Tre Bail- Rsviaw jas!i. T. JAMES. V. anl t'rnr VliJlI.C;TON. A. C. THUR3MA Y JILY 17. l79. LAST WEEK'S COTTON IMUt'llKN Tie Sew York Chronicle report the receipts of the seven days ecJiug Friday tight. 11th icf Uct. at 3,032 bale?, against V.'&T tales during the cortepot.diDS wek of last year. Total receipts cf th correct cotton year t that date 4,4li7.o"2 baits, agamst 4 2I3.CG1 for tie corres ponding period of thi previous cotton year alijwirj,; au increase of IT'J.OJI bales, Ti.e rhrutii'U .UUn.cLt of interior port busibe f-r the week U a fallows: Receipts) 1.0;7. against 3 'J 22 tne same t!t of last yrar. rjiilj-iuents 2.813, siint 1.1'4 Ut -at. St-k 2'.G'Jl a.rwLs Irt.Oi J lat yi tr. TLe Chr.'tik V vt !:. - ii :-. T ,,'r !.ow i u. K'; I y I.:.;:.:. 1,427 b&CAut CKl-tr. W. :fit,iiii3t I 7."l,9dl At hAU.t; date last year, 2 u 1877 at simr dite, a:. I 2.40.2 ) in I7e at M;e d?i. Tti"j L:0'ur s f'u a de create U 2'7 Hi on th vieib.V if last year, 5 1" I'll bis on the visible supply 'A H77. -nl Jl2 7Ji the via ble supply ! .1 ST at ati:e da-e. Middling uptaitd in the Livtrp vd mar ket last Fruity wh qiuttd at 15-li; lait year at tame dat; the quotation whp C5-I0; ia 1S77 aa r imo date, the price was C.aad in 17G at same date Drouth aiid beat aie the principal characteiistiis of the C7. nn weather njor-i from the cotton region br th" week endii - la Friday tih:hf. Willi- some little rain h rejurted iti Tis, a imumI r art of the b'ato is s'ii! a-ill'iin dreadfully. Tl third new bilu lias Ik.'-ij leceive at I.lvr.t'. 1 1 If an inch of! ha; b-u itM. jved at I:j!im!.i and pkkKg ha 1 buu. M rai:.s were alo rtp jrtvd ut (" Dallas aint Uraiiliam. M:lftippi, jmisuui, Arkui.R sa and Teuucsac, were a'.l suflVri.. -verely. Mobile was dry, Montgomery hud l.-ti of raia duriug the week, Columbus had a spiiiikh1, Angus' a icported vlLty -hundredth, but Savaimali ami Macou had none. Macou repoila the crops three wetk behind last 3 ear and daily declining. KE9IO V X L. OF TIIK R.ilLKUAD SIIOl'S. We hear it rumored that an tlT-jst is being made to dbcouliuue the Railroad (hops at this point, cud in the alleged iu terost ot tconoiny brve the work needed npou the rolhug stoeK of the roal done at Company's Shops, on th XortU Caiolina Koad. We hoi that this will not be con suiuuiatJ, a its aie mipliohineut would tnrow a nuiuUr of d-serving persons out of employment and be a couseq teut less of sercral tbous.ktid d.dlara per annum to this elty. Our cr.i-ns would do well to watch this luoTemeut and should it assume serious projortions-, igorously oppose aud preveut it. Sac'-emicm. This, we suppise,is to be the first link in the long chain of properous events which are tu build up our towns and cities, make the waste places smile aud put money into everybody's pocket. IJere is some ofthu fruits of tior. Jarvit' new North Carolina Ijlxy. ilrfj. Hughes is anaged the affairs of the Atlantic A: North Carolina Ka lroad with .ut the aid of a Superintendent, and yet Cap!. Andiews, who is to assume the duties of Superintendent of this road, in eouuection wi'h thoe of tho North Caro lina Division of the Richmond D. K. It., is to get $1.0ii'J for Ihe same. This fact Ut we suppose, indicatim of the econo my which i to pay otT the indebtedness of the A. & N. C. K, 11 , while the re moval of the hops from Newbern to Com pany Shop is a way th new managers of the A. & X. C. R. R. hare of bone filing h, terminal point and the only im- portart port on its entire route. Let the tnenJi of Got. Jar vis and hi policy make ;i ucte of thee fact. WASHINGTON LEXTEB.! Wi-niNOToy, D.O.J July 15, 187S. Ualoir I gire n statement jujt ie&ued ot tba volunteer; Boldiera in tho Fd--ri Btuiy diirn g tb iat wr. lLe j-ucV-r ac'ua'iy '.i-ied is f course mi cu les. h n.e nien cnltft-'U tl rte or ffurtim s. !S ui rnde h buiiuem f.f u!iM'iu nw t oue ptaCo, uud-r o .t- ni d MH.11 ft r, haviug de- -ittd, nt 1.: r pi ichJ under ab othe iiam Tneu tUee wm an enot-d-ju auiout of swindling among ollicitl! who badcharge'of the recruit ing bervic-. Iu Maiue, fir instance, the Angnsta 'ricg' grewj rich over paper credit,' and othe fraud- upon the fco!dier, the fcitte and the general government. "80 gross were the op rations tht a bham' invefetigatiou, made ytars after, relegated to private tife home aspiring men who bad been in thu ring. Ho, certainly, it wan in otbtr Stte8. It will never be poasi b.e to tell just how many men actually enlisted and actually served, but the number mint be greatly less tbau tUut given beiow, but nere aro the rigiireh; Mnine 72,111; New Hampshire lil, 020; Vermont 35 262; Alufesaohustttt-, :52.-3-5; Rhode Is. And, 2i.a'J; Co i.eo'icut 06 37'J; New Yjrk, 47,0J7; New .ieiM j, U I'eMjy.vaiti , :i."Wiltth: U.-itivv.ire. 13.670: Jhiv.uhi' 6 Vrrigiiiia, .id O06, Dl.triei ol Ovinmbia,; Unio, i 3i'J.6C''J; Indiana 170.117; ildicoiH 250,14 V; tMichMu, hO.lilZ; Vi-.conin. U6.424; Miuufc-ta 24 J52; low-, 7G,4' 0; Mis pouii, 1011.111; Kentucky, 7o 025, ivmnas 20,151; Tc nm nee 1,002; Ar kanhs. S.250J X rlti Ca..Uua, 3 loo'; CaSitoru' 10.725; N.-vudJ l.UftO; O eejL, 1.8 Id; V,H-.uiuKrou ler, Ool; 03; Nebra i 1,157; 101 ida 1 ,200; Loui.-i- ana, a 22o; AlWMsHjppi, oka; leXs.i,- 0G5; aud the Iuduu Natiou 35,J30. Am;ug tne important conventions to be held this year will ue tnat of, the Ast-octation cf Amor;cau Bnk.r.s ro take place at bratog-t ou tuu 0 u, 7tU, and 8tti of August, j 1 hn htuUl.z. tiou in lately f.r f(ciul jntciuiure, but is is also eaicu.ated to promoto tin Coiikiitg a.jd borumorcial i.tert, aud to iln-iemiuate iutorwnou t uch mc matters of li juuco in tuia cnuory and Europe. Tue I'i'eaideut of tuo Asfcociatn-u, who will priside at the coming cieetirg, is I Uou Alciindti iUilwMiiKto 4Jt&e, u uij" iliuy Hi-bt ; have Lad their day. And perhaps no town in the State can boast of a more sober and moral citizenship than Whitaker's. Tho past spring we" hare had a male school of high grade well patroD'zd and ably presided over by Elder A J. Moore of the Primitive Church, also a female pchool first clasp in evy respect, liberally patronized. Thece schools together with two'organ zed churehe, t o resident preachers of 'the gT"iel, u id an organized lodge of KmgtitHof H'Mior. With an edu cated and thrivitg community pure rounding tbi- entire coautrv, crime is seldom now known. The water at this point is recogniz 'd by the railroad op eratives as being tqual to any and su perior to most of the waters along the entire line of the W & W Railroad. Tbai stands the town of Whitaker's, a centre of trade, and only wants cap ital to outstrip many of the towns of greater pretentions, More auou. 0. yiuimuLE. i Ar Cb n vr aw., m 1 6,561; Uoio.ado Alabima, 2.576; Ir 8 225: Aiitcheli. ol cratic M. 0. from! Wi cmia other uieu of tLi:itnce m public as well as aiujnj i bunker jwill present and inuke addreieM occasion. OU tilt i i j Air Foster 1 vet iililirnn eandidate for Governor iu Ohio, im here, looking after the af-aafsincutn that are bei g made iu the Departments for his :iud Secretary Suermau's I bene tit. Mr Foster, while htre, j livjea with Mr liyea in au elegant house at the Sol dier' Home. Tnis llome', by the wjy, is a beautiful place.1 The grounds, were bought and beaatitied and the houses reefed, from money contrib uted by enlisted men of the regular army lor their, use in their old age. Air Haves and I his friends have ttie same moral and legal rightjthere that they have in your house or mine. Tho weather here for several days has been intensely hot, and the wnole city, almost, goes down the Potomac to salt water daily. There were one or two ricketty excursion boats' here a dozen years ago. There are 1 now a score or more of line excursion boats. i I Gl'kdoe. Girls, dou't throw your caat offshoes ia the aIUywa'S, for alley gaiters are da'jp; ru. Whitehall Times. Whn he gv- ais farewell concerts W iLclmj irojided to" go home; but n..w he is flldiirifj all over the West like rtui ir (J:e Bull. New Orleans Picayune. I 1 O.d fait: 'too old .to manage a boat- am I? I cui Htill ro and steer rt:ui HHt aiid acull Doctorij'Oh. m Hutomiton could do all that. I bvlivu a man id but an automaton, af ter ; ii.' Oid Salt: 'Gould a tommy ton kn the roomeytiz? Fun. L tJ Lyttoul't cinims to literary cel .ebii'y are u,t, it appears, known to his a1. Is de-omip. Sjme timi ago. it is reJa'.ed, an ardeut admirer of 'La ciile" was iuvised to dine at GoverL ment House, and was cf course de lighted with his brilliantly-agreeable hotft. Rt turning to bis hotel, he waa aked by a brother guost, a colonel Hid A D G of the Viceroy, wuat he tlA:ugtit of bin Exoellency, 'I didu't oaro about the Viceroy,' feaid th reader of -Lucille,' 'I went to see Owen More--litli.' 'Dni't know him,' naid thej JL D O, 'but I kuow there was no ftllow of that namn at dinner. ' Foutcnello bSlieved au abundant ooutuuiptiou of asparagus to be oon" lucive to ioug life, a theory which he bupported by a thousand examples, and own. Fouteuelle 1757. One day dinner Mme de 1 I For the Review. WHITAKER'S I Rec orerlng From I the Effects or the Fire a Fine Cotton browing Sec tionGood Order Maintained Schools and Public Institutions' Ac , Ac. For the Ktrie. Oapt- Samuel A. isbc. Mr. Eihtor: It is very evident that the Demo cracy of the entire Stae are h'gLly pi eased that this accomplished writer .ni thorou.b going North Carolinian ha taken the helui of the-Rtleig3 i)l server. It is a matter cf hearty congratulation to the party aud State that a geatleman so universally popu lar and so greatly endeared to the jvple has b come its standard bearer. A good lawyer, ac'able and traa raia,anorthoaox.Demo3rat,a uui high toned gentleman, he will add new laurels to the rich wreathes that already encircle his brow and will be more useful now than ever to the part j and the State. The Cape Fear i btction hs no son more devoted nor the State any citizen more patriotic and loyal to all her interests and to all her sections. Talented, studious, in dustrious, he is a .coming man in North Carolina. Let us rally around and auataiu the Observer with renewed iatcicet and warmer devotion. No man has more or better friuds than this gallant man .tand whole-soule North Carolinian. July 16tb., 1879. Rockt Point. Raleigh AVtr : Uufu L Patterson, whose untimely death is elsewhere noted, was insured in tha Etna Insurance corn pay for $20,000. We underfctacd there U ether insurance on his life. WiirraKEK'p, N C , July 15, 879 Ed. Journal: Dear Sir: Since the pestruct ive fire of 8th June our citizens have been busily engaged preparing temporary abodes for themselves and such goods as were saved from the tire, adjusting their losses with insurance companies, Some new frame buildings have just been completed, others1 go:nj up and some old ones repaired, painted, &2. A spirit of improvement is manifest among the owners of the burnt district and already preparation) is going for ward to build rargb aud commodious brick storeSjOnsom if not all the burnt lots. j Taking into consideration the loca tion of this elt Vated and healthy place, almost equal distance from ! Tarboro, Nashville and Halifax, situated in one of the best cotton growing seotioua in North Carolina, surrounded by fertile fields and iatalligeatland go ahed far mers, :no is lf3 to ! atkj why Whita ker's has not grown as rapidly in pop utation and geueral ( importance as have towns in some other portions of our Stati ? This can be partially ans wjred by the eld; adage give a dog a bad name and you have doue much towards killing him, Whiitaker's being located ou the line of Edgecombe aiid Nash counties .and near j the line of Ualifax,aflorded a convenient rendez vous lor such offenders against the law as would e.ude if possible the officers in this pursuit. . In the settlement of tLi place it early acquired an unenviable reputa tiona for crime and general disorder. It is true some atrocious deeds were done (and where is the paoe where none nave b?en committed?) Yet in every instanoe when thete r:mes were committed iq this place, the offenders have been apprehended aiid made to sutTor by drieT course of law the penal ty cf iiuch a crime; And to day no dark deed of blood or data dly crime can be pointed to that did not meet a just punishment. Cut thesi things, like many other during the dark days of reconstruction, among o?ber by his lived from 1657 to Fovteuel'e invited to leuoiiiu aud Cardinal Dubois. Fou tcnelie liked a paragutjwith oil, Cardi nal Dubois with sauce, and Mme de Tcnchin 'an naturel. Dinner was ready when the Fervaut announced that Oar diusl'Dubois had ju--t given up the ghost. C x)k,' cried Fontenelle, 'all the ahparwgus with oil.' Tnis was the only funt-ial oration ever pronounced over the Cardinal. j ' A Fool Once More. " For ten years luy wife was confined to her bed with such a complication of ail ments that no doctor could tell what wp the matter or cure her, and 1 used up a smail fortuue in humbug stuff, i Six months a;o I saw a U. S. flag with Hop Bitters on it, and 1 thought I wculd be a fool once more I tried it, but my folly prov ed to be wisdom. Two bottles cared her, she is now ns well and strong as any man's wife, aud it cost me only two dol lars. Such folly pays. H. W., Detroit, Mich. THE NEW YORK WEEKLY HERA JAatES GORDONBSNNETf. Prop'tor The Ben and Ch apat Newspaper Fubliehed. Postage Frei. O N 10 DOLLAR Per Vr, j 50 Cents lor Six Mouth, ) An Kx-r Copy toeerj Club of. Ten. Mew York; Merala, Published every Day in th eg Year. Postage Free. I . I- . .11 $10 pays for one year, Sundays included. $8 pays for one year, without 8adays. I $5 pajs for six moaths, Handajs included. $4 pays for six months, without Sundays. 1 pays for one year br any specified day of the week. $1 pays for six nont'i for any spec fied day x of the week. $lpe-. month (iaeivdinfr Bundays) will be charged on subacriptloni for a less period than three months. TO EUROPE Including Postage. Daily $17 30 Weekly (European Edition) 4 00 WeekW (Domestic Faition) 2 00 NEWSDEALERS SUPPLIED, j Postage Free. ' Daily Kaition...Two and a half eta. per Copy Bundsy Jidition..... ..Four ct. p:r Cepy. Weekly Edition Two cents per Copy N. b. lot le?8 than 5 copies mailed to newsdealers at wholesale rates. We allow no comm ssiona on subscriptions Daily Editi'n Address, i ! NRW TOltK HERALD, mch 19 Broadway an i 8tJ Ann N. Y. il, 13, 1(5, So. Front St. Deviled Ham. POUND PACKAGES, ONLY 76 Cents. PICKNIOKERS and EXCURSIONISTS, as well as Housekeepers, will find this the most delightful as well as the cheapest Deli cacy ever offered. , GEORGE M VEKo, gole Aent. Our Sweet Wlash Whiskey I Miscellaneous. UtoceUaneom. S1500.CO rvr LZi 3Q BEWARE or '-r- MUHBIFLS FOR PARTICULARS WhiteSewing Machine Co. Cleveland, ohio LIFE IN A BOTTLF. - The Most Valuable Medical Discov ' ery Known to I the World No More Use for Quinine, Calomei or Mineral PoisonB Life for the Blood, Strength for the Nerves, and Health for All. j AN OPEN LETT ER TO THE PUBLIC Believing that by cleansing the blood and building up the constitution was the only true wv of bani bing dieade and being troubled with weakness of the lungs, catarrh, very much broken down in constitution, 4c , and after trjiag the bej-t phyeiuians and paying out my money lor in a y kiLda of medicines advertised without finding a permanent cure, 1 b gan doctoriog myself, using medicines ma Je from roots and herbs. 1 fortunately idscorered a wonderful 'bitters or Blood Clcanper.the first bottle of which gave me new iife ani vigor, and in time effected a perma nent cure. I was free troin catarrh, my lung became strong and sound, being able to stand the most severe cold and exposure, and 1 hare gained over thirty pound in weight. Feel ing confident that I had male a wonderful discovery in medicine, I prepared a quantity ot the Root Bitters, and was in the habit ot giving tf em away to sick friends and neigh bors. I found the medicine effected the most wonderful cures of ail diseases caused from humor&or scrof ila in the blo.d, Imprudence, Bad Htomach, Weakness, Kidney Disease, Torpid Liver, j Ac , Ac. 1 The; news, of my discovery in this wiy spread froii one person to another until I foiiou luytelf called upon' to supply patients with medicre tar and wide, and I was induced to dtaUlish a labor ator for compouiidiiig ana bottling the Root Bitters in large quantities, and I new d vote all my time to tki8 business. 1 was a- first backward iu presenting oitner myself or discovery in this wiy to the pubi c. nut being a patent med cine man and witu small capital, but I am getting bravely over that, tfince I hrst advertised tbis ineiicine I have been crowded witn orders from drug gists and country dealers, and the hundreds of letters I have receive from persor.s cure J, prove the fact that no remedy ever did so much good in so snort a time and n d so mucn For llealih and nt; GO TO 4SUI-J Patters' Celebrated i rpHEBE SPRINGS are ritutUKl futr 'J 1 ior i South! of Rhelby' and ix Ji j Whitaker's, on the Air-Lin , R?k M oral Biinri & o t .. 1 .. . , 0 a.i pr.:p-rues ot try. .ulphur are and m agnesi a Prop tim ccmVnA P ' neficial to alli easJ., and Be faft.H I mo-r own ate ca8, ;M mtDy wU The. chalybeate .waters cana ,t be ' Tl having wrought ma-.y aim tt I These Pirated Springs wUl bs on-1 April, and the prices are in reach of ill V inar been reatlv rAapA "Sw. Bathing houses, c-oquet' grouaj. .L alley, and other ejnosement and iitl rree ror ri.nors mcks russine from ,u piace win meet visitors at Shelbr or it wTj akePs on the Air. in, R. R upon fa! I RaTEs or Boaud. f or . Per month i Par rv, nK M " ui tuure mnnihi Km x'u..uu muj sen iiuu uan price. For further particulars, addrewf H.ti. fATTl!;RSU.V,prfll... nneibriS.C. apl 29-dw-13t success as the Root Bitters. In fact, 1 ITTB nnmiHTBH! TFTIH WHKinC VV an d at S3 00 Der irallnn. better thaa any Whiskey sold in the market at $5.00 per gallon. ... We invite speciai.attention to the same. ' GEORGE MYERS, Sole Agent. CELEBRATED Ull 1h i r The wear and tear of business life makes such treiaecdous drafts upon body a 'id mind that without recourse to some sustaining agent they must give wy under the pressure. To those who are breaking down, or wasting away from general debility or affections of the liver, stomach and the kidneys, a syste matic course of the Bitters will so reinforce the vital function! as to baffle all the assaults of disease and restore the system to its wont ed health. ! For gale by all Druggists And respectable Dealers generally. j I july 11yd Aw 1 Furniture. JUST RECEIVED FROM. FACTORY a large iortmftnt of Walnut ?jid other gradea of FURNITURE, which we ofler it Great Bargams. vaA and examine. feb 19 D. A SMI iH A CO. PARTICULAR NOTICE, HAVE NOW AND ALWAYS ON hand a very fine lot of both Chewing .uid Smoking Tobaccos. The celebrated "HEIRESS OF VIR GINIA," "GRAVELY" and the "ELDO RADO," are my principal Chewing Tobac- The Old Reliable, "PRIDE OF DUR HAM," Original Genuine "BULL DUR HAM," and the "G LD LEAF' are my principal Smoking Tobaccos, which I can sell at very low prices. j XX. B17ILXXXXX&XX3XL, No. C, Market s., Wilmington, N. C. dec 7w Wholesale B uyers yyiLL DO WELL TO EXAMINE THE LARGEST A WD CHEAPEST STOCK OF GROCERIES ever offered in the State, at the LOWEST PR'CB. jane 20 i GEORGE MYERS. A NEW SUPPLY OF THE POPULAR P-R-I-N-G-I-P-E Cigars. jmne 30 8old only by P. L. BR1DGKRS & GO. Steamer PassDort, QAPT. J. W. HARPER, ' l Will resume SUNDAY TRIPS TO SMITHVILLE, April 27,weather permitting. Dally Trips as usaal. Leave Dock at 9.30 A. M. apl 26 GEO. MYKRS, Agent. J 500 TO $6000ayeai or $o to $20 a day in yon ! own local ty. No risk. Women do as well as men; Many make more than the amount stated above. No one can fail to make money fas t Any one can do , the ' work. You can nak lr TP 50 cents to $2 an hoar by devoting your ev&Jiigs t"d spare time to the business. It costs notLing to try the business. Nothing like it for money mak ing ever offered beforej Business pleasant and strictly honorable. Reader, if you want to know all about the best paying business before the public, send us your address and we will send you full particu lars and private terms free J samples worth $5 also free; you can then make up your mind for yourself. Address GEORGE STINSON& CO., Portland, Maine, jane 7-d&w 300 A MONTH guaran teed. $12 a day, home made by the inaustrioos. Capital not required; we will a tart you. Men, women, boys and girk make money faster at work for us than at anything else. The work is light and pleasant, and snch as a nyone can go right at. Those wno are wise wno see tnis am convinced that they will soon take the lead o' all othe1 inedicpes in una. Nea ly one hundred retail druggists, right here at huiue in Cleveland, now jsell Root Bit'cs, some of whom hare already sold over one thousand bottle. I Root Bitters are strictly a medical prepar ation, such as was used in the good bid days of our forefathers, when people w re cured by some simple root or plant, and when calomei and other poisons of the mineral kingdom ere unknown. They) act strongly on the liver and kidneys, keep the bowels regular-and build up the nervous system. i hey penetrate everv part of the body, searching out every nerve, bone and ' tissue from the head to the feet, Cleansing and strengthening the fountain springs of life j hence they must reach alt diseases by purification and nourishment. - So matter what your feelings or symptoms are, what the disease or ailment is, use Root Bitters. Don't wait until you are sick, but if you only feel bad or miserable, use the Bitters at once. It may save your life. Thousands of persons in ail parts of the ountry are already using Root Bitters They have; saved many lives of cnpumtivea who bad been given up by friends and physi- ciaas to die, and have permanently cared man? old chronic cases of Catarrh, Scrofula, Rheumatism, Dyspepsia, and Skin Diseases, where all other treatments had fa led. Are you troubled with sick headache, costiveness, dizziness,, weakness, bad taste in the mouth, nervousnees,and broken.down in-constitution? You will be cured if Vou take Root Bitters. Have you humors and pimples on your face or Bkin? Nothing will gtve jou such good health, strength, and beauty as Root Bit ters- , 1 1 know that jeal cry humbug because my many of theil patients, b now my desire and determination to place my Root Bitters' as fasr as possible within the reach of -all thos? suiieriug ; throughout the World Hold by wholesale and retail drug gists and -country merchant, or sent by ex press on receipt of price, $1 00 per bottle, or six bottles $5.00. For certificates of won derful cures, see my I large cncu'ar around each bottle of medicine. Read andjudge for 'yourself. j j 'SsAsk your druggist or merchant for FRaZIKK'8 KOOT I BITTfcR, the grea Blood Clt-anser,and take no substitute he ma ' e-om mend because h makes a large profit. . W. FRA1ZER, Discoverer. 333 Supeiior St., Cleveland O. For sale by J. 0. Munds and T. M. Burbank, druggists. .march 26th eow-daw ue physicians will discovery cures s t 1 care not It is FiimUbrt' ! Furuitiire! I .. . I A La go Aasortujiit of WALNUT CHAMBER SUITS1 j! , ' : to be sold at the very bottom prioef. 1 1 . i Walnut' Wardrobes, Kideb-ards, Extend Ta -les. Marble Top Tab'es, Ac, Ac'.A L4 as coiamuu Chamber Sets, Bedsteadi,! fjliii i i and Rookers of all sorts. Look in? (iuLi, Mirrors, Parlor tuit, Lounges, 'Shd,'L ding and everything belonging; to iPU Class Furniture Kstabllahmoot I ' Also, another lot of the celebrated inm Stewart Hewing Machines, a real comfort ! For sale at 1 F. A. HCHDTTE'H 26 and 28 Front ami 11 to MDock'n may 29 I Schedule U Tax Mice The Sew Mjunny South." THE BEST AND I HANDSOMEST . PAPER IN AMERICA. Send for it at Once See Onr Club addresses at once Costly Outfit and notice will send us their and see for themselves. , terms free. Now is the time. 1 hose al- rady at work are laying up large sums of money, AUdiXft TRUE &ca, Augusta, Maine. , une 7 d&w. Sates rpHE "SUNNY SOUTH" is now the mod X trl weekly of the age. It comes out in an entire new dre and new make-up generally ana is overflowing wita the richest and spi ciest matter cf the day Poems, Essays. Stories, Sews of the Week, Wit and Humor,1 Female Go sip, Domestic Matters, Letters from all Sections, Notes of Travel,, Chess, Problems, Marriages, Deaths, Health Notes, Personals, Stage Notes,! Movements in Southern Society. Faahion Notes with Plates, Answers to Correspondents, Bi graphies with rorirwu oi auunguunea men ana women, Humorous Angravings, benratioBal Clio pings, Correspondents Column, Local Mat ters, Railroad Guide, anc forcible editorials upon all subjects. Iait possible totmskea papr more eompiete ? Get a copy and ex amine it. I It now circulates in all th States and Territories, io England,, Cana da, Australia, B azil, and the Indian Aation It is rea 1 an hon -r to the South and, our people are proud at it, and every one should take it immediately. iThe price is only $2.50 a year. We! will sesd the "Sueny Soutbjf aod the Dailt RaVnw one year for $6,"o we wih send th-. 'Sunny Bouthf and tb Wilmisqto Joca ai. one year for :.50 The "Sunnv South" and "B ys and Girls of the-Sathwi!I be furnished one year for $3 60, with, a large and magnificent pictur thrown in.J Addreai tliis office, r ' ;- J. H, A W. A SEALS, ; 7 ' j Atlanta. Oa. , mHE ATTKNTIOV of merchaiW ad A ders m render count r is umted td tit I following extract from the Revenue Li'w 1878: , . ! Sec 12, Every merchant, jewels'-, jrroeer, druggist, and every other dealer, who m buy and sell goods, wares or merrbndL',l whateve name or description, except locks are ! specially taxed elrewhere in ihis act, shall, in addition to his ad valorem Ux oik st ck, pay as a license tax one tenth of per centum on the total amouat ofprncLi in ob out or tbi OTA.TK, for cut oroaerax whether such persons herein mentioneo it purchiseas principal op through n ia or commission merchant. Kvery periona tioctd In this section shall, within tei din after the first day of January andJaijs each year, deliver to the Agister of a sworn statement of the total aiu;inDt"ti purchases for the preceding six iionth, ing on the 3 1st day of lleceuber jr tb - iu of June. Any agentor c mmUtion merjckii making such pu chasrs'sball, for hu p-io- palmake and deliver the statement a m"" required. Provided, that the per4ipl s1 tioned in this section mav makaout io ing a list of their purchases, snd 'ffj the same before any Justice of me rw their county, and return said list to ne ister of Deeds : the Register of Ded keep a b"ok ia which hail oe recofesa v list given into him. as herein reqaired, t shall furnish the Sheriff' with a cpj f list within ten das after , V e sane tresi'1 in. . It shall be the duty of the Ske-itt lect from eve-y pers n ou the li I 'urw him by the Register (f Deds tle tsjsier braced iherein. The Register ol DeeW to requi e the merchant bis statement to submit his books (or ex i nation to hiuij aod every metcbanji to render such lit ! or rel'u-iog f' n...h..i hid h.nVi fnr och exam.DW" sb ll be guilty of a misdemeanor,1 n j? viction shall ba fined uot more " "JVL lar or imprioned ot moret'ia-i irt r It shall further be the duty of tbe JJ deeds to prosecute every merchao re'j'r as aforesaid to the end of obtaining ' formation! and cooipelling psyment proper, tax. As will be seen the lair alloiri Jt fra',nn in h. miHarinli I shall b C v waw au aw wsntvi ' f to prosecute to the full extent of tM f ' who fail to comply with Us proTUiPB t rt RROWX, June 19 Register of Derf Corn,Bacon,Mo;asse 40 000 Bwh micf 91 w) Hhds.New Cronos I '' 4. H Bb Cttb,v0vMdJj'iils 1 250 BbU JtMh ' -1 -Bbls Hugars, CruL J, C 175GraniUarA,K'C' tr ..II irrad4, I 210 - r I' jQQ TufsChoic. FsrnJ; 1 1 A' Boxes Tobacco,; Tex ' i y2fl,IfBbW r W also, : irnne W ..Wkoleaale Qro. j