ULTIMA VERITAS. f tl.f MtU-r wavofwoe. ltu and tv-N about ii e kulW-n wtrW that blow t r.'iu V. tie -bore c.I doubt. v n t ! 'i" " iwi uu a-i J . -ill :! ImIWIS 11 i'.i tV t:s'' tLat ouiuot fail. tfw.w that th'hl U r'j;ht. 1, ,t t..r ttT tliBti f.tt. At ! i. fciir thaa a " . k-w whit i oJ-n rHH -' llttt Tt.nt th rulf-r mustWy. I . f tbf tfJirt-rtoliatl iu'-r-a-; li.-tt Itity i hlH tiitf way . or tbe U-MUtiful ft of I'earo, u, t drkft nleM of the year, rr: If- tr have all gone out, . .i o.i.r:- I LtW-r than far, !tfct fitu N truer than doubt. Ar J nrr thuh the flfD'K may I'.ght ius tbouith lhanceU hide, know that rrutliADd Hitrht i;v the unlrrre ou their slie. that Mimcwhfre b-yonil the stars, " Ive tbat U U-tter than Lite; u'l.t-u ill- mulit unlocks h-r bars : ,'...;- Him. and 1 will wait. W a-iiin;ton (ii.AHDi5. Virginia City Enterprise. vre Cordial than Handshaking- To vxcn bailed etch other from the r. tr bauks ol a stream and ex- rLhiiizft greeting-, many friendly ,i i tioi. were pat and answered . t. men were evidently delighted to rnrpteicb otbr, and their only regret . a I a a 1 a 1 re1 10 "e In1 l"e7 encountered ..r. acother at a place where it was inipofHhle for them to clasp and "hake if ilc, the river nui oeicg loruaoie on iccuaot of its swiftness and the rocky td treacherous nature of its channel. while the nearest bridge was fire miles bote. IJjth men lamented these un fortunate circumstances rery much, hnt at length a way of getting oyer .the difficultT huggested Knell to one ol ti.n. whose pet name was 'Broncho L' H." 'I say. Sm! cried lironcno, 'it a a ht'id rough lor old friends and neigh- bora to meet away out here, thous hudi of miles from home, and then L.te to part in thu way. Got yer pis tol with yet? I LtY : critd oam; 'auers carry Ui!' (JooJ! That's some comfort; ef we r-tn't ct-t across this yar stream to frhaVa hans, why, thar's nothin' to i rtttnt u from takin' a shot at each other. Jist ri ie up to yer left thar a rod cr two. Thar, now, jist one good tH neighborly home shot! The men roile at-ide, and bng! bang! weet their pistols. 'Kr ercupbeti tnc pummel ol my saddle, cried 13roucho"i jcr 6ee the Lcfs PLitd a little jist vt r turned Ko, or ytr might a plumped me glOd.' You dene better. Bill ; you got into the tleh of mr loft arm boat ball an inch. Good morniDcr to yer. a safe u nmey to xer, and tell tlw folks at Lc t ie e met and had a jjood, lociable liD' together ! . Thunk-'yer. and the Fame to rcr he I'll give ww am m a gotrd account ol Jou. fcamthrn turned to our friend and. w:"a tet rs iu his ejef, eaid : 'God bhrstim! It is a great comfort to 131 an old triehd and neighbor like Lira awny out iiere in this wilderness j ttu'i. A kinder, more accommoia tie ami agneable gntltman never hved. I wouldn't a mif-std seein' I iu lot $00 ! The Sun Dance- A It iter received at the Interior Drptrtuient, Wushiugton, from Dr T Wfodbridge, physician at Fort Peck p-ticy, gives a minnte description of the f uti dacce as given by the 8ioux nar Poplar river, Montana Territory, a fortnight ago. About five thousand Iudians were present, and tho perfor xmtLce was kept up 2G successive hours, daring which the Iudians fea-tvd ou 40 d.g?, large qumtitits of bntfilo meat; and, in lact, all the delicacies of the reason while the par ttcipanta in the dance subjected tUniselves to the moot horrible varietitt of torture, such as bavirg bnHalo heads suspended from 6lie cut in their fleh, the weight of hiob constantly increased the lacera tion, borne of the braves fainted un dtr the toi tare and nuuy had from W to 'JCO pieces cut out of the living tlesh. Others agiin were held to stakes, about which they were, forced to dance, by cords fastened to their backs, Tha performance lasted all mght, and was varied by occasional rrayers to the Great tipint, with their faces on the buffalo robes, for suocess at the chase. The dance took p!ace in a sort of theatte or areua 150 feet in diameter, and enclosed by poplar and wi:ow branches. During the first six months of 1ST!) the death announced in the obituary columns of the Philadelphia Ledger ci peraocs who bad lived to or beyond the advanced ee of eiehtv Tears num bered 126, of wtiom 153 were men and J women. During the correspond ug ca;i year ox 15 1 a the deaths were '.railarly recorded of 127 men and 204 Jfoiaen, a total of 331. Lmnng the half year just closed these records give the usual proof of the observation that more women live to the ripe age of tigbty than men, the female octogena rians outnumbering the males by a Urge percentage. A farther analysis also shows that the women were the beyond nicety are morenumercus than the men. whi co doubt ia owiDK t tbo 'ct tfat women are better than men aud live a much more sober axd natural The PLiUdelphia IWa says that on the 4thnotoneofS2En2!Uh vessels at that port displayed an American flag, - Bsrllafton Hawkeye. ObeTlni Oders. lie was weep id g sotL'y as ; ne came out to join his companions; a peculiar twitching of his xnurclea and the care ful manter of his gait was painfully apparent to the toys; they had been there and understood the whole busi ness, s ! Been gett;n' a Hck:n Bee?' asked several sym path tica'ly. Yes .murmured , hr; I got licked forobeym oidera.j J Disobeyin you mean. 'Hot fur obeyin , I tell ye, he pro tested; then seeing their looks ol ia credulity. he made this explanation : 'When I were a comm" into the house my boots were as muddy as blazes, and mother had just been scrnbbin' the floor; says she, fNow, Ben,' y on better walk right over the floor with your muddy boots 'Any thing to oblige yon says I. So I walked across the room, and she lit on me like' a cat on a mou'e, and tho way she toted me around the house waa a cantioa. I won't obey orders a ay more Headquarters for Ale, Lager Beer and Porter, n. caucus &. aoiva, t No. 6 Market -Street c IAN FURNIaiHJVOU WIT11,TUE BESl Ale, Laer Bde' and ForUr, both keg and bottled, in tha city. Country order promptly attended t Steamer j PassDort, lAJT. J. W. HARPER, I IS! Will reanme SUNDAY TRIPS TO SMITH YILLE, April 27,weather i permitting. Dally Trips as, uiul. Leare Dock at 9.39 A. M. a;l 23 GEO. MYERS, Agent. 11, 13, 16, JSo. Front St. DevilecLHam- POUND PACKAGES, ONLY 75 Cents. PICKNICKERS and EXCURSIONISTS, as well aj Housekeepers, will1 find this the uort delightful as well as the cheapest Deli, cacy erer offered. ! , UEUKUE MY tKH, Ol9 Agent, Our Sweet Mash Whiskey;i , WE GUARANTEE THIS' WHISKEY sold at $3.00 per eallon, better tban anr Whiskey sold in the market at $5.00 per gauon. i We inr ite rp-cUl attenti on to the we.- I L..IIIH v.- .- r... j j.i . . . mm I Wholesale Buyers yiLL DO WELL TO EXAMINE THE LARGEST AND CHEAPEST STOCK OF, GROCERIES ever oifered in the State, at the LOWEST PRICES. jane 20 GEORGE MYERS. PARTICULAR NOTICE. ! IJ HAVE NOW AND ALWAYS ON ianl a very firw lot of both Chewing i and sniokmg lobaccfts. The celebrated "HEIRESS OP VIR GIN I A." "GRAVELY" and the "ELDO- AIJO," are my principal Chewing Tobac- j The Old Reliable, TRIDE OF DUR HAM," Original Genu i no "BULL DUR- IAM, and tiie "GUJjD jjjSAr," are my rinoipal Smoking Tobaccos, which I can sell at very low prices. xx. jjtjuxixxxzvxiixi, No. C, Market St., Wilmington, N. C. dec Ivr 1 Thoi. H. WcKoy, Bobt H McKoy ATrOXLX?Z212'S-AT-ACT WILMINGTON, N. C. Office North side Market.' street, betwee Second and Third streets. :an 27-tt t Theodore Joseph, Corner of Hareett & Baliaburv Sta.f i ' One Corner. West Ealeigb National Bank. BALEIG fl,N,'C. I I i Board by the day or on tha European plan HttiWaeiion gurranteed ia erery particular My bar is supplied with FincLe's GoMen Wedding, 1870, Gibton'a 1871 Rye, Pfeiffer A and C, and maar more of the Fines brands of Rye and Kentucky Bourbon. ectlStf i I f I JVE W S UPPL Yi I OF THE POFULAR P-B-I-N-C-I-P-E Cigars. Sold onljr by jaae.M P. U BRIDGETS & CO. To Ibe Summer Resorts OF Western North Carplina BY THE NEW AND ATTRACTIVE SPARTAN BUBG'ROUTE. I ' . ! '"-'.-.-riv VYiLMixoiox, Col. & Augusta B. Rt i " , l t Pas?kxokr Depabtment, June 10, 1879 ' QOMMKtfCINO JUNE 15th, 1879, the foK lowing perfect and eontinaona Schedule will be operated orer the SPARTANBURG ROUTE, by which Ronad Trip Tickets, to all promi nent Western North Carolina Excursion points, will be on tale, good until Norember lit, 1879. Leare Wilmington (br Sleeping Can to Col- umbial 10.13 P M Leave Columbia...; 10.30 A Arriraat 8parUnbu-g 3.10 P Arrire at nenderBonrille 6.10 P ArriTe at ABheTille .L.10.20 P I i 24 Hours ! Wilmingtonlto Aiheville ! To connect with thi yery attractire ached- i ule, Passengers can leare : Weldon 3.32 P M a Wilson 5.40 P M I Tarboro 10.00 A Newbera 5.41 A M M M M Goldeboro... ...... ....M 6.3S P I Martolia , 8.00 P I For Tickets, Time Cards, engagement of Sleeping Car accommodations, Ac, Ac, in- quire of Agents at the stations named, or of the undersigned. i A. POPE, f i Gen. Passenger Agent. june 10 THE NEW YORK WEEKLY HERA IDs JAMES GORDON BENNETT. Prop'tor. The Best and Cheapest Newspaper Published. Postage Frea. ONE DOLLAR Per Year, 1 i SO Cents Tor Six Months, An Extra Copy toerery Club of Ten. i " - . i New York Herald ( Published erery Day in thelYear. Postage Free. $10. pajs for one year, Sundays included. 8 oars for one rear, without Sundays. I . . V .1 Li J 1 J J PJ' r mo" 3 i wSa: l tiara for six months, witnout nuaaars. i m ' v. n fvw afi n wAi Trtr mrtv Bnel rlArl nm.w iT " fmJ J v J j toe weex. $1 pays for six months for any specified day or the weex, $lper month (inclading Sundays) will be i charged on subscriptions for a less period than three montns. TO EUROPE Including Postage. Daily v$17 30 WeeklrfEuroDean Edition! 4 00 Weekly (Domestic Edition) 2 0( NEWSDEALERS SUPPLIED, Postage Free. Daily Eaition...Two and a half cts. per Copy Sundnr Edition Four eta. per Copy. Wpnklv Editinn Two eents Der Codt N. b. ot less than 5 copies mailed to newsdealers at wholesale rates. We allow no commissions on subscriptions Daily Edition. Address, L NEW YORK HERALD, inch 19 Broadway and St. Ann N. T. Rooms and Board. VERT FINE ROOMS AND BOARD can be furnished to families, couples, or sin gle persons, on farorable terms for tne Hum mer. at tbe p'easant and eonrenient dwell ing on the corner of Front and Mulberry streets. Both transient, permanent and day board ers accommodated at moderate prices. For particulars enquire of MRS.L. BOUOINOT, June 14-tf Cor- Front and Mulbeiry sta Tlio !ffl1inii!iirA P. H. O'BRIAN, of San Francisco, Calffr says : "Herald Uompoand la tne best Cement for broken wares 1 erer saw. I bare articles mended with it that stand as good as before they were broken." Sold by all drug gists and country merchant!, or f your drug gist hasn't cn't it. nor wont aend for it atnd 25 cent for a bottle to JNO. T. PATRICE", 8ole Man'fr, r39-ot Wadesboro, N. G Visitors to Smithville AT7ILL find the best liquors, Wines, Beer and Cig ars at my place. Tbe celebrated Delmonico and Blue Grass Whiskeys, Dry Wines, Champagne and Mi 1- wauxee ueer always on nana, oirainei ana Pickets for conrenience of excursionists, at J. D. DAVIS', Jaat back of Garrision. june 30- THIRD LOT OF rRGUINETTES IN TO-DAY, REM EM- ber tbat EVEBY BODY, whether they hare aa air for music or not can, play the most difficult pieces. Price $10 and I $15, at TATES BOOK 8T0RE and PHOTO 4 BOOMS. I Erery thing in the BOOK and STATION ERT LINE. BLANK BOOKS made to or- der at short notice. jaly T. IliscellaneoTiB. YELLOW FEVER -BLACK VOMIT It Is too soon to forget the rarages of this terrible diseue, which w.ll no doubt return in a more malignant and rirulent form in the tail montns or 1679. MiaatLL's BEPATiirs, a Remedy discorered iu nvuMicra j.1 UU1 IDQ USea Wltn flUCtl WOD aertui results in South America where tbe most aggraratea cases of farer are found causes irom one t two ounce of bile to be Altered or strained from the blood each time it payees through the Lirer. as lonr as an ex cetaofbil exists. By its wonderful action on the Lirer and Stomach tha hepativk not only prerents to a certaintr any kind of f" auuoiaca vomii, out also cures Ilead- acne, wnstipation of the Bowels, Dyspepsia auu iu uaiariai uifcages. No one need fear Yellow Ferer wbo will eipeltDe Malarial Foiaon and excess of bile from tne blood by uing Mxekkll's Hipatisi, which is sold by all Druggists in 25 cent and 1.C0 bottles, or will be sent by exoreeibr the rrupnewn, a. r . M KLli A UU., i Philadelphia, Pa. i - Dr Pemberton's Stillinffia or Queen's ! Delight. ibe reports of wonderful cures of Rheumatism, Scrofula, 8alt Kheum, Syphi- us, iancer, ulcers and Sores, that come from an narts ot tne country, are not onlr remark able but so miraculous as to be doubted wer it not tor the abundance of proof. Remarkable Cure ef Scrofula, &c. CASE Of UUL. J. C. BRANSON. Kihqstoh, Ga., Sept. 15, 18T1 i etenu: jror fix teen rears I Hare been a great sufferer from Scrofula in its most dis tressing forms. 1 hare been counted to my room and bed tor fifteen y ars with scrofu lous ulcerations. Tbe most approved reme dies lor eucn cases had bren used, and the most eminent physicians consulted, without any decided benefit. 1 hus prostrated, dis tress o, desponding, l was adrised by Dr. yer, of Floyd county. Ga.. to I commence the use of your Compound Extract Stillingia language is as insufficient to describe the re lief I obtained from the use of the ftillintria as it is to convey an adequate idea of the inj tensity of my suffering before using your medicine: sufficient to ear. I abandoned all other remedies and oontinued the use of your Extract ot nuilingia, until I can say truly. "1 am cured of all pain." of all disease, with nothing to obstruct tbe active pursuit of my profession. More than eight months hare elapsed since this remarkable cure, without any return of the disease. For the truth of the abore statement, I re fer to any gentleman in Bartow county, Ga-, and to tne members of tne bar of Cherokee Circuit, who are acquainted with me. I shall eyer remain, with the deepest gratitude, 1 our obedient servant, J. C BRANSON, Atty at.Law. A MIRACLE. West Poiht, Ga., Sept. 16, 1870. Gents:. My daughter was taken on the 25th dar ot June, 1863, with what was supposed to be Acute Rheumatism, and was treated for the same with no success. In lb arch, follow ing, pieces of bone began to work out of the right arm,1 and continued to appear till all the bone from tbe elbow to the shoulder joint came out. Many pieces of bone came out of the right foot ana letr. The case waa then I pronounced one of White Swelling! After having: been confined about six years to her bed, ani the case. considered hopeless, I wast induced to try Dr. remberton "s Compound Extract of Stilliogia, and was so well satis fied with its effects that I hare continued the use of it until the present. My daughter was confined to her bed about six j eats before she sat up or eren turned over, without help. She now eiU up all day, and sews most of her tire has walked across the room. Her sreneral health is now good, and I beliere she will,' as her limbs gain sti-ength, walk well. I attribute ber recove ry, with the blessing of God, to the use of joifr in valuable medicine. With gratitude, I am, yours truy. W. B. BLATUN. Wist Potht, Ga., Sept 16, 1870. Gents: The abt ve "certificate of Mr.W. B. Blanton we know and certify - to as being true. The thing is bo; hundreds of the most respected citizens will certity to it. as mucn reference can be given aa may be: required. Tours truly, CRAWFORD A WALKER, Druggists. HON. H. D. WILLIAMS. a DR. Pemberton's Stillingia is pre pared by A. F. Merrell A- Co., Phila., Pa. Scld by all Druggist in $1.00 bottles, or sent by express. Agents wanted to canvass everywhere. Send for Book "Curious Story" free to all. Medicines sent to poor people, payable in instalments. may 28 CEO. P- ROWELL & CO. Newspaper Mortising Agency. For Ten Cents : One hundred page Pam phlet with Lists ofNewspapers And Adrer Using Rates. , For Ten Dollars : Fjut linej Ixserted ona . 1 week In Three Hundredand Fifty Newspa- pera. IO Spruce I St. N. Y may 23- P. IT. Bridgers & Co., "Yy ILL HATE TO BEG THE Indulgence ofthatmbliefora few dars. as the! demand for tbe GOLDEN BULK FLO UK baa been greater than they could aupply t june so Miscellaneous. TEACHERS f to $100 or $100 pr Month during Vacation; For full particulars, address J.C. MoOUKDT A CO., Ph'iadmpbin, I'x. june lb-4w I DEAR1 SIR i . Please write for large Illustrated ? I Catalogue of j Rifles. Shot Cuns. Revolver. Addree Great w ei tarn Gun Works, Pitts burg, Pai. tv. june lt-iw SANFORO'5 The onlr combination of tbe true Jamaica ! linger with choic Ar 'o ma tics ard French Hrandy for Cholera Morbus, Cranps and Pins, Diarrhoe aud dysentery, Dspepsia, JAMACIA Flatuleicy. Want I of j Tone aaa Activity in 'the Stomach and How and avoiding the ,'dangers of Chang) I of ! Water, Food and Cll--nate. Ask for ( GINGER. anford's Jamacia Cineror. june iMw , , LAME BACK BENSON'S CAPCINE PORUS PLASTER lis for lameness or weakness of the back, Kheumatsm and all local aches and pains. the best remedy known. It was invented to overcome the slow action of the ordina ry rorus Jflaster. it relieves pain atfl ionce, and cures wnere ntner piasters will not eren relieve, hold everywhere by Druggists, Price 25 cent?. june 18 ..I PIANOS $125 ii' V!fli an1 all atvloa inelnriinir CirnnA Rnnira and Uprigbt, all strictly1 fiest class, sold at the lowest nht cash wholxsali factost prices, direct to the pcbohaser. These Pianos made one of the finest displays at the Cen tennial Exhibition, and were unanimously re commended for the Hiqhk8T Honob8 orer 13,000 in use. Regularly incorporated Man ufacturing Co. Factory established orer 36 years. The Square Grands contain Mathu- shek's new patent Duplex Overstrung Scale, the greatest improvement in the history of Piano making. The Uprights are the finest in America, rianos sent on trial, uon t fail to write for Illustrated and Descriptive catalogue of 48 pages mailed free. ' MENDELSSOHN PIANO CO., apl 7-6m 21 East 15th street. N Y ! A GOOD PLAN I l! , A N YBODY can learn to make money rap XX idly operating in Stocks, by ithe "Two Unerrine Rules for Success", in Messrs. Law rence & Co. 'anew circalar. 'Ibe combination method, which this firm has made so success ful, enables people with large or small means to le p all the benefits of largest capital and best skill. Thousa ds of orders, in various sums, are pooled into one vast amount and co-operated as a mighty whole, thus securing to eacb enarecolder all tne advantages of tbe rge8t operator. Immense profits are divi ded monthly. Any amount, fr m $5 to $5, 000, or more, can be used successfully. N. Y. Baptist Weekly, September 26th, 1878, says, "By the combination system $15 would make $75, or 6 per cent.; $50 pays $350, or 7 per cent : $100 mates $1,000 or 10 per cent, on tne stocx, during tne momn, according to the market." Frnk Leslie's Illustrated Newspapers, June 29th: "The combination method ot operating: stocks is toe most suc cessful everadipted " New York Indepen dent. Sept. 12th: "The combination system is founded on co-rect business principles, and no person need be without an income while it is keDt working by Messrs. Lawrence A Co, Brooklyn Journal, April 29th: "Our editor made a net pront ot $1U1.25 irom Tfi in one of Messrs. Lawrence A' CO.'s combinations." New circular (mailed free) explains eve y thine. Stocks and bonds waated. Govern ment bonds supplied. Lawrenci & Co Bankerd, 57 Exchange Place, N. Y: may TJ 1 $ 1 500 TO $6000 a year or 5 j to $i:u a day in you own locality. No risk. Women do as well as men. Many make more tban tbe amount stated above. No one can fail to make money fast. Any one Can do the work You can make from 50 cents to $2 an hour by devoting your evenings and spare time to the business. It costs nothing to try the business. Nothing like it for money mak ing ever offered before. Businfss pleasant and strictly honoable. Reader, 11 you want to know all about the best paying business before the public, send us your address and we will send you full particu lars and private terms free ; samples worth $5 also free; you can then make up your mind for yourself. . Address GEOKUE STINSON& CO., Portland, Maine, june 7-d&w A Sure (Jure for Piles. A SURE CURE for the blind, bleeding, itching and ulcerated piles has been dis corered by Dr. William (an Indian remedy), called Dr. William's Indian Ointment. A single box has cured the worst old chronic cases of twenty -fire and thirty r ears'etanding. No one need suffer fire minutes after apply ing this wonderful soothing medicine. Lo tions, instruments and electuaries do more barm than good. William's Ointment ab sorbs the tumors, allays the intense itching (particularly at night after getting warm in bed), acts as a poultice, gives instant and painless relief, and is prepared only for Piles, itcbin g of the private parts and nothing else. 32, I consulted physicians in Philadel phia, Louisville, Cincinnati, Indianapolis and this city, and spent hundreds of dollars, and found no relief until 1 obtained sr box of Dr. William's Indian Ointment some four months ago, and it has cured me completely." I JogiPH M. RtdxbI, Cleveland, 0. 'Has done me more good khan all the medi cine I ever tried, and 1 t ave rpent more than $100 wita doctors, besides medicines I am cure cost me morthan $40." E i Da Tin SrAELise, Ingraham, II'. "Hare suffered twenty years with itchicg and ulcerated piles, haring ued eTery reme dy that came to I my notice ! without benefit until 1 1 uaed Indian Ointment and received immediate relief. " J Jahxs CiRaoL, (an old mi er) I Tecoma, Ner. No PUe Remedy 1 eTef gained such rapid favor and ex ten si re ; sale. old by all wholesale and retail druggibts. For sale by .J. C. Munds and T. 8. Bur bank, men 20 eow-dAw Mint Julep 1 fjmZ FIRST OF THE SEASON I , 1 At" ' " ' Xr-.' - j jane 2 J JNO. CARCOLL'S f 1 NEW Rail Road Linos, &c. WILMINGTON & WELDON RAILROAD COMPANY; Orrif? or n PrraanrrvwuvirT I WUmirvton, N. a, Juie 13, CHANOEOF SOUEDUL, On and after Sunday, Jane 13th, Passenger trains oa the Wilmington A Wei. don Railroad will run as follows s DAY MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAIN, da 'r. Leare Wilmington, Front St. Depot ) . at... L 7 10A M f"1 We,dca at"" I l 10 P m Leare Weldon ..... S 32 P at Arrire at Wilmington, Front St. Depot at........... J. WIGHT MAIL AND EXPRESS THA DAILY. I Leare Wilmington, Front St, Depot at. ...:..J.L Arrire at Weldoir at..-.......ii. Leare Weldon, Arrire at Wilmington, Front St. DepOt itHMHMIIHmHllllMMH s.40 r v 3 tO A V. Trains on Tarboro Branch Roi Rocky Mount for Tarboro at 6.00 P M dully and Tuesday, Thursday and Satuix ay at 4 :u0 A M. Returoing, leave Tarboro at lOtOC A M daily, and Monday. Wedneadavl ato Friday at 8:30 P M meuar Train makes close eon necti on Ht Weldon for all points North ris bar Lin aauy. (except Sunday l and dally, ria Hich mond and all rail . route . 1 I 1 Night train makes close connections at Weldon for all points north ria! Richmon l I Sleeping Cars attache-! to all NLglit Traln JOHN F. DIVINE, General Sudu june 13 Cen'ISup'ts Office! WILMINGTON, COLUMBIA AtfD AU GUdTA RAILROAD CO. rVllmlngton, N. C, June 13, It 7 OHANQE OF SCHEDULE, On and after Sunday, June 15, the fol lowing schedule will be run on this road: DAY EXPRESS AND MAIL TRAIN, dally. Leare Wilmington. J 9 05 AM Arrire Florence........."....... 1 25 P M Leare Florence... 3 bit P M Arrive at Wilmington 8 ,i0 P i NIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN (DaUyL Leare Wilmington......;.. 10 13 P M Leave Florence...... ;.....J.'2 5) A Ml Arrive at Columbia. . 9 00 A M Leare Columbia. M 6 CO A M Leare Florence.;........ ; Ui AM Arrire at Wilmington 6 60 A M 1 i This Train sto cs only at FlemJng'tpn, Bluff, and Marion. 1 1 " . 1 I Whiterille, Fair Passengers for Augusta (ria Columbia) , should take Night Express Train i from W J1 minrton. t t W Through Sleeping Can on nigh t train a for Charleston and Augusta. " , JOHN F. DIVINE, General Supt. ' june 13 5. &s&hr2d U39l CAROLINA CENTRAL RAILWAY1 CO. Orrica Gihxkal ScTaarnraanxHT, Wilmington, N. C, Mya8. 1879. Change op Schedule. V rTi AND APTKR TTTIH h rY.llnwJ V. ineBcbeduIe will be operated1 on tb's Railway : i i Passenger. Mail and Express! Train. ' 1 Leare Wilmington at.... 7:00 P M Arrire at Hamlet at. J:17 A M " at Charlotte at.... e:20 A M( Leare Charlotte at........fi:25 P h) 2. Arrire at Hamlet at. 1:31 A M No. No. I) " at Wilmington at 9:f 0 A M Close connection made at Hamlet, with trains of Raleigh A Augusta Air Line. Rall- Shelby Dirision Mail, Freight A Passen.er I and Express. Vn'o 1 Leare CharIotte.........M....8:40 A l 0m V'S Arrire at Shelby.... 12:3D P( M v i! 1 Leare Shelby.. 1:16 P Ml J Arrire at Charlotte... 6:051 P V. W f 0HN8ON, may 17 - General Superintendent. M Sale of Land in Pender County, v BY VIRTUE OF A MORTGAGE exe-1 cuted to Sol Bear & Brothers by J. R. Moore and II. J. A. Moore, bis wife, on the 3d day qi November 1877, which mortgage is dujly recorded in Book D, or, the records ot Deed) of Pender County, ' pages, 41, 42 and 43, to secure the payment of a certain sura of money therein set forth, we will on Wednesday, the 23d day ofj July; on the premises in Rocky Point Township in the County of Pender, offer for sale at public auction, for Caah, the fol lowing tract of land adjoining the lands r f S. S. Satchwell and others, and bounded as follows : beginning on the Creek at the upper corner of the tract of land known as lot number 1 of the A. L- Moore, deceased,; lands and runs thence North ;C5 West 2')'i poles, thence North 20 West IK) poles, up Clear i Water branch to the bill, thence North 4 East 52 poles to Bant iDg' Cor ner, thence South 08 East SO poles ' to a Pine, thence South 53 East 252 poles to the run of Turkey C3e4r, thence down Tur key Creek to the " beginning, contain big I 241 acres more qr less. I ' I SOL. BEAR & BROTHERS.! ' june 23-law4w-mon I i I j CHAS. KLEIN, (' Unlertater ail Catinet Mer, " l ! ' ' Ko. 24 South front Street, WILMINOTON, N. C. I ' I .. I A fine aarcrtment of Coffina and Cart keta constantly on hand. Furniture Repaired, Cleaned and Varnished. Orders by tele' graph r mail promptly filled. jaa IS' A Young Man Wanted. A TO D.N G MAN with a little j - . I ; money can secure permanent ana desirable employ meat, or profitable btuioeai Ia tie city, by addressing immcdiatelr, through PoatofUce june 14 J. E.ZVT ; Dealer. 2 13 A Mj k 45 k A id lne j I