Moody's family, residing on the corner of Fourth and Brunswick streets, was awakened by the dense smoke which filled her room. She woke the family, who had barely time to escape in their night clothes. The alarm of fire was sounded, but so rapidly did the flames consume the building that it was too far gone to be saved. The fire originated in the store at tached to the dwelling ol Mr. Moody and owned by Mr. Christian Hussell. The first bnilding consumed was that occupied bv Mr. Moodv as a store and dwelling. A one-story f.ame building occupied by wr l t . A aamfl timft tlm burninir of th Strode . .. , . DUUUIDZ. LDti rUOKlVU UliU&Cb UUUW caught fire a'id was soon destroyed. A building opposite the market, owned by Allan fcvans, and occupied Dy iarne mc- Koy, was next ignited, and a house East of siroae's resiience soon ioiiowcu sin;, um . , . i m m f l l j . : i. the fire on these two dwellings was extiD guished by the fire department Mr tiussell had $2,260 insurance on his DroDertv in the Frasklin Insurance A A Company, represented in this city by Mr Norwood Giles as fellows; On Moody store and dwelling, $1,460: $40 on store fixturec; on the Strode building $400; on the house next east of Strodes- which was damaged agaoU. 1 tie Uity bad no insurance on the Market House nor had ! Allen Evans on his pronertv. Ha esti mates his loss at about $50. On Mr Moody's stock there was 8850; in a com pany represented by Jno. W Gordon k Bro . a nd $500 in a company represented by Atkinson & Manning, s200 on store and bar fixtures and $450 on household and kitchen furniture and wearing ap parel with Gordon & Bro. Mr. Moody estimates his loss at $1,000 and Mr. Hussell says his will be very heavy. The origin of the fire is supposed to be the ex plosion of a kerosene lamp. Fire in Bladen. On the night of Thursday, the 22dinst. the barn with the whole of its contents, of Mr. F. J. Anders", residing npar TWttV. I - w 7 - - v w v I 1 Bridge, was totally destroyed by fire. Everything was perfectly safe when the family retired to rest at 11 o:cleck. but when the alarm was raised, at midnight, by some colored people living on the plantation it was found that the torch had been so fiendishly and effectually applied that by that time the roof had fallen in so that nothing could be saved, and it was with the most utmost difficulty that the horses and mules in the stables, closely adjacent, could be rescued. This entails a severe loss, estimated at $800, as all the com, peas and forage, with a large nor-Mon of Mr. Andrews' farmins? imnli- ments, were No insurance. stored in the building. Nat Just Now. For the past two weeks there has been a very general rumor afloat in this ccm- munity to the effect that the Wilmington & Weldon and Wilmington, Columbia & Augusta Railroad Companies were going to erect a new and handsome iron bridge . . across the tracks at the head of Front street, to take the place of the wooden structure now in use. From Capt. John F. Divine, the General Superintendent of both roads, we learn that is not the in- tention oithe compaay to build at present, An iron bridge builder has been in the city and has furnished estimates of the cost of erecting a bridge, but no steps tending towards its erection will be taken just now. Is It the Same 1 It was rumored at tbe City Hall this : 1U.1 t a 1 1 Luoiu-ug mat uamej. Auusrsua. woo WSS o t y, I arrcBieu on jur. insoa s piazza on aunaay ..j r. wr:u L i morning before day, is the same who some seven or eight years ago, when a lit tie boy, conspired with the little villain David Martin and two or three other colored boys to murder the ' lad Willie Carter. The photographs are all hang ing up in a private apartment (and a very suitable place it is) in the City Hall and it was thought by ' some who rrktr- of it. th'.m mnrninn tViaf 1!W. ness between the picture and the defen- dant was discernible. Death or a Worthy Young Maa. Mr. Edward D. Sdiriver, a very prom ising young man, and one who was held in very high esteem, died at his fathers, residence, at Castle Hayng, eariy this morning. Mr. Schryer was Postmaster j and Static Agent at Cattle Hayne, posi tions which he had held with great accep. tability. He wis only 23 years old and had been ill only about ten days. Review. Personal. We understand that Gen. M. P. Tay- lor has accepted the general agency of the Jil i 1 Ml sown Auanzic magazine, ana win canvas Wilmington and other cities in the inter est of that publication. Gen. Taylor is a genial gentleman and a very popular one withal and if anybody can succeed at the business most assuredly be will. Another importation. 1 JT r I n m mesnrs. uues iK Murchison have jus received another importation of earthen ware troin the English potteries by the British barque Nancy Molt. The above named gentlemen are the .pioneers in this C'ltrmisj aW rinHi e libAial .l.uam for -.1 i " , . ? . direct importers ot the articles named in Going Back to Raieigb We believe that the gentlemen from this cit wh. Wfint lUM h , t k as delegates in the interest of the oity re turn to the orate Capital to-morrow morning, or at least a majority of the deiegatiou, we understand, will return and among them Major C. M. Stedman who we are informed by gentlemen pres ent at the time made a very fine effort before tbo committee and outstripped all of his opponents in the speech he made, both in point of rhetoric and in logic. Harbor Master's Report. From Captain Joseph Price, Harbor Master at this port, we have the following rePort of tbe vessel arrived at Wiiming- ton during the month of January, 1879: American Arrived Tonnage. Schooners 13 ....2.C85 Brigs 1 249 Steamers 6 .4,199 Total 20 7,088 Foreign Arrived Tonnage. Schooners 2 379 Brigs. 12 8,491 Barquentines 6 1,603 Barques 11 3,812 Total 80 Total number of vessels 9,285 American and Vnrm ah rp, . r .. A. V 1 V 1 U . W - 1 IllitVI M I 111 III I I t. Ill II III IIM tJJf - m mmm V b u f V W M U M . V 16,368. Cit j Court. Tne fir8t case called thia morning was JaC0D Ihompson, colored, charged with dl8orderly conduct. The defendant ap- Peared before His Honor and prayed a continuance of the case until to-morrow to afford hlm aa opportunity to summon witnesses, which was granted and the case contmued until to-morrow morning at naIt Past mne- James Anderson, colored, was the next case caUed, when after hearing the testimony of the officers who made the arrest, the Mayor directed that a war rant be made out against the defendant for attempting to break into Mr. Wm. A. Willson's house on Nun, bet ween Fourth and Fifth streets. The warrant was duly executed and served on the defendant.and be was bound over to the Criminal Court m the sum of $200 justified bond, after which the prisoner was committed mto the hands of the Sneriff who in turn 1 -1 -, . . . . nanaea him over to the tender mercies of Dan. Howard, the jailor. The testimony proved that the prisoner waa found on Mr. Willson's piazza about 4 o'clock Sunday morning in bis stocking feet, and evidently trying to ef 'set an entrance through a window into the house. The bandog of his yard dog aroused Mr. Willson and about the time he reached the front door,Officers Gordon and Biddle of the police force made their appearance and escorted the individual to the Guard House. a it.. t 1 i Alter twenr.v vanra in tha hn.inr. t nn . J J , manufacturers of Dooley s Yeast Pow 1)811 have succeeded in giving the public the nonpareil of chemical skill , the per fect solution of delicious bakinrr. It's now only the fault of the housewife if hread, cakes smd pastry are not luxuries as well as necessities, the crownins pleasure of the table. The City Police were paid off to-day MARRIED. January 30th, 1879, by the Rev. J . B. Wil- mu,x. MJ MIT. nutria K JBUKKUSS to m 1 ft I m ft M T71 I v TTT v mv , . -. - - -. Mus ELIZABETH, daughter cftha Ute Isaac Northrop, all of this eity. DIED. ttOHRIVERAt Caatlo Hayn. New t no7 County, at 5 o'clock, on the morn ing ; pf February 3d, of hemorrhagic mala rial fever. ED VVARD D. SCHBIVEr; aged, 23 years, 6 months and l2 days. The funeral will take place at 9 o'clock TrrxMJwUy aborning, from his F.'Bre?De Vf Hayne, thence to Oakdale Cemetery, In this rtty. Friends toattSS? 1Kie re re,pectn"y invited New Advertisements. JOHN W. GORDON I GOOD COMPANIES i PAIfi BATES. I Prompt Adjustments. i , I efc w cwCIVCUi ANOTHER SUPPLY of that Celebratec B rand of JACK FROST FLOUR I Awarded a Gold Medal at the Paris Ex position. It has no equal. Tbe very finest made. Also 1000 BBL FLOtJR 411 -Trades, I OA A Boxes Dry Salted and OW Smoked Bacon, OCA Sacks Java, Laguyra "OV aad Kio Coffee. 1 tfi Bbl' Crushed, Granulated, Stand OV ard A, Ex C, and C Sugars, Q r A Bbls Porto Rico, Cuba, JT. O. OOU and S. H. Molasses 5Q Bbls. City Mess Pork, 100 Tuba ohoic Laaf Lrd OA A A New and Seoond Hand &JJJ Mnirit Rrreli. - r . Lake George and Lebanon Sheetings, Manchester and Randolph Yarns. Crackers,. Candy, Soap, Starch, Soda, Fotaah, Lye, 8nuff, Matches. Com, Hay, Oats, Glue. Bunes. Nail. .Hoep Iron, Ac, Ac. For sale low by Williams i& Murchiion feb 3-dAw. PIANOS AND ORGANS NEW AND 8E0OND HAND, Sold for Cash or nn the Instalment Plan, at the LIVE BOOK STORS. V "b, uuun, ua unersl Musical T "TTftT T VTn rt . -. . I W MI -. -J- I W III nn.ll LIIII 1 IH. -Dealers in Violin Strings ana inmmings will do well to call at HEINSBERGER'S. VALENTINES, Connie and Sentimental, to suit all. For sale at HEINSBERGER'S, feb 3 Nob. 39 and 41 Market at. Buggies, Buggies, . Harness & Saddles, FOR SALE AT GERHAB.DT & CO S 3rd st., opposite City Hall. REPAIRING DONE WITH NEATNE88 AND DISPATCH. HORSE-SHOEING A SPECIALTY, feb 3-tf Flower and Garden THE CHOICEST VARIETIES .TTTST FROM THE GROWERS AND GUARANTEED NEW. N. C. HAMS, SUG AR-C CJRED HAMS SHOULDERS and STRIPS. Fine Assor.znent of CAKES and CRACKERS. FRESH GOODS RECEIVED by every Steamer. BUTTER at 20c, 25 and 30c per pound, all guaranteed Fresh and Sweet. James C. Stevenson feb 3 Seed Potatoes. BtlsEAKLT ROSE. For sale by feb 3 DAWtf HALL FEARSALL: Good Flour. 1 Q00BWaK)ODFLOUBon bMDd And for sale by OD&Wtf HALL & FEARSALL. PLEASE NOTICE. will be glad to recel ve communications from ov friends on any and all subjects of general interest but : The name of the writer must always be ft nishsd to the Editor. Communications most be written on only one side of the paper. Personalities must be avoided. And it is especially and particularly unde r atood that the Editor does not always endorse the views of correspondents, unless so stated in the editorial columns. New Advertisements. WM. J. GORDON. JOHN W. GORDON & BRO., General Insurance Agents and AJju8ters, n REPRESENTING Over $50,000,000 Assets, 1 LIFE, FIRE AND MARINE. NORTH WATER ST. Boat Wright & McKov OFFER To the Public Uris Week A FRE8H SUPPLY OF Choice Groceries Consi ting in part of Bbls Flour, from A Super U to Plant's Extra 50 Bblagur all grades, 00 Bg" Coffee Ri'' Mujcovada, Lagayra and Java, 100 fack"8- Butter, 12 000 Urd' Firbn'e ' free from water, 25 000 Lb" No 1 CIetr Bib fiide. r i 5,000 Lb,Choiee EmB 100 Bbli Molasses, Cuba and New Orleans, 25 BblRice, 500 Cases Canned Goods, of every description, 200 PckM Wne, Brandies and Whiskeyf, 20 Basket! Champsgne, All Imported , Also Porter and Larger In abundance t 200 Boxes Soap. We 9 can fnrnieh Wholesale Boyers kept in the Grocery Line. any article t" To the citixene of Wilmington w will state that we can furnish Family Supplies of every description (we mean Good Goods, to say the least,) as LOW as any House in the City. Prompt deliverv free. Everr arftl!a sen from store guaranteed. Boatwright & McKov. 5, 7 at 8 Noi th Front St. feb 3 Direct Importation. NOW LANDING Ex-Britiih Barque Nan cy Holt, another lot of EARTH KJ WARE, DIRECT from the E glitb Potter ies, which we are offering at Baltimore and New York prices, thereby saving the Coun try Merchant freight and charget betwe n this port and Northern cities. We dup i cate Northern bills. GILFH A MURCHISON, feb 3-d&w 38 & 40 Murchison Block. In Store and to Arrive. 15,000 Buehel, White Co 1 000 Ble Tlmoth7 Hay, 5 000 Bnsbei8 Wbitc "dBlaek Oats. Q Barrels Pearl Hominy. We offer the above at cl -se figures to prompt pa? in customer!. reD d-it PRKjhiON COMMING A CO. Annual Meeting. rpHE ANNUiL MEETING of tbe Stock- holders of the Bsok of New Hanover will be held at their Banking House, ia this city, cn THURSDAY, ebnarj 13, at 11 d'elock, M. e. d. WALLACE, jan 31-tda. Cashier. OPERA HOUSE. Monday and Tuesday Feb. 3 and 4- First appearance in this city of the world renowned Adah Richmond English Opera Troupe ! FULL CHORUS. Tbe Artists comprising this Cons bi nation are the principal members of the Kel logg, Carey, Oates, Dimorska and Aimee Opera Troupes, Monday, Feb 3, Girofle-Girofla ! Tuesday, Feb. 4, La Grande Duchess ! Popular prices. Swerved seats for sale a Heinsbergar's Live Book Store, ian 3Ut Wanted-A Hall. rpo BE USED AS A SKATING SINK. Good rent paid. feb l-2t PBOF. v if. anmrrrwr.