The Thil" Revise JOSH. T. Ed. an-1 Prop WILMINGTON. N. C. TdWkJ, JULY 11. 187: The King of Siam's holy guard of Amazons, selected for strength and good locks, eater Lis service at 13 ami quit at Kankakee, Id1.. Las a justice who eat tLem all io tie way of doi.ig up a jLiof mitrinjrjiil splicing with neat and diapi'ch. This is hii formula: Hare er? Yw. .Married; $2 - Ilave ;ts. M. de la;ei pu's the pn sp-ctive cost of IheDarien c .anal at the mild figure cf $-,0'0,Wm. This ariiO nt he dries no. think it wili take more than eight years to pnd. M. de Isvps is sirgulany cheer, ful. When Vint a! re (?id the tak of em baliUns 1 i holy was confided to M. M.tuuard, a cLcia:st, who iuai-teJ upon beiug allowed to retain the brain of the fhilowpLer. At hi ivth he bequeath ed it to bis daughter, who ;ave it to ber ccuflu, 11. I'aul Vtrdier, a barrister. Dyicg in 19Z, hy a clause in his wilV he oflt-rtd the relic to the Frtnch acid em, which declined the Li-quest. A short time 0 the Memphis Ara tanrhe conta'iLed a paragraph stating thatthe'oame of Jefferson David would be presented to the Mississippi Legislature as a candidate for the United States Senate. Mr. 11. A. Bonner, editor of the Panola Star, addressed Mr. Davis a private letter, enclosing vthe paragraph and calling his attention to it. Mr. Davis's reply contains theee words: 'You may contradict it positively and by author ity." Cincinnati has a socMj for the promo tion of matrimony, which was organized two years ago, and has had the support of good people. Its president is a member of the City Council, and all the other officers weremenof local prominence. Over 2, 000 have joined, and there are branches in forty citi' S. ixt month a picnic will be given in commemoration of the second an. nivmary ofthe organization, and on the occasion it is expected thero will be over a hundred couples publicly joined in matri mony. An international convention under the auspices of the King of Belgium and the honorary presidency of the Court of Flan dart is t asmble ia Brussels this year tj discuss the latest advances in the knowledge of Amirican ethnology, phil ology, history, geology, and in fact of everything appertaining to America that is of interest to mankind. 2iew light is expected to be thrown open the discov ery of the North American continent and upon its primitive inhabitants . There are in Europe many students of American history and science, and this will be tneir third congress. Fittsburg is one of the blackest of cities by reason of the sxuokejfroiu its manufac tories ; but a plan is being tested that promises to make it clean. The proposi tion is to waL the smoke, and the way of . doing it is thus described ; The washing it done by passing the smoke through the spray caused by paddle-wheels revolviug in a tank of water holdirg soda ash in solu" tion. The tank and wheels are placed in the Cue between the furnace and the chimney and the wheels being, made to levolve in the direction of the chimneyf tb draught is increased. The smoke al ter being thus treated will not soil a white handkerchief. Railroad managers have generally car ried theatrical and other show com panies at about two-thirds the ordinary rates; but the Philadelphia and - several other lints have announced that here after no redactions will be made. This is a serious matter for show men, inasmuch as nearly all the theatre amusements throughout the country are to bo pro vided next svtason by travelling organiza tions. Last year there were 12 dramatic sad musical migratory companies and at a low figure the railroads were paid over $700,000. One manager - declares that the railroais and hotels received nearly all the money that was taken in the show business. A system of irsuraace fr girls has ex utcd for several generations acocg the Danish notiiity of Copenhagen. A noble man, upon the birth of a daughter, en rolls her carce with the insurance society, paying at the time a fee, and subsequent ly an annnualsura, until ehe reaches 21. She then becomes entitled to a fixed in come, from the society, and to apartments la the large building of the association, which is surrounded by gardens and "a park. Should her father die in her child hood, she may immedla'ely occupy the apartments if she so desires. Should she die or curry, the income and the right to a home both lapse. The plan is Tory advantageous for women leading a single life. T " , i Evidently somebody in the Cape Fear section is put out with j Got. Jarvis North Carolina railway policy. It soems hrd to please everybody, but that com mtinicatioa in thellKviEW is so full of an irtus and prejudice that it requires only an ordinary rni-'d see through it. "We may fiud time to notice5 it brreafrer; in the meantime we would respectfully sue ni sttn our (lip lVr ' friends that this Hht fir 74 North Carolina policy of rail reading, if successful, can . only prove teneGcial to Wilmington, notwithstand ing the fact that the present . aim is to make Newbern and Beaufort an entrepot (jt freights that nw find outlet at Nor folk and- Richmond, and not at Wilming ton. The comments of Brol James on the communication surprise us even more. Surely, our respected cotemporary is on the wrong track. But a' few months ago, and the 'Mtxaenger fought tide by side with Wilmington ugaiust the. Hamlet connection, and in favor of Wil mington. It seems ungenerous, not to say pelfish, to so nooti forget this. But more anon! Goldsboro Messenger. i As we are determined net to lay our selves opn again to jthe charge of being "ungenerous" and selfish," we do here what Bro. Bonltz,' in his , gene rosily and unselfishness forgot to do for us-we pub lish entire what he has had to say. We have said nothing ab uit Goldsboro, eitLur for or against it , nor have! we utteied one word that can jastify tbi interfeience ot the 3wn.7er. We merely took up the cudgels tor our own citv and our own fec- listi, as again! the iw j ist di-c.iniination made aainsi us by our own Governor, and ia favor of a foreign corporation, and we are prepared to fight it out ou that line, not furglting, however, what is due toot'iers as well as to ourselves. We have always held an unusually high regard for our neighbor of the Masstnger, holding, most justly, thai he has rendered services tohis party and hie Mate that can not be too freely acknow ledged or too frankly recognized, and we cannot believe that he would rashly enter upon the de) tense of a system which1 is sure to injure our section of the State to the j ossible and merely prospective j benefit of another, could he under tana thoroughly the facte of the case. That he! does not under stand them is illaiii when he saysithat "this fight for a North Carolina policy of railroading, if successful, cam only prove beneficial to j Wilmington, notwith standing the fact that the present aim is to make New hern aud Beaufortj an entre pot for freights that now fiud outlet at Nerfolk aud Richmond and not at Wil mington. Our friend forgets two m portant facts, which are that the A. & N. C. management do tot take charge of the It. & D. It. It. but that the li. & JL. It. E. takes possession of the A. & L C. R. JR. and that Richmond, is the headquart ers and controlling point of the opera. tions of the Richmond & Danville Road. There is no guarantee, so fir as we can learn, that a line bf steamers is to be es tablished to ply1 regularly between Beau fort, or Morehead City, and New York. The New York and Vllmington steam ers touched last Summer at Morehead and that will probably prove the pro gramme for this summer. Why should the Richmond and Danville R. R. carry freight from Goldsboro, I for instance, to New ber n or Morehead, a distance, -we believe, of less than one j hundred miles, and then give it up to the steamship line when they can themselves carry it all of the way around to Greeasboro and thence to Richmond over their, own line, getting their rates for the entire distance? It is not generally known. : but it is a fact nevertheless that Mr. W. F. Clvde is a I, part owner of the R. & D. R. R. and! if steamers are put on at Morehead it is, therefore, fair to presume that they will be Mr.Clyde's steamers and noi those which the R. & D. R. R. may purchase or char' ter. We venture the prediction, and the Messenger will pleace "make a note ou it," that it will be J long time before there wil! be a line of steamers .plying regular ly between Morehead and iNTew York, and that if ever such a thing dees occur it will not be while the R. & D. R. R. remains in charge ofthe affairs of the A. & N. C. a R.R. A iid evec wero a line of steamer put on at Morehead and frvight carried from Greeiifcboro and Charlotte there for thipmeot we cannot aee bow Goldsboro will be benefitted thereby. In that case, and probably in auy jcade, tinder the V- i D. R. K management, Goldsboro will become bet a way station(with trains running through from .Charlotte to More head. It U possible that the Messenger may live to see the daj when Goldsboro as well as Wilmington may be classed as sold out utMarthis new mucallel vorth Carolina policy.?' j As to the communication, to 'which the Jlrtsenger refer as so .full of "animus and pxejudice," the author of it is well able to take care of ! himielf in a controrersy of this kind and' therefore we do not feel called upon to reply in his behalf. The last survivor of the nieces ' of Sir. Waiter Scott, ot Abbot ford has just passed away at the age of sixtjr-three Mrs. Elizabeth Charlotte Peat, widow of Major Peat, C. B fuf the Bombay Engi neers. R. B. IllYES AT Old point COMFORT. It would-seem tbat.notwithstauding the reports which chronicled a splendid recep tion to Air. Uayes on his recent Fourtb of July visit to Old Point Comfort, tbsre wert sroe rather painful drawbacks to the heartine ol the ovation. He was the ant of u Git;i, th ommaudaut of the p-t aii.l, ! rujijinf, trie military wre bouu'l to Hcrord him the honors di e to the DoMltcn ho occuDled. the waine a ... if he h t d the motft nerlfct ri'ht. bv the voic of th people, to the 'Presidential chair. But there were civilians present, who felt under no such obligation, and who were not restrained by the strict rules of military etiquette, that took advan tage of the occasion to show their proper appreciation of the man and. manner in which e holds office.- To explain we quote from the Portsmouth IXmes, which says: ' "We understand that the fraudulent Presidtxit was greeted ou his landing at old Point ou the 4th. with three cheers for Samuel J TiUen, President elect of the United Siatea. Ibis was a good saiu taiiou lor the man who holds the greatest .mV in thrt United States by the grandest fraud tne w'oild ever witnessed." Probably no man ever has occupied the Presidential chair who has been so thor oughly and deserved ly abused as the pres ent incumbent, aud if his official hide was not as thick as that of a rhinocerous, he would r joice it the day when he shall put his ba.k up ni the White House forever. Instead of this, however, he is working with might aud main to secure a renomi nation. This may be from a desire to oc cupy th chair one term after having been legally and duly elected to the same though we are inclined to the opinion that he would not object to again 'holding the oilice under the same tenure as that by whnh he now draws the salary justly be longing to Samuel J. Tilden. ,He has Iweu nominated a fraud, and a more right, eous and deserving Appellation was never applied. ' , SENATOR LaMAR. i The Courier-Journal says: "No man in America has a sweeter, gentler, more womanish nature than Lamar. He is a dreamer, a poet. He was long a college professor. Just enough of active, pracn tical experience, as a soldier and as a traveller, he has had to give him some what of the knowledge of a politician aud a man of the world. But he makes a poor figure in either character, he is a statesman and philosopher a man of profound convictions and owes his great place in popular esteem to his genius, sustained by physical and moral courage of so high an order that hie enemies re- i meet him. All men. who know him at all, know him to be incapable of premed itated discourtesy or effensive. Known to be a tearless man, he never had a diffi culty or altercation in his life; and noth in? abort of the intolerable insolence of Mr. Conkling could have stung him into the kind of rejoinder which he made." The Cincinnati Enquirer thinks that the next man who is shadowed py the New York police will be poputarly and promptly acquitted. As Cetvwavo is said How to desire peace, it is probable that be wants to take bis family to tne teasnore lor toe summer Puila Chron. One of the adrantages of a rest at the seashore is the fact that you have to pay the highest price for the mean est whiskey. JPmla. Uhron. Tbeftot is the animal that takes the raff off the bush. He will also take in the entire 1 family wash if he is feeling aDy way hungry, Puila Chron. The Cincinnati Commercial wants Cincinnati called j the 'Bologna of America Certainly; aud if that ain't strong enough import a Limbnrger cheese factory, f When a woman challenges another woman's vote in Wyoming there is a scream, a rush aud $18 worth of millinery is raked up and carted away. Detroit Free Press. As the desire of seekers after per petual motion is merely to obtain something that will have a neyer-ceafr--ing revolution, why don't they take Mexico and , be satisfied? Boston Post. A fair-lookirg but demented young woman called at the White House the other day aud wanted the President to marry her. It was Mrs Hayee who sent in a reto this time. Phila. Chron. The Collins House i i On The European Plan. V Corner Front and Bed Cross Street i Near Union Depot J RESPECTS LILLY ANNOUNCE TO my friends and the public that I have opened the above House and am now pre. pared to furnish meals and lodgings. Restaurant open at all hours. Prices low and bed-rooms neat, clean arid airy. -- Special rates by day, week or mouth. ET'Tbe only Restaurant In the city. W. M. COLLINS, oct 20-2taw inthu Proprietor. 1 The wear and tear of business life makes such tremendous drafts upon body a-d mind tbat without recourse to some sustaining agent they must give wy under the pressure. To those who are breaking down, or wasting away from general debility or affections of the liver, stomach and the kidieys, a syste matic course of the Bitters will so reinforce the vital functions as to baffle all the assaults of disease and restore the syntem to its wont ed health. For sale by all Druggists and respectable Dealers generally. july 1-ly dw Sol. Bear & Bros., rpAKE PLEASURE in announcing to their uumiJus friends and patrons that they one f the most complete .and largest stocks of . CLOTHING & FURNISHING GOODS, HATS, Ac, l . ' And that the abore will be sold at lower prices tnau oy any otner House in toe cwy. Call early and get Bargains. jane 17 SOL BEAR A BROS. F. L- BRIDGERS & CO. j . I Wish to notify the public that tho CELEBRATED PAROLE WHISKEY. Will arrive on TUE8DAY, j i Put up in the most oonrenient shaped bot ties, each in a nice little caie, and for the quality of Whiskey sold remarkably low. They are the StfLB AGENTS, juae 30 THE OLD HOUSE. ATT HE OLD ESTABLISHED House of George Myers, 11 and 13 South Front Street, the people of the entire Cape Fear section will find a complete stock o FAMILY GROCERIES of all Hnds, which were purchasedsed ex pressly for this market, aud which will sold at prices to suit the times. i Now opening a fine assortment of Christ mas Goodies to which attention is invited. In Lteuors we defy competition. Our Sweet Mah Whiskey, ' ; i at $3 a gallon, is the best in tne market for the price, and our IDELMONICO CLUB WHISKEY- which we sell at $4, is worth almost double I I the money. Call and see the stock and "SAMPLE when you visit Wilmington. OSORCrlSZaYBRS Family Grocer,ll & 13 S.Front street. dec-7w GAMES. "gASE BALLS, all sixes, and styles and weights. ' The largest assortment ever brought to thii city. Also, Bati and Guides. Croquet. A COMPLETE Assortment, Half and Fall Bets at low prices. Orders from the country solicited, and will i i meet with prompt attention at I PHILIP HEItfSBERGER'S, julj 7 Sob. 19 and 41 Market at. GOTO 1 Pi L. BRIDGERS & GO. FOR ? . i i The Flower or Key West Cigar f ' The Best 10c Cigar in the World. Other Merchants qoit keeping them on ac count of the small profits to be made on them june 30 P. L. BRIDGERS & CO." i I Co to JOHN CARROLL'S BAR, BOOTH BIDE MARKET. Between Front and Water Streets, if you want a first-clftss drink put np in the finest style of the art. Fancy or inks are a specialty at this Bar. Only the best wines, WDukies, Braadis-aml Cigars are offered at this etab- lishaasat. julj 6 Miscellaneous. THB$T SOLD BY SI 500.00 White Sewing Machine UF IN A BOTTLE. The Most Valuable Medical Discov ery Known j to the .World Nu More Use f)r Quinine, Cniomei or Mineral Poisons Life for the Blood, Strength for the Nerves, and Health for AIL AXOrEX LETTEK TO THE PUBLIC BelieTing that br cleansing the blood and building up the constitution was the only true vrv of bani ting dineae and bein troubled with wakne8a of the lungs, catarrh, very much broken down in constitution, &o , and after trying the b-t physicians and f aying out my money tor mty kiDds of medicines advertised without boding a permanent cure, I b gan doctoring myself, using medicines inae from roots and herbs. I fortunately discovered a wonderful bitters or Blood Cleaneer'.the firt-t bottle of which gave me new life and ttigor, and in time effected a perma nent cure. I was free from catarrh, my lungs became strong and sound, beiog able to stasd the taost severe cold and exposure, and 1 have gained over thirty pounds in weight. Feel ing confident that I had made a wonderful discove-y in medicine, prepared a jquantity ol the Root hitters, and ws in the habit of giving them away to sickifnerdd and neigh bors. I found tbe medjeirje effected the most wonderful cures of all diieafes ctu9ed from humors or sdrof in the blood, Imprudence, Bad Stomach, Weakness, Kidney Disease, Torpid luver," Ac, c. The news of my discovery iri this wy spread from ODe person to another until I found' myself called upon to supply j patients with meaicif e tar and wide, and, t was induced to establish a labor atory for dompounding and bojttliDg the Root Bitters in large quantities, and I now d .vote all my time to this business. I I was at first backward in presenting eimer myself or discovery in this way to tht$ pabi!c. not being a patent mediciiie man and wito small capital, but I am getting bravely over that. Since I first Advertisa tbis nieicin- I have been crowded witn orders from drug gists and country dealers, and the hundreds of letters I haye received from persons cured, prove the fact that no remedy ever did so much good in so short a time and bad so much success as the Root Bitters. In fact, I am convinced that they will soon itake the lead or all other medicines in use. Aea.-ly one hundred retail druggists, right here at home in Cleveland, now sell Root Bitters, some of whom have already sold over one thousand bottles. . ' J , Root I fitters are strictly a medical prepar ation, such as was used in the good old days of our forefathers, when people w re cured by some ; simple root or plant, and when calomel and other poisons ,"of the ' mineral kingdom were unknown. ' I They acs Btrongly on the liver and kidneys, keep the bowels regular and build up the nervous system, 'ihey penetrate every part 1 Ifio hnHv flaflriliin nr nnf cxv iitv n ervp bone and tissue from the head to the feet, cleansing and strengthening the fountain pringsjf life, hence they mfftt reach all diseases by purification and nourishment. No matter what your feelings or symptoms are, what the disease or ailment is, use Root Bitters. Don't wait until you are sick, but if you only feel bad or i miserable, use the Bitters at once. It may save your life.. Thousands of persons in all pans of the country are already using Root Bitters. They have saved many lives of consumtives who had been given up byj friends and physi cians to die, and have permanently cured many old chronic cases of Catarrh, Scrofula, Rheumatism, Dyspepsia, and Skin Diseases, where all other treatments had failed. Are you troubled with sick headache, costiveness, dizziness, weakness, bad taste in the mouth, nervousness, and broken down in constitution? Tou will be cured if you take Root Bitters. Have you humors and pimples on your face or skiii? Nothing will give you such good health, strength, and beauty as Root Bit ters. i Sg, I know that jealous physicians will cry humbug because my discovery cores so many of their patients, b t I care not. It is now my desire ( and determination to place my Root Bitters as fast as possible within the reach of all those suffering throughout the world. Sold by wholesale and 1 retail drug gists and country merchants, or sent by ex press on receipt of price, $i00 per bottle, or six bottles $.00. For certificates of won derful cues, see my large circular around each bottle of medicine. Read and judge for yourself. 3aa Ask your druggist ior . merchant for FRAZIER'S KOOr BITTER, the grea Blood Cleanser,and take no substitute ha ma recommend because he makes a large profit G. W. PRAIZEB, ! Discoverer. 338 Superior St.,1 Cleveland O. For sale by J. 0. Munds andT. fc. Burbank, Druggists. march 26th eow-daw The New Bunny South J5' THE BEST AND HANDSOMEST PAPER IN AMERICA. Send for it at Once See Our Club Bates- THE "SUNNY! SOUTH" Is now the mod el weekly of the age. It comes out in an entire new dress and new make-up generally KHiumwMuitiogwiHi i iie ricnest anq spi ciest matter of the day Foems, hisajs Stories, Aews of the Wees:, Wit and Humor Female Ooesip, Domestic Matters, L-tters from all 8ections, Notes of Travel, Puzxiee, Ches, Problems, Hariiages, Deaths, Health A otes, Personals, 8tage Notes, Movement! in Southern 8ocietv, Fahion Notes with Plates, Answers to Correspondents, Bi graphies with Portraits of distinguished men and women, Humorous Engravings, feeneational Clip pings Correspondents Column, Local Mat ters, Railroad Guide, and forcible editorials upon all subjects. Is it possible to makes paper more complete ? Get a conr and ex amine it. It now circulates in all the mates uu Aerniories, ia England, Ireland, Cana da, Australia, Brazil; and the Indian xatir n It is rea ly an honor to the South and . ur people are proud of it, ard every one shouia take it immediately.! The price is only $2.5Q a year. We will send the "SuDny South" aud the Dailt Ksvuw one year for $fi, or, we wih send th Sunny South" and the Wilmikgtos Joua hal one year for $3.50. T The "Sunny South" and "Boys and Girls 3.50, with a large and magnificent pictur thrown ln.Ji Ac dress this office, r IT S Jr a' W- B SEALS, m17 ! 1 Atlanta, fia. . Miscellaneous A SO SIM pip -r-n address: Co. Cleveland, ohio. For Hiv.lih ami IN "'Mire, i iv CeicoritiJil ' u,n orftiiiujj are situated tl T7 o nn i t fi four South of Shelby and fix rriii v i Whitaker's.on tne Air Lin rTk fh lb! eral waters a e -ulohur a d ch 1 vbat" V," .prf.p-rties ot th culphar are irun " ana agnesta i'rop.- ties combined i Ik ,1 "enciai Vt all :i eases. at.d nr..r the obsii ate can-s, manv Lm The chalvbente te waters cann it n ..." having wrought maDy aim 8tlnirieT., cures. Uif These Telebrate-i Springs will be open' i , April, and th prices are in reach of in Ck lng been greatlv reduced thirf season ' V i Bathinir houses, c-oquet grounds," tea Du alley, add other amusements and attractioM ' free for visitors. Hacks rnnnint.frL tak place will meet vsitors at rShflbv or I't ltl aker's on the Air rin.R. R upn (hort5 I Rates or Bo HP. rer d iy... , Per week. I tf::5r $ lis Per month f """iT . 1 20 1 1 - -- ................ Per nii.ntn fnr turn nr tnra . u I 1 Children and servants half price L- f .l i . j 1 ' W. G. PTTKRSOnJ FWr apl 29-dw-13t M'bv, .Nc! Fiiniitur'! FurTiTturfe! L La-gy A.sortuwnt of ' i' -I ,1 I yTALNUT CIIlMBERl SUITS!! I ! to be Bold t the very, bottom prices. ! Walr.ut Wardrobes, Hidebtar-'s, lExteiiM Taf.les, Marble Top Tables, ke., Ac., mr !''' I j as common Chamber Seta, Bedsteads; CLsi j and Rookors of all sorts. Looking Olai i. f I ' Mirrors, PaTlor Suit-, L.-unffea, Shades, I!? . I - I " ' I ding and everything belonging to a Kirit'. "i ' I . I : Class Furniture Establishment. 1 Also, another lot ofthe celeb'ra'ed Jenuiv. i ' , 8tewart Hewing Machines, a reel comfort. 'For sale at - " 1 " , F. A. SCBCTTE'g 26" and 28 Froi.t mA 11 to ' l.'J Dock it. may 20 , Schedule 15 Tax r Xotice1 fTIHE ATTEST! O of merchan and trt- X ders in render cuntj is pn vitedj t tu following extract (rum the Kevenae Laws for 187S: i ; I : . ' Sec 12, Every merchant, jeweler, grocer, druggist, and every other .dealer, who ihjl buy and sell goods, wares or merrhandine.ot whateve" name or description, exceptant) u are specially j taxed eUe where id ihia set, shall, in addition to bis ad valorefti tax onku1 st ck, pay as a license tax one teeth of ooi per centum on the total amonat of purest! in or out of thb Htatb, for cast or fljn crii', whether such persons herein mentioned ib i purchase as principal or through an or commission merchant, J very person mtcci tio; ed in this section sball, within t after the first day of January; acdJuIrp each year, deliver to the Kegister ot l'ef a sworn statement of the total aui"unt oltni purchases for the preceding six u oath-', eirf intr on the 31st day of Deceuber or tbf 'Ott of June Anyagentorc muiinsion luerthsit making such pu-chasrs chill, for hi pi ti pal, make and deliver the statement a bereiu required. Provided, that the ue'rsons tioned ic this section mty make out i vr ing a list of tbeir purchases, and rer h the same before any Justice or the f-act o their county, and return said list to the ister of Deeds ; tbe Kegisler of J)ed? ibil keep ftb .ok in which bhall 6e recojrfled tfe list given into him, as herein required, "! sball furnish the Sherifl'with a cpj pft list within en days after the same areiiT"9 in. It shall be the duty of the SLeriff tiwl lect from every person on the IF t lurnUbw. him by the Register of Deeds the tatj' braced therein. The Keg ister of Deeds sbaJ have power to require the uierchant inakin' his stat ment to nubmit bis books for ? instion to him; and every merchaut ff'hjC to render such list, or reiuniog on demaoot tosubjuit Ihijj bioks for sach exainmtu shall be Ktri'tY of a uiindetneanor, and)Dpj viction shall be fined not more than finyf yr law or imprisoned t ot more thau thirty dtj'. It shall further be the duty of the Keg.ster.oi. deeds lo prosecute every merchant refnf formation and compelling payuuJut of v proper tax. ! ' i 1 , L As will be seen the law allocs me ni dw-j cretion in the matter and I hal! be c mpel' ; to nroaecnte to tha fnll extent of tt? "Uf 1 who fail to comply with i's provisiodc!. I I. H. Baowx, jnne!9 . BeAister of Deads, lndr Corn , Bacon , Mo lasse e 40 000 l!uib Fritna wb,t, c'n, 'oor Boxes D. 8. and"Pin-'kJ 200 Hhds New Crop Cub 6l4M. 350 Bb!.cb.fy.o.i. I : I 1,250 Bbls Freeh Fl-ar, ... . .- i .1 ..A JU f (III anulated A r-atr C, - O 1 h B Coffee,;all grad , 1U inm Tabs Choice Fam: 150 Boxes Tobacco, Tsi ' . r- Half Bbis ad Hoi- In if' ALSO, Potash, Lye, Soda, Soap, riarch' .fl Hoop Iron, Spirit Barrels, Glue,i ': ap aalA nw br ' ! WILLIAMS A MURCHIrilW June IT Wholesale Gro. A Com. Her.