THIS PAPER I) published every afternoon, Sundays ex cepted by JOSH. T. JAMES, ICDTTOR A!D PROPRIETOR. 31! KSLR! PTIONS, POSTAGE PAID. tiurn year, 6 ou months, t'l 5u ; Three months, $1 25; One month, SO cents. The paper will be delivered by carriers, of charge, in any part of the city, at the bor rates, or 13 cent per week. A'l ertiainfr rates low and liberal jSubgcribers will please report any and , failure? to receive their papers regularly . New Advertisements. Will Fight T BROWN & RODDICK, 45 Market Street- w K WILL FIGHT AGAINST HIGH i' H KS aid at ALL times speak the truth in ra d to any and EVERY ar'icl j we sell. 0 HOL'Sr; in the country SHALL IN UKRH ELL as. Our facilities for buying ire -(jaa! wi-h any Northern House and onr m and d sposition to pay is fully estab : in the ma-kts We buy nothing on f ur iii'nths credit and ae ever ready to pav aili on the epot and take sdvan age of all , i atg and do give our patrons the benefit : such at all times. Dress Goods. ftre are offering some Great Bargains in t i- department. Just call and look over our 15 and 2vO lines; they a e certainly woi tli douole the money. from 4c. Ladies' Underwear We have just received a very large asort " h t of tue auove conuisting of NightUresses, Chemise, Pantaletta and Skirts. They are far Cheaper thtn they can be made and are cuts ai.ii styles in the market. Machine Needles 3c Silk Figured Grenadines, 15 cents, In Cheapest ever shown in this market. J KM) Linen 15 00111 I Still 75 Cents ! FAlffS BY "I HE THOUSAND, FROM lc UP ! LADIES', GENTS' AND CHILDREN'S SUMMER UNDERWEAR! The Largest and Cheapest Stock we have et er fho vn. W. have a beautiful line of First-Class Piques Children's Stripe IIoso from lie. Regular price 20c. Ladies' Bows 25 Cents. We have still a few lett of this lot and thaj are really w. rth 60c. ... I allies will find our Goos just as advertised. NO KIISE. Every a-ticle is on our counter ani will prore to bejust as represented. ee adTertisement in Star. Brown & Roddick. ,45 Market Street- apl "G iss S. A. Strock, S OPENING TH13 WEEK A VER1 Handsome and well selected stock of Millinery Goods. Something new in Pattern Bonnets and Hats received weekly. apl 25-st We Offer a Large Stock Beught Low at Close Prices. 35 000 Bu8h Hrime White Corn, 33Q Boxei D" 8 aud 3aioked Sides, 97 fZ Bags Coffee, ,)QBbIs Sugars, all grades; QQ5 Hnds New Crop Cuba Molasses, rA Bbls Cubs, N O. and S. H. ttU Molasses, Bbls Choice Family Pork, jqq Tubs Choice Family Lard, 9QQ Bbls Distillers Glue, 1 500 Bdls Hoop Ir0B 2 500New A3ec0Bdllnd Spirit Caks 1,500 300 BlM H-T' 700 Bush' 0ata' 1 ."f TonsGaanape Guano, c,Aa., Ac Williams Sl laurchison, ofi1 Qro' Com- Merchants, apl IS -dsw. ewe The VOL. IV. LOCAL NEWS. New Advertisements. P. HsrssBsassR Music See ad New York Steamship Line. W. G. Parxsasos, Prop'r-Patterson's Celebrated Sprirgs. Jno. T. Pateics The Millionaire, 8eed ad Festival. J. C. Munbs, Druggwt 8oda Water. A Ssaisa-The Diamond rtbirt. Miss 8. A. 8thock aiillinery Goods. Shad are beginning to get scarce.' Cows have broken down two of the pretty shade trees n the middle of Market street. The hucksters captured the market again to day. They rule the truckers, mercbauts, community and city gene- rally. 1 Read the admirable letter from our special correspondent at Washington City, Jacobus, as published on the second page of this issue. One of the heaviest showers of the sea son visited the city this afternoon aboat 2 o'clock, nnd for an hour or mere the rain poured down in torrents. We leara that twenty .five new mem hers joined one of the Sunday Schools in thiscitv on Sunday morning last, but of J 1 i j I p.ntirse th cominff mcmc season had nothing to do with it. The Carolina Yacht Club will hold their regular annual meeting for the elf c- tion of officers and arranging the date and place for the regattas during the season on next Monday evening, The Lutheran Synod meets in Bethel Church, Stanley county, tomorrow, and Rev. G. D. Bernheim, D. D,, and Mr- W. EL Gerken will be in attendance frena St. Paul's church, in this eiiy. JNo Opium! JNe Morphia or ether aangerous drug is contained m Dr. Bull s d u c t .u l- f c . l- r.aey b3Trup, for the re hef of Colic, Teething, etc. Price 25 Cents. The Sunday School Concert is to take place this evening in Frorit Street M. E bUUIlil. J.L IB A LlCclt WUUUUl UlULCV itUU wuuuut.pui.e.eept encuae yuur u innita iTfinc.nclf it on.i aanca r( lnutiia mnn I ' J I dictate to you to give freely and of your own will. ' The exhibition proposed from for last niyht in the City Hall, for the benefit ol ot. oiepueu a a.m.. b. inurcn, urew togetner a large audience, but in con- sequence of the failure of the apparatus- or generating light te work satisfactorily the eutretainmeat was postponed. j rp . "j 7 " 7i? take a lump ot magnesia, and rub it wet over tne spot; let it dry; then brush the powuer oil, ana une spot win disappear, Ur: lake a visiting or other card; sep- arate it, and rub the spot with the Mft internal part, and it will disappear with- out taking the gloss off the silk. The foolish man taketh bis wife to a church sociable, and ppendeth five dollars fc's u. tu ... i a luwmu ma wi e w serve on tne reiresn- ment committee, and when tin evening cometh he goeth to that church sociable mith if u u . , . u. FUlluUu; uo 6"u jnj i withoat spending a cent and with a stummy cake too. C able out of Gear. The telegraph cable across the bottom of the Cape Fear at the foot of Market street was being examined by Sergeant ... . it . . V ltmn anil hia gouutint VI. C ; . U I -uk)! t. bujiiu, of the U. S. Signal Service, this morning, The cable is either very badly torn or is I broken in two and in all probability will have to be replaced by a new one. A Remarkable Counterfeit. Money handlers will be intereeted to know that the secret service has come into possession of a most nOwkt. , cou terfelt. It is a counterfeit $20 Uni- ted States legal tender note, and is calcu- lated to deceive even persons accustomed , .... "vvuowu,ou to uauuuog nooes ol that denomination, nat mates it the more remarkable is the fact that the work on the note was . , ' . noie was executed, witn a pen and ink. Ail the intricate figures and curves, all the heads the seal, the fine engraving I work and even the fibre in the pap r. are aU , . .A : most perfectly counterfeited by pen and mi. xne gnature ot John Allison, turmerlv rear iaternt the traaaurv im -1.1 .ct exwhU, that of John a Now. formerly treasurer, is perfect. The wbelt bill, bsck and face, is a wonderful piece of pen-work. Tne kill was detected at the sub-treasnrv in V n,un. Daily WILMINGTOx, N. C, The Rifles. The Whiting R flea met last evening and elected U. W. Brewer, late Orderly oer geant, to tne position ot 1 hird Lieuten ant, Oapt. Jqo. W. Gordon, President j G Dardeo. Vice President. C. H. Leggett, Secretary, and T. L. Rowell, Treasurer. The coraniaud expect to pa rade Memorial Day. 1 Llnea Wedding, Saturday evening last Mr and Mrs. Win, N Bowden celebrated their Linen Wedding at their reaidence.cerner Second I and Chestnut streets. They had intend- 1 1 . ... -.eii m if ea w quiet ty ceteorate tne twemietn sn- ui versary of their wedding day. but their frienda thea Mmewhskt o a 8UrpritJe aiid t d Drouffkt in handsome pre8ents. A pleasant evening was of course the result, and whan the quests bade their happy entertainers good night it was with the heartily expressed wish that they might meet there again five years hence and tender their silver wed ding congratulations. Fashionable Trifles. The ribbons this season are lovely ; there is a decided tendency towards the soft mastic shades, with clusters of flowers on a brocaded border. Not only are they US6d ff trhnmiuS bonnets, but for the 1 i j i-i i ... BVOU-UlDOOCfl , YT li L,Ll 3 t 111 it) IIH J4I1 lull IS ' pensabie part ot a toilet this spring ; they are made into Alsatian bows, and worn on the top of the bead, being fastened by a comb, which is pinned by a common guard or safety pin to the oow, and can be trans ferred from one to another. These bows should be worn to harmonize with the tc i- lette, and they are very popular, dividing favor with the turbans, which by the way. are more becoming when made to order and suited to the shape of the face and the manuer ot dressing the hair, than when bought outright at haphazard. The International Review . v. , . , , .. . ror May has been received frem the pub- ,. , J y iwsers, a, o. names oj uo., new lorlc The papers in the present number are, 'Jugurtha,' a poem, by Henry W. Long- fellow; 'Sidney Dobell,' by the author if T U TT lit l m.1 .t -i .!uhn HahriiT lontlonrin .' Uai mnn p , . u r Midlev: 'Armv Rp! fir tran 1 7,.1 inn nv Tn f-tinfirr VV 1 h.n-o U S. A.; 'Our International Cr- Trade,' by Hon, Freeman t M. e U. S. Oousul Genera, a. L lish and American Pain 1010, 11, uy i inup uno-ri ri4 American Aatocrats, y icix l, wald; Contemporary Luerature,' and 'Recent English Beoks.' The Interaatienal is published monthly at $3 per annum. A Galiant Act. The Charlotte Observer thus records a brave and intrepid act on the part of Engineer Cook, on the Carolina Central Railway, on Friday last, whereby the Company was saved a serious loss of property and perhaps detention to trains. M y' I TT- n mm .m friday alternoon, while the tram on r A A. J? " M A I AT tne eastern aivision or tne rjaronna Uen- trai rvBiiwuy was ou ius trip irom W 11 mington to Charlotte, a most unusual occurence befell it. Stopping at a certain Pint. tbt oder was filled with dry pme wood, ana six miles further on the wneie mass or wood was discovered by itingmeer tJooK to be in a bright blaze. The material was so very inflammable that before the tram cotrd be stopped the flames had taken bold on the box-car next the engine. As quickly as th s could be dono the engine was uncoupled from the tram, and leaving Conductor Everett, the iraln hadand Paragon to faght the nre on me suitar, mo engineer, in tae . ntens- heat cenerated bv the burn n? nin stood at his throttle and ran the engine three hundred yards ap the road to a P0"11 waere ae kl0W wuld find a ui navel vit tuc ivau aiuc Uj bQe time he bad made this distance, the en gine looked to the passengers in the rear clothes were scorchew, Lis flesh Mistered and tDe rosin drawn from the cab over .hedj but with backets of water, car- luce a sneet or name; tne engineer's nea byne Hreman and wood-parser, Mr. Cook finally extinguished the flames throwing the wood overboard as Castas he uln Ut xT Q. iU BLff! U?6 it was all over the water in the tender was hot almost to the boiling point, but ror au tIiat no damage had been done, the f u i ,u mg lnLUieL,BeMtima tinguished the fire on the box car. Engineer Cook's presence of mind in uncoupling the engine frem the cars Z1 part if not the entire L?"011' - 0 9 ,U?in& 10 his post on the engine and running t forward to where he ooald got water Ln P" out tne fare, be prevented great damage to the engine. Tl uTC& call upon us yesterday to narrate the boTe facts. He rightly concluded that r' Oook' conduct in the matter was urvuig u asnoraoie menuon, aud this opinion we conuuiy endorse Review. TUESDAY, APRIL Becoming Frequent Another Case- The practice of leaving children with unwary females at railroad and steam boat depots is becoming frequent. Yes terdaya well-dressed gentleman, who wa carrying an infant in his arms, stepped ap te a lady at the depot and handed her the child. Sha took it at his request and the mas went off and the lady has seen nothing of him since. The train moved off and the lady and the child were carried up the road. She was going to her home and the gentleman was her brother, who had escorted her to the de pot - Personal. Dr. Joseph M. Toner, of Washiugtor D C, and ex-President of the American Medical Association, is in the city, stop ping at the Purcell Heuse. He is en route to Atlanta, Ga., to attend the meet ings of the National Board of Health, and American Medical Association, which assemble in that city en the 6th ef May next. The principal object of the meet ing will be to consult together for the es tablishment of National quarantine and health laws. The doctor arrived from the North last night, and will leave for the South on to-night's -train. City Court. T WI 1 m das. joaKer, colored, one of the tw:ns arraigned for disorderly conduct, was re leased and judgment suspended. Isaac Baker, the other of the twins, who frequently appears at the Mayor's levee, was sentenced to pay afioe of$10and costs or fifteen days in the city prison. Cha8. Ryburg, for being worsted in an encounter with Jno. Barleycorn, was fined $5.or permitted thealieraative of sweats it out for five days in the C. P. The defendant coacluded to sweat. Another while man or rather a youth who has scarcely attained his majority.was arraigned for drunkenness and disorderly conduct, besides being very obstreperous, pugnacious and so forth. The Mayor in this instance measured the d carnage muksi, uu guou oier ,i ice city to'-the extent of $16 fine or twenty days in j the cell. A ,4Ia Jy .'fcuiier" Srraigced for d is- i : itidact was fined $2.50 and rbe ' a-is or' b with pari .id !,-e rl - ' re.s her .. .'0 i :ub -Vr f a-:-c rdicgfy d '1 lie "escorted f-r the bennv ai;d s . ended ihe c!i,iurei' List of Letters. The following is the list of letters un claimed in the City Posteffice Wednes day April 30th, 1879: A F B Atkinson. B David Brine, F C Brunn, care Fred Sauckel ; miss Martha Blaue v. C Uilcey Costin, George Creg, Henry Corbett, Jno B Casteen, miss Amelia Clark. D E J Deberniere, Jackson Deal, Vmey Dew. y.csre o W Dunham. F Washing'on Fuirson, James Fox- worth, mrs Gussie Furrow, Jennie Foster G George Gordon , L M Guttenburg, Pompey Gerham, H Mrs Hill, from Balto ; A Hall, JoLn Hogan, S W Hall, Wm Harriss, Alfred Howland, Joe Herring, Josephine Herring, Rosa Handy, Fanney Haynes, mrs EJiza Hamlin, Maria llalsey. 1 Ben y I very, J Joseph Johnson, Henry Jones, Pollv Jones Aaaie jonnson, iLlsey Jones. T T n . K Jane Kornegay, Elsey Keath, L H King. L K Litjen, Maggie Little, Lula Love M Geo A Mebme, Ed McKensie, C B Maijett, Dave Masbly, Williams Mc- Neal, B W McRae, Mrs Hatherite care H McKoy. Eveline McNeil Alice Mar tin, Bridget Miller, Joseph Mosely. A J Nelson. O Mrs Fannie Owens, Henry Otter bein. P Mary Pope, L J Purcell, E lis Pat rick, Wm P rid gen. - B Judea Bobbins, Green Richardson, Alice P Register, Chas H Rugg, Cnas Rynolds. 8 Winford Stanley, care Lous Grady, Rey R H Scott, William Scott, Mrs E Swain, care Geo Pittelo. T David A Taylor, J A Tyous, O B Thebant, Philip, Taomas, miss M. L Tur ner. W Clariden Walker, Rev Joe Win gate, Isaac H White, Jno D Williams, Rich Whittey, Late White, Stephen Wai cott, mrs Annie Williams, A na Win, field, Lizzie Wilson, Miss Dora Williams, Lena Williams. SHIP LETTERS. Capt W W Morris, Brig Auro, D W Kelly, L M GoUins. Peroons calling for letters in above lis will please say "advertised"; if not cla;m od in SO days will be sent to dead letter Office, Washington, D. C. E. K. BRINK, P. M. Wilmington, N. C. Kw Hanover QountyN. C 29, 1879. NO. 70 Death of a Wilmingtenlan- A telegram was received in this citv to-day announcing the death at Atlanta, Georgia, of Mi?s Sallie Kinyon, the only daughter of Mr. Wm. Kinyon, a former Wilmingtonian, and for a long time in charge of the carpenter shops of the V C. & A. R R. in this city. Miss Kin yon was about eighteen years of age. She was here on a visit to her relatives and friet ds during the pas!; winter and form ed many new ties of friendship. Her death will be deeply mourned by those who knew and loved her. 1 The Colored Troops- Geo. L. Mabso'n was to-day again elec ted Colonel of the Fifth Battalion of the N C. State Guard. Mathew I ?vy, ol Fayetteville, defeated Jno. Holloway in the election for Major of the battalion, The election was held in obed'ence to an order Irom Adjutani-General Jones. Hydrangea. It may not be knoWn to many of our readers that this flower, which is us ually of a pink color, may be: made to come out a beautiful rich bla4, by the simple means of filling the box with swamp or marsh earth. Common gar den loam produces the piuk color. A Festival in aid of St. Mark's Parish will be held in the City Hall this evening. The object is to raise money wherewith to pay ori some small debts due by the church. We trust that there will be a large attendance. A little boy wbo was crying bitterly was asked the cause of h;s tears. 'Nuthin,' replied the urchin, but if I had er knowed the Sunday School was er gwine to give a scursion I'de er jined er afore this.' A Card. To all who are sufi'dri. fr- a the er rors aud indiscretiona Oi youth, nervous weakness, ear'y decay, loss of manhood &C, I wiil send a recipe that will cure you, FREE OF CHARGE. This great remedy was d;covered by a missionary in STienci, :d a self-ad iresfw. ; blattim U. Nzt9 or CiftI A Festival . I, -:9t. , in Hi f -1 i'. Hi- IV"- S ,i ' li some ' :w lepts ti Uit'lll- ffl i 4J?(. it b ill h :;. hy i li ! v. i.t i .t ii pa i inen . U'. be re-pectialh a- licit beparonr. of a gete oos nublic. . . oKAbY, ap' 29 eacon in barge. JJusic, HEI.VSBERGER'S LI YE BOOK AND MD8I0 6TORF Pianos, Organs, Guitars, Violins, Musio Boxes, Baijos, &, Ac. New Novels, Poems, Black Books, Pens, Ink, Stationery of the Newest Designs, En velopea and Fancy Goods. The best selling work eut, Gen. Richard Taylor's "Destruction and Reconstruction" price $2. For sale at apl 29 HEINSBERGER'8. The Miirionaire, D H. O'BRIAtf, of Saa Francisco. Cel.. A says : "Herald Compound is the best cement lor Broken wares I ever saw. I have articles mended with it that .stand as eood as oerore tny were treken." Hold by all drug gists and country merchant ,or 'f your drng irist hasn't got it, nor went send for it stnd 25 cen'3 for a bott'e to JNO. T. PATRICK, 8oleMaB'fr, apl 35-6t Wadesboro, N. C. For Health and Pleasure GO TO i I " PatieruOn's Celebrated Springs. T HE3E 8PR1NGS are situated four miles South of Shelby and six miles North of Wtutaker's, on tae Air-Line K. K. The niin eral waters a e sulphur and chsljbeaU;. Tke properues or tne suipnur are iron, su pour and magnesia. Properties combined are be neficial to all di eases, and never fail to core the most obstinate cases, as manv will t'Btifv. The chalybeate waters cannot oe tarpasaed, naving wroagnt many aim t miraculous cures. These Celebrate i Springs will be on en firtt April, and the prices are in reach of all. hav ing been great! v reduced this season. Bathing bim-s, c oqae: grounds, ten oin alley, and other amuaemenU and attractions free for visitors. Hacks running from tbis place will meet visitors at Shelby or at Wbit aker's en the Air j-ineft. R., upon short no- ucs to me rroprieior. Raias or Boakd. Prdj mm $ 1 2 rer week.. 7 oy Per month 20 00 Per month for two or more months.... 18 00 Children and servants ealf pi ice. For farther particulars, address W. 6. PATTKRSOJf. Prop'r. apl 2$-dw i3t Uhelbj, , C, fcPL&ft2 HOT2CB. ,1 "We will b&giac to reeeire ccc-cccilationf from oar frieacj 02 aay and ail j u Ejects el general interest bat : The name of the writer must always be fu nished to the Editor. Communicators "written; on ob'y one side of the paper. Personalities must be avoided. And it if especially and particularly and strod that the Editor does not always endo t the viWs of cor rosjpoa dents, unless so state in the editorial colu-rns. New Advertisements. CLYDE'S New York AND Wilmington, N. C, Steamship Line, The Steamer BENEFACTOR, CAPT. JONES, WILL SAIL FROM NEW IORK OH SATURDAY, May 3. San. Shippers can rely upon the prompt sailing of Steamers as advertised. For Freight Engagements apply to THOS. E. BOND, A. D. CAZAUX, uP'f Freight Agent, Wilminst )n, N. C. WM. P. CLYDE & CO., General agents, uunnuK VJI CCIJ, .lew 1 urK. ft apl 29- THE IS AT Exchange Corner. SomethiDg: New Every Day. Juat received a fine line.ojf tliose Kid. Gloves, With TattTit Faiteningsjn Black and Color?. Tou will no other when you once try them. A new lot of tl ose popular Lllii Sun b ellas AND parasol in the market. FINE SILK AND 1HIH HDK'FS, FANCY TIES AND BOWS, LACE BIBS, LISLE GLOVES, LINEN COLLARS AND CUFFS, GOOD HAIR NETS, COLOGNE, &C The Finest Assortment of Millinery Goods to select from ever offered in this market Ihe NEWEST STYLES always on hand and we guarantee to tell you any style of Hat or Bonnet er less than you can buy the same N-jrth We charge only for the material, nothing for the Style. We are glad to see all at Exchange Corner. apl 12 N. H. SPRUNT. What ! I ! Q.E.VT'S CLOTHING CLEAN El) AND Dyed equal to new, at Wilmington Dyeing Establishment, apl 28 t Market bet. 21 and U its. Soda Water "yyiTH THE CHOICEST feci r avRCPs. For sale by JAMES C MC5D3, Druggist, spl 21 Third street, Opp. City Hall, rpflfi WLMLNGTON JOCR5AL, it one t4ttb'TjrT bt dTertieinff Bsediasss ia tie