THIS PAPER I. pnolubtd every afternoon, Baadayt ex cited bf JOSH. T. JAMES, KDITOn A9D rBOFKIXTOK. r rCRIrIONH. POSTAGE PAID. CO Six months, tl SO ; Three m,iiLi,l 15; One month, 60 cent. Il paper wiI1 be delivered by carriers (- f eLaree, in any part of the city, at the , .,e rts, or U cent per week. vrtitBjr rates low and liberal STabcriberi will please report inj and f.i! ares to receive their papers rejrularly ENTERPRISE, i;?QWN & RODDICK, Will open on or aoout Wednesday, June 18, Tl.e St re on the Smith-rest corner 1 a-id Market streets. We pur ...... .!.'v.:in thi; eutire store to the saie If..-. :.! at 5 and lO Cents. v,,. cannot enumera'e tb3 different arti v! - t thi time ut our patrons may rest .! that iio t-Ho.-t will be spared to Je- V. tli'-S New U. oertainly will orfer tlie greatest ln .f if. aif nls that have ever been shown in :', , v-vtion of the country, as no bouse, in ountry has better facilities for'J'he j ...: e of such articles. BROWN & RODDICK. Ui would also take this opportunity of f it.n Uj: wi are oflenng some tjerial iiaraTa a: -T Mai ket Street, in our Dry It.--la Department. short or space can only quote a !:...-t price list, but can safely say that at t... t:me luve we been better prepared or 1 4 ! ziea'er inducements than at, this par t. moment. Dress Goods. We have just received another small lot i t at Vc. Call early. Lans Linen Finish, 6c. Worth double. Dows for (Joiit's wear in Dlack and While, ?n worth 2-"c. Thaliove when soil -d can le deansod with a damp cloth. Ladles Linen Collars, c. A decided Bargain. ummer Shawls. W. are clo'innut a small lot of the a'-.vt at less than half the cost of manu- Clxildren's Col'd Hose. Th- ch.rtvst lot in this mark:t : 1UC a I'vr, ar.d the juahty is good. IAC.ES LISLETHREAD CLOVES, 5c. lr pair. Comment unnecessary. ParaSOlS ailtl SnilSliadeS. We bivo j-ist received another lot of the and can safely sta'e that they are vi:h'it exception the cheapest goods ever :! rv 1 by lis at any time. fan's ! ! fans::: Kit i!w tuitions at all prices. PrATitV WTiitA Shirts, M.!eofWamsutU Cotton and the best'ii front. Our price is still 5 cents- BROWN & RODDICK, 43 Market Street j n.ell Kobsoiiian copy. Buggies, , Buggies, llamesii& Saddles, F0&.8A.LE AT quxlhaudt dicers. 3rd t-, oppotite City 1111. KL1MIH1XO DONE WITH NEaTNESb AND DISPATCH. riORSMHOELNO A SPECIALTF hit I-tf Notice. ILL BE BOLD, 05 WEDNESDAY, JULY SJi.lsiTji. at 10 o'clock. A.M., at the Arjcit !! Koome of UtMrt. Cronlv A ilorri, i Wtr 8U. a LOT OF UNCLAIMED OOODH rataiaf in the office of the 8oitb ra LiprfM C 'tapny. ConriBe are ad--4 t ca! rrotsDtlv or Ooodj w 11 be eold juae 20.1 4nlw. CW UOOils! LOW rrlCeS I . Ala yUlLEIXSKW YOKKrecenUy UKiKHbosfht atvetr low prices a Iarre ;n llock ----- - - i XPAV !nil Unclrnlilo flnnila Lf They htTe jut been received and conais Bfl" 1 GeaU and Boys Casiimere Suits ! A fine lot at bottom figure. Alarte ttock of WHITE TE8T3, just the "j lor u aeaaoa, and wUI be sold at aitoaUhlarly low i ate. Please call and tiaalae, whether yon pnr cr J- w Witht In ahowing onr " compel yon to Imv. auiuiK'afwo stores. mi '1 VOL. IV. . WILMINGTON, N. G., SATURDAY, JULY LOCAL i NEWS. New Advertisements. ( P.Haisssisesa OimN and Coquet. 8. U. Mavrihs Scheaule B Tax. , Hiiu'i-Keep CooL . ! Wm. Gbxacst, Agent Lager Bear. j i No City Court today. It was very sultry last night. Days length 14 hours and 22 minutes. TtV daa are. getting perceptibly shorter. 1 Going the rounds of the press the girl who waltzes. V 1 Tht song of the fawn 'Call me early mother deer.' ill r : :. .i.....J:i I V mm Xkeci uappiutssa u uHbiiuau j as getting drunk. The ruanet anuln is all that is left of - - f m last year's crop. j j Auv man would rather live with! a cross-eyed woman than a ci ess -mouthed one. - 1 I The Register of Deeds has issued only two marriage licensts duriog the week, both of which were tor colored couples. It was desperately hot wook running around in the sun j to-day after items which persistently eluded the grasp. The unities are preserved when you see 1 a girl with a pug nose and banged hair, carrying a pu doi. People on the sbady side of the . wslk and on the shady side of life usually maosge tq kecpcool. If your neighbors' hens trouble you lay them out, and then invite the neigh-' bors to the funeral dinner. The travel towards the springn is visibly t increasing, nappy loose wno are auio io : t . a.I. leave the heat and dust of the city and the cares of business, for a imnt elsewhere. It is said to be a singular fact that peo-j nle who have no children never leave loaded guns and pistols lying carelessly around the houe. Molasses, says the proverb, catches more flies than vinegar does, which is probably the reason why molasses is more expensive than vinegar. A gentleman who I had been! struck by the young lady's beauty was determined I to follow the injunction, rod that smote him. The hot sun and the drought together ve pretty well scorched all kind, of have pre vegetation in the gardens in this vicinity Ifrain dees not soon fall the effects will De serious. How do you like my new hat?' said An?ustus to his fiancee. 'Oa. that s nob- .p w bv!' exclaimed she. And now Augustts wants to know where' that j apostrophe belongs and what she really1 n.eant. We are requested to state that Rev, B U. lun, iw of Fifth! street m. e. Church, will preach at Ddleys Grove to-morrow afuruoou, at half-past 4 o'cl'xk. The Greek fashion of wearing a bracelet on the upper part of th arm and bands uu .u , strikiiielv becomiuz to handsome heads cr i an d facs whicn approacn me ciaaaicai m ... I , f 1 I I it I!. outline. For evening, ear strings oi peaxis or coins of veritable Grecian starap, falling over the frh ge on the forehead. J. p. Sossaman, of Mount Mourne, and P. D. Hmsoo, of LiLColnton, will mn an exesrsion train from Shelby to Wilming ton on the 2 1st of July, leaving Shelby at 12 o'clock in the day and arriving ia Wilmington the next day at 8 p. tai. The train will return on the 25th. allowing two days and two ni.bta fo visiting interest- ing points on the seacoait. , Ex-Governc r William Allen' died at his home in Chillicothe, phio, yesterday at an advanced age. He 'has occupied man I portions of honor, having been among I olb,r8We w,ew 1 rvepresemauve in T . A . a I Compress duiinz Andrew Jackson's ad- mtolrtUonf but not engtgrf Ktiwlj roliticafora number oi years, tia r 7 t was nncle of Hon. Allen G. Thurman, ore thi present Senators from Ohio Went Out. The city eaa lamps South of Market street, as well as the gas in several places of business on Front street, went plumb out about eight or nine o'clock last night, I leaving not a flicker of light to, relievo the I darknosa in that immediate Ticinlty. 1 2 Th cause, we understand, was soma dis- . r mr t tbo Oas I o , I Works. ' DA The City Ball In Its New Dreif . The last nail has been drawn, the last piece of plank knocked off and the last upright post of the scaffolding on the outer walls of the City Hall building re moved, leaving an unobstructed view to this magnific nt edifice which is j of the Corinthian style of architecture. Ths building now presents a very imposing appearance with its new dress of paini and fresooe and is really a fine ornament to the city. . The work was done under the supervision and direction of Architec James F. Post, whose taste and skill ta mattern of this kind i are well knawn. Mr Colaman Twinini?.who kad immediat I charge . of the erection of the huge seal" I folding around this large building cer I tainW nnderatanda his basiness. and de- j serves a passing notice for the manner in which he engineered the erection of it and the removal of the same without any ac cideot to any one or anything, or even so much as the accidental falling ot a piece of scantling. I T lie Yellow Fever. Already several cases of yellow fever have aDDeared at Memphis. Tenn. Five cases were repined on the 10th inst., but I no new cases were reported yesterday(the 11th), and the sick ere reported as doing well with altogether favorable symptoms All the citizens who could, by any poisl. bility; leave have left the city and sought a more healthful and congeni d atmosphere. It is the only ctty in the country . in I which the scourge has appeared this sea- j son, and it is to be hoped the pestilence may be kept within its present I narrow limits, and .may be speedily terminated even there. New Orleans and other places which have been subject to its ravages 1 1 A 1 1 ! . I are in a reeaarKaoiy neauoy conuuiou, . . . and the most stringent quarantine regu- i lations nave Doen esiaouioeu w pr.Tcut . t i ' L 1 : i 1 j.i ..a tne introduction , of the disease, either by I paasesgers or freight, from the infected eity. We hope that those haviag charge of the sanitary condition of Wilmington a t ii :t n are tuny awa& to mo peru vi iuc hour, and that they have taken every precaution to secure us from the scourge. We know that the streets, alleys, lots and I yards are generally in good condition, but we know that not a few people are care less or do not fully appreciate the im- p0rtacce of such matters and, hence, we i nnna tn nrnnaic win re wbicuiui nu alert in the performance ( of their duties. la fact every cltiz an ought and every goc4 c e? will, unuej with the Board of Health, in keeping the city free from epidemic disease. Uehad Him bat dldnot Keep uim Uenry Leggett, alias Thos. Harrison, stole a pair of breeches yesterday and away he ran, escaping the clutches of constable Whiting, who had him in tow at the time, upon a 1 warrant issued by Justice H. E. Scott upon the affidavit of Exiom James, colored, who it is alleged ! ia the loser of the nether garments. Th e escaped prisoner was fleet of foot and soon w diitanced all ibis pursuers, though Whitney says he didn't give up the race until after he had passed the Poor House. Good distance and good exercise for such v-trda it oneDs the no res of the ' r . . . .1.1. . . Iha awam r hvnw att whar 1UU ICl bUD liaKUl uwn wu nunv . - l..-lV.r. it l..aTni4iiir Vi mn rrVi Via . "7 kin, what medicine would have to effect in a different way. This is the consoling part to the baffl xl officials. They may save a doctor's bill. ' MisUtratc's Court. Robert Collins, colored, was arraigned ttofan Jnatien Hall this cnornin? on the . ; . - . tter UDOn th. a of hil wif,f Ltura CoIHqb, and wuaso Tjkigntd lpon a peace warrant . .. . comDanion to the ff , .u. gbe waa r- 0f bodily harm from tim The defendant was committed jjji for non payment of the cosU In CA8eJ an(j jn default of surety to the ,0 0f $25 to keep the peace . Laura can repose quietly now, it is thought. Unmallables. The following unmailable matter re mains in the Postoffice In this city: , C A Wood. MO.SC; Mr T C Bird. Newport, Eng; andAUeck Johnson, Char lotte, N. C. Found ia the Northern mail, without address, yards camDnc emorwue ry; yards of thread insertion. There were no interments In Oakdale .. .. vemetery anrtnj tne wees. Church Services. i Worship in ths various churches of the city to-Bsorrow as follows ; ST. JOHN'S CHURCH. comer of Third and Red Cross streets. Rev. Ueorge Patterson, U. D., Rector. July 13ch The Fifth Sunday af er Trinkv Celebration at 7:20 a. in. Moruing Prayer as ii o'clock. Evening Prayer at u" o clock. Sunday School at 5 p. m ST. JAMKS' T ARISH. 5 corner Third and Market streets. Rev. A A. Watson, D. D., Rector. Fifth Sunday Sunday School alter Trinity Jnlv43Ji at t:30 a. su. Morning Pmver and bration at 11 o'clock. Home Sundav school aVU p. oi. Evening Prayer at b' oaocr.. . i ST. FACL's EVAKG. LUTHZRAIf CHCBCH Corner of Sixth and Mpjket streeU. Rev. G. D. Bernheim,D. D., fastor. l'repara tory Service (Kngliah) at 10::0. English Service, Confirmation aud Communion at 11 a. m German Service at 6 p. m. Sunday School at 4:30 p. m. FIRST BAf TIsT CUURCH, corner of Market and Fifth streets. Rev. J. B. Taylor, Pastor. Missionary Society at 9:30 a.m. Services at 11 a.j m. and 8 p. m. Brooklyn Sunday School at 4 p. in. Young Men's Prayer Meeting Taesday night, at 8 o'clock. Church Prayer Meeting Thursday night at 8 o'clock. ST. MARK'S (COL.) EPISCOPAL CHUB CH, corner Six! h and Mulberry streets. Revl C. O. Brady, Minister. Services at , 11 a. m. and 7:30 p hi. Saints' Days 9 a.m. and 4:30 p. m. Sunday School at St. Barnabas at J :30 p. m. FROT STBEKT M. E. CHURCH, (SOUTH) corner Front and Walnut streets, Rev. E. AJ Yates pastor. Services at 11 a. m. and 7:00 p. m. Sunday School at 3 p. m. ; W. Mi Parker, sup't. Young Men's Society Tuesdav evening at 7:30 o'clock, aud reg ular Prayer Meeting and Lecture Wednes day evening at 7:30 o'clock. FIFTH STREET M. E. CHURCH (80UTII), on liflh, between Nun and Church streets. Rev. B. R. Uallr pastor. Services at 11 a. m, and 7: 15 o. in. Sabbath Schoo at 9 a. m. Prayer Meeting Thursday eve ning at 7:30 o'ciock. SEAMEN'H BETHEL, Dock, between Water and Front streets Rev. Jas. V. Craig, chaplain. Services at 11 a.m., to which seamen are' cordially invited. The public are invited to attend religious services at the Tileston npper room, in the 1 lie -ton jform1! School bunding, on Ann, between Fourth and Fifth streets, every Sanday afternoon at 3 o'cIock. SECOND BAPTIST CdUBCH, on Sixth, between cnurcn and castie streets. Preaching at 11 o'clock, a. m aud 7:30 o'clock, p. m., by Bro. J. P. King. Sunday School at 9:30 a. m. Peg ular Prayer Meeting at 8 o'clock, Tuesday evening. ST. PAUL'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH corner Fourth and Orange streets, Rev. T. M. Ambler. Rector. Services at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday School at 3:30 p. m. Seats free. WOOTEN'S CHAPEL, corner of Bladen and Ninth streets Rev. Willis Wooten, pastor. Preaching Sundays, at 11 a. m., 3 o'clock and 7 o'clock p. m. Wednesday night at 7 o'clock. Prayer Meeting Friday night. Sunday School at 9 a. m. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH (COLORED.) corner Fifth and Campbell streets. Rev. A.M. Coaway, pastor. Services to-morrow at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Sunday School at 9:30 a. m. Prayer , Meeting i on Thursday night at 8 o'clock. i BT. LEWIS CHAPEL, j corner Seventh and Bladen streets. Rev. John Lewis, pastor. Services , at 11 o'clock, a, m., 3.30 o'clock p. m. and8, o'clock, p. m. I FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. Memorial Hall, corner Seventh and Nun streets. Rev. D. D. Dodge, Minister, Sunday services at 10:30 a. m. and 3 and 7:30 p. m. 'Praise and Conference meeting every Wednesday night at 7:30: o'clock. New Postal Cars. As1 soon as they can be completed on the dinerent railroads, the post? nice de pirtment will have all p stal cars uniform iu color, size and appointments. One of themjwasjplaced on th. track to day by the W.& W. Railroad Company,at whose shopg in this city it was built. They are all to be of a light lead color with a shield, upon which are placed the stars and stripes. The entire car is to be used exclusively by the P. O. department; has two doors upon each side and a door at each1 end, with plenty of light, and every convenience in side necessary to facilitate the labor of the route agent, such as tables upon which to spread the mail matter, hooks upon which to suspend the pouches while they are being filled, &c, Ac I There are nine foreign barques and twelve foreign brigs and six American schooners and one steamer in port to-day. A short time hence and we may expect to nee the) quantity of foreign shipping doubled, then , trebled, quadrupled nod even quintupled. , In Pine Forest Cemetery there were four adults and fire children interred during the week. , - 12, 1879. NO. 133 Red Hot! j It is generally conc.-de i, we believe, that to day has been warmer than yester day and everybody knows that yesterday was decidedly the hottest of the season np to that date. The thermometer ranged variably to-tUy.i': one place ou the wharf iu the shade, having been ss high as 90 at 12 o'clock; at auctherj place it stood, at 99, and at still another, a residence on Cheatnnt street, near the Poatuftie, at 102 At 3 o'clock, at the Signal .office." it stood at 103 and at an office on Princess street," wieh f roeis to 4h4 Scath, it was at 93 This is, we believe, the highest range it has had in this city oh any day since the war. 1 We are glad to learn, however, as we do from the Indications, that there are to be cooler Njrtherly winds to-night, a poor sweltering humanity cannot stai,d many more such days iu succession as this has been I- sunitroke. I Henry Hall, a colored laborer working on the wharf opposite the Custom House, was overcome by tha heat this afternoon about 3 o clock. Th4 proper medical attendance was quickly given and be is now in a fair way of recovering. Ooe interment in Bellevue Cemetery this week that of an adult . I Indications. War Department, 1 Office of he Chief Signal Ollicer. Washingtop, D. C., July For the South Atlantic States station ary or lower pressure, westerly winds and warmer, clear, weather, followed on the Carolina Goast by rising barorneter and cooler northerly winds. American Wines. But few persons are aware of the great amount of grapes raised in New Jersey Alfred Speer is known to bo the larges. wine grower eist of the Rocky Mountainst His Port Grape Wine is the best, and is conside-ed by physicians and cjhemiss as tho hflat wins to be Drocured.l It is or - UcrBU W lA'UUUU uuu l di id, nuuu lit n . . ! l.l becoming very popular among weauny families. For sale by J. (j. Munds, P..L Bridgers & Co and Green & Flanner Aol. 1- Ai GARI). To all who are suffering from the er- rors aud indiscretions ot youth, nervous weakness, early decay, loss of manhood &c, I will send a recipe that will oure you, FREE OF CHARGE This great remedy was discovered by a missionary In South America. Send a 8elf-ad Iressed envelope to the Rev. Joseph T. InmanJ Station D New York City, Schedule B Tax, MfeBOHANTS, TRADERS. BROKERS ItX, and otheri, who" hare not applied to the Register of Deeds for License required by tne ttereoue law, are notified that the pen alties imposed under Sec. 32 of said law mcBt be enforced by me. M i , B. H. MANNING, Sheriff jy 12-7 1 .New HanoVer Coanty. BERBER & ENGEL CELEBRATED LAGER BEER, which took the First PRSMirK-GoLbMiDAL at the Paris Exposition, can be had ia bottles I or aegs, by applying to wif. genaust;. 1 Agent B. A E. All orders left at the MOZ 1RT SALOON will rec .ire prempt attention. WM. GENAUST, Agent,! Cor. 4th A- Hanorer Streets. july i2 KEEP COOL! CJiHRIER OFFERS THE GREATEST 'IS11.?" fS6?.1-01 er balance of his Stock of Summer Clothing At prices so low down that everybody can keep cool and Comfortable, i Io fact, the stock MOST and; ILL BS SOLD, to mace room for an immense Fall and Winter stock. Come and eet prices and bar ban?. ins. i he DIAMOND is tbe bkit and ciurur Shirt in the City. Sold only at 1 SliKlER'S TWO STORES, jalj 12 Market Street. SOUND COTTAGES. O NEW COTTAGES for Bent on1 Green- O ville Sound. ApiJr to 11 BUEKUIMER, Or C. C.i MORS I julj 11-t I On the Premises. HOW IDO NEWBURY & CII1STEN SELL 80 CHeTAP? Jnst becnw ihtr do not look after the long profits. Come and see onr 30 TOBd New Butter ; also New Surar aad Ch apest Flour in the eity. If yon o not buy we will be glad te thow yon. Vail in. - jalylMw Water Srreet. Mint Julep I TjmZ FIRST OF TUB SEASON 1 June 2 JXO. CARROLL'S FLEASE X0T2C& I I ' We will be glad to receive eomnnakaUons from our friends on any aad all subject o t feneral interest bat : The name of the writer nnuC always be far aished to the.Editoe. - , 1 vommawcauoBf most be written "on only one siae or the paper. Personalities must be avoided. And it in especially and parti ularly nndeii eiooa the Editor does not always endo me views or corres.oadeau, unless so itata tn tbe editorial colon-na. Thermometrlcal. From the United States Signal Office in this place we obtain the follow ing report of the thermometer, as taken this mjrn- tng at 7:31 o'clcrk : Augusta. Ga....... 7 Atlanta, tia. M8& Cairo, 111 U Charleston, 8J C....&7 Cucinnati...".J 81 Coraic&na, Te 78 FortOibson, CX.eO OalTeton....J7......83 iodiauola J.......8S JaclutonTille. FU...88 Mobile, Ala. J.......P3 I Montgomery Ala...? .Nashville : 8 'ew Orlean...i.7i : New York .6J PunU Kama. la.8.1 . Barannah, Oa. ....L2 ShreTeport....:....79 Ht. Louii Mo..r....8i St. Marki, Fla 8i Vickburg, MUw.M.8S Wahington.....w7T WUmiugUin -8 -ToaTiile...........8l LrBchburjf..:.. 86 kLruphu, Teas 85 A CARD TO THE AFFLICTED. I r Br Robertson, 19 Sooth EutawHreet Baltimore, Md , I 2- Frcm long experience in hospital and pri vate practice, guarantees a permanent cure in all diseases of the Urinary Oigans ai d of the Nervous System viz ; Organic aiul emiual Weakuess, Impctency (loss of! sexual power) .Nervous" Debility and Trembling, Palpitation of the Heart.'Dim ness of Sight or Giddiness, Pains ih tho Back and Xocturual Emisiins, etc., all resulting trom abuses inyouib! or exce ss in manhood;. Diseases recently contracted cured in five to ten days, and the poison entirely eraoicated from thb system. Also all skin and blood diseases quickly cured. Dr. Robertson, a graduate'ot the Unive sl ty of Maryland, ref rs to any of the leading physicians of Baltimore. Special ttehtion given to all female complaints. I AH consultations strictly confidenital and medicines sent to any address. Call orwrite, enclcsiugy stamp fur rrply. juiy z-iy-iuvw. !. success in tho Stock Market. Few people .understand how large for tunes are amassed so rapidly in stock operations , Messrs. Lawrence & Co.J . Bankers,. N. Y., have just published 4,two - unerrins rules for success'" and full d. . tnils HO that an v nnA ran Atnrif a i j wmw m m-M j VUW VpWl MV Mailed free. Their new j combination", system of dealing in stocks is wonderfully t profitable. By this method thousands of, orders, in various sums, are. pooled into one immense capital, and co-operated as la mighty whole, thus securiog shareholder all" the advantages1 to1 each of vast capital and beAt skill. Profits divided! every 30 days, i $1 would make '376 I Drofit. 100. would return ftl OOO. 'or lfl i tcuii uu (lit; OlUVIl IU tUD LUUUU1. aim I i . ..... . - . so on, according to toe market. A piew I York Fashion Editress land prominent j newspaper correspondent, made over 375 I per cent profit on an investment. Oct. 6th. 1878. Many others are doing as well or I better. Large or small amounts can be U8ed with equal proportionate success by this system. All kinds of stocks and bonds wanted. Gorernment bonds sup plied. Apply to Lawrence & Co., Baufc- ers, 57 Exchange Place, N. x. City. New Advertisements. ! I ; 'I ,i PURE GOODS! .WT BEC0MUE!,D TDE Df . ' Particularly Extracts ! I We sell the VERY BEST as well as everr- ' . lli thing in the GROCERY LINE. We do, not cater for the cheapest. , OnAlltV Iff miT lYTntf fi " rUttAitJr Ab UUf ' AUWHU.t THE BEST FLOUR-WARRANTED! The Best Wines, Teas and Liquors: Crors A Black well's Pickles, and Sau:c; Canned Meats, Preserves, Fish, Jellies in Giatsj1 Prunes, Apples in gallon cans; the Best Batter in the World; Cakes and Cracker '1 Hams, Beef . Toneae. Lunch Ham, Sugar and Coffves. The Choicest Goods at Low Priiei, 1,000 cues Assorted Good?, 60,000 Choic Cigars. Oaly compare our God and Iri- ces. GEORGE MYERS, I julyll-tf ! 11, 13 and 16 South Front St. I Booms ! and Board. T TERY FINE ROOMS AND BOARD can v be furnubec to famihee. ernpJes, or sip . gle persons, on farorkble terms for the earn .mer. at the p'easant and eonvenknt dwell ing on the corner ot Front and Mulberry ttreeta. i Both transient, permanent and day board .ers accommodated at moderate price. 1 i tor particulars enquire or i 1 I i MKrf.L. BOUDINOT, June 14-tf Cor. Front and Muloeirj sts i Tonsorial, 1 -L , ' ' 1 i . a A VINO AGAIN located in the be ment of the Pur cell House, I have thbr onghly renontted and improved ths old stan I and am now prepared to sbarehampoo, ap I eat hair tor everybody. The beat of work men, clean to we la, sharp razors aid Itw prieea. i JSLYIN ARTIH, july 37 , Pnreell House Barber Shop. ; Salt- Salt, i Salt 4 000 LIYBrooL-slLT' ' Now landing and forsale bf ja;i7;2TriLLIAlI3: uuechisonJ, r i UvU it.

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