The My. Review JOSH . T. JAMES, Ed. and Prop WILMINGTON. If. C. SATURDAY AP&IL. i, lb.. VIEWS AND REViti V S On May 28 tke ceatennary of Thomas Moore is to be celebrated in bis native city of Dublin. A "New Pilgrim's Progress, ' purport ing to be' 'given by Busy an through an impresaional writing machine," is the latest spiritualistic novelty. Word comes Irom London that the sense leas fashion of French for dinner menus is to be done away with. At several re cent grand dinners tbc L ilia of fare have Been in English. James Cut Tie, U c xas asaasain, v as a non-commissione 1 cflicer in the regi ment commanded by Colonel R. B. E ayes, now the alleged President of the Unite State. Will thretalwart organs please whoop us another howl on South ern barbarism? Mrs. Willis, an aged lady of Cumber land county, tKy., died recently and lefi $1,000 to the editor of the Glasgow (Ky.) Times in token of the c mfort she had found in reading his paper iu her sorrow. Every Western editor will now begin to print columiiS of comfort for aged and rich women. The only memorial to Capt. Cook at present existing in England is a mural tab Jet erected by his widow, who died in 1837, having survived him fifty-six years, in a chuich at Cambridge, where one of his sons, who died an undergraduate , is buried. Mrs. Coek left 1,000 to maiutain the tablet, the surplus to go to the poor of the parish. Lord Lan8downe Lord Carlisle writes, said it was unquestioned that the three greatest novelists iu the world were Cervantes, Fielding, and Le Sage. Mac aulay, who was present, said he thought "Don Quixote" the first novel of the world, and "Clarissa Harlowe" the next. He thought it well established that "Gil Blaa" is a translation from Freuch novels. The Cleveland Plaindealer says the question is lo be tested whether one man, and ho elected by fraud, shall overrule the Legislative Department of the Government, and a majority of the people who elect that Department. The Democrats in Congress must repeal the infamous Supervisor law which gives absolute controlat the polls to the paid minions of au unscrupulous and fraudulent Administration. Oue mar power must not control. D ckens, when over here, said one evening that he always found the people most like his characters objecting to them as improbable and extreme. A Mr. Kickleby had talked to him in so peculiar a strain that he was thinking, "Good Heavens! she is going to charge .ae with putting her into my book;'' when sna began to observe on the char acter as utterly unnatural. So with sev eral Pecksnifis. It is said of northern Texas by the Dallas Herald that the tillers of the soil there make far more provisions than they nave any use for; always have -eorn and meat for sale, and their cotton and cat tle crops corne in as clear profit. They are raj. dly growing wealthy, and in less than fifteen years from now north Texas will be as prosperous as the blue grass region of Kentucky ever was in its palm iest days. , The debt reports of France show that one million and abalf of the people -bold over $1,000,000,000 iu 5 per cnt. rentes, aud nearly two million more hold $2,452 9S1.000. This result has been secured by the issue of small bonds. The mass of the people have an opportunity to invest their earnings in government securities at a fair rate of interest. Thus the bonds remain at home and the government and people are benefited in a vauety of ways. If more facilities are afforded to the masses in this country a similar result will follow. The Russian peasants, though 'officially under medical supervision, find it hard to secure the services of a doctor. The physioian of a district with perhaps fifty square miles, can but hurriedly pass through the village once every month. Under these circumstances many of the peasants, when suffering 'from disease, resort to conjurors, who practice their incantations with holy water, and to the trainers of tamed bears, who lay the sick man on the floor and compel a bear to walk over him several times. A new play by Charl,js Reade, called "A Woman's Life," has been produced in San Francisco, with Rose Eytinge in the principal part. It is a melodrama of the most lurid sort. The San Francisco Bulletin says: "The writer seems to have worked with the idea predominant of making each scene as telling as possible and ef working up exciting tableaux." The Call says: 44 The piece is a sort of modified melodrama, with a story, and ia followed clcsely by the audience. " The Chronicle condemns tke play as bad ic nearly every respect. THE DEBATE IN CONGRESS. Tha debate on th Army Appropriation bill was continued fc the House yesterday, when speeches were made by Messrs. Singleton aud Tucter Democrats ; Wea ver, De'La j aiyr, Jafies and Wright, Greeiibadke.'s, and flaWtey atW Garfield, tiepublicans, the Utter closirg 'he debate. A vote is to be i&kn iu the House to-day, and on MonrTafne fijht will be transferred to the Senate. Mr. Tuckers speech wavj- .- . " . ,. ... 17.. , partisans, tnan whom nose are more skill- especially good ; it was highly applauded and he was warmly congiatulatedt Of the I Greenbackers Mr. De La Matyr, o' Indiana, plainly stated his intention to vote for the bill as it now stands; Mr. Jones, of Texas, opposed the placing of political legislation on an appropriation bill and Mr. Wright, of Pennsylvania, had never heard disputed the right of the House to engraft on appropriation billb other necessary measures ol legislation Thus, of the four Greenbackers beard from, two may certainly be scored as in tending to vote for the bill. Thus far the advantages are certainly with the Democrats. We believe that the bill will undoubtedly pass both Houses and we do not believe that Mr. Haves wil, e veto it. We think that he wili either allow it to become a law by default or else will do as President J oh a eon did, sign in and send in with it a protest. IMPORTS AMD EXPORTS. Among the many commodities which occupy a prominent position in its rela tion to cur material wealth, an i which has always been an important factor in the commerce bf the nation, we must nominate iron, in all its different forme and shapes, whether in the native ore as it comes from the minas or in its various stages of manufacture, as one of the mobt notable. In taking this article into account, we shall include, not only iron, in all its conditions of ore and manufac ture, but we shall also inc ude steel as belosgiug legitimately to the same class. Since the formation of the government we have been iargly dependent upon foreign industry for articles of ruanufac tered iron and steel, and down t within a very few years a large proportion of the machinery, tools and other commodities necessary to onr use and proste -ity have been imported from abroad. During the past ten years, however, there has been a most decide'd change so that now, while our exports of iron arc much larger, oar imports of the same commodity are materi ally less.This condition of things establishes two noteworthy facts: First, that our mining interests have been more fully de veloped, and, secondly, that our iron and steel manufacturing industries have been perfected to such a degree that we are no longer dependent upon foreign artisans in those metals for the manufac tured articb. We can now furnish what ever we need through the skill of our own mechanics. To show the increase in our exports wagiv the follow figures as taken from the report in question. Exports of iron and steel and the manufactures thereof in the year ending Julo 80, 1878. ...$15,882,608 In 1868 8,258,700 Increase in ten years 7,623,808 This increase has a much greater sig nificance and force when we compare it with the imports of the same commodi ties in different years, aud to illustrate and give a more complete comprehension of the matter we give the value of the imports of iron and steel for the years 1873 and 1888, (a period of five years) respectively. In giving these figures we name the aggregate value of the imports of iron and steel whether in pig, bar, Ksheet, scrap, irg t or in manufacture ar ticles, foi thoac years, without attempting to particularize: Value ed imports in 1873 .. . $50 308.452 Value of imports in 1878 9,057,632 Decrease ia five yeard... 50,250,820 It would seem at first view that this immense decrease in one of the most com mon and important articles of merchan dise, was owing to such a stagnation in business in this country that we have not been able to purchase a liberally a m 'ornaer years, but that is dispell d in f measure by reference to our figures ivinf the comparative value of exports for 1868 and 1878. To tin r manifestly establish the fact that suh is not th? casS, we quote the imports of one itfm iu inanufacted iron and steel Jbr the five years eliding June 80, 1878, In railroad btrs ot iron and steel there were. Imported in 1873 $iy,740,702 Imported in 1878... 530 Decrease in five years....!.... lj, 7-40, 172 Here in one single industry, which in 1873 was one of the most important, ot our importedarticlet, our purchases from abroad have dwindled into such utter in significance that it can hardly be con sidered as worthy of an es.imate. It is well known that during those five year there has been no diminution in the demand for iron and steel rails. On the contrary the opposite is (he fact. The demand has been uneeasingly on the increase, and we have no data to state positively) we imagine the amount of steel rails laid dur iog the past year will far exceed that of any previous year, and probably the tonnage of iron rails would equal that c f former years. Instead of purchasing these from our neighbors across the ocean, we mine them from American soil, mould them Into shape and form with American mechanics in American manufactories, thereby developing our resources, giving euin'cvmetit to mnr own moohantM and ial, and keep our money to spend among Our own people. 1 m m ST1 m i The cost of Congressman Whiteaker "s hurried trip from Oregon to attend the opening of Congress, including the special palace car from San Francisco to Ogden, is estimated to have been from $1,500 to $3,500. He went from his home to Sac Francisco, which he had not seen for nineteen ears, by steamer The voyage f.vas vc-rv b oraiy. and he wag sick, hun gry, and exhausted whan ho reached the Golden Gate. It was his purpose to re cruit hi stiength by a stay of some da iu San Francisco, but he was seiz d i urii i'd iate;y on landing, hurried across San Francisco Bay to the railway station of the Central Pacific Hail road, where a special locomotive and palace car were waiting, with steam up, and was whirl ing away with nothing in the way of food auoard except some cold luncheon, noi did the car stop anywhere to get a warm meal for the drooping Congressman unt.l the regular train that was Bure to bring him to Washington in time was overta ken. It took about twenty-four hourn to do it, daring which double the usual time was made. Who is to pay for the ex" traordiaary trip ha:; not been 6tated, but it is not Mr. Whiteaker. De La Matyr, an Indiana Greenbackei in Congress, has signified his purpose o stand by the Approp; iatien bilis as report ea in 1 he House by the Democrats.. A Marty: immolated on an aiiar ei cL"d b Co tede ra( e lir igadiers , The r.reiiitilous mooter in which the Re publicans discuss the rigidity of the Presi dential backbone indicates that they have ve;y i?teat misgivings about his ability and strength to lead their revolution. The Confederate Brigadiers teem to be in a fair way to capture the Yankee Greenbackers iu Congress Another Dem ocratic blunder. The Confederate Brigadiers have cap tured Chicago likewise St. Liosis anc the Democracy is tottering to its ruin. Food 111 Digested Imperfectly nourishes the system, since it is only partially assimilated by the blood Pale, haggard mortals, with dyspeptic stom achs, impoverished circulation and weak u,erves, experience a marked and rapid im provement in their physical condition by availing themselves of that sure resourced" the sick and debilitated, Hostetter'E Stom ach Bitters. This gonial tonic and altera tive lends an impetus to the processes of di gestion, which insures an adequate develop ment of the materials of blood, fiber and muscular tissue. Moreover, it soothes and strengtbens overwrought or weak nerves, counteracts a tendeucy to hypochon dria or despondency, to which dyspeptic and biliious persons are paiticularly liable. and is an agreeable and wholesome appetizer and promoter of repose. The infirmities of age, and of delicate female eon stitu lions, are greatly relieved by it;and it Ls a reliable nreventive of, and remedy for, malarial fe vers. OLD AND RELIABLE. Db. Sanfobd's Liver Invtgoratob is a Standard Family Remedy for diseases of the Liver, Stomach and Bowels. It is Purely Vegetable. It never Debilitates It is Cathartic and Tonic. TRY IT 1 . U'" A 1 i V ' QV 3VA ftty.voi 11V .1 a- s a e . nil" v- R e iver Inviirorator nas been used in my practice and by the public, more than 35 years r v witu uuprn.e ueniea results j a -1 . ' V 8END FOR CIRCULAR. S. T. W. SAMFORD, M.D., ifiv??? v AJI OBU6ISr WLU TXLL IOC ITS WMTVUXSM, apl 4- Sampies from Baltimore and New Orleans. ROERS for Molusee, JBar,roabe,8oap, Meats, Bice. Ac, promptly exeeeted at bot tom price bj JA.8. T. PSTTaWAT, dec 3 14 Water Strt et. II rz w m m a -j a mm m m sr. . mm mm. mm mmr 1 j am mmm m v r mm 1 . a i i v q v a tTm m m UUI Th a -ail Is Villi I IK IU lfor V I I Miscellaneous Gib To GEORGE MYERS, 11, 13. 6l 16 South rront St " .... - - - nu .. Make no IMistake ! J 18 THREE STORES contain the Largest sad Finest Selections of Choice Family Groceries. Wines, Teas, Liquors and Provisions the City has ever Known ! Pony, Blue Grass, Debaonioo Club House, Sweet Mash, Smoky Hollow and Ken tockj Gem Whiskeys, Wines, Cham pagnes, Holland Gin. Jamacia Rum, French Brandy JrenoU Cordials, Domestic Wints. Oolong and Imperial Tens, 2b per sent un der Market Price. 100 Bbls Choice Bed Apples, 100 Bbls Potatoes, 50 Boxes and Bales Orasget, lOOO Cocoa Nuta, lOO OOO Choice Havana Cigars, 3000 Cases Assorted G ods. Sweet Mash $3 00 per gallon.?. Baker's Old Bye $2 00 per gallon, Choice Teas 50 cents per pound. ake no Mistake. Gire him a Tall. feb 11 Is a monthly, 100-page Scrap Book of the cream of S the World's Literature. Single copy, 20c., or $2 pel year. An Oil Curomo (14x20 inches) of " Yoeemite Valley," price. f3 ; Black Sheep, " a f 1.S0 book, in gaper binding; "Christian Oakley's Mistake. ' a SI ook, in paper binding, and a sample copy of "Wood's Household Magazine all post-paid, for only SO cents in money, or in one-cent postage stamps. Agent wanted. Most liberal terms, but nothing sent free. Address B. S. Wood. Tribune Building, New York Oiy- The New Boot & Shoe Store, 32 MARKET STREET. I HAVE JUST BETDBNED FROM THE arorth wiih a large stock of First Class Goods IS MY LISE. All the Latest Styles of the season ia Gsnt'g, Ladies' and Children' Qocda. A call r.t ay plaee will sire you money. My Htck i new, and th - Bet in Qualit and Stle. Fine -li pers from 60t u., Kewp .t Tie frooi $1 tp. And every thing in proportion. Price! to suit the bard tim s. Ca ' and exami f r y; ureelf. No iroabU ti show.- Goods R' pectfuliy, C. ROSENTHAL, :2 Market St. apl 2 lt' Worth Your While Heading ! ALL GRADES OF COFFEE ARE ROASTED AND GROUND DAILY VNDEB MY OWN SUPER VISION. I hare a Patect Cylinder Boaster, and an experienced man to attend to it. Therefore, I can AI.WiYi fornieh yon with Koa-ted Coffee WARM if desired, and can gnar&ntet the quality, because I select my own Coffees, and can judge them it the green berry. Parties buying Roasted CoffVes North cai 't tell what f ey get, nor hew long it ba been roasted. Come where you can get th- C f ee yon call for FUE3H, and at prices thai others can't compete with. Remember that I an the only Grocer ia the city that Boasts his own Coffee Prices a; follows, Roa.ted aad Ground : BIO15c, 2"e, 26c, 80c LAOU AVttA 30c, erblbs. f.r$1. J AY A Sec nine Old Government, 33',. NO MIXTURE ALL PCSE. I JMS I. STEM apl 2 One Spoon." The rest Reliable and Eaonomical Baking Powder ! ONE TEASP005FUL to a Quart of Flour ia ENOUGH. Try it once aad jou will Me no other. At wholesale by apll HALL PEARS ALL, Wilcox, Cibbs & Cos., CELEBRATED FERTILIZER THE MANIPULATED GUANO ! The Best and Cheapest ! COTTON In offering to you the WILCOX, G1BCS & CO.'S MANIITLA'i ED GUAXfi another season, we do so with the m'st perfect cr nfidenci that vou will fi.,H . BEST AD CHiilAPE6T FERT1L1ZEK It is no new article, requiring experiments to sestablish its valne, hvt h3s y for years with unbounded success, gaining in favor frcm year to jear, until h n accepted as the iXAX.DARD FEKT1LIZEK. 16 L It has been our study, not to make it EQUAL to others but SUPERIOR A our success in these eflorts we refer you to the many of your neighbois who Lv it, as well as to t ne thousands in the South A J an tic Cotton States. e oed This (iuauo is so weli known that it is unnecessary to publisli any certificategK annex atw testimonials in our circulars only from Planters who have made ! 'esus of it alongside the Peruvian Guano, as showing how it compares ith pe' juano, w hich has heretofore beeu generally esteemed above all other Fertilizers Ue will have only a moderate supply for sale aud would request Planters to heir orders early. tti Our Agents are authorized to sell the MANIPULATED on very favorai l payable in cotton next Fall. ' jau 29-dAw J AS. T- PBTTEWAY Agent A New Departure. P. L. BRIDGEKS & CO., Following the example of Park & Tilford, Ackler, Merrill & Condict and other large Groerra off Sew York have commenced keeping BURNETT'S COLOGNES ! Which are acknowledged ly ah o -e THE FINEST IN AMERICA! WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED A LINE OF THAT Old North Carolina Corn Whiskey J Which eriatedjsuch a sensation among the lovers of PURE OLD CORX. It is male by a Farmer near Charlotte, an 1 we are the only parties in the State whe can sell it. D7" Guaranteed to be Four Tears old.Q P. L. BIl!DGUS & CO. THE CAPE FEAR STILL TAKES THE LEAD ! Our Rockbridge County Is the be t $4 Whisker iu the World ! THE DIAMOND STAR G'GAR Three for 10 cente, is guaranteed Clear Havana Filler. P. L. BR1DGERS & CO . DON'T FORGET Even if we are THE LARGEST RETAIL CIOAK AND L Q70R DEALEKS IN Wlf HHjraTONfTHAT WE ARE AISO THK Cheapest Grocers P. L. BRIDGERS&GO. mch 26 Bonitz's Hotel. QOLDSBORO, IsT. C p ilOES REDUCEDTO $1.25, fl 50 and $2 CO per day.aeeo dirg to location of r oiua Single Meals 25 and LQ cent-. Bar. Billiard Room and B ber : hop attached to the Hotel Accommodations for Ladiej and f im iliea unsurpaaaed. Special advAntnges otT-r vd to Commercial Travelers. WM. BONITZ, tab 14 Proprietor. Tonsorial. HAVING AGAIN located in the base meat of the Purcell House, I have tbor onhly renovated aad improved the old stanc and am bow prepared to abaveahampoo, v cat hair tor every hody. The beet of work men, clean towels, sharp raaors and lev KLTI5 aRT IS, ml J W Pvttil Houe Barber Shoot GUANO! :o: iu use. lit The Collins House On The European Plan, Comer Front and Red Cross 8tree Near Union Depot I RESPECTFULLY ANNOUNCE h my friends and tfeg pablic that IkJ upwucu iu auove ciouse and am D0W rtaraH tn ft i ivrmu:a.ii optMl at a!J U . ' . . Ha .,4 - II Prices low hjhI bed i'irs. A1JU All jr. Special rates by dav. welrnr a i ll"The only Restaurant in the ,u. . W. M. COLLIN , oct 6-2Kw-athu Pniete An Ixciting Book ! 20,000 8oU lne Wild Adventures'' and Tr nptfi STANLEY-IN-AFBICA this only aath?Dtic and copyrighted eiJ in America. Gires a full hiatory of hii"Donj the Congo". Agei.ts anted. For foil p HUB cJ AUD liBO., p,, mch 25-4 w Pbfladdpkii CHEAPEST BOOK STORES i N TEll om 53,672 Superb English Books it Our Pra 0)2(oew American Hooks At TeurfM iiz, (zo oecona-nand iiooks At AnyPnB Catalogue of General Literature Fre LEGGAT BR0THEK8, 3 Beekman stn near New Tost Office, mch 254w New Tori Parse-Bt' Purgative Pills e IT wl DHJoa, ana wiu cumpietely cnsneeirei in thf CDtirmvct.m in thru. mnntflL persen who will take 1 pill each sifhtf: to 1 1 weesw mv be renred to worm m if such h. thioflr h noksihlH. Kent br na 8 letter stamps. I. 8. uHNS0.n i Cft mch 26 iw RHror. LAME BACI PnD4pt for la nfcne-rt or weaic-SJ 1 henmatiarn and all local acfte i DAina. the bet remedv kuown. H Sl vented to overcome the slow aetwJ ordinary Poru PJastrs. It relief I it f-nce, and cute wher9 otnerpilt not even relkve. Sold everyw"'i )mosrm'n. Pr'c. 2. cents. BCn CE -J M THE STEAMER I7ILL RESUME RKG- I V uimx trips to Siuithvlil vJOMY. March 3, leaving hr Wharf at 9-30 rrtarnii-l b P. H. Hnviajr been UvsrbsaW. ated and Painted, we prn we j nd nlpKirc .-kera a'CoxiodsUO" paaeed. Ti ke's 60 cenu feb 3 M. "J!. Peruvian Cuan' 250 Tons No- 1 Gau,ia Por fa!e by apl 2 CHOICE NEW Cm CUBA M0LA3 300 Hhds- PART OF IT NOW For sale by Williams wrC apl 2-d Aw. annum, dro" sT is back. R

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