riuouxi. 11 c internal rcft'tine receipts ftt lUJeigb on Tuesday treie $238,41. Old bouJa to the amount of 123- 400 were nerved at the State Treas ury at lU'.ftgh for pxebange on Wed nesday last. Dr TheophUni H M.nt. of Char otte, died in that city ou Wednesday rening at 6 o'clock. Gov Jan-is and ex Gov Vacce leave t...:-u n.d.r snnff the salt air to- X b IS " va j - gether at Beaufort for a few days. Goldbore Mul: We hear of fi ne raina in v&riotn nectiooa of the Mate. Id this locality, at Wilaon and Kockj Mcnnt it u very dry and hot. Greensboro Patriot: Forty convict? will ariive to-tight frura EaleigU to be tut to woik with those now em plotrf in grading on the railroad near here. Grrer.fboro Fain t: Mr II U Tate fowed 15 bufbcli 'German Amber hrt and realized 570 bushel, heaped mearnro. Fvi fecre yielded loO bush els, wf-igbiog CtJ piuutU to the bushel. Qt Idebcro Mail: Captain L W V.ck of New York, own some town 1oh i'u Slma, upon which he rntd 2C0 buabfcU of wheat this J ear. Shelby Aurora: This section of the country was suited by refrjshicg raiua Ut Sunday aud Monday. The corn and cotton crops are looking better and the farmers are rejoicing. Ilalrigb hcrrtr: The Presbyterian Church at Norwood, Stanly' county, X C. will b dedicated on the fourth Sabbath c f July, at 11 o'clock a m. Ser vices to begin on Friday before. Raleigh Opener.' Judge Eure was better yetttrday, but was still confiu ed to Lis room: The chances are thai Le will be able to hold ourt to-day, much to the delight of uuitore and the regrt of crimioa a. lU!eigh 0!$entr ; The amouut of oil boi.d uarreudtrtd at the State Treasury isr which nw boud have beeniued, w $2 181,100. Ij this are embrtc-d bond of rhe Mveral ix:Lfngtab!e at It per crnt and 15 pt-r cent. Weldoo Xtus: For tho year 1876, Ilhtx rone iv lifted S-l"53 net in Lxiues aiJ protlta. ud S-iS 418. on baud mid on drpit. Tbij i a Kood show iii?for tbtc b ird Urn, icd it con clusive that the wort is pat and good ticita are m the near future. Tarboro Southerner : Col G W Il&mrmuoad died iu ltocky Mount ou 4.h in-t, in tb 13'h year of his age. Ha was Colonel of the lath uegimeut N C istate Troops in the war, Mayor of Kocky Mjtm! for several terms and a Jo.-tice of thf Feae for EJgt-conibe at the time ot his death. Fan.irrvi Mechanic: Mr S G Worth, undr instruction from His Excel lency the Governor and tho Com raistioner. bns located a permanent Hatchery at Morgnntoa for the artifi cial propagation if Fish. Experience demonstrate J tho uutitness of the location at Swannuna Gap, where it Las been operated for the past two season, hence the chaog. Waihin-ton tret : Meetings are being held atthedirent points along the line for the purpose of matin arrangement! for the completion of the Tarboro YiI:iamton lUtiroad. Committees on subscriptions wore ap pointed at each pUci. All tho peo ple along the line cecca enthusiastic. Enon-h croa-lies and bridge timber veil! be subtciioed to build the entire line. Work will commenced soon. Farmer and Mthcanic : The wheat crop has been harvested in fine condi tion. The quintity has. been rarely trcelled if equalled, while the yield has been line throoghout the State. The Commissioner earnestly requests correspondenta-and others to report i xtra yields of wheat or other crops, with ench other faeta as would be of interest to our farming community. IUleigh Obsertcr : At the annual meeting of the stockholders of the A T Jfc O ii It. held in Statesville last Tnurfday. Messrs W It Myers, A B Springs, T J Morc, M M. Orr, O A Carlton, E B Drake and J II Raid vere elected Directors, Messrs O L Summers and J L Brown were appoint ed a Finance Committee and Dr J U McAden, C A Carlton and J 11 McEl wee a Comaittee on proxies. Subse quently the Directors elected Col W It Myers President and J J Gormley, Eq, Superintendent. Charlotte Observer : Mr Kbyne, the owner, and Mr Kicbards, the ies tee, of the Dully mine, in Gaston ooun -ty, were in the city last eyeniog, with glowing accounts of the mine. The recent suepension of operations was ciused by the necessity which arose fur ainkiog a now shaft in order to gtt rid ox the foul air in tne mice, n( sdur this. cusin? a delay of twen ty days, the mine is beiu again operated wito a mil xorce ana witti better prospects than ever before. The amount received for toll last mouth, when the mine was not rnn more than fifteen davs not. however, from want of ore would pay 8 per csut on $15,000 or 18,000. tUleich Ohsirvcr: The Governor baa anoointed the following centle men directors of the KORU on the part of the State: C M 13 as bee, State Proxy; Gm It F Hoke, WFKornegay, Dr Pride Jones, Grange; John A Gil mer, Kerr Craige. Arnistead Barwell, John Ii Morehead and Donald McRie Dr Pride Jones Stakes the place of Maj John W Graham, who was elected by the directors trustee of tbe sinking fund of the K C it It to succeed ltev N Ii D Wilson, and Col John A Gilmer tak tbe plac of J alius A Gray, the President of the Cape Fear and Yad kin Valley Itoad. The old B jard was in se&sion yesterday at Charlotte and the stockholders meet to-day in tbe same place. They will choose four directors oa their part and the uew IJoard will meet immediately commercial' news i j Raleigh Observer : Judge Enre haa rendered his decision in the now oele fcrated and carefully watched school bill casg. He decides that the manda mus isauo to compel the President of tbe Seuat aud the Speaker of the Uoue to tign the bill known as. the school bill, but that the S-cretary of State cannot be compelled to receive the bill until it is itigned. The de fendants and pla-ntiffs prayed an ap peal to the Supreme Court and the appeal was granted.! The Supreme Court will bear fhe case at this term WILMINGTON MARKET 1 JCLT 11-4 J M. I t ii riflKlTS TU KPENTINE Steady at cenU. SaJcn 290 casks at these flurea. 1 - KOHIN Firm at 11 ltt for Strained and II 12J for Good H trained. Tales 500 bbU trained and l.UuO do Good o trained at quo tatluu. ( TA1C Firm at 80 cent per bblof 2S0jbB. CKUDE. TURPKNTINK -titeadjr at H 00 for IIanl. SI W for Hob and $2 IS for Virgin. Kale receipts at, quUtlons. COITON quoted steadj jat the following Good Ordiosrr. ......... ritrict Good Ordiasry. Low Uiddliof Middling M I... Good Middling. daily; Bicairti Ce&ta. It " , u UK ! " li it 'bfclei ...... ZS5 caikf VUtlVU ............. m............ ............ dpirits TurpeDtina. ............... Kotia Tar Ornde Tamentiae.! HI ta......M...........M.................i 50 bb p ' J & " r... .......... ... .A. t I 111 MABI NE t NEWS. ! ARRIVED I Kteara-yacht Passport Harper. HmlthTille .xu-amer A P Hurt, Worth, Fajetteville Worth A Worth. steamer Wave. 'Itobehou, Fayetteville WHItuma At M tirrh loin. i I t- hr Brave iioogliiii. HohtoQ, with salt to r. i lurcer s i;o. . i CLEAKED. i it 1 steam-yacht Papoi, Harper, Sniithville u Jiyer. Steamer A T Hurt. Worth, Fayetteville Worth A Worth. steamer Wave, ltolebon, Fayetteville William . Murrhlium. ' Steamer Iis, laddiion. Point Caswell. K. r l'atldiiou i ,! -if . WKEKLY STATEMENT or stocks oa bind jclt 7, 1879. Cotton ashore. 1 181 a&oat 1 ToUl. 193 Spirits ashore sHoat... 3.509 1,87J ToUl........... Rosin ahore.... . 76,920 afloat. 1 OQf ToUl 80,900 , - Tar ashore:.............; 13,352 a&ost....... Total... Crude ashore .......I.. a&oat... 13,352 . 1,587 Total ... 1,587 I EKCxirxs roa thb wbkk kmdiho jolt 7, '79. Cotton..... M , .. 1 Spirits J.......;... L. 2,653 Itosia 8,017 Tar M 1 &6 Crudo.. I. 2,872 EXPORTS roa TBI WSIK BNDIKt JOLT 7,1879. Domeitio Cotton. Spirits............. tvosin... T Crada....... 74 65 619 10 J5 Forsiirn. vu i iuu.. ......... ................... Spirits 3,200 Rosin 11,247 Tar............... Crude......-.-..... ...... .. Quarterly Meetings. Wilmington District 3d Round. White viPe at Carver'a Greek.. . .July 6-6 Cobarna Mies. Black's Chapel . . July 12-13 Clinton at Goshen (Dis. Con.).July 17-18 Brunswick at Bethel July 26-27 Wilmington Fifth Street....... July 26-27 Wilmington Front street. .!... .Aug 23 Waccamaw Misa. Bethel .....Aug 3-4 StnithvillgStatiou... ....Aug 5-6 Topsail.........:..!. .....Aug 9-lf) Onslow it j Aug 16-17 The District Conference will convene at Goshen Church, Clinton Circuit, July 17th, 1879, at 9 o'clock A.M. Let all tbe pastors and delegates be present - at the time appointed. Brethren, let us meet in the name. and Spirit of Christ. Rev John Tillitt will preach the opening ser mon i L. S. BUKKHEAD, P. E. Magnolia, N. O. GOTO P, L. BRIDGERS & GO, ' hi' The Flower of Key Wcsl Cigar'. 1 Th Bert 10c Cigar in the World. Other Merchants qait keeping them oa ao count of the small proSts to be made on thtm jans 30 P. I. BRIDOER3 Jk CO. THAT THE ANNIVERSARY OF AMERICAN INDEFENDENCEJI j . IS OVER, i ! ' i ' . Tie Glorious 4tli day Of i July, - f i WE KVOW .f 1 i all considerate Men and W m n and Children . . ' J " i will wisely sy, with all their lore for Amer- i I' ' 1 icaand A.mrican independence, "There is something dearer to our kearts' (did we saj hearts T if so, then we ttick to it, ) j'vt: SomethiDg Good to Eat, The Question is, Whtre can Tou Fiad It T Do you doubt it ? i If so ask the masses, and you will hare a response from a thonsiad throats, AT Boatwright & McKoy 'a Their Stock of Groceries is Larger and more complete than any House in the City. PLEASE CALL AND SEE THEM- Boatwiighti &;EIcKoy, 5 6l 7 Worth Front Street- jalj 7 1 THE OLD HOUSE. JT TIIE OLD ESTABLISHED Honse of Georee Mvers. 11 and 13 South Front Street, tbe people of the entire Cape Fear section willnna a complete siock o FAMILY GROCERIES of all Vinda, which were purchasedsed ex pre8sly for thia market, and which will anld at nrices to suit the times. - - . A f 11 - Jiow opening a nue assortment oi jurist- mas Goodies to which attention is invited. In Liquors we defy competition. Our Sweet Mash Whiskey, at $3 a gallon, U the beat in tne market for the price, and our f DELHOHICO CLUB WHISKEY" which we tell at $4, is worth almost double the money. I - Call and see the stock and, "SAMPLE when you visit Wilmington. aSOIiaZ EZ3TZ2XL&J t Family Grocer.ll & 13 S.Front street. dec-7w I followiar quotationa represent the loiesale prices generally. Ia making up mall orders higher prices have to be charged BAUULRU liaj...... Doable Anchor. .... j.... I Double Anchor A Standard Domestic..'.. M.. BACON North Carolina, Hams, V H........... ........ Shoulders, lb..........;.... Bides, V fiMMMMM........... Western Smoked s Hams............... es Bides. V . . Shoulders. ...................... Dry Salted I Bides. V B.. i Shoolders, lb.. M. ......... 4 Q IX BEEF Lire weight. 2Q 3& 11 c ion 11 ' 1 10 6 Q 10 0 12 6 13 I Second Hand, each. New xork,eae, new.M... desswAi yp 2b..... M MseteMSMssstett 96 2 eeee I v (JAMES. ! I i ' ' ' gABEBALL8, all sixes, acd styles and weights. The largaat assortment erer 1 brought to this citj. Also, Bats and Goides. Croquet. A COMPLETE Assortment, Half and Fall Sets at low prices. Orders from the country so meet with prompt attention at PHILIP HEINSBEROKR'S, jnly 7 Nos, 19 and 41 Market st. icited. and will Co to JOHN CARROLL'S BAR, SOUTH SIDE MARKET. Between ron mu " m jo want a first-clKca drink pat p in the ficest style of tbe art. Fate drints are a speeialty at this Bar. Only the best Wines, Whiskies, Brand w and Cigars are offered at this estab lishment, jaly i Northern ......... B UTTEfc North Carolina lb Northern, V lb................ CANDLES Sperm V &...... Tallow, v lb. Adamantine, set.... tJHEJSSl! Northern Factory, Zb . I Dairy cream, fi. ......... I SUte, V Zb COFFEE Java, V lb . Rio, lb Lagnyra, V Zb... ....... ...... CORN MEAL V bushel.... COTTON TIES ML.. DOMESTIC I Sheeting, 4-4 yard...... Yarn, Jp bunch ruaa Mackerel, No. 1, V bbl....l6 00 No. 1, ? Xbbl tiMtse 8 76 Mackerel, No. 2, V bbl....l2 60 No. 2, V X bbl.. 6 00 Mackerel, No. 3 V bbL.OO 00 i Mullets. bbl N. C. Herring, )tkeg. Dry Uoa, FLOUR Fine. bbl Snper, Northern, V bbL.. Extra do " V bbl... Family " f bbl... City MillEx,.Super bbl... " Family V bbl... " Ex. Family V bbl... PeraTieaGuno,3000Xbs.60 00 Bangh's Phosphate " " 00 00 Carolina Fertilixer Ground Bone, 1 Bone Meal I " Flour; I Navassa Guano, Complete Manure Whann's Phosphate Wando Phosphate, " BergerABruti'sRos. " WUcoz, Gibb k Co., nipulated Ouano 48 00 GLUE V lb 8 GRAIN Corntore, 560 65 Corn, cargo. V 66 lbs...... 66 eL, busbeL....... None. 46 65 4 9 HAY Eastern, 100 lbs... 1 00 North Rirer. 100 lbs.... 1 00 HOOP IRON y .'ton 60 rf)0 ne i I 1 25 O 1 50 1 75 1 85 20 Q 21 8 00 10 00 GO ?14 Of 16 20 15 25 25 40 y 11 8 e 9 UK 12 7 8 28 SO 12tf 16 18 20 70 Q 75 1 35 O 2 10 o o O20 00 9 00 00 00 00 60 7 00 00 00 00 00 60 8 00 " 45 00 " 00 00 " 00 00 " 00 00 " 36 00 " 00 00 " 00 00 " 00 00 " 00 00 ma- S 50 50 50 00 0 00 00 00 00 25 75 25 00 00 51 40 45 47 40 67 70 70 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Corn, yeL., V bn Oats, V bushel.. Peas, cow, bushel.. UlUKS Ureen, Zb LARD Northern V lb.... North Carolina Zb LIME bbl LUMBER City steam sa'wd . Ship stuff, resawed, VMft.18 Rough edge plank. M f 1. 16 West India cargo, accord ing to quality. V M ft... 2 Dressed flooring,seasoned.l6 067 1 65 60 10 67 60 65 7X 11 90 00 00 00 00 Scantling and boards, com mon, W-M ft.. 12 00 32 35 18 20 35 60 13 10 00 12 90 00 00 00 MOLASSES Cuba.hhd V gl Uuba, bbis., gal........... Sugar bouse, hhds. V gal. bbls. V gal... Orleans Choice bbls. gaL NAILS Cut, 20dto4d,Vk?g 2 OILS Kerosene, V gal...... , Lard, gal 1 Linseed, V gal 1 Rosin, V gat PEANUTS V bushel... POTATOES Sweet, V bus. 1 Irish, Northern, 7f bbl 3 PORK Northern, city mess. 10 Thin, V bbl...i 00 00 Prime, V bbl (extra). ...... 10 50 Rump. V bbl 00 00 RICE Carolina. V Zb 7 East India, 7$ B 00 Rough, V busheL ..1 , 00 RAGS Country, V Zb 1 City, V VA ROPE. Hemp.. Manilla i ...... 13K SALT Alum, y sack...... 70 Liverpool, JO sack. 88 American sack 75 Marshal's fine, sackM..M Cadis V sack.. . 76 SUGAR Cuba, V Zb.. ...... X 1 20 18 i 14 25 U ! 3 1 1 1 3 10 00 11 00 1 9 10 00 8K 12X 00 00 00 00 00 00 60 45 10 20 25 60 60 60 00 00 00 00 -16 ' IX IK 12 eeeeeeeeeeeee 00 Porto Rico, V & 10 9 O 9 00 5 00 60 A- Coffee, V Zb.. o " w Zb C S h Ex C V Zb Crushed V Zb SOAP Northern, V Zb SHINGLES Contract, M 6 Common, "9 M 1 BTAVE3 W. O. bbl. M.10 00 R.O hhd. V E 00 00 TALLOW Zb ! 8 TIMBER Shipping V M ...10 00 mi j, extra per M 8 Mill, prime per M... ......... 7 Mill, fair per M 6 Common) per M..... 4 Inferior to Ordinarr.oer M S WflISKEYt-North'n,pergl 1 North Caro Jna, per gal ... 1 WOOL Unwashed, per Zb... wasnea. jer m Barry wool, per lb. 00 00 80 35 00 10 00 J9 7 11 7K 'ib 15 00 00 00 60 00 00 00 00 25 60 23 26 16 12 10 00 00 75 00 50 60 00 50 25 22 28 17 O OUGHT LOW AND OFFERED I LJ ON CLOSE MARGIN'S. ! 1 500 Bbls. LOUR, all grades, j 1200 Bush Water Ground 11KAL, 4 000 Bosh CORN, White and Mixed, 100 Bales HAY, I 100 Boxes D. S.and Smoked SIDES, I 000 Lbs. N. C. HAMS and SIDES, 1 2,500 Sacks SALT 90 152S UUFJfiSiC, 50 Bbls SUGAR, all grades, 50 Bbls and Hhds MO LASaES. 15 Bbls Fancy SYRUPS, ' Tobacco, Sunff, Cigarsf Potash,. Lye, Soap, Ac. Ci (23 HAI L 5c PEARS ALL. P. L BRIDGERS & CO. Wish to notify the public that the i i CELEBRATED PAROLE WHISKEY. Will arriTe on TUESDAY, Fat up in the most onrenient shaped bot ties, each in a nice little ease, and for the . 1 qualitj of Whiskey sold remarkably low. Thej are the SMLti AGENTS. juaeSO New Advertisements. CLYDE'S AJTD Wilmington, ii. CM Steamship Line. The Steamer BENEFACTOR, j I OAPT. JONES, W1U SAIL FROM NEW I YORK O i SATURDAY, July 12. ! spa.. Shippers can rely upon the prompt nailing of Steamers as adrertised. For Freight Engagements apply to THOS. E. BOND, Bup't, l j Wilmington, N. C. WM. P. CLYDE & CO., july 7. r 35 Broadway, New York. Warm Springs Western Worth Carolina, ' TS NOW OPEN forHhe reception of pleas This lovely p!acj is situated in the beauti ful valley of the fr rtnch Broad, within eight miles or tne rnroaci. We have a tine band of music, attentive esr vants, nnd al other accommodations to be foui d at a first-class watering piac For particalars applv for descriptive pam phlet. W. H. HOWERTON, june 10 , Proprietor. Exchange Hotel, i' f OOLDSBORO, rv'. C. A FIRST CLa.S8HOU8Ein every respect LX. Special arrangements offered to Com mercial tourists. , Prices Reasonable. 1 I I J. M. BUNTING, Formerly of Wilmington! and P. P C. Co. ! L. F. MERRITT, Formerly of Petersburg Jl BlueRidge Springs, june .'3- Proprietors. ' r Furniture. JUST RECEIVER FROM FACTOR a largeassortment .of Walnut and other i i grades of FURNITURE, which we offer ' ' at Great rBargains. Call and examine. 1 feb 19 D. A. SMITH & CO. Tonsoriai. HAVING (AGAIN located! in the base ment of the Purcell House, 1 have thor oughly renovated and improved the old stan . and am now prepared to shave,shampoo, ar cut hair tor everybody. The best of wort men, clean towels, sharp razors and lev prices. ELV1N ARTIS, inly 27 Par cell House Barber Shorn $300' A MONTH guaran teed. $12 a day i 5 home made tiv the industrious. Capital not required: we will start you.' Men, women, boys and girls make money faster at work for us than at anything else, i The work is lisht and pleasant, and such as anyone vAu go right at. inose who arei wish woio see this notice will send us their ad'dreWes at onefi and see for themselves. 1 Costlyl Outfit and terms free. Now is the time. T hose al ready at work are laying up large sums of money. Address TRUE & CO., Augusta, Maine. I juneTidi&w, S66 I In your no car ital own risk A WEEK town, and ed. you can give the bu smess a trial without expense. I he best opportunity ever offered tor those 'willing to work, xeu should try nothn g else until you see for yourself what you can do at the business we offer. Nox joora to explain here. You can devote all your time or only your spare time to the business, and make great pay for every hour that you work. Women make as much as men. Send for special private terms and paxticulars,whicb we mail free.1 $5 Outfit free. Don't com plain of bard times while! you have such a chance. Address IL HALLETT & CO. Portland, Maine. june. T'-d&w.V Foreclosure Sale. rN FRIDAY, the 1st dav of Anirnst next. J at 12 o'clock, If., by virtue of the pow ers coni rrea Dy a certain mortgage deed ex ecuted by Joseph C. Pittmsn and wife, to tho Wilmington Building Association, registered in the.Kecords of New Hanover County, in Book F. !F. F., page 484, the undersigned will offer for sale by public auction at the Court House door in the IXtv of Wit that certain 1 -tof land in the City of Wil mington, Doanaeo and desonbd as follows: Beginning at a point in the Western line of Fourth st. eet, 103 feet North of its ictersec ion with .Davis street, thence Northwardly with Fourth street 60 feet, thetce Westard ly 121 feet to the Eastern line of Third street, thence Heuthwestwardly with said line of 3d st, S5 feet to Davis street, thenee Houtheast wardly with the Northern line of Davi street 60 feet and thence Fastaard.y lit ftet to the beginning. I Terms of said Cash. Purchaser to pay for papers. 1 ALpX T. LONDON, -juno 2-l?t4jy3l Astigneein Bankmptcr, Salt. Salt. Salt- 4 000 B"UTEBp001fBALT, snow landing and forsale by jun9.17,i.WILLIAllS;A HTJRCHISOS. 1 SKEER?s PortGrapei Caad in nhnr.M r. r 1 1 W ii. speer's rorl tira Wite Jb'ours 1 cars! Old. rpHI8 JUSTLY CELEBRATED NAT1H Wine is made from the juice of the Oplw Grape, raised in this country-. Its invaluife are unsurpaaeed by snv nther nitiT u:J BeiDg the pure juice of the 'grane. nn. under Mr. Speed's own peraoEsl 8uper?i its purity and genuineness are cohdim 1 he youngest child may partake oi its oua qualities, aid the weakest ir.rklid itt ficial to the aged and dfebilitatpH, nCd $ ij to the various ailments t..at aillict 'the wett sex. i It is, in every respect, A WiyETOfil BELIED ON., 1 I Speer's P. JV$iic'rry,' vThe P. J. 8I1EKRY is a Wine of ilji. RIOR CHARACTER and partake f th, g 'lden qualities of the grape from whibu is made. For MEDICINAL PKOPERTltH, it wil(' be found unexcelled J . t Speer's P. J. or Pedro J- Bran'd, This noted Brandy ia a pure dwtil'Uii-i from the gripe ard is eqna to the tihelt I . neisv or tard Brandies; for niedirinul pa poses it can be relied upn as strictly pu . Bee that the signature of Alfred fp( Passaic, N. J., is over the cork o' each bot tie. ' J -'. . i A. RPFER'8 Mt. Prospect Vinejardi, New Jersey. Office, No. 3VVanen S(.,Jti ork.'- I ' i ' For gale by GHEEN aIfLNN R. i.C. MUNDS Druggists, and P L UR.IDCM8 & CO. I axU Mr U- ' - . 1 Beautiful Lace Lilse Gloveby i i VERY5LQN0, , I 1 . . ThelLiatestlStyIp ALSO, SOMETHING m f IN eiling Breton ne Laces I r ' '.' 1 Blact and Wliite. ! j fiue ot of FA 1ST ! From "three for 5 ceJts to! ALL LINEN HANDKERCHIEF!,?1' The "Flexible Hip Cors Hosiery. W' ' ! ' " J L patent fastenm KiJ Gloves- Keck wear and other artist. numerous to mention can le--vD at - i; ' - ,1 1 nr. h. sprvt0 . june 13 H -'