THIS FAP u p.bliibed tvary ffcmoom, Sumdavi ex JOSH. T. JAMES, KDITOB AIT KKOFIXTO. 9D BHCBIFTION8. POSTAGE PAID. tarn MIlUl'' 2 W '' Thr6 ,oatbs, f 1 ; month, 50 can. rha PPr "Ul delivered by carriers, of charge, in any part of the city, at the lb4We rmu:., or 13 cent per week, advertising rates ow and liberal fg- ubriber will pleaae report any and j rnure. tu receive tncir papere regularly. HONESTLY5 A WD TRULY ! BROWN & RODDICK, 45 Market Street, A HE STILL UNDERSELLING the market and would advise all who are in wat of DRY GOODS to BUY NOW. k veiT fTe wboTias any idea of the present grate of the market must be aware that v K are sellinga great portion of our Stock BELOVV what it can be replaced f.r. Having bougHt largely in anticipation of the advance we hate determined to give our friends the advantage and at the same time take this method of iucreasiug our business. W have a LARGE STOCK of the above and at popular prices, viz, 10c to 50c Call and examine our line at 15, 20 and 2'c. It will pay you to do so. Mosquito Net. 108 iuches wide for 35c and 40c. A real good article. Muslins. Plaid, Stripe and Plain, Nainsooks and Cambrics from 12f;C. Bishop and Victoria Lawn?, Plain and Figured Swiss, a'so India Mulls, Piques, ail qualities. A good article for 8 cents. Linens. h A and 10-4 Linen Sheeting, Linen Pil low Casing, Damasks, Napkius, Doilies, and Towels, iltC, Jtc , Fang and Parasols, We really have the largest Stock of, the altove South of .New zone, anu are ot tering them at BOTTOM PRICES. Printed Lawns. Our Stock in this department is really more complete at this time than ever before a ui embraces many novelties. WE SELL THE PACIFIC LAWNS FOR 12 1 cents. Shetland Shawls, 12 inches square, ALL WOOL, $1 each. Hosiery & Underwear Ladies', Gents' and Children's in FULL LINES. We are offering a Great Bar gun iu Children's Striped Hose for 10 cents. Domestics. 4 Rockingham A, 7 ; 4 Lake George A A, 7; ist quality Plaid Homespun, 0c; Ac , &c. Call and look over our stock; it will pay mu. We have not space to enumerate. Prom 4 cents Upwards ! XT" SOLE AGENTS for Devlin & Co., f New York, for Ge ts' Clothing made to rdr. A beautiful line always on hand. rlT GUARANTEED. K7- Sole Agents for FRANK LESLIE'S put Paper Patterns. rown 6l Roddick. 45 Market Street may 17 Inly 5 Cents per Glass for Soda Water yiTH THE CHOICEST FRUIT STROPS. Fe tale by JAMES C. MUND8. Druggist, may IS Third treat, Opp. City Hall Diamond for a Dollar ! BK DIAMOND 8HIRT, Lauadried, $1.00, - Unlaundried, 75 cents. Warranted made from the very beat mate- iais and acknowledged to be the .beat Shirt r the money in the city. Full acock of Genta' and Youths' Spring ad Sammer Clothing.selling at ridiculous! y priees, at SHRIEK'S TWO8TORES, 3 Market at. The -ill ( i , M 1 VOL. IV. 1 LOCAL NEWS. New Advertisement. Geo N. Harkiss, Reporter -Knights of Hod or. P. H k : N8BKK 8 1 a A Startling Book. See ad Agents Wanted. Adams, Baowa A Coi Niw Capitalization Society. Read ad Great Western Gun Works. Benson's Capcine Porus Plaster. I. 8. Jomkson, A Co. Nw Rich Blood. Read double column ad White Sewing Ma chine on Second pa?e. J. C. Mcnss, Druggitt Soda Water. Shriek's--A Diamond for a Dollar. To morrow is Ascension Day. Shrimps sell for twenty cents a quart. Cucumbers were selling this morning a' twenty-five cents per dozen- Knights of Honor meet, tot-morrow night for the purpose of conferring degrees. A quantity of fresh beef and lamb was sent out of the Market last night and this morning. The fishing feer has broken out, and daily the Passprt carries anglers to Fort Fisher, who try their luck on sheephead. Rehearsal this evening and to-morrow evening at the Opera H use among thae who are to take part in the concert on Friday night, Miss Nida A. Brown, youngest daugh ter of the late Theft. W. Brown, and Mr. Rpbt. H. McKoy were united in matri mony this morning. (Mr. and Mrs. Mc Koy left on the Northern bound train for a bridal tour. We all have our preferences; but no one prefers to hear a cryiag baby when the fact is so well known that Dr Bull's Baby Syrup would at once quietf it. The lecture which was to have been delivered last evening before the Philo mathean Literary Society, by Prof. Von Jasmund, was postponed until this even ing when the young gentlemen hope to see many of their friends present to hear it. The prospect is for a large attendance on the excursion to be given to-morrow to Smithville on the Passport on 'the oc" casion of the dedication of the monu ment to the lost pilots. The steamer will leave her wharf at 9 o'clock. The recent rains have started the grass and the few warm days we have had have started the crops so that it is a race be tween crop, grass, and planter to see which shall finally get the "control, with the odds rather iu favor of the grass. The crops are doing their level best, but the grass is fighting hard for victery. Gaslight Company. The following gentlemen have been elected officers of the Wilmington Gas light Company, for. the ensuing year, viz : President Edward Kidder. Secretary and Treasurer R. J. Jones. Directors A. J. DeRosset, Z. Latimer, G K. French, W. II. McRary,K. $. Martin and D. McRae. 1 Twq Burglaries and a Robbery The thieves and burglars seem to hive been having it pretty much their own, way in Brooklyn for the past three days and nights and have been laying in a stock of goods suflioient for themt to pass the summer on. Sunday night an en trance was effected into the residence of Mr. Thos. Williams, living near the cor ner of Fourth and Nixon streets. A back window was forced open and the thieves entered, ransacking each room as they passed through, and finally robbed Mr. Williams' sleeping apartments of meney jewelry, and articles ef clothing. Some time during the same night the house of a colored woman, situated in about a square from Mr. W's. residence, was robbed ot her week's provisions, but as the old woman was not a very heavy sleeper she came near capturing them She describes the thieves who burglarized her abode (as "two niggers one a great loug thin nigger and a nigger boy". She thinks she would know "dat nigger' if she could ever see him again. Some time during the day on Monday two gem rnins of sable hue entered the store of Mr. D- Orton, on the corner of Seventh and Nixon streets, and asked to see some cali co, which was shown them. They order ed Mr. Orton to cut off so many yards and as he turned to get his yard stick the thieves picked up the bolt of calico and bolted off without bidding Mr. Orton good morning. We have heard of two or three' thefts of less import, which were committed in the same neighbjrh od within the past week. Daily i WILMINGTON', N. C, WEDNESDAY, MAY City court. The only case which claimed his Honor's attention this morning was that i f Beverly Scott, who was charged with interfering with and abusing an officer in the dis charge of his duty. The Mayor reserved his decision. Repaired. The roof of the First Prebyterian Church, which was damaged by lightning a few days ago, was repaired by Mr. VV EL James on yesterday. The steeple which was also injured, baa not been re paired as yet. Staging is to be erected arcJtiud the spire and we understand tha' the Church authorities have not decided as yet who will make the repairs. Parade and Target Practice of the Wilmington Light Infanry. The Wilmington Light Infantry cele brated their anniversary yesterday after noon by a parade through the streets and a target practice at Hilton. The inclem ent weather deterred many from tarring out, but notwithstanding this fact Capt Coaey mustered out twenty-nine men. The target practice was for a gold medal of new design and was won by Mr. R. H Beery and will be worn by him until it is won by some other member at the target exercises on their next anniversary. The range was one hundred 'yards, three rounds to each member. Messrs. R. M. Houston and John R. Latta were the judges. The badge has not yet been re ceived by the Company, but is expected in the conrse of a few days. I A Delightful Entertainment. Quits a large audience of ladies and gentlemen assembled last evening in Meginney's Hall to witness an exhibition of the pupils ef Misses Burr and James' schcol which consisted of calisthenic exer cises and vocal, and instrumental music. The calisthenics were of a high order f merit, being performed with and without apparatus and in pantomime. These per forated with rings wrre intricate, but were very gracefully executed. The "Mistletoe Bough," was rendered in pantomime CaL isthenics, while one of the scholars a young lady read, or recited the poem in a beautiful and impressive manner. Mrs M.S. Cushiug, the Musical Director, at the same time played in minor chords upon the piano, making the whole performance one of singular beauty and pathos. The vocal duet, "Beautiful Moonlight," was exquisitely rendered by Misses Cassidey and Ledford , their sweet voices blending harmoniously and in perfect accord. The charge of the Light Brigade, which was certainly a thrilling part of the entertain ment, combined elocution and calisthenics. The Kindergarten ga me or a Balland Song" by many of the little ones showed great care and training and reflected, as it should have done, much credit upon the teacher as well a the pupils; it was very unique and pretty. Calisthenics in pantomime representing grief, joy and other emotions of the human soul were pretty and graceful. The instrumental part of the exhibi was most excellent, as the majority of the pupils who performed on this occasion, so we are informed are new beginners or pupils of one or two sessions only. The crowning feature ef the entertain nent was a ring exercise in calisthenics per formed by the entire school, with only a few exceptions. This movement was most difficult to perform, but at the same time was executed in a marvellously ac curate manner. The larger onesj forming a ring while the wee little ones dodged in and out ef the ring keeping perfect time and place as they moved in and around each child finding its own preper place at the conclusion. ,v The audience were rapturous in their approval et the exhibition throughout the entire entertainment, and it no doubt is very gratifying "to the ladies of the seminary to know that their immense pains taking and labor to improve bath the men tal and physical condition of the children under them in the different exercises has not been all in vain as was amply evi denced last night, and it is an additional gratification we must believe to the lady teachers to know that their efforts have been so well appreciated by the children of older grewth, who attended last night and gave such enthusiastic appreciation of the pleasure which all experienced at mat night's entertainment. The River. From Captain Garrasen of the steamer D. MurchUon, we learn that the .river rose fifteen feet at Fayetteville on Satur day last, bat that since that time the water has been gradually subsiding. Review. 1 i Anniversary Celebration of the Wil mington Hook and Ladder Com pai Invited guest, honorary aud active members of the Hook and Ladder Com pauy assembled in the Hall of the Truck House last evening to celebrate the anni versary of the Company. The beautiful hail was handsomely dressed and on the wa ls were appropriate mottoes and sen tences. The Committee of Arrangements, Messrs. James Groves, Albert Gore and W. M. Howey had well performed the duties assigned them and wich the aid of a few younff ladies bad prepared a sumptuous repast of which the assemblage were invited to partake. Each individual member seemed to vie with the others in attention to the guests a d that they suc ceeded in adding to their enjoyment can admit ot uo doubt. Mr. Grovt6 pre sided over the banquet aud after warfare had been waged upon the eatables the following toasts were drank : 1st. The Day we Celebrate. The anni. versary of the Wilmington Hook and Lad der Compauj , No. I. May it never cease to be observed, and mav its recollections ever be as an oasis in the luinoiy of its celebrators. Responded to by Mr. R. H. Grant. 2. Tne Little Giant ; The "Little Giant" had a Lamb, Wuo could the water thro w. And everywhere the Giant went That Lamb was sure to go. Responded to by Capt. L. S. Behlen. 3d. The Howard Relief S. F. E. Co. ; Enough that Furtorg time no Leisman than Adrian has been fort man. N ow for your Olden bottles. Mr. A. Adrian, who was expected to res spoud, being absent, three cheers were given for the Company iu response. 4th. The Fitth Ward Bucket Company. Though fifth in ward, never fifth at fire?. Responded to by President S. H. Fish- blate 5th. Our City Fire Department. The Little Giant h is it Lamb, The U. & L, its Hamme, While the Howard Relief Fire Company Calls Adrian its mammy. i Each company thus its favorite has, But, in common, we adore Our gallant and efficient Chief, Our Colonel Roger Moore. Responded to by Col. R. Moore. 6th. Our Honorary Members. We miss many of their familiar taces here to-night, as we often do their counsel in our deliberations, but we feel that their hearts are with us, and to these who have honored us with their presence to night we extend a fireman's welcoaie to this, our annual reunion. Responded to by Mr. L. F. S. Brown. 7th. The City of Wilmington. May the liberal public spirit of her citizens ad vance her prosperity uutii she becomes the pride and ornament, as she is the metre polis, of her native State. Responded to by Mayor S. H. Fish- blate. 8tb. The Old North State. "May Heaven's blessings at ted her."' Responded to by Alderman L. II. Bow den. 9th. The N. C. State Guard. May they ever be fouud where there is a chance "to do the most good," and always ready to 1 fight it out on that lino if it takes all summer." Responded toby Capt. Walter Coney. 10th. The Press. The fulcrum of pub lic opinion. Whe couldn't pass Revjew with so trigbt a Star to guide? , ( Responded to by Mr. G. N. Harriss. llth. The Ladies. The only endura ble aristocracy; who elect without votes, govern without laws, decide without ap peals, aod who are never id the wrong. Responded to by Thos. H. McKoy,Jr. 12th. Our Officers. We tried them because we knew them, we knew them because we tried them. May they al ways be right, but, right or wrong, our officers ; Responded to by Mr. H. Daniel. After the regular toasts were drank the following impromptu toasts were respond ed to: The Commercial Traveler of Wilming ton. Responded to by Mr. D M. Wright. The Brokers. Responded to by Mr Pembroke Jones The Produce Exchange Responded to by James W. Monroe. The Swedish and Norwegian Vice Con sulate. Responded to by Mr H. H. Heide. At a late hour the guests and mem left for their ho Ties expressing them selves well pleased with the entertain ment and amid cheers for the Hook and Ladder Company the hall was closed. i A card. To all who are suffering from the er rors and indiscretions at youth, nervous weakness, early decay, oss of manhood, &c, I will send a recipe that will cure you, FREE OF CHARGE This great remedy was discovered by a missionary in South America, Send a self-ad 1 reused envelope to the Rev. Joskph T. Ltma bUOutn D, New York City. 2!. 1879. NO. 89 Duplin I AOS) 1 1 Matters. The Spring Term of Dupim county Superior Court, JuHge Seymour pre siding cmveied in Kt nans-ville on Mon day last the 19 h ins-t There was but little business transacted on the first day further than to ( rgsmiee and empanel ami charge the Grand .lory. On Tuesday, the 2tb, the court was f;;r! at work on the State docket. The second day of curt 's usually the 'sgr at da': i f the t'.rm, and more people are geuerally in attendance on this., tLain y r!ay during the session, but in the prrtent instance there was a smaller attendance than we remember to have seen" there since the war. Every ot e, who was not absolutely obliged to be present, staid at heme to lake care of his crop, which are now suffering for attention. A niong the law yers present, aside from the regular members of the Duplin, bar, e noticid Met-srs. Faircioth, of Wayne,' Buuu, oi Nash, Kerr and Stewart, of Sampson, Bland, ot Pender, and Koonce, of Ous- 1 w. The weather has bun bad for the crops of Duplin, though t'je past few days have been quite favorable, barring a "little too much wet, and the farmers are fighting the grass with all the for 3 at their command. It is to be hoped that the disasters which attended their efforts last year may not visit them this season. At Magnolia, which seems to be doom ed by the frequent cocflagratic ns which occur there, the prevailing complaint is o dull times, and business is stagnant. Here the W. &. W. Railroad Company has just completed one of the finest de pots on the whole line of the road. It was much needed, and the people ot the town feel justly proud of the substantial and impo ing structure. At the recent election of town officers, mine host, George A. South all, of Southall's Hotel, was elected Mayor, with a full Demo cratic Buard of Commissioners. Anuual Meeting of the Historical and Scientific Society. The regular annual meeting of the above Society was held last evening in the ves try room ot St Paul's E. V. Church. The following officers were elected : President Rev. G. D- Bernheim, D. D. Vice President Col. J. G. Burr. Corresponding Secretary E. S. Mar tin. Recording Secretary -J. D. Bellamy, Jr. i Treasurer A.S, Story. - The initiation fee and dues for the year were fixed at two dollars. Among the papers of value contributed to the archives of the Society the Secre tary was directed gratefully to acknowl edge a full set of Reports of the Produce Exchange, by Col. Jno. L Cantwell, the Secretary and compiler. The regular meetings were changed from the first to the last Monday in each month, and the President was authorized to continue tne routine of business as originally established The reading of the annual reports of the President and Secretary was deferred to the next regular meeting, on the last Monday in June. Doings at charlotte Yesterday. From a gentleman who was present at Charlotte yesterday, we learn that there was at least five thousand people present to listen to the Hon. Wm. M. Robbins, the orator ot the day, in celebrating the One Hundred and Fourth Anniversary of the Mecklenburg Declaratioa of Indepen dence. Gov. Jarvis, Lieutenant Gov. Robinson and Hon. D. G. Fowle were among the celebrities on the speaker's stand. Aiter Mr. Robbins' fine oration, His Ex cellency Gov. Jarvis responded to numer ous calls in a neat little speech, after which Judge Fo wle in answer to frequent calls made a very eloquent and happy speech of about diteen miuutes duration which we understand wii very much ad mired by all who beard it. From the samo source we nndnritliul that Col. C. VV. Alexander, wnose resignation as C-ljnel of the Second Raiment hal bsen accepted again rejected by the officers of taat regiment iu Charlotte yes terday by every vote that was cast, ex cept three which Col. Alexander held the proxy for himself. It ia due to CjI. Alexander to say in this connection that it was only at the urgeut solicitation of his friends among the officers from the Adjutant Genera' down to the humblest Lieutenant that he at last accepted the position alter he had been olceUai. PLEASE NOTICE. We will be glad to reeelre eotr itcrd ati ns from our friends on any and all snt jecu u 1 general interest bu : Te name of the writer must always be fn aished to the Editor. Communicationg mast be written on cmly one side of the paper. Pergonal! tie most b amide 1. And it is especially nd parti alarly nod atrod tLat the tditor does not always endo e the iews yf cor re) oa dents unless so state in the editorial colnvna. New Advertisements, A J2!ILEii? the -ad r Fastest- el Imp Pictorial Bonki and hi- b es Prices reduced 3 I pt.r cent Matm.w- al Publishing Co., 1'hilad, P. mmj $ 4w S2 TO ;000 Judiciously inrestedtn' W all Street, iaye ibl font. dative tor substan tial fortones evert wek, srd pays an i n mense per centage of mnti a by the New Capitalization Si s eta of operating iu Stock . Kult expUnatii n on application to Adauis' Br..wu A Co., bai keis, 26 Broad ttt, N. 1 mty 21-4w DEAR SIR : Please write f r large Ulostraud Catalogue of Rifles. Shot Cuns Revolver. Address lireat Western Oun Works, Pitts burg, Pa. maj ji4w BENSON S CAPCINE PORU8 PLASTER See that ea h plaster has the word C-A-P-C-l-N-E cnt thromrh It nd insist on having no other. Ask your ft vai cian as to its merits over all otLe s way 21-i.w NEW RICH BLODD ! Parsons' Purgat.Te Pi make N w Rich Blood, and will e mpletely change the blood in the entire syst-m in three months. Anv person who will take 1 pill each night from 1 to 12 weeks may be restored to sound health, if such a thing be possible. Sent by mail for 8 letter stamps. I. 8. JOHNSON k CO., may 21 4w Bangor, Me Knights of Honor. Q4R0L1NA LODGE No. 431. Spnc'n! Meeting to morrow ( Thursday ) evening, at si o'clk, for the purpose of coaferiing degrees. GEO. N. FIARM83, may 21 Reporter. Excursion to Waccamaw Lalt, Saturday, May 21 111. ! SPECIAL TRAIN CHART EKED, ami will leare the W. A W. R. R. Depot at half past 8 o'clock, sharp, and return to Wilming ton by sunset This excursion is given to the children of St. John's Sundaj Bobeol. licket fcO cents for round trip. No charge! for children under 5 years of age. may il-3t A Startling Book ! CLOTH EXTRA, 350 pages, Price $1 60, By Henry Kiddle, A. M., Superintendent of Scaools, New York city. Spiritual Communications ! Messages fiom the Eternal World I Giving spirit interviews with A. T. Stuart, Wm C Bryant, Archbishop Hughes, Wm M Tweed, Dr Mnblenbarg, Aaron Burr, Byron, Bishop Janes, Mrs. Hemjans, Robert Heller, Washington, Lafayette, Shakespeare, Dr. Watts, 'Henry C. Watson, Martin Luther, John Oalv n, James Finku, Jr, Bishop Ives, Ueury J Kaymoad, Theodore Parker, Edgar A Poe, Abraham Lincoln, Pio Nono, aud many other Spirits of the Departed. Reveal ing Awful Mysteries of Heaven and Hell. For sale by may 21 HEIVSBEBOCR'S. OPERA HOUSE. Friday livening, May 23 Grand Concert 1 COMPLIMENTARY TO "j- jjlrs. I). KAHNWEILER. I Will positively tak i place on the above t Evening. Tickets and Reserved 8ets here tofore purchased need not be exchanged. Ihe Programme will consist of Vocal and Instrumental Music by the best Amateur Talent of this city. PRO . E. VAN LAEP, Musical Director. Admission 60 cents. Reserved Seats lv cen s extra. Box Sheet now open at Heinsberger's Book Store. Rehearsal at Opera Heuse t is (Tuesday) eveni g at 8 o'clock. Ocneral rehearsal Thursday evening. maj 20- Come and Buy. JOOD FLOUR, SUGAR and COFFSK, Molasses, Pork and Lard, Butter, Crackers and Cheese, . . . Potash, Lye and Candy, Tobacco, Snuff and Cigars, Paper, Twine and Paper.Bas, "One 8poon" Baking Powder, may 19 HALL A PEA US ALT.. An Excursion WILL BE HAD Off THE STEAMER PASSPORT, next THURSDAY, lid inst , upon the oceasi a of a Mem ril Ser vice which is to b) held at thd Mnnament erected at Smith ville to the memory of the lost Pilots. Rev. K. A Yeates will Uelirer a sermon. The p oeeeds of the Excursion wi I be donated to ihs wid wt and orphan ef th I deceased Pilots. Ticica lor tt u d trip &uc. may 20 Ship Notice. ALL PERSONS ARE HEREBY forewarned against harboring or truiting any of the crew of the Mr. Hrig CAVA LI ERE 8QUARDELLI, as no debts or their contraction will be paid by either tht Captain or Consignees. may 20-Jt ALEX SPRCST ftHOff. i

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