THE YCUOW FF.YFR 5o New Caics Ucportcd and Citizen Ketcrnlns to Memphis. MtVFHM. July 13-Tbehr.t train on the Lilt U -ck Unreal iicn last r uJay left this murnio- fur Lonoke, Arc , to " wb:cb quarantine has been rJ- Ju,,?e lUy ou was not o U today. c new cases have been reporte 1. and the excitement attending the reports already published has entirely ulsded. A le eitizma have returned. Tie city remains very quiet. new oki are reported, ard in a few !ay . it w expected a!l the ,uarantne res notions ucvr in fcrce .jrain-t Memphis will be re moved. N.rfok.V:... ha uken tU in itiative, and thr-m-h cart id go to that city to-day. The State Board of Hea.tb announce that the present quarantine regulations U diacontiiiu. on Mori day if no new ewes are tleve or ed. JS llav's -n is better this evci.iii. 1 VAuiN.iTON. July 15.-A dptch was received to-day by the' N Board of H'.!th Irom Dr Mitchell ol Memphis. Te,.n. saying that there were to new ca,es U y-!luw tever in the bUte Namiviu.s. July 13 -I no hu e Hoard of Health tin. morning reeved to uitnd until further order its rules and ri-ulations to irnpoM-d on Memphis ceitMrdy !..w.:i, pr.-vid.d no other cauiycr.,A-:-vcr .r.-p r-cl prior to that time. ia:. July 13 -At 'ic. ttje IKMrl f H'a.tu th torrLOo.j it a re..,lrd thit t the Uvr.iO;e i.ew frc-io Men-id.: t.d U.ef p.'t. f the qi-riuu.'.e n ictu-ns te u-endtd. Havana, July 13 Th- ( otnmsiun appointed by the National Jfc.ard U Health ji ihi-Uiitd btit. fur the pur pv v: s ii ' it-? u!!-w U vt MUtj n.i, .ieei...t:r -t ttr ttii.r: ; ! Hv.y. I procutu. n. w rR litre 'u u-i . Much local intere-t is manifested m the work, and ho-j of bet.ef.ceut results are entertained During the !ot week thor j were 117 death Ircm yellow fever in Havana. Ntw OulkaNj. Ju'y 13 The I. ard of Health to-day adopted a r!utkli re scindiuj j'i r mt no aa u-t Memphis. CAROLINA- Col U L iV.'t-.-ti, a prominent citio of Salem. died at Li tu th at town ou Tuesday of pira'.yris. The fifth North Carolina Congressional Dis'.rict ba no representative at West Point. The Fourth .will b unreprcsen ted after Chatham AVcori : We regret to learn that tbc wheat cr-j is so small and-tuin-injrout badlr, Hjm-J farmers scarcely making uiore thin seed. Shelby Aurora: Tuerehas been a very interesttu revival going ou in the Methodist Chureh. in this place, for the Hit two weeks Tho mectiuga arc well attended ami the peop'e seem to bo intei. csted. The pastor is assisted by the llev. Mr. Butts, of CharUte. Oxford T:rthUijti Mrs Moon has been cuntluciia a scriei of raeetinsi at the Methodist Church in thia place for the past wtk.and her efforts seem to hare bn crowned with ret success. Lrge crowds flock to hear her on every occa sion, and the interest is Increasing daily. Already a Urge number have xnada a professiou of religion, aud muiy are in quiring the way. Charlotte Of' ricr : The la beard from the party of teu or twelve boys who recently started out ou a pedestrian tour through the mountain, with a two bor?e wagun to haul their tents, Arc, was that they bad w!ked one of the mules down and, coming to a mountain, tired ropes to the wngou and pulled it over. They are Hill going ahead aud have no Uia of allowing themselves to be stopped by such small considerations as this, llav injj started ou a mountain trip they are determined to make it. Goldsbro M twycr: The particu lars of what setnis to t-e a deliberate, cold blooded murder, have just reached us from Dudley. In this county. The Tictim is Mr David Lnier, aul bis brutal mur derer a negro named Dtems Simmons. It appears that Simmons was a tenant on Lanier's lauds, and that som misunier standing bad sprung up letween them. Tuesday evening the negro armel bins self with an axe and proceeded to Mr. Lanier's hou Sharp words ensued, al ter which Mr ordered nimtuons off his premises, who thereupon turned and 1 lied Linier to the ground, dealing him two blos. from the effects of which he died eariy Wednesday morning. The murderer has so lar evaded caj turf. . L . L- - I- il Thoi. H. McKoy, -Eobt- H- McKoy JSlT T OaXni33? fl-AT-Ii L w WILMISGTON, N. a c North Market, street, betwe HeMai aal Taua tlftrU. An 27-a TU1U1) JiOT OF QHGUINEITtS IN TO-DAV, UKMEM Ur tUt EVERY BUDY, whether, tteT have ai air fir kuiic or not can, play the most dlcnl pieces. l'riee 10 aaJ J15 at YATEa HOOK STOKE and rilOTO KOOMS. Evert tiia ia tie BOOK and STATION j tUYLlNE. BLANK HOOKS m-d to or dr at short notice. jalj T. COHMEBCIAL NEWS wilmlnotovmarket! 1 I juny IT i i m. J t srlKITM TUKrKfTJNK Steady at t cent. lr SJOcaaica at that figure. K.IN-Hrmnt i H 07 Jor traIned and 1 12'.'.ror;oo.lMnUu-l. ' Ral-Hteportetl. TA It Firm nt ' eents Md. NoreeeipU. an l do sate rej! tcl- CHUliK ri'Kl'KM lNIv -Steady at f 1 0 for lUrd. tl ( for Soi and $2 Is for VirKl". Sale.H ,T-CelpU t CO'rri-jt-adv Bt tlie fMlowhit ollleial UotatlotiH. uotatlons. Ordinary n..M........ tfod Ordinary.... Strict Good Ordinary..... Low Middling Middling ;...t.. v Good Middlin.J........ 11 41 H V. 121 41 44 oailt ascairts cott.n -r:ba,!B Spiriu Turpenuns, ....1,256 bbs Tar Crude Tor Dentin e.....v........... HABINE NEWS. i LJ ARRIVED. I Steam-yacht Pa.- port Uarper. SmlthTillo GfiMverH. ( . - steamer Ihis,raldiou, 1'puit Caswell. A 1' I'kUJUOU CLEARED. stertrn-VRcht PaMsport, Harpor, Sinitlivil .Nor brig Swift. IIopp, Itotterdam, Wj . s lir s'nrali I. bHViN.Cattrell. Philadelphia rarii'i by J II .naliwiiru io; yvbhoi vj K'i liark-r a o. Exports, f 1 . rJAMTWIE. : l . Phlla-lelphU rbr Sarah I. PvU-bc'.lV ; ft iumt-er. roasiss. . Kottirdaui Nor bris Swift 1'T blN riu. - .VKKICLY 8TATK3IE"T I or st.h-ks os haip jtly 14, 137'J. V'tfc"U JU"J C. ....................... ... ...... - a!f -at Total i 20H t Spirits phor 3,5:tl float Tctal j ! 6.7-6 Rocin iubnre .'. C8,lUl .aduat M .' y 1,83d Trtal 69,036 Tar aahore 11,935 aiitt I Total 11.90 Crude aahore , 1, 44 afloat ' Total j - 1,044 axCBiPis roa tui whew bndiko jclt 14, '79. Cotton M -.. 18 spirit : : 2,714 Kosin :. 7,6y5 Tar Crude 2,311 EXPORTS FOR THE WKKt EN DINS JOLT 14,187. r Domestic Ootton t4 Spirits L 10D Rosin 3i3 Tar 1,372 Crude.... : 15 I Forelirn.1 Cotton..... Spiiits L 3,2Q'J Rosin , ...j.18,336 Tat L Cm do i THE MAltVELOUS 1 ORGUINETTE, ! STILL TUK ATTRACTION. THEY BUY them at sight. There is no limit to eithr kind or qiantity of mafic. It plajs any tune. ' ! School Book, Stationery, Blank Books, Ac., Ac , in great va'iety, at low figures. YATEa .BOOK STOftE july 14. AND PHOTO ROOMS. 1 : OPEN DAY AXD "XIOIIT. OIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR, PAR- O kers Ginger Tonic, Idian Cholagoae, Bocfae Atbmi Cigaretta, and fail line of Drugs,' aled.cints and ( Perfumer y, ' J. C. MULLER, Cijrrer 4ta aaduo Streets. Open dir ac.d night, july 14-tl " j yThe followinjf quota Uons represent the wholseale prioM gner.llr. In making UP snail order highe prices hare to be charged BAUUIA Uujj..., Double AnehoCM.... Double Anchor "AM..M Standard Domestic, BACON North Carolina. Hams. V & rihoaldars, "V B WttStern Srcoktxl Uaai.. Hides, y lb , as bare ..M. I Dry Salted ; Sides, V & Shoulders, ft &......... BEEF Live weight... 1AKKELS Spiritj Torpenaae . Second lland, eacnM..M.... 1 New York, each, new....... 1 jEWAX- to liUlCKS Wilmington, 1? M 8 NorCiern B UTTEt North Carolina ft) Northern, f ft) 1 CANDLES Sperm ft) Tallow, y O Adamantine, V set 1.... GHEES ft i Northern Factory, ft) Dairy cream, Tft &.......... Bute, V ft) COFFEE Java, V ft Rio, V ft) Laguvka, V ft) CORN MEAL bushel.... COTTON TILS-y bdl..... 1 DOMESTIC Sheeting, 4-4 yard. arn, bunch FiHH- M acker el, No. 1, V bbl....l6 00 No. 1, V XA bbl .- 8 75 Mackerel, No. 2, Tf bbl.... 12 50 No. 2, V K bbl 6 00 Mackerel, No. 3 T$ bbL....00 00 Mullets, V bbl 2 00 N. C. Herring, ?keg 5 60 Drv Cod, V fi T FLO CR Fine. V bbl 0 00 Saper, Northern, bbl... 4 00 Eitra do " bbl... 6 CO Family " bbl... 6 00 Oitj MlllKi,.Super V bbl... 7 00 Family V bbl... 7 50 " Ex. Family V bbl... 8 00 TERTILIZLRS- Hyruvian Guano, V 2000 lbs. 60 00 " 00 00 " 45 00 " 00 00 " 00 00 " 00 00 " 35 00 " 00 00 " 00 00 11 O ioh 11 10 o it b & 6 10 & 13 6 1 2X 3i 25 O 1 60 76 1 85 20 Q 21! 00 10 00 00 14 Of 15 20 16 25 25 40 UK y li 8 O ' 9 UK " T 8 28 ' 30 12H 16 18 20 70 75 35 1 10 1 06 20 00 9 00 00 0C 6 50 8 6C 2 50 6 00 o 4 00 5 00 6 00 8 00 7 25 7 75 8 25 41 Baagh'a Phoiphate Carolina Fertiliser Ground Bone, Bone Meal " Flour Narasea Guano, Complete Manure Wh&nn'a PhosDhate Wando Phosphate, " " 00 00 BergerABrutx'sRos." " 00 00 Wilcox, Gibb A Co., ma nipulated Guano .48 00 GLUE y ft) 8 GRAlN-Corn,itore,'V56fts 65 Corn, cargo, V 66 &s...... - 66 Corn, y eh, llf bushel......... None. 45 55 4 9 00 00 00 00 00 00 61 00 40 00 45 00 47 00 40 00 67 00 70 00 70 00 00 00 067 60 10 67 Oats, V bushel Peas, cow, V buihsl...... HIDES Green, V ft) Dry, V ft) HAY--Eatern, ? 100 fts... North Hirer, V 100 lbs.... 50 65 9 1 10 HOOP IRON V ton 60 00 65 00 LARDlvorthern y ft) 7$ 8K North Carolina V ft) 11 LIME y bbl V0 LUM B ER City steam ia' wd 8bip stuff, resawed, Mft.l8 00 Rough ed?e plank, y M ft. 16 00 Weft India cargo, accord ing to quality, y M (t...)2 00 Dressed nooring,seasoned. 15 00 Scantling and boards, com mon, y ia. it ii oo Cuba, bbls., y gal M. Sugar hoaie, hhdi. y gal. " " bbls. y gal... Orleans Choice bbls. y eaL NAILS Cut, 20dfc4d,ykg 2 60 OILS Kerosene, y gal...... IS 12 00 20 00 18 00 14 00 25 60 32 35 18 20 35 Lard, y gal i gai ,Wal.. Linseed, Rosin, V gal. 1 1 10 00 12 90 00 3 00 PEANUTS y bushel POTATOES -Sweet, V bus. Irish, Northern, y bbl PORK Northern,city mess. 10 00 Thin, y bbl ...........00 00 Prime, V bbl (extra) 10 50 Rump, y 14 3 1 1 1 00 45 50 45 10 20 25 60 60 bbl 00 00 RICE Carolina, y ft) 7 East Iadia, y B 00 Rough, y buiheh 1 00 BAGS Country, y ft) IH. City, y ft) VA BOPr; lleuip 3 10 50 00 00 11 00 00 00 00 1 15 IX IK sea see ess 70 80 T5 0 6 Booms and Board. VERY FINE ROOMS AND BOARD can be furnihei to families, couples, or sin gie pers ns, on lavorable term for the Hum mer, at the p:eaant and convenient dwell ing on the co.ner ot rront and Mulberry streets. Both transient, permanent and dsj board er? c,inmoJatrO t moderate prices. For particulars enquire of i MK.L BOOiUNOT, June 14-tf Cor. Front and ul:eiry sts Go to 10HN CARROLL'S B-AR, J bOCTU IDE MARKET, Between Froat and Water Streets, if you want a urtt-clns dnnk put up in the finest Style of the art. Fancy orinst are a specialty at this Bar Only the bett Wines, V busies, Brainlies and Cigars are ollered at this estab luhraent. july 5 GO TO ! P. L. -BRIDGERS & GO. The Flower oi' Kcy Wel It ! j Cijrar ' i Ths Best 10c Cigar in-the World. i Other Merchants qait keeping them on ac count of the small proSts to be m ide on them jane 30 P. L, BRIDOE&S A CO. 12M ManiiU 13 SALT Alum, y sack Liverpool, y sack American V sack Marshal's fine, V sack-.... Cadis y sack 75 SUGAR Cuba, y B Porto Rico, y ft) A- Coffee, y ft) b y th C " y 5stf,M.... Ex c y ft Cruihed y ft) SOAP Northern, ft) 8HINOLE3 Contract, 6 00 Common, y M 1 60 8TAVEl4 W. O. bbl. V M.10 00 R O hhd. y E 00 00 TALLOW y ft 8 TIMBER Shipping 1? M...10 00 Mi I, extra per M 8 50 Mill, prime per M 7 00 Mill, fair per M 5 00 Common, per M ......4 00 Inferior to Ordinary,per M 3 00 WHISKEY North'n, per g-1 1 25 North Caro Jna, per gal ... 1 60 WOOL Unwashed, per ft). 21 Washed, per ft M 26 . Barry wool, per ft) 16 X 10 00 o e ' 00 00 so 1 35 00 10 00 9 7 8 2 25 15 00 00 00 00 13 00 & 10 75 8 00 6 50 4 60 4 00 3 50 2 25 22 28 CiLIFOlIA W1HES, IN WOOD, Ordered expressly for use during the Warm Season. CLAhET, - ANGELICA. I HOCK, ! i i i DORT, : ' I1 ' - I SHERRY, i i Direct fiom California via Isthmus of .Pana ma. VERY FINE, j AND AT VERY LOW FIGURES. WE GUARANTEE A LARGti SAYING j TO ALL WHO CSK THESE WINES. 17 Quarterly Meetings. Wilmington District 3d liound. Whitevil'e at Carver's Creek July 5-6 Cohame Miss Black's Chapel. .July 12-13 Clinton at Goshen (Dia. Con.).July 17-18 Brunswick at Bethel July 26-27 Wilmington Fifth Street. July 26 27 Wilmington Front street Aug 2-8 Waccamaw Miss. Bethel......'.... Aug 3-4 Smithville Station '". . . .Aug 5-6 Topsail Aug 9-lfj Onslow .....Aug 16-17 The District Conference will converA at Ghshen Church. Clinton Circuit, July 17th, 1870, at 9 o'clock A. M. Let all the pastors and delegates be present at the time appointed. Brethren, let us meet in the name and Spirit of Christ. Rey John Tiilittiwill preach Jhe opening ser mon. J L. S. BURKHEAD, P. E. Magnolia, N. 0. Busgies, Buggies, 1 Harness & Saddles, j FOR SALE AT j G23HZXAHDT dt CO'S, 3rd L, opposite City Hall. j RKPAIRLNG DONE WITH NEATNESS AND DISPATCH. HORSE-SHOEING A SPECIALTY. july.l4-tf ALSO THE CHOICEST FAMILY GROCERIES FRESH EVERY WEEK. IF YOU DESIRE THE BEST AT THE LOWEST CASH PRICES IN THE CITY- With a Guarantee to Please at all times or have floods returned, call up n Boatwiight & McKoy, 5 6l 7 Worth Front Street- july 14 PURE GOODS! YT7E WOULD RECOMMEND THE USE v v OF , PURE GOODS, Particularly Extracts ! We sell the VfeRY BEST as well as every thing in the GROCERY LINE. We do not oater for the cheapest. Quality is our Motto! THE BEST FLOUR-WARRANTED The Best Wines, Teas and Liquors; Ores L 1 A Blackwell's Pickles and Sauces; Canned '1 1 I Meats, Preserves, Fish, Jellies in Glass; . i Prunes, Apples in gallon cans; the Best i 1 Batter jn the World; Cakes and Crackers, i ' Hams, Beef Tongues, Lunch Ham, Siigar and Coffees. ! The Choicest Goods at Low Prices, ' ,C00 cases Assorted Goods, 60,000 Choice Cigars. Only compare oar Goads and Pri? cel. GEORGE MYERS, ! july 11 tf 11. 13 and 16 South Front St. Headquarters for Ale, Lager Beer and porter. No. 5 Market-Street i 1AN FURNItfHYOU WITH.THE BES'i Ale, Lager Beer and Porter, both keg and bottled, in the city. Country orders promptly attended ta r- r 1 Ke7 Advertisements. i CLYDE'S Klew Yoirk j AND j j". Wilmington, W. C., Steamship Line, ffhe Oteamor ' ' , WEFACTOR, CAFf. JONES. I WILL SAIL FROM NEW YORK O SATURDAY. July 12. ! Shippers can rely upon the prompt sailinfr of Steamers as adrertised. For Freight Engagements apply to THOS. EL BOND, Bup't, Wilmington, N. C. WM. P. CLYDE A CO., j 35 Broadway, Nev York jaly7. HOW JDO NEWBURY & CHASTEN SELL SO CHlSAP? Just becure thtr do not look after the lene profits. Come and see our 30 TUBS New Butter ; also New Sugar and Ch apest Flour in the city. If you do not bay we wul be glad te snow you.: CaU in. Jaly 10-1 w Water 8rreeL Salt- Salt Salt- 4 000 ljlVJ!.ttrUUlj.OAL.T, Now lanJing and for sale by jane IT WILLIAMS A MURCHISON. Mint Julep I m iS FIRST OF IHE SEASON At June 2 JXO.CAKKOLL'S Warm Springs Western North Carolina, 13 NOW OPEN for the reception of pleas ue seeker j aac invalids. Ihis lorely place is situated in tHe beauti ful valiey of the -ftnch Broad, within eight mMes of the riiroad. . , We hare a fine band of Jmnsic, attentive rer, ants, and alt other accooimodaiioLB to be found at a first-cIaRS watering piac . For particalarD applyor descriptive pam phlet. W. M. UOWERTON, june 10 Proprietor. Exchange Hotel, GOZ.DS7JOB.O, IV. C. A FIRST-CLASS HOUSE in every respect. Special arrangements offe ed to Com mercial tourista. SX" PiCt;8 Reasonable. ' J. M. BUNTING, Formerly of Wilmington and P. P C Co. I L. F. MERRITT, Formerly of Petersburg A BlueRidge Springs, june 3-1 Proprietors. $66 A WEEK in your own town, and no capital risk ed. You can give the bu siness a trial wiiuout expense. Jne best opportunity ever offered for those willing to work. Yeu should try nothit g else until you see for yourself what you can do at the business j we offer. No room to explain here You can devote all your t ime or only yourspftre time to the business, and make great pays for every hour that you work. Women make as much as men. Send for special piivate terms and particulars, which $5 Outfit free. Don't com imes while you have such a HALLETT & CO. we mail free. plain of hard chance. Address 11. Portland, Maine. Foreclosure Sale. N FRIDAY, the 1st day of August next. J at 12 o'cloek, M., by virtue of the pow er conr rred by a certain mortgage deed ex ecut d by Joseph C. Piltman and wife, to the Wilmington Building Association, registered in the Records of Ntw Hanover County, in Book F. F. F., page 484, the under. ie-ned will offer for sale by public auction at the Court Home door in the City of Wilmington, that certain 1 t ot land in the City of Wil mingtoD, bounded and described as follows Beginning at a point in the Western line of Fourth street, 103 feet North of its ictersec ion with Davis street, thenqe Northwardly with Fourth street 60 feet, theace Westward ly 121 feet to the Eastern line of Third street, thence Houthwestwardly with said line of 3d st, 36 feet to Davis street, thence Southeaet wardly with the Northern line of Dayit street 50 feet and thence i as t ward y Hi feet to the i - DepfDniDg. I - - Terms of sale Cash. Purchaser to pay for papers. i ALEX. T. LONDON, june 2-19tAjy31 Assignee in Bankraptoy, P. L. ERIDGERS & CO. Wish to notify the public that he CELEBRATED PAROLE ! WHISKEY. ! 1 1 Will arrive on TUESDAY, ' Put up in the most convenient sh aped hot ties, each in a niee little case, and for the quality of Whiskey sold remarkably low. They are the 8fcLE AGENTS. jane 30 IHceIlaneoni. i ox-XL, jtuirt's nr i Port Grape Wi Lsed in Uhtrches.for t'onitt,UniCB fc l I V ' PASSAIC. Speer'sSPort Graic Wite Fours Years Old., rjlHlS JUSTLY CELEBRATED NATlTi Wine is made from the juice of the Wt Grape, raised in thii country, hi invtlLtW Tonic and: Slrengtlieniiij Fnijfe are unsurpasse'1 by ary ther natire ta j,. Being the pure jvice of the grape, pn dtc under Mr. Speer'a own persoca! ioperi,ji. its pu'ity and genuineness are go anni 'I he roungest (hi In uay paitake oi iu gril. oaa qualities, ai d tl e weakest invalid T u?e it to advantf(:e It is rartirularlr leir facial to the aged arl dbilitted,ard'i im to the various ai'n:cDts afllict the wlw sex. It is, in every respect, A WIK TO bk RELIED ON. S peer's P. eJYHirrrv r The P. J. SHERRY is a Wine of SlPf. RIOR CHARACTER and partakes of. tha z lden Qualities of the grape from Whit is made. For MfcDlCIN AL PKOPfcRTlLS . n - - r - j 1 1 i i i ii wiivoe ionna unexcenea ; Speer'i P. J. or Pedro J- Braniir. iThis noted Brandy in a pure diMilU k from the grape and isequa to the tinett rei nessy or Otard Btandis; for nej)icinl 'pu poses it can be relied upon as strictly por. Hee tl at the signature of Alfred" Pp'rr, Passaic, N. J., is over the coik of each Lot tie. A. 8PEER'S Mt Prospect - Vinejird,, New Jersey.' Office, No. 34 Warren St,. Ntw ork. ' . I For sale by GKEEN A FLA.NN R, J. C. MUNDS, Druggists, and P L. BRIDGES A CO. 1 airil My Beautiful I Lace Lilse Sol. Bear & Bros.. rpAKEi PLEA SURE in announcing to their aumsrous friends and patrons that they have ne of the most complete and largest st cks of I I CLOTHING & FUfUJlSHIMG G03DJ, HATS3 &c; And that the above wil be sold at lower prices than by any other House in the city, Call early and get Bargains. june 17 OL BEAR A BROS. KEEP COOL! SHRIER OFFERS TH? ! OREATE8T facilities for kee Diner r.t thi. Kt .k er. He is patriotically resolved to sell the balance of his . , Stock of Snnimer Clothing At prices so low d'wn iVi a uAnK4 ... keep pjol and ecmfo ruble. In fact, the wciauofsna wii b Kr HOLD, to make room for an immense Fall and Winter Stock. The DIAMOND I. th- .i.TA " Shirt in the City. 8osd only at Gloves, VERY LONG, The Latest Style ! ' 1 ALSO, . ' i SOMETHING i . ' i. 1 j ' - IN 1 r "V eiling! Bretonne Lncts ! I Black and SvLjtL. 'if; 1 H ' 'I I A fine lot of ! . : I From three fur 5 cents to, ? ALL LINEN HANDKERCHIEF. The 'Tlexible Hip Corset is slxl he favririt. Hosiery. .1 lti patent fastening Kid Gloved Neck wear and other articles tuo numerous to mention cah ! at ! ' , " I Market Street- J ijmne S , !' i i i