. VRI V FLOWERS ARE GONE- is art full ol tiny graves. graven i the flowers, eVrO viicUt-r-vi Look, priiiKt liue hours. he unni6 its n ie 1111, ill lue dt-Ji. ptoue Iscarved the name ,,i-a children tali; rislied when tne ky was bright, ', m as tUe air ". t i,,SeS ol the bret ze, " ,i imll trembling, up, nvasmall transparent urn , ,;,t-v -Jaoeiifd cup. the rseK budded out, o balmy hours, rmound was made to tell the gentle flowers. ' ';,,,wers they veeiu to me ittif children tweet, t in .went on eur path . , .-a at our feet. Louisa Chilwood. Yroni the FooChow Herald, iiierlcan Chapel In China Sacked, n bouday, the lfr.hof February, a -r hundred persona forci- 3 e" t Yiuch'uD, 140 milee Bjuth ochow, an jd violently assaulted had gatuered there : r jlV.QM worship, i'he catechist r ';U aret-atiou eboaped to the mag- LU-o iu in c ,r ui the chapel The rabble i...t..it t. tii work and destroyed .-at tables, &c. Previous to tL auack he people had been called b) the gentry to Bubbcribe 100 , oi Curibtiamty in their district. tlitir iudus operandi was to tear f tut cnapei ia the hrst instance .i-ub-tquently to destroy the houses of ttifcChritjiians iiiuoiuiuiui j ui itiug o. of tbp nlanri. Knfc harmilv. IOltUX UU- v X tr t. ..u,r if this oro?raniuie was car- DUM v-- - lr.iout. lhe suucrers oy me riot juj to the magistrate's yamen, where tJity wert kindly received and prom iBtd protection. A ic days later tne magistrate went in i-ernon to inspect the wrecked chiDel. He lnirxediatelv instituted an xttmiuiitiou into the whole affair, and Irfcoajred the otienders to pay all ex- .1 At P A i peiites attending tne repair oi tne chapel, to lurnish medical aid to the wounded men, and to hud six months' i ii i: , .u. security ,iur iuo uvea ui mu jjortsuutj L-.-aaittd. The man who had been most bevere'y beaten was ordered to receive v as compensation, out, witn rare disinterestedness, he refused to receive the money, in order that the purity or h s motives in becoming a iribtiau uhouid not be doubted. Hy UlU prompt action of the Yunoh 'un Qjttg btrate, and the unselfish conduct i tee native christians, not only has peace been restored, but also a good s ale oi Keling oetween tne christians aiid their heathen neighbors seoured, the latter for once fully understand' itig that christians must not be purse cu ed for refusing to contribute to idolatrous purposes, and also that the it gher ana nobler principles which Ui' y claim to have adopted are eutit led to respect aud legal recoguition. Ann Francisco Call. A Honanza Surprise Party. Pakis. Aiay 4 btrangers and so journers are indebted to Mrs Mackay lor much of tue fast and merry life in the capita. outside French society pioper. H e Las just given one of her surprise parties m hoiur of a young friend. The parents of the latter are invited out for the day; their rooms are transformed into groves and halls f d.izz mg light; wuen they return, thy eucouuter a crowd of persons in fancy costumes, aud a supper where the flowers aud fruit arrive expressly from Italy. The parents are as eur pn ed as the Dpposition w.th an early c py of the Qaeen's speech Mrs iiH'kay contemplates giving a dinner puny eluung the month, where the menu will be, a nsuul, engraved on silver, bnt in addition, with the por trait ul each guest artistic illy fitted in. A Larjje Orange Tree The Florida Agriculturist describes, as tn biggest orauge tree iu that fc'ate, one at Fort ilarley, near Wal do. Its height is 37 feet, circumfer MiCB at the top 81 feet, circumference tf trunk just above ground 8 feet 5 inches. At afoot from the grouud it bruurhes into four trunks, measuring rspeoUT!v 37i, 39i, 40i and 43 iu ohiLeB in ciicumierenoe. Ech of these fork from three to five feet BboTe ground, aud ag tin higher up. Ail are bare of .mallihm't nd fol iage for many leet up, except ou tne outer :des, 6o that the interior of the tree presents the appearauce of a huge urn br.ha. Oridia $e a. Xesro Mortality in Georsia. For several years past there has seemed to be au increase in the mor tality among the colored population "t this city. This inrease during the present year has been noticeable. On fcuuday, just passed, tueie were laid uQt for burial three negroes whom dis- had stricken down. We are un hie to account for this mortality. Aue city has never been in healthier condition than it is at present. The city has never been freer of disease, with cur white population the mortality is remarkably light. The hUion seems to be a waut of cleanli- and atteut on, especially m dical itention, among the blacks. The mor t -T mong them is sufficiently large J attract some attention, and if the increases it may be necessary foi t e authoruiei to investigate the mt- Pail Mall Gazette, May 2. The Future Queen or Spain. The Arohduchess Marie Christine J-' siree Hemette Felioite Renere, of nktwf' kW Rm rumor mentions as J khed Queen of Al- danhu L SPin. ia the only Ferdinan' ??. ArcWmke Charles iJerdmand, of Austria, (who died the 20th of November, 1874.) by his mar riage with the Archduchess Elizabeth, the wid' w of Archduke Ferdinand Charles Victor, of Modena. Ste was bom on the 2lst of Juiy, 188, nd is consequently in hi r twenty firnt je tr. The alliance doef not gpfm to have be n seribti'ily en tertained at Madrid until the condi tion of the int'artt Marie Chrie'.itu had be-n pronounced bopfess, but from morn than one point of view it mast.be copfucbered a far mre npita blc match for the King thari one with hiB d ceased wife's Mter. The Austrian Princess is a few months vounger than fcce King, where as the Duo de Mrtutpesrie's second daughter was more thjn five years hif senior, having been born on the 29:h of October, 18-52. Her death hat now left the Moutpensier family vnth out a marriageable daughter, aDd ah the shotting and schenalng of Loui. Phillippe to bring about his sonV union with the Infanta Louisa has ended in disappointment. A Sure tnre for Piles. AHUKE CDEK for the bind, bleeding, itcriing andTilcerated piles has been die corered by Dr. Wifliam (an Indian remedy), called Dr. William's Indian Oint neat. A single box hug .u ed the worst old chronic cases of twenty-five and thirty y tars'.'tacdinu No one red suiler five minutes after apply ii g this wonderfal soothing medicine Lo tions, in-t uments and Vlectuariee do more barm than good. William's Ointment b sorbs the tumors, allajs the intense" itching ( particulai ly at night after getting warm in bed), acts as a poultice, gies instant ana painless relief, and is prepared only for Piles itching of the private part and nothing else NVB t cons lted physidians in Philadel phia, Liiuisville, Cincinnati) Indianapolis and this city, and spent hundreds of dollars, an 1 found no re ief until 1 obtained a box of Dr. William's Indian Ointment a -me four months ago, and it has cured me completely." Joseph M. Kydek, Olereland, O. 'Has done me more good rhanah the medi cine I ever tried, atd 1 t ave spent more than $100 whh doctors, besides meaicines I am cure cost me more than $40." David pahino, Ingrahatn, Il "Have suffered twenty yeaie with itchitg and ulcerate piles, h ving med every reme dy that came to my notice without benefit until I used Indian Ointment and received immediate relief. James Carrol, (an old mi er) Tecoma, N'ev. S, No Pile Remely ever gained such rapid favor and extensive sale Sold by all wholesale and retail druggists. I For sale by J. C. Munds and T. 5. Burbank. mch 20 eow-d&w $300 A MONTH guaran teed. $12 a day at home made bvi the industrious. Capital not required.; we will atart you, Men, women, boys and girls make money faster at work for us than at anything else.; The work is .light and b pleasant, and such as anyone carji at. Those who are wise wlip- go right see this notice will send us their addresses at once and see 1 or th"inselvesj. Costly Outfit and terms free. Now is the time. Those al ready at work are laying up large sums of money Maine, Address TKl' E & CO , (Augusta, inn A A A' tr -r The Sew tuiuiy South" THE BEST AD HANDSOMEST PAPER IN AMERICA. Send for it at One See Our Club Rates- rpHE "SONNY SQljJTH" isnow the mort L td weekly of the age. It cpnies out in an entire new rlre?s and new makei-up generally and is overflowing witu the richest and spi ciest matter of the day Poems, Essays, Stories, .News of the Week, Wit and Humor, Female Go-sip, Domestic Matters, Letters from all SectioD?, Xntesj of Travel, Puzzles, Chees, Problem?, Marrit:es, Deaths, Health Notes, Personals, Stage Notes, Movement-1 in Southern Society, Fabhion Notes with Plates, Answers to Correspondents, Bi graphies with Portraits of distinguished men and women, Hun orous Engravings, Sensational Clip pings, Correspondents Column, Local Mat ters, Kailroad Guide, and forcible editoriajs upon all subjects. Is it possible tp make a pap?r more complete ? 1 Get a copy and ex amine it. It now circulates in all the States and Territories, in England, Ireland, Cana da, Australia, Brazil, and the Indian Nation. It is rea ly an hon-r to the South and our people are proud of it, aind every one should take it immediately. The price is only $2.50 aj year. We will send the "Sunny ! Mouth" and the Dailt Reviw one year for $6, o we will send the "Sunny South" and , the Wilmington Jour nal one year for $M.50. The "Sunny South" and "B vs and Ha of the ftuth" will be furnished one year for $ii.50, with a large and magnificent pictur thrown in. Address this r fllce or J. H. W. ii. 8EALS, may 17 Atlanta. O.. TIIK NKlk YOlUif WEEKLY HERA 1)1 JAMES GORDON BENNETT, Prop'tor. The Best and Cheapest Newspaper Published. Postage Free. ONE DOLLAR .10 Cents for v Months, I ' i An Extra Copy to every Club of Ten. New York Herald Published every t&y in the Year. Postage Fre. I $10 pays for one year, Sundays included. $fl pays for one year,, without Sundays. $5 pavs for six mQOths, Sundays included. $4 pays for six nonths, without Sundays. 2 payi for one year for any specifiejd hay of the week. $1 pays for six months for any specified day of the week. i $1 per month (including Sundays) will be chargeo on suhflcripidon for a less period , than three months. TO EUROPE Includi ug Postage, Daily i I. $17 0 Weexly( European Ediuon)J j... 4 00 Weekfv O0-80 Faition)..l L. 2 00 NEWSDEALERS SUPPLIED,, Postage Free. Daily Edidon...Two and ahalfcto. per Copy Sunday Edition. j.Four bts. per Copy. Weekly Edition.. ..Two cents per Copy- N. ti. Not less than 6 copies mailed to newsdealers at wholesale rates. We allow no co mm .anions on subscriptions Daily Edition Address, NEW YORK HERALD, mch 19 Broadway and St. Ann N. Y, Steamship Line, &c. CLYDE'S New York ANTLK Wilmington, N. C, Steamship Line, The Steamer BENEFACTOR, CAPT. JONES, WILL SAIL FROM NET YOKK O SATURDAY. June 14 Shippers ean rely upon the promp; ailing of Steamers as adrertised. For Freight Engagements apply to THOS. E. BOND, A. f. CAZAUX, Sttp't, Freight Agent, Wilminzton, N. C. WM. P. CLYDE A CO., 35 Broadway, New York. june 9- Just from the Mountains. A NOTHER LOT CHOICE Table Butter, sweet as a nut and dirt cheap. Choice New York Butter, Oranges. Lemons, Canned Apples, Dried:Apples and ut, by ever y Steamer. Genuine S i oking Tobacco at re duced prices. 20 Bbls Choice Family Flour, Western and N. C. Hams and l-ad. Poultry, Eggs, Ac , in lots to Buit the trade. Cheap for Cash. T. B. HENDERSON A CO., june 5 10 N. Front Street. Accidents WILL THEREFORE INSURE AGAINST THEM By taking out s Yearly Policy in the MOBILE LIFE INSURANCE CO., OF MOBILE, ALA. MAURICE MoOARTHY, PredideuU H. M. FRIEND, Secretary. 23 Cents wili insure againts Accidents for one day in the sum of $3,000 in the Event of Death OR. $15.00 Per Week Indemnity for Disabling Injuries. RATES 1 Day 25 cents ; 1 Days 60 cents, 6 Days $1.25 ; " 10 Days $2.50; 30 Days $5.00. Yearly policies issued at from $5 to $20 per $1,000, aooording to occupation, and written at short notice. iune 36 Tho. H. JttcKoy, Hobt H McKov ATrORNETS-AT-LAW WILMINGTON, N. 6. Office North side Market street, betweer Second and Third streets. ;an 27-tt CHAS. KLEIN, Meiiater aud CaMnet Mafcer,g No. 24 South Front Street, I WILMINGTON, N. C. A fine assortment of Coffins and Cast kets constantly on handj Furniture Repaired, Cleaned and "Varnished. Orden by tele graph or mail promptly filled. jan 13 I " i " Copartnership- rpHE UNDERSIGNED HAVE THIS day formed a Copa-tnership under the name and style, of NEWBURY A CHASTEN, for the purpose of conducting a General Commission and Grocery Business. Consignments of Cot ton, Naval Stores and Country Produce gen erally, solicited. Good price and. prompt returns guaranteed. Respectfully, "F. A. NEWBURY, Late of Magnolia, N . C. J. R. CHASTEN, apl 25 Late of J. M. Chasten A So. Fimiitnre ! Furniture ! A Large Assortment of WALNUT CHAMBER SUITS ! ! to be sold at the very bottom prices. Walnut Wardrobes, Sideboards, Extension Ta ,Ies Marble Top Tables, Ac, Ac., as well as common Chamber Sets, Bedsteads, Chairs and Rockers of all sorts. Looking Glasses, Mirrors, Parlor Suit', Lounges, Shades, Bed ding and everything belonging to a First Class Furniture Establishment. A lao, another lot of the celebr a ed Genmin e Stewart Sewing Machines, a real comfort. For sale at F. A. SCHUTTE'S, 26 and 28 Front aud llfto 15 Dock sta. may 29 Miscellaneous. YELLOW FEVER -BLACK VOMIT. It is too soon t" forget the ravage of this tenible di?eae, which w.ll no doubt return in a mo'f malignant and virulent frm in the fall tnonths of lt7S. HaaELL's Hbpatii, a Remedy discovered in frouthern Nubia and used with such won derful results in South America where tbe most aggravated cases of fever are fouDd, raueen from one t) two ounces of bile to be filtered or strained from t'.e blood each time it pa-,ess through the Liver, as lone as an ex tesg of bile exists. By its wonderful action on the Liver and Stomach the HEPATINk not only prevents to a certaiptv any kind of Fever and Black Vomit, but also cures Head ache, Constipation of the Bowels, Dyspepsia and all Malarial diseases. Ao one reed fear bellow Fev-r who will expel the Walarial Pnon and t-xwss of bile trom the blood by using vt e&rki i.'s Hepatin sj whict' is sold by all Drnggigts in 25 c-nt at d ljt0 bottles, or will be set t bv expres bv the Proprietors. A. F. MRR KLL A CO., Philadelphia, Pa. Dr- Pemberton's Stillingria or Queen's Delight- -"Tbe reports of wonderful cures of Rheumatism, Scrofula, Salt hheum, Svphi tis, Cancer, Clcc-a and Sores, that come from all nart ot the country, are not onlv remark able but so miraculous as to be doubted wer it not lor the abundance of proof. Rema kable Cure of Scrofula, &c. CASE Ob (JUL. J. C. BRANSON. Kingst-oh, Ga., Sept. 13, 171 kr Gents: For sixteen years I have been a great eutterer t-om Hcrofula in its moat ais trefaittg forms. I have been co fi ed to mv ntom and beo for fifteen y-ars with scrofu lous ulcerations. I he most approved reme dies for such cases bad b-.en used, and the most eminent physicians consulted, without any decidea benefit. Thus prostrated, dig tress d, desponding, I was adv;sed by Dr. yer, o" Floyd county, Ga., to commence the use of your Compound Extract Stillingia Language is as insufficient to describe the re lief I obtained from the use of the f-tillingia as it is to convey an adequate idea of the n tensitv of my eutTering before using your medicine ; sufficient to say, I abandoned all other remedies and continued the use of v ur Extract of wtillingia, until I can say truly, "1 am cured of all pain," of al disease, with Bothing to obstruct the active pursuit of my profession More than eight months have elapsed since this remarkable cure, without any return of the disease For he truth of the above statement, I re fer to any gentleman in Bartow county, Ga., and to the members of the bar of Cherokee Circuit, who are acquainted with me. I shall eyer remain, with the deepest gratitud-, Your obedient servant, J. C. BRANSON, Att'y at-Law. A MIRACLE. Wkst Poibt, Ga., Sept. 16, 1870. Gents: My daughter was taken on the 25th day ot June, 1863, with what was supposed to be Acute Rheumatism, and was treated for the same wuh no success. In Larch, follow ing, pieces of bone began to work out of the right arm, and continued to appe r till all the bon- from the elbow to the shoulder joint came out. Many pieces of b ,ne came out of the right foot ana leg. The case was then pronounced one of White Swelling. After having been confined about six years to her bed, and the case considered hopeless, I was induced to try Dr. Pemberton's Compound E xtract ot 8tiltiogia, and was so well satis fied with its effects that I have continued the use of it until the present. I My daughter was confined to her bed about sixyeats before she sat up or even turned over without help. She now sit up all day, and sews most of her ti e has walked across the room. Her general health is now good, and I Oeliev she will, as her limbs gain strength, wak well. I attribute her recove ry, with the bh sbirg of God, to the use of vour invaluable medicine. With gratitude, I am, yours truly, W. B. BLANTON. Wt Point, Ga., Sept 16, 1870. Gents: The abeve certificate of Mr.W. B. Blanton we know and certify to as being true. I The thing is so; hundreds of the moet respected citizens will certify to it. As much reference can be given as may be required. Yours truly, CRAWFORD WALKER, Druggists. HON. H. D WILLIAMS. S" DR. Pemberton's Stillingia is pre pared by A. F. Merrell A Co., Phila., Pa. rcld by all Druggists in $1.00 bottles, or sent by express. Agents wanted to canvass everywhere. 1 Send for Bonk -"Curious Story" free to all. Medicines sent to poor people payable in instalments. may 28 CEO. P. : ROWELL r i & CO. 1 Tf3 Newspaper MvertlM Apiiey. For Ten Cent; : One hundred page Pam phlet with Lists of Newspapers and Adver Using Rates. For Ten Dollars : Four linej inserted one week in Three Hundred and fifty Newspa pers.! Sproce St. N. Y. may 2S- Tonsorial. HAVING AGAIN located in the. base ment of the Pureell House, I have tbor oughly renovated and improved the old stao and am now prepared to shave, shampoo, ar cut hair tor everybody. The best of work men, clean towels, sharp razors and lo pricee. EL YIN ARTIS, iuly 27 Pureell Houa Barber Shop R. T. HENDERSON, Inspector of Naval Stores. WILMINGTON, N. C. ttT" Will give prompt and personal at tention to all business entrusted to his care, may oOlw-ddcw. "The following quotations represent the wholesale prices generally. In making np small orders highe- price have to be e barged. SAUUlMi Uor jy Double Anchor.. . Double Anchor "A" Standard Domestic BACON North Carolina, , 11 lu 11 10 0 11 & 6 10 0 13 6 0 7 '60 bX 20 3fc uams, nY Shoulders, V ft) Hides, V lb........ Western Smoked Ham a. Sides, V ft). Shoulders.. Dry Salted- Sides, ft.......... Shoulder, y lb..... BEEF Live weight... 8econd Hand, each New York,eac, new....... BEESWAX V ft.. BRICKS--Wilmingtion, f M Northern , BUTTER North Carolina lb . Northern, ft Candles Sperm a Tallow, f lb Adamantine, set GHEES r Northern Factory, lb... 25 75 n 00 00 0 1 50 0 1 85 0 00 010 00 014 Of 15 0 20 15 0 25 25 0 40 Hl'4 0 100 11 8 0 9 110 12 7 0 8 28 0 SO 120 ir ! 18 0 20 65 0 1 36 0 2 10 96 0 nairy cream, ft B) ' State, y lb COFFEE Java. V ft) Rio, V ft) 12 0 Liaguvra, m CORN MEAL bushel... COTTON TIES bdl.... DOMESTIC Sheeting, 4-4 f yard. i arn, y ouncb ! Maekerel, No. 1, '0 bbl..,.16 00 No- if V hi bbl 8 76 Mackerel, No. 2, bbl.... 12 50 No. 2, 0 X bbl 6 00 Mackerel, No. 3 0 bbL....O0 00 Mullets, 0 bbl 2 00 N. C. Herring, 0keg 5 50 030 00 0 9 00 000 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5C 5C 50 00 0 00 00 50 00 25 76 25 Dry Cod, V ft)..... 7 FLOUR Fine, 0 bbl Super, Northern, 0 bbl... Extra do 0 bbl... Family " 0 bbl... City MillEx,.Super 0 bbl... Family bbl... " I Ex. Family 0 bbl... FERTILIZERS 0 00 50 25 60 00 501 00 00 Peruvian' Guano, 0 2000 &s.60 000 00 000 00 051 00 040 00 046 00 047 00 040 00 067 00 070 00 070 00 000 00 Baugh's Phosphate " 00 00 " 45 00 Ground Bone, Bone Meal " Flour Navassa Guano, Complete Manure 00 00 00 00 f 00 00 " 35 00 " 00 00 " 00 00 " 00 00 " 00 00 ma- Whann'B Phosphate ' Wando Phosphate, BergerABruU'sRos. " Wilcox, Gibb A Co.. nipulated Guano ....48 00 067 GLUE 0 lb .4 8 0 GRAIN Corn, store, 0 56ft 60 0 Corn, cargo, 0 66 &) 64 0 Corn,yel., 0 bushel None. Oats, 0 bushel 46 0 60 10 66 60 65 10 00 Peas, cow, 0 bushel 66 HIDES Green, 0 ft) 4 Dry, 0 ft). 9 HAY Eastern, 0 100 tti... 1 00 North River, 0 100 lbs.... 1 00 HOOP IRON 0 'ton 60 00 0 0 9 9 9 1 065 LARD Northern 0 ft) g$0 Worth Carolina 0 ft) 11 LIME 0 bbl 1 26 LUMBER City steam sa' wd 0 12 0 0 00 Ship stuff, resawed,0M ft. 18 00 020 00 Rough edge plank. 0 Mft.16 00 018 00 West India cargo, accord ing to quality, 0 M ft.. .12 00 014 00 Dressed flooring, seasoned. 15 00 0 26 00 Scantling and boards, com - mon, 0 M ft 12 00 014 00 00 32 35 20 22 35 60 13 10 00 MOLASSES Cuba,hhd0gl Cuba, bbls., 0 ga 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sugar house, hh da. 0 gal. bbls. 0 gal. Orleans Choice bbls. 0 gal. NAILS Cut, 2Odto4d,0k'g 2 OILS Eerosene, 0 gal. Lard, 0 gal 1 Linseed, 0 gal 1 45 60 1 45 1 10 20 1 35 50 3 60 Rosin, 0 gal 12 PEANDTS 0 bushel 90 POTATOES -Sweet, 0 bus. 00 Irish, Northern, 0 bbl 3 00 PORK Northern, city mess.10 00 Thin, 0 bbl 00 00 Prime, 0 bbl (extra) 10 50 Rump, 0 bbl 00 00 010 60 000 00 011 00 000 00 RICE Carolina, 0 ft). 7 00 00 0 East India, 0 ft) Rough, 0 bushel 1 BAGS Country, 0 ft) City, 0 ft) : ROPE SALT Alum, 0 sack Liverpool, 0 sack 9 00 16 IX 0 0 9 9 9 22 00 00 80 35 00 10 00 10 9 7 x UX IX 26 70 80 75 25 75 ) y. UlUQl tVMi T a........... Marshal 8 tine, 0 sacx...... 1 Cadiz 0 sack SUGAR Cuba, 0 ft).... I... Porto Rico, 0 S A- Coffee, 0 ft) B 0 ft) C " 0 ft) Ex C 0 ft)... , Crushed 0 ft) !..,.. SOAP Northern, 0 ft) SHINGLES Contract, 0M 6 Common, 0 M. 1 9 9X9 lOXi 00 0 00 6 00 60 9 9 9 0 7 2 STAVES W. O. bbl. 0 M. 10 00 R O hhd. 0 E.... 00 00 TALLOW 0 ft) 8 TIMBER-r8hipping 0 M...1Q 00 Mi 1, extra per M 8 50 Mill, prime per M 7 00 Mill, fair per M 6 00 Common, per M 4 00 015 00 000 00 0 00 012 00 10 75 0 8 00 0 6 60 0 4 60 4 00 Inferior to Ordinary, per M 3 WHISKEY North'n, per gl 1 North Caroina, per gal ... 1 W OOL Unwashed, per ft)... Washed, ser & 00 26 60 18 26 9 3 50 2 26 Furniture. JUfeT RECEIVED FROM FACTORY , i a largeassortrnent of Walnut and other grades of FURNITURE, which we offer at Grr-atBargaina. Call and examine. feb 19 D. A. SMITH A CO. The Missionary COLPORTEUR FOR THE COAsiT OF NORTH CAROLINA AND THE BA HAMA IrtLaND8 WILL VISIT Wil mington and tbe Sounds during the month of J me ; from South Carolina line up to Cape Fear during July ; from Cape Fear up to Cape Lookout during the month of Aa gmt ; from ' ape Lookout to Ha'tera and to Htate Line of Virginia and Koaaoke Island, during the months of rep ember and Octo ber ; Frying Pan Light-hip- and Bahama Islands during the W inter months. ! W.J POTTER, Missionary Colpo-tear. P. O. Smithville, N. C. may 3ti-lm Exchange Hotel, GOLDSBOEO, XT. C. AFIRST-CLASSHOUREin every respect. Special arrangements ode-ed to Com mercial tourists. . Xrfk Pric-s Reasonable. J. M. BUNTING, Formerly of Wilmington and P. P C. Co. L. P. MERRITT, Formerly of Feseriburg A BlaeRidge Springs, jsnea- Proprietors. Rail Road Lines, ftc. s f CAROLINA CENTIIAL RAILWAY CO. Orrics Oinseal ScriaiHTsiiDBaT, I Wilmington. N. O., May 18. 1879 j ! ChA"OK k SriiKutl.K, V AN!) AFTK't THHditr, the f. How- mr Srhd.jle will be operated on this Railwa) : Passenger. Mail and Express Train. Leave Wilmington at.... 7:0 P M Arrive at Hamlet at 2: J7 A M " at Charlotte at... . fc:20 A M Leave Charlotte at.... .25 PI Ne. 2. Arrive at Hamlet at....... LSI A M M at WilmingUn at 9: 0 A ; M Clrso c on-rt;on made at Hamlit ith trains of Kait-ih A Aukuta Air Line UaiU way. rr i Shelby Division Mail. Freight A Pa enger and Fzprea jU0 9 ) lave Charlotte n A f Arrive at Shelby ....y4. .... '2;S j F M No 10 LeTe Shelby 1:15 P Al ") Arrive at Charlotte :05 P M I V. v OHNiSO, i mar 1 General Superintendent. WILMINGTON A WELDGK SAILROAD COMPANxj , OVFIOS OF Gsr'l ScpSRISTTVltDKIfT ' 1 Wilmington, N. C, Nov 23,ilr CHANGE OF SOHEDULF. OnT and after Sunday, Nov: 24th, 187 -, Passenger trains on the Wilmington A Woi doa Railroad will run as follows : DAY MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAIN, daj'yj. Leave Wilmington, Front St. Depot at 6 38A k; Arrive at Wf ldon at 1 00 P IM Leave Weldon i 2 32 P M Arrive at Wilmington, Front St. Depot at 9 63) P M NIGHT MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAIN, DAILY. Leave Wilmington, Front St Depot at i0 P ijt Arrive at Weldon at 3 60 A M Lsave Weldon, , u A M Arrive at Wilmington, Front St. Depot at. I. 8 16 i M Trains on Tarboro Branch Roaa leave Rocky Mount for Tarboro at f.00! P M daily, and Tuesday, Thursday and Saturc ay at 6: o A M. Returning, leave Tarboro at MhOl A M daily, and Monday, Wednesday anc Friday at 8:30 P M. The Day Train makes close connection M Weldon for all points North vij hay I 1 daily, (except Sunday) and daily, via ' 11 mond and all rail routes. Night train makes close connertlr n nt Weldon for all points north via Rtehmoi i. j Sleeping (.'ars attached to all Niglit Tra n L JOHN F. DIVINE, General Bunt. nov 24 '-I I - ySjkM V1T SS Gen'l Suo'ts Office. WILMINGTON, COLUMBIA AND aU m GOSTA RAILBOAD. 'ATilmington, N. C, June I,llSi CHANGE OF SCHEDULE On and after Wednesday, June 4, the fol lowing schedule will be run on this road: , DAY EXPRESS AND MAIL TRAIN, daily. Leave Wilmijgton..... 8 36 A M Arrive Florence , 12 41 P M Leave Columbia ib 40 A M Leave Florence 4 47 F If Arrive at Wilmington 9 JO P M NIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN ( Daily V Leave Wilmington 10 13 P Leave Florence 2 35 A Arrive at Columbia 6 tf A M Leave Florence 2 !i5 k JW! Arrire at Wilmington 6 2j A This Train stors only at Flemington Whiteville, Fair Blatt, and Marion. Passengers for Augusta (via Columbia), should take Night Express Train from vVii ming;ton. p& Through Sleeping Can on night tral s for Charleston and Augusta. JOHN F. DIVINE, General Supt. june 4 For Health and Pleariurel GO TO Patterson's Kelct)ratc Stos.' rpHESE SPRINGS are situated four miles' South of Shelby and six miles Nortk of Whitaker's, on tbe Air-Line R. R. Tbe min eral waters are sulphur and chalybeate. Tbe properties ot the sulphur are iron, tu'phur and magnesia. Properties combined are be neficial to all di eases, and never fail to euro the most obstinate cases, as many will testify. The chalybeate waters cannot be ur passed, having wrought many aim st miraculous cares. i These Celebrated Springs will be open first April, and the prices are in reach of ail, hav ing been greatly reduced this season. Bathing houses, coquet grounds, ten pin alley, and other amusement and attractions free for visitor.-. Hacks running from this place will meet visitors at Sndbr or at Whit aker's on the Air l in-- R. R., apon short no tice to tbe Proprietor. Rates or Boao. Per d.y. $ 1 l Per week 7 O) Per month 2i 00 Per nK'nth for two or mo-e monthi.... 13 00 Children and servants naif price. For further particulars, address W. G. PATTERSON. Prop'r. apl 23-d w 13t Sbelbv, N. C. Headquarters for Al, Later Beer and Porter. E MARCUS k BON 2, No. 6 Marlat Street A. FCRNISHSTOC WITH THE BESl Ale, 1 agar Beer and Porter, both lag and bottled, is the city. Cosmtry order i pfeap tiy attaaded , jHfSCgSJ- j ij