THIS PAPER 1, 0a WUhd sTery afternoon, 8andays ea JOSH. T. JAMBS, CDTTOB AND PKOFWMOB. SUBSCRIPTIONS. POSTAGE PAID. Oae year, 6 00 Six months, $2 50 ; Three aoathf , $1 M ; One month, 60 cent. The PPr will be delivered by carriers, t of ehwge, in any part of the city, at the bore rates, or IS cent perweek. Advertising rates low and liberal ay Subscribers will pleaae report any and il failure! to recede their papers regularly . LOCAL NEWS. Mew Advertisements. Baowsi A Foddici Wake Up ! p. h. SrEUST Tbe Excitement. Tc nam k Anaao New Baiber Shop. Or. Bom -Aladdin, or The Wonder ful 1 a -up. Oriaa Hocsk Miss Amy Grey. Ursa Hooss Prof. Anderson. HociBi.r By the Ladies ef St. Thoma' Cbareb. Makiou Mooas Lost. A Hwaiaa-All In 1 Call In! P RTMBee Fester's Business File. J. C. Moih, Druirgi t Fancy Goods. No City Court to day. Whitewash: og has commenced. Tbe trarle in baby carriages is active. La s leiigtb 13 boars and 6 miuutes. Dr. Iaaae N. Carr, of this city, will re reueee te Tarboro. No interments in Beilevue Cemetery du.tag tbe past week. Apples continue abundant, and per consequence are very cheap. Hucksters charged from 80 to 00 cents per pair for chickens this morning. Tbe April showers are much allay the dust which Boreas has "kicked P- Bladen County Superior Court, Judge A. A. McRoy presiding, is in session this week. There were three interments in Oakdale Cemetery during the past week all ad ults. Two interments iu Pine Forest Ceme tery during the past week one adult and one child. Mouse colored bursts seem to be quite the thing now among those who can af ford equine luxuries. A worn am, whose name must be men tionlsss, calls her husband good resolu tions, because he is always broke. Tbe Register of Deeds has issued nine marriage licenses during the week three for whites and six for colored couples. Where twenty mottoes have failed to make home happy, the result has been frequently accomplished by a. good din ner. Tbe hucksters captured the Market this morniag. Every thing except beef offered for sale during market hours was ia the hands of hucksters. Ornithologists say there are five thous and different species of birds, but give men their little swallow, and they don't care what becomes of the other 4,999 kinds. It is announced officially in a fashion journal that the newest style of lady's bat is the Pinafore, which is of white French chip, high erown, sloping edge and turned up on one side. The lace ties advertised in the Review a few days ago to arrive, by Mr. 8. H. Fishblate, and for which there has been such a rush, were received last night. Now, ladies,you can be supplied. From Centennial Headquarters. I find Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup excellent, having a ready sale and rendering more satisfaction than any Cough Syrup I have ever sold.' A. B Maloue, . D , Fif teenth and Carpenter Streets, PhiladeU pbia, Pa. Both prudence ahd ambiti concur in urging honest men to do tbe best pos sible thing, each in his own line of busi ness. It is this feeling which has made DooLXT's Yeast Powdeb the best in the market. The cans are always full weight, and tbe contents chemically pure and moat skillfully compounded. Recovered. Mr. Juha Lutgen, who was robbed on Thursday night of a trunk and other ar ticlesjesterday morning found the trunk ia a boat which was stolen the same night from Messrs.Caasidey A Ross.ia the Mulberry street dock. The trunk was badly broken, and of course everything was taken out of it. Ettr MeasUy Night- The ladies of St. Thomas' Church will have a Sociable at German ia Hall on next Monday evening We all know what this means an evening of genuine en joyment to all who may attend. Messrs. Jaa. McGarity, Jan. ReiUy, T. Don lan, F. H. Darby and John Neilan are the gentlemen who have been placed on the Committee and this met alone should guarantee the pleasant entertainment of U who may be there. The VOL. IV. Strawberries. The first strawberries oftjrtd for sale in this market this se son were on band at Mr. S. G. Nortbrcp's this morning. They were a co signment from Ft rida and were held at seveutv-hve cens per basket. Up For Repairs. By an accident to some of her ma chinery, the bteamet Clin'on will not make her regular trips for a few days( wbi'e she is being rfp dred . She is now lying at the wharf of Messrs Ski.njr & Lay on, wno are making the i;ecessary repairs As soou as they aro eonipleted she will resume ber trips up the Northeast river to Bannerrnan's Bridge audCbiuque pin. The Sabbat a Boil. The following named persons have been appointed by the building committee of St. Luke s church, colured, to solicit aid to purchase a bell for their house of worship, just erected on the comer of Seventh and Church streets: H. W. Green, H. B. Green, Emanuel Jones, Henry L;ftin, William Burr. Lewis Bry ant, Charles Walker, W. B. Hill, H. B. Walker, Va'ertine Howe, Paris Jones l and Henry Ellis. City Hall Items. Business was generally suspended at the City Hall yesterday There were two cases for the Mayor's consideration, but His Honor declined to bear them yesterday and continued them until to-day. Meantime the parties con cerned compromised the matter and this morning submitted the case without trial and walked up to tbe Clerk's desk and settled the damages by ponying up a $10 greenback. Easter Hay. The long Lenten last is over with and Easter, the Queen of Festivals, is at hand. The indications at this writing are that to morrcw will be both beautiful and pleasant and, if it is, it is likely that the largest congregations of the new year will be present in all of the churches in the city. The services on Easter Day are unusually beautiful and impressive and it is not at all likely that to-morrow will prove an exception to this rule. The Fruit Crop in tne luterior. We are sorry to learn that the fruit crop in the interior of this State has been entirely destroyed by the recent cold weather. A private letter received in this city from Pittsboro conveys': the in formation that every thing of the kind in that section has been ki led, even to the strawberry vines which, in some in stances, an endeavor had been made to preserve from the cold by covering them over. The loss of the fruit crop in Chatham will be a very serious blow to the peoplo of that county. The Florida a Man or War. In referring to Capt. John N. Maffitt a .few das ago as the orator of the occa sion on Memorial Day, we inadvertantly alludsd to the steamer Florida as a Con federate private er,wheu id fact she was a regularly commissioned man-of-war in the Confederate navy, and her officers and crew were regularly commissioned and enlisted by the Navy Department .of the Southern Confederacy. We intended to have written Confederate cruiser when we penned the notice, but by some inad vertence on our part wrote privateer, in stead. Wboa, luinaa ! We weie informed yesterday, by one of the firm, that Messrs. Westbrook & Brc, of Rocky Point, a few days ago 'made an. other shipment of radishes to Baltimore, tbe receipts ef which put those we quoted Saturday eutirely in the shade. The latter shipmaut cousisted of six barrels from which they netted $67.50, or $11.25 per barrel. This is a profitable crop to culti vate when one dollar per barrel, net pro ceeds, can be realized, but with such enor mous profits as those quoted above we are afraid that our Rocky Point friends will begin to put on airs. Trusting, how ever to their good looks and their genial good nature.we will not anticipate the cold shoulder at the present.' American Wines. But few persons are aware of the great amount of grapes raised in New Jersey. Alfred Speer is known to be the Urges, wine grower east of the Rocky Mountains His Port Grape Wine is the best, and is considered by physicians and chemists as the best wiue to be procured. It is or dered to London and Paris, where it is becoming very popular among wealthy families. For sale by J. C. Munds, P. L Bridgets A Co and Green A Fianner Apt l-2w Daily WILMINGTON, N. C, SATURDAY, APRIL The Market Question. Very much interest has been manifes ts I in this community of late in regard to ths proposed removal of the Market nouse from its present location ana we have been led, threby, to examine tbe various propositions in regard to the mat ter which htve been submitted for tbe action of the Cemmittee. There are too less than four of these now in the hands of Capt. Savage, the City Cle k, on which the vpecial Cemmittee is to act. We shall endeavor herewith to give some if e of the prov sioos of each: First we have the original proposition submitted by Mr. John E. Lippitt, in behalf ef the stock holders of his Company . He proposes to remove the Market House from its present site free of cost te the city; to erect a handsome and commodious building, 105x210 feet for use as a "Public Market House" and to put up suitable sheds at the river for fish and oyster stal la . He agrees that the price ot tl e stal s shall not exceed b, $8 and $12 50 per month, as per location; that the Market shall be kept clean and that the city may purchase any time after the lapse of five years, at cost. He also promises to build markets in the First and Fifth Wards, under same regulations, and te pay into the city treasury $1,000 a year in lieu of all taxes on the property. On tbe other hand the authorities are not to authorize the erec tion of any other markets but may allow meat stores, and also stands for carts in any pat t of thi city they may select. The next proposition before ui is from Messrs. Thomas Johnson, Hermaa Hiatze and others, known as tbe "Wilmington Market House Company." Tbey offer to erect a Market House in the First Ward on the site of that recently destroyed by fire, also one at some point in tbe Fitth Ward, both with accommodations for hucksters and fish cart-; to build a belfry on each for fire alarms; to endow tbe eld Market House with waioscoatiog, lattice work, Sec , and te divide into distinct apartment, s and to arrange for the ac commodation of fish carts at the lower ead; to keep tbe Market Houses clean by daily washings; to weigh all beef eattl 5 brought to the city for the usual fees; to pay $1,009 per annum into the city treasury; to surrender everything to the city at the expiration of fifteen years; te erect such other Market Houses as the Mayor and Board ot Aldermen may from time to t;me see fit te require and to lease the stalls at public auction every first of January, no bid less than $12.50 per month to be considered. In case of a failure of the Company te com ply with the terms of agreement, every tbirg to revert to the city. Messrs. "S. H. Manning A Co. " sub mit the following: To deed lot corner Third and Princess, 50x198, te the city; to build thereon a brick market house with 27 stalls, each separate and distinct from the other; stalls to be let at auction on the first of January at not less than $12.60 each per month, and collect all market fees outside as well as within the market. The city to pay $2,000 per an num lor eight years; the old market house to be taken down an I material used in construction of new market, free of expense to tbe ciy ; to build markets in First and Fifth watds with accommodations for hucksters and fishermen; to clean each market dail; , and weigh all beef cattle. Tbe market buildiugs to be all surrendered to the city at the end of eight years in good condition Fourth ly and lastly, a preposition from Mr. F. W. Foster, who offers to well to the city the vacant lot on the corner of Third and Princess streets, as a site for a market house, for $600, cash, or one, two and three years, with interest at 8 per cent lions tbe Wharves Yesterday. All the foreign shipping in port yester day had their colors at half-mast out of reverence and veneration far the solem nity of the day. This was also tbe case at the Imperial German Consulate. This is a custom that is practiced in christian countries across the water, to we are in formed, and one that some of the representatives of those governments in this country follow. The steamship Benefactor was at half mast with her colors also. But this, we are informed, was out of respect tejthe mem ory of tbe late Dr. Barkhardt. The foreign shipping, together with tbe Im perial German Oonauljdeaired also to be considered as bearing tbe same respect to the memory of ibis deceased gentleman as well as respect for the day and occa sion which was commemorated on y ester day. Review. Church .News. Tbe Sixty-third Annual Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of North Carolina will be held with St. John's Church, in Fayetteville, on Wednesday, tbe 14 h day ef May next. Rev. T. Wornl Lar mour, rector of St. Stephen s Church, Goldsboro, is the Secretary of the Dio cese. The Southern Baptist Convention meets in Atlanta on the 8th of May. It is un derstjod that the usual reduction of fare will be made on the railroads, and it is expected that many Ba Jt sts will be, in attendance from this State. Criminal Court. There was no session of the Conrt on yesterday on account of the day being Good Friday. The fallowing cases werj disposal of to day: State vs" Richard Williamson, charged with assault and battery. Motion by de- fendent to dismi .fa. Motion denied. Ver diet guilty. James H eaten, defendant in several cases at previous t erm ef Court, was pray ed into custody for costs. State vs Lewis Green, char e 1 with larceny. Oa trial. Personal. Mr. Roddick, of the large dry goods house of Brown A Koddksk, Market street, has returned from a visit te the Northern markets where he baa spent four weeks in making up his selections for the Spring and. Summer stocks As everybody knows, he is a close and careful buyer takes his time alout it, and generally sue ceeds in getting; the best goods for the least money, ijn consequence of which he is able to offsr rare bargains to the patrons of the house in this city. We in nte atteation to the attractive display made by this form in our columns to-day. Funeral or tbe Late or. BurkJhardt The funeral obsequies of the lamented Dr. Carl F, Burkardt took phuse yester day afternoon from the corner of Ninth and Chestnut streets to St. Paul's Evan gelical Lutheran Church and tUence to r-v a a L a. uakdale Cemetery. The members of Stonewall Lodge No. 1. Germania Lodge No. a and ef Section No. 221 Endow ment Rank, Knights of Pythias, met at Castle Hall en Third street, at 2 o'clock p. m. and under cam n and ef Past Grand Chancellor, H. C. Prempert, as Marshal, marched to the residence of Mr. Geo. C. McDougald where the deceased had re sided up to the time of his death, and from there acted as escort to the remains until the grave had closed over all that was mortal of their late friend and brother. The services in the church were particu larly impressive. Rev. Dr. Bernheim, the officiating clergyman, after reading the funeral office for tbe dead, indulged in some very touching and appropriate re marks relative to the sudden demise of their departed brother. From the Church the remains were borne to their last resting-place, in the beautiful and quiet spot of Oakdale followed by an immense concourse of citizens in addition to the different Lodges mentioned above. At tbe grave, Mr. J no. W. Gerdts, Chancellor Commander of Germania Lodge, read the burial office for the Knights of Pythias in German, and with this the ceremonies closed. Then the heavy, dull thud of the first spade ful of dirt "announced that the last sad rites were being performed and the famil iar form which bad so recently moved around among his many friends perform ing acts of kindness here and there, was now, alas, shut out forever from the gazr of the world, so to rema& until that gra t final day, when the last trump shall sour J For tbe Review. The corner stone ef tbe A. M. E. Chapel, on the old Newborn read, will be laid to-morrew (Sunday) by the Rt. Rev. John M. Brown, D. D., assisted by others, at 3 o'clock. The names of all males who have giv en 60 cents or more and tbe names of all i ate n i acnes wne nave given zo cents or more towards the erection and completion ef the edifice, will be deposited with otber mementoes of the present age in the corner stone, for the beneit of future generations. Come one I Come all !l It is only seven miles from tbe city. These who cannot come can send their names by friend you know! R. H. W. Leak Paster Style, elegance, location, moderate prices, and choke of either the American plan $2.50 to $3.00, or the European plan $1.00 per day, and upwards, meals in tbe elegant restaurant attached to the house, mil unite in giving tbe traveller mom for tbe money, at tbe Grand Central Hotel, New York, than else- 12, 1879. NO. 56 New Advertisements, NewBaiber chop. JOh iUK.VIbK 4NI A MJEKdU.N WOO I 'cnseri&l Artis t, are now located on Fr r, St eet, two door trom r xchange O rnu and are prepared to do go d wo k at ih ft I lowing p.rice: Shaving, 10e., Hatrcuttig. 25c. apt la-St OPERA HOUSE PRIDAY EVENING, APK1L 18TH, 1879 The Ppeetaenlar F xtravagania'-Aladdin o The Wonderful Lainpl" admiaeioo 25 and 60 CiBta. No extra charge for reservaa seats t ickets now on sale at tteinsoergei 'a. pi 12-2c Opera House,Monday, April 14. gOMETHINO NEW. PKESENTd GIVES away. Professor Anderson in his Carnival of Novelties. Hundreds of Prese ts Girei Awaj! Admission 60 cents. .Beat aeat 76 cents. Commence at 8 p. ot. apl 12-2t Opera llouse, Tuesday, 1 April 15. I JXTftA ORDINARY SPIRITUAL MANI- festations. MISS AMY GREY. Wonders of Spiritualism. Spirit forms are plainly seen. Admission 60 cents, front seats 76 cents. Commer ce at 8.30 p. m. apl 12-3t SOCIABLE. rpSE LADIES 0 ST. THOMAS' Church will have a 8oeUble on Easter Mon day night, the 14th mat, .at Germania Ha l. A pleasant tune is guaranteed to all who wish to participate and enjoy themselves. J AS. McGARITY, J AS. KEILLY, T. DONLAX, F. H. DARBY, JOHN" NEILAN, Committee. Star and Sun copy It. apl 12-it THE IS AT Exchange Corner. Something: New Every Day. Juit received a floe line of those ! . . id Gloves, With Patent Fastenings,in Black and Colors. Tea wid wear no other when jou oce try them. A new lot of those popular FlexlG Hip Corsets, If 120 Bones ! Also, Dr. Werner's Health Nursing Corset, the best made. The fit-est assorts: ent of Sun Umbrellas AND parasol: in the market. FINE SILK AND LINEN HCK'FS, FANCY TIES AND BOWS, LACE BIBS, LISLE GLOVES, LINEN COLLARS AND CUFFS, 0000 HAIR NETS, COLOGNE, AC. The Finest Assortment of Millinery to select from ever offered ia this market. The NEWEST STYLEJJ always oa hand and we guarantee to sell yon aay sty Is ef Hat or Bonnet tor less than yon ean bey the same North We charge only for the material, no this g for the Style. We are glad to see all at Exchange Corner Pl 12 j & H. SEKUXT. 1 PLEASE NOTICE. We; will beg lad to receive eommaakaticni from oar friends on aay and all fobjecta ot general interest bat : The name of the; writer mart k always be fa alshed to the Editor. 9ComnanieatioLs most be written on on'y one aide of the paper. Personalities mast be avoided. and it is especially . nd particularly and stood that the Editor does not always endo t. che views of eorreaj oadents. unless so state to the editorial colanns. Nw Advertisement. Wake Up ! aow. & RODDICK. 45 EAarket Street- ! QrFEX THE FOLLOWING SPECIAL aargalns and will commence the sa'e of the aame on Mocdsy the 14th April, 1679. KEEP MOVING. LOT t Best Qaality Get ta' SUPERFINE and STOOT HALF HOSE, 25 ets. pair, formerly 37 cent. KEEP QUIET. LOT 2. I 65 Dosen Latest Styles 1 adies Bows, 26 els. each. Regular price 62,S. KEEPC00L. LOT 3. 50 Doicn Best Quality 3 buttc n La lies' Kid Gloves, 86e, worih $1.60. KEEP THINKING. LOT 4. SO Duaea Ladies' Cut Size Hose, 'lie, price everywhere 75c. KEEP STILL. - LOT 5. 250 Dzjq Worsted Dress Fringe, per yrd, cheap at 31c. 12c KEEP SAVING. LOT C. 40 Dozen Children's StiipedHose, 10c, nasal price 20c a pair. KEEP COMFORTABLE. LOT 7. 10 Doien Ladies' SHETLAND Wool Shawls io assorted Colors, $1, good value at $2. KEEP EASY. 1550 Yards Colored Silk Figured Barege, 15c per yard, GOOD va'ue 40c. The above does not embrace all the RPE C1A.L BARG I.N 8 we have seen red during the four weeks passed in the markets, having spared neither trouble or time in order to ac complish our object. It affords as even more pleasure than it does oar patrons to put der i -rable goods on this market below their actual value as it increases our business and is really the cheapest system of advertising as well as tbe true policy of eitending aay business. We are also offering treat inducements in all our regular purchases and can with safety add that at no time have our facilities been equal to the present seesee, and we are deter mined to nut or regular stock of Ueneral Dry Goods on this market at a lower rate of per coutage than ever before. See adver tisement in dtar. Brown 6l Roddick! 45 Market Street apl 12 Lost. OX THURSDAY NIGHT LAST, between Market Dock and the Empire House, a Ked Pocket-booa, containing $iS in money and two W itne-a Tickets. A liberal reward will be paid for its return to this office, or to MARION MOURE, apl 12 It atBargaw. All In ! Call In ! IOT ONlT THE LARGEST AND Beet Selected and Cheapest stock of Clothing in the city, but a Splendid Assortment cf Hats and Caps for Gents', Youth' asd Fo-' of all styles, qualities and prices. Also the best Unlaundried Phirt in the c'.tj fr ib cents and the best Laun dried Shirt ia the ci y for $1.00, at SHRIEK'S TWO STORES, apl 9 Market st. Foster's Business File gETTEB, CHEAPER, More Coavesi nt tbaa any other FILE in use. Ornamental as well ai uieful. Papers filed so that c intents a e alwajs so eessible binds 250 lettets ba oae-balf minute, at erst of one-twentieth of a c-&t. Substantial 'j made and beautifully finished Four different sizes to fit any papers. Keeps papers secure so that they cannot be loot or blown off. Aay paper eaa be taken off ia aa instant, with out disarranging the others. Adapted to the use of merchant, lawyers, authors, clergymen, or private UdividuU. Please examine ; it speaks for itself. For sale at HE1NSBERGR'3, Live Book aed Music More. apl A DVgRTIsJE in be Wilmington J J. One ef Ike oil set weekly papers lashed la the State. Office Wateraad stairs.

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