IN THE CONSERVATOR If. Tbe pualoo-flowsrs o'er ner bright head The roaSrtaed tbehT falstt r!ch bloonoi White illea watched the miden and her lonr; . . . The warm air round tbem frazraat with tbe breath Of violets nestling in their mossy wieath. The fountain silvery tickle, softly clilm lng, -s blent with we t laughter and with low re plies, .... As past the arch the music s pulses timin KlasUed tlylng feet, flusutd .cheeks an narkllnr eves:. And tinted la in pat and n ellow moonlight strove To light tbe happy dream of youth and love A little rear a Dale c Sri stood alone. Where withered tendrils choked a fountain Hp, And'aiid the Iv lea. rank and overgrown. i be melting enow. In alow and anile n drip, 1 - saiiad. where 'mid shattered k lass aud broad arch barred A BtrmcnrllnK rose-tree kert its silent guard "(ioneTTike the stlorv of my morn," she said. "Like faith, and hope, and joy of Bummer hour," And from the untrimmed brauckes over head Hue plneked the frailest of the frail pink flowers. Meet emblem of the love that had its day, And passed with aping and beauty quite away. All the Year Round. San Kraucisco News Letter. A Sad Case A l out two weeks ago, as the overland train wai pasting Cheyenne, the attention oT the passengers waf attracted by the lamentation of a poor Irish immigrant, whoee berth had been robbed during the night, ami every penny of his scanty sav- atoleu, and whose lamny wouiu therefore, arrive beggars iu a strange land. The charitable passengers at once began a subscription, wbich finally amounted to srniethingover $250. When the money had been handed to the suf ferer, a pious, plausible-looking man dressed in black and adorned with a white cravat, 4drew him aside at one of thestop ptog places, and said: My poor man, I am truly sorry for you. Your sad case toucuea me deeply I am roytelf well provided with this' world's good, however., and so will giv you $250 more. Here is a $500 gold note. Give me the $250 you have and keep the rest. May Heaven bless you!" The poor Irishman did as requested, with many blessings on the generous stranger, who insisted that his gift should not be made known. When the passen gers reached this side of the bay the pious-looking philanthropist was no where ts be found, he having evidently gotten off at Oakland for reasons of his own. The next morning the immigrant re paired to a bank to get his rota changed. The teller pioked up the bill and began narrowly examining it. "There there is nothing wrong with t ie bili, is there ? gasped the poor fel low. Now, the clever reader has seen all aleug what was going to happen, lie has read lots of just such incidents as th s. It is tbe old old gtorj. Well we'll see a beat that. 'Nothing ia the world is the matter with it," said the teller quietly, and he handed the man fifty tens. Ibat ended it. , Portsmouth (Va. ) Enterprise. Bayard Taylor- TLii gentleman wss appointed Min ister to Berlin, and died within a few months' after reaching that city, and now Secretary Kvarts wants Congress to make a present cf $17,000 out of the public Treasury to his family because they are poor. There are thousands of families in the country who are similarly afflicted who would be glad to gel a few hundred dollars, but Mr Evarts haa no desire to help tbem out of the public crib. There are families in this city, the heads of which have died working for tbe government in the Navy-jaxd, men who started in there aa boys, but the government takes no care of them. They are "only mechanics" and in the eyes of tbe rich government officials a me chanic's family ia not worth taking notice of. Bayard Taylor was well taid dnnnc Lis life. His salaries were large, and to the people of this portion of the country would sppear enormous. He Was in the government employ only a short time and then at a aw iaiv of 817.900 a vesr. and has do more claim upon the government than the mechanics in the navy yard here WHIT $'200 DTD K WALL STREET. An ltob, 1878, R. 8. Webb, Phila., Pa., wrote Messrs. Lawrence & Co., Bank ers, N. Y.; "Dear Sirs: Yours" containing remittance for $1,113.25, as profits on my 20 shares, ia received. Accept my thank, for I am very well satisfied. As you request, you may use this letter. I would recommend every one who f?els disposed to speculate to send for your circular." This is but one instance out of thousands, by which the new COMBI NATION SYSTEM of operating if stocks enables people with large or small capital to make similar profits. By this excellent plan, the orders of thousands o i customers from city and country are polled into ON L" IMMENSE SUM and co-operated as a MIGHTY INDIVID UAL ACCOUNT. Bach member of the combination secures all the advantages of the largest capital united with experienced skill. Profits divided monthly: $10 in vested return $50, or B per cent, on the srock, $65 will make $450, and so on. according to the market. Messrs, Lraw reuee it Co.'s new circular (mailed bt&f has "av unerring rules for success. ' ami exp'ains everything, so that any one can operate profitably. All kinds of Stocks a"U Bocda wanted. New Government lan supplied. Apply to Lawrence Sr Co, Baukers, 57 Exchange Place, Hi T. Jitv Consusuptiou cured An old physician, retired from uracticr. hsvitg had placed in his hands by an East ludia misaiooary tlie foimula of a bimpie vrgexante remedy tor tne specay aua per catarrh, asthma, and all throat and lung affect ion?, also a positive and radical cure for nervous debiiify and all nervous - com plaints, after having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of cases, has felt it his duty to make it known to his suffering lellows. Actuated by this motive, and a desire to relieve human suffering, I will send, free cf charge, to all who desire it, this recipe, with full directions for using in German, French, or English. Sent bj mail by addressing with stamp, naming this paper. W. W. Sherar, 140 Power's Block, Rochester, New York. 4w A ReallyBenellcent Discovery. The disgust fo genera' ly felt for the taste and smell of Cod Liver Oil is almost proverbial. It seema to be peculiarly nauseous to the consumptive and scroful ous patients, to whom the whole medical profession know it is especially beneficial. Endeavors have vainly been made to dis guise its oLjection able characteristics, by mixture with cofT'-e, brandy or by the process of deoderizuion, which impairs its efficacy as a nutr.ent. But in anion with the Hypophosphites of Lime and Soda, as we find it in Scotfs Emulsion, it retains its healing and nourishing properties. It moreover combines with the other chemical agents, to produce not only a medicine of agreeable flavor, but one of the most powerful and pleasant tonics that ever gave vital vigor to the nerves and Lrain. A Card. To all who are suffering from the erro'S and indiscretions of youth, nervous weak ness, early decay, loss of manhood, fec, 1 will send a recipe that will cure you, FREE OF CHARGE. Tnis great remedy was discovered by a missionary in South Amer ica. Send a self-addressed envelope to the Rtv. Joseph T. Inman, Station ), Bible, Xeio York City. d te w For t owards or Thirty Tears Mrs. Winslow'b Syrup has been used for children. It corrects acidity of the stomaoh, relieves wind colic, regulates the bowels, cures dysentery and diar rhoea, whether arisips from teething or oth'jr c;iute. An old and weh-tited remedy. 26 cent a bottle. 'd .V w. Ham and Eggs, ,i 0UNTA1N 11 UTTER, Choice, Table If I Batter, Sugar Cured Pig ilacon Haais, Saus- age, Liver J' adding, rigs Fcit, Sugar, Cof- ee. Flour, icb7 4c. Send to No. 21 YV ater st J. H. PETTE WAY Beer for All. H IhV i H MARCUS &8GN'S No. 5 Market Street. JUST RECEIVED per Steamer, 5 0 Kegs of that Celebrated 'Pilsner Lager Beer. Which we will sell at the lew Cash price $2.6U per Keg, for this week onlv. Hi MARCO'S A SON, dec S3 5 Market Street Is s monthly. 100-page Scrap Book of the cream of the World's Literature. Single copy. 20c.. or 2 per year An Oil Curomo (14x20 inches) of 'osemite viuw nriML S- ' Black SheeD." a L50 book, in a ft book, in paper bindinc, and a sample copy of "Wood's HoQepoia .Magazine an post-paid, ior unijr m wui. in money, or in one-cent postage stamps. Agents wanted. Most liberal terms, but nothing sent free. Address S. S.Wood. Tribune Building, 'ew York City. Direct Importation. N OW LANDING Ex-British Barqae Nan cy Holt, another lot of j EAKTHEN- WAkfi, DIRECT from the E. ghsh Potter ies, wbich we are offering at Baltimore and New York prices, thereby saving the Coun try .Merchant freight and charges between this port and Northern t itiea. We dupli cate Northern bills. GILES A MURCHISON, feb 3-d&m 3S &40 Murcbison Block. Wood of all Kinds W E ARE SELLING TO CASH BUI era at greatly reduced priceB. Those wanting to buy in quantity can lay in supply from our wharf as cheap as it can be had anywhere. O. O. PARSLEY, Ja., Agent, Coal and Wcod Yad, Cor. Orange and 8. Water St. jan 31 J as. T- Pettewav WILMINGTON, 5. C, JS AGENT FOR THE SALE OF WILCUl IBB3 A CO'3 Manipulated Guau. The best, cheapest and most popular Guano offer ed. Will take orders lor delivery at Lum berton, Shoe Heel, Laurinburg, Laurel Hill and into -mediate points, jan 27-dsw Buggies, Buggie3, Harness & Saddles, FOK SALE AT GERHARDT & CO S 3rd sL, opposite City Hall. REPAIRING DONK WITH NEATNESS AND DISPATCH. HORSE-SHOEING A SPECIALTY.- frb 19-tf VBrrB PeEKjk SSSCJBSrSVrBVW atsiBis' MiBcelSaneoqi The GREATEST LI VI I G AIT TH0BS, inch as fnt, Xax Muller Bt Hon WE Gladstone, Ju a Fronde, Frof Huxley, B A Proctor, Bdw A Freeman, Prof Tyndall, Br W B Car penter, Franeec Power Cobbe, The Duke of Argyll. Wm Black, Miss Thackeray, Miss Mnloeh, Geo Mc-Donald-Urs Oliphant Jean Ingelow Mrs Alexander Thomas hardy. Mat thew Arnold, Henry Kingaley,W W 8tory, Tnrguenief, Carlyle, Bnakin, Tennyson, Browning, and many others, are represented in tbe pages of Littell'a Living Age. In 1879 the Living Age enters upon it thirty-sixth year, admittedly unrivalled and continuously successful. During the year it will furnish to its readers the pro ductions of the most eminent authors above named and many other : embracing the choicest Serial and Short Stories by the Leading Foreign Novelist", and an amount TJnapproached by any other Period ical in the world, of the most valuable Literary and Scientiiic matter of tbe day, from the pens of the foremost Essayists, Scientists, Critics, Discoverers and Editors, represent ing every department of Knowledge and Progress. The Living Age giving more than is a weekly magazine THREE AND A QUARTER THOU- SAND double-colmnu octavo pagos of reading raattr yearly. It presents in an inexpen sive form, considering its great amount of matter with freshness, owing to its weekly issue, and with a satisfactory completeness attempted by no other publication, the best Essays, Reviews, Criticisms, Tales, Sketch es,Travel aud Discovery, Poetry, Scientific Biographical, Historical and Political In foimation, from the entire body of For eign Periodical Literature. Tbe importance of the Living Age to evnry Ainreican reader, as the otily satis factorily fubh and COMPLETE compila tion of an indispensable current literature, indispensable because it embraces tbal product! -us of the Ablest Living Writers, is sufficiently indicated by the following OPINIONS. "In it we find tbe best productions of the best writers upon all subjects ready to our hand." Philadelphia Enquirer. "It is simply indispensable to any one who deeires to keep abreast of tbe thought of the age in any department of science or litera ture." -Boston Joarna.. "The prince among; magazines." New York Obsurver. "It affords the beet, tbe cheapest and most convenient meats of keeping abreast with tbe progress of thought in all its phases." Philadelphia aortn American. "A monthly that comes every week." The Advance, Chicago. ''It is incomparable in the richness, va riety, and sterling worth of its articles." Tbe Standard, Chicago. "A pure and perpetual reservoir and foun tain of entertainment and instruction."- Hon. Robert C. Wmthrop. "With it alone a reader may fairiy, keep up with all that is important in the literature, history, un ities, and science cf the day." The Methodist, New York. "The ablest es aja, the most entertaining stories, the finest poetry of tbe English language, are here gathered together." Illinois Sate Journal. 'The choicest of the day." New York Tribune. "It is indispensable lo every one who de sires a thorough compendium of all that is admirable and noteworthy in the literacy world." Boston P sL 'It has no equal in any country." Phila delphia Press. "Ought to find-a place in every American lmmo " Nw York Times. Published weekly at $8.00 a tyear, free of postage. EXTRA OFFER FOR 1879.-ft To all new subscribers for 1879, will be sent trratis the six numers of 1878, containing, with other valuable matters, tbe first part of "Sir Gibbie," a new serial story of much interest bv George MacDonald, now appear ing in tha LiTine Aire from the authors' Bhpt. Other choice new serials b Si distinguished authors are enraged and w speedily appear. Clab-Priees for the best Home and Foreign Literature. Possessed of the Living Age and one or other of our vivacious American monthlies, a subscriber will find himself in command of the whole situation." Phila, Kven'g bulle tin. Por S10.50 the Living Age and either one of the American $4 Monthlies (or Harper's Weeklv or Bazar) will be sent for a year both postpaid; or, for $9.50 the Living Age and the St. Nicholas, or Apple ton's Journal. Address LITTELL A GAY, Boston. jan 8 CHAS. KLEIN, Mertater ani Catiiet later, So. 24 South Frant Street, WILMISOTOlf, 5. a A fine assortment of Coffins and Cast kets constantl r on hand. Furni tnre Repaired, Cleaned and "Varnished. Orders by tele, iraph or mail promptly filled. jan 13 Law School. CHARTER will be applied for to tbe next General Assembly. DAY SESSIONS for Lecture aud EecK ta'.Ion, every Monday and Wednesday, 5 P. M.5 to 6 P. M. NIGHT SESSIONS. Every Tueaday and Friday, to 9 P. M. For terms, Ac, address EDWARD CANTWELL. dec d N. C. 9 IlS TEACHERS WANTED13? P MOUTH, during Spring and Bummer. For full particu.ars address, J. C. McCCRDY A CO., Philadelphia, Pa. jan 29-i GWlRiAi! Johnson's Anodyne Liniment will posiuvelj prevent this terrible disease, and ! win positively cure nine cases in ten. Infor mation that will save many lives sent free by mail. Don't delay a moment. Prevention if better than cure. So d everywhere. L S. JOHNSON A CO., jan 23 4w Bangor, Maine. Consumption AND ALL DiSOKDLliiS OF THE ""hroat and Lunss PERMANENTLY CURED OR. T. A. SLOCUM'S Great Eemedj ft PSYCHINE" taken in corjjnction with his COMPOUND EMULSION OF PURE CODJLIVER OIL 4 and Hypopbospbit js of LIME andSSODA- A FREE ROTTl.1T F aor.h rromp.tlnr sent by express to each suffering applicant I-enuiDg uieirname, r.u., ana liXDress aa dress to Dr. T. A . Sclocum, 181 Pearl St., Sew York. jan '29 4 w Ail BENSON'S UAPCINt PORUS PLASTER FOR WOMEN AND CHILDREN. Females safferine from pain and weak ness will derive great eomfort and strengtl from the use oi Henscn s Capcme roru Plaster. Where children are affected witr whooping cough, ordinary coughs or eoleb ir wf ak lun(;, it is the one treatment thej hould receive. This article contains new medicinal e'etnents such as is found in nc other remedy in the same form. It is far superior to common porous plaster?, lini ments, electrical appliances ana other ex ternal remedies. It relieves pain at once, strengthens where other plasters will noi even relieve. For Lame and Weak Back Kheumatiem, Kidnev disease and all local aches and paina it is alio the best knowt Iremedv. Ask for Benson's Capcine Plas ter and take no other. Sold by all Drug- kists. Price 25 cents. jan 2SMw This important organ weighs but about three pounds, and all the blood in a living person about three gallons) passes through it at leatt once every half hour, to have the bile ar.u other impurities strained or filtered from it Bile is the natural purgative of the bowels, ?: if the Liver becomes torpid it is not separate ' from the blood, but carried through the 'veins to all parts of the system, and in trying to c.ipi 'hrough the pores of the skin, causes it to turn yellow or a dirty brown color. The stom ach becomes diseased, and Dyspepsia, Indi gestion, Constipation, Headache, Biliousness, Jaundice, Chills, Malarial Fevers, Piles, Sick, and Sour . Stomach, andgeneral debility follow. Merrell's Hepatine, the great vegetable dis covery 'for torpidity, causes the Liver to throw off from one to two ounces of bile each time :he blood parses through it as long as there is an cess of bile ; and theW-ffect of even a fc. dose- upon yellow complexion or a brown dirt lookup skin, will astonish all who try it they beirar the first symptoms to disappear. 'H'ui. cure l"all bilio'is diseases and L ver compish.'. is nwte certah. by taking Hep3nb in accor ' anca with directions. Head4i. ; is generally cure1 in twenty minutes, r 'j r.O disease thai arisfl" from the Liver can exMtQ f a fair triai i.--ji vn. aOLD AS A SUBSTITUTE FOR PILi.' BY ALL DRUGGISTS. U Price 25 Cts. and LUNG The fatality of Consumption or Throat and Lung Diseases, which sweep tc the grave a) least one-third of all death's victims, arises from the. Opium or Morphine treatment, which simply stupefies as the Work cf dath goes on. $io,ooo will be paid if.Opium 01 Morphine, cr any preparation of Opium. Morphine or Prus sic Aci J, can be fot-.nd in t:.e Gi.' :f. Flower Cough SvIicp. which has cured people are living to-d.iy with but one remaining lung. No greater wrung can 1 e cone thr.ii to say that Consumption is incurable. Gi t :;e low: r Cougj YKfP will cure "it y-hen ail ether 'means have failed. Also, Colds, Coug .. Asthma, Brenchitis, and ;.T diseases of the thraitand lungs. Read the testimonials f the Hon. Alexander H. Stephens, tiuv. Smith 'and Ex -Gov. Brown of Ga., Hon. G-.o. Pea body, as well as those of r;her remarkable cures in our book , free to ail at the drug stor s . o N W o " and be convinced that if you wish to b cured you can be by taking the Olobe Flower , Couch Syrup. Take no Troches or Lozenges for Sere Throat, when you can gst ( loe Flower Syrop at same price. For ssk 1 y all Druggists. iPrice25Cts. and $1.00 IBL0 Grave mistakes are mack in the treatn e:.: ol all dtnases that arise from poison in the OH Not oac case of Scrofula, .Syphiiis, Whita O Swelling, Ulcerous Seres ar.d Skin Disease, jathaOBBBd, is treated without t.e u?e of Mer i cury ha some form. Mercury rots the bones, Z and A diseases it produces are W r-e aay aslstr kind of bicod or skin disease car. be. H Dr. Psmbekton's Stillixoia o'r Qt-pEKs 3 Delight is the r.'.y medic. nc upca which a hope of recsvery from Scrofula, Syphilis and kJ Merrurial diseases ia'.l stages, cr.n be reascn- ' ably founded, and that w i'.l curs Cancer. Wj io,eoo will be paid by the prcprielorsj it H Mercury, or any ingredient not j urely vccti ,ble and harmless can Ee found in it. OQt Price by all Druggists $1.00 Globe Flower CoVGH Svpt ? Ti.d Her- i rei l's Hbfatink for thf Liver for sale Ly 11 Druggists in 25 cent and 1.00 bottits. A. F. MEEBELL & CO., Proprietors, PHILADELPHIA. PA. rv All Right at Last ! yE ARE PLEASED at b ing able tc state to our fiiends atd th - pubiie that tie itore occupied by uf, damaei bj tLe ite fire, haa been thoroughly rerired sr d that we have now in stock afu'l line pf Fresli Family Groceries, and aie prepared to fiU all orders. We hare still a few articles damaged by the late fire which will be sold at almost any price. J. W. ALDERMAN A CO. Family Grocers, Cor. Chestnut and Water streets. de ffifnfffFr : 1 11 DE'S M A 8 ICW or K AND Wilmington, N. C., Steamship Line, !Tbe Steamer REGULATOR CAPT. DOANE, WILL" SAIL FROM NEW YORK OS WEDNESDAY. Feb. 12. Shippers can rely upon the prompt sailing of Steamer.8 as adrerti?ed. For Freight Engagements apply to A. D CAZAUZ. ILgeut Wilmington, T9. C. L. S. BELDEX, Soliciting Agnt. WM. P. CLYDE & CO., Oeneral agents, Bowling Green, or Pier 13, N. R., New Yrok. feb 12 Baltimore AND Wilmington. N. C. STEAMSHIP LINE. CAPT. OLIVER, Will sail from Baltimore on Saturday, Feb 15. Steamers Sail from Wilmington every Saturday promptly at 12 M. Shippers can rely upon the prompt Sailing of stearners as advertised. ". Through Sills of Si ad in r Pivea to and from Philadelphia, and "Prompt Dispatch guaranteed. For Freight Engagements apply to jflL. 2). CAZAtTX, Ag-ent, Wilmington, Iff. C. L. 8. BELDEN, Soliciting Agent. REUBEN FOSTER, General Agen Corner Lee and Light Streets, Baltimere York. feb 10 Accidents will TIIEREF(iRE !N?U3E ACA'.NST THEfel By taking out a Yearly Policy in the LIFElNSUBANtJE CO., OF MOBILE, AL L MAURICE MCCARTHY. President. 'II. M. FRIEND, Secretary. 25 Cents wiiI insure ragainta Accident for one day in the sum cf 83,000;in the Event of Death OR, $15.00 Per Week Indemnity for Disabling Injuries. RATES 1 Day 25 cents ; 2 Days 60 cents, 5 Days $1.25 ; 10 Days $2.50; 30 Days $5.00. Yearly policies issued at from $5 to $20 per $1,000, according tc occupation, and written at short notice. jane 25 We Wish rj-0 SUPPLY GOOD CUSTOMERS witi PORTO RICO ) NEW ORLEA.NS, MOLASSES, .and CUBA J AU grades of FLO C R, C O F F E E an d S L G A B , D. S. Bides, Mackerel and Vullets. All kinds of Crackers sad Cakes, Soap, Can dles, Starch, Potash, 1d$ 4c., at Bottom Pric CLY i ! hQ Steam ar c ad Lines, &a. ! WILMINGTON ft WELDOK SATXBOAD COMPANY. OrnoVor Oun'l PrfpaanrrimDinT ( Wtliainicton, . C, Nor 23, 1S7V t A"CHAHOE OF SniEDUl.V. On and after Sanda?, Nor. 24th, ls7- Pw-nger trains on the WUmingtoD Jk Wei -don Railroad will run as follows : DAY MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAIN, ds Lare Wilmington, Front St. Depot at 6 33 A i. Arrive at Wrldcn at 1 00 P V Ltjare Weldon 1 5" F l Arrive at Wilmington, Front St. Depot at 8 63 V to NIGHT MAIL AND EXI'RESS TKA t DAILY. Letre VTiluiington, Front Hu Depot at 9 U I V Arrive at Weldon at 3 60 A v Leare Weldon, 1 13 A li ArriTe st Wilmington, FrrmtHL Depot at. 8 16 1k Train" on Tarboro Branch Road leaf Rcckr Mount for Tarboro att.CO V II dailt. and Tuesday, Thursday and Satnrc sj at t:t l A M. Returning, leare Tarboro at 10. A M dailr, ana Mondsr, WednwdaT?' Fritlav at 8:30 P M. The Day Train makes close connection Weldon for all points North ria Bar Mi daily, (except Sunday) and daily, Tia Kict mond and all rail routes. Night train makes close connections . Weldon for all points north vis Richmond Sleeping Cars attached to all Night Train-. JOHN F. DIVINE, General Suet. Cen'I Suo'ts Office. WILMINGTON, COLUMBIA; AM . GUST A BA1LROAD. jViimingtor., N. C, Not. 23, lfe" CTIANGE OF SCHEDULE, , On and after Sunday, Not. 24, the folio, lng schedule will be run on this road: DAY EXPRESS AND MAIL TRAIN, dailr. Leave Wilmington fi 3fi A 11 LeaTe Florence 1 03 K l Arrive at Columbia 4 16 T i Leave Columbia 11 66 V h' Leave Florence 4 4 ' P ."i Arrive at Wilmington 9 JOT fc NIGnT EXPRESS TRAIN (Daily). Leave Wilmington 10 SOP M Arrive Florence.?. 2 JO A B Leave Fl rence 1 W A M Arrive at Wilmington 6 18 A M fXThis Train will onlv stop at Flen.ingJon, Whiteville, Fair BluV, Marion, and Flor ence, and ali etatir n? between Florence anc Columbis. Paaaengers for Augusts ara beyen.' should take Night Eprea Train fmn a mington. 0 Through Sleeping C.m on nurfc t triB i for Charleston and Augusta. JOHN F. DIVINE, General S p. nov 9 CAROLINA CEN7RAI RfL WAY COMPANY. Orrica Gejsral SrriaiKraHDBfcT, Wilmington, V. C.,' VoT.'Mfm. ) Cliange of Schedule. ON AND AFTER TH8 date, the U he injr Schedule will be operated on tt Railway : PASSENGER, MAIL AND BXPKMH TRAIN. Leave Wilmington at.... S:W A M Arrive at Hamlet at 2:0 P " at Charlotte at.... 7:57 P V Leave Charlotte at fi:60 A . Arrive at Damletat 11:40 A M ' at Wilmington at 7:5k T M 8HELB Y DIVISION, MAIL, tRBIQBI PASSENGER AND EXPRESS. . ) Leave Charlotte ......7:00 A M No: 9. Arrive at Phelby 11:16 A M I in ) Leave Shelby IM P j n-lu' (Arrive at Charlotte 6:00 Y M 1 he above Trains have Passenger accon modations, and are the only ones permltt- to carry Passengers. V. Q1. jonN:-o.v, lov29 Genersl HuLetintendint. E. H.T. ANTHONY A CO., 9lBro8dwy, Hew York4 (Opp.'.MctropulitAn Hotel.) Manufacturers, Importers and Dealers la Velvet Frames, Albums, Grapboscopes, Stereoscopes and Views, Engravings, Chromos, PliotograpLa, am! klndre! good, Celebrities, Actresses, etc Photornpliic Materia tii W e axe Headquarters for eTerytliij.g in tbe way oi Stereopticom and Magic Lanterns, Being Manufacturers of tbe Micro-Scientific Lantern, Stereo-Panopticon, University Siereoptican, Advertiser's Start opt! con, Artoptieon, School Lantern, Family Lantern, I'eople'g Lantern. Each style being tbe best of its class in tbe market. Beautiful Fbotograpbic Tnuaparencies of Statuary and Engravings for the window Convex Glass. Manafactuers ofTalvat Frames tor Miniatures and tvnvex Glaai Pictures. Catalogues of Lanterns and Slides, witr directions for va'.ng, sent on receipt ot te; cents. oct 11 dJw-w.m manent cure fur cou&umpuon, broucaitls. dee 2-dlj-ta-wly

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