THIS PAPER jiblishsd every lAntl Smidayi - JOSH. T. JAMES, BPITOB AID rBOPmiKTOK. on kh( . fti KTI0N8, POSTAGE PAID. year, $6 00 Six months, $160 ; Thrs. moltu. 1 46; oWt Mf cent. rbr ppr rill be delivered by carrier s, of char, n "J P1 ftbre rates, or 13 cents per week. AdTertiBir rt-e low end liberal er MiDicriberi will please report any and ,11 failures to receive their papers regularly . IIOIVTESTIaY AND TRULY ! BROWN & RODDICK, 45 Market! Street, RE STILL UNDERSELLING the market aDd would advise all who are in want of DRY GOODS to BUT NOW. Kvery one who has any idea of the present state of the market must be aware that w E are selling a great portion of our Stock BKIAW what it can be repiaced for. Having bougut largely in anticipation of the advance we have determined to give uur friends the advantage and at the same time take this method of increasing our business. We have a LARGE STOCK, of the shore and at popular pr ces, viz, 10c to 50c Call and examine oar line at 15, 20 and l!5c. It will pay you to do so. Mosquito Net. lus inches wide for 35c and 40c. A real good article. Muslins. Haid, Stripe and Plain, Nainsooks and Cambrics from 12c. Bishop and Victoria Lawn?, Plain and Figured Swiss, also India Mulls, Piques, all qualities. A good article for 8 cents. Linens. U 4 and 10.4 Linen Sheeting, Linen Pil low Casing, Damasks, Napkins, Doilies, and Towels, &c, Sec., Fans and Parasols, We really have the largest Stock of the above South of New York, and are of fering them at BOTTOM PRICES. Printed Lawns. Our Stock in this department is really more complete at this time than ever before and embraces many novelties. WE SELL THE PACIFIC LAWNS FOR 12 cents. Shetland Shawls, 72 inches square, ALL WOOL, $1 each. Hosiery & Underwear Ladies', Gents' and Children's in FULL LINES. We are offering a Great Bai g tin iu Children's Striped Hose for 10 cents. Domestics, 4-4 Rockingham A, 7c: 4 4 Lake George A A, 7c; Best quality Plaid Homespun, 9c; Ac, &c. Call and look over our stock; it will pay you. We have not spacs to enumerate. From cents Upwards t X7" SOLE AGENTS for Devlin & Co., of New York, for Ge ts' Clothing made to order. A beautiful line always on hand. FIT GUARANTEED. 07- Sole Agents for FRANK LESLIE'S Cat Paper Patterns. Brown & Roddick. 43 may 17 arket Street- Only 5 Cents per Glass for Soda Water yy'ITH THE CHOICEST FRUIT STROPS F e sale by JAMES O. MURD8, Druggist, may IS Third street, Opp. City HalL ANYTHING p THE CLOTHING AND FURNISHING GOODS LINE, at Dress Suits, Business Baits, Boys' 8it', i oaths' Sui u, Hats, Gaps, Hosiery, Gloves, Ac, Ac, and DIAMO iti The best end ehespest Bhirt in the eiry ; Un laundried, T cents ; Laundried, ft, at SHRIKE'S TWO STORES, Bisy 29 The VOL. IV. LOCAL NEWS. New Advertisements. Opera. House Lecture by Gen. R. E. Col ton. Hahn & Goodman Noace of Co partnership. Go. Mtiu, Agent Begatta excursion. P.Hsihsbmrbsk hi an oa and Organs. Sraaa's Anything ic the Clothing Line. J. 0. Mease, Druggist Soda Water. No City Court to-day. Vegetables are abundant and cheap. More easterly winds are predicted for to-night. Fish market is porly supplied on ac count of the easterly winds Upwards of $4,000 worth of $10 cer -tificates were sold at the Post office yester. day. - The New York steamship Regulator, arrived at her wharf in this city at 2 p m today. Mr. J. H. Daniel's mustang horse was raffled last night and was wen by Mr. T. A Shemwell The Cornet concert Club propose an excursion next week under the light of the full moon. Dr. A. D. McDonald, of this city, is among those licensed to practice medicine by the State Board of Medical Exam iners. . The ant and the seed, tick have sent out their topographical engineers with instructions to select eligible sites for pic nic. ; We understand that a commodious shed is te be erected on the banks of Lake Waooamaw and that excursions will be ran from this city during the summer. Short veils at the bacx of the head are pi eferred by American bridesmaids to the bonnets almost always were by English la dies who apdear in the same capacity. The copi:ns shower of rain which fell last night was much needed and the thirsty earth and parched vegetation re joice at the grateful draught. The atmos phere this morning was delightful. A series of prayer meetings, which it is hoped will lead to a copious revival, was inargu rated last evening at Front street M. E. Church under the ministra tions of the pastor, Rev. E. A. Yates. Thieves were after chickens on Sunday night. They succeeded in carrying off several very fine hens and some turkeys from a coop belonging to a lady living on Front, between Chestnut and Mulberry streets. At a meeting of the Whiting Rifles held last evening, Second Lieutenant J. D. Nutt's resignation was tendered, and accepted and Ensign T. L. Rowell was elected to the vacancy. Mr. Charles El well was chosen Ensign to succeed Mr. Rowell. tledical meti even puzzle themselves over the large sale that Dr. Bull s Baby Syrup enjoys. Its great popularity is due ou.y to the excellent qualities posjesed by this household medicine. 25 cents. Magistrate s Court Harmon Teitgen swore out a war rant this morning before Justice Gardner for the arrest of Simon Reese, colored, upon the charge of assault. The party was arrested and brought before Justice Gardner for trial, when after an investi gation ef the facts the case was dismissed at prosecutor's casts. Booms National Mkm. Asse. ) Wilmington, N. C, May, 27. J The annual service of decorating the graves of the United States soldiers bur ied in the National Cemetery at this place, will be celebrated on Friday, the 30th inst. The procession will start from the City Hall Square at 3 o'clock. The citizens of Wilmington are all re spectfully invited to attend this service; and a partial suspension of business be tween the hours of 3 and 5 o'clock would not only enable many to attend, but be very gratifying to the committee. Respectfully, Ed. Brink, for General Committee. 'Truth lies in a nut-shell,' and 'brevity u the soul of wit. ' To be brief, when the shell is broken, the truth will be dis covered that, the Grand Central Hotel, on Broadway, New York, now kept on both plans, the American $2.50 or $3.00 and the European $1.00, and upwards per day, gives more stisfactioo for the same money than any other first-lass house in Gotham. An elegant Restaurant, at moderate) prices, is conducted by the Grand Central. Daily WILMINGTON, N. C. Telephonic Exchange. Mr. Ai gel is getting up a telephonic exchange -for this city. Already twenty three instruments have been engaged and in all probability more will be before the day is past. The telephonic exchange is a fixed fast. More Comfort ! For the comfort and convenience of ex curison parties, Mr. GeorgeJMyers is hav ing erected a dancing hall on the beach at Fort Caswell. It will probably be ready for use by Saturday, and those who avail themselves of the Family Excursion an trip the light fantastic on the sea-beaten shot e ot the old Atlantic. Excursionists. Quite a number of excursionists am v.d in this city by the Carolina Central Rail way this morning and embarked on tae steamer Passport for Smithville and the Forts. They were met by the Passport at the depot and started immediately down the river. Breakfast was furnished them on the boat. District conference. The Quarterly Conference of the Front Street M. E. Church, South, held at their house of worship, last evening,chese the following gentlemen as delegates to the District Conference, which convenes at Goshen, Church in Sampson county, on the 17th of July next: W M Parker, J H Mallard, John E Leggett and R W Chad wick, and E T Love and Col C L Grafflin as alternates. Colored Excu sion to Columbia The excursion train which we announ ced to leave here to-day for Columbia to attend the meeting of the Grand Lodge of the I. O. of Good Samaritans and Daughters ef Samaria, which convenes at Columbia, S C, to-day, left on the regU" lar train on the W. C. & A. Railroad at the usual hour this morning. There was quite a large delegation from this city to which additions will be made along the line of the road between here and the place of destination. Sidewalk. Improvements. We are glad to notice thut the brick sidewalk on the West side of Front, between Walnut and Red Cross streets, to which ws have on two or three occa sions called attention, is being taken up preparatory to being raised some inches with gravel, after which the brick will be relaid. This will bring the sidewalk sev eral inches higher than it now is and nearly or quite on a level with the street. It is an improvement which has been long needed and we are glad for. all concerned that it is being made. The International Review For June has been received and from a somewhat cursory perusal of its contents fully equal to its predecessors The articles in the present number are The Present Condition of Greece,' by Thomas Davidson; 'Two Poems,' by F. W. Bourdillonj 'Toe Indian Question,' by Hon. J. D- Cox, of Ohio; 'The Supreme Court and the Currency Question by Brooks Adams; 'The Shakespeare Revival in London,' by Julian Russell Sturgis; 'England and Turkey, 1856-1876,' by Rev. George Washburn, D. D., President ef Robert College, Constantinople; 'Some ot the Re nedies for Socialism,' by E. L. Godkin; Contemporary Literature' anl 'Recent English Books ' The subscrip tion price for the International Rtview is $5 per annum, and it is published by A. S. Barnes & Co., New York. The camp Meeting The last installment of these who had been in attendance at the colored damp Meeting, held at Gander Hall, arrived here last evening en the steamer Is is, and not yesterday noon, as we supposed. The Is is was not only crowded on her decks but had two lighters alongside, which were both well filed. It is a wonder there were no accidents but the party reached the city in safety. As well as could be estimated there were over two thousand persons at the foot of Chest nut street laat evening, counting those on shore who came down to welcome their friends, as well as those on board the boat and lighters. A hundred or more belonged in the Black River section and remained on board and wen taken back te their homes last night on the Isis. The meetings were continued for five days and nearly one hundred persons professed re ligion. The crowd was largest on Sunday and among them on that day it is said that there were some three hundred white persons, drawn there through motive, of interest of curiosity. Review. TUESDAY, MAY Successfully Launched We are pleased to state that after m iny delay 8 and embarrassments the first sec tion of the Sectional Dry Dock was sue cesaful launched at abut 3 o'clock this afternoon. This section is 70 feet long by 33 feet wide and 7 feet deep and draw but two feet of water. The tauks are 26 feet high. The Dock whn oon plete will embrace feur sections, and there are three yet to be launched. It is at Messrs. J. R. Blossom & Evans' yard, in the Northern part of the city. Criminal Court, Flis Honor Judge Meares presiding. The following cases were taken up and disposed of by this tribunal to-day: Otate vs A. U. Wessell, chaiged witb affray. Verdict not guilty. Stale vs Harkless James, charged with F. and A. Verdict not guilty. State vs Henry Aiken, charged with burning woods. Verdict guilty. Motion in arrest of judgment and for t he discharge of the defendant was granted. State vs John Davis, charged with false pretence. Submitted. Seuteuced to four years in the penitentiary. Excursion Down the RiTer. The revenue cutter Colfax took down the river this morning quite a party, among whm were Lieut. Governor Rob inson, Mr. Speaker Moring of the House of Representatives, A. J. Galloway, Esq, of GoMsboro, the President of the Pro duce Exchange, President of the Cham ber ot Commerce, President of tho Board of Trade, Mayor Fishblate, Henry Nutt, Esq., Chairman of the Committee on River and Harbor Improvements, Custom House Officials, Vice Consuls of Great Britain, Germany, Norway and Sweden, besides other prominent citizens. The party will make an examination of the improvements now being made in the bar and harbor and will probably visit the fortifications and Smithville before they return. Macy and Enrich. It gives us pleasure to chronicle im provements and the success of our fellow beings. A fewyears age Brooklyn was seldom visited by the ladies, for the reakcn that there was no store of any size loca ted in that portion of the city. Mr. Hahn established his dry goods emporium just across the bridge and now 'his cm tomers are from all quarters of the city. He has associated with himself in business Mr. Victor D. Goodman, of New York, and the new firm propose, with their in creased facilities and augmented capital, to do a much larger business than the senior member ever did. It will be their aim to de the largest business done in this city and to take the lead in low prices as well as good goods and to be tho recog nized Macy and Ebrich of Wilmington. t Lecture by Cicn. R. . Colston. As will be seen by advertisement in an other column, Gen. R. E. Colston will deliver a ' Lecture upon Modern Egypt and his experience there" on Friday eve ning next, the 30th inst., at the Opera House. For some years Gen. Colston was ia the military service of the Khedive of Egypt, and consequently familiarized himself with the history, topography, c imate, manners and custcms of the peo ple, and can speak whereof he hath seen." T to lecture cannot fail to be interesting aad instructive and we hope a good bouse will cheer him in his effort. The steam-yacht Passport will steam around the harbor on Wednesday after- neon, folio, ing the course of the yachts in the race. Only 25 cents toi the trip. Therraometrical. From the United States Signal Office in this place we obtain the following report of the thermometer, as taken this uiorn ing at 7:31 o'clc?k : Augusta, Qa- 75 Atlan a, (ia Cairo, 111 73 Charleston, 8. C....75 Cincinnati 7 Corsicana, Tex 67 Fort Gibson, C N.76 Galveston....- 75 Indianola 7 Jacksonville, Fla...73" STnoxville 68 I vnchburg.. ........ 64 Memphis, Tenn.....7' Mobile, Ala 73 Montgomery Ala. ..To ftashville 73 New Orleans ....77 New York 6' Panta Bassa, r la.. .72 Savannah, Ga 76 Shreveport. 72 St. Louis Mo 62 St. Marks, Fla 69 Vicksburg, Miss.... 76 Washington. 73 Wilmington 7 T A card. To all who are suffering from the er rors and indiscretions ot youth, nervous weakness, early decay, loea of manhood, &c, I will send a recipe that will cure you, FREE OF CHARGE. This great remedy was discovered by a missionary in South America. Send a self-ad Teased envelope to the Rev. Joswh T. In man Motion D, New York City. 27, 1879. NO. 94 List or Letters. The following is the list of letters maiuing iu the Postoffi e Wednesday, June 28tb: B Beadeukoff, Bridget Boston, miss Hannah 1 bollard. C Mrs Lizzie Cobb, IrviogCummiugs, J. rrns Cu lar, mrs Betsy Crawford. D Win Davis, Orion's plauUtiou, C C Davis. E Henry Ehrbeck. F J Fumntine. G Enoch Griffin, John E Graut.J D Gilbert. T B Garner. H Maria J Hewlett, Charles Henry care G R Devane, L H Ha.i, Fenian Agt, Wan Howell, Wm Harsen. J Mrs Rebecca Jones, Henry Jones John Jackson, Joshua Jones, Sixth St. cart house, Robt Jefferson, Rich Jones. K -Thos C King. M Murphy McNeil, Jas Mosely, Henry McNeil, Edward E Miller, Anthony Miller. O Danl Oxendine. N Miss Jannie Nickson. P John Priest, John E Powers, A v.. Pierce. R Chas or Isaac Reynolds, A S Robinson. T Mrs E Caladonia Taylor, mrs EHz -beth Talley, Lucy P. Tracy, Button Tay lor. S Sallie Scott, D J Simmons, care Mrs Lena Shaw, F L Suukel, Edmond Shepard, lbos M Smar. U Miss F M Uttey. V Charlie Vestry. W J C Webb. Gillbert F Willis, mrs Fanny Wood, Chrismas Waddel. Y Charles M Yertes, care F W Frost. Persons calling for letters in above list will please say "advertised"; if not claim ed in 30 days will be sent to dead letter Office, Washington, D. C. E. R. BRINK, P. M. Wilmington, N. C. New Hanover County N. C. Quarterly Meetings. Wilmington District 3d Round. Duplin at Richlands; June 7-8 Cokesbury at Hall's.... Tune 14-16 El.zabeth at Purdies June 21-22 Bladen at Soule Chapel June 28-29 WhiteviUe at Carver's Creek July 5-6 Cohame Miss. Black's Chapel. . Julv 12-13 Clinton at Goshen (Dis. Con.).July 17-18 Brunswick at Bethel .July 26-27 Wilmington Fifth Street July 26-27 Wilmington Front street Aug 2-8 Waccamaw Miss. Bethel. Aug 3-4 Smithville Station Aug 6-6 Topsail Aug 9-1 o Onslow ..Aug 16-17 The District Conference will convene at Goshen Church, Clinton Circuit, July 17th, 1879, at 9 o'clock A. M. Let all the pastors and delegates be present at the time appointed. Brethren, let us meet in the name and Spirit of Christ. Rev. John Tillitt will preach the opening ser mon. L. S. BURKHEAD, P. E. Magnolia, N. C. New Advertisements. Regatta ! Gala Day ! rjlHE ST MB. PA8SFO&T, Capt. J. W. Harper, will ac company the Race. A splendid cheap excur sion. Tickets 25 cents. For sale by may 27 GEO. MYER8, Agent. OPERA HOUSE. LECTURE WILL BE DEL1VER- ed at the Opera House on Friday evening next, at 8 o'clock, by General R. E. Cols t n,upon Modern Egypt and his experience there. Admission 50 cents. Tickets for sale at the book and drug stores. N. B. The lecture will be brilliantly il lustrated by numerous stereopticou views from photographs taken in Egypt. may 27. Star copy 3t. Notice of Copartnership. rjlHE UNDERSIGNED HAVE THIS day formed a Copartnership, under the name, firm and s'yle of Hahn & Goodman, for the purpose of transacting a Wholesale aid Retail Busineja in DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, Ac. JULIUS HAIN, may 27 VI TOR D. GOODMAN. Do You Know rjlUEMANY ADVANTAGES in Buying a PI NO or OKOAN at home ? rir t, y u hare tiie chance of seeing it be -fore ouying- Secondly, yon know from whom, and can therefore feel of fair deaii.. Thirdly, von have a complete stock tose'ect from, and can make arraaf e meats to pay for it on the Instalment Plan, either weekly or monthly. To be convinced of these facts yon will only bare to call at HElffSBRROKtVg, way 26 Lire Book an 1 Masse Store. PLEASE MOTICE. Ws will be glad to receive from ear friends o. any and ail subjects o geaeral interest b.t : The name of the writer mast always be fn nished to the Editor. Communications mast be written on on:y aiae oi tfte ater. Personalities mast be avoided. And it is especially nd parti -ularly and strod tLat the hditor does not always endo r tne iwa uf corre.oadeots. unless so state in the editorial columns. few Advertisements, Come Again! Call and Seo ANOTHKR KXTRA FIiiK LOT inCKoN CHINA thickens and Es. 10 fibU Ruset Apple, " m.. Oranees, J eraons. Nuts, ac. 10 Bbls FmiU Pi Pork. A fresh lot Kami! j and .w Orade Flour. Choice brands rtse Chewier n .xr . nd Hmokinjr Tobaccos. Best Nesr York and N C May Butter and Cneee, Kentucky Bams, Lire Jese Festb ers, Poultry. -rffa, c. A feur bhls Bostoo aacerei. sjsttl be s Jd. Ca.i early and buy cheap. T. a HCHUKsfcdOH A CO., ma j Front street. Boatwright & McKoy ISVITE ONE AND ALL TO COME AND SEE THEM ! AS THKY HAVE The Largest Tile ;, h eii And Most C,m lete Stock ot Fancy & Staple Groceries Ever offered In the 8tite of North Carolina ! HP" To our kind patrons and the puMic we will say it is useless for us to enumerate thef dillerent articles we have for sale. Suf fice it to say we keep EVERY TUlNG KEPT IN A FIRST .CLASS GKOCSRY ESTABLISHMENT. OUR PRICES ARE I)W. OUR GOODS ARE GOOD. We want our - trade and we must have it. K7" We again thank you, (even during these dull times), for your generous supv i port. It has been even more than e could have hoped for. Boatwiight & McKy, 6 A 7 NORTH FRONT STREET. 26 may Corn, Bacon, Molasses. 40 000 Duril Prime Wb,te .Cn OQf Boxes D. S. and Smoked Of-A Hhds New Crop Cuba -UU Mob SMS. Qfi Bbls Cuba, N.IO. and S. H. OOU Molasses. 1 250 Bbl Freah Flour' 1 cy rBbls ft. gars, Ornsbed. i 1 OfJxanuiated A. Axtra C, andCf 2JQ Bags Coffee, all grades, j QQ. Tubs Choice Family Lar', 150 Boxe8 Tobcc Tx off- ly r Half Bbts and Boxes P-uff. O Tas Off. 1600Ke"NftU-'- ALSO, Potash, Lye, Hoda, Soap, 8tarch, Hoop Iron, Spirit Barrels, Ol.e, Ac. For sale by , WILLIAMS A MCRCBISCN, may 26 Wholesale Gro. A Com. Mer. Hall & Pearsall SUFFER FOR 8ALK, AT LCW PR CI S, Fresh and 0mpltt; Stock of Flo.r,8ngar, Coffee, Molasses, Corn, Meat, Lard, Butter, Cheese, Tobacco, Fnaff, Cigars, Paper, Twine, Piper Bags, "On. Spoon" Baking PowJer, A Few Fin. 5 . C Hams, and all other articles araally fwnnd io a carefully selected stock of ttrooer.ts. may U ADVERTISE iu he Wilmington Joama One of the odiest weekly papers pub Ussaed ht ttetttate. OHee corner' W a ter and

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