THIS TXFZSL I, ptblUb4 rT7 afWraooa, Saidiji ex- JOSH- T. JAMES, joitob iHD rmopKirroK. st.HMCK!OTKi.ttTAaE PAID. 06- fr.r.14 00 n.ontks, $2 50 ; Three 15; One month. 60 etntJ. r- pP wiH bdliTtred byerrir, f..frbr,r,.o u; part of the city, at the k!) .,. rte. r 13 cent per wwk. Airtir rat low and liber! euberitrt will pleaae report any and t;; f:!re to revive their papers regularly. HFW ENTERPRISE. EKOWN & RODDICK, Will vau on or aoout Wednesday, Junex18, Mi t.rioti the JSouth west comer ,t s-miil at:l Market streets. We pur--J.vi4i.ii? thi. jUre a lor t to the saie 5 and lO Cents. U rtnnot entiTpera the different arti , i- ! this time Uitour patrons may rest New Enterprise. W rtainly will offer the greatest In . i. i .. that have ever been shown in tl , tioti cf the country, as no house in tcuntry hs better facilities forVbe p;r, i, , 0f such articles. BROWN & RODDICK. u- w uM also take this opportunity of aline that w are offering some Special J Varcaiiis at 4 Market street, m our i;ry Vmli Department. . lt-t"C short of space can only quote a sWt price list, but can saleiy say maiai n. time Iwve we been better prepareu or 11 ;rvavr inducements than a, this par- l:ai'..r moment. Dress Goods. W- have just received another small lot I rf ti v at 1. Call early. i l?I.X.1t Pn I Lawns-Linen Unisli, Gc. I Worth double. V1. .l .id Ilows for Gent's wear in Black and Whiu, 5 worth '2."c. alcove when soll-d can be wansea h. ith a damp cloth. LliliCS LillCIl Collars, C. jti.i n... Summer Shawls. We are 'closing out a small lot of the aUvi at less than half tlie cost of manu factitrtng. Children's Col'd Hose. The charpst lot In this market ; 10c a p ur, and the quality is good. iRirr iiotrTunrin rinucc in. I IAU1L LldLC inniHU uwi u-, ww- I I IiraM)IS aild OUIlSliaaeS. We have just received anoth lot of the I1-? and can safely sta'e that they are , without exception the cheapest goods ever rujn'J ij us k mi j uiuc! FATSTS ! ! rA.TSTS ! ! ! For th mn:ions at all prices. . m . I l (xeiltS WJ-Ltte blliriSf of WamsutU Cotton and the best : Linen front. Our price is still 75 Cents BROWN & RODDICK, 45 Market Street j ine 14 Robesouian copy. New Goods ! Low Trices ! UnilLELt SEW YOKK recently Mr. v r ShKirD Kr. (. lnw nrieea a lrc I ' - - - - mm m w u mm, m ' XT C I ,tock of XC.T aild DCSlrable GOOdS. lpttr reCelTed "dC0BBi' r , . , . e .. . Genu and Boys' Caiiimere Boiti ! A fiae lot at bottom figures. lUrfe stock of WHITE VE8T8, jast the MuJl "w ,"r.,0ld l fltu call and ezaaiae, whether yon par- or ant. We delight ta showing oar Cli. an4 don t compel too tu buy. UURlk'aTWO BTOKKS, N'r 1 Market st. Tonsorial, IJITLXO AOAlIf loeated la the base- 0 VUj renoWJed and lmprovSthe old .taa! -- - now prepared to shave,soaznpoo, ar M lair tor everybody. The beet of won deaa towsii, sharp raaors and lev rn?-. KLYIN AKT18, 27 PareHooae Barber 8b p DAY ASD iMUUlV QIVMOVH LIVEB. ncnni.iTnii par. kers OlBfer Toaic, Idiaa Cholagoiae, fwt.e Asthma Ugaretts, and faU llae v urajti, Mediciass and Perfamery. 7. C. MILLEB, . CoraerlthaadAma SUeets. i?aia-txJ Blhu nn VOL. IV. I i WILMINGTON, N. C, LOCAL , NEWS. Itew Advertisements. J. C. Winia, 1 M. D. Secfy Inland Quarantine. 1 Om. Myers "Parole DeHonne ur." f P.UaiasBEaaaa's Henrj Greville's Great Book. J. B.. Farbib Light Banning "New Home." I , j ' , Hheii ' Keep Cool. ' No City Court to-day Two interments , iu Believue Cemetery daring the week . i There wai oue lnUrinent in Oakdale this week an adult 1 Elias Halsey, a 'very wcrthy colored man, died in this city,' this mornicg.after a lingering illness frem typhoid fever. Rer. Dr. J. C. II nuke, rector of St j0hng Church, Fayetteville v...u OA will preach in St. John's Episcopal Church in this city to morrow evening at G o'clock. Alwjys reliable and ellicacious. Dr. Hull's lUhv SvniD never disappoints innthrs and nurses, but cures at ouce the troublesome diseases of babyhood, bold everywhere at2" cents a bbttle. rf - , At a rcctut meeting of the Church - .. f .. .. Kvaneeicai Lu- . " , theran Church in th s was resolved that the night services be dispensed with until the Becoud Sunday in September, and that for this peri, d of seven weeks, tha inomiog service be ' couJuctel in the English language Accident to a Little Child. ieseruay auernoou vUWBi ,4fcWW on of Mr .bomaj 0 Banlink wa3 rua over by a horse and loaded dray and pain fully Injured about the thigh and back. I.. . I . .1 - f II U i m nl V it .M-ems marine mue between three and , f ur year of age, was . f - th t t :a front m f , lL . . . , n Second, between l'rincees and Chestnut streets, when a horse with a dray loaded with lumber ran against, him, knocking nim down, une wueei 01 mo ui; m"" entirely over the child, bruising his back aud thigh and legucar the knee joint, but most for.unately and ' providentially it seems not breaking any boues. Mr. Banting, who soon heard of the accident, repaired immediately to Captain Sonther land's stables, whither h:a little son had b en teLderly conveyed by Mr, O. W. Lamb and laid upon, a lounge, expecting h;. . breathe his last. The family physician was soon called in and tK child conveved home, when after - . , a thorough examination the doctor made .i.j L. L.,.Ij .f it a P irtnn'a narpnti hv informine them that no bones were brcken and there was to serious danger. Swelling soon set in and the limb was very mnch swollen m a short time, but we are happy to learn te-day that the little sufferer is doing very well indeed. The Music efthft Main. After an unprecedentedly long spell of dry weather, during whichp vgeta V.-.l l"k otiia TiarrVPi) nd withered IU- lv f... LndMnmany places ruiued, the surround country was visited yesterday, last icrht ami this morniiie bv a series of refreshing showers. From nearly every section we hear of glorious rains.and from varv hpart there is an outpouring of v w v j - gratitude to God for Ilis merciful kind ness. While there were frequent showers all around us yesterday, this city was vUited only by a slight anrin t lrt rlurin? the U3V. J.U the - - O early morning hours of to-day, however, the window, of IIven were opened, and sweet sbewers detcended to slake the thirst of our parched earth and make glad and thankful the hearts of men. No music eTer 90Unded 8WWter . to our-ear. than tbe patter nf t,e reviviljiug r".in on the roof,and as the tqoruing- advanced aud tbe rain coutinucl to descend, the air became purer, and all nature rej.iced at tne lioiid blcssiug. It was so hour for . . , tbanK.giVing anu praiac , Hnw annronriatlv sweet to the devo- tional heart are the following words ' of P. T. Bli.s, one of America's swectet sineri", who5 tragic death by the falling - a tr3m throngh the bridge at lAshtabu- U.Ohio, will be well' remembered: ltaarthA mtiiilc of the rain. t Falling down ; On the rKf aud window-pane. Falling down. Murmnr not. It seems to say. For our Father's love U-day, Orders oaly In our way , Good to fall. I Like the penile, falling rain. tjTer mountain lake and plain, Will Ills tender card remain. Overall ' " . Hear tbe music of the rain, beautiful rain, - Aa the pearly drop In ahowers pattering fall; Hear the sweet, subdued refrain. On the roof and window-pane, Of our Vather'a Under love for all." Souie Apples. Mr. John I). Woodv, of the firm of Woody Sc Curria, of this cityt brought into our office this morning a twig of an apple tiee about a foot in length and having three small branches, upon which there were sixty finely devel- r J J Ope l apples. They were not fully Rrown, nor were they, as a matter of course, very lar;e, but they were all well and per fectly formed. They were gathered from a tree on the premises ot Mr. J. A EJ. wards, near Rjrindaie, Bladen couuty, and are indtxtl a curiosity. There is no dispute about them only as , to ho ehall eat the duniMlingH alter they are cookim. ! I Crop Prospects. . r rom a postal card received mis morn- i ing from Robeson county, we learn that r a. i cj. i l n.l Kecuon oi .no outo u uccu '- i : ! : u . I. A V. ur copious BU'wera wituiu iuc isu icw day 8. The crop of corn, owing to the protracted spell of dry weather, will be t rni.ii. l II l...l Hnori. inecoium naa Miuau wewi, om the Iruitage is loosing wen ana promises I to be fair, aud if good seasons should con- tine from now until harvest time, the - . . . farmers may hope lor a tair return tor the labors of the summer. We cordially -. A .n fh anrt nf fhnlr OlVlU aSV wjaiw sm. - f fulness which our correspondent mani fests on account of the favorable change in the weather. Thf Ffnrinir Araund Oskdalc. Thursday last, the woods just East of the city, in the vicinity of the old race track, was eet fire to bv bovs who; amused I , . . . J.. . themselves in it with pine tops, ect., but the fire got the upper hand of them and burned very rapidly. Be- fore itnld be checked the flames reached lore iwuid becnecKea tne names reacneu tne ience arouna uaaaaie iemeiery, near the old entrance, and burned down about four hundred feet of it, when the flames communicated to the fence around Pine t orest uemetery. uere tne nre was ex- tinguished before it could de much dam- ..... . r . age. iiaa it not Deen ior ine prompi .r.inn of Mr. Donlan. the Superintendent ij i . j . u u t - ot Oikdale, the damage to both fences would have been much greater. An Invention In Spirits Turpentine. . o t Mr. P. H. Emmitt, a son s of Squire J. W. Emmitt, of Rockfish township, who has recently been residing at Goodwinsvilie, Dodge county, Ga., and is now on a visit homehas shown us a sample of aririts of turntin, manufactured by Mr. BeHen- grath, of Goodwinsville, with whom Mr. Emmitt has been for some time employed, The spirits are distilled from yellow dip are as clear and pure as water, and show, besides, two gallon, saving In every barrel 0 of yellow dip, aa 8 gallons instead of 6 are produced by Mr. Bellengrath's method. By this process the article is perfectly free of water, which is another important item in the economy of the mode of manufac- turing the cpirits. Fayetteville Gazettt . Yesterday's Showers. We learn from a passenger who arrived this morning on the OarolinaCentral train that the country between CI irk ton, Bladen Cj Brunswick Co., secured.but a very small share ot the . i r it 1 . I rainiaii oi jesreraay. on tae line oi ine rrWI this Ki.ia of the latter nlace and , , . ., ia begond the former, there were copious showers during tne aay ana iasi nignt, which were very much needed. It is I v.ry probable, from the .ppearaooe rf th. clouds to-day th it shower, have visited th line of the C. O. road to a considera- ble distance, and that the section which failed yesterday may receive the blessing ia the showers which have gone in that direction this morning. fivi ruiicu. i I T . r .-... I Yellow fever cases are quarantined on Wilmineten, New lork and Philadelphia. fjK irloite southern Jl0Y) I of yellow fever aarantined in sight of Wilmington, mine r P. no yellow fever on any ships in this port . 1 r- - .!. . ? a 1 .A . I or at tne yaaranune oiauon, B say. our Quarantine physician, and In the next place the Quarantine Station lortni. port is twenty-eight miles below tbe city. wa.cb is rather too iar, we rise ioreiHara, to be in sight oi Wilmington, un.e honld un in a balloon and then possi- I B I J I . u .. ;-lnn!l nn WUI p-y " UUU,KU " .1 Joubt, done our "City by the aea , home possible harm by the above para- j graph. which We have quoted. Person. ,r . , ' wnoreaa me nrsi paragrapu the correction. I m 1 ! 1 1 J la. . i I i wo cnuaren ana iwo auu , u- terred in Pine Forest Cemetery this I week. I " RWIW. ! SATURDAY, JULY Church Services. 1 "Worship in the various churches of the city to-morrow as follows. i- ST. JOHX'g CHUBCH. corner of Third and Red Cross streets. Rev. George i'atterson, D. D., Kector. July i7-"S SuudlS af ' TtJ' CeleDralion at :.J0 a. m. Morning Prayer At 11 o'clock. Evening , Irayer at 6 o'clock. ST. JAMK' jTAKISH. corner Thi-d and Market streets. Rev. A. A. WTatson, D.D., Rector. Seventh Sunday titer Trinity July 27i h. Celebration a? 7 a. m. Sunday School at 9:30 a. m. Morning Prayer at 11 o'clock. Home Sunday School at 5 p. J3. Eveuing Prayer 'a 6 o'clock second presuytkbi an cnuBCH cor Fourth and Campbell streets. Rev. C. yf. Payne, Pastor. No services at 11 a. h . srvics at 8;15 p. m., by Rev. Di. 8T pAUlg EVAN0 luthebax I church I . ... Corner of Sixth and Market streets. Rev. I ri n r ..... i. n t i . u. . v. u . uoi niicim, u. u ., fastor. uneusn No Service at night.1 lay ycill)0i &l 4::i0 p auii. FIRST BA PTIST CHURCH, cerner 0f Market and Fifth streets. Rev I J B. Taylor, Pastor. Services to-morrow U ' 13 V, lmday School at 9; .0 a. m. urooKiyn ounaay iocnf)oi at 4 p. m. Young Mens Prayer Meeting Tuesday night,, at 8 o'clock. Church Prayer Meet- ,nS A"ursuay nigu. at o o ciock. ST. MIRK'S (COL.) EPISCOPAL CHUKC-T, corner Sixi h aud Mulberry streets. Rev, C. O. Brady, Minister. Services at 11 a m. and 6 p m. Sunday School 4:30 p. m. ' corner Third and Orance streets. Rev. Dr. J. R. Wilson, D. D., pastor. Services at H m. and b p. m Sabbath School I .1 n FRO..T STREET M. K. CHURCK, (SOUTH) ' v J A. yates pastor. Services at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Suuday School at 3 p. m. W. M' Tkeri sup't. Young Men's Society Tuesdav eveuing at 7:30 o'clock, and reg- uiar jrayer Meeting and Liecture Wednes- day evening at 7:30 o'clock. fifth btkeet m. e. chuhch (south), on irif" ?et,wn 11Wun a0(1 Church streets, rvev. r. x. xiau, pastor, oervices 11 a. m, and 7:15 p. m. Sabbath School at 9 a.m, .Prayer Meeting Thursday eve . I at '.:.0 o'rtiock. i seamen's bethel, I I Dock, between Water and Front streets, Rey Jag w Craig) chaplain services at Ill a.m., to which seamen are1 cordially invited. ine pnoncare mvitea to attena religious I . . . f 1 . . A. L services at tne lueston upper room, in tne XiIe ton Norm x school uuUding, on Ann, between Fourth and Fifih streets, every Sunday alternoon at o o'ciock. second baptist ctiUBca, n Sixth, between Church and" Castle "J-. VrffSSX " ; b" b' ' "j. p! Sunday School at 9:30 a. m. Peg- ular Prayer Meeting at 3 o'clock, Tuesday evening. vxuVs episcopal chubch corner Fourth and Orange streets , Rev. T. III A m K !- t? ontnr Stri7lPOa at II o m and Tm p; m Sunday School at 3:30 p. ra. Seats free.- wooten's chapel, come, of Bladen and Ninth streets Rev. Willis Wooten, pastor. Preaching Sundays, at 11 a. m., 3 o'clock and 7 o'clock p. m. Wednesday night at 7 o'clock. Prayer Meeting Friday night. Sunday School at 9 a. m. first baptist church (colored.) corner Fifth and Campbell streets. Rev. A. M. Coaway, pastor. Services to-mor row at 11 a. m. and S p. m. Sunday School at 9;30 a. in. Prayer Meeting on Thursday night at 8 o'clock. 8t. lewis' chapel. comer Seventh and Bladen streets. Rev. -Jonn JLewis, pastor, services at 11 ,d . ' . d k m d8 o'clock, p. m. first congbegatioxai. chubch. 1 M-ori. JH.B, veoth to sutl(iay services at 10:30 a. ra. and 3 and 7:30 p. m. Praise and Conference meeting J ""'"""'J A""u 'v v Regulations Of the Board of Health. Dr. J. C. Walker, Superintendent of Health, for this city and county, adver- fiaaa I V.Ia I una .Via PrvrVin .Via ,uvu iu buia i- DUO ui we it.i tun vue x? 1 ? .J J1 I uriiune regulation aa uuoptcu sy vuc ooara of Health for this county, and also publishes the extract from the act of tbe ft Ararat A a.- Vf a- xb n anthckriyaa I. a tm t mX. Oivlu J j VV uiwu mmm v-va iuvw uv enforcement of these laws. We knQW tbafc ou citizena gen eal,y -s to that such j DreCant ions have been taken bv tbe Boarji and we y.D0W furthermore that the f the BoarJ in regafd , tQ quarantining yesseLj whea there is any daDger to apprTebeded will receive the heartyapproTalof all good citizena in our Mmnmnit -. a m....H Wka. U..J r rMnan f nhsfii'isnB "uu.ruwi c ,..-.. r j and chemuU announced the discovery that by combining 8ome well-known val uable remedies, tbe mo6t wonderful med- ne was produced w men wouia cure such a wide range of disease that most all other remedies could be dispensed with many were acentieal: but Droof of its mer I it K ar1 It.. 3-ra!1w U.W lnltt "J U UMI a-a.. , - HImv-rer. of that orcaf Medjcine, Hop BitUrs, are honored and messed by all as benefactors. sis, 1879. vta - . IN V7. 140 The Law on Nuisances, j A court at tbeicapitol of Illinois has granted an injunction again nt I be blowing r r . J .... ou oi a steam wnistie att cnea to. a manufacturing establishment ol that city. ine injunction was granted at the request of a physician, Who claimed that the noise created by .the whistle was a nui sance to himself and family i The judge tak s high ground in favor of the right' to oomlortable enjoyment of life and prop eriy niaex-Appea. We think some such decision could be nao in this community also if the proper steps were taken to bring it about Wft r.ntnr thit r. -.... h. o ;., render quiet, peaceable citizens un ... ., ; . conilortablo either bv the rins ,, , f I',, , . it ng of bolls at an unseasonable hour or the blowing off of a locomotive, 1 ' sceamDoat, lactory, or saw mill steam . I ... . . wnistie at any time. But such is tbe case here within the corporate limits of his city. Steamboats blow 1 off their steam whistles frequon ance of e ery cuuting ly to the annoy- house on Water trect. One b';ist do not seem to suf- (ico, but nothing short of three loud, long, shrill,' shriek's from a steam whistle is . .!, , 1 tnougbt sufhcient for some of. the Steam- boatmen hereabouts, just befere their de parture from our city wharves. Anii ua same may to said ei some ot tne saw !.. i mills in m.Aration npre anil nn whiRMa ... , , 1 " wi..... , ..wa uoa o vij loin! hoi an,l nflnolraf inrr Rmmrl ioua, noarso ana penetrating sound , and is any thing but pleasant to li.t n to i every morning about daylight, when one is inclined to sleep. We would be glad i to have a little moderation in the frequency of these blasts aa wall aa in the lencth or tnese Diastsas wen as m tne lengtn oi namfl at th linnr aVino rrlontmno I . . wnicn wouia ao no narm. we imaffine. to O F anvnnA Vnf. Ka nrrwlnpti va rf hattia yrrA "J ' r. D A- al 1 a! a.. a : .. J- a 1 tuose wno5e tunc to res. mciuues tue earlv morninff hour, i , The1 Register of Deds lias issued but one marriage license for a colored couple i . r during the week. JSothing doing i in Magisterial circle, I o-uy. !'!-. -.... , ! nine auu uae iwr J-Veuins. i Alfred Speer of New Jersey, it should be known, is one of the most extensive producers and dealers in Pure Wines and Brandies in the United States. He makes a Superior Port Wine, which took the highest premium at th Centennial, known as Speer 's Port Grape Wine. It is sold by J. C. Munds, P. L Bndgers & Co. and Green & Flanner. July 23- A CARD. ( To all who afe suffering from the er rors and indiscretions ot youth, nervous weakness, early decay, loss of manhood &c..I will send a recine that will rure you, FREE OF CHARGE. This great remedy was discovered by a missionary in South America. Send a eelf-ad Iressed envelope to the Rev. Joseph T. Inman, Station D, New York City, New Advertisements. "PAROLE MONNEi;' CALL AT AND GET IT. BBLS., HALF BBLS. and at RETAIL. THIS nrU.1jN T)ii 3 171---, Hippie X Ulinea X lOUr is pronounced by all who have used it, to be PERFECTION I No higher grade Au be made I A trial will convince the skeptical I ! GEORGE MYERS, 11, 13 and 16 South Front SU july 26-tf Buggies, Buggies, Harness & Saddles, FOR BALE AT QIIIIHAIIDT&CO'O, 3rd st., opposite City Ball. REPAIRING DONE WITH NEATNESS AND DLSPATCH. HORSE-SHOEING A SPECIAJ.Tr Jaly 21-tf LIGHT RUfJMllG "NEW HOME." IT HAS A SELF-SETTING NEEDLE. Automatic Tension. Large space under coder ibe Arm. Spring Tension Shuttle. Oaly one hele to thread. Devxe for f iling the Bobbin without taking off belt or raa aia? the machine. Large spaee under prem iers fooL Ladies please call and see tor your selves. Bepec-fu'ly, ' 1 I J. B. FARRAR, ju1y24-lm 24 Market St. ' PLEASE NOTICE, I . W will be glad to receive eomtnuiratiox from our friends on any and all subjects e f general interest bmt : Tbe nam of the writer murt always be f aiahed to theKditor. , Communications nut be written on on' one aide or thejpaper. Personalities must avoided. I i And it is especially and partieularly;ander. i injiwr aoee noi always endoi w f correal on dents, unless to state in the editorial columns. New Advertisements. Inland Quarantine. Regulation Adop.ed by the keW ' - - ' ' I ' ' ' Hanover County Board of Health- 1st Resolved. That the Ordinance o I $y of Wlimingum. promuiKatni April lst. IV,. Hanover Coanty Hoard of Health, a ihu and . I JOllOWS Z I I I ' I AB)T and all Vfwuwla arriving In tU r" . - If ear River from the We. t India Islands, fMu"i America, or any Uifectd rortn. I whether the' have had Rlrkt. on H..r.i I r not, win not bealloweil to approach kiy nearer this city than the Quarantine u& ",??. L n?r WU1 tney b l4lJowe.t to diwhann I Or; take 1U Carro. fir hv nnv mmmnn ru 1 , I a. ' . uun"i me cuy wnaiever, uutu after th I i-njiiuicmuoi, 2. That any vessel interdicted by Ibe Quarantine Board, or the Superintendent of Health, shall be notified .in writing by the Huperlntendent of Health of New llanover county of the terms of interdiction and lie shall trauHmit at the ume time a cory of Section 9. of the State Health lkw and tl City Ordinance on the subject to the Master of the vessel, through the Quarunt Ine i'hj n lciun ano to me cunsigiit e ir owners. S. Any person or persons who shall aid or abet iu the violation of the Inland Quaran tine Regulations, oranv vessel, steamer or omeruraii piymg in ineianef ear, Delween Hmithville and Wilmington, that shall take other craft plying In the Cane Fear, between - 1 KtS 1 autine Station below, for not less, than '"u I . .fir ilaira a ml .. iil,i,t I. I.. Section y of the 8tate Health Ijiw. 14. I'prmNBiim irt run wi m innnm rrrn I an inLerdicfd vrkkp! mav lm iirir.,i r.nii-iui. I !v by the Superiuteudant of Health, whenl i un m violation oi ino semeu quaraniind. "sage of the season and upon this authority alone Khall such permi8Siu be L,iVen. i o. Any vessel arriving at Wilmlnton I with a nerson or nersoas on ttoar.l from nn I Interdicted vessel, such person or persona i noi, -laving .ne written itermission oi tne Jounty superintendent of Health, the Alas- I .ar Af vrooenl xmr ill av1 lilar r -j r 1 1 Attir liable to the penalty of being sent jbelow for thirty days, and the additional penalty Bet forth ini-'section " of the act of Assem- bly of 1879. creating State Hoard of Health. I 'ha above .emulations shall go into eflect irom mis uaie. i I: . l I I Extract from State Wealth Law I i I I , r V 1 1 y-v it t ill L..1 J ,wi in ami inuraivii iiim anaii i u iiiiniir Iocal board, shall see that diseases, danger- I ous to the public health, viz: small pox. I soar let fever, yellow fever and cholera, shall rfl r-lrki I rr nnara ntl. a t lAlat I i at I ha wo pivyiij una cu nuvu vra aw-.i tv. yea v vu3 expense of the city or town In 'which It oc- curs). Any violation of the rules promul I gated on thi subject ly the Superintended I shall BUbjecttheoflender toattueoftwentv I five hundred dollars and imprisonment fur I uot longer than twenty days In the county ""M will be subject to the penalty or recovery. I without, in tne opinion or tne superiuteu 11 c""" J. C. WALKK. M.D.. July 2. Star copy Hect'y. . Henry Gre vllle's Great Books. DODRVOF I" 80NIA1 S&re'lYExoiation ! 1 1 Bonnia-Marie ! . I Oabrielle 1 I I A Friend 1 50 Centa ch in Paper, or fl.CO in Cloth, I Philomeoe's Marrlajrfu I 1 ? Prettv Countess Zina I Marrying a Daughter! 1 Dotia I A Uassian Story. 75 Cents each in Paper, or $1.25 in Clot.'. For sale at HEINSBERGER'.S july 24- Nos. 3'J and 41 Market Easy Work and Good Pay. J CAN SUPPLY TEli REAL GOOD HANDS with above luxuries at my turpen tine works in Georgia acd South Carolina. . Apply to A. H. yasBOKKELEff, jalv U d3t-wlt Wilmineton, N. C. Hot ! Hot ! OYE3 ! BUT SUCH NEW, NICE Pennsylvania Butter, Cheese, Dried Apples, Foultry, Eggs, fec., just received to-daj. So good you will -never think how hot. We take every care to please. Deliver the g-ods promptly and are very much obliged for your previous custom. iwspecxiuiiy, july 23 NEWBURY & CHASTEN. Employment Wanted. IN THIS CITY OR ELSEWHERE, in doors, outside or on the road,1 sales man, writing or canvassing and consignments. By a man who is fmilisr with trade in all its brandies, who will give his undivided time and best eirprts fjr a small salary. Address, J, july 22 Wilmington, U. All That Is Desired 1 JN THE BOOK AND STATI3NERT line can be foand at 7ATSS' SOOS STOHB. ( BLANK BOOK8 All (izet and I kind. made to order at short nctice. r Nome to mention the ORQUIN ETTE3. They sell at tight. , '.1 TATEtt BOOK RTOiiK july 21 AND PHOTO HOOMH. For Eent Very Cheap, WITH OR WITHOUT BOARD, three very pleasant Sleeping Rooms, on Market, ear Third Street, biflgle gentle men prefer d, aad satiaf action guaraned. Applv at once to I 1 jJ18-lir ;T. B. HENDERSON. - 1

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