KNERAL JAMES SHIELDS. I. ;Sm! ow had Hot much ertH ... t.-,,ut in h&nki. ( rif li U k '- li lll plIi ve lit-' tiuiry 'iilJ e "au- i ill aUU on, K" ' r-- i-lie. -J OulH III wi nu i ro H wift limbs he rau the race, ...i u,,ic r:um kiiv toll I u I IC1 . M 11 her niuraearcu nr spun . , bHkl naau. A .. -oe:il 'i' life and sold. v itiiin tow present time, .'' ",n;i rcs.1 afsured his (iod . .'r uiigbt urow old; i assured bta (iod w c - ....i with huu beneath the sod. M rich, tt. ut ail ihe blows of fate, -ol poverty and years. ,.( ,,wned a grand estate. any oroao uomaiu- conscience free frombtaiu. it-ti much, . -,hiftr on the Ntaee :J e be hatl Playeu- heroic partb. Ad still a toiler in his age; ,Iy in tne breat of oliielda. nh te kin was poor. Tr, true in these, our sordid days, -i poverty is not jniwii-eause oi general praise; lds will be a memory yet, LL-t patriots we forget. w. miKKlBLE PROPHECY FILLED Fl'L- tiatri Rights The Content in 1880. Xbe following passage s from the ad- jjetB of Dr (t W JJigby oi Virginia, ttTtbe bouth Carolina State Press Aa tuc tttion, wiitten in 1877, -fill be read w lLl frebh interest at this time: 'Time will not permit me to dwell oc tbia buhject, but I canuot quit it without leaving you a single reflection, a:,d that is mit; xue uuiicdl wan must nee that the opposed electricities it liiteusifying at the two poles that in the North and East the belief in a strong ct utral government is almost uii vernal, while in the South and West lUt faith in States Rights is practically hum lute. What is to be the end of tim? 'The sword sometimes cuts questions without deciding them,' b0id Nupoleon III. Slavery was defi nitely severed by the late war, but States Kights were only frayed. For ite moment States Kiguts seemed to t a in tLe ascendant, but did you mark that millions of so-called f roe people waited in silence and with drooping beartfl to see what their President would do about South Carolina and Louieana? I reckon that the most no ticeable event of the century. Hence it is that a Southern man might well b excused for wishing now, as PaN r ck Henry did after the adoption of the Constitution, that the question of States liigbta bad been conclusively settled. 'When Mr Hayes discovers, as he will in a tew weeks, that uis policy has produced viitually no impression upon the bolid South, be will fall back or he dragged back to his own party, and what theij? 1880 is at the very door. Uih party must not die. If in 1876, in a time of unprecedented business pros tr tbe face of corruption univer sal and without parallel and in the teeth of a million white majority, nine t en electoral votes could be wrested 1 y violence to the use of the Republi can p rty what cannot be done when, with returning prosperity, all aeotions alike b come interested in maintaining order? Order at any cost; for without it there can be no business. This question, it seems to me, pres ses for an answer upon all tbougbt- lul men tbe country over; and they do hut dream who, in a Republic cursed with universal suffrage and divided Lopelessiy in opinion upon so vital a question as the struoture of the government, fancy there will be no more disturbances. The barometer is very low in this country, as it has long been in Europe. The storm there niny suffice to relieve the surcharged atmosphere here; but the end is not yet. Far from it. Wars are but con flicts of opinion, and if the discord ant views about slavery could only be settled by the sword, who is it that will say that States Rights, the under lying question after all in the so-called ar lor slavery, will be or can be set tkd otherwise than by arms? Caro liniaus, your fathers saw deeper and lurtber than others into the .trouble War came in 1860; what say ycU of 18H0 ? I tell you it is to be the saddest ordeal yet. If we pass it scatheless, Wfdl atd good ; if not, they that dud m the 'rebellion may count them selves happy. We have uad a sectional ar the horror of a true civil strife ia to follow.' Detroit Free Press. Kow a Younx Man Lust his Bo and Got Into a Nice Fix 'This is the station, is it?' he asked as tt ey opened the door of cell No 5 at the Ueutral and waved him in. 'Yes.' 'Then I'm the same as iu jail, am I? 'You are.' AH right! This Is tbe last gol darn- ed time IU b.heve anvhodv uudrr oathl So go ahead with your old bas tile busiuesp.' He was a young man of twenty four, eariDg his overalls iu bis boot-legs, atid before oominar to town he had broken eff a twig from a peach tree Mid placed the blossom behind bis ha L- d and over bis left ear. 'Hn?t thou been deceived?" inq iired ur reporter, as the officer got tnrough locking tbe door. Hafet I? Well, you'd better bet I t! Ima regular eight rail fence blou flat by a tornado! Im going to commit suicide when I get out of this, 1 am! A chew of tobacco and a few kind ords opened hm heart and he ex plained; 'You see, I lost my dog in town the other day, and I came in this morning to nnd him. Dad, the darned old hass-wood, told me to call ou a for tune teller and find out who stole Age. I was fool enough to do it f-D-o 1 enough to do it ! I called on a woman back up here abou ft mile, gin ber two dollars, and, says 1, 'where's Tig- T 'He's up here in a Dutchman ' yard.' says she. 'Did be steai him? says I. He di',' says sbe. 'Then I'll bat Ijib hal,' says I. 'You wil! marry neb, have lots of happiness live to be one hundred yer- old, anil go to heaven when you die.' says sbe, and sbe stopped rolling her eyes and hawked onto them two dollars like a tork'-y on a tater bug.' And you found Tige ?' You hold oil I found the Da ch mau's, and says t, where's my dog? I dou't know, siys he. Yon're a liar, says I, and with that we have had it which and t'other, and he had just flung me eut of doo;s when the consta ble came aioug and nailed me.' "Well?' Well, Im in a nice fix I am! Tigv gone, $2igone, me in the jug and dad planting corn with a blind eye and a lame back! We're a nice family, take us all in a heap, and you go out at d bet ten to one we art! No, you can i help any, 'less you want to leave me lead pencil: I feel like composing a poem on a fool, and I'll write it on he wall here. G odby, mister come back i i an hour and 1 11 have the poem done, and be in my crave mebbo, for I caiA beftr u load of woe.' under more'u a wagon I i The Aruii-s of France and Germany. Side by side with the recovery of her prosperity Fr.tnoe h 8 krpt in view the recovery of her! military position. Out of a population of 37 000,000 about 704,000 men are in the army, 510,000 in the reserve, 582,000 in the territorial army, and 625 000 in the torritnrml rt-KHIVf makinOT ft total Of about 2,400,000 mu, all of whom havr received some amount of mijlitary training. B1 sides these, there are about 1.330,000 men who, though nom inally belonging to the army and lia ble to serve in certain oontingencieo, have received no irwining. Against these figures, the Germans have to show in the active aimy 4Q1.000, in the reserve 500 000, in the laud wehr 580,- 0U0, and in the landstnrm l.OO.UUU making in all 2,511,000 men who have received some amount of military training, besides 3,345,900 men who have received no train ing. In cavalry the Germans have the advantage, the figures for the two countries being 91,000 men and 70,000. In artillery the numerical ad vantage is with the French, the fiss ures being, for France 2,442 guns, and for Germany 2 124 guns. The im- tnense drain of labor which thjs main tenance of this army must impose up on Fraac J is in addition to, not in heu of,a drain of money. The army esti mates nowoach $142,500,000. What is Said pt the Democratic Nomi nations In Ohio. When General Ewing entered the House to-day the Republicans joined the Democrats and flocked around him, tendering their hearty congratu lations on his success at Columbus yesterday. The Ohio ticket has been all day, and is again to-night, the chief topic of discussion. The Demo crats continue to say that it could not have been stronger, and that it will secure the support of the Greenbackere and Nationals. It is regarded as a serious defeat to Mr Thurman, whose lieutenant (John G Thompson) was the i Lighting Ewing. It is a common rem irk that if Ewing wins and tbe ohancea are decidedly in bis favor be will become the most prominent pres idential candidate on the Democratic side entertaining greenback and silver views. I heard Mr McKenzie, of Ket tufkr, and several other nJecr bers of the House say more than this to-day, and no one seemed to dissent from it. The feeling is that no State canvasif for some time will excite the same interest as that in Ohio and that John Sherman will leave nothing un done in effort or patronage to aid Foster. They will not get Blaine, however, who is Ewing's near kinsman, to take part in this fight, although speakers from other States iu large numbers are to be pressed into servioe on both sidjs. W ish. Cor. Diepatoh. A ure fJure for Piles. A SURE CURE for the blind, bleeding, itcbing and ulcerated piles has been dis covered by Dr. William (an Indian remedy), called Dr. William's Indian Ointment. A single box has cured the worst old chronic cases of twenty-ti ve and tnirty y eargtanding No one need sutler five minutes after apply ngthis wonderful soothing medicine. Lo tions, in.-t'umentfi and electuaries do more barm than good, William's Ointment ab sorbs the tumors, allays the intense itching (particularly at night after getting warm in bed), acts a? a' poultice, gives instant and painless relief, and is prepared only for Piles, itching of the private parts and nothing else. I cons dted physicians in Philadel phia, Louisville, Cincinnati, Indianapolis and this city, and spent hundreds of dollars, and found no re ief until 1 obtained a box of Dr. William's Indian Ointment s me four months ago, and it has cured me completely." Joseph M. Ktdek, Cleveland, O. 'Has done me more good tnanall the in edi ct:, e I ever tried, and 1 t ave spent more than $100 with doctors, besides medicines I am cure cost me more than $40." David Sparlikj, Ingraham, II', "Have suffered twenty yeais with itchicg and ulcerate 1 piles, h ving used every reme dy that came to my notice without benefit until I used Indian Ointment and received immediate relief. ' . , James Carrol, (an old mi er) Tecoma, Ner. N Pile Remedy ever gained such rapid favor and extensive sale. fbld by all wholesale and retail druggiets. For. sale by J. C. Munds and T. 3. tiurbank. inch 20 eow-d Aw . : 1 . $300 A MON I'H guaran teed. $12 a day at iiorne made by the inuusti ions. Capital not reqiurea: we win start you. Men, women, boys and girl.' make mouev faster at work for us than a' anything else. The Work is light and pleasant, and such as a yone can go right at. Those who are wise wbo see this notice will send us their addresses at once and see for th- mselves Costly Outfit and terms free. Now is the time. Those al ready at work are laying up large sums of money. Address TKL & CO., Augusta, Maiue. junej dxw Steamship Line, &c. CLYDE'S New York AND Wilmington, N. C, Steamship Line, The Steamer BENEFACTOR, ! CAPT. JOSBS. V'lLL HAIL FROM NEW YORK O i SATURDAY. June 14 'jBfc. Shippers can rely upon the prompt ailing of Steamers as advertised. S For Freight Engagements apply to TIIOS. R. BOND. A. D. CAZ4UX, . Sup't, Freight Agent, Wilmington, N. C. WM. P. CLYDE A CO., 35 Broadway, New York. june 9- Jut from the Mountains. 4N0THER LOT CHOICE Table Butter, sweet as a nut and dirt cheap. Choice New Yerk Butter, Oranges Lemons, Canned Apples, Dried. Apples and Nuts, by ever y Steamer. Genuine Stroking Tobacco at re duced -prices. '20 j Bbls Choice Family Flour, Western and N. C Hams and l a d. Poultry, Lggs, Ac , in lots to suit the trade. Cheap for Cash. T. B. HENDERSON A CO., june 5 i 10 Nj. Front Street, Accidents WILL THEREFORE INSURE ACAIKST THEM By taking oat a Yearly Policy in the LIFE INSURANCE CO., OF MOBILE, ALA. MAURICE MoOARTHY. President. H. M. FRIEND, Secretary. 225 Cents will insure "againts Accidents for one day in the sum of $3 000 in the Event of Death OR. $15.00 Per Week Indemnity for Disabling Injuries. RATES 1 Day 26 cents ; 3 Days 60 cents, 5 Days $1.26 ; 10 Days $2.50; 30 Days $6.00. Yearly policies issued at from $6 to $20 per $1,000, according to occupation, and written at short notice. Une 26 Thos. H. McKoy, Hobt H- McKoy ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW WILMINGTON, N. a ffice North side Market street, between Second and Third streets. :an 27-tt GHAS. KLEIN, Undertaker ui Cabinet Mater,? No. 24 South Print Street, WILMINGTON, N.JJ. JpSf A fine aucrtment of Coffins and Cast kets constantly on hand. Furniture Repaired, Cleaned and Varnished. Orders by tele graph or mail promptly filled. jan 13 Copartnership. rpHE UNDERSIGNED HATE THIS day formed a Copa tnership under the name and style of NEWBURY A CHA8TEN, for the purpose of conducting a General Commission and Grocery Business. Consignments of Cot ton, Naval Stores and Country Produce gen erally, solicited. Good prices and, prompt returns guaranteed. Respectfully, 'F. A. NEWBURY, Late of Magnolia, N. C. J. R. CHA8TEN, apl 25 Late of j . M. Chasten A Son. Furniture ! Farniture ! A Large Assortment !of WALNUT CHAMBER SUITS ! ! to be sold at the very bottom prices. Walnut Wardrobes, Sideboards, Extension Tablet, Marble Top Tables, Ac, Ac., as well as common Chamber Sets, Bedsteads, Chairs and Rockers of all sorts. Looking Glasses, Mirrors, Parlor Suit-, Lounges, Shades, Bed ding and everything belonging to a First- Class Furniture Establishment. Also, another lot of tbe celebra ed Genuin e Stewart bewing Machines, a real comfort. For sale at F. A. SCHUTTE'S, 26 ami 28 Front and llto 15 Dock its. may 29 Miscellaneous. YELLOW FEVER BLACK VOMIT. It U too soon t forget the rare ei of this temblediseue, wtiicn w.ll no doubt return in a mo-e malignant and virulent form in iht fall months of 1&79. MaaaaLis HspAtifa, a Remedy discovered ia fomtbern Nnbia and used with such won derful results in 8ouU America where tbe most aggrarateu eases of fTer are found causes from one tj two ounces of bile to bf filtered or strained trom tbe blood each time it passes through the Liver, as long as an ez cese of bile exists. By its wonderful action on the Liver and Stomach the HKPATINt not only Dreventa to m. v;.i t ,Fever and Hlack Yomit, but also cures Head- acne, vwneupeuon of tbe Bowels, Dyspepsia and all Malarial diseases. No one need fear Yellow Fever who will expel the Malarial Poison and excess of bile trom the blood by using Mitkin'i Hbpatikb, which is sold by all Druggists in 25 c-nt and f 1.00 bottles, or will be sent by express by th Proprietors. A. F. MRK fcLL A CO., Philadelphia, Pa, Dr- Pember ton's 8tillinia or Queea's Delight. The reports of wonderful cures of Rheumatism, Hcrofula, Salt kheum, tijphi lis, Cancer, Dicers and Sores, that come from all oartu ot tbe country, are not onlv remark able but so miraculous as to be doubted wer it not lor tbe abundance of proof. Rema kable Cure ef Scrofula. &c. CASE OF COL. J C, BRANSON. Kinqst , Ga., Sept. 15, 1871 Gents: For sixteen years I have been a great sufferer f om Hcrofula in its most dis treeing forms. I have been o fi ed to m ruotn and bed for fifteen y ars with scrota lous ulcerations. 1 be most Approved reme dies for such cases bad ben used, and tht most eminent physicians consulted, without any decided benefit. Thus prostrated, dis tressed, desponding, I was advised by Dr. yer, of Floyd county, Ga., to commence the use of your Compound Extract Stillingia Language is as insufficient to describe the re lief I obtained from the use of the r-tilliogia as it is to convey an adequate idea of the in) tensity of my suffering before using your medicine ; sufficient to say, I abandoned ail other remedies and continued the u-e of your Extract of Htillingia, unt l I can say truly, "1 am cure'd of all pain," of al disease, with notl. ing to obstruct tbe active pursuit of my profession. More than eiht months have elapsed since this remarkable cure, without any return of the disease For he truth of the above statement, I re fer to any gentleman in Bartow county, Ga., and to the members of the bar of Cherokee Circuit, who are acq nam ted with me. I shall eyer remain, with the deepest gratitude, YTour obedient servant, J. C. BRANSON, Atty at-Law. A MIRACLE. West Poiht, Ga., Sept. 16, 1870. Gerrt; Mv daughter was taken on the 25th day ot June, 1863, with what was supposed to be Acute Rheumatism, and was treated for the same with no success. In &iaroh, follow ing, pieces of bone began to work out of the right arm, and continued to apoer till all the bone from the elbow to the shoulder joint came out. Many pieces of came out oi the right foot ana leg. The case was then pronounced one of White bwelling. After having been confined about six years to her bed, and the case considered hopeless I was induced to try Dr. fern ber ton's Compound Extract of Stil'ingia, and was so well satis fied with its effects that I have continued the use of it until the present. My daughter was confined to her bed about sixyeats beto-e sne sat up or even turned over witbout belp. sne now sit- up ail day, and sews most of her ti e has walked across the room. Her general health is now good, and I believe she will, as her limbs gain strength, waik well. 1 attribute ber recove ry, with the blessing of God, to the use of your in valuable medicine. With gratitude, I am, yours truly. W. B. bL AN TON . Wist Poiht, Ga., Sept 16, 1870. Gents: The abeve certificate of Mr.W. B. Blanton we know and certify to as being true. The thing is so; hundreds ot tbe most respected citizens will certify to it. As much reference can be given as may be required. Yours truly, CRAWFORD A WALKER, Druggists. HON. H. D WILLIAMS. JB DR. P ember ton's Stillingia is pre pared by A. F. Merrell A Co., Phila., Pa. Scld by all Druggists in st.uu ootties, or sent by express. Agents wanted to canyass everywhere. Send for Book "Curious tuory" tree to all. Medicines sent to poor people payable in instalments. may 28 CEO. P. . : ROW ELL i & CO. Newspaper hlwMu Agency. For Ten Cents : One hundred pag3 Pam phlet with Lists of Newspapers and Adyer tising Rates. For Ten Dollars : Fur liuej inserted one week in Three Hundred and Fifty Newspa pers.! 10 Spruce St N. Y. may 28- Tonsorial. ITATING AGAIN located in the base Q ment of the Pureell House, I bare tbor oughly renovated and improved tbe old stan and am now prepared to sbava,sbampoo, ar cut hair lor eTeryhody. Tbe best of wor men, clean towels, sharp razors and So prices. ELVIS ARTIS, inly JT Pureell House Barbr Sbo. R. T. HENDERSON, Inspector of Naval Stores. WILMINGTON, N. U E7 Will grre prompt and personal at tention to all business entrusted to his care. fcmay 30-lw-dftw. The followinar a notations represent tbe olesale prices reneralir. In saakinar an small orders highe price hay lb be charged DAUU an U a, 4 .1 L 1 ... SlJltltS'lU I I 11 "A" f loH sstic... ....... J 11 isouoie AnetVjr, Double Anchor Standard Domestic BACON North Carolina, bams. V B 10 11 b 6 10 i 7 26 1 60 76 1 86 23 00 00 10 00 00 14 Ot 16 20 16 26 26 40 11V 10 11 8 t H 12 7 8 28 SO 12 16X 18 20 66 56 2 10 V 6X 96 Hides, V lb Western Smoked Hams. Sides. V m Shoulders. Dry Salted Sides, fl). .......... Shoulders, lb... i BKEK Live weight. BARRELS Spirits Turpentine Second band, each 1 New York,eacv, new....... 1 iiKKHWAX tt) Northern , BUTTER North Carolina lb Sorthern,r lb OANDLES Sperm V Tallow, y Adamantine, 9 set... CHEESE I Northern Factory , fj ft ... Dairy ereain, ? ft Btato, V ft) COFFEE Java, ? lb Kio, v n. Laguyra, V B. OORN MEAL $ bushel.... COTTON TIES bdl DOMESTIC j Sheeting, 4- yard. Yarn, $ bunch riBU Mackerel, Now 1, bbl....lfi 00 No- lfK bbl 8 76 Mackerel, No. 2, bbl.... 12 60 no oo ) 9 00 r 00 00 t 6 60 no. a, m x bbl 6 00 Mackerel, So. 3 bbl 00 00 8 5t 2 60 6 00 0 Mullets UVli ............... J w C. Herring, Vkeg 6 60 2 00 N nw n.sA no V I 1 vvra, ui . .............. FLOUR Fine. ? bbl Super, Northern, bbl.. Extra do " bbl.. Familj " V cbl... City MillEx,.Super V bbl.. 7 0 4 5 6 7 7 00 60 26 60 00 60 4 5 6 7 7 00 0C 60 00 26 76 'amily bbl.. 7 " Ex. Family $ bbl 8 00 8 25 fJikCTILIZEKS Peruvian Guano, 2000 lbs. 60 00 Baugh's Phosphate " " 00 00 Carolina Fertiliser " " 46 00 Ground Bone, " " 00 00 Bone Meal " " 00 00 " FlourJ " 00 00 Navassa Guano, " " 36 00 Complete Manure " " 00 00 Whann's Phosphate " 00 00 Wando Phosphate, " " 00 00 BergerABruU'sRos." " 00 00 00 00 00 00 61 00 40 00 46 00 47 00 40 00 67 00 70 00 70 00 00 00 Wilcox, Gibb A Co., ma nipulated Guano GLUE lb 48 00 67 60 8 10 I 60 62X 64 66 None. 46 60 66 66 4 9X GRAIN Cors,store,V 66ms Corn, cargo, 66 ms Corn, vel., V bushel... Oats, If bushel Peas, cow, V bushsl.. HIDES Green, ? lb Dry, m , HAY Eastern, V 100 lbs. 1 00 North River, 100 lbs.... 1 00 1 10 HOOP IRON 'ton 60. 00 66 00 LARD Northern V tt 8 North Carolina fi 11 LIME V bbl 1 26 12 0 00 20 00 18 00 14 00 26 00 LUMBER City steam sa'wd Ship stuff, resawed, V M ft. 18 00 Rough edge plank, y M ft. 16 00 West India cargo, accord ing to quality, M ft.. .12 00 Dressed flooring, seasoned. 16 00 Boantling and boards, com mon, V M ft 12 00 MOLASSES Cuba,hhdfrgl 32 00 Cuba, bbls., gal..... 35 Sugar house, nhds. gal. " " bbls. V gal... Orleans Choice bbls. gaL NAILS Cut, 20dto4d,Vksg 2 22 36 60 9 O 9 46 60 46 10 20 26 60 60 OILS Kerosene, gal. IS Lard, V gal 1 10 Linseed, V gl 1 00 Rosin, V gal 12 PEANUTS V bushel. 90 POTATOES - Sweet, V bus. 00 Irish, Northern, V bbl 3 00 PORK Northern, city mess. 10 00 Thin, V bbl 00 00 Prime, V bbl (extra) 10 60 Rump, bbl 00 00 1 s 10 60 00 00 11 00 00 00 RICE Carolina, V fi ' i 7 00 00 East India, V ft 00 16 , Rough, V bushel. 1 BAGS Country, y ft 1 IK City, V Jb. ROP E ....... f 22 00 00 80 36 00 10 00 10 SALT Alum, 9 sack 70 Liverpool, if sack 80 American V sack 75 Marshal's fine, Back...... 1 26 Cadis V sack 76 1 SUGAR Cuba Cuba, & ti Porto Rico. V ft).... 104 A Coffee, im. m. 00 D " C " y 7 UK 1H 7 00 2 26 16 00 00 00 00 12 00 10 76 8 00 6 60 4 60 4 00 3 60 2 26 Ex C V lb. 00 Crushed ft SOAP Northern, V ro 6 SHINGLES Contract, VIM 6 00 Oommon. w M 1 60 BTAVE3 W. O. bbl. M.10 do R O hhd. E 00 00 TALLOWt-V lb 8 TIMBER Shipping V M 10 00 Mi 1, extra per M. 8 60 Mill, prime per M 7 00 Mill, fair per M , 6 00 Common, per M 4 00 Inferior to Or din ary , per M S 00 WHISKEY North'n, per gl 1 26 North Caroina, per gal ... 1 60 WOOL Unwashed, per tt)... 18 Washed, ner B 26 Furniture. JU&T RECEIVED FROM FACTORY a large assortment of Walnut and other grades of FURNITURE, which we offer at Great Bargains. Call and examine, feb 19 D. A. SMITH ft CO. The Missionary COLPORTEUR FOR THE COAnT OP VJ OKlrt UAKULIRA THE Hi HA If a IHI.AHmR WII.T. V1RIT Wil mlnirtnii mvA th HnnnHi Hnrincr thp month of J ine ; from South Carolina line up , m as r . si c . (jape rear during juiy ; irom ups tn f!rA l.nokont rlnrinc the month of r p Au gust ; from 1 ape Lookout to Ha-tera and to Mtete Line oi Virginia and fioanoke Island, during tbe months .of Sep ember and Octo ber ; Frying Pan Lightthip and Bahama Islands during the winter months. W. J. POTTER, Missionaiy Colpo- tear. P. O. Smitbville. N. C. may 30-la Exchange Hotel, GOLDSBORO, IT. C. A FIRST CLASS HOUSE in every respect. Special arrangements offe-ed to Com mereial tourists. SSSV. Pries Reasonable. J. M. BUNTING, Formerly of Wilmington and P. P. 0. Co. L. F MEBRITT For rr erly of Petersburg ft Bl ueRidge Rp'rtngi, jane ! Propria sort Kail Road Lines, Ac. CAROLINA CENTRAL RAILWAY CO. Owes GsasaaL ScraaiMrannnaT Wilmington, N. a, My 18, 1879. J79.J Chanok of Schkdulew ( S AND AFTER THIS d.te, the f.Uow. v ' tng 8cbdule will be operated oa this naiiwar : Passenger. Mail and Express Train. 1 Leav Wilmington at 7-. , . P No. L V Arrive at Hamlet at. 1:27 A ) at Charlotte at.... r;20 A, Leare Charlotte at.......8:26 P .V Arrive at Hamlet at. 1:51 A .1 " at Wilmingtoa at 8j'0 A M Clos connection made at Hamlet with trains of Raleigh A Augusta Air Line Rail way. She by Division Mail. Freight A Tasenger and Expresa. No 9 I Lare Charlotte MO A M Arrive at Shelby I'i.JQ P M No. 10 Shelby J 1:16 P M ( Arrive at Charlotte 6:06 P M V. m. -OHNHOS, mar l, Owneral Superintendent. ss Jr nr IE g"''- li i- MPieim i RIB. ft WILMINGTON ft WELDGN RAILEOAD COMPANY Omn or Gih'l ScraanmnnsirT Wilmington, N. C, Not 23, U7 ; CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. On and after Sunday, Nov. 24th, t87ff Passeneer trains oa the W'lmington i We! doa Railroad will nan as follows 7 DA MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAIN, daily 1 Leave Wilmington, Front St. Depot at S8A k Arrive at Weldc.n at . 1 00 P M Leave Weldon....... L 2 32 P M Arrive at Wilmington, Front 8C Depot at.... 9 63 P M NIGHT MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAIN. DAILY. Leave Wilmington, Front St. Depot at 9 V0 J' M Arrive at Weldon at 3 60 A Al Leave Weldon, 2 13 A M Arrire at Wilmington, Front St. Depot at. 8 16 I M Train? on Tarboro Branch Roaa leare Rocky Mount for Tarboro ai.a.00 P hi dsilv, and Tuesday, Thursday and Saturc ay at.6:'c A M. Returning, leave Tarboro at , 100t A H daily, and Monday, Wednesday ant) Friday at 8:30 P M. Tbe Day Train makes close connection st Weldon for all points North flu 'Jay Lit. daily, (except Sunday) and daily, via ' Rich mond and all rail routes. Night train makes close connection t Weldon for all points north via Ricbmon L Sleeping Care attached to all Night Tra'Tii . JOHN F. DIVINE, General Snot nor 24 -a i . Gen 'I SuD'ts Office. WILMINGTON, COLUMBIA AND AD GUST A RAILROAD. Wilmington, N. a, June 3, U7d CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. . On and after Wednesday, June 4. the fo'- lowlng schedule will be ruD on this road: DAT EXPRESS AND MAIL TRAIN, dailv. Leave Wilmijgton 8 30AM Arrive Florence 12 43 P M Leave Columbia iO 40 A M Leave Florence 4 4 P M Arrive at Wilmington 9 JO P M NIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN (Daily). Leave Wilmington , 10 13 P M Leave Florence J 36 A M Arrive at Columbia 6 46 A M Leave Florence 'A V6 A s ' Arrive at Wilmington 6 2 A M This Train stots only at Fleminirtor . Whiteville, Fair BlUi, and Marion. Passengers for Augusta (via Columbia , should take Night Express Train from Wil mlngton. SS Through Sleeping Cars on night trai s for Charleston and Augusta. JOHN F. DIVINE, General SupC june 4 For Health and Pleasure OO TO Patterson's .Celebrate SjriDES. T HESJl SPRINGS are situated four miles South of Shelby and six miles North of Whitaker's, on tne Air-Line K. K. The xu i - eral waters a e sulphur and chtlybcat? . The properties of tbe sulphur are iron, ku'phur and magnesia. Properties combined are be neficial to all di eases, and never fail to cure the most obstinate cases, as many will t stifv. The chalybeate waters cannot be surpassed, baring wrought many almtst miraculous cures. These Celebrated Springs will bo open firvt April, and the prices are ia reach of all, hav ing been greatly reduced this season. Bathing houses, coquet grounds, ten pin alley, and other amusements and attractions free for visitors. Hacks running from thia place will meet v:sitors at tsbwlby or t Whit aker's on tbe Air iu R. R., upon short no tice to the Proprietor. i Rates or Boabk Perdy - 1 Per week - 7 oJ Per month 2S 0f Per month for two or nm-e month.... l-i 00 Children and servants naif prico. For farther particulars, adoreM. W. G. PATTliKSON. Proy'r. apl 39-daw 13t Shelbv. . C. to Headquarter for AI , Lager liter and Porter. H MARCUS A SON'S, No. ft Market f lieet AN FURNIiHj VOL WITH THE BES AJe, Lager Beer and Porter, both 1 sg and bottled, la the city, JsVOotnirj orders promp tl attended M M M 1 r