The Daily Review JOSH. T. .FA7V1ES. Ed. and Prop fl'ILMiilGTON. N. C. W hDN ESDA Y , MAY 14, hib V I fc V S AA t . Kb, V Tevpral Zulus are lein exhibited in New York, but the fact that they behave much better than the members of the Brooklyn Preebyte Icars to the fus picion that they are not genir le. Eaglbh gentlemen's sons are often taught t j do plaiu needlework, and the k jow ledge is iouud to come ?o yery bandy in after J;fe, especially if I bey emig.ate. Lod IShe.Luine he's beautiful shins, as fine as any tbat Shetland produce. Mr. Hayes te''s a c jrrtd pendent th t theie wts one th Dg in tLu Constitution of the Confederate States tbat he ht-aiJ'y approved i clai fse a'owingrthe Presi dent to strike objectionable items . .om an appropriation I i , without k." rig the bill it i'f. Foch. the general i-xt ; utioncr of W CJ F.aDce, followed h:s mruy vict:ms r( - ("Dt!y, at the ge of do. During the eight years that he presided over the gu;l lotiLe be had cut off 54 ht-ds His's.'ary was $1000 a jear, with the ade'itjon ui. $2.50 ou working dis. A bald Cincinnati woman dot & not covT er the bate top of ber wim f!be l.a'r, r Ly combing Lcr own ha;- over it but appeal a to be proud of the distinc tion that it Ler in public assem blcigcs, for she always icmoves bcr bon net. The t licet is striking. A tree Z'2b feet high, in the ueighboi -i:ooo af Stock ton, Cal, baa hitherto enjoy ed the reputaiion ot be ing tie tamest in the world; but a; officii cf 'the Fure&t Depto iuieut iQ Vicoria, Austria, late ly nieaj-uve i a h en eucalyptus in Gipps liind, wl,:eb was 135 feet At other tree of the baice species in the Dande nong d'.-it let' of Victoria bti?1 fctuu!ing, is estimated at 4.jU . t. G ant's two Arabian bor$es, presented to I'm by the Sutan of .Turkey, axe on board a s earn- r on the way f om (Jcnslan l lnople lo "New Haven. They are boused ou deck and : ea id Is . f-a'oon 2ascongers. One is a dapple gray color and c'led Djeytan, ('be m'.er,) and the other is a magnificent black fellow, with a white star on bis forehead, and named Missirl:. The ye''ow fever is to be confested in the Mississippi valley this year. New Orleans is eie.'i'iog up and preparing for a ii'd quarantine, and isolation if any ases break out. A sai! iry council for the lfisriastppi valley has just been formed at Memphis for mutual protection. New Orl has an aniilisiy sanitary association which proposes to raise by subscript ten 100,000 for its purpeses, and w;,l report ary outbreak of the fever there by teleg.aph. Freeman, the .Second Advent murderer, continues to maoJ'est ind'ltetence to bis fate, lie says lie will not employ conusel nor allow his f iends tOjlo it for h;m. He said to a if peer ou Thuisuay; "I am confident atill that God will, iusome way show to the world through me tbat the time lias come for the esLablishiuent of His dominion on ea: tu. He may see fit to snatch me fioin 'he scaffold at mj last mc nient, or he may rt'se me up i om the dead after my execution, but in someway best known to Ills wisdom, He w1! justify His act, pet formed by my hand." t In the New York Assembly, oa Wed nesday, a bill reducing official ealf.iesin New York city was passed by a vote of 70 to 31. This bill piacs the sa'ary of all persons appointed po icemen or fire men in the future at S0f the first year, S900 the third yep-, and $1,000 after rive years' service, the sa'.ary to be in no case above 1,000. For the other officials in the various departments the reduc tions are very decided, particularly where the salaries are largest. Referring to the allowance of pin money given to English ladit ti i Lou den Queen, a t;gh authoi. ty, in au at tide on the subject says that -,500 a year is the usual sum allotted in the r'ghtst grade of life, even in the case of men wh have from $100,000 to $150,000 a year A lady whose 'LusDand has irom $15 -000 to $30,000 would get, annua' iy irom $1,000 to $2,000. The recent reduction of the tax on manufactured tobacco from 24 to 1G cents a poumi went into effect May 1 and Lorillard. & Co. stole a march on their rivals by runniug a special freight train from New York to Chicago, which made the fatest time of any freight yet 24 hours and 25 minutes. The manofactctrs had received heavy orders some wee's iu advance, which were not to be fl.led i. i til after May 1, and just before tbat tme the stocks in the hands of wholesole deal ers in Western cities got very small, causing a rise in prices. The dealers wanted more stock, though not till tne tax was reduced, and by shipping direct ly through on fast time on the first day of May Lorillard & Co. commanded the market belore any rival was in the field. We feel mire that our rteiibor of thvSfar -nnd with all due respect we sny it does n repenttpesen timent of the people ot this section when he- speaking of the pres ent aspect of affairs in Congress, that "the best tiling, Amder the circum stances. i for the necessary supplies to be voted.1 Congressmen are apt to consult the local journals for an expression of the Opinions and wish es of their constituency and we hope that none of them will he misled by the article we have referred to. To vote supplies is to back elown, square ly and uncompromisingly, and those hereabouts who advocate such a pro ceeding are very few and very far be tween. There have been but two guns fired yet ; nobody i? hurt and nobody need feel scared. The second veto is but a repetition of the tirpt and is a contingency' jthat must have been looked forward to before the debate began on the Army bill. The battle is not yet lost, not by any means, and therefore it would be simple cowardice in our frieuds to throw awav their arms and taJke to i their heels to save their own lives leaving their honor prone on the, as yet, scarely contested field. .Surely the Democracy are not yet at the end oT their resources ; there must be some forceVheht in reserve which can be brought to the front to hear on the issue. That this is so we feel w 1! assured and especially so since yesterday's Washington Iosf came to ham! this morning. In that paper we linel dimly outlined a scheme for yet another aggressive ;.-sault, which is that the Democrats will again pass the army appropria tion bill ami tack on thereto ja pro vision that not one dollar of tlie ap propriation shnll j be used to trans port any portion of the umy or oavy to any place where elections arc beiuir held or are tt be held. If Mr. Hayes should see tit to interpose another veto then he can Lie t"ied on still another tack, 'and yet othersl should that also fail to become a law. As we said yesterday, we rest calm and quiet and- hopeful, strong in our trust in the ability and patriot ism of our representatives ahd satis tied, not onlyr of their firmness, but that their action will be, under the circumstances, the best that is pos sible for the people as well as for the party.. INTERESTING INSURANCE CASE An interesting case, has just been tiied at Ciac'inatl. It will be remembered that a year ago a terrible explosion oc cutn i in the Washburn Mill, at Min neapolis, M;m., by which several people were ki'led and the build ng destroyed with all its contents. There was an in surance upon the property of $125,00t distributed among no less than 107 com panies, and all but fifteen of the number paid over the amount f their policies without pretest. Most of the others were Cincinnati compr des, and a test case wrs brought to trial about ten days ago. The policy contained a clause exempt ing the company from loss by fire explo sioD, and their claim was tbat the des truction of the mill was due to an explo sion which produced the fire that bvrned it down. Ei -Governor Washbrrn how ever, claimed that the trouble begin with a fire which cu'minated .with the explo sion, rnd that consequently the clause ;n question did aot relieve the Insurers from responsibility. The trial lasted a fall week,but the owner jot the mill was able to produce evidence that smoke, and flames were seen by several people before the explosion, and the jury tcok only ten minutes to reach a verdict in his favor for the fu.l amount claimed with interest. 10L0CAIST IN MbAR. The Philadelphia Times, of the 6th, says it has leaked out that a fire occurred in Cuba, about the middle of last month, which attained so great proportions that it is likely to have a seriors effect upon the price of sugar. All that got into the Havana papers about it was the state ment that eleven estates had been dam aged, but Charles A. Meigs, a prominent New Yorker, who happened to be in the hear of the region swept over by the flumes, had heard before he le.'v for home o! no less then sixty eight large sugar plantations wb'ch hi j been destroyed. One of these pU itatiocs, wb:ch maybe taken as a Ijpe of the c1 ass, empleyed between four and five hundred persons, aud w;s expected to produce several thousand hogsheads of suar, averaging about two thousand pounds in weight. Not only was all the machinery of this plantation, upon wl'ch aboit haf a mill ion dollars has been expanded within a few years, destroyed , but the fields of growing snga -cane werej laid be -e and the whole crop w.ped jut. Yr Mig met severs' Cjbans who fnad suffered the lofci of plantations, and from L's own ob ser rations and their estimates tl uks that the total loss cannot fall short of a hun dred millions. It goes without saying that a loss reach :ng, or even approaci ng, such proper' ons, must a3ect the price ot sugar in a way that consu ners won't like. HOMOEOPATHY I If YELLOW FETER. The heflao spathic roport on the yl low fever epidemic has been medtt by an investigating committee to the Indianapo lis I as: i tut . I u formation was received from koUjcejpathic physicians throughout the infected region. It was found thst the usual remedies used were as fei lowe: Fur the first period, aconite, belladonna, bryonia and gelsemium; second period, crotalus, or, In the suppression of urine, cautharis, stra monium and apis; third perid,arsenicutm' argentium nitricum, carbo vegetalus, china and cupum. The death rate is given as about 6 per cent. WAbhOfaTON LETTER. Wa hinuton, D. C , May 13, 1879. We had yesterday the second veto from Mr Hayes of the Demooratio proposition to hold elections free from the presence of troops The veto ' of what is know a as the Ladd bill is in some respects a more objectionable document than the previous one. There ie not about it the same appear -f ioe of grasping for straws. It is to the point. Its author, whoever he is, ooi f? leg himself simply to brief mis statements of b -uory and perversions of facts. The ga"-ies were not half f.ih du ng the reading, and members of the House were absent. There wrs uco sional applause on the Republican uide. To-day the mess; -e will be consider i by the House 'Of course the b".i cacust be passed. I udii-re fco?H eariy expressed belief btkt, fuj inK to accomphsn ail they be- si ed too Dniocras w J! provide for ) it- draay, Ux" lative pna otaer ex pense for a n ted "me, say till Dt cember aud a'iow ie people u few monihti to consider whether they prt fer to have entirely free elections and entnely fair juries, or the reverse. Tuere is little doubt what their real preference is. There has been much talk, of late, of passing the Warner silver bill hut the best iufoimation I oan get is to the effect that the meesure will lack many votes when the time comes. M Lapham, of N Y, proposes a constitutional amendment, similr ' to exit lug laws io some of the States, by which the Executive may veto sny por tion of an appropriation bill, the re ma a ier of it net to be thereby affect ed. Toe objections to suoh a meas ure would be much less if it had not almost beoomea pait of ear unwritten law that general legislation may be at tached to such bills. I do not think Mr Jjfipbani will m '.e much progress with hift amendment at preseut. The Democrats of California are foitona if, asA is reported, they are to have Mr. Randall's services in the oominiug campaign in that d tat e. It is extremely gratifying to the friends of Senator Thu man that the Supreme Court sustains as ioonstitu ional his bill by which it vrn sought to compel the 1' acinic re broads to seer -e the debt they owe the goVerrment; only those Judges dissented who have been charged with holding peculiar relc tions to rr'lroad companies prior to their elevation to the benok. Capt Jas B Bads gets this week the half million now due him on his jetty contracts. The promptness of Con gress in voting rese stipulated pay mentis is creditable. Secretary Sherman occasionally quibbles, but' has to yield. In dealing with the crippled soldiers of the country, however, this states man shows the small mal'ce wb'oh makes up so muoh of his disposition. Though thousands of payments rr'gbt be made to-day u ider the arrea-s of pension bill, and the money is realy, only a few men, and these men of in fluence, like Gen'I Schenck. have re ceived their money. The press ouht to shi ne nto he tivity those offioip1 who have the con trol of the $200 000 voted by Congress to apply to Vtfi disiufeotiou of vessels coming from yellow fever ports. The money will do no good after those ves sels reach New Orlear . Senator Wiodom made one of the longest speeehes of 1 s life yesterday on the Legislative biU. Muoh more attention is pt d now, the formerly, by Republicans, to what the Senator says. He is in the Presidential field and he has b-tck'ug and they know it. Gcbxxjb. H00bHl5E The rich young lady who recently married a horse-oar driver had taken to heart Sir Joseph Porter's pronunoi amento, that 'love is a platform on wb-'ch all ranks meet.' Pack. 'Do not neglect the gardens,' is a wan ig legend in the newspapers. Certainly not, and if we should, hens won't, especially if it is in the next garden. New Haven Register. Eminent Counsel r'Yes, gentlemen of the jury, you will oh, I know you will restore my prosecuted client to the arms of his wife aud Hide ones, wbo ' The Court 'Your client is a bachelor. ' Arms have they, but they hug not windmills. Yonkera Gazette. Ears have they, but tbey hear no' aorn ste'ks. Detroit Fiee Press. Heads have they, but they understand not cabbsge. Oil City Derrick. Eyes have they, but see not potatoes. Boston Transcript. A ragged -looking pedestrian or me to ''ie back door of the Dunshudder mat sion yesterday afternoon, and the hired girl shouted . 'We've note in' for tramps 'Fair lady, pause,' said the visitor : 'I'm net a tramp, nor beg gar.' 'What are ye, then?' Im a solictor general.' Utica Observer. Lead vine is so naaed because of the lead inadvertantly carried away by persons who go there to get saucy. A person was buried not long aiuoe in the local cemetery who was so fc i! of lead that the bearers thought it was a case of premature petrification. Baf falo Express, TraWlluap is Efctrm-sfazapdous If the tilirist ft unpravided With setae me dicinal resouree. Changes of temperature, food r rwateflef air unaccustomed er un wholesome quality, and a route that lies la the tfopica m elbei "SeataiSM Where amalarla exists, are each aud all fraught with dauger toonewheh i been improvident eaough to neglect a re mad Is 1 gslegnsrd. The con current testimony of many voyageurs by Isud and sea eatab' hes the 'ct that Hos tetter's Stomach Biitersjenaialee those wl o use it to encounter hazards ef the mature referred to with lmpualty ; and that, as a medicine adapted to sudden and unexpect ed exigencies, it is peculiarly valuable. Disorders of the liver, the bowels and the stomach, foyer and t ;ue, rhenmatisaa and nervous ailments, breugh t on by expeeure, are among the'naladies to which emigrants, travelers and new settlers are most subject. These and others yield to the act 'on of the Bitters promptly and completely. Misoellaneon. Steamer PassDort, QAPT. J. W. HARPER, Will resume SUNDAY TRIPS TO 8M ITHYILLE, April 27,weatber permitting. Dally Trips ai usual. Leave Deck at 9.30 A. M. apl 26 GEO. MYERS, Agent. Furniture. TUST RECEIVED FROM FACTOR Y a large assortment of Walnut aud other grades of FURNlfURK, which we otter at Ort'at Bargains: ,- C;all and examice. feb 19 D. A. SMI 1 H A CO. CHAS. KLEIN, Undertaker audi Calinet Hater, Ho. 24 South Frrint Street,""" WILMINGTON, N. 0. Jp& A One aai crtment of Coffins and Cast keti constantly on hand. Furniture Repaired, Cleaned and Varnished. Orden by tele, graph er mail promptly filled. jan 13 Furniture ! Furniture ! k Large Assortment "of WALNUT CHAMBER SUITS ! ! to be told at the very bottom prices. Walnut Wardrobes, Sideboards, Extension TaHleSj Marble Top Tables, Ac, Ac,, as well as common Chamber Sets, Bedsteads, Chairs and Rockers Of all sorts. Looking Glasses, Mirrors, Parlor Suit", Lounges, Shades, Bed ding and everything belonging to a First- Clagg Furniture Establishment. Also, another lot of the celeb ra ed Genuine Stewart Hewing' Machines, a reai comfort. For sale at .- it i F. A. SCHUTTE'8, 1 26 and 28 Front anllto 15 Dock sts. mhc 10 rjIO This important organ weighs but aboot three pounds, and al) th i blood UX a liring person about three gaHpfls) passes throagh it at least ooce every huff hour, to have the kilc.and other Frnptiritidi strained or filtered from ft One k the natural ptfrgptirt; of the bovela a . if the Liver becomes torpid it i not separate . troci the blood, but carried th rtxigh the vcira to all parts of the system, and ia trying to ea c brough the-pores ef the si-in, Cahses it to uirn yell&w or a dirty bcowfu eoipr . The stom ucK becomes disejised, and Dyspepsia, Indi ttion, (Jontipuion., Headache, biliousness, jaunaice, Chills. Malarial FeVers. Piles, Sick j.od, a;:d general debility follow. lKRttCn.'s HBPA,TiiH,"t3ie great vegetable di cdverv foe torpidity, cause tke Liver to tow oflf from oho to two ounces of bile each time the bkyj j passes through if, as long as there is aq vc of bile ; and itie effect ofeven a few dose- tpon yellow complexion or a brown dim w fiuuw(( 9ftR, wii; aaiomsa au wno try it they Lcinr' the first symptoms to disappear, Tht cvt'v -i'all bilious diseases aad Liver compbir.t is m-?e certain by taking Hbpatine in accord -ar.c with direction. Headache is generall cure in tweaty minutes, and no disease that I aris- from the Liver can exist a fair- tn& v fivenj . OLD AS A SUBSTfTUTK FOR PILL.S BY ALL DRUGGISTS. Price 25 Cts. and $L0C I LUNGS Di The fit ali ty of Consumption or Throat and Lung Diseases, which sweep t the greve at Sl4 least one-third of all death s victims, arises rj simply stupefies as the work of death Ui will be paid if Opium 01 Morn on. ne, or laay preparation of Optnm, Morphine or PrtM- Acid, can be found in the Globe Flow sat Strc. which has cured aeeole whr- living to-day with but one remaining Ibbk. No greater wroneeanbe done than to sav that Consumption is mcarahle. Globe Flowsh A'Couaa Sykup will cure it when aU other C'means have failed. Also. Colds, Couch, mm Asthiha, Branchius, and all diseases of the M 'thro a and lungs. Read the testimonials ef the Hon. AlexM4er H. eohr.s. tlovi Smith &3 and x-Goy .Brown of Oa.. Hon. Geo. Tea S 'body, as well as those of other remarkable pMt cures jn our book, free to all at the drug stores , and be convinced that if you wish to b cured i yon can be by taking the Globs Flowm j Cougb- Syri.t. Take no Troehcs ox Loreugo j for Sere Throat, when you can git Globe Flows Stbv as same price. For sale by Ian Druggkt. Price 25 Cfts. and $1.00 BL00B ft Grave mistakes are wade In the treatment of "all dtjeaeea that arise from poison in thehiood. Not one case of Scrofula, Svphi'js, White OSwelUog, Ulcerous 5 ores and Skin Disease. :a a thoqesutd, is treated without tke use of Ier Icuryln tome forsn. alereury rots the bon-s, 2 and be diseasr it redc. rs a e rse h.jd any atber kind e Dieod or skin disease can be. " Da. PfcsTOirs SttLLiNGta or Qt-rks J Delich r is the only ssedicine upoa which a mm" hope of recevery from Scrofula, Syph-lis and Mercurial diseases in all stages, caa be scaaoo ably founded, and that will cure Cancer, f i 0,000 wfll be pafd ty the proprietor if HvMereury, or any tasjredifcnt not partly vegeta ble and aarmlese can Re found in ia BQ Price by ail Druggists $1.00. Globs FlowkkCough Syuf and Max- Irell's Hbtatinbo tub Livsta for sale by j, Oompatt in 25 cent and i . beedca. A. ?. MESSLL CO., ProprieUr, .PHiLAOSLFHaA, PA. JSSi Is 0j Pi are 5 Wilcox, Cibbs & Cos CELEBRATEDFERTILIZER, THE MANIPULATED GUANO ! II ' The Best and Cheapest COTTON In offering to you the WILCOX., GIBBS & CO.'S MANIPULATED (iJ another season, w do so with the most perfect eoulidei;ce that you w ill glMj , BEST AND CHEAPEST FERTILIZER la use. 4 . ! A. 1 V.... ...4...1 . ...... .r rrQ inilir. IUr Years Wild UUUUUUUCU omv taunut aecepiea as me o i aji uamu rx.tvi.nji.jzrw It has been our stuny, not to make it EQUAL to others but SUPERIOR, auj our success in these eflorts we refer you to ihf many of your neighbors win i;arp it, as weil as to the thousands in the houth Atlantic Cotton Mates. This Guano is so well known that it is unnecessary to publish any certiiicatps but annex a few testimonials in our circulars only from Planters who have rua.le sdT tests of it alongside the Peruvian Guano, as showing how it compares w ith reriuv Guano, which has heretofore been generally esteemed above all other Fertilizers. itl He will have only a moderate supply for sale and would request Planters to m their orders early. Our Agents are authorized sell the MANIPULATED on very favorable (tun pavahle in cotton next Fall. 1 jan 29-dAw JAS T- PETTEWAY Agent THE BEST SOLD B as ens 150Q X1 tf twine oc- - t w tag a e m unTICEou nZuc,i w r vtkn,... ' FOR PARTICULARS MUNtitn O" ADDRESS '. WhiteSewing Machine Co. Cleveland, ohio. ""t NUMBER on 5ni THE NEW YORK WEEKLY HERALD, JAMES GORDON BENNETT, Proptor. The Best and Cheapest Newspaper Published. Po8taffe Free. ONE DOLLAR PeT Year, 50 bents for Six Months, An Extra Copy to every Club of Ten. New York Herald. Published every Day in the Year. Postage Free; $10 pays for one year, Sundays included. $8 pays for one year, without Sundays. $5 pays for six months, hundays included. $4 pays for six months, without Sundays. $2 pays for one year for any specified day of the week. $1 pays for six months for any specified day of the week, $1 per month (including' Sundays') will be chargea on subscriptions for a less period than three months. TO EUROPE Including Postage. Daily $17 30 Weekly( European Edition) 4 00 Weekly (Domestic Edition) 2 00 NEWSDEALERS SUPPLIED, Postage Free. Daily Edition. ..Two and a half cts. per Copy Sunday Edition Font cts. per Copy. Weekly Edition... ...... ...Two cents per Copy N. U. Kot less than 5 copies mailed to newsdealers at wholesale lates. We allow no comm srions on subscriptions Daily Edition Address, NEW KOKK HERALD, aach 19 Broadway and St. Ann N. Y. Call and See Us Fresh Goods. Low Prices. 1 00 Bbls. Elour, just in Jack Frost, juuu Plant's ixtra, Paragon, LejraJ Tender, Bnow Flake, Oronoco, White Cloud, Holiday Gift, Cousin's Fancy, Ac; 40 000"Bush Prime White Corn Odd Boxes D. 8. and Smoked 5UU bides, 200 Tb8 Cboice Famil7 hard, 2q Q HhdsNew Crop Cuba 400 Bbla Cuba N- - "d g-, H- Molasses, OOC BhlsPufrars, Crushed, Granulated A, Extra C, and C, 200 BgB Coffee al1 rad 8' 1600 -Naila j -.: X300 B,,:, !r" l' aDaPe On&no, ALSO, Craekers, Candy, 8oap, 8tarch, Soda, Potah, Lye, Matches, Paper, Ac: Ac For sale by WILLIAMS A MCRCBISON, mar 8 Wholesale Gro. A Com. Mer. mv oiiiiviftfl ioc liiiii imwd oiij Each, and all styles, including Grand Square and Upright, all strictly naT class, sold at the lowest hxt cash wbolkbali FAcroay prices, direct to the pcrchase. These Pytnoe made one of the finest displays at the Cen tecnil Exhibition, and were unanimously re poBirriecide for the Hiohkst Howoaa over 13,000 in usa. Regularly incorporated Man ufactaring Co. Factory established over 36 years. The Square Grands cod tain Mathu sfcek's new patent Duplex Oretstrung Scale, the greatest iaaproremect in the history of Piano making, lhe Uprights are the finest in America. Pianos sent on trial. Don't fail to write for Illustrated aad Deeeriptire catalogue of 48 pages mailed free. MENDELsSSOnN PIANO CO.. ap 71m Jl Eaat 16th street, N Y 'or CUANO ' VXti ,n iawi uuiujtai mj VTitl, Uhtl II i 1. i o ' i . - t Ti . i i I . .1 . 4.. SO SJMPLE LUMBERS LIFE IN A BOTTLr. The Most Valuable Sit iicaJ Disc.a (irv Known f rv flu. W.i.l v j . . w "Wliu .(, More Use for Quinine, ('aloitie or Mineral Poisons Lift fortu Blood, Strength for the Kerveit, and Health for All. AN OPEN LETTER TO THK I'LB ! Believing that bv cleansing tie bioodu building up the ccmUhuticri tw.(,iul wav of bani hisg dieiaee and bt-ing botibli nr. weakness of the lungs, catarrh, rtn much broken down in coustitutinn, k.,i alter trying the bet physicians sod inif out my money tor many kiLds of medicmw advertised without finding a perumnest can, I b.gan doctoring uiyelf, usin UKdicitn made from roots and herbs. 1 fnrtnaswi.r discovered a wonderful ditterj or b)i Cleanser, tne first bottle of whicn gare me a- life and vigor, and in time elitcted a perti nent cure. I was tree irom catarrh, mj ius became strong and sound, being able to itud. the mot t severe cold and exposure, and 1 htu gained over thirtj pounds in weight. Feei- ing comment that l had made a i discovcy in medicine, I prepared a qusntiti ot the Kout hitlers, and was in the faabit f giving tbem away to sick friends and neit-t-bors. I found the medicine effected the boh wonderful cures of all diseases canted frok humors or scrofula in the blood, Impradesct, Bad Stomach, Weakness, Kidney Dues Torpid Liver, Ac, Ac. The nwi ofaj discovery in this way spread from onepenoi to another until I found myself called up-1 to supply patients with medicine tar ibc wide, and I was induced to establish a lab- r- atory for compounding and bottliDg the Hw: Kittarfl in larire nuantities. and 1 now 0 t.c al tiny time to this business. I was at first backward in presenting ei'tt myself or discovery in this war to thepiW K not beinar a patent med ciLe man and'1 small capital, but I am getting bravely that, hince I first advertised this meie I have been crowded wito orderg from srsf gists and country dealers, and tbe buLdrri of letterB 1 have receive trom personicB Drove the fact that no remedy ever did much goad in so short atimeand hsdionwM success as the Koot Bitters, in iaci, i nnnwinio t Vi a t thor will a r A f t Ji k H th6 " rir all othir medicines in use. - e 'J hundred retail druggists, right here st bw in Cleveland, now sell Koot Bieen, n""' whom have already ald over one tLou bottles. Ront RUtAM sr atrictlv a medical prepaf ation, such as was used in the good old of our forefathers, when people w re by some simple root or plant, anu " Kolnmiil anH nlhar nnimmil ftf the DUS"" tr in rr H rim .ra tinknnurn. T hp urtatmnirlT nn the liver SD1 kidsej keep ttie bowels regular and build op nervous system, 'they penetratMMrf j of the body, searching out every f bone and tiieue from the head to J5 1 V I.UU1I1K OU'J CI.' AJ .... springs oi ine, nence tuej m riiaaaa hi t , n r i ti a H nn nd nOUrWDBfC" No matter what your f. e'ings or lJ"fW are, won ine aiseace or BiJiiicii. -7 Wirtnra Ib.v'f wait nn'il THU Xft a. i j .' .. u,,.nr ii nir WW- I o ivu t nan - j " ifvnnnnlv filial had or ujii!rab e, aa I Bitters at once. It mav save your life nr.m,' in all narti " r.f country are already using Boot di They have saved many lives of c who had oeen given up by friends aw mm cians 10 aie, ana nave peiui"--- ; many old chronic cassof Catarrh, Rheumatism, Dyspepsia, and Hkin V E where all other treatments badfai0- . w a. j . . j i m ananui yoa troubled with sick headache, cow VSIbi n (,BU'.CO) wt-- j 1 I in Yoa will be cured if yon take Hoot d 1 M av. I . , , r .- IIU 1 nave vu aamoig sua yiwy .k;.. RMka ail. oVf VU health, strength, and beauty a I know that jeal. U3 T , cry humbug because my discovefj jj, many of their patients, b t I er now my desire and determination my Koot Bitters aa faat tn P' lDle T ,at reach of all thoae suffering throa ; ftf world oldbv wholesale and ret"ir"' gists and country mechant! '""fa, press on receipt of price, W ; six bottles $3.00. For cerutcat derful cu es, see my large c,'ca:jrtf each battle of medicine. ied BOj youraelf. ,riU' H Xm. Ask yourdruggist or mere FRaZILK'S atpoi BlTTfcR-- J p Blood Cleanser,and take no subsuw recommend because b" maaea a r r. r . r no i " . u.s $M Supei ior St.. Ckr by J. V. Munds-.n-i r Mr ruil't'k For sle Druggista. i Vi A t?. asf I Is a monthly. MO-pae Scrap of2i the World's Litarstar. Utovm iw M - incb ! -V! yr. An Oil Cromo fl Valley," price, 98; di..l ahaeo. a wa paper Dinain: Dn" ."r,l tnvr0' K ppok. in paper bindia. . and mt fSSdjS Cbrwtian OakW srasSsZVlioaiBbaralt in mnno rr n uav-vxu ay- . l. . , Address g. S.WOOO, TOBUBi -