THIS PAPER published .very afternoon, Saadayi Sw eep"1 JOSH. T. JAMBS, rT,rTOR AfT PRO"PRITOm. , RIPTION8, PORTAGE PA. ID. e ,$6 00 Six months, $20 ; Thrte "e uubiM. 1 15 5 ne nonth &0 cent. er will be delivered by carriers, . r ; . . v. .. AjverUBintr ' w" a-uDcribers will pleeme report any and 'adore? to reeeire their naoers regularly. iTTCAL NEWS. ew Advertisements. . i ler Another Lot. j 41 . i tii A McKoy Eay Your Grc- BUT a to ougK1" uirucH uiu f t : n . I William A Murcbisos Corn, Bacon, 8ait. 3E Over the Water. Tlie .National Bell Telephore Company. See 1 TileBton Upper Room. Vew3 t A Chastes Water Street For ever. Clyde's N'ew York Steamship Line Hotice to Delinquent Taxpayers, j, . p CoviNGros Consignment of Butter, Howim. Cobb For the Summer. Prof. Agostini's Family Fxcnrrion. A Pope, Gen. Pais. Agt 1879 ixcorsion Beaton. p.HiiNRBRRsaa Summer Reading. riBifc'8 -Immense Sacrifice, j. C. Mcnbs, Druggist Soda Water, j D Davis Visitors to Smith rille Gs L Baxter--Summer Boa d v gee ad. Notice ! Fur other local see fourth page. Bishop Atkinson visited bt. Mark's Church yesterday and confirmed six per sons, three ot each sex. I ; l . i i;,.v. j. (j. Huieii, L. D., preacnea in i the First Baptist Church jesterday morn- I tng and last night to very large congrega-1 u-.ns. i rt fK uorio- ftf rlliihtfnl RT-1 i uf a . : ; I curuns given oy x rui. nusuui, iu i Smithville and the Forts, will take place uext Friday, on the Passport. Captain A. D. Lippitt, who a few months ago started a brokerage and pre- duce commission mercnanuis uuiubb m tht Old National rianK ouiiamg, nas re- l moved to No. 6, South Front street. Public squares are a great blessing to j the community . We can say tne same of Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup: it is the best remedy for the cure of all diseases Biby- h.jod has to encounter. Price only 25 cts C F. M. A. Commencement- The Com men cement exercises of tne Cape Fear Military Academy will take puce at tne upeia iiousw?, in uiia ciigr which I f.Tl 1 1 In.t An xi ' Vi i 1 i .,, j l I asion trie aaaress win oe uenvereu oj Hon. A. If WaddelL We acknowledge .w receipi ui tii3 in in v M olm mi . r , r !Uo;.r, i The tlxcnrslon Seasoit Has fairlvset in. and what with trips to the Sound, to Smithville and to Wac- l....i j.. I C;imaw, one couia naruiy ueierunue i watch to chese. And now comes the i,;oompnt.nfrj Pnnfi. which will h. fnnnH in another column, stath.g that 1 I rl ltUV.H!VUl V v . K T f . . - the Wilmington & Weldon Railroad I Com nan v are prepared to sell excursion tickets to any portion of the State and to Summer resots in Virginia at such low rates that it would seem the moBt imnecunious mieht indulge in the luxury of a trip to the mountains or th seaside, We could en ioy either trip amazingly, but a'a! our IlaLliluiu uuiico nuu at if. a a .i..;o nA n iU,il,t.l pt oh, oner have earotted our ... -! . desire and we must remain at home to slosh ' around after items, a victim t w-v or, T,t0 M,,fl the hot , 1 x r a weal her and mosqaitoes. The Regatta The second race of the soasou of the yachts of the Carolina Yacht Club took place on the river this afternoon. Messis Gee. A.Teckand JoeepbPrice were the I judges, ine yscnts sianeu in me lonow- ing time and order : frolic ,3h 50m s i,unme lassie " ,-, 3h 50m 57s Gipsu - 3h51m 49 IttppU : 6aozmja on a p0mt 0f aw connected with In the start the Rosa carried away her tie case, which ; wa8 not de bobatnv and rinned nff her cut-water and cided udou when the lateness j . . r 1 - . almest at the same time the Rijyple's boh- stay parted . They were hastily repaired and started again in the race. The LizzU rounded the Dram Tree buoy ahead of the fleet but soon after ran her head under water acd capsiaed. The Market street buoy ws rounded in the following ordt r:, ....4 b. 45 m 15s Bonnie Lassie, 4 h. 50 m 29s Gipsy 4 h. 60 m 43b A'cwa 4 h 62 m ,7s fiipple, 4 h. 56 m 35s j The Roaa and Rijiplc soon passed the Oipsy and Bonnie Lassie and the boats rounded the home tjuey as follows: Frolic, 5h 4 1 m 1 9s Jiosa ' 5h 43m 3s RippU 6b 51m 19 The coure was sailed by the Frolic in lh 51m 198. It is to be regretted that accidenu befell three of the yachts as the race would have been more cloeety contested. The VOL. IV. Where Is the Army I An episode occurred it Halifax, on the W. & W. Railroad, on the lt inst., in which a proper punishment was admin istered to an offending criminal, And in which the character of the colored race assumed a new, and in our opinion, a brighter and more commendable phase. The circumstances, as related to us by Capt. John Barry, Roadtbaster of the W. & W. Railroa i, are substantially as follows: ! J A gravel train belonging to the com pany, which gives employment to about 30 colored laborers, has been at work for some time in the vicinity of Halifax. The ratio j8 for the men are, of course furnish ed by the company. For; several week past there has been an unaccountable di minution in the meat, and 'he hands con eluded among themselves that when the thief was discovered they would, take the law into their own hands and administer adequate punishmeut. On Saturday, May 31st, it was ascertained tuat the pilferer was a mulatto named Francis Med way, working in the gang, who took the rations fc0 feed a number ot dusky female favorites h?p3Q and on Sunday morning, the 1st matant he was taken by the rest of the . . . i . i- - o nanas ana carneu iulu a uu,c mua in the village of Halifax, ana alter strip ping hirr to his waist and tying his hands, an aoie-Doaiea, wuung-miuueu, amiouu p.nlorftd man who eoes by the name of ttri.vtr" nr, aAaA tn law rn t.i his bare vuu v. v , back with a will. "Cuff1 wore out two I .. ... ' 1 1 . j r - ordinary switches ana men canea ior a MMfkr wit,r.h savine. "dat s de kind dat WheQ 25 faad Deen well laid, 0Q Medway begged foJ mercy, and offered to giye up ftU thft meat whicn had not been anmoA. unt it. w t.hfi nninion of the wuoumwj v a " - iawr that. inatii would not be fullv vindicated with less than fifty lashea, and so the remaining 25 were -put on wit" 1 nnflinchinsr earnestness, lhere was a fair count and no returning board, and just fifty were the number of lashes he received. As a matter of course, the parties im plicated in this home-made execution of JU8t'ce were a arre8te aud taken before the Mavor of the town, who released them - . on their own recognizance to appear at a I . . i c .1 i : tuture uav. C5on:e oi meiu uwumius j frightened, lelt tne gravel train, ana started towards Wilmington, but before naa maae maQy wa LU" "tc" hv Cant. Barrv. who udou hearing the j . - merits of the case, approved their conduct gave them a free pass back to their work. In the meantime the culprit Medway hnOs it more convenient to ms condition to sleep with his face down- wars- Superior Court. The proceedings in the Superior Court to-day were more interesting than on any preceding day of the term,. The attention oiitne couri nas ueeu ocuuuieu iur iue . i . i J 1 a.1 tuu8' U1 wevrnj 'o . . ... . . ... .- u:u fegara to tne iriai oi me m wu.u e Liiy or vvumingiou pwtiu tu suits against several citizens who are properly owners on Front street to recover amount assessed as due from said property owners for improvement of I property D ayjncr the Belgian pavement Tae ca8e on tr;ai at .present is city o Wilmington vs. Sol. Bear, F. H. Dby Esq Citv Attorney, appearsfor plaintiff- ag8igte(i by Messrs. D. J. Divane, U. -U Stedman and J. I. Macks. Hon. George Davis and Hon. R S. French are coun ml for the defence. At the time of closing our report the Court was listening to ar gUirent by Mr. Davis for the defence up , of the hour compelled the reporterVwith driwal from the Court room Fi out street Church. The religious'revival which baa been in progress at the Front Street M. E. Church continues with unabated interest. Thus far about 15 have signified a desire to become connected with the Church, and last night about 25 penitents were at the altar invoking the mercy which should lead them into salvation. The meetings will be continued throughout the week. Rev. Mr. Yates, th9 paster of the Church, has been very ably assisted in his labors by Mr. McPhersonand wife, of the Society of Friends. Mr. McPhersou is a and quite au able man, While his wife pleads earnestly for the salvation of souls in the spirit of prayer. Their teachings are not in the least denominational, bat they labor to make men and women Christians, leaving the choice of Church to the option of the individual. Daily WILMINGTON; N. C The Inducements Offered. Wilm ngton present to excursionists and pleasure seekers unusual advantages and facilities. Parties along the lines of the railroads centering in tkis city would be amply rewarded by taming their at tention this way. The beautiful and fast steam yacht Pmport makes daily trips to Smithville and the fortifications and gi ves excursionists sufficient time to take long and invigorative whiffs of salt air. On the downward trip passengers have a full and excellent view of the water front including the ship yard, fluatiug compress and cotton mills and just below thf city limits the renowned Dram Tree. The river widens out to about three miles and the jetties are passed. The rice ields art next to be seeu with the famous dwellings )f the Cape Fear farmers picturesquely dotted in beautiful groves. The Light House is passed and soon a distant view of Fort Anderson, Battery Buchanan and bert Fisher is before you. The Govern. raent work of closing up New Inlet by a solid rock wall is in full view and proves that even the mighty ocean can be shut .... i out from calm water. At tne woras sheep head fishing is extensively indulged in and immense strings of fish ars caught daily. From these works Smithville can be .i -i . . l : seen in tne aistauce wuu Buippiog v anchorage in the bay. At Smithville surficent time is given passengers to walk through the garrison of Fort Johnson and saunter through the town. Crabbing caa also be indulge is and still-water bathing by these who desire it. Fort Caswell is the next point of interest where persons can with safety and comfort be landed and stand on the sea-beaten shore of the broad Atlantic. A splendid opportunity for surf or still water bathing is presented at this point. The beach is level and runs out quite a distance, offering every inducement to lovers of the surf . The government steam dredge Woodbury can be been at work on the bar, also the wrecks of several of the blockade ranners which were beached during the. late un- plesantness. Bald Head , with its tal Light House, is just opposite Caswell and on the ojean side of Caswell is the LYght (House which is now used by mariners. The ruins of Caswell are viewed with int restby all excursionists. Easy en trances yand exits can be made to the fort and the whispering galleries. The process of flooding the moat can also be understood and a ramble through the fort and over the parapets is well worth the trip. On the beach, open to all breezes, is being erected a pagoda, where the young folks can indulge in tripping the light fantastic and pater familias and stately natrons oan enjoy the invigorating breezes from across the waters. 'Gather ing up the shells by the sea shore' forms no small part of a day's enjoyment as shells abound in ah varieties and colors. The trip from this city to Caswell is made in two hours and a half. Commo dore Myers has eaused to be erected the wharf at Caswell and has used his en deavors to offer every comfort to the traveling public. Hew well he has suc ceeded can be seen daily during the arri val and departure of the boat. Capt. Harper is the cleverest of steam boat captains and assiduously studies the wants of his passengers. Everything is djne by him which will be conducive to the comfort and bappineas of even the smallest child, fle is ever willing to answer questions and point out places of interest to his passengers. With new and varied scenery, a fast, elegant and comfortable boat, a polite, competent and attentive agent and captain, rare oppor tunities for surf bathing, etc., we thik excursion parties would do well to visit Wilmington rather than go to other points where fewer inducements are offered at a much greater cost. In mailable. The following is a list of unmailable letters remaining in the city Peetoffice, Jane 9: John G '.Blaiadell, Baltimore, Md; rriAl rrd. for Lillie. no address: E A Keith, Jersey Citj, N J; Samuel Hope, Atlanta, Ga. A Good Appointment. By notice published elsewWe U wiM be seen that Gen. M. P. Taylor has been appointed Agent fox JJorth Carolina for the Bell Telephone Company. Mr.Ormes, the Southern Agent, will leave here to-night and Gen.Taylor will prosecute the canvass of the city. It is an excellent selection and Gen. Taylor's well-known energy will do all that can be done. Review. MONDAY, JUNE 9, The Rifles. Tbs Whiting Rifles, with a large num ber of their friends, among whom wore many ladies, excurted to Smithville to day on the Pastport They have had a beautiful day for it and the enjoymeu' has doubtless been great. The target sheoting took place at Smithville and we are advised by telegraph that the prixo was won by Mr. Pate, who scored 11. Towers Arretted. Delafate Towers, who last Saturday morning cut Hezekiah Atkinson, both colored, was arrested last Saturday night oy special officer Whitney, under a war rant issued by Justice Scott. Whitney personally recognized Towers for his ap pearance, a proceeding so unusual on the part of a consUble, that the fact has at" tracted much attention in legal circles. We cannot see whence the authority is derived, especially as the assault was com mitted with a deadly weapon. Towers, we understand, appeared to-day and the case was postponed until Saturday next. MclVER On Monday morn in?, Jane t, ELIZABETH AN H, wife of Jordan T. Mc Iver. Relatives and friends are respectfully Invi ted to attend the funeral on 1 uesday saorn inar, at 9 o'clock, from h.t. John's Epispo pal Church. New Advertisements. Notice. rjlHE PA ;TY WHO FOUND a breech loading Rifle at or near the corner ct 5th and Mulberry Streets, on last Thursday night or Friday morning, will be liberally rewarded by leaving the same at this Office. jun V Tileston Upper Room. JpiRST PRESENTATION of Baker's pop ular Comedy Drama, in two acta, AMONG THE BREAKERS, FRIDAY EVENING, 13th hut., by the Thalian Amateurs. Admission 26 cents, jane 9-2t-mon-th Over the Water. THE OCEAN HOUSE, at Smithville, is the most delightfully situated Saloon in the town, is surrounded by water and open to all breezes. The best of Liqaors, Wines, Beers and Cigars on hand. Excursionists will find it the asost comfortable place on the water front to pass the day and indulge in crabbing. Ice cool Lag-r a specialty. june 9 BKTA sSUJUSK, rrop. YOU CAN T FOOL Boatwright & McKoy FOR THEY KNOW The People of Wilmington HAVE MONteY. See the Immense amouats invested in Gov ernment Sc ipt (as advertised), and still the supply is not equal to the demand. So stop crying "Hard Times'pay your bills prompt ly, and go to Boatwright AMcXoy's AND i . Buy Your Groceries Cheap GOOD GOODS than the oldest stan in a was au mvm a www - y the world ever bought them. ajl We will say to our Wholesale Friends, gire US A TRIAL, and if we can't convince you we will say yon are joined to your idols, ' - Boatwiight & McKoy, i ft T NORTH FROST STREET, jane 9 Salt. Salt. Salt- Sacsa LIVERPOOL SALT, 4,000 Now landing sad for sale by jnne 9 WILLIAMS A MUSOH1SOS. 1879. NO. 105 New Advertisements. For the Summer. s PECIAL INDUCEMENTS FOR SUMMER B ARD. AT PURCELL HOUSE HOWELL COBB, ju .e 9 Proprietor. A Consignment of HA TUBS BUTIER, OX! In small Tubs, Fresh n 1 Xice, AND A TUBS COOKING BUTTER, 0J Which will be sold LOW. Apply to E. P. COVINGTON, j Commission Merchant, jube 9-lt North Water Street. JC Tax Listing- - - - SECOND SPECIAL To List, say Listed during past week... .1800 . 496 Remaining unlisted 3604 Do not wish to detain yon at City Hall, but cannot avoid it unless a better daily sv ersge is made. M. CRONLT, june 9 It Assessor Wilmington Township. Summer Reading:. T A HIGH PRICE. Aftsr the German. By Mary S. Smith. I Spiritual Communications. Presenting a Revelation of the Future Life, Ac. By fl. Kiddle, A. M. . x n Destruction and Reconstruction. By Gen. R. Taylor. The Ghost of Redbrood. A Novel bf the author of "The Odd Trump." ' All for tale at HEINSRERGER'S, june 9 Live Book and Music Store. Summer Boaid. A FEW PERSONS can be accommodated with board in Smithville at $25 per month, or$l 00 a day. The house is located in a fine grove, is open to all breezes and is the most pleasantly situated house in the village. june 9 UIU. L. MAI I KH, Visitors to Smithville WILL FIND THE BE8T LIQUORS, Wires, Beer and Cigars a' my place. The celebrated Delmonico and Blue Grass Whiskevs. Dry Wines, Champagne and Mil waukee Beer always on hand Sardines and Pickets for convenience of excursionists, at J. D. DAV18', june 9- Jast back of Garrision. Another Lot BONFOME CATARRH AND ASTHMA. Cigarattee, Simmons' Liver Regulator, Labia's Powders, Green's August Flower, Bull's Blood Mixture, Allan's Fly Brick, Tetlow's Blane Illusion Powder, and a full stoek of prescription drugs. F. 0. MILLER, Corner Fourth and Nun streets. pB" Open Day and Night. jne;9 Water Street Forever, LOW PRICES ARE POPULAR ! DRY PEACHES, FLOUR, COFFEE, SUGAR, LARD, BUTTER, EGGS, CHICKENS, 8. C. HAMS and SIDES, Pure LITE GEESE FEATHERS. Many goods too numerous te mention. Times are hard. We work for small profits. Our customers shall have the benent. Come and get our prices. NEWBURY A CHASTEN. jnne 9-lw The National Bell Tele phone Co, General Matthew P. Taylor, State Agent. TTPON THE RECOMMENDATION OF some of the leading citizens of Wilmington, I have appointed General Matthew P. Tay lor as Agent for the State of North Carolina for the organization of Telephonic Exchan ge'. General Tsylox will make a thorough esnrass of this city first, and any informa tion desired will be given by him. General Taylor is so intimately known tnroughout the State, as a gentleman of Dusi- nM ftncit. that U is unnecessary for me tn u, mare than to him as oar Agent to insure the utmost success, This ComeatLT is ar oo a red to sustain General Tay- inr &raiast all infringement of patent. His hdaaarter, for the present, mill bo Wil minirtoa and any co i munications addressed to him will receive prompt attention. JAMBS M. OSMCS, jnne 9 General Agent South. PLEASE NOTICE. Ewe will be glad to receive communication s from our friends on any and all. subjects o f geeeral Interest bat : Te name of the writer must, always be fur nished to the Editor. Communication! must be written on on'y one side of the paper. Personalities mast be avoided. And it is especially and parti mlarly under stood that the Editor does not always endo f e the views of correspondents, unless so state la the editorial columns.' New Advertisements. 1819 EI URSION SEAS:N. 1879 Wimraorow A Wuo Railroao, PASSBNiina Department. Wilmitoto., N. C, June 8th, U7. pjOUND TRIP TICKETS TO THE Vafi- wm Virginia Springs, Western; North Caro lina Summer Resorts, Morehead City, N.C., and Wd Peint Comfort, Va , good until No vember 1st, 1879, are now obtainable at Onion Ticket Office, Wilmington, Ooltsboro, Wilson and Tarboro, and will rmin on sa'e aatil October 1st, 1879. CI se connection for points n A. M. 4 0; R. R. by 9:29 P. M. train from Wilalrgton.! Close connection for points on J. A O. R. R. bf both trains from Wilmington. North Carolina Railroad by training leaving Wilmington 6.38 A M . Weldon 2.13 A si. n ..4.21 A H. Taiboro g.:;o p y. Leaving Goldaboro at 10.10 A. II. dallv. arriving at Salisbury 10.36 P. If ., there con- ecunf wun Hieepin Uars on W. is. c. Rail road, and reaching Swacnanoa at 6.30 A. M. andAsheville 10.30 A. M., being beyond ques. un iu, lint oi qiicaer transit ana superior comfort to all others running to Wettern Worth Carolina. For tickets, time cards, enraeerrent of sleeping car accommodation, inquire of Agents at Stations named or to the under signed. A. POPS, june 9-tf General Passenger Agent. Family Excursion. mniE wit Yt tYrnnaifiv k f v ,U4- a-"1. Fridav. June 13. on Stmr. FaasDort. te ' ' I Smithville and the Forts. Italian Band. I I Tickets 60 cents ; Children and Servants 26 cents . june 9-lt CLYDE'S New York -AN 0 Wilmington, N. C, Steamship Line. The Steamer BENEFACTOR, CAPT. JONES, WILL SAIL FROM NEW YORK OX SATURDAY, Juno 14. taPA, Shippers oan rely upon the prompt sailing of Steamers as adrertised. For Freight Engagement! apply to THOS. E. BOND, A. D. CAZAUX, Sup t, freight Agent, Wilmington, N. 0. WM. P. CLYDE A CO., 35 Broadway, New York. Corn, Bacon, Molasses. 40 000 Bluh Prime Wh,te crnt 1 7- OCr Boxes D. 8. and Smoked OZO rides, OA H Hhds New Crop Cuba mJ 1 r ilolaises OKA Bbls Cuba, N. O. and H. H. OOU Molasses. 1 250 Bblt Frb Flottr' j 1 -f r Bbls Rugarg, Crushed, 1 D Granulated A, Extra C, and C, 2 1 0"B' Coffee' 11 rlk,a, j00 Tab 0hoice rmilJ Lir J j y t- Half Bbu and Box Poff, ZD TssOsT. 1600 k1-' AUO, Potash, Lye, Soda, Soap, Starch, Hoop Iron, Spirit Barrels, Glue, Ac. For sale low by WILLIAMS A MURC8ISON, jane t Wholesale Gro. A Com. Mer. Buggies, Buggies, Harness & Saddles, FOR SALE AT OEKHA&DT 6l CO S 3rd St., opposite City Hall. SEP AIRING DONE WITH NEATNESS AMD DISPATCH. I BORSE-8HOEING A SPECIALTY. 79IBErsmBt. l'BmWsmsr .

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