THIS PAFBft j.pBbiishtdertrrafteniooa, Sundays ex- eepiei bV JOSH. T. JAMKSt -LUaOKiTrUMI.PORTAtjE PAID. j " fe si 25: One month.M.MBU. pBf " delivered by carriers, Jtefaarire, ,u nv Part"f thecit7 tth t,,,, rst-- low end lit.Hr! ..Jr-Vw-ni ploane report any and r-reiv.- thir paper rejrularly. SPECIAL NOTICE. - - BR0WN & EODDICK, 45 Market Street. - - : Great The duly Bwtiw JLIlU f JLJU T T VOL. IV. WILMINGTON', N. C THURSDAY. JUNE1 12, 1879 NO. 108 LOCAL NEWS. ew Advertisement. P.IIbinsbskbkk A School Hijtorr. huau..:'. -lujm-trae Pacntice. j J. 0. Munhe, Iru2Kit bHla Water. No City Court to d;iv. caiu-s Op) 6c, LOT 1. PRINTED LAWNS, Linen Finish, worth 12c. LOT 2. MATTINGS, He, worth LOT 1 , ..uix-.MKSRS' WHITE LISLE THREAD GLOVES, 5c, woith 25c LOT 4. LADIES' 'LINEN COLLATE, 5c, worth 10 cents. LOT 5. LADIES' LINEN CUFFS, 13c worth 25c. J Young swelis now carry with a little gold hall.- - L-i- We regret to learn that Mr. JV N. Hinton is no better -day. The boys have commeiic d I to place I I I I T their bets on the next yachtfrrace. A chick-Mi dispute is to take pi. tee in tv in n fpw -.lacs. so we are tid. -- : t ' FI atmg Bath House. There i a gen-ril d aire on the rurt o- under the management of Prut". j Agostink . the citizen of this place for a bath bms It will he thft third oHbe serifs, and as thr i j,, 8onie uitible and convenient "oc tir , Don't forget the family excursion to he iiiven to-mcrrcrw on th tMniMr pa.y.oiy rttr- 'PL0I?.V l)r: . U. Hi :en et here last night for his. home in Greenville, S. C. Give us a rest ojn the telephone quustioi ! and Lee Angel says he will give us the rest to-morrow. 1 The soul that is iu earujest will not It is thle I same stop to count the cost way with a lieu. The crops look well and the gis is nourishing is the uirsal report we have from the country. " : A frame for the telephoui exchange wire is neius erecieu iu tuo National Bank building. ) Several new bath houses are being buift at Sroithville. The storms t last' winter carried away the old ones. LOT C. LAD LE V KUFFS, lc, 2c and 5c each. k LOT 7. STRIPED GRENADINES, 5c per yard, worth 25c, LOT 8. STRIPED PIQUE, 8c, worth 10c. A NEW LOT OF PARASOLS ami ST N UMBRELLAS, just received, from 10 cents up. KEEP COOL. FANS FANS!! - FANS RespftC fully Brown & Roddick. Market Street- june Only VV The Wilmington Lighti Infantry will meet forjdrill to-night at their old armory in the basement of the City Hall. I j . There are several ways to be happy, but the surest is not to try ra ue, uu. take things as they come, without fear or favor. What is the difference - between the weather and. the baby? One ipver rains but it pour, the other never pains but it roars. theis wre so enj yble there, wil! proh. lly le a large crowd on this occasion. The Aquatic Mouthiy. We have received the dune number ot ' Brentuo's Aquatic Monthly and SprLi!'C Gizetteer," and like its contents and makeup very much. This number is embellished by a full-length portrait ol Edward Banian, the ebarapwn oarsman of the World. It treats understandmgiy of yachting, boating, fishing, walking, the airle an 1 other kindred sports and out door exercises which are now so popular among the youth of the land. It is a work which could be proOtably in the hands of all lover of these sports, as it contains many hiuts.suggestious and much instruction relative to them. It it (dited by Charles A. IVvereily and is published at Breutano's Literary Emporium, 39 Union Square, New Yok, at a subscrip tion of $4 per annum. Charitable Objects W. H. Bowden and E. Pearsall, two blind colored young men from the Deal and Dumb and Blind Institute for color ed peopU at Raleigh, are in the city ma feiug arrangement for an exhibition to be given at the City Hall, on the 23 J and 24th of this month, by "fhe Grand American Union Club", as they style themselves, for the benefit of the above named institution. The parties named are the advance agents, they say, of the organization referred t. The entertain ment, we are told, will consist of vocal and instrumental music, declamation and so forth, and will give those whO witness the performance some idea of thj benefits the institution for the blind confers upon this unfortunate class ef people An enterprise if the kind would s handsomely if properly conducted A tl ating bath bone was erected some three or f jur years igo but proved to be a1 bud invest inej.t to its owner because -f the fabulous price charged for a hath, i Take5 it Up. As it seems to he the intention pf the proprietor of i he. W. & S. S li. to tear up the track ou Fourth, uorth of Red Cross street, would it not be weli for him to t;ike up the track over the bridge on Fourth street. A great many complaints are made about it and as it is never used and endangers the safety of vehicles it might as well be taken up. o Tracr of Littleton. Geon'e Littleton. ? e n an who in'mU .- ed thevouue Georgian. litfidV (a Sur iner. ud win- sscap(i from jail at Col abas clouiity sotne weks ago, has uot bren bean! hroui, not ithstaudii g tji reafdotlerd lor to.- uapturel Tin re hao hen many tKeulatiUns alloat with regard to bis escape, some oi which were to the effect that he was aided by several stran. ers who had beeii seen uear White vide just previous ai 1 who, though it, disguise, were really frirruls of the murdered man, be ut on a swifUar aini a more sure veu- PLEASE NOTICE. W will be glad to reeoirs eoftlbBfti alios from oar friends on aar aed ail SabjcU o I gaaersl interei t bat : Tbs name of the writer mast, always be far aihrd to the. Editor. Communieatioai matt be written on oil j one aide of the paper. Personal itiee most be avoided. And it if especially and parti ularly aader n -i Uat the Kditor doea not alwajg endo fC the views of correal o identa, qnleaa ao state in the editorial columns. 9T How to o to Sleep- A medical aHthority recoujmends the following to those who sutler from sleep.. les ness: When ready for bed sit down in an easy position, relaxing all the muscles ot the body and let the head drop forward cn the beast as low as it will fall without forcing it. Sit quietly in this way for a few minutes, and a drowsy feeling will ensue, which will, if not dis turbed, lead to a refreshing sleep. If the sleepless fit comes on in the night, sit up in the position described. to be obtained at and who, it The grocery clerjks are using their en deavors to get proprietors of grocery stores to close their estah ishmen s at 7 o'clock every afternoon.' ! No use to chain up your dog unless you have a badge for him. The police will soon cormuenjv to bait around in back yards for badegless cajiines. The Cornet Concert Ciub have kindly consented to render I several of their choicest selections for (the Thalian Anaa taursatthe Tileston f Upper Booms to morrow evening. I The last of the lumber for the pagoda at Caswell was carried down the river this morning on the steam . i yacht Passport. The floor will be laid to-day alnd be ready for use to-morrow. 5 Cents per Glass for Soda Water 1TH THE CHOICEST FRUIT SYRUPS. Fo sale bv JaaiES C. MURDS, Drujcgut, way 13 Third atreet. Opr. Uity Hal Monday, June 2. AND AFLK MO.VPA Y, JUNE we wih aell at an Immense Sacrifice Oar stock of Oenta and Youths Clothing and Furniahing Goods. This is necesaaryin o der to cut dewn stock preparatory to the heavy invoices of Fall Goods we are tore ceire. But the Diamond 8birt, the be?t in the itj, still selh for 76 eents and $1. SHRIEK'S TWO STORES, may 31 Market St. Lime Lime- yyE ARE SELLING LIME of Superior Quality at a very low price. Persons in the uc try or tewna in this State using- Lime, or dealers in Lime, would do well to correspond with us. may 1 tf RO K I NSO k K IN G. Notice. fJlUE PAIiTY WHO FOUND a breech loading Rifle at or near the corner c t 5th aud Mulberry Streets, on last Thursday night or Friday morning, will be liberally rewarded by leaving the same at this Office. jun 9 . The State Treasurer, in response to an erquiry from Mr. M., Assessoj- of Wilmington Township; states that the de cision has been rendered that wearing ap parel is exempt i'rom taxattOT- An exchange says that !he only jokes women lik--to read are 'those which, rt flect ridicule on men, aid asserts in proof th it on talking up a paper a woman in variably turns to the marriage column. , We hope ioi a good house to-morrow evening, for the Thalian Amateurs in the nlav they are to! present tVPn "Among the breaker." it a good pieee and will be presented in a very attractive maimer- Nothing exceeds that beautiful calm which stea's over a young man as-he sits in the shade and watches his mother maul a carpet od the clothes line, lie pities her, but he didn't invent carpets. A s-wing machine with a tan attach ment, so that the moti m which keeps the machine running will also create gentle zephyrs to fan the cheeks aud brow ol the fair seamstress, is the latest novelty. We have had a p;efy dry June, thus T Mint Julep I HK FIRST OF THE SEASON I At june 2 JNO. CARROLL'S far, aud this morning's rain was very wel e.uue and vet refreshing. It is the sec ond rain we have had this month, the fiist bavin" fallui on the morning ot I hp L':id o fust. The Sun and me Mars During tbe present month Mercury will be too near the sun to be visible Venus will continue to be the evening star, but will gradually lessen the ap parent distance from its course ot light and beauty, dlara will be near to the new moon on the 23rd, and on the 20th this planet and Saturn can be seen close to each other. Jupiter will rise a little after midnight on the 10th, and about, eleven o'clock p. m. the latter days of the month. Uranus will be uear to the rising moon tn the afternoen of the 24th. Neptune will come into view about an hour after Saturn on the 29tb and 30th. j The summer solstice will occur at half- past 2 p. m. on the 21st, when the sun will reach a higher apparent elevation at noon than on any other day in the year This is owing to the earth beiog inclined to the plane of its orbit, like a top in mo tion leaning towards the floor or level' sur face on which it stands while revolving. This causes a greater amount of heat to be distributed over the earth, and in ad dition to the varying length of the day gives rise to the chaoges of the seasons. In planets like Jupiter and the moon, which rotate with their axis nearly ups right or at a right angle to the plaue of their orbit, the torrid zoue is but a nar row baud. They have uot the benefit consequently of the diffusion of hest which j is produced on the earth by the rays oi the sun falling perpendicularly iu the course of a year over more than one third vo anrfxro. of the i);anet which his Jk Lit'- ev.w X Creator has assigned for the abode of man. , We have been trying hard, awful hard, to get up a new conundrum appro priate to the season, but we hav-3 deo spaired of doiug anything better than ask- in" what the sea wave-ed, what the sea beat, what the sea shell-ed, why the sea side, what the ocean tide or why old ocean roared? A little sou ot Captaiu Walter Coney found a dog badge No. 53, with the col lar attached this morning, and left it at the Treasurer's office in the City Hall, waere the owner can fiad and g3t the same by proving property. If you select Rood and h-Uhy food for your family, you should a'so look to tbe welfare of your Baby. Fjr all troubles of earlv childhood nothing is better than Lfx. Bulla Baby Syrup. 2b ceats a bottle. Racks fer the telephone wirps of the Telephone Exchange are .being placed on the sheds of quite a uufnber of the bntld ings on Water and Front streets. Mr. Angel is making preparatjioua to put lp one hundred instruments in different por tions of the city. Pushlnn Advertising too Far. Bless my soul-'1 said Ool. Crawtord. last Sunday morning. 'This is too bad. ! Here's Bull's Cough Syrup in the Bible! i o.-wr,4 tk off his e Decs, rubbed them carefully and looked again. 'Vec! here in tbe 23d chapter of Isaiah, loth verse, Over 600,000 bottles of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup, W Well, I thought that Bull got everywhere e'ae except in the Bible. Now I'll give it up; it must be a giod thing.' Mrs C caoie in and explained that he had cut the slip out of a newspaper aud put it in her Bible for safe keeping and it bad tttick to tbe leaf. So tbe COoi was satisfied (Sttiuntor, Va, Indicator i Disastrous Fire at Whitakers A Large Portion of the tTown De stroyed . Our correspondent, C, at Whitakers, gives us the particulars of a very disastrous hie which occurred in that thriving little town on Suuday night last, by which a large portion ot the place was destroyed The alarm was first given at 9 o'clock, and the fire raged uutil 12, at which hour a large amount of valuable property was in ruins. It was first discovered in a ten-pin ally, which had been unoccupied for a year or more, and rapidly spread thence to a store owned by J. H. Deal, and occupied by Julius Meyer, thenco, in succession to stare owned by C. K. King, and occupied by Simon Meyer ; store owned by B. T. HymanA Co,and oecupjied byC.B.Braswell & Co. ; store owned by I). W. Brodie and occupied as a saloon by Kichard Tyler; httore owned by J M. Mayo and occu pied by Mr W. E Imonds as a saloon and grocery stordj B. F. Coppiga occu pying one loom as a shoe shop; and store owned and occupied by J. H Cuchm Th:se builditigs, which were all entirely destroyed, com posed one entire block of buildings in the central business portion of the town. Most: of the goods were removed but iu the hurry and confusion of the hour many articles were damaged or destioyed and some, perhaps, were stolen. The mer chants have obtained other buildings for temporary use in which they have stored the goods they saved and have resumed ousiness in a crippled var. Our correspondent wiites: 'J. H. Deal and J. H. Cutchin aie partially insured on their buildings and J. H. Cutchin and Julius Meyer have some insurance on rtock.bu t this is all. The other merchants had no insurance whatever. The loss on buildings is about $8,000 and the insur aiue on'v 3.000. A number of insurance agents are here already. Most of i the merchants were young men just beginning business this year in rented bootSs?, with ut insurance on their stock, and tbe loss falls heavily on them. Many of them will not be able Ut carry ou business unless aided by indulgence or capital. ' Tee bu Hi igs on the opposite side of the street were damaged by heat mud, and water which k-s is covered by i . . In urauce. Calm weather, the etjjeijgy and perserver ence of the citizens of the town and coin muniJy, prevented the f irtiier spread of the dames. i I Too much praise cannot be bestowed i upon the citizens of thle town and the 'country for thereadiuess with which they labored to protect property; and after the tire ail that had housesJ invited the others to food atvl shelter, and none were le!t houseless. Evidence is conclusive that at least in arouud Whitakers much broth erly love and charity exist in the old 1 nd yet." - C- geanee than is generally the hauls of the law ia said, without revelaipg themselves to Littleton aided hi;u to escape through tlieir aid, and that he I'i.l so escape and actually fll iuto thrir hands, a fact wh ch if true would readily account for his no hiving been seen or heard of since But, while this theory is very romantic, t will not hold water iu the face of tbe ittle that is kuowu relative to Littleton It is s dd that Littleton ws a doomed man by disease aud that he was so far gone iu consumption that he could not have had the strength to escape uuaided; but then it is well known that another prisoner escaped at the same time. Littleton was seen but once iu the neighborhood after his escape and that was by a litt'e school girl who knew him well, who declares that she saw him one morning leaning against a pine tree reading a no tice stuck thereon relative to bis escape and the reward offered for his capture Tax Payers and Independent Triers. The tax listors are atill slow in con in up. In this connection we will remind all tho.-r who ir liable to poll tax, whlrh' is tie rase with every male person from tw-ntyjone to filty years (uuleaa special ly exempted by Uw) that the law make it a m sdeineanor puuihable with tine and imprisonment for jvery man who neglects to give in hi poll tax. CoiLl trasting the number, f independent rotera who walk up to i be ballot box at every election in this city, with the number j of polls given in up to this date, it begina to lok as though Mr. Solicitor Moore wi 1 nave a unmher ol cases on his docket to prosecute before tbe next election I takefr lace. I I New Advertisements. Tileston Upper Boom. KMRST PRESENTATION of Baker, pop- ular GonieJj Drama, in two acU, AMONG THE BREAKERS', F KID AY EVENING, 1 !th inst., by the Thilian mattMira. Admiuion 25 cent-. june 9-2t-tnoii-(Q A School History OV NORTH rtAROLINA, FROM 1584 to 1879 Bv John Wheeler Moore, it is a truthful and comprehensive state ment of the whole story of our rise and pro gress as a people All the most important men and facu connected with North Ca elina are set down in this lecird, which begins with the discovery and first settlement ia 1584 aodends with March st, 1879. Anothr sup, lyjust received and f r sa'e at the LIVE BOOK STORE. Superior Court. The Civil Docket was exhausted this forenoon when the Court adjourued unti half past 3 o'clock htis afternoon at which time the State Docket was taken up The first case called being the celebrated one of Lycurgus Wadded, from Harnett township. The defendant a venerable gray-haired, toothless old darkey of tbe old plantation style, was put upon the stand, and his evidence, which, for pru dential reasons, we cannot reproduce here, was sucli that it made it impossible! for Judge and Jury, members of tbe Bar and others who were present to repress smiling, which at times generated! into outright laughter, when Uis Honor, who had caught the contagion himself, would try and maintian tbe dignity of the Court by bringing down his gavel. The exam ination of the witness consumed some fiteen minutes, at the end of which time the Solicitor let the casa of the State rest there aud His Uouor delivered a five miutes charge, when the j ury took the case and retired, returning in about the same length of time with a verdict of not guilty. Pianos and Organs. FROM ALL THE LEADING ManafactUTeri, Sold on the Instalment Plan, at HE1 N.HBhKOER'H, . June 11 Nos. 39 and 41 Market st. IJSE ERKENBRECHER'S Condemned. The steamer -A rrow, which stopped in this port for several days, about three months ago, while en route to Florida, was examined by the inspectors at Jackson ville and condemned. While being tow ed across the flats she sprung aleak and sunk, to we have been informed. Giand Lodge. The Grand Lodge, Kuights of. Honor, will convene in Newberu on Tuesday next-i tbe 17th inst. Dr. W. J. H. Bel limy Grand Dictator, Mr. K. G. Ross, Representative fron, Carolina 'Lodge, and Mr. N. Jacobi, Alternate, will leave this city on Monday, 16th inst. There is to be a general exodus next week of those of our citizens who can afford to spend the summer out ot town Some will go to the 'Sounds, others to Smithviile and sitill otiieis to the moun tains. We are going to wreak our vengeance on cheap excursions and "cheap hungry" fishing expeditions. Xew hoisery for summer wear is made of fine Sea Island coton in cream aud mastic tint, embroidered ou the iustcpa and up the sides with colore embroidery in jardiniere effects. llONTOjtf ! ROYAL tLO$S ! REFINED PliJARlj! Sold by all Druggists OR SHOULD BE Superior ts any Sold in this Market J I iine 12-2t ; To the Simiiiic r Rtsortft OF Western North Carolina BY THE NEW AND ATTRACTIVE SPARTAN BURG ROUTE. Corduroy pfires to correspond with Indications. Wak Department, Office of the Chief Signal Officer. V Washington, D.C., J e 12, 1879. J For the South Atlantic and Ivaat Gulf State nearly stationary p reeeure and tem perature partly cloudy weather and; local Min ar nrobable. with Son hwest to Southeast winds for former district &c A special meeting ot Carolina Lodge No. 434, K. of H., h called to-night. the col r of vour dress are new. We believe there is no change iu the color of the mnuev. The Copeau' or sdaving fnuge is now sujerseding grass fringe; it reaembles a narrow tape crimped), and is sometime curled at the edges like wood shavings. Captain Swift G alloway, State Solicitor for this, the Third Judicial District, arrived in this city last night. 1 The questioa now n, are you going to have a telephone? Dnll aa an old shoe in Magistrate's circles to-day. Wilmington, Col. & Augusta R. H. Passenger Department, , June 10, 187 QOMMKSCINO J UNE 16th, 187f, the fol io ing perfect and contidU'tat Rchedale will be operated over the I SPARTANBURG ROUTE, . br j which Round Trip Tickets, to all promi nent Western North Carolina Excursb a points, will b on sale, food antil November 1st, 1873. Leave Wilmington (by Sleeping Cart to Col umbia) 10.13 f M Leave Colombia .....10.0 A 1$ Arrive at Spartanburg... ............ 3.10 P Mj Arrive at Henderson r die 0.10 P M Arrive at Asberille ..10.20 P M 24 Hours ! Wilmington to ALe villet! T connect with this very attractive scbed- ule, Passengers can leave : Weldoa., 3.31 P sf Wf!son..... 6.40 P M Tarborc. l.00 AM, Newbera Ml A M 'j Oo'd-aoro C.30 P M Matxelia. 0.00 P M Por Tickets, Time Cards, en gag em eat of Bleeping Car accommodations, Ac., Ac, ia qeire of Ag ents at the station named, or of tbe adsislftd A. POPE, 10 Gen. Pas w;r Ageat. ' '8 am

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