T.YiMri THIS FAPM JO RJFTIOIW. POSTAGE PAJD. Six moo tas, B3 Ml ; inrw One month, 60 cent. g.,uaj P" city, at the rt1' 1 : .rtisi: ratet low ua uoerai .aabseribers will please report aoy d to receire their papers regaiany. LQCAL NEWS, w Advertisements. .. , ionc-Gl Oeod Friday. EL tiBJetOrieat Mutual lasurance Oo. 8.Pt' Annual Meeting. Iaiu. iw'i -u . kmmni Smith Till e and For fcu " IP. C. HILLS, l mm.m j m." . j i . v r D . ii.iiaa.All In ! Call In! mm n. D.nrtrKli7htl if, to. n'i of ir MliiMUia-Foster's Business File. c iohti ef Honor meet to-i.ight. Jet! meant Bat twe more days tn the lnn f THE Daily Review. VOL. IV. WILMINGTON, N. C, THURSDAY, APRIL 10, 1879. NO. 55 Tb gteeni-yacbt Pmssport 111 resume regular trip to-aorrow. The Storm Signal ie Myln to-day and jg tbe dast by the ion. Ci Danoaa K. McRae returned to the Try it. .ft will sure yoj. Dr. Bali's h Syrna, Att Vruggtst. Keep it. rioe 25 cenU. Car load of strawberries pan through ar city daily 00 the northern bound from tbe South. There will be bo paper issued from this jffice to-morrow, Good Friday. We hope . . i mm OUt..-.,., to greet our patron a aui ou wohmu; kfternoen. Mr Dllae Cheepntt, who wa recently rirtr mail messenger, has been appoint- a route agent at helper on the Wil mington k Weldon ft. R. The annual meeting of the stockholders of the Wilmington Compress and Ware house Company will be bald at the Bank of New Hanover Hall en Saturday next, at 1 1 o'clock, fiso advertisement in an other eel City court. Lewis freen, colored, arrested for lar ceny, was ordered turned oyer't Justice H!l for trial. Plummer Young .arraigned for trespass, was givsn over to the tender mercies of a trial Justice. This completed the Mayer's session for the day. Committed Upon a Serious charge. Samuel Faison, colored, was sent here for safe keeping from Pender last night inder eemmitment from Justice C. W. HeOlammy, Jr., upon the charge of rape, alleged to hart been committed upon a colored girl twelre years of age. The prisoner was lodged in jail where he will be kept for safe keeping until the next term ofPender county Superior Court. Ataddtn. Professor Agostini has in preparation' Al ddiB, or the Wonderful Lamp' and will present it to tbe good people of this city on Friday evening, tbe 15th iost, at the Opera House. Tbe characters of the play will be tepieeeeted by tbe pupils of his seeing school and in their instruction he Is assisted by ladies ef well known ability. Tbe care bad ether scenery ne cessary for the proper mounting of Alad din is being painted by aa artist in this it J . We see promised a rich treat and nth dancing by tbe performers as was never seee in this etty. taJmmWwtr9tti Cewrt. Ls wis Green, colore!, obarged with larceny of $5 from another colored man, was arraigned, bad a preliminary trial before Justice Hall this moraiog and was bound over to the Criminal Court in tbe ram of 60. Ptummr Yeung was arraigned before the earn Justice upon the charge of tres pass in that the defendant walked into tbe apartments of W. H. Tyler, a colored resident of Paddy s Hollow, and ensconced himse'f in said Tyler's bed. Tbe de fendant was discharged upon payment of 8 26 costs. The Good Templars. The following officers of Wilmington Lodge, JCe. 64, L O. GL T. were sleeted last evening: W C T W M Hays, Jr. Wy-JfiTwWmOmAK . W R 5 J K Spooner. W i Mrs M A Walton. WWV aw. m a i an W C Mies Sal lie Spooner. W M O B Branch. W D M-Mies Matu E Orr. W I G-Mia. Emma Gnrlsr. WOOriyOrr. W A S line Ella Smite. W R H 8 Hies Mary Jones. W L H S Mite Mary Yepp. That Sewing Socit y. The teller of one of our city banks was very much astonished this morning when a deputation of ladks, matrons grave and lassies fair, marched up to hi desk and deliberately counted out about two thous ana coppers, tor which larger currency was politely requested. Bat for the surprise of tbe Bank Officer we fear our fair friend would have had a bootless errand coppers to that amount at least, not being a very desirable addi tion t a eah drawer. A it wa, how- o .... m " m . - . ever, bauh on s were duly subatitutea, and that teller is bow wandering what it When ne read tut he will flume time ago certain ladies of one ef our church congregations organized a Sewing Society. They gave it at the time no distiactive appellation, but sub spqaent events caued it to be denomina" ted "The Society for Making Aprons and Selling them for Ten Oenti a piece and Applying the Proceeds to the Payment of tbe Oharch Debt." The male relatives of tbe said ladies were elected honorary members, their privileges being to escort tbe other members from and to the meetings, to re frain from making suggestions, or listen ing to the confidential confab which the working members might be supposed to wish to indulge in, and finally, to make good any difference between what ought to be accumulated and what actually was. We have not space to enumerate all the good the Society actually accomplished bat we have beard that among other benefits the trade in aprons in the City was so enlivened that new stocks have been ordered. It is laid also that ose merchant alone sold about two hundred patterns. Who bought them is not known, but it is certain that each member of the Society had a package of seven left at her residence, with request to "have them done by this even ing." Last night the final meeting was held, and the earnings were to be counted Yesterday mysterious looking little packages were left at the homes of the fair sempstresses with this cautien dis tinctly written there on: "Not to be opened before the meeting." The agony of curiosity endured all day by that troubled Society is possibly not comprehensible to the masculine mind, but the ladies were amply rewarded when en opening the packages at night they found, in each, thirty-six large coppers, oi all countries, shades of colors, dates &s. aeatly put up in cotton. The ladies fin ished counting their funds about 12 o'clock, and then unanimously resolved to carry them to the Bank in person to be exchanged, not daring to trust the honor ary members, for fear of more tricks. The subjoined rsport was sent to a mem ber ot the Society through the Postofiice. As the President disclaims having writ ten it we suppose it is to be attributed to the same source whence came tbe apreas and coppers: Wilmington, N. C. I ) April 9th, 1879. j Ladies of the Patent Apron Sewing So ciety: Pursuant to an agreeable custom exer cised, if not, inaugurated, by the Presi dents of many deliberative Dulies I leel called upoa at tbe oleeing scene of our labors to congratulate you upon the sue e s which has crowned your efforts. Another custom, probably intended as an offset to the above and most likely connived at if not encouraged by the officers aforesaid, is to present retiring Presidents with a handsome gold watch or some other little trinket, in recognition of his or her valuable services, but as I have heard no intention ot this kind intimated, I will not pursue the subject at this mo ment. The first Sewing Sx:iety of which histo ry makes any tneution was that instituted ey tbe firm et Adam A Eve, incorrectly stated to bare been the only one ever known to exist in wbkh there was not more talking done than work. Their la bors, we know, were principally confined to the making of aprons, and I do not doubt that the taste developed by soma ot the members of this Society for that branch of housewifely art has been direct ly inner ited from that famous couple. It is not stated how long Adam remained a mem ber of that first Society, but unless some ot bis descendants belie their ancestry great ly, we are not called upon to doubt that he soon left tbe whole drudg ery upon Eve's hands and con tented himself with iodine malt with what be could not improve upon. We will, however, (to give the gentleman in black his full deeerte) admit that be was never known to grumble because his shirt was mines a proper complement of but- I am sure that none of this fair ience bat ha otten thoaght of tbe terri ble loneliness to which that poor soul Eve was subjected wnile busily plying her needle, deprived even of that solace, the company of a confidential friend te whom she could whisper her moat private opinion of tbe stylo of drew inf indulged in by her daughter-in-law and bar fear that it would certainly ruin peer 8oth. I suppose I might ekotch tbe various improvements in the art ef sewiog from that time when fig leaves were used as material and thorns deubUose as aeedias, to he present when wite that triumph ef art, tb vowing machine, we can aftWd for tbe smalt aum ef ton cents te make a double scolloped, hemstitch centre, cross biased, cut around tbe cor ner apron, or for 50 cents whip a twe plaited fun am an both ends, pat in three rows of gathers aud even embroider a monogram in each corner; but f will not try your patience so far, for I knuw you are all anxious te tell your friends exactly bow diligent we have been and hew much we have aceumulated. Of tbe great benefts we have derived from our Society a low words will suffice. Wo have not only been able te assist the Church in the payment ef its debt but we have laid up a store of information in regard te our neighbors whieb will af ford an inexhaustible conversational sup ply for at least a year to come. Net a new dress has been worn, not a new bonnet dis played, but we have been able to as certain the exact cost both of material and work. Not a husband has erme home late from tbe Club but we have re corded it against him and identified the old bachelor or forlorn widower, who has tempted him te stay away from tbe sweet society ot his home. Te my young un married friends I would say, beware of such fiends in human disguise. I do not not knew that it is exactly germane to this subject, but I cannot for bear availing myself of this opportunity te vindicate my sex from One aspersion recently cast upon it. A lecent lecturer, in a reference to the celebrated King Midas, stated that the secret of bis asses' ears wan revealed through the weakness of a female servant. I have taken pains to inform myself upon this subject, and I find that liutory states that it was Midas' barber (and undoubtedly a man) who disclosed the fateful secret. In con clusion, I would recommend, ladies, that enough of our funds be reserved to pay the expenses of a big Sound party, and the balance immediately devoted to its intend ed object, with one proviso, to wit, that we will give one-half of the amount to know who sent those aprons and those coppers. Respectfully President Narrow Escape. At about 11 o'clock this forenoon, iksicianu. JJr. Kng was the first while the wind was blowing quite a se vere gale, a young gentleman of this city, tbe owner of tbe pretty little yacht Addie Louise, thought he would teat ths merits of the boat. He started with her from Messes. Blossom A Evans' yard, and when about halfway across the river the main sheet became entaneled and in a mnmtnt tVia hnat mam canBiKod. When i first discovered the young yachtsman had ths bow line in his mouth and was mak ing good headway for the wharf, with tbe boat in tow. Fortunately no further damage than a ducking occurred, but it was a narrow escape. Sudden Death of a Wertby Citizen Our community was very much shock ed this morning to learn of the sudden demise of one who, though a stranger com paratively, wa yet highly esteemed by all who enjoyed tbe pleasure ef his ac quaintance. Dr. Carl F. Bark hard t, a native olS witzer land but for the past three years a resident of thia oity, died sudden ly this morning between the hours of 3 and 4 o'clock at the residence of Mr. Geo. C. MeDougald, where he boarded, on tl e corner of Ninth and Chestnut streets . The deceased had not been entirely wd for several months, having at different times during that period been confined to hi room from sickness, but no one sup posed that his end was so near. In fact- his most intimate friends had predicted for him a long and successful career ot usefulness in the profession to which be was so devotedly attached and in which he was beginning, to attain such emi nence. The friends with whom he resided had planned for him a short trip into the eonntryin which they were all to par ticipate ,in the hope that the recreation 'and relief thus afforded from his professional duties might improve his physisal con dition and this morning was the time ap pointed for their departure. From the lady of the hoase where the deceased boarded we gather the following particulars concerning the untimely end of this genial, courteous, whole soulod gentleman, whose death we have just re corded: Dr. Burkhardt, after arr anging everything last night for his departure on the Carolina Central train this morn ing, retired to his room in apparent good health, about, 12 o'clock. At 2 e'clcck our informant states she was awakened by hearing a peculiar Kind of noise or breath ing in the room of the deceased, as if some one was whining, and that upon entering there as soon ns she convenieu tly could do so, found the deceased in a stu por. Restoratives of every kind that could be thought of were applied but without affording the necessary relief,while several messengers were dispatched for ditfereat schooner Wrecked. Last Tuesday's Newborn Jfut Shell says. We learn from Mr. Loui 4 Angel 1 that the schooner Clara Merrick, from Philadelphia, with coal, bound for Wil mington, IT. C, struck on the Diamond Shoals, near Hatteras, "on Friday morn ing, at 12:30 o'clock, and was totally wrecked. The vessel sank so deep that the crew had to climb to tbe mast beads, and even there an occasional wave washed ever them. The schooner Mary Louisa Capt. Qaskill, went to the rescue of the J mi syr crew ana an were saveu. xne uiara Mwnck was a schooner of about 1 10 tons. criminal Court. The following cases were disposed ot to-day: SUte vs Solomon Bo wen, 'charge with assault and battery. Verdict guilty. Judg ment suspended upon payment ef costs. State vs James Heaton, charged with embezzlement. Motion by defendant to quash indictment motion granted. Appeal craved by the State. Appeal granted. State vs James Heaton, charged with embezzlement. On trial. In six different cases a not pros was en tered by Solicitor. "Good Wine Seeds 'Brisk." f either does Doolkt's Yeast Powder, matchless for all kinds of bread and pastry. The purest cream tartar made from grape acid is used in its composition . And each can is exactly full weight. It s sot merely a question of economy in pane, however. Tbe products ia which it is used are meet healthy aad delicious. ST. PAUL'S KTAUO. LUTHKAAH CKKBCK, Comer of Sixth and Market streeta. Rev. 6. D. Bernheim, D. D., Faster. Divine Services for Good Friday Preparatory Service in German at 10.80 a. m. Ger man Service aad Communion at 11 am. English Service and Confirmation at 8 P. to arrive, who after an examination discov ered that the unfortunate gentleman was beyond all human aid and in the agonies of death, caused from an attack of apo plexy. Doctors Love and Lane a'se reached the bedside ol their friend, but too late to do any good. Dr. Barkhardt, as stated above, was a native of Switzerland, and while a stu dent at the Medical College in Zurich, some five or six year ago, became invol ved in a personal difficulty which resulted in a duel and caused him to rlee the country, wheu he came to America, and first located at Goldsboro. He afterwards entered the Medical College at Charleston from which he graduated with distinc tion as a physician. He remained in the last named city during the prevalence of the yellow fever there, three summers ago, doing much good in practicing among these who were afflicted with that terrible scourge. Dr. B. was a gentleman of refinement and culture and spoke fluently five or six different languages. He was possessed of a genial, kind hearted nature whioh won for him hosts of friend in our community, who sorrow at bis untimely end. The funeral will take place to morrow at 8 o'clock, from the corner of Ninth and Chestnut streets, to St. Paul's Lutheran Church and thence to Oakdale Cemetery. MAY HIS BEST BE PEACE ! Beard of aldermen. The Board of Aldermen met in regular monthly session, last night, at the City Hall. The Finance Committee, in the matter of the petition of Henry Taylor, reported progress. Tbe Ordinance Committee asked for and were granted farther time. Tbe Committee on Fire Department, in the matter of B. Solomon, reported tint the City Clerk aad Treasurer notify the Company that they must pay the claim at oaoe, or it wi I be paid by tbe city acd deducted from the appropriation. Tbe same) Committee reported favor ably on tbe petition of Mrs. E. Warren aad both reports were adopted. Tbe Sanitary Committee recommended that Health Officer James be instructed te carry eat the recommendations as con tained in bis letter. committee en telephone with engine bouses made a re portj and, on motion, it was leferied back to tbe committee with request that they make a written report at the next meet- Theepecial committee on the removal of the market house made tbeir report notifying tbe Board that after hearing arguments for and against the proposi tion, they were unable to agree, and re ferring the matter back to the Board ef Aldermen, which was received and the committee discharged. A communication was read from Mr J E Lippitt, containing a p-oposition of the stockholders of the New Market; one from S. H. Manning A Co., proposing to build the Market House; ene from T. H. John son and Hermann Hintze covering 1 like proposition, and resolution ef Alderman Hill, en the subjeot; together with an offer ef F W Foster, Esq., te sell theeity a sits for the Market flouse on the eorner of Third and Princess streets; were all referred to Committee on Market and Fees Communication from Cape Fear En gine Company was referred to the Com mittee on Fire Department. Alderaian Flanner, trom the Sanitary Committee, submitted ths action of the Board of Health as to quarantine regula tions, signed by Dr. W. G. Curtis, Quar antine Physician, and Drs. Wood and Walker, Consultiag Physicians, heretofore referred to in the Review, which was ap proved and adopted. Communication from Dr. W. W.Lane, in relation to the City Hospital, was re ferred to the Sanitary Committee, aad a communication from W. Kellogg was referred to the same with power to act. Petition of D. Cortjohn, lor a lamp, was referred to the Committee on Lights, Bid of Colville & Co., to furnish lumber at $11.25 per M., was accepted. Petitions trom J. F. Stolter, Harding Johnson and Colville & Co., to erect build ings, were reft rred to the Committee on Fire Department, with power to act in the case of Colville c Co. Application from N. Morris, for position as Standard Keeper, wps received, and on motion, be was so appointed. Noiwood Gil Esq., was (at Lis own request) required to awe a bond to the city tor$5,000, as Commissioner of the binkinn Fuud. , The Board took a recess tor ten mi mt s then went into executive session.., and Gn i. ly adjourned, without transacting ai y oth"r legislative business v Tbe steamer JSorth Slate took large freigh' and quite a full pa-sen list up the C.ipe Fear this afternoon. 7 cr IN MEMOKIAM. BURKUAUDT Died in thiciiy,sud denly, from coiipestion of ilie ;!uugs, tVis mor ing, April 10th, at 3 A M J L)r. Qa 1 F. Burkhardt, aged 3: years, born ia Uor gen, near Zurich, S vitzeriand. Funeral services will take place from St. Pauls "Lutheran Church to-moirov afternoon, at 3 o'clock, and then, e Oakdale Cemetery. Dr. Burkhardt was born in Horget, a beautiful villag- on the shore of Lake Zu rich, in Switzerland, near the city of the same name. He came to th is country in company with a number of emigrants, about ten years ago, when quite a young man , and settled in Goldsboro, where be engaged in small fruit farming. But having received a liberal academic education and attended a course of medical lectures in tbe Uni versity of Zuih'J), this occupation becamei distasteful to him, and through the aid o a friend he was enabled to finishh isfpro fession ai course at the Medical College in Charleston, S. C, where be graduated with much honor to himself, and the fol lowing year, in consideration of his merit received the appointment of House Physi cian in the City Hospital Shortly after this, he removed to Wil mington, where by his honesty of purpose, gentlemanly conduct and genial good na ture, ha soon acquired the confidence ef tbe community and, by his zeal, kindness of heart and industry, was rapidly obtain ing a reputation as a painstaking and skillful physician. He was a man of cultured intellect and fine classic attainments, devoted te his friend, and possessed of much personal magnetism, which won for him a warm regard wherever be was known. So stranger has ever settled in our midst who has so generally won upon the esteem of his fellow-m n as did Dr. Carl F. Burk hardt. Dr. B. was a member of the New Han over County Medical Society. Medicus. American Wines. But few persons are aware of the great amount of grape raised in New Jeroey. Alfred bpeer i known to be tbe Urges, wine grower e-.st of the Rocky Moan tail s His Port Grape Wine is the best, and is cooside-ed by physicians and chemif ts as tbe best wine to be procured. It is or dered to London and Paris, where it is becoming very popular among wealthy families. For sale by J. C. Mund -, P. L Bridgers A Co and Green A Flanner Apl. l-2w PLEASE .NOTICE, We will be glad to receive eommnnicaticsi from our friends on any and all subjects ot general interest but : The name of thewriter must always be fo aiahed to the Editor. I Communication must, be written on on'j one aide of the paper. Personalities mast be avoided. And it i especially and particularly and stood that the Editor does not always endo w the views of orrej.oa dents, unless so state ia the editorial columns. Now Advertisements. Kniirhts of Honor. (JAROLINA LODGE Ko. 434. 8K ciaj Meetin THIS (Thursday) eTenbjK at kS o'c!k, for the purpose cf coeferiin; atgseee. GEO. N. RARkISS, H 10 R,,., Bank Notice. pBIDAT, 11TH INST,, BEING GOOD Friday, no business will be transacted by the Banks of tlis city oa that day. 8. D. WALLACE, Cashier, . Bank of New KanoTer. A. K. WALK KB, Cashier, apl 10-lt ftirst National Bank. Annual Meeting, rpHE ANNUAL MEETING of the Stock holders of the WILMINGTON COMPRESS AN L) WAREHOUSE COMPANY will be held at the Bank of New Hmat u.ii L. Saturday, April 12th, at 11 o'clock, A. M. GEO. SLOAN, Pi 10 Sect'y and Treasurer. Smithvllle and Forliflca tions, THE BEAUTIFUL, NRW and fast Steamer F ASS PORT, will resuoie Regular Trips FRIDAY. Anril lll, Leaving I iock at S.30 A. M., Returning at 6.00 P. M. Fare 50 cent. PI lt GEO. MYERS, Agent. Ifer mania Lodge No. 4, K of P. JKETHREN: You are hereby ordered to appear at your Castle Hall on to. morrow, (Fridav) afternoon, at 2 o'clock, in full uniform with white gloves, to attend tbe funeral of our deceased Brother, Carl F. Burkhardt, Nf. D. The Brethren of Stonewall Lodge No. 1, are respectfully invited. By order; C. C. F. C. MULLKR spl 10 K. of K. and S. STATEMENT SHOWING THE CON DliiON OF THE Orient Mutual Insurance Company ol New York. Asset . December 31, 1878. Value of real estate and ground rents owned by the Comr any, (less the am' unt of encumbran ces thereon) $350,029 18 Account of stocks and bonds of tb; Trd'ed States, and if this and other Stte. also all other .-tocka and b nds absolutely owned by the I'ompaay 216.562 10 Stocks, bo us nd all other eecu r;t:e, except mortgages) hy poth rated to the Company as collateralsecurity for cash actu ally loaned oj the company 250 00 t atb Jn Company's principal of fice and belonging te tbe Com pany, de; ositei in Bank 68.697 C9 Premiums unpaid 68.C96 30 All other assets detailed in state ment...... 366.462 0T Twlal Assets ..$1,046,128 63 - Liabilities. Losses unpaid, including those resisted $K8 3 M 0 Reserve, as required by law H i 571 2i All other claims 21.831 99 rpU WLMINGTON JOURNAL, is ei of the very best advertising mediojas ia tbe Stale. Try it. Total Liabilities .?. $243,711 22 Surplus beyond Capital as. re gards policy holders ..$208,889 4' Total Income 3 1.006 3f Total Expenditures 772 19 1 4 North Carolina Business in 1878. Bisks written .....$ 681.688 00 Premiums received 6.32140 Losses paid oa risks taken 263 e 9 Losses incurred, not ye t adjusted, 216 00 DsR08SET 4 NORTHROP, Agts, Wiiming toa, N. C. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, j Office or Secretary of State, Insurance Department. ) Ralbiqh, April 8, 1679. In compliance with 8ee. 8 of "An Act 04- cerning Insurance," ratified March 12th, 1677, I certify that the above is a true extract from the sworn statement of the Orient Mutaal Insurance Com out to December 3b t. 1878. bow on file in this Department, aad tbe state ment is hereby approved. W. L. RAUNDERS. apl 10 Secretary of State. Foster's Business File gETTfcR, CHEAPER, More Cofivooknt than any other FILE ia use. Or namental a well as useful. Papers filed so that content are alwaj s -c cecsible. Mind 256 letteis in one-half minute, at crct ef one-twentieth of a c-tt Substantial' j made and beautifully finished Four different size to tit any papers. Keeps papers sec are so that they cannot te loot or blown off. Any paper can be taken off in an instant, without disarranging the others. Adapted to th as of merchants, lawrers, authors, clergymen, or private iediriduaJf. Please examine ; it speaks for itself. For sale at HEIN8BERGR'S, apl 8 Lire Book asd Music ft tore. DYERTUEia be Wilmington Joura One of tee osnost weekly papers pah Office eorner, w atsraau stairs. si I lajeji Ifi