JUNE ROSES. WPt June rose red and white - nine in the morning light, SfitodwHh honey, gemmed with dew, 'io s&ape and every hue- K-tden b'ushes fair to see Mri w ing on the thorney tree; !J,.isk beauties, peeping out tSothe green leaves roundabout. rair wiUl roses in the dell- k the chi ldred they cau tell, ( ,il four-vear-old but knows Where to nod the sweet wild rose. Pore white roses, white as pearls, I . Voorowu the maideu s curls; Valtowo-ea rich ad -re, HoMa, ruaeseveo wluie aw-et Jdne roses fade, alas! V,mPt)iMK pale leaves on the grass. l lenng petals to the winds eduu'aTm that uooue finds. mnce the lovely rse fade, YikWaD earthly sweetness made; V thev blossom on the bough, let us drink their sweetness now. N. Y. Bun. rf- Y. Pun. B1K0N LIONEL ROTHSCIIILD. of a Powerful Member of the Great Banking Firm. Dea b nk ,wtb. of Baron Lionel Nathan lire , de Hoths-cbim ohief partner in the firm of Rothschild & Idest sou of the Baron Nathan Mere de rvotuBouiia, uu a k'01-"0"" I Slayer aoaeim Rothohild of Fran k fort, bo founded the house about i7-I Some years sine- four brotherp . - . ... f r uoui to meet at t e oue ui tue r mo ler, ni:Uut a ID a retlieu Hireei iu - . j a. a i cfurt. ih- e brothers ware u e . m ' - . ...... ..f 1-?, itkiUth i 1 Mt L'hdon, Paris, Vienna, and Naples, hbe sud they ha?e passtd away. The jjrad sod founder of the London house a Natuan. tie had three sons, Lionel. Meser, snd Anthony, who sue At J him as heads of the London house, and a daughter who war mar .ic the nrat of the bouse who was wedded to a Christian to the Hon Hnrv Fitzroy, brother ofLord Ports mouth, who was Under Secretary for the Home Department under the ad mmihtratiou of Lord John Russell in 1846-51. Sir Anthony, who lived in Grosveur's place, in an elegant residence overlooking the green nark, was the first of the l.mthars who died. Me was much of srharite. wa of most generous hos pitality, and his chef de cuisine wai regarded as one of the most oonsum mate artists in England. Two of his dancuters married Christians one the Hon F.hot Yor ke. son of the Earl of Bardwicke, recently deceased: anoth er Mr Cyil Flawer, a young country seat em an of fortune, Mever was the owner of Mentmore, tnthe valley of Aylesburv, celebrated as the birth- olaee of Favonia's winner of the 'blue ribbon' of the Derby, and of Hannah, winner of the Oaks, and who for Iolk time hunted that oountry and educated the Stock Exchange of Lou don up to the national pastimes. At his duath he left at M-utmore to bis only child, a daughter Hannah, a stud for breeding, ranking second only to Lord Falmouth's, and which have passed into the hands of the Earl of Kosebery. And now the last of the second generation of the London house of Rothsch Id, Lionel, is dead. L onel bore a remarkable lik -Dess to his b-other Meyer, to whom he was much attached. They lived together in London, on Piccadilly ter race, in a house next but one to A p sley House, the Duke of W lington's residence, and though Meyer appar ently had the sole direction of the sporting business, Lionel bad an in-teret-t in the stable, and watched its fortunes with all the eager intensity of the race. His department, how ever, was the political, in hich he wns seoonded by his wife, a brilliant and beautiful woman, and a cousin of his own. He took an active part in the struggle for Jewish emancipation from its start, and following the O -Connell precedent, obtained, before the passage of the emauoipatiou meas ure, a seat for the oity of London, as r-ol eague of Lord John Russell, the then Prime Miniate-, and walking up to the table of the Louse and refusiug to take the oath, as O Connell did, aohieved a similar result in at least expediting the passing of the meas ure, ahiou enabled him and his co religionists to become members f the lower House.. He continued as mem ber for the city, save for a few months in 1838, down to 1874, in which he shared in the general defeat of the Liberal party. Thongn in finanon 1 questions he was al ys consulted both by Sir Charles Woou, Lord John Rus sell's Chancellor of the Exchequer and by the then Mr Disraeli, Ljrd Derby's Financial Minister, who wat HHid to be largely guided by his judg ment, he never took any patt in the debates of the House, conteutiug him self with being a financial power and giving a silent vote with his brother in support of the successive liberal administrations. Uu Sundays there were usually for a consider able time brilliant Parliamentary din ners given at Piccadilly Ter race during the season, in which th Baroness bore herself with greae charm and grace, of which Buruai Oat borne, a truant child of the tribe of Judah, was the direoting'spirit, and at which Lords i'aimerston aod Gran ville were often guests. It was the ) Baroness Lionel who gave the reply to Mrs Spencer Walpoie, the wife of the Secretory of the Home D part meat, who, visiting one day at Ment more and being to.'d that Cardinal Wiseman was lunching there at the time, asked with wondering horror, 'How could you possibly receive a Burnish priest ?' was answered : 'You must forgive me for not sharing your f eeting, Mrs Walpole ; remember, I am not a Christian.' Baron Lionel bai hone of the large speculative spirit ftnd breadth of finanoial scheme which distinguished the head of the house. All his operations were marked with groat oaution, and recently the work leg of the house has been that of a machine, so that his death can occa sion no inconvenience. The interests in the house now belong, two parts to bis eldest son. Sir Nathan Meyer d Rothschild, M P for Aylesbury, and a bird to tue uouatAss 01 xvjseoery. ; has been tsonstantly rnrnored that Lord B aoonsfield intended to coofer a Peerage npon B tod Rothschi d. who has been through life a constant and oftentimes a mo t efficient friend. Detroit Freo Pres. Hew he those a New Bonnet 'New bounet new bonnet twelve dollars for a new bnnaet! exclaimed Mr Slick the other eveuiug as his wife nggested a change from the winter styles. Y s, only twelve dollars,' sne humbly replied. 'Twelve dollars for a bonnet is confounded outrage and I know it! he went on. 'Why 1 can buy two fa e silk huts for that money aud have some strawberry change left. It' a dead swindle to usk twelve dollars ioi a bonnet.' 'Well, I can't (Jo any better, Mr. Slick. That' the price, and I must pay or go withou .' You rlou't know h&v to buy that's what a 1- you, he growled Illbet money I can buy a 12 bonnet lor $8. It's ail in Kuowing how to handle the salesmen.' I wish you'd try it,' she wnggested. I will by Geo.gr! I .ii ! I'll bring you up a new bonnet in the morning, and 1 il get it Jg-t cheaper than you dare to! Mr S ick wjs good .:b hi word He went into miliu' ry siore nt-x; forenoon witti Lus .je t.teth all h.rp en'd, anJ witu the idea in his tniud that evi ry ootUtt in the stt.ie wa. priced at exadly $12. He looked around a 4ii tit-, ReUoUd a bounet that pleaseo liiin-, and, pointing his can at it, caded up his deepest voice and inquired. A eyouftbkir.g $12 for that bonnet? The woman flushed, looked from the bonnet to the m n, and was trying to reply, wheu he s id: These are not times for outrageous prices, and all buyers realize it. 1 11 give you $8 for that bonnet and not a cent more.' That that bonnet Eight dollars, and no mortf he in ter r upted ; and she put the article in a box and took his money. What'd I tell my wife, eL?' he whis pered, as he went out. 'I tell you it takes a man to buy goods, no matter whether it's fence-posts or paper cam bric!' When he sat down at home and took the coer off the box and held up the bonn t Mr. Slick Jnqaired: How much did sue charge you?' 'Eight dollars, madam; while you: would have paid twelve!' Biohard,' she said, as she tried to laugh all over at once, 'I was with the lady next door when she ordered that bounet for her servant, a.id the price was to be four dollars You see it' He held'up his fiDger, counted t iree fives out of his wallet, and left them on a chair for her. Miscellaneous. Copartnership. rpHE UNDERSIGNED HAVE THIS day formed a C pa tnersbip under the name and style of NEWBURY & CHASTEN, for the purpose of conducting a General Commission and Grocery Business. Consignments of Cot ton, Naval Stores and Country Produce gen erally, solicited. Good prices and prompt returns guaranteed. Respectfully, 'F. A. NEWBHRY, Late of Magnolia, N . C. J. R. CHASTEN, apl 2b Lata of J. M, Chasten A Son. Furniture ! Furniture ! A. Large Assortment of WALNUT CHAMBER SUITS ! ! to be sold at the rery bottom prices. Walnut Wardrobes, Sideboards, Extension Ta -lee. Marble Top Tables, &c, Ac., as well as common Chamber Sets, Bedsteads, Chairs and Rockers of all sorts. Looking Glasses, Mirrors, Parlor Suit3, Lounges, Shades, Bed ding and everything belonging to a First- Class Furniture Establishment Also, another lot of the celebrated Genuine Stewart Sewing Machines, a real comfort. For sale at F. A. SCHUTTE'S, 26 and 28 Front and 11 to ,15 Dock sts. may 29 Corn. Bacon, Molasses. 40 000 Bush Prime WhlteCorn, r Boxes D. S. and Smoked vJ bides, 200 350 1,250 Hhds Nei Crop Cuba Molasses Bbls Cuba, N. O. and S. H. Molaase. Bbls Freeh Flour, 1y -'Bbls Sugars, Crushed, O granulated A, Extra C, and C, 00 Tnbi (hoice family Lard, .1 tf Boxe Tobacco, Tax Off. 75 Half Bbis acd Boxes SuurJ, Tax Off. 1600 Kegs Nails, AL80, Potash. Ly, Soda, Soap, 8tarch, Hoop Iron, Spirit Barrels, Glue, Ac For sale low by W ILLIAMS A MURCHISON, june 2 Wholesale Gro. A Com. Mer. I Mis cell an eons YELLOW FEVER BLACK VOMIT. 1 1 i too soon to forget the rrs of this terrible disease, which w.ll no doubt return in a more malignant and virulent f rm in tie fall months of 1879. Merbklis HaPATiffB, a Kemedv discovered in outhe-n Nubia and used with such won derful results in Couth Au erica where tbe most aggrVBtl eases of fnver are found, cause - from one t two ounces of bile to be tillered or strained rom re blood each time it pagjtess through tbe Liver, asloug as an ex cesfrofbile exist-. Hv its wonderful action on th Liver and stomach the HEPATINK not ' nly prevents to a ce"taintv any kind of Fever and Black Vomit, bu also cures Head ache, Constipation of the liuw eis, Dispel sia and all Malarial diseases. No one r.eed fear , Y ellow Fevr wbo will expel the Malarial Poison and uvgj uf bile trom tbe blood by uing MjubJUH l's Hbpatinb, which is sold by al! Druggists in 25 c - nt and 1.00 bottles, or will be sent by express by the Proprietors. A. F. MR &LL A CO., Philadelphia, Pa. Or Pemberton's Stillingia or Queen's Delight The reports of w,onde-ful cures ot Rheumatism, Scrofula, Salt Hheum, Syphi lis, Cancer, Ulcerg ai d Sores toat come from all oart- ot the country, are not onlv remark able but so miraculwus as to be' rioubted wer it not tor tbe abundance of proof. Rema kable Care ef Scrofula- &c. CASE Of COL. J. C. BKA'NSON. Kingstos, Os., Sept. 15, 1H71 Gent: For ixteen years I have been a great sufferer f' oin Scrofula in its root dis i reusing forms. I have been r;o fi ed to mv room an i bed'vfor fifteen y ars with scrofu lous ulceratians. Tbe most spproved reme dies for such cases had b-en used, and the most t-minent physicians consulted, without any decidea benefit. '1 hus prostrated, uis tres d, desponding, I was adv:sed by Dr. yer. o" Floyd county, Ga., to commence th use of your fJomnoa-'d Kxt' act Stilliniria Langunge is a- insufficient to describe the re lief L obt lined from th use of the - tiHi' gia a it is to onrey an adequate id-a of the in tensity of my huffrtring b- fore using you medicine ; sufficient to say, I abandoned ail other remedies and c ntinued th-; ue of y ur Extract of Mtillingia, unt l I can say truly, ''1 am cured of all pain," of al1 disease, with nothing to. obstruct the active pursuit of my profession. More than eit'ht months have elapsed since this remarkable cure, without any return of the disease For he truth of the above sta'ement, I re fer to any gentleman in Bartow county, Ga , and to the members of the bar of Cheroke Circuit, who are acquainted with me. I shall eyer remain, with the deepest gratitud -, Your obedient servant, . J. C. BRANSON, Att'y at -Law. A MIRACLE. " West Poist, Ga., Sept. 16, 1870. Gents: My daughter was taken on the 25th day of June, 1863, with what was suppoed to be Acute Kheumatism, and was t-eated for the same with no success. In Inarch, follow ing, pieces of bone bean to wo'k out of th rigbt arm, and continued to apr e r till all the bone from tbe elb-w to the shoulder j int came out. Many pieces of b ne came out ot the right foot am leg. The case was then pronounced one of White Swelling. a.fte having been confined aoout six vears to her bed, and the case considered hooel-ss, I was induced to try Dr. Pemberton's Comp 'und Kxtract ot Stilii"gia, and was so well satis fied with its effects that I have conti ued the use of it until the present. My daughter was confined to her bed about Bixyeais befo-e sne sat up or even turned over without he p. She now sit up all dar, and sews most of her ti e has walked across the room. Her general health is now good, and I believe she will, . as her limbs gain strength, watk well. I attribute br recove ry, with the blessing of God, to the use of your invaluable medicine. With gratitude, I am, yours truly. W. B. BLANTOPT. Wkst Point, Ga., Sept 16, 1870. Gents: The ab ve certificate of Mr.W. B. Blanton we know and certify to as being true. The thing is so; hundreds of the most respected citizens will certify to it. As much reference can be given as may be required. Yours truly, CRAWFORD A WALKER, Druggists. HON". H. D WILLIAMS. DR. Pemberton's Stillingia is pre pared by A. F. Merrell A Co., Phila., Pa. Scld by all Druggists in $1.00 bottles, or sent bv express. Agents wanted to canyass every whee. Send for Bo k "Curious Story" free to all. Medicines sent to poor people, payable in instalments. may '28 CEO. P. ROWELL & CO. Mspaper Atrertuag Apacy. For Ten Cents : One hundred page Pam phlet with Lists of Newspapers -and Adver tising Bates. For Ten Dollars : F.-ur lines inserted one week in Three Hundred and Fifty Newspa pers. io Spruce St. N. Y. may 23- Tonsorial. I JAVING AGAIN located in the base LI ment of the Pureell House, I have thor oughly renovated and improved the old atn and am now prepared to shave,shampoo, arc cut hair tor everybody. The best of work men, clean towels, sharp raxors and lo price. KLVIN aRTIS, iuly 2T Pureell House Barber Shop Visitors to. Smithville WILL FIND THK BB3T LIQDORR, Wi .es, Beer a' d Cigars a- my place. The celebrated Delmonico and Blue Grace Whiskeys, Dry Wieee, Champagne end Mil waukee Beer always on hand rtardmea and Pickel for convenience of excarsioniata, at J. D. DAVIS', may 29-2m Jv hack of Gaxriaion. 9rTHe following quotations represent the wholesale prices generally. In making up avail orders highe- price bare to be charged. OAWJli t7J? Double Anchor. mmm, Double Ancho? "A" Standard I)., rue. ic BACON North Carolina, 11 10 11 10 0 11 b ti 7i 8f 10 0 13 69 7 x nams, fr id Shoulders, V ft Sides, f ft-..w "... Western Smoked Hams. Sides, "9 ft.... Shoulders. Dry Salted Sides, V B- Shoulders, BEEF Livr weight BARRELS Spirits Turpentine Second Hand, eacn 1 26 9 1 e i m 60 86 00 00 New ork,e4c, new 1 76 jg;SWAX ft n B iICK.S Wilmington, M 8 00 10 ortnern HOTTER North Carolina ft Northern, ft CANDLES Sperm ft Tallow, f ft Adamantine, y set GHEES h Northern Factory, ft ... GO 14 Of 16 20 16 25 26 0 40 lll4 l"3a 11 8 9 7 8 28 30 i2i ie 18 20 65 0 Dairy cream, V Uf tate, w OOFFEE Java, 19 ft Rio, V ft 120 Liaguvta, ld OORV MEAL 1? bushel. COTTON TIES V bdl .... 1 ib 2 DOAlJwSTIC Sheeting, 4-4 f yard 640 10 Yam, if bunch 96 & IISH- Mackerel, No. 1, ? bbl....l 00 020 00 No. 1, y M bbl 8 76 9 00 Mackerel, No. 2, y bbl.... 12 50 0 00 Of No. 2, bbl 6 00 Mackerel, No. 3 f bbl 00 00 Mullete, bbl 2 00 N. C. Herring, Vk.g & 50 Drv Cod, tf ft 7 PLOtJR -Fine, 0 bbl 0 00 Super, Northern, y bbl... 4 60 Extra do V bbl... 6 25 Familv " y bbl... 6 50 Oity MillKx,.Suoer w bbl... 7 00 ' Family r bbl... 7 50 " Ex. Family f bbl... 8 00 FERTILIZERS 5C 5C 50 Oit 0 00 00 60 00 25 75 25 Peruvian Guano, H 2000 fts Baugh's Phosphate " " 60 00 000 00 000 00 051 00 040 00 045 00 47 00 40 00 067 00 070 00 070 00 000 00 " 00 00 44 45 00 44 00 00 44 00 00 44 00 00 44 35 00 44 00 00 44 00 00 44 00 00 44 00 00 ma- Carolina Fertiliser Ground Bone, Bone Meal " Flour) ' Navassa Guano, Complete Manure Whann's Phosphate Wando Phosphate, " BergerABrutx'sRos. 44 Wilcox, Gibb A Co., nipulated Guano 48 00 GLUE V B 8 GRAIN Corn,store, 56fts 60 Corn, cargo, y 56 fts 64 Corn,yel., V bushel. None. Oats, bushel 45 Peas, cow, y bushel 55 HIDES Green, ft 4 67 50 10 6 IX 55 50 65 Otj, f ft HAY -Eastern, y 100 fts... 1 9 00 00 9 North Kiver, W 100 lbs.... 1 1 10 HOOP IRON y ton 60 00 065 00 LARD Northern ft 80 North Carolina y ft LIME V bbl 1 11 UK 25 0 00 LUMBER City steam sa'wd 8bip stuff, resawed, Mft.l8 00 Rough edge plank, y M ft. 16 00 Weft India cargo, accord ing to quality, y M ft.. .12 00 Dressed flooring, seasoned. 15 00 Scantling and boards, com mon, M ft 12 00 020 00 018 00 014 00 025 00 14 0 3 00 MOLASSES Cuba,hhd?gl Ouba, bbls., gal..... Sugar house, hhds. y gal. 44 44 bbls. 9 gal... Orleans Choice bbls. gal. NAILS Cut, 20dto4d,'3?k'g 2 32 35 20 21 35 60 45 50 OILS Kerosene, V gf 13 Lard, 9 gal 1 10 Linseed, V gal 1 00 Rosin, gal 12 PEANDTS y bushel. 90 POTATOES Sweet, 19 bus. 00 Irish, Northern, 9 bbl 3 00 PORK Northern, city mess. 10 00 Thin, V bbl 00 00 Prime, bbl (extra) 10 60 Rump. bbl 00 00 1 45 1 10 20 1 26 60 3 60 010 60 000 00 011 00 000 00 RICE Carolina, ft. 7 00 East India, y Tb Rough, bushel 1 RAGS Country, ft Oity, V ft ROPE -T 8 ALT Alum,' "y" sack Liverpool, V sack 00 15 00 6 22 00 00 80 36 00 10 00 10 y 7 X WX 70 80 American sack 75 Marshal's One, V sack...... 1 25 Cadix V sack 75 SUGAR Cuba, ft 9X9 Porto Rieo, ? ft 10 A- Coffee, ? ft 00 B 44 ft ftf C " ft Ex C 0 ft 00 Crushed ft , SOAP Northern, 9 ft 6 8HINGLES Contract, 0:M 6 00 Common, 19 M 1 60 STAVES W. O. bbl. 0 M. 10 00 R O hhd. 0 E.... 00 00 TALLOW ft 8 TIMBER Shipping 0 M ...10 00 Mi I, extra per M 8 60 Mill, prime per M 7 00 Mill, fair per M 6 00 Common, per M 4 00 Interior to Ordinary,per M 3 00 WHISKEY North'n, per gl 1 25 North Caro ina, per gal ... 1 60 WOOL Unwashed, per ft... 18 Washed, ner ft 26 7 00 2 26 16 00 00 00 0 00 012 00 10 75 8 00 6 50 60 00 50 26 The Collins House On The European Plan. Comer Front and Bed Cross fctreet Near Union Depot- J RESPECTFULLY ANNOUNCE TO my friends and tbe public that 1 have opened the above llnse and am now pre pared to furnish meals an! bxigiiigfi. Restaurant open at all hours. Priees low and bed-rooms neat, cloan nd airy. Special rates bv day, week or month. 0TheoL'.'y Restaurant in the city. W. M. COLLINS, oct 26-2taw-mthu Proprietor. i l V (' t mi m m m i mm m m -m m w Each, and all styles, including Grand Square and Upright, ah' strictly first class, sold at the lowest HBT CASH WHOLESALE FACTORY prices, direct to the ruacaasRa. These Pianoe made one of the finest displays at tre Cen tennial Exhibition, and were unanimously re commended for the Hihrt Honor otm 12,000 in use. Regularly incorporated Man ufacturing Co. Factory established over 36 years. The Square Grande contain Mathu shea's new patent Duplex Overstrung Scale, the greatest improvement in the history ef Piano making. The Uprights are the finest in America. Pianoe sent on trial. Don't fail to write for Illustrated and Descriptive catalogue of 48 pages mailed free. MENDELSSOHN PIANO CO.. apl 7-Cm U East 15th street, 5 Y Steamship Line, ftc. CLYDE'S New York AND Wilmington, N. C., Steamship Line. The Steamer REGULATOR, CAFT. DOANE. WILL SAIL FROM NEW YORK OS SATURDAY, June 7. Bm- Shippers can rely npon the prompt -tailing of Steamers as advertised. For Freight Eneagemects apply to TIIOS. F. BOND, A. D. CAZAUX, Sup't, Freight Agent, Wiiminet"n, N. C. VTM. P. CLYDE k CO., 35 Broadway, New orh. atie 2- The .Now "Mimiy South," TH. BEST AMD HANDSOMEST PAPER IN AMERICA. Send for it at Once ee Our Club Rates THE "SUNNY SOUTH" is now the mod el weekly of the age. It comes out in an entire new ire s and new make-up generally and is overflowing witn the richest and spi ciest matter of the day f'oems. Essays, Stories, News of the Week, Wit and Humor, Female GofBip, Domestic Matters, Lettets from all Sections, Notes of Travel, Puzzles, Chess, Problems, Marriag-es, Deaths, Health Notes, Personals, Stage Notes; Movements in Southern Societv, Fashion Notes with Plates, Answers to Correspondents, Ki 'graphies with. Portraits of distinguished men and women, Butrorous Engraving?, fencational Clip pings, Correspondents Column, Local Mat ters, Railroad Guide, anc forcible editorials upon al 1 subj jcts. l it possible to makea paper more comp'ete '! Get a copv and ex amine it. It now circulates in all the States aod Territories, in England, Ireland, Cana da, Australia, Brazil, and tbe Indian Nation. It is rea ly an honor to the South and cur people are proud of it, and every one should take it immediately. The price is only $2.50 a year. We will send the "Sunny South" and the DaJLY Bkvikw one year for $6, or we will send the "Sunny South" and the Wilmington Jour nal one year for $3.50 The "Sunny South" and "Hojs ar.d Girls of the Suth" will be furmshed one year for $3.50, with a large and magnificent picture thrown in. Aodress this ofiice, or i J. H. A W. B. SEALER may 17 Atlanta, Ga- THE NEW YORK WEEKLY HERALD, JAMES GORDON BENNETT, Prop'tor. The Best and Cheapest Newapap Published. Postage Free. ONE DOLLAR Per Year, oO Cents for Six Mouth", An Extra Copy to every Club of Ten. ft. New York Herald- Published every Day in the Year. Postage Free. $10 pays for one year, Sundays included. $8 pays for one year, without Sundays. $5 pays for six months, Suildays included. $4 pays for six months, without 8undays. $2 pays for one year for any specified day of the week. $1 pays for six months for any specified day of the week, $1 per month (including Sundays) will be charged on suoscriptiont fur a less period than three months. TO EUROPE -Including Postage. , Daily i $17 M Weekly (European Edition) 4 00 Weekly (Domestic Edition) 'I 00 NEWSDEALERS SUPPLIED, Pottage Free. Daily Edition. ..Two and a half cts. per Copv Sunday Edition Fonr eta. per Copy. Weekly Edition Two cents per Copy N. B. Not less than 6 copies mailed to newsdealers at wholesale rats. We allow no comm-seions on subscriptions Daily Edition Address, .NEW HERALD, mch 19 B oadway and St. Ann N. Y. Furniture. UST RECEIVED FROM FACTOR? a largo 'assortment of Walnut, and o'her grade of FURNITURE, which we oTTer t Oret bargains. Call and f-xamire. fph 19 D. A. SMITH & CO. The Missionary COLPORTEUR FOR THE COAST OF NORTH CAROLINA AN L) ThE HA H AM A ISLANDS WILL VISIT Wil mine'on and tbe Sounds during tbe month of J me ; from South Caroiina line up to Cape Fear during Jul j ; from Cap Fear up to Cape Lookout during tbe month of Aa gut ; from ape lo' soot to Ha tera and to otate Line of Vireinia and hoanoke Island, daring the n-or.ths of Jep em er and Octo ber; Frying Pan Lightehip and Bahama Islands during the Winter months. W.J. POTTER, Miationaiy Colpo'teur. P. 0. Smithville, N. C. may 30-lm Road Lines, Ac. CAROLIN A CENTRAL RAILWAY CO. Office OiniaAL SnraainnitnBHT, Wilminctnn. N. C, Mv 18. 187P. k CAM,K OF SCHSDOTJEa '-: OS AVI) AFTER THIS dt, the folk w ine Schedule will be operated on this Railway : Passenger. Mail and Fzpress Train. JLeare Wilmington at.... 7:0 P Arrive at Hamlet at 1:V7 A " at Charlotte at.... tfO A Y Lea re Charlotte at. 8:5 P 2. v Arrive at Ban. let at. 1.31 A So Sb . ) ' Wilmington at &: 0 A Cos c Tn-tn made at Hanilt-t with trains of Kalt-ih A AuuMa Air Line Rail way. fche by Division Mail. Freight A Faseogtr and b xpre a. So. 9 No. 10 ) L"e Charlou-.... 8:40 A M Arrive at Shelby 1'2:30 P M ) Leave Shelby.. .1:16 P M j Arrive at Charlotte B:06 P M V. u. -OHNSO.N. may It General Snxer intendtnt. WILMINGTON & WELDCh RAILROAD COMPANY Orrto of Grn'l SrpKRiNTiwnirnT I Wilmington, If. C, Not 23, l-rb. aCHANGE QF SCHEDULE. On and after Sunday, Not. 24th, 1S7, Passenger trains on the Wilmington S W don Kailroad will run follows : DA M AIL AND EXPRESS TRAIN. d 'y. LeaTe Wilmington, Front St Depi f at.. 6 38 A to i Arrive at W-Idc.nat 1 00 P M EJTJ Leave Weldon 2 3'.' P M Arrive at Wilmington, Front St. Depot at 9 63 P 11 NIGHT MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAIN, DAILY. LeaTe Wilmington, Front St Depot at 9 'OP L ArriTe at Weldon at 3 R0 A It LeaTe Weldon, 2 13 A II Arrite at Wilmington, Front St Depot at 8 16 ft M Trains on Tarboro Branch Hoaa leave Rocky Monnt for Tarboro at f..0fr P M dalW, and Tuesday, Thursday and Saturc ay at 6:00 A M. Retun ing, leaTe Tarboro at 100l A M daily, and Monday, Wednesday at t. Friday at8::i0 P M. The Day Train makes clone eon ner tU t st Weldon (or all points North Ti Hav J,irt daily, (except Sunday) and daily, Tia irh mond and all rail routea. Night train makes clone connections at Weldon for all points north Tia RichmonL Sleeping C'ars attached to all Night Mralrj. JOHN F. DIVINE, Generai Snpt noT 24 . t - . 4u." j! TkJi. .L .-ai i. . W-ai. !StX3I i. h H ww tmt Cen'l Suo'ts Office. WILMINGTON, COLUMBIA AND AU GUST A RAILROAD. rVilmlrittQ N. C, June 3, 170 CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. On and after Wednesday, June 4, the fol lowing schedule will be run on thia road: DAY EXPBSSS AND MAIL TRAIN, daily Leave Wilmington 36 A M Arrive Florence 12 43 P M Leave Columbia i0 40 A M Leave Florence 4 4.' P M Arrive at Wilmington 0 JO P M NIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN (Daily). Leave Wilmington , 10 13 P M Leave Florence 2 36 A M Arrive at Columbia 6 46 A M Leave Florence 2 'ib A 4 Arrive at Wilmington 6 MM This Train stops only at Flemington, Whiteville, Fair Blui, and Marion. Passengers for Augusta (via Columbia should take Night Express Train from vVii mington. JmT" Through Sleeping Cart on nigh t trai s for Charleston and Augusta. JOHN F. DIVINE, General Sapu june 4 For Health and Picture GO TO Patterson's .Celebrate. Springs. rjTUESE SPRINGS are situated four miles South of Shelby acd six milea North of Whitaker's, on the Air-Line R. R. The min eral waters are sulphur ar.d cbtlybeat. 1 he properties ot tbe sulphur are iron, su'pbur and magnesia. Properties combined are br reficial to all di eases, and never fail io co'e the most obstinate cases, as many will t -stif' . The chalybeate waters cannot be urpad, having wrought many aim st miraculous cures. These Celebrated Sprinrs will be open firt April, and the prices are io reach of all, hav ing been greatly reduced this season, Bathine houses, coquet grounds, ten pin alley, and other amusement and attractions free for vieito&. Hacks running from this place will meet v-sitors at Shf lby or at Whit aker's on the Air i in-sR. R., upon phort.no tice to the Proprietor. Ratks or Boarij. Per day $ 1 U Per week 7 0tl Per month 2 0O Per m' nth for two or more months.... 18 00 Childi-en and servants alf price. For further particulars, address W. G. PATTERSON. Prop'r. apl 20 daw Ut . Shelby, N. C. Ilead quarters lor A I", Later ISeerand Porter. ZX MARCUS 6l SON'S, No. 6 Market Street AN FURNIHjYOU WITH THE BE8 Ale, Lager Beer and Porter, both kef and bottled, in the city. Country orders promptly attended M M M k M U