1 THIS PAPER PLEASE NOTICE. We will he glad to recsive eoaassaicaUaM 1, ..bUshed SV moot, Band ay i ex- J j - Y Daily opted Of JOSH. T. JAMES, EDITOR AND fKOPRIETOS. ssOB3CRlPTIOJiS.POSTAGB PAID. J Ob yer,$ 09 BU months, $150 ; thm moaths, $1 35 ; One month, 50 cent. f he paper will "be delivered by carriers, re of charge, in any part of the city, at the above rates, or 13 cents per week. Advertising rates low and liberal JW" Subscribers will please report any and ill failures to receive their papers regularly. from our friends on any and all subjects af general interest bat: The name ef the writtr mast always fce ft nil ied to the Editor. CommnnieatioDs mast be vrittsn on uc y one side ef the paper Personalities must be avoided. K And it is especially nd particnlarly and stood ttat the Editor does not always esdoe the views of correspondents, unle at so state in the editorial colasns. VOL. IV. WILMINGTON, N. Ci SATURDAY, MARCH J, 1879 NO. 21 v - The REVIEW. STATE PRIDE ! Shown & roddick, 45 market Street W1- UKK KUET PLKABUR In Oahing particular attention to the fol Ping Dea -tuitirrrjs fr the NEXT TWO MTklEKS e are rralii-i; rif'rCIAL EFFORTS to irlr,. iw- r-.vii ifattHM ID OUr line hyf-M'. i 1'KlDfa. U to da so a- ceb price that ib ca'.not hc!p attracting tte ntent:on t rViiWl u.ti i OK SUCH GOOD-. Ladies' Underwear. We have jast opened a full assortment of the ab've, viz-. Tuck and Fancy SKIttTH, OHKhISE and MOHT DRESS and call particular a teution to a few Lots that are DIVIDED BARGAINS. Lot 1. 38 Dz. WALKING SKIRTS, 5 Tucks, ixA Hem. 53c, worth don ble the money. Xbot a 20 Dz. CHEMISE, Tucke.l Yokes. 50 cents, worth at least 75 cenU. tot 3. 17 "A Dor. CHEMISE, Tucked and Emb'd Yokes. 60 cts; a marvel of cheapness. Corsets, We have the Largest Stock of CORSETS that has ever been offered in this city, and are making Specialties of the flowing makes, Our Goods are bought direct from tue Manufacturers and Importers, and offer them at pricea that will compare favorably with any Dry Goods House in the country. 40;roz. 60 Bone SIDE STEEL CORSETS, 50 cts a pair. 38K Uox. 70-Bone C0R8ETS, Silk Em broidered, 75 cts a pair. Sole Agents for the Celebrated LA REINE CORSETS. 75 cents' They are made under a Patent. No Cutting or Kipping of Seams buing Reqiired. To remove the Steels all that need to be done is to unlace the Little Silk Lacer. Lvery Pair Warranted. Hamburg Edging and Insertions- Decidedly the Cheapest Line we have chown. Give us a call. Parasols and Fans. We have opened this day a very large stock of Sunshades and Fans, having bought Very Low for Cash. They are at least 25 perseht. less than they will be when in sea son. We have many Novelties. JSol Agents for DEVLIN k CO., of New ork. GENT'S SUITS made to order. A beautiful Line o-oamples for Spring Wear. Call and 4fok them over. Brown & Roddick, 45 Market Street- feb 15 Going North. J AM GOING TO THE NORTH in a few days for the express purpose of laying in th LARGEST AND HANDSOMEST STOCK OF GENTS' AND YOUTHS' SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS ever sern in Wilmington. Stock on band wl!l therefore be sold THIRTY DEGREES BELOW ZERO, as I must have money to buy new goods. The Best Unlaundried Shirt in the City for 75 cts- ac SHRIEK'S EMPORIUM, feb 20 Market st. Attention! r Headquarters for Clothing ! Y OU CAN BUY NOW THE GREAT cst Bargain ever known iu the annals of histoj y. No Humbug! Must be sold in order to make room for SPRING STOCK, feb 10 A. DAVID, The Clothier. Furniture. UST RECEIVED FROM FACTORY, a large assortment of Wslnut and other grades of FURNITURE, which we offer at Great Bargains. Call and examire. feb 19 D. A. SMITH & CO. LOCAL NEWS. Largest City Circalatlon, Neto Advertisements. Boatweiqht A McKor Summerdean PnreRye Whiskey, Holmes A Wattees Notice- Newbttby's, Water Street. S.G. Nostsrop Florida Oranges. Prof. Aocstim Dancing 8chool. Cfeba Hocee ' 'Scraps". T. 15. Eesdkhsoh ACo.-Ilas Remove4. P.HsissBBaoEa In Stocc. A. SuEiER-GoingNorth. J. C. Moans, Druggist Oltbe Flower Syrup. 8. Jbwbtt Christmas is Ove No City Court to-day. D.y's leDgth 11 hours and 29 minutes. No interments in Bellevue Cemetery this week. The Board of Aldermen meet next Monday evening. The Revtnus Cutter Colfax is daily ex pected to arrive. One interments this week in Oak dale that of an adult. We gain one hour and seven minutes of daylight this month. This month has five Sa'uidavs, five Sondays and five Mondays. One adult and two t hildren interred in Fine Forest Cemetery during the week. Regular monthly meeting of the Board of County Commissioners on Monday next. The freight tarfiic over the lines of railroad radiating from this city continues to be very large. The Register of Deeds issued four mar riage licenses to whites this week none to colored people. To-morrow is known in the services of the Church as Quadragesima Sunday, or the First Sunday in Lent. The last session of Prof. Agostine's dancing school will be opened on Tuesday next at Meginnev's Hall JJJRev. Dr. Patterson is somewhat better and expects to conduct the regular ser vices in his Church to-morrow..... ARIOSO FREE You will get a sample of Arbucklc's Unground Roasted Arioso Coffee free,if you will call at your Grccers.f The visitors of the Ladies Benevolent Society will meet at the Hook & Ladder Hall, Tuesday, March 4tb, at 4 o'clock P. m. sk The regular monthly meeting of the Historical & Scientific Society will be held next Monday evening. The paper for the evening is expected from Col. B. R. Moore. Lewis M. Williams, Esq., Clerk of the Market, paid in to the City Treasury for market frees received by him, the snug little sum of $2,204.04 for the fiscal year ending last July 1st. Messrs Holmes & Watters will receive lots of goods next week and expect to open their new grocery, house on the 10th inst. They make their first bow to the public in this isssuo of the Review. A meeting of the special Committee for the Board of Aldermen, relative to the proposition for the removal of the Market House, was held last evening but no positive action was taken in the matter. A very nice thing for a lady to keep is a bottle of dress wash on her dressing table always fur little spots on her gar ments: One quart of boiling water, half-an-ounce of camphor, one ounce of borax;, after cooling, half-a-pint of alcohol. The Dime Party given last night by the Lutheran Sunday School was largely attended and the patronage was more than was realy expected. The ladies sold out every tb ng. The proceeds make quite a handsome little sume, abcut $75 having Jbecn netted. Mesrss T B Henderson &Co have remov ed thur grocery and commission business to the store oa the West side of Front street two doors North of Market, recently occupied b y Mr. Jno. U. Aliens whtra they will be pleased to see and ser ve thier many friends." Have used Dr. Bull s Cough Syrup and pronounce it tho best medieine in use. A case of consu mption here was cured by its use. We cheerfully recommend it to all sufferers. Jeffress, Roberts fc Co., South Boston, Va., November 17, 1876. Gone to Texas. Capt John W. Hinson, formerly ju nior member of tho firm of Spiunt & Hinson, of this city, but now doing busi ness in New York, was in town last light on a briel business visit. He. left this morning in company with Mr. II. IIol lingsworth, of Magnol a, Dup.in cjunty for Texas. They expeet to be absent about six weeks. Calm and Serene. Paddy's Hollow, Thompson's A ley and the Lonjj House on Surry street seem lo have been on their good behavior recently, consequently we have bceu without our uaual interesting item of the City Court for several days. This speaks volumes for the peace and good order of the city, but "its tarnation hard on reporters" who arc hungry for items. The New City Attorney. Mayor Fishblate has tendered the ap pointment of City Attorney, made vacant by the death of the lamented Col. Devane, to Mr. Frank H. Darby, a rising young lawyer of this city, and a gentle man of decided ability. Mr. Darby, we understand, baa accepted. We presume that the matter will necessarily come be fore the Board of Aldermen for rati fica tion, at their meeting on Monday night. Amusements. The Pathfinders a la Troubadours, who made an immense hit in Philadelphia, Baltimore, Louisville and the South in their great protean musical extravagang of "Scraps" will appear at the Oj era House in this city on Wednesday and Thursday evening of next week The Company have received the highest praise from the press where ever they have been and it is safe to say that Wilming ton has in store a rare treat of pure, healthy fun. Reserved seats for either evening are now en sale at Heinsberger's. Confederate Money Wanted. We Copy the following from an exchange, as of interest to those holding the notes in question: "Con federate money issued in 1861 is eagerly sought after by "curiosity" hunters, notes issued at Montgomery, Ala., of the denomina tions of $50, $100, $500 and $1,000, being the rarest. A set of these notes in good condition will sell readily for $100 in gold. Next in value are the notes engraved by the "Southern Bank Note Company" in 1861. One of these a twenty dollar note with an engraving representing a female riding a deer, is worth its fsoe value in gold. Some of the issues of 1862 are worth something; but after that year the issue of Confederate States money is scarcely worth preserv ing Literary. Ihe Count Dk Camobs. Tue Maw of the Second Empire. By Octave Feuillot. Philadelphia: T. B. Peterson & Brothers. Wilmington: P. Heinsberger. The Count de Camors is to French life what Pelham was to English. Young, handsome, rarely gifted, rich, successful, the Count de Camors is the typica Frenchman of the Second Empire. Its rare beauty as a work of art, the wea drous skill with which the author handles a most delicate subject, audits exquisite grace, have attracted universal interest, for no romance has ever appeared in Paris, which has so excited society and the crit ics as "The Count de Camors," all of whom admit the uncommon merit of its execution, and the skill with which Feuil let hos carried out its'plot to the end, and t hat, read aright, the lessons to bo drawn from its pages are of the highest moral character. All who wish to seethe inner life of Paris as it was in its highest spheres, and the social rottenness con cealed under that glittering pageant French society, during the Second Em pire should read this book. Lindsay's Luck. A Love Story. By Mrs. Francos Uogson Burnett, author of "That Lass O'Lowrie'a," "Kathleen,' "Theo," Ac, &c. Philadelphia: T. B. Peterson & Brothers. Wilmington: P. Heinsberger. Lindsay's Luck shews the qualities that have given the books of this authoress their great popularity the characters in it being all wonderfully life like, and ad mirably pictured. It is a charming tale, a delightfully fresh creation, pure in sen timent and action and full of force and dramatic power, and is a love story. Mr. Jno, P. Savage, a young man about twenty-five years ef age, residing at Smithvilie, and a No. 1 pilot, died very suddenly at his residence lsst evening. Committed for Perjury. Mason Holme3, colored was convicted yesterday Ixf ;re a Justice's Court of per jury and bound over to the Crimnal Conrt in the sum of $100, in default of wh:-ch he was turned over to the tender mercies of Dan Howard, proprietor of the House of Detention located on Princess, between Third and Fouith tree's Wlii Crowed Dat Brick? A colored female denizen of Paddy's Hallow, in the excitement of a "cad spell,'' threw a brick into the window of tho establishment of that claaaij precinct, to-day, and demolished part of a window sash and a few piucj of slass. But little damage was duuo to property, and no damage to persou or reputation, to far as we cm judge. Hunting. Little boys are not prevented frc m hunting by u lack of ammunition; one buck-shot sufficing lor a morning's hunt. The other day little Jerry Smith started out beyond the suburbs, robiu hunting, armed with a sling and one shot. A rolfiu was dispatched, cut open, the shot take- out and another bird killed with the same shot equal to killing two birds with ore etcne. An Argument in Beha!f ot Chnrch Going. Did you over notice what a small r.rc portion of thepeopie attend church? We have enough people able to go to church ; to fill the churches each Sabbath, and yet, empty benches often discourage the preach, ers. Why so,? Can't we spara a couplf of hours out of a hundred and sixty-eight? Church going harms no one. It gives the business man new zal, the lawyer new ideas, the farmer hope, while to the weary and heart sick, it brings joy unspeakable. Try it to-morrow, a ,d you will find that during the following week your business will have a charm never experienced bafcre; the wheels of 1 if 3 will run -without ajar, and Saturday night will brin with it a happiness born of conscious duty well per formod Moral Character. There is nothing which adds so much to the beauty aud power of man as good moral character. It is his wealth, his in fluence, his life. It dignifies him in very station, exalts him in every con dition and glorifiies him in every period of life. Such a character is more to be do sired than everything else ou earth. It makes a man free and independent. No servile tool, no croaking sycophant, no treacherous honor seeker ever bore such a character. The pure joys of truth a d righteous never spring in such a person. If young men but knew how much a good character would dignify and exalt therm how glorious it would make their pros pects, even in this life, never should we find them yielding to the groveling and base born purposes ef human nature. Criminal Court. The case of Ben Brawn, colored, ccn" victed of perjury, about a year ao, which was carried the Supreme Court, upon ap peal by defendant, where judgment of th lower court was affirmed, was taken up to-day for the purpose of passing sentence upon the prisoner. The mercy of the Court was prayed by defendant's oounwl in consideration of the fact that the defendant bad always borne an excellent character up to the liruo of his indictment, which fact being estab lished by several highly respectable wit nesses. His Honor suspended judgment upon payment of costs. The case ef Hector Davi3 was left open for further argument and the Court ad journed until Monday. Cheeky. Ohio has recently attained to some uo- j toriety as' a country to furnish statesmen j who cculd run tbe wheels cf government in any of its various departrxenta, and we had been led to believe that the average' Ohio man was a politiciin. We have1 been mistaken. There are mcu in that State who have an eye aloud to badness. There is a urm in Cincinnati who make1 iron baking pans, and they .have Bent usj a copy of an advertisement to tucr lour j times in the Review, which, a; our reg alar rates would amount to ! for which they offer to send us a baking pan an iron biking pan. We decline the ad., for we are not yet prepared to j give $32 for a baking pan. The New . York Herald is ose of the most prominent i advertising journals in the country, andj moreover it is rich and can afford the lux uries of Irfe.and very posoibly that paper may be induced to take tho baking pan . i Ceasar Williams, a colored lunatic, who was sent to jail in this c ur.ty on the 23d of October last, died at that institution this morning. , Previous to his incarcera tion in jail be had been for some time an inmate of the incane department at the por house in th:s county, but had bc3n returned to Pender county, by Superin tendent Garreil. lie has bcea iu feeble health for some days, and Dr. Lane, who attended, him at .tea that his dc-ew was from natural causae and that no i:..uest by the C-'ro'.itr will bo necessary. Day before yesterday Rev. Dr. Bern heiai, Rev. D Wils u and Mr. E. Kid der dtove down t , I ix -Sheriff Black's place, on Middle S uud, I. r a further in spection ol the human remains found there. They cponed twu i w lMrial places, being guided thertj by .-... ".d indications, and found a quantity ot boLti-. In one place there was a full length skele ton bnearthed, much of which crumbled into dust when handled, ami iu the other eight skulls, one of which was that of a child. Through th skull of the skeleton a root was fouru growing, piercing .. n" i M i througa 4he occiput. Ine skulls wore j brought to this city and are now iu the j p sscssion ci Mr. Kidder, will! take pleasure in exhibiting them to any truo marcher after knowhW IV . u u "-Lur kE0Wieaoer l-'i. ; Berhheim is of the opinion that tho rc- i main aro undoubtedly ttet of i4iii.. r.Ai Thinking of Home Th traveller from the "Sunny South' though surrounded by ail that wealth can purchase to pdcise the, palate, things longingly of the noe cake Qf bis childhood and tho white, delicious biscuits made froTi Dooluy's Yeast Powder. New Advertisements T. B. Henderson & Co. H - 8 REMOVED o Store formerly occu pied by Mr. Jno. IT. Allen, North Front street, near Market 50 Box23 Crackers , Cakes, Cabbage, Tur nips, Ac , Fresh Mountain Butter, etc. For sale cheap, mch l-2t Dancing School. THE LAST SESSION OF PROF. AGOSTINI'S Dancing1 School will be opened on Tnesday the 4th inst., at Vi olcloick, at Meginnev's Hall, mch 1 It IVEIWBTJRY'S, WATER STREET ruarch 1 Florida Oranges. ANOTHER LOT OK those sweet, delicious and juiy FLORIDA ORAWGtXIS, jnst received. Ala", Asp nwall Banana, Lemons, Cocoanuts and Apples. Fresh, Pare Home-Madt Cacdj always on hand, at S. G. NORTHRUP'S, mch 1 Fruit and Confectionery Stores OPERA HOUSE. POSITIVELY TWO NIGHTS ONLY Wednesdav & Thursday March 5 & 6 SUCCESS OF THE SEASON ! ! ! TI:: PATHFINDERS A LA Tronbadonrs and tha Ma-velous Milton Jsgpers, iu their great rrotean ana Mukical creation, J An eatertainiEoct without a flatr. hinr pronounced success bv Press and Public everywhere. Reserved seats SI. Admission Parquette SI; Drees Circle 7 j; Parrjuette Circle 60o ; Gallery 25c. Secure your seats early at H icsberger'i. mch l-5t Notice. T LIE UNDERSIGNED DAVE sntered into a Copartners! p for tbe purpose of conducting JL GENERAL RETAIL GRO CERY BUSINESS, under the firm came and style of H OIi IVIES ft WATTERS- Having had several yea;s practical e.pf. rlcnee in the business, iu all its details, they propose by waiting in person ujv)n their CKSUiincrs promptlv, to claim and merit the kind' patronage of their friends and the pnoiic generally. ShaO keep the be at ai I teles to be obtain fed and sell them as LOW as theLOWZsT. L !l to open about the 10th inst., at N . - NOilltFr nj street, and respectfully i th all ! ciH and Ptarnine the new and in t i STOCK fP STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES. GABRIEL HOLMES, J's. tf. WATTERS. SCRAPS New Advertisements. Boatwright & McKoy, Sole Agents for Wilaairgton and surround iag country for the oiiginal and only Sunimerdeaii Whiskey ! Wade ia the United States. It is a. Pure Rye Whiskey I Made in Aogosta coontj, Virginia. Lll other W L i - kies nnder that brand, except it be from the house of JENKINS A 8TEOAL, Eich- r?VnL7.a-' 18 PUTiou Oar retail price for this Whiskey is $4 PER GALLON. Come and sample it. To dealers we will make it to their tut rest to buy by the barrel. Name quantily. h'ond fur samples. btd Virginia State Asssyer and Chemist. Certifi cate : Laboratokv or Statk AssavEn A Ci ksui No 1,013 Broad M, bet. 10th and luo, menmona, va , Aug. T2d. 1-77. I have made a careful chemical exaudca ti.n i.l'a sample of "Hummerdean, Auucta cour.tr, a., ' Kye Wniskcy, selected bv mv M-lf and representing a lot of 200 barWis in tbe hands of Messrs. Jenkins A Stegai, and rind it entirely free from adulterations. lean tally recommend it to those who desire an article of assured puritv. WM. U. TAYLOR. M. D.. , State Asayer and Chemist. Nur.e enuino unless bearinc: the sicrnatur of Jenkins A Steal, 113 South Fourteenth St.. Richmond, Va. jan 2a lsr5wpat WOT RufflC " UAJnGELrlINO' le' Land bifih eih? L :-00 pounds, sound and all right. Ouar- antced to t ot in 2.45. 30 chance at $10 each. tfiVtfc? J. W. SOUTHERLAND. THE CJTEA.MER WILL RESUME REG ular trips to Smithvillle MONDAY, March 3, leaving her Wharf at 9:.10 returning 5 P. M. HaviDr bcon OverhanlAd. RmW r- a'cd and Painted, we promise excursionists and pleasare seekers accomodations unsnr- pas-ed. Ti:kets 50 cents. feb 28 GEO. MYERS. As-ent. Open Day and Sight. P C. MILLER'S DRCO STORE, Corner Fourth and Sun streets. 3a Prescriptions compounded with care and at reasonable rates. Perfumery, Heaps, Fancy Articles, Chrars' aDd a full line of fresh GARDEN SEED 8. teD2S In Stock. piAN03 AND ORGANS, Guitars and Violins, Music Boxes and Accordeons. Blank Books and Stationery of every varie ty. Standard and Miscellaneous Works,com -plete stock. Bibles, Prayer Books and Hymn Books for all. Chromos and Engravings' new, cheap and beautiful. All for sale at HEINRBERGER'8, feb 28 Lire Book ar.d Music ft ro Direct Importation VTOW LANDING Ex-Britih Barque Na 11 cy Holt, another lot of EAKTHBff WAR, DIRECT from the E gli-h Potter ies, which we are offering at Baltimore and New York prices, thereby saving tbe Coun try Merchant freight and charges between this port and Northern Cities. We dupli cate Northern bills - GILFS A MURCHIHON, feb 24-d&w 38 &40 Murchison Block. Christmas is Over. JJTJT I WILL BE PLSA3BD TO.eerr ou in the Book and Stationery line, and will endeavor to give you satisfaction In every transaction st 8. JEWETT'8, dec 2T Front Street Boek Store. r. 100o Bbis GOOD FLOOR, For sa'e by HALL k PEARSALL. ftb 25-dw Potatoes. 12 Bbls. KARLT ROSE POTATOES, For sale by fcb 25-dAw HALL k PEARSALL. Globe Flower Syrup. " TERRELL'S II E PATINA. A sepp if lYJLoffcacbjust received. "Wistar'e fialf sarn of Wild Cherry. A ilno Jot of Toilet Soaps, Perfumery and Fancy Article?. For sale by JAMES C. MCNDS, Druggiit, Third street, Opp. City RaiL ri7"Tresoriptions Compounded at all nours aay or nigtr. Tonsoriai, aAVING AOAIW located la the base mcnt of the PurceU Rouse, I have thor ( 7 -" i wh improveaiue oia star I and am now prepared to shave,shampoo, ar : cut hair tor every hody. The best of work ' men, clean, towels, sharp razors and 1 1 price. ELTIN a RTJrf, I july27 PurctU Hvase Barbtr Shoj. IPassp t A