sgnnuj MI8 PAPER j.eshbshea' every aftsraoon, Sundays ex- JOSH. T. JAMES, KDTTOB AND fBOPSIITOK. - jCBHcElKTIOWIi.POHTAGJC PAID. ra,i6 00 due month, $2 60 ; Three moata. $1 " i- One month, 50 cents. rb- pPr dliverBd b7 carrier!, IL, .,( enarge, in sny part of the citj, at the r, rtu, or IS cents per week. AdTertUmK rates low and liberal -Subscribers will please report any and L fkliUre to reeeir their papers reularl j . SPECIAL NOTICE. BROWN & RODDICK, 45 Market Street, Great LOT' 1. PRINTED LAWNS, Linen Finish, 8e, wortb 12ic. iLOT 2. MATTINGS, lie, worth 20c. LOT 3. LADIES' and MISSES' WUITE LISLE THREAD GLOVES, 5c, worth 25.c. LOT 4. LADIES' LINEN COLLARS, oc, worth 10 cent. LOT 5. LADIES' LINEN CUFFS, 15c worth 25c. LOT 6. LADIES HUFFS, lc, 2e and 5c each. LOT 7. TK1PED GRENADINES, 5c per yard, worth 25c, LOT 8. STRIPED PIQUE, 8c, worth 10c. A NEW LOT OF PARASOLS and SUN UMBRELLAS, just received, from 10 cents up. KEEP COOL! FANS ! ! IF -A. "MS ! ! ! Respec fully Brown fc Roddick. 45 Market Street- jane 3 Only 5 Gents per Glass for Soda Water yrrH THE CHOICEST FRO IT SYRUPS. Fe sale by JAUES C. MUNDS. Druggist, msy IS Third street, Opp. City Hall. Monday, June 2. QM AND A r FEK MONDAY, JUNE 3d, wil. tell at an Immense Sacrifice Oar stock of Gents' and Youths' Clothing and Furnishing Good . Thia it necessary in e der to eat dewn atock preparatory to the heavy inroieea of Fall Qooda we are to rc" eeive. Bat the Diamond Shirt, the beet in the My, still sella for 75 cents and $1. BHRISR'STWO STORES, SI Market at. Cane Fear Military Academy. THE NEXT SESSION OF THE Cape Fear Military Academy, a military, scientific, classical and commercial school, begins October 1st, 1878. School rooms newly fitted up ; school thoroughly equip ped ; lull corps of competent teachers em ployed. Full particulars in circulars will be issued. WASHINGTON CAT LETT, may 30 2w Principal. Buggies, r Buggies, Harness & Saddles, FOR RALE AT eBB.BAM.DT sik CO S 3rd it., opposite City Hall. RAP AIRING DONE WITH NEATNESS AND DISPATCH. HORSE-SHORING A SPECIALTY juae-f The VOL. IV. LOCAL NEWS. New Advertisement. Brown A Rodbicu -pfcil Notice. J. W. Howkll Contractor and Builder. P. H KINBBKKORH For All. Smuikk'b -ImLQt-rse Sacrifice. J. C. Mouse, Druggit Soda Water. Fiah market is well supplied Strawbenies are scarce in this market. Nothing doing in Magisterial circles to day. Come to stay weather. all summer warm Meat and heh were ieut out of market rhis morning. Some men are houit;ly, and sume home less than others. Dogs appreciate good care. If not kept clean they will fka the house. Without ice we poor mortals who spend the summer in the city would be forced to believo there s no land hotter than this. A boarding house mistress, like the reet of us, has her weak and strong points the weak being' her coffee, and her strong point the butter. A man in this city was boasting that he had an elevator in his houo. 'So he has, chimed in his wife; 'and he keeps it in the cupboard in a botttle 1 The sudden change in the temperature of the weather has prompted some of our young men to have their heads; clipped, tiled and sand-papered. Puffing and blowing are often consid ered synonymous terms You will discover a difference, however, if instead of puffing a man up, you should blow him up, A party of gentlemen we?it down to the jlnlet last night in order to be in time for the-early morning lides. They ,are ex pected to return this afternoon loaded down with sheephead. ' "1 i i A pretty picture is a healthy looking and well cared, for Baby. Iiy the use of Dr.. Bull's Baby Syrup you can keep the health of your Baby in splendid condition. Trice 25 cents a bottle. The atteution of the Superior Court which is now in session herei was occu pied this morning with the civil docket up to the dinner hour, 2 o'clock, at which time it adjourned until 10 o'clock to-mor row morning. The last regatta on the river of the seas son, will take place on Monday the 23rd inst., and will be sailed f over the Usual course. The first regatta ou the Sound will be sailed by the club on the 4th of July next. C. F. M. A- Capt. Washington Catlett has be cured the services of Maj. G. Brqoks Doggett and Prof. Th. YonJasmood. for the next sessi n of the Cape Fear Military Acad emy. His assistants are highly educated gentlemen and have considerable experi 1 ence as teachers Arrived Safely. Iutelliiifcuce from across the water has been received hereto-day from Bremer -haven of the safe arrival ia that city of Mrs. H. G Hashagen her ft wo children at d Mrs H. Vollers and scjn, all of this oity,.who have gone for "a summer tour arnong their relatives ou the continent. The ladies of the party being ence more in their owu native Faderland. Ofl for the "Big Nor'ard." Oar interprising fellow-citizen and live Market Street Dry Goods Merchant, Mr. W. Roddick, of the firm of Brown & Rod dies of tirs city, left here last Saturday night for New York and Boston, where he will soon be engaged in purchasing aud shippiag to the firm here, their second supp'y of the latest styles of sum mer goods for the wholesale and retail trade of their establishment. Dinna lie gang lang Wilkin.-! City court. The following cases were disposed of by Mayor Fishbjate this morniug ; R'chard S. Martin, a colored individual known as "accordeon Dick" for resisting and abusing a police officer was sentenced to a cell for twenty days. Chas. Lark ins, colored, arrested for be ing drunk was discharged. Jane Foy, colored, charged iwith being drunk and disorderly was fined $1 which was paid and the defendant released. This conchided the proceeding for the day. 'J. Daily WILMINGTON, N. C The Boaid of A IJtsiiaeu Abstract or Proceeding. The r.guiar mouth )y session 4 the Board of Aldermen was held at the City Hall at 4 o'clock yesterday m afternoon ; present Major. Fisbblate, and Aldermen Myers, Flanuer, Bowdeu, VouGlah Vol. iers, Foster, King, Hill and Lowrey. The proceedings of last meeting were rfad and approved. The Committee on Maikets and Fee5 reported progress on motion to prevent cooking iu the market. The Cotnmi.tee on Fire Department re ported progress relative to the kerosene test. j Alderman Hill, for St. Luke's Church, withdrew the petiti u f r aid to purchase a bell for said chuich. The Special Oommittee onhe new market reported the contract as drawn up by the city attorney. Alderman Foster moved the following amendments to the contract, all of which were carried. Amended by inserting on the second page, after the word brick ' 'for all outside walls." Amended by insert iug the Htalls at $12 50 to one-third, those at $8 to one-third, and those at $5 to one-third. Amended so that the "value of said property and buildings only be considered, nothing to be allowed for vesting rights or franchise." Amended with the following provision : Provided further, That the old market shall not be removed until market houses suitable for market purposes shall be erected in the First and Fifth Wards, said buildings to be built of. wood and enclosed under the direction of the sBoard of Alderman. Alderman Foster then moved to lay the whole matter on the table and called for the yeas and nays, resulting as fol lows: Ayes Aldermen Bowden, Flam ner, Foster and VonGlahn. Nays The Mayor, Aldermen Myers, Vollers, King, Lowery and LI ill ; and the motion to lay on the table was lost. Pending the above motion, Alderman Bowden made a speech in opposition to the proposed new market, and assumed among othei grounds of objection, that the matter should be put to the vote of the people of the city. Alderman Foster moved to amead the contract, so that "no dry goods, liquors, or groceries, shall be sold in said market," which on the call of the yeas and nays was adopted by the following vote ; Ayes The Mayor, Aldermen Bowden, Flan ner, Foster, Myers, Vollers and VonGlahn, Nays Aldermen King, Hill and Lowery. Alderman Hill moved that the contract as amended be received and adopted, which upon a call of the yeas and nays was carried by the following vote: Ayes -The Mayor, Aldermen Myers, Vollers, King. Lowery and Hill. Nays Alder men Bowden, Flanner, Foster and Von Glahn. Sundry petitions were received and re ferred. The use of the old armory in the base ment of the City Hall was granted to the Wilmington Light Infantry. On motion of Alderman Flanner, the old Board of Commissioners of Naviga tion and Pilotage were reelected as lol lows: James H. Cnadbourn, James Sprunt, Donald McRae, H. B. Eilers and D G. Worth. The Board then adjourned. Badly Broken The beautiful little yacht Restless was very badly broken yesterday afternoon by the carelessne s of a lighterman. She was lying in the slip at the foot of Red Cross street when the lighterman rolled a large barrel of rosin from the flat, striking the little yacht, making almost a total wreck orher. The Carolina Yacht Club The next regatta of the season of the Carolina Yacht Club, will take place next Monday, the 9th inst., at 8 o'clock, p. m.', and will be sailed over the same course as on former occasions, from a buoy opposite Market Dock to and around a buoy opposite the Drsm Tree,' and return and repeat. The distance is about eight miles. ! The Telephones. Mr. L A. Angel has ordered forty in struments for the telephonic exchange. They will be placed in the prinDipal bus iness offices throughout the city. They are the Edison Improved Telephones, the same kind which whipped the Bell tele phone out at a competition trial at Lynch burg, Va., last week. The wire will be put up in a few days and the instruments attached as soon as they arrive. Review. i TUESDAY, JUNE 3, VftttitfftMe. ThelMIowtng is toe list f uomailable leUeTS IjpmainiDfc in the City Postoffice: Robes Tait, bo address; postal curd to feiawe, no address; package of tobacco, no addresi TWijry gtU and other reiaii clerk f on Madket androut streets aie now made nappy every evening st 7 o'clock by the ringing of the Market ball which is to be the signal for closing up stores from now until the 1st of October. Edison vs. Bell. After aieareful and competitive test be tween the Edison aad Bell Telephone System at Lynchburg, Va., the citizens wf that city in a public meeting last night agreed to adopt the Edison Telephone furnished by the W. U. Telegraph Co., and Edisuu. telephones will be exclusive ly used in Lynchburg. f Cape Fear Fire Com pany. This organization held an election for officers last night for the ensuing year with the following results : Foreman Valentine Howe. First Assistant Foreman Emanuel B. Jones. Treasurer Benjamin Roan. Secretary Godfrey Willis. These are all good selections, and the company is a valuable auxiliary to the Fire Department of the city. Life Sarin service Hon. A. M. Waddell has received a communication from S. J. Kimball, Gen eral Superintendent of the U. S. Life Saving Service, in which it is stated that a Board h is been appointed who will visit Wilmington and the Cape Fear, within a few days, for the purpose of selecting a proper site upon which to locate a Life Saving Station. The Station is expected to be equipped and in operation at the commencement of the next active season. The Excursion Last Night.' The excursion on the Passport last night under the auspices of the Cornet Concert Club, of this oity, was a very en joy able affair. A large party took ad vantage of the occasion and the beautiful moonlight to enjoy the cooling breezes of a trip to the fortifications and pass an hour or two in the delights of the mazy dance to the exbilirating music of the violin and harp. The party returned at about'l o'clock this morning well pleased with the trip and in entire good nature with themselves and the rest of mankind. Harbor Mastei's Report. From Captain Joseph Price, Harbor Master at this port we have the following report of the number of vesseis arrived here during the month of May, 1879: American. Tonnage. Steamers 4 3,380 Schooners 19 4,093 Brig J... . 1 190 Total .....24 . ..7,668 Foreign Tonnage Brigs 7 2,198 Barques 13 4,499 Barquentines 2 569 Total 22. 7,266 Total number of vessels American and Foriegn 46., Total amount of tonnage 14 - Thenuouieirical. From the United States Sjgnal Office in this place we obtain the following report of the thermometer, as taken this morn ing at 7:31 o'clock : Augusta. Ga 74 Atlan a, Ga 6S Cairo. Ill .'. 61 Mobile, Ala 63 Montgomery Ala.. .64 Nashville 60 Charleston, 8. C....78 j New Orleans .71 Cincinnati 67 New York 67 Coraicaaa, Tex 5S Fort Gibson, C. N.b8 Galveston 65 lndianola 65 Jacksonville, Fla...T7 fcTnoxviUe,,.. 63 Lynchburg;. 69 Memphis, Tenn...69 Punta Kassa, FU...76 Savannah, Ga 83 hhreveport 1 St. Louis Mo 66 St. Marks, Fla 73 Vicksburg, Miss... .69 Washington 68 Wilmington 75 Quarterly Meetings. Wilmington Districtj 3d Round. Duplin at Richland s June 7 8 Cokesbury at Hall's June 14-15 El zabeth at Pu. dies Juue 21 22 Bladen at Soule Chapel June 28-20 WhiteviBe at Carver's Creek July 5-6 Coharne Miss Black's'ChajI . . July 12 13 Clinton at Gosbeu (Dis. Con.) July 17-18 Brunswick at Bethel July 26-27 Wilmington Fifth Street July 26 27 Wilmington Front street Aug 2S Wsccamaw Miss. Bethel.. Aug 8-4 Smithville Station Aug 5 6 Topsail Aug 9 In Ooslow Aug 16-17 The District Conference will convene at Goshen Church. Clinton Circuit, July 17th, 1879, at 9 o'clock A. M. Let all the pastors and delegates be present at the time appointed. Brethren, let us meet in the name and Spirit of Christ. Rev John Tillitt will preach the opening ser mon. L. S. BURKHEAD, P. E Magnolia, X. C. 1879. NO. 100 List of Letters. The following is the list of letters re maining ia the Pestofticie Wednesday, June 2d: B J B Bowes. Samantha Burton, miss Rebecca Black man, mrs J M Bremer, mrs EUaal-eth Bowen, Andrew -Bluis, J A Bradley, Jn B ackwood. O Miss Vtcto ria Collin -, miss Lizzie Chadwiok, Juo B Otsteea, A G Call, C W Clark, Geo Chatham D Anthony Delocbe, miss Maggie Davidson, Mrs Nat-oy Dixon, Capt G Davis. F Evelina F,ber, Richard Farmer, mrs Agnes Foy. G L 1 Guttenburg, David G Green, miss Fannie Gauher, mrs P A Green, Richard Gause, Cbas D Gowaa, mr A A Groves. H Miss 8usu llaynes, miss Charlotte R Herrin, H C Hastings, Wm Harsen, Barry Hill, G T Hutaon, D Hanover, Sylvester Qighsmith. J Henry Jones K Miss Mary King, miss Jane King, J E Kelley. L B F Latham . M Wm McNeil, Chas Masodd, C S Middleton, Chas Mitchel, David Martin miss Kliza Merriraan, Geo Mathews, Ueury McLane, James Marpby, Thomas Murray. N Martin Xeilan. O Chas Qwen. P Catherine Potter, L A Price, Alex Plummer, Elizji Potter, Capt James Pigott, Thomas Peterson. R Xellie RiohardsoD, John H Robin son. S Miss Frona Summerlin, R H W Scott, Rich Smithj John C Smith, Miss M E Schaffer; Miss Louisa Stevenson. T Mrs Martha Toney, mas Xancy Themas, Andrew Thompson Capt P Thomson. W Francis Williams, miss Rosanna Waddell, mrs Nancv Wicker, miss Elizabeth White, Rev "Willis Wooten, E W Williams, Bruce Williams, Dr T F White. , Peroons calling for letters in above lis will please say "advertised"; if not claim ed in 30 days will be sent 1 to dead lettet Office, Washington, D. C. - E. R. BRIXK, P. M. Wilmington, X. C. New Hanover CountyN. C. j a earn. To all who are suffering from the er rors and indiscretions of youth, nervous weakness, early decay, loss of manhood, &c, I will send a recipe that will cure you, FREE OF CHARGE. This great remedy was discovered by a missionary in South America. Send a self-ad Iressed envelope to the Rev. Joseph T. Inma.n Station D, New York City. 'Truth lies in a nut-shell, ' and 'brevity is the soul of wit.' To be brief, when the shell is broken, the truth will be dis covered that, the Grand Central Hotel, on Broadway, Xew York, now kept on both plans, the American $2 50 or $3.00 and the European $1.00, and upwards per day, gives more stisfaction for the same money than any other first-class house in Gotham. An elegant Restaurant, at moderate prices, is conducted by the Grand Central. American Wines. But few persons are aware of the great amount of grapes raised in Xew Jersey Alfred Speer is known to be the larges. wine grower east of the Rocky Mountainst His Port Grape Wine is the best, and is considered by physicians and chemists as the best wine to be procured. It is or dered to London and Paris, where it is becoming very popular among wealthy families. For sale by J. C. Munds, P. L Bridgers & Co and Green & Flanner Apl. l-2w New Advertisements, J, W. Rowell, QONTRACTOR AND BUILDER, Is prepared to execute Orders for work st Lewtst Rates. Repaira and Job Work of every description done at short notice. Orders for estimates solicited. jane ?-lt German Picnic. THE Si-COND PICNIC of the 8eason will be held at the Wilmington Gardens on WEDVLsDAY NEXT, the 4th inst., commencing at 5 o'clock, P. M. all Ger mans are respecfuiij invited. Refreshments tnrnisbed, W; U. GsaKKif, J. G Oldssbcttel, J. L. SrKLJh,s, Committee. june 2. 'it Another Lot m ft V ETT U b PATt DDU A V ft A QT UU 1 I rr vii r u sn va a a ititu a ' i siui nn J Cigarsttes, Simmons' Liter Regulator, Lnbin's Powdcs Green's Aagust lower, Boll's Blood Mixmre, Allan's Fly Brick, Tetlow'a Blanc Illusion Pow er, and a fail stock of prescription drugs. K. C. MILLER, Corner Fourth and 'un streets. MW Open Day and Night, jure 2 Exchange Hot:l, GOLOSBORO, IT. C. A FIRST CLI.88B0naEta ererr respect a. Special arrsuagecuents offie ed to Com mercial tourists. sjss Prices Reasonable J. M. BUNTING, Foraerly of Winning tos and P. P. C. Co. L. V. MERRITT, Formerly of Petersburg 4 Blue Ridge Springs, june 1- Proprietors. PLEASE NOTICE. ; We will he glad to receire eonmsnicatioat rYern oar friends on say sad all subjects o f geaeral interest but : Te name of the writer must, alwsyt be fur nished to the Editor. Communications must be written on on'y one side of the paper. Personalities must be avoided. And it is especially nd particularly under stood that the Editor does not always endo l the viewD of correal oudents, unless so state ia the editorial columns. New Advertisements. Ho! For the Sound, Salt W tor and Pig Fish. rpHHEE -NEW COTTAGES just completed Jt,TDtOD "r"he Sound, uuiil i.t of Maj 1830. Ayk ly to U. Ht'KK HI M KK, mar mat or, C C. MOKSK. For All. READING MATTER OF u. u EVRY DESCRIPTION. Blank Books, all aiies and styles. Btationerr of every variety. Games, for in and eut door. Caresses, Engravings and Mottoes, beauti ful and cheap. Pianos and Organs. FROM ALL THE LEADING Mrtasrfset Sold on the Instalment Plan, at urers. HEINSBERGER'S, j use 2 lire. Roe nd Music 8tore. r -tc v WE Boatwright & McKoy ARE .. 1 i i Doing Our Best ! i r KEEP IN THE LEAD! BY Selling Good Goods ! AT Very Moderate IVofUs ! ! Av.d we are vain enough to beli( va' We are Selling more Goo !s than ai y House in tbe State, In our special line. If it is so, why is it ? ' - I We leave the question to be answeied j by tbe Public who know the value of a d( liar. STOCK FULL AND COMPLETE ! GOODS NICE AND FRESH I We say emphatically, eit her at W ho e sale or Retail, WE DON'T ALLOW OURSELVES TO BE UNDERSOLD. Could you or would you ask for more P "No Cards," but an invitation to all to come and see us. Boatwiight & McKoy, 5 A 7 NORTH FRONT STREET, june 3 A Sure Cure Tor Piles. A SURE CURE for the blind, bleeding, itching and ulcerated piles has been dis corered by Dr. William (an Indian remedy), , called Dr. William's Indian Ointment. A single box has cured the worst old chronic cases of twenty-hreand thirty y ears' tand in g. No one nesd suiter fire minutes after apply ing this wonderful soothing medicine, be nuns, inatruments and electuaries do more barm than good. William's O ntrnent ab sorbs the tumors, allajs the intense itchir g ( paxticula. ly at night after getting warm in bed), acts as s poultice, gives instant aud j painless relief, and is prepared only for Piles, itching of the private parts and nothing else. ''I consulted physicians in Philadel phia, Louisville, Cincinnati, Indianapolis aad this city, and spent hundreds of dolla-s, ant found no re ief until I obtained s box of Dr. William's Indian Ointment some four months ago, and it has cured me completely." Joskfh M. Ktokb, CleTeland, O. 'Lias done me more good manal. tbe rn- )i cioe I erer tried, acd I rare peot more than $100 with doctors, besides medicines I am cure cost me more than $40." Datip HrABMe, Ingraham, II , "Have suffered twenty yeats with itehiPg and ulcerate i piles, h -ring oed ere'? reme dy that ca.i.e to my notice without bencit antil I used Indian Oint nent sod recetfed immediate relief. JaMKsCaaaoL, (an old mi er) lecoma, frev. Ujbm N Pile Remely .erer gained u -h rapid favor aod exteesire sale. Hold by all wholesale and retail druggists. For sale by J. C. Munds and T. S. tturbank. inch 30 eow-dAw Thot. H. McKoy, Aobt H- McKoy WILMINGTON, N. G Office North side Market street, betweesv Seeoad and Third streets.

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