N. Y. Sun. WHAT CONGRESS WILL DO- Wha; Is Said or the Future Plans or De mocrats-WUhJioldlnj; Supplies- Wasl qtos, April 29 As soon as the debate upon the veto is finished a caucus will be called by the Democrats to decide upon a plan of action for the future. Exclusive of the (ireenbaok irs, the Democrats wilt have a major ity in the House of only half a dozen members. Unless eveiy Democrat will stand f qusre up to the principle con tended for by the party, an ignomin ious backing down wih be the result. There is und-jubte-diy a very large majority of the Democrats i favor of withholding supplies until grievpTJcee are redressed. Tue ve' 3 do s not mrke it possible to pass the aix'h section of the Armv bill as a separate measure. It would' certainly be vetted. Conse quently the party must stand or fall on the direct iaaue presented. Within the past few days it is thought that signs of weakening on the part of some Democrat have be en visible. The party leaders believe thr t the direct manner in which the ques tion is now presented will strengthen the backbone of the y ielding brethren. "In a ttruggle for the liberties of the people the personal desires of indi viduals for an adjournment cf ( i gress wi?l scarcely be considerr i said one Democrat tc 3y. Messrs. Carlisle, Morriajn, Sirgleton of I i nois, M&nrng, SSgleton of Missis aippi, C'jflrotb, and others txpr- B themselves as determined to figiit ro til the 1th of March, 1881, Ur fret elections if 6uch a fight is necessary. A dei man Prince ror Bulgaria. Tiknova, April 29 The Bulgarian Assembly of Notables to-day unani mously elected Pticce Alexander of Battenberg, Geraaauy, to the throne ot Bulgaria, witb the tit'b of A xaudei the First. Prince Alexander is the second son of Prince Alexander of Hesse, and a nephew of the Empress of Russia, lie joined the stiff of the Grand Drke mcholas at the ou. bn nk of the Tare; -Russian war, and was one of the first to oioss the Danube On the conclu sicn of the treaty of Sao Stefano the Prince returned home, and, after a short stay at Darmstadt with his regi ment, was tre'ferr ! to the Prussian Gardes du Corps, the Emperor Wi1 liara's body gaard.J Previous to the election of the Prince of Batteubtr, P nci Dondou koff -Korsakoff, as an! cipatsd, an nounced that no Kuslao wes el'gibie. The prooec.' :ng8 in the Assembly at the election of the Pr ;noe were very brief. Bishop Gleaasnt said Prince Waldcmar of Denmark, Prince Henry lianss. aud the Priuca of Battenberg had been prominently put forward as candidate?. Same great powers might oppose the eL ition of Prince Walde mar, and Prince lieuss was too old. The Assembly then elected the Prince Alexander of Battenberg by acclama tion, amid a scene of great enthusiasm. In the evening the town was illuminated. rltish Trade London, April 29 In the House of Lords to-night Lord Bateraan moved re solutions in favor of reciprocity, and a parliameatry inquiry to ascertain the means of counteracting tho injur o is Sects of excessive foreign tanfN. Lord Beaconsrield said the utmost the Government could do in negotiating com mercial treaties was to s that England had the benefit of 'the most favored na tion clause.' He object 3d to violent changes. The indefinite inquiry recom mended in the mo.ion would cause disap pointment and uneasiness. It was ab surd to describe the condition of the country as one of distress and distraction. He believed there were evidences tuat trade was reviving. Earl Granville agreed that there were signs of revival in the United States, owing to a wonderfully good harvest. He hoped trade would gradually revive, until it had at least attained its old posi tion. He congratulated Lord Beacons field on so distinctly repudiating fallacious specifics. The motion was negatived. Sews by Cable- London, April 30 Prince Labano fl Russian Ambassador at Coustautinop e is to visit the Czar at Livadia. M de Bligniers. the late Minister of Public Works, will leave Egypt for Eu rope in a week. bir Garnet Wolseley is called to Eng land by the War Office to serve upon a military commission. The London correspondent to the Sco'chman says it is probable that the Duka of Argyll will shortly vMt the Marquis of Lome. Tne Goloa reports that it is intended to send 12,000 prisoners, with their fanrlies, from Novgorod to Liberia during the sjmmcr. The rumor that the Boers inl?nded to detain Sir Banle Frere at Pretoria it. den;ed. Nevertheless they had the in tention so to dj. Russia will pro'ong her provisional admin'Stration in Bulgaria until tke 3d ot August so as to give the Trace time to get the reins of government in hand. Pr I nee Alexander, of Batnburg, ws - elecud yesterday by the Bulgariau Nota bles, assembled at Ti nova, to the tv one of liu'ija' ia uuder the title of Alexander 1. h 3D ; l)e!esciuze, who lately retcned to Paris . un ha- abineut in the United Stales, is dead. Cluse.et said to him that he was me eal 'I am' of the Commune. The Pd.is Uapi ;l says that at' .-r i cess the Cabinet wJl itself propose the retuiu of tha Chamber to Pans, at the same time submitting bills ,uarantteiug f .domol debate. The Times corespondent at Preston ays: 'Tie e a no sigus of ame'ioi tion in the cotton trade here. Several mills are work ;ag on short time and otners intend to close soon.' The King of Spa'u went to Sevi'lo yes terday. The rema n? of Princess Chris tina wiU be placed ne - those of the late tjueen ol Spain in the Eacuriao. The court will go into mourning' for three months. Germany aud France are strongly urg ing the Porte to concede to Greece the territory indicated in the thirteenth proto col of the Berlin Congress. The Powers intend to ii slruct thttir ambassadors at Constantinople to meet in conference to settle the bouudary question. A Berlin despatch to the Pall Mall Ga zette says; 'Captain Zembsch, of the German Navy, was appointed Consul Geueral at Samoa partly to push the German commercial interests in that quarter of the globe and partly to estab lish a coaling station for German steam ers, as already provided for by special treaties ' j A Berlin despatch jto the DfHy News says advices received by way of Warsaw repre. .nt that bombs are exploded in St Petersburg daily. It is said that it was at one time proposed to appoint tb? Czarewitch Regent. An earthquake took place in Mianeh (Persia) on the 22d of March. Twenty one villages were totally destroyed. Nine hundred and twenty-two persons, 2,660 sheep, 1,125 oxen, 124 horses and 55 camels were killed. CiBOLlM. The Mayor of Charlotte got $1,232.25 last year. i , Ka'eigh News : $28,800 in old bends were received at the State Treasury for rex demption. The list "is gradually swelling and'soon the amoant will reach $1,000.- 000. . Goidsboro Messenger : As an iudustrial news item it be interesting to know that over 1,000 large strawberry crates have been manufactured to order at Korb's steam furuiture factory, this present sea son. Goldiboro Mtssenoer: Our tobacco planters are in fine spirit. Their'a plant be Is are do:nj were, aud in a few days planting will be in order. Wo are fully one month ahead of the western tobacco counties. ( Goidsboro Messenger: F Edwards, whose failure and assignment we noticed briefly in our last, is aboBt to compro m'se with his creditors, by Mr Asher Ed wards assu a?' ng to pay thirty-tbrc cents on the dollar. ! Goidsboro M" Sanger: The steam saw mifl of M ssrs Lee Bros & Rose, at New ton Grove, was partly destroyed by fire en Friday night the 25th inst. Loss esti mated at about 500, and no insurance. Origin of the fire uuknown. Raleigh Observer : During; next Com mencement at Wake Forest Co' lege, at some suitable time, a memoiial service will be held in honor of the Rev W M Wingate, D D, late ot 'iat institution, and an add! ess, commemorative of the bece?s ed, w " be delivered by Rev J D Huflham, D D. I Goidsboro Messer ger : 'Madame Ru mor' says that the present management ot the Atlautic and N C RaUroad : is at last tired of its r'lway combination, and that the Road wi'l endeavor tie resume its indi viduality, and again offer to compete for freights at this end of the line. Raleigh Observer : Last Monday morning the kitchen and smoke-hout3 of DrPP Peace, of Swift Greek Township, 8 miles southwest of Raleigh caught fire and with their contents were entirely destroyed. Fire accidental, loss about $500 er $600. No insurance. Hillsboro Recorder: Mr Sandy Burch, died suddenly at his home in Caswell a few days ago He had gone to Danville, on Saturday with a load of tobacco, and effecting sales, got home on Tuesday night, and about 8 b'clock on Wednesday morning he died. He probably died of congestive chills. I I Farmer & Me hanic: Gen W R Cox has kindly promised lis an article for next week, giving incidonts of Ice's surrender, and the 'Last Charge at Appomatox" wherein our North Carolina boys showed that while a lion may retreat, it isn't al" together safe to- attempt to step on his tail. i Wadeeboro Herald:- Petitions are being circulated through the country to get signatures, asking the Commissioners of the county to refuse to grant licenses to any one to sell spirituous liquors less than a quart; and that it shall be a mis demeanor for the vender to allow it to be drank in his establishment. GoldsberoAesscnrsr.-Acase of husband poisoning was .attempted near Princeton, in Johnston county, on Monday last. We failed to get full particulars, only loam that the Wfe had put arsenic in the hus band's bread, and that it nearly induced him to 'kick the bucket ' He had pre viously beaten the woman in an unmerci ful manner. Charlotte Observer: A farmer from the Mallard Creek section of the coonty fives a very encouraging report of the fruit crop. He says plumbs are not damaged at all, and that there sre more apples on the trees than they are able to bear. Of peaches ne tbinki there will be about half a crop, unless there is too much wet weather or something else happens to injure them. The section in wb'ch he lives is what is known as the "black-jack ' country. Goidsboro Messerg are now in the'r glory, season has fairly opened. week late. Large shipments have already been made from t b;s place, and also from points on the Atlantic road . To give our readers some idea of the extent of this trade, it may be of interest to men tion that up to Tuesday night the Ex press here had forwarded 508 boxes of peas to New York albne, and 484 boxes more, shipped to the same ! point, were received from oyer te Atlantic road. In addition to these, large shipments have been made by ra lroad freight t j Balti more. The strawberry crop looks prom - ?sing. Our truckers The shipping but fully one The English coal Miner's strike- Lon do H.April 29 Three thousand, West Cumberland colliers now on stiiko have agreed to send representatives to confer with the masters with a view to a cettie ment of their disagrt ments. The Citj of Altoona to he Sold. Pittsbubo, April 29. The city of Al toon a, m Blair oonn ty , is indebted to the SUte for corporation taxes amounting to $4.208. 10. Proceedings would have been begun against the city some time ago but for the inter vention of the Attorney-General. The State has a judgment for the amount of the debt, and the authorities of the city were informed that unless the judgment wi satisfied by to-day the oi i y would be sold. There is no mon ey in the eity treasury and no means of raising any, and Altoona, with its 20,000 inhabitants, may be knocked down to the highest bidder within a day or two . WllmlngtOfl tistrict Second tound of Quarterly Meetings, M . Church, South: Whiteville, at Wayman May 8 4 Smith vilie Station May 7 Smithville Circuit, at Zion May 10-11 Wilmington, at Fifth Street.. .May 17-18 Wilmington, at Front Street.. May 24-26 Topsail May 28-29 Outdow..... May 31, June 1 L. S. BCBKHKAD Presiding Elder. American Wines. But few persons are aware of the great amount of grapes raised in New Jersey Alfred Speer is known to be the larges. wine grower east of the Rocky Mountainst His Port Grape Wine is the best, and is considered by physicians and chemists as the beet wine to be procured. It is or dered to London and Paris, where it is becoming very popular among wealthy families. For sale by J. O. Mnods, P. L Bridgers & Co and Green & Flaaaer Apl. l-2w . - On Broadway, New York, the great thoroughfare, a prominent feature of even that famous street, conveniDt to all places of interest, aud noted for its luxurious appointments is situated the Grand Central ' Hotel, which is now kept on both plaus, the American at $2 60 to 3.00, and the European at $1.00 and upwards, per day. An elegant Restau rant, at moderate prices, is conducted by the Grand Central. COMMERCIAL NEW8. WILMINGTON MARKET I MAY 14 F ML I HP1KITS TO RPKNT1NE Firm at 2&4 cents. Sales 106 casks at these figures. KOSIN Steady at 81 00 for Strained and $1 02 for Good Strained. Ho sales re ported. TAK Steady at 80 cents per bbl of 280 lbs. Sales at quotations. CRUDE TUKPKNTLNJK Steady at $1 0 for Hard. $1 60 for Soft and 82 19 for new Virgin. Sales receipts at quotations. COTTON Firm. Small sales at the fol low ma: official quotations : Ordinary Cents. Good Ordinary.... " Strict Good Ordinary... 10 Low Middling 10 " Middling llA " Good Middling " DAILY aiCIlFTI Cotton 27 bales Spirita Turpentine 123 eadks Aosin ..1,337 bbls Jiar . ; j3 Ornde' Turpentine 193 " MARINE NEWS. ARMY ED. Steam-yacht Passport, Harper, Smithville Geo Myers. Steamer Clinton, Bisby, Baonermann's Bridge, Master. Steamer North State, Green, Fayette Yille, Worth dk Worth. CLEARED. Steam-yacht Passport, Harper, Smithville Geo Myers. Steamer Arrow, Lay ton, Charleston, S C. Steamer North .state, Green, Fayetteville Worth & Worth. 1 Exports. i voBBien. London -Nor barque Valkyrlen, Olsen cleared April 19, with 1,608 casks spirits. MONTHLY STATEMENT Or STO0K8 OH HA VD MIT 1. 1879. Cotton ashore 1 1,337 afloat 46 "Total.. 1,383 Spirits ashore 3,512 afloat. 2)1 Total 3,803 Rosin ashore 108,235 afloat m 3,408 Total t ..109,613 Tar ashore. afloat m ..... 16,132 80 Total. Crnde ashore cVHOsat. Total 560 nsosiFTS von iu month or araiL, 1879. ; Cotton 1,947 Spirits .. 4,089 Rosin 43,477 Tar , 11,684 Crnde . .. 8,481 sxroars roa ras mohth or araib, 1679. Cotton 3,U9 Spirits c 4 4 04 Hosing. 2,103 Tar 8,146 Crnde 365 Foreign. Cotton.. Spirits. 4,619 Rosin...... ................ .......... ....... .... .. . 3,149 T&r t . Cmdd mi New Advertisements. THE EXCITEMENT IS AT Exchange Corner. Something: New Every Day. - Just reeeired a fine linejof those Kid Gloves, With Patent Fasteaingf,in Black and Colors. Yen will wear no other when yon once try them. W t, new 1 t of those popular - 1 Hip Corsets, '120 Bones"! He Also, Dr. Werner's Health Nursing Corset, I the best made. The 5 Lest assortment of Sun Umbrellas AND PARAI8 O L S in the market. FINE SILK AND LINEN HDK'FS, FANCY TIES AND BOWS, UCE BIBS, LISLE GLOVES, LINEN COLLARS AND CUFFS. GOOD HAIR NETS, COLOGNE, &C ! - j The Finest Assortment of Millinery Goods to select from erer offered in this market. The always on hand and we guarantee to sell yon any style ef Hat or Bonnet or less than yon eaa hay the i&tne North We charge only for the material, - nothing for the Style. We are glad to see all at j Exchange Corner. apl 12 N. H. SHTJNT. Accidents WILL Happ THEREFORE INSURE AGAINST THEM By taking out a Teaxly Policy in the LIFE INSURANCE CO., OF MOBILE,; A Ti A. MAURICE MoOARTHY. President. H. M. FRIEND; Secretary. 25 Cants will Insure "agalnta Accidents for one day in the sam of $3,000 in the Event of Death OR. $15.00 Per, Week Indemnity for Disabling Injuries. RATES 1 Day 25 cents ; 1 Days M cents, 6 Days $1.16 ; 10 Days $2.60; SO Days $6.00. Yearly policies leaned at from $6 to $20 per c $1,000, according to occupation, and written at short notice, jnne S6 For Health and Pleasure GOTO Patterson's Celebrated Springs. rjlHESE SPBING8 are situated four miles South of Shelby and sis miles North of Whitaker's, on toe Air-Line R. R. Tho min eral waters are sulphur and chalybeate. The properties ot the sulpher are iron, sn'phnr and magnesia Properties combined are be neficial to ail di esses, and never fail to core the moat obstinate esses, as many will t stify. The chalybeate waters cannot oe surpassed, haying wrought many aim st miraculous cures. These Celebrated Sprin ;s will be open first April, and she prions are ia reach of all, har injr been great l r reduced this season. Bathing houses, c oqaet grounds, ten pin aller, and other amusement and attraction free for visitors. Hacks running from this place will meet realtors at Bttelby or st Whit aker's on tne Air i me ri. K., upon ehort I tice to the Proprietor. OS BOARD. New Advertisements. Still they Come. OA A BBLS. FAMILY and Super Flour, 25 Kbls Baldwin and Russet Applnr, 0 " Peerless Potatoes, 75 Boxes Carolina Sun Cured Tobacco, 19 " Oranges and Lemons. A large lot of Hams, Poult y, fcggs, Ac In lots to suit the trade b? T. U. HENUERSON A CO., apl 25 Kr. nt street. Copartnership. I rpHE UNDERSIGNED HAVE TUIS day formed a Copartnership under the name and style of NEWBURY A CHASTEN, for the purpose of conducting a General Commission and G ocery Business. Consignments of Cot ton, Naval Store' and Country ProTuc- gen erally, solicited. Good orices and prompt returns guaranteed. Respectfully , "F. A. NEV B RV, Late of Magnolia, B.C.: J. R. CHASTEN, apl 26 Lats of J. M. Chasten A Son. T"r MjgcellaneottsT FLOUR. Mint Julep I fjk& FIRST OF lUiSRAOA I At JNO.CAHRCJLLa. Per dy .,.. 2s Hr W6fctMM . !. ....... Qd sttOBtlliaf sfjx ste 30 00 Per m nth for two or snore months... 18 nn Children smd set v ants sal f price. For further particulars, address W.G. PATTERSON, Prop r. apl 29-d w-13t JSnelbj, N. C. FLOUR, 1200 Barrels Good-Flour. For sale at close figur: . I apl 24 HALL A PEAK8ALL. Buggies, i Buggies, Harness & 8adcliee, FvR SALE AT 3rd st., opposite City Hall. REPAIRING DONE WITH NEATNE86 AND DISPATCH. HORSE-SHOEING A SPECIALTY, apl 28-tf We Offer a Large Stock Bought Low at Close Prices. 35 000 Busb,Prime White Corn, OOa Boxes D. 8. and Smoked Sides, 375 Coffee, QBbls Sugars, alljgrades; q? c Hhds New.Crop Cuba Molasses, A rc Bbls Cuba, N. O. and S. H. l DJ Molastes, Bbls Choice Family Pork, JQQ Tubs Choice Family Lard, 1 200 Flour a'des, 200 Bbls Disti:lers' Q ue' 1 500 Bdls Hoop Iron' 2 500Ifew 8econd Hand 8Pint Caaks 1,500 Keg9 300 Bales Hay, 00 Buflha 0aLtB 1 rA Tons Guahape Guano, lOJ Ac, Ac, Ac Williams Al fti tirchison. Wholesale Gro. A Com.' Merchants. apl 28 -diw. Things You Want. pATENT EVAPORATED AND SUN-DPJED APPLES, Blight Dried Peeled Peaches, Fresh Apples, in Gallon Cans, Canned Pine-Apples and Peaches, The Best Ginger-Snaps ia the city, Porto Rico, New Crop Cuba an 1 New Orleans Molasses, Silver-Drip Syrup, Pure Cider Vinegar, Capers, for Spring Lamb, N. C. Hams, Sides and Shoulders, Ferris' Sugar-Cured Meats, Smoking Tobacco, tax oft, 3 Apollinaris, Hunyadi "Janos" and Seltzer Mineral Waters, Ccfiee Roasted daily. The Finest Teas and all the Delica cies in Canned Goods, at JAS. C. S1VBNS0M apl 24 1 IH CsmV9 Port Grape Wl Used in Chsrthes for Con.n,unkll PASSAIC. : Speer's Port Grape Win. ours wears Old. rjlHW JOaTLI CKLEBKATKi) SltlM Wine is made from the juice of he r Grape, rsis ed in this countr J. it, invsJuwl m : - as n ii - ii -i 1 1 1 1 .v iiii ii iiiui nv i m, . i uuuor MM.K. opw own persoD guurti.i rat on . lrv a w i in. . - r j wvj,do a n jni. fit " sj euir- - r - V J III fTa o UUSUIUCBi niiu L If n Kttl Pit ir.. . ' - . vr eaivaiiq n 4Sk. It ffA snvantmn Is . m v w vTnunc ll In I st f llCUlftriT aciai to ine aK eu aan ODUitnted, and $ v l u oi- ip ii bl a in ifik sex. ii is, in evei itspect, a WlAEro Speer's P. J. Sherry. - .o a .i le oi "JL RIUK CHARACTKR and partakes (.f K iuen uuauues oi ini jrraDe f am .tu ia mart. kn M L I W k .1 in,,.,.,. ' 11 wii' oe iounu unexcelled. ftnaav'a "I T M T .J - T v. , , ...... a n . .i ... rfi 1 1 . r . . - j w w AJIMUDI Ibis nottd Hmndv . " y r-.w vutllli: iroill LQf? t?rL is nr.lia tn li . 1 c - i "l " " v- uucil r poses it can De relied upon as strictly pBr, nnn l jb.1. ii p mi jiiuiii r a . r s a . rassaic, a. e.j is over tne coikofeach tie. New Jarsev. i-ibc. No . LWinn m i l . . urt. For sale bv GEEN A FLaNN U. J iwm mm riiir r 1 w 1 w u r . 1 1 w . m u i' - w 1 u l . u ic , uu a MM. It m 1 If IT W. ipril MT THE NEW YORK WEEKLY HERALD, JAMES GORDON BENNETT, Pmpk The Best and Ck apest Newspaper PaUiea Postage Free. f X P. Ill I I I , 4 n Per fear, 111 I HI1T i nni - An Extra Copy to everj Club of Tec New York Hera Published every Day in the Tew. Postage Free. $10 pays for one jear, Nundayi isclada $8 pays for one year, without Mod!. 95 pays for six mouths, hundayi ioeludrf . a r . ' m . . - - S pays ior six 'nonttiB, witnout nuioyi . - - . . -j .j. s pays sor one year ior acy speciDea ui; tne week. SI nil a fnr air mnnlka fi.r htit aneiiM of the week. el Ta TTW.nh f.fll.itiniT SnrfiflCll fU onarsreo on raeeeriutlons fur a lea tnan three months. TO EUROPE Including Pottajc Daily lj Weekly (European oition) ....-. Weeklr (Domestic Edition) m NEWSDEALERS SUPPLBD. ' Postage Free. f -: 1 vxaJ m 1 - L.irt. mi umuj CiUiiuiL... 1 wo auu ubu vi r" 8undsy b dition .Four eta, for Weekly Edition Two eesti per K. B. Not less tban 6 copiei yy e anow no cumm scions on u"t Daily Ediu n Addrecs, . it n ww m vi.ii -m mob 19 Broadwa ani HI. AasM Tho New and Popular E2sw Mm Ghnn fii 32 MAEET STBKET. THE PIONEER OF LOW Hft$ NO OLD STOCK TO WORK OFF AT AT . . i . . mm All new urine, leitcveu " - " of care, in accordance with the lis ASM 21 f 1 . J Wfttwi All nfmt fir.rx'fl OTft.rra.meU. of the prices : . r i bhsb A LAdy's nice Oiotn t 11.00. A nice Kkf or Pbhle Moroeee Tie. from 90s to $1 25. A Gent's nice Box-'oe Gaiter, ttM ap to the nest. If v LaW and Children' lPr now complete. .. .. r L. MS 0 A call af my ptaoe ax a s iw-". are ail L ask. Beware of old ftoe. on ps money for nothing. , j Remember no trouble te shesr Stock, Kespett ully, ril St DfiSFN l fl 32 Marke t t. apl 28 Sign of the Lw

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