Tte Daily Review, osr. T. JAMES, Ed. diui Pro;; WEDNESDAY. JUNK 11. CUBA AND THE UNITED STATES. Mr. Hall, our consul general at Havana, sends to the Department of State reports of the export trade of Cuba. It appears that eight-tenjlbs of all the exports of that Island go to the United States. The total of sugar and molasses to all countries amount to 56,000,000 to the United States 52,000,000 equal to 9I per cent. Of tobacco and cigars the total exports are 13,000,000 to the United States 6,500,000 or 50 per cent. m m BURGLARS LOBBYING IN CON GRESS. The man Stevins, prominent in the Manhattan (New York) Bank robbery, told the police captain to whom he con fessed that when the bank authorities applied to Congress to have the sto'en bonds cancelled and reissued to the bank, the burglars raised a 'pool,' taxing each man $600, in order to fee a lobbyist to have the action of Congress obstructed and delayed, so that they might dispose of their bonds, which the passage of the act would have rendered worthless There was delay in the passage of the bill, and now the New York papers are auxious to know who this lobby fee was paid to. PREPARING TO ADJOURN. The possibilities (we cannot say proba bilities) now are that Congress will ad journ on the 17th iust., next Tuesday, but if so there will necessarily be much hard work this week. Jf the adjourn ment is not made on the 17th iust. it will not be the fault of the Democrats but of the Republicans, who are still endeavor ing to maintain their reputations as ob structionists. Yesterday, in the House , Mr. McMahon, of Ohio, reported back from the Committee a bill making appro priations for certain judicial expenses of the government and, on Garfield's objec tion to some of the points, the Repuoli cans in a body voted against it. It passed by a strict party vote and will go to Mr. Ilayes to had, perhaps, another veto. TH URMAN vs. CON KLIN G. AmoDg the many able debaters in the United States Senate (and there are many) probably none exceed, in intellectual pow er, legal knowledge and ability in debate, the two Senators whose names are at the headof this article. Representing the two great political paities of the country, each is a champion in the cause he advocates. Both represent partisan ideas, and both, in a great measure, form and give volition to the ideas by which their respective parties are guided and governed. Here all siini larity between the two cease, for in all the attributes which go to make up the sum of social or official life, they are as widely apart as the poles. In reading the debates in the Senate ot the present Congress the character istics of both are brought conspicuously into light, and to the entire disadvantage of Mr. Conkling. The manner of Mr. Thurmu is always courteous, polite and conciliatory, while that of Mr. Conkling is almost invariably exactly the opposite. The latter is at all times haughty, over bearing and sometimes absolutely insult ing in his rmarks, while the former never allows himself to be betrayed from the dignity of his position or the courtesy due his associates. The idea with Conk ling seems to that every one opposed to him is insignificant, and that every act to which he is opposed is puerile and contemptible, and he does not hesitate to impress this opinion upon the Senate at every opportunity. We have felt some anxiety to know whether tho offensive course pursued by Mr. Conkling could continue unrebuked, and have hoped that the day would come when some Democratic Senator should feel called upon to teach him manners. The occasion came on Friday last, the 6th inst , and Mr. Thurman was the man for the occasion.. The question before the Senate, on that day, was the repeal of sections 820 and 821 (relating to jurors) of the Revised Statutes of the United States. In the course of the debate upon the bill, Mr. Conkling described it as 'unnecessary, vicious, and indecent,' and reflect ed upon the Chairman of the Judiciary, Mr. Thurman, and the Democratio members of the Commit tee in a course, brutal and insulting manner. These remarks called Mr. Thurman to his feet, and in a speech, occupying but a lew moments of time, he administered a wordy castigation to Conkling which will not scon be forgotten. He not only placed the bill in its true light and completely justified the course pursued by the Democratic members of the Judiciary Committee, but exposed the meanness and contempt ibility of the op position in all their objections to the proposed legislation of the session, and concluded by paying his special attention to Mr. Conkling in the following Fsognage. "Sir, wbeu the time shall c cue that I hii to learn law from the Senator from New York, God forbid that L bal! I ng r continue to practice the law. I wil q i it f he courts whjen I have to learn law frrn him " The entire re marks ot Mr. Thurman could not have occupied more than five minutes, but they were uttered with such force and truthfulness that tha annihilation of Mr. Conkling was complete and ntt another word escaped him during the continuance of the debate. WASHINGTON LETTER- Washington, D. O., June 10, 1879 The desire to adjourn, or some other motive, yesterday induced the Republicans to unit with the Demo orrts and pass the Legisative bill There is in it no provision for Judi cial expenses. A bill ior these has been introduced1, but no money is ap propriated fdrl deputy marshals or su pervisors. The Army appropriation bill, it is believed, will go through without change to-djay. All thesu bills can be put before Mr. Hy-s this week, if the Senate acts as promptly as the House appears willing to do. It is thought be will approve them ail, but tnere is doubt of 1 the j Army biil, as it contains instruc tions as to what the money appropria ted shall and shall not be used for. Secretary McOrary, who le understood o have prep ited the veto oi the other Army biii, in which the doctrine 'A Federal supremacy in matter purely of tate concern is offensively stated, is now asking for oobnrmation as a U 8 Judge, from a Senate having a m - jority of men who believe iu the Uon- btitutiqif right of btatets to n-guiate thttirVown affairs. His nomination bly will hot be acted on until ayes approves or vetoes the Ar- y Dili. Whatever the action of Mr Hayes may be, Congress will adjourn, almost certainly, by the 20th, and may earlier. If any Department is left without the necessary money the people generally will understand whose fault it is. The ballot box, pierced! by a bayonet, whioh appeared in the Swing process ion here the other evening, tells plain ly and eloquently what is in the miuds of the people. General Rce, who is to be Lieutenant-Governor ot Ohio, is here. Dur ing his terms in the House General Rice was Chairman of the Committee on Pensions. Himself a crippled soldier, he performed the arduous duties of the position ; with an intel ligence and liberality that made him hosts of friends all over the country, oteneral Rice is worth thousands of votes to the ticket, a id will make an admirable officer. The Warner coinage bill dies hard, but unquestionably it must die. The National Board of Health, now iu session here, will in a few days, it is said, report in favor of giving Prof. Gamgee the contract, for building the yellow fever disinfecting ship, author ized by Congress. The season is rap idly advancing towards a dangerous point, and there are many complaints at the tardy action in this matter. It will take five or six weeks to oonstruot the vessel, and the work ought to be under way now. Both the Board of Health and Congress are indebted to Prof Gao, gee for valuable suggestions and assistance in the treatment of this subject, and he deserves! to have an active hand in the management of this important sanitary experiment. Gurdge. J100brilE. I J I A smart up-town boy lately informed his grandfather that he didn't like to hear him joke 'it's bad-in-age,' he explained. Cleveland Voice, i A man in Utioa has been detected in the act of translating 'Pinafore' into Welsh. Wghat.! nygr ? wjell, hrdjly evjr. New York Commercial Adver tiser. : A beautiful custom prevails in many parts of Europe of planting a tree up on the birth of every child. It saves wear and tear of slippers Norristown Herald. We are requested by the publishers of Benson's 'Fifteen Years in Hell,' to 'read and give the book a good notice. ' Not this weather, if the court knows herself, and it thinks it doep. Norris town Herald. When you see a young man with a wild, haggard look, negotiating for a rocking chair and a soap dish, you can know that his landlady insists on his replacing the furniture he threw out of his window at the cats the pre vious night. Boston Post. The gift chromo business lags, and it is now possible to purchase a pound of tea in some localities without being obliged to pay &,87$ for a frame to encircle the artistic production so smilingly handed you by the dealer. New Haven Register. June, with a rose iu her hair ; Sweet as her breath is sweet ; Her lips aquiver with sou, With a ripple of soft warm air iirred by her love-urged feet, Ls booming right along. S Pu k. 1 Matter of Interest to Travelers, Tourists, emigrant and manners find that Hostelteru Stomach Bitters is a medicinal safeguard against uahealthful influences, upon which they can implicitly rely, since it prevents the effects Uiat an unhealthy climate, vitiated atmosphere, anaccostomed or unwholesome diet, toad water, or other conditions unfavorable to hea.tb, would otherwise produce. On long voyages or journeys by land in latitudes adjacent to the equator, it is especially useful as a pre ventive of the febrile complaints and disor ders of the stomach, liver and bowels, which are apt to attack, natives of the temperate prtJni Air H TXl zones sojourning or traveling in such re gions, and is an excellent protection against the influence of extreme cold, sudden changes of temperature, exposure to damp or extreme fatigue. It not only prevents intermittent and remittent fever, and other diseases of a malarial type, but eradicates them, a fact which has been notorious for years past in North and South America. Mexico, the West Indies, Australia and other c imates I YOU CAN'T FOOL Boat wright & McKoy I j FOR THEY KNOW ! i The People of Wilmington HAVE MONEY. , 1 ' J See the immense amounts invested in Got- eminent Script (as adrertised), and still the supply is not equal to the demand. Bo atop crying "Hard Tim ,b," pay your bills prompt- . 1 ' . , , r ly, and go to Boatwright & McKoy 's AND Buy Your Groceries Cheap GOOD GOODS For much less money than the oldest man in the world ever bought them. iWe will say to our Wholesale Faends, give US A TRIAL, and if we can't coavince you we will say yeu are joined to your idols, ic. Boatwiight & McKoy, 5 4 7 NORTH FRONT STREET. june 9 Cor n , Bacon , Molasses. 40 000 Bu8h Prime Whlte Corn' 5 325 Boxes L. S. and 8mokwd bides, 9 ft ft Hhds New Crop Cuba -,UU Molasses 9ft Bbls Cuba, V, O. and 8. H. 00J Molasses. 1 250 re8 ,iur 1 "7 Tb8 uKr8 Crushed, 1 I D Granulated A Extra C, and C, J Q'Bags Coffee, all grades, 2 QQ Tubs Choice Family ,Lard, -jq Boxes Tobacco, Tax Off. r Half Bbls and Boxes Snuff, O Tax Off. 1600 Kes8NaI1" ALSO, Potaah, Lye, Soda, Soap, Starch, Hoop Iron, Spirit Barrels, Glue, Ac. For sale low by WILLIAMS A MCJRCHISON, june 9 Wholesale Oro. A Com. Mer. Alleghany Springs, i (VIRGINIA.) I The Celebrated Dyipepsia Water. yiLL BE OPEN FOR THE Reception of Visitors on the 1st day of June. It is un necessary to publish any of the thousands of testimonials which have been giren aa to the curative powers of these OELEB RATED LIVER AND DYSPEPSIA WATERS. They are universally known to be the most effective in all diseases of the Stomach, Liver and Bowels, yet discovered. The place has been thoroughly repaired and the accommodations are fiist class. Ttlegraph, Express, Post and Rail Road offices in main building. Send for pamphlet containing full particulars. C. A. COLHOUN, may 19 lm General Manager. Water Street forever. i LOW PRICES ARE POPULAR I DRY PEACHES, FLOUR, COFFEE, SUGAR, LARD, BUTTER, EGGS, CHICKENS, N. C. HAMS and SIDES, Pure UVE GEESE FEATHERS. Many goods too numeroas te mention. Times are hard. We work for small profits. Our customers shall have the benent. Come and get our prices. NEWBURY k CHlSTEJC. j june 9-1 w Visitors to Smith ville WILL FIND THE BEST LIQ0OR8, Wi e-, Beer and Cigars a- my place The celebrated Delmonico and Blue Grass Whiskays, Dry Wiues, Champagne and Mil waukee Beer always on hand Sardines and Pickets far convenience of ezenrsiooists. at J. D. DAVIS', jane 9- Jut back of Garrisitn, New Advertisements, gm A WEEK Iu your own Uv town, and no emits risk sf sFed. ) ou cm give the bu siness a trial without expei se 'i h"! best opportunity ever offered lor those will ng work. Yeu should trv notbii g else until you see for yourself what you can do a', the busiues we offer. No rom to explain here You can devote ail your lime, or only your spare time to the busmen-, and make oreat pay f r every hour that you w.-rk.j Women make as much as men. Send for special private terms and particulars,wbich we mail free. $5 Oirfi fr-e. pQn't coin plai'i of hard times while you have such a chance. Address H HAi.Lh.TT & CO. Portland, Maine. juf.e 7 -n&w. Steamer Passu or t, JAPT. J. W. HARPER, Will resume SUNDAY TRIPS TO 8MITHVILLE, April 27,weather permitting. Dally Trips as usual. Leave Dock at;9.3 A. M. ! apl 26 GEO. MTER8,; Agent. The New and Popular Boot & Shoe Store, 32 MARKET STREET THE PIONEER OF LOW PRICES ! N OLD STOCK TO WORK OFF AT ANY PRICE I All New Goods, selected with a great deal of care, in accordance with the times. All of my Goods warranted, of the prices : Notice some A Lady's $1.00. nice Cloth Buskin, from 50c to A nice Kid or Pebble Tie, from 90c to $1.25. Morocco Newport A Gent's nice Box-Toe up to the belt. Gaiter from $1.2? My Ladies' and now complete. Children's Department is A call at my ire all X ask. place and a fair comparison Beware of old stock, money for nothing. You will spendj our Remember, no trouble to sho Stock. Respectfully, my New C. ROSENTHAL, 32 Market St. apl 28 Sign of the Little Boot. 11, 13, 16, So. Fronts Deviled Ham- g POUND PACKAGES, ONLY 76 Cents. PICK NICKERS and EXCURSIONIST8, as well as Housekeepers, will find this the most delightful at well as the cheapest Deli cacy ever off red. GEORGE MYERS, Sole Agent. Our -Sweet LMash Whiskey ! WE GUARANTEE THIS WHISKEY, sold at $3.00 per gallon, better tban any Whiskey sold in the market at $6.C0 per gallon. We invite special attention to the same. GEORGE MYERS, Sole Agent. Wholesale Buyers YI7ILL DO WELL TO EXAMINE THE y v LARGEST AND CHEAPEST STOCK OF 0R0CERIES ever offered in the State, at the LOWEST PRICES. may 23 GEORGE MYERS. Jas. T. Pettewav i WILMINGTON, N. jC, JB AGENT FOR THEJSALE OF WILCOl IBBS A GO'S Manipulated Guano. The best, cheapest and most popular Guano offer ed. Will take orders for delivery at Lum berton, Shoe Heel, Laar nburg, Laurel Hill and interns ediate.polntj. fas 37-dw Theodore Joseph, Corner of Hargett & Salisbury Sts- One Corner. West Raleigh National Bask. RALEIG S,N, ,C. Board by the day or on the European plan Batiafaotion frorranteed in erery particular My bar if supplied with Finche'g OoULea Wedding, 1870, eibeon'i 1871 Rye, Pfeifler A and 0, and many more of the Fines brands of Rye and Kentucky Bourbon, oet l&tf Over the Water. THE OCEAN HOUSE, at 8mithvill, is the inoit delightfully situated Seloon io the town, is surrounded by water aod open to all breezes. The best of Liquors, wines, Beers and Cigars on hand. fcxeursi nista will find it the most comfortable place on the water front to pass the day and indulge in crabbing. Ice cool Lag r a specialty, j i ne f BRT A.N MORSE, Prop. Another Lot BONFDMS CATARRH AND ASTHMA Cigarattee, Simmons' Lirer Regulator, Lubin's Powders, Green's August Jtawer, Bull's Blood Mixture, Allan's Fly Brick, Tetiow'i Blanc Illusion Powder, and a full stock of prescript ion drugs. v r f. C. MILLER, Corner Fourth and Nun streets. pm Open D ay and Night. Miscellaneous. THE BEST SOLD BY i NOTICE our r.rfaD&uRs ad 05 RACE PLat FOR PARTICULARS WMBM ON .ApDRESS WhiteSewing Machine CoT Cleveland, ohi NEW RICH BLOOD ! Parsons' Purgatve Hi make N Rich Blood, and will c uipl- t-l v change tne blood in the entire syst m in tLree mo iths Av person who will take 1 pill each uight fioiu I to 12 weeks mav be restored to sound health, if such a thing be possible. Sent bv mail for 8 letter stamps. L S. JOHNSON A (JO., may 21-4w Bangor, Me. AGENTS WANTKD For the Best and Fastest-Selling Pictorial Books and bi b es. Prices reduced 3 i per cent Nation al Publishing Co., Philad, Pa. may 21 4w $25 TO $5O0O Judiciously invested in W(ll Street, iaytilie foui datiou for substan tial fortunes every week, and pays an itn mense per centage of profits by the New Capitalization STB'em of operating in Stocks. Kull explanation on application to Adams, Brwu A Go., BankerB, 26 Broad St., N. Y. may 21-4w DEAR SIR : Please write for large Illustrated Catalogue of Rifles. Shot Cuns Revolvers. Address Great Western Gun Works, Pitts burg, Pa. : may 21-4w BENSON'S CAPCINE PORUS PLASTER- Sen that each plaster has the word C-A-P-C-I N-E cut through it, ani insist on having no other. Ask y,i- Ftyi- cian as to us iueriw ovei an otrie s. may 2l-4w DISLIKING TO ENTER INTO1 XE WfePAPE B CUNT liO V E KS V , P. L. BKIDGEKS & ( (., . Have heretofore retrained from sayiug anything on the subject ol the DuflGordon Sherries, AND W. T. Walters Co.'s Baker Whiskey, Both of which they have kept since open ing, although some of their friends and competitors CLAIM to be Sole Agents. W. T. WALTER'S & CO. Refuse to make any. oce their Agent, re serving the right to sell to whom they please. By Business Men It is well known that sucharticles as the DUFF; GORDON SHERRIES, MUM'S CHAMPAGNE, etc.. have no Local Agents throughout the country, as they can always I i be bought much cheaper, in small quantl ties, from second hands, than the Agents can sell at, they being compelled to pro tect the trade of those who buy hundreds 1 of packages at a time. r- 1 WE ARE SURPRISED That our friends, with their long Business Experience , should have brought forward uch a weak point as this, but can now understand, paying package rates to the Agents, why they supposed, on account ( f the low price at which we were selling the goods, that ours was not the genuine arti cle. Respectfully, and truly, P. L. BKIDGERS & CO., The Diamond 3 for 10 cants, Cigars, are all the go. The P-R-I-N C-I P-K Cigrar is the best 10 Cent Ciar Ever brought to Wilmington. AOsew Lot ol them just received. P. L BRIDGERS & CO, may o $1500 TO $0000 a year or $ to $0 a day iu your own local ty. No risk. Women do as well as men. Many make more than the amount stated above. Mo one can fail to make money fast. Any one can do the woik. You can make Irorn 00 cents to $2 an hour by devoting yur evenings and spare time tv the business. It coss nothing to try the business. Nothing like it for money mak ing ever cfltm d before. Business pleasant and strictly honorable Head r, if you want to Know all aoont the be t :' 'Ilw - I. paying ousmess Deiore tne public, send us your address arid we will send you full particu lars and private terriis fr-e ; samples worth $5 also free; you cau thn make up your mini for yourselr. Addiess GEORGE STXNSON & (JU , Portland, Maine, june 7-d&w t rpHK WLMINQTON JOURNAL, is one g.PWt rtisiiig mediems ia the oute. Try iu 0 Misaellaneouft so siMhr , , UFE W A '-BOTTLE, The Most Vain ery Kno-..n a? bte Medical Dis. to the World- More Lse for Quinine, Cal or Aimerui rois ns JLife fort. and Health for All. AN OPEN LETTER TO THE PI jjy, Believing that b cleansing the Mood . , Dnuaing up the constitution wastheonl. i L of bani hiutf di.ieaae and bein iroii with wfitknet of the lunizs. catitrrJ much broken down in conatitutiok. An alter tiyiug the bnpt phjaiciann and ilnt -out uiy monej tor uiitiy kiDdo of medicid advertised without hndintr a peruianenti cn 1 bigan doctoring myself, usinjr nitdim, J macetrom roots and herbs. 1 tortuufr uiacovereu a wonaeriui uitterd or (llansr.thfi tirnt hnrth of u-hion I w " 7 . T c tut ! i f' an rt viirnr .nil in t i ?i i 1 .. neni cure, i was iree irom catarrh, mt lnJ. became strong and found, beine able t sil'i the moat severe cold and expoe ure. andl. ,! gained over thirty pounds in weight. ing confident that 1 had made h srojli tt discovery in medicine, I prepared a Uk ot the Root Hit;ers, and was in the tubn giving t em away to sir-ki d- and I j bore. 1 found tue medicine eflefted tni y . wonderful cures of a ) disep'es cuae -humorg-or scrof la in the bio xi, imj ruivL Bid vSt mach, Weakness, hidnej Torpid Liver, Ac , c. The l. discovery in tbis wv spread fpo t. one I to another unt.i I iiun.l mysell called to bupjy ;a:'ents with medicine tur wide, m" 1 wnn induced to . stabli.xhja atorv for cdmpotindiug anu bot tin g . Bitters in large quantiuefi, aud 1 now d t i al',my time to this businepg. I was at first backward in presenting ititL myself or discovery iu ihis way to lheUbtJe not being a patent .med.ciite man an n w ; small capital, but 1 am getting .b.-aveljr n that, hince 1 hrst advertised this inJdici I have be.n crowded witu orders f-nm d-t i gists and country dealers, and the hut. bf letters I haive receive from peraontc prove thJ fact that no r-medlv ever di uueu tfuuu iu so poor i a iiiut auu nmisiulu success as the Koot Bitters. In fact, i convinced that they will soon take the o' all other medicines in use. ea n hundred retail druggists, right herr at i in Cleveland, now sell Root Bities, s ui whom have already said over oneltLi u bottles. Koot Bitters are strictly a meuicul pre) ation, such as was used in the jjood did of our forefathers, when people rt cws by some simple root or plaat, atd wh5 calomel and other poikona of the iuuri, kingdom were unknown. They act strongly on the liver and ljdnH keep the bowels regular and build up' tL nervous system. i hey penetrate every put of the body, searching: out every term bone and tissue from the head to tie fet, cleansing and sti engtheaiug the fotDtii springs of life, hence thy must realh tl diseases by purification and nourishment. No matter what your f e'ings or symptnuif are, what the disease or ailment'pj,.use K4t Bitters. Don't wait un'il you are1 Bick, bdt if you only feel bad or miserable, u.iett Bitters at once. It may save your lite. Thousands of persons in all pans of tie country are already uting Root Bitter They have saved many lives of consumfiTei who bad i-een given up by friends and p h y ; cians to die, and have permanently cirH many old chronic cases of Catarrh, .crofiL,i Kheumatism, Dyspepsia, and Hkin 1. where all other treatments had faled. f you troubled with g'ck headache, cosdveate, dizziness, weakness, bad taste in the m'u:b. nervousness, and broken down in cons ifatiot You will be cured if you take Hoot bitt- r Have you humors and pimples on y urW or skin? Nothing wih give you suob p i4 health, strength, and beauty as Root ters. gg-- I know that jeah us phys'ejani cry humbug because my discovery eurCJ t1' many of their patients, b t I ore rot lt: now my desire and determination t nm my Hoot Bitters as fast as possible within th reach of all thogi sutlering throuih'ut te) world. Hold by wr oleeale and retail d-u-gists and country merchants, or sent fv-x-press Ion receipt of price, $1 00 per boftleJ 1 six boitiee $5.00. For certiticites of ww derful cues, see my large circu'ar stosw each bottle of medicine. Read and judpef-r yourself. jpj - Ask your druggist or merchant W FRAZlLK'ri ROOT BITTfcR.-, ths gr- ilood Clanse-jand take no substitut ln recommend because h makes a large Pi O. W. FKAIZKK, Piscoverex. 338 Supeiior tt., Clev lrd 0 Fors-ileby J. C. Munds and T. t. Horbstk, i Druggists. march 26h eow-d mffl mm Is monthly, 100-pae Scrap Book of the freIJ' rte World's LiterUnre. hingl op', l ''r t y ar An Oil Cromn (Ux'JO inches) oi '' Valley," price, $3; " Black Sheep," a fl po l" B paper binding; "fThriHtian Oakl-' ,lMfl.',ir , i book, in paper binding, and a nanip!- toy rf " . Household MaKaxine" all poht-paid, for only S,L,V in money, or in on-cent pontage etarn; - A wanted Mot liberal terms, bat nothing--" '-'7 . Addreaa S. S. Wood. Tribune Bullous. The Collins Hous On The European Flaw Corner Front and Red Crosi htr Near Union Depot RESPECTFULLY ANNOl I my friends and the public th opened the ab-ve House and am pared to faraish meald and iol' Restaurant ojM n at all hours. Prices low and bexj-rooiua ' - nd airy. Special rates by day, weeklotr i QThe or'y Restaurant hi th4 I W. M. COL S9 "Hair& Pears O FFER FOR SALP, AT LOW 1 sseaw ct 1 crenu aa a vj ny.tiri owe , Flour, 8ugar,'Off e, MoUsses, CoTy Meat, Lard, Butter, Cheese, Tobacco, tnnff, iga-s. Paper, Twine, Pa; er tigt, Une 8poon" Baiajr F W A Few Fine 8T. C. Hi a, and all "otbr 'article nnialiy ' carefally selects d stock ot Ocn s J i . j t a. V . 1 .i r

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