THIS rXFXK j, ,iblUi every ifUroo, 8udiji ex- JOSH T. J 1ME8 koxtob a rmormxrro. 9CICRIPT10Na.iOQTAOKPAlD. Ote v..r.$& 00 tii watki, tJM ; Three mouths, $1 li; ( xoonUr, M oenU. fae ptp' lliTrd by carriers, fr f ekarfe, la J prtof tne city, at the ot e rates, or II onU per tnt AdferusUjr. rates low and liberal r-SaUeribrs will please report any aid u failure to w1ti their papers regularly. HEW ENTERPRISE. BROWN & RODDICK, Will opto on or aoout Yednesday. June 18, 'I be St re on the Southwest corner U second and Market streets. We pur tlevutim; thi eutire store to the saie Mf t at 5 and lO Cents. u canot enumerate the different arti c atthi time but our patrons may rest M4i,rfdtht uo eflb.t will be spared to de relop tbi New Enterprise. Wc certainly will offer the greatest ln Jficror.U that baTe ever been shown in this section of the country, as no house in the omutry has better facilities for'jthe parch tse of such articles. BROWN & RODDICK. fte would also take this opportunity of I'aiinz that we are oflenng some Special Bargain at 45 Market Street, in our Dry Goods Department. lleing short of space can only quote a short price list, but can safely say that at no time hate we been better prepared or hadsreater inducements than ai this par Uoi'.jt moment. Dress Goods. We hate just receded another small lot of tl-oae at 15c. Call early. Lawns Linen Finish, Gc. Wortk double. Celluloid Bows for Gent's wear in Black and White, 5c, worth 25c. The above wbn soiled can' be cleansed with a damp cloth. Ladies Linen Collars, 5c. AdecidM BirgUa. Summer. Shawls- We are 'closing out a small lot of the aW- tl9s tnau nail me cosi 01 mum f4tuilnj. Children's Col'd Hose. The char pest lot iu this market ; 10c a pur, and the iuMJ i goou. UDIEX L1SLETHREAD OLOYES, 5c per pair. Comment unnecessary. Pdmsols and Sunshades We have just received another lot of the .1.. an.i aiTolr it Ate that they are without exception the cheapest goods ever offered by us at any time. TANS!! FANS!!! For the millions at all prices. fftTtfl, White Shirts, Made of Wamsutta Cotton and the best . mm m a. Linen front. Our price is stm 4 0 cents BROWN & RODDICK, 45 Market Street j-ine 14 Kobesonlan copy. New Goods ! Low Prices ! yillLE IX NEW TOHK recently Mr. HHKlKlboatbt atttry low prices a Urge m toes Ol New and Desirable GowK They itva jait bea received and eoniU U part f Gents' nd Boys' Cuilmere Suits ! JL fiat lot at bottom figures. llrf 1 lock ol WHITE YE8T8, just the thiaj for the mmoi, and will bsold at attoaUhlazlr lowiaua. 'Please call and examine, whether you pnr cfca or aou We delight la showing oar (Ni, iaas I oompei jow v uwj, iHKUK'8 TWO 8TURE8, Jt 1 Market ft. Tonsorial. LJATI50 10115 loeaUd U the base- LX aut of tha rsreeU Hosm. 1 aare uor liMj renoWW and improredthe old stand &4 aa bow prepared to saavsgshaapoo, a r eithairtor everrHodr. The beet of wort anta, cleaa towels, sharp raaors and lev prie. bUjTIN ARTI8, nil Tt PmrWlHouM Barbr 8hop Employment Wantedf IX THIS CITY OR ELSEWHERE, la doors, outstdt or on the road, sales taan, writing or canvassing orders and consignment. By a man who is familiar aa trade in all iu branches, who will pre his undivided time and best efforts lor a small salary. Addreas, J, July 23 Wilmington, N. C. 1 1 I VOL. IV. LOCAL NEWS. Hew Advertisements, Paor. AsoiTWi Tenth Family Excursion BoatwaiOBT A McKeT Complet j Stock Faney and General Groceries. GiasaaDT A Co Buggies, Harness, Ac. F. C. MiLLia Open Da and Night. 8ss Ad. Exchange Hotel. Goldsbor, W. C P.BaiaiBBassa's Pool's Sigaal 8erric Barosseter. , Hall A PsiaiALL Cemplete 8tock. 8e ad Cljds's Steamship Line. , J. B. FAEixaLitrht Bannloe "New i Huui'i-Keep Cool. Glorious rains. Adrertise to sure dull, times. No dust for several days to come. i The prosperous merchant advertises. Tbs rain failed to drive away the heat Organdie muslins are in high faror this Summer. The Dertume of flowers ii a valuable s , disinfectant. This weaiher gives a chtserful look to the umbrella menders. We reeret to learn that Mrs. Ihos W. 0 Player is no better to-day. The steamshiD Jioaulator ,ws hauled " t 1 on the marine railway this morniDg. : , - 1 Now lovers stroll the seaside beach, with thoughts far too elcquent for speech. 1 : Barkeepers know bow to mike brandy ro to smash without breaking the bottle. 1 Don't get scared, but get clean, is the best maxim for cities during yellew fever times. Summer heat has the effect of making people iu one place waut to go to some other place. Ladifswbo ride are' adopting; the Eug lisb j'Kkey" cap in place of the silk hat so long worn. j Yellow Is the coming color, which is to make wives look beauti ul, and hunbands "biirious. ! J : j Poor we may be, but we would scorp to watk 650 miles io a week for a pitiful $2,000. We will not do it. The shower of last night night was as refreshing as "the first kiss of a sweet girl graduate." Ob! George. (' The next excursion under the auspices of Prof. Agostini will I take place on Thursday 3 lit inst., inbtead of Friday as originally intended. t There are some people iu the world who have a few friends with whom they are verv intimate, and don't know how to treat the rest politely. . Sweet potatoes of this years growth were in market this morniDg. They were jjjown in this city by a olored man living on Market and Twelliu streets. There are only about two incbes rise reported thus far in the Cnpt Fear, but when the Wave, which, is due to-night. arrives we many expect to hear there is good boating wtcr. ! j . Upon lh first cvi.leuca-of itomarhic or bowel disorders, promptly giv the baby a few doses of Dr. Hull's Baby Syrup and nreient much suffering on ,the part of the little one. Price 25 cents. See a woman on horseback in another column, riding near Speer s meyards, ith a bunch of j Grapes from which Speer'a Port Grape Wine is made, that is so highly esteem by the medical pro fession for the use of invalids, weakly persons and the aged. Sold by Druggists. ( Arrival ofExcursionlsts. The steamer brought down 125 1 lady and gentlemen excursionists , mis evening from Poiot Caswell and vicinity. They will remain in this city to-night and go down the river on the rassjwrt to morrow. Not to be Withheld. By a special telegram from Washington City to the Savannah News on Saturday last, we learn that the Secretary of War has stated that none of the apporpriations passed by the last Congress for River and Bar Improvement will be witnned Thanks. " . Magistrate'! Court. A peace warrant was sworn out by John Gibson, colore,!, against Fred Lrd alsocobred, and a hearing in ths mattet was bad before Justice Uall. who after weighing the testimony pro (digious) and con (flirting,) dismissed tbs case upon the pi jment of the costs hj the defendant. r Ml i I 1 WILMINGTON, N. C, Gallant Little Fellow. A few days ago a couple of small boys were in swimming in the river near Messrs. Northrop Sc Camming a saw mill when one of tham rentured out too far, became exhausted got frightened and hallooed for help when his comrade, who was at the time on shore, plunged ga'laDt ly into the water and swam to the assist ance of the drowning boy, and held him up until a boat which wat fent out by Mr. W U. Northrop reached them and conveyed the two in safety to sSore. j Ho, For the Mountains! Ab will be seen by advertisement in an other column, there will be'an excursion from this city, on the C. C. Railroad, to the mountain?, to come off on the 31st inst. The train will leave here at 9 a. m., jn the day specified, and, returning, will leave Henry's om the 4ih, and arrive here on the 5th proximo. This will be a fine opporturity, for those who can get away from the cares of business and the dast of the city, to enjoy the fresh pure air of the mountains and to witness the magoifi cient sceoery with which Western North Carolina abounds. City Court- - j- His Honor Mayor Fishblate having re covered from his recent attack of biilious fever held Court this morning. Dan'l Douglass, colored, charged with being drunk and disorderly, was ordered to pay the cost in the case, which he did and departed. Nancy Jackson and Jane Williams, both colored, were charged with an affray JaneWilliairs was adjudged not guilty Nancy Jackson was ordered to pay the cost, but she was dismissed upoa the promise of her mother to severely 'chastise her. , Dan'l Dure, charged with disorderly conduct, vias dismissed. Jno. Neal, a small colored boy who was arrested on Friday for throwing rocks iu the streets, having remained in the city prison for two days, was dismissed. i Accident to a Wilmfnztonlan Mr. Oscar Thompson.son of Air. J. W Thompson, of this city,4Ieft on here Mon day night last to attend I a ball at Glen Alpine Springs. The ball was given last Thursday night, and be participated for a time in the festivities of the occasion. During the hours of dancing, Mr. Thorn p son started to go down etairs.and while on the way down, stepped to one side in or der to allow a lady to pass,, but in doing this he made a misstep and fell to the bot torn of the stairs. When first picked up was feared that his thigh was broken, bat Dr. Kollack, of Morganton, was soon in attendance, and after a critical exam inviion. pronounced a Drosen riD ana some severe bruises as the extent of the injuries. Mr. Thompson will, we learn return to the city in about a week if the nature of his wounds will permit. ! Recovery of a Wflmlnxtonian's Watch A Cane nf Thieves. ijWhen Walter Albright, ; colored, was arrested a few days ago on the charge of robbing the dwelling house of Mr. W. II. IJailry of money, he was discovered ia the actcf concealing a gfld watch in bis boo leg. The watch was taken from him by tho policeman, and subsequently he con fessed to the officer that it had been stolen from Mr. II. Nutt, in Wilmington. He told all about the mauner in which it bad been gotten and implicated another party, colored man, in the robbery. A letter was written to Mr. Nutt, asking for a de scription of the watch, and yesterday Po. liceman Farrington received a reply fully describing the watch now in his possession and also a prrse containing about $20, which was stolen at the same time. It was the purpose of the police authorities to send an officer to Wilmington to arrest the negro implicated by Albright, , but owing to some difficulty about trans porta. tion, this idea wasabandoued, and it was decided to telegraph the Chief of Police of Wilmington to make the arrest. Tuwill accordingly have doubtless been, accom pliuhed before these facts are published. It is believed that these two men belong to a gang of thieves, which it is hoped may be broken up by the apprehension of two of them, probably tne leaaers. Charlolte Observer. , Honored atjd Blessed. When a board of eminent physicians and chemist announced the discovery that by combining some well-known val uable remedies, the most wonderful med icine was produced, which would cure scch a wide range of disease that most all other remedies could be dispensed with many were sceptical; but proof of its mer its bv actual trial has dispelled all doabt and to-day the discoverers of that great Medicine. Hop BitUrs, are bonored and blessed by all as benefactors. REFIEfV. MONDAY, JULY 28, 1879. Dining With Royalty. A friend has handed us aSraarked copy of the Pittsburg Gazette, from which we extract the int resting account published Mow of a North Carolina boy, and one whose . ancestry iu this country located in our Cape Fear section and built the hermitage ou St. George 's Creek .near this city on land ceded to theui by the 'Lordt, i'roprit torn,' the first white owoerf of the soil of North Carolina, and with material imported from the mother country. The estate sti I n mains in the hands of some f the lineal descendants of the Burswin I family, Mr. Iredell Johnson, the grand son of George Rurgwin, Etq , at j resent occupying tho old homestead. The ex tract is as follows: INTERESTING OCCASION. lhe "Lditor and Younger Brethren" Banquetiug at the "Trinity Housa,' jjOnaon A loung rittsbun; barrister among the Guests. We find in the London Times of the 30th of June a full account or a basquet at tneIrinity Hoube to which a dia tinguished company was invited by bii Royal Highncjs the Duke oi Edinburg and the ''Elder brethren I of the Trinity House'' to meet his Royal Highness, trie Prince of Wales, at dinuer. We have not space for tne interesting details as given in the Times ii whose list of the guests, embracing nearly every royal and uoble celebrity in England, it is curious to see included the name of George Bur- gwin, Esq., son of Hill Burgwin, a prom inent member of the Pittsburgh bar Mr. Burgwin is a relative of Admiral Sir Richard Collinson, K. C. B., Deputy Master of Irinity Houso, to whom, doubtless, he owes his presence in' the august assemblage. Having noticed in the Times the name of our young townsman, aud assured ourselves of his identity by calling on his father, we were k.ndly permitted by him to print the following extract from a private letter in which the young gentleman gives his imp ressions of the personnel of some of the distm guiahed guests whom he met ou this me morabie occasion: 1 'London, June 30 1879. ' ! 1 . j In the first place the Ad miral got me an invitation to the Trinity House dinner. Of course I had no 'previ ous engagement, and went. It was j grand affair. w tf A great man? celebrities were present. The Duke of Edinburgh presided as master, the Prince of Wales ou his right hand, ana Prince Leopold on his left. Then came the Duke of Cambridge, Prince Leiningen, stc, etc, as you will see by the printed card sent you. A similar card was band ed 10 each guest as he was shown up. I The Princes arrived each in his own car riage, coachmen with the royal livery lackeys, etc, etc. About forty sailors were drawn up in front of the1 house to receive them, the Grenadier oand playing 'God Save the Queen.'' I went early to see all of the display, and felt it like ac unaccustomed compliment, having the policeman make the crowd fall back, for my cab to . pass througn, I The Admiral introduced me to quite a number of the brethren, and I was kept bjusy in noticing the different celebrated personages as they arrived with their stare, and orders and ribbons, j I The dinner, and the, of which we had many different kiuds, were very fiae. Some of the speeches were very good. The Duke of Cambridge spoke.very feelingly about the Prince Imperial. The two best seeches of the evening were those of E irl Granville and Sir Stai ffurd Norlhcote. They were capital J the others were of va . rious grade?. The Prince of Wales spoke fairly, Leopold expressed himself happilv, aud 11. R. II., the Duke of Ediubtirg, got otr some good things. The two gentlemen between whom I sat were very agreeable, a:ui 1 filled up ve.y nicely their con versat'on the occasional intervals between listening to aud looking at the celebrities and eating my dinner, 1 The band, which was on the roof, play ed several selections during dinner. One was from "Pinafore out of compliment! it was whispered about to the first Lord of the Admirality, who was present. The sound of the music; came in through the skylight and the effect was good. 1 The names on the cards printed ! in scarlet, are those of the "Elder Brethren." They all appeared in full uniform. Our friend, the Admiral, was gorgeous with all his ribbons and meda s. The Prince of 1 Wales was litera"y .covered over with orders, ' 1 The toast master, who announced the toasts and introduced the speakers, was very pecu'var in h's manner wirch can not be described. After dinner, when the last toast had been drank and the last speech made, the Dme of Edinburgh rose from the table and withdrew, followed by the test, and the banquet was over; we then retired to the reception hall and smoked our cigars, all the company participating, except the Prinoe of Wales, who smoked cigar ettea. I . I The Admiral. General Colhoson, and I then took a carriage and were driven to the 'rJaren the name by which; the Ad miral'g charming residence is known. An enterprisiog colored individual ha-3 a torch light procession, headsd by a fife audi druut.through the markbt and vicin ity on Saturday night. There was one transparency in the procession aud two boy. It was an advertising dodge ; for a proposed excursion to Newbern. NO. 146 Returned. We are pleased to learn Col. II B. Short, whose departure for the Green Mountains we noticed a couple of weeks since, has returned, and is looking iu fine health.1 Kt-ilKlous Revival. ! 1 We learn that quite an l .resting p( ries of meetings are j being held at the Second Biptist Church in in this city and that many souls have lef-n converted to God, and that ruaoy'otheri are penitent' ly seeking the fountain cf mercy for the cashing away of their sins' Scat! Ratsj! Rats are numerous, bold and impudent m some portions or this city. On Satur day night, j one, a vicious old rascal, at tacked a nego servant girl sleeping in the residence Of a family on Market street and hit her ou the neck and nose. Her screams awoke the famiiy, who, after finding out the causa of" the dUtr-bance, rau the rat off aud had a hearty laugh over the idea of a rat. a'.tenip'i'ig to , eat one hundred and twenty pounds of African flesh. Hie Fire Alarm. Mr. B. DeForest,a representative o Bell Telephone Company, arrived in ' the this city this morning. He is looking over the town with GenL Taylor to-diy, and will commence to string the wires for the fire ahrm tcmorrow morning. Mr. Orme, the General Agent ofjtheOompany, is expected in a few days when a site for the Exchange will, be selected. Needle Extracted. A large darning needle was taken from the side of a , little colored child a few days ago by a gentleman of this city. The child had been for some time past complaining of a pain ia its side and on Friday an examination was made when it was ascertained that a foreign substance about the length of a needle was imbedded in the flesh. An incision was made with a pen knife and the needle taken out How or when it got into the child's body is not known, j The fall trade will, it is thought, be larger than for many previous years. New Advertisements. Boatwright & McXoy KEEP THE MOST COMPLETE STOCK OF Heavy Groceries! - 1 Kept in the State ! Boatwright 1 & MqKoy's JIQUOR DEPARTMENT 1 I ISiUNSCIRPASSED ! Boatwright & McKoy i I 1 Q.UARANTEE THAT YOU CAN furnish a Country Store from their stock i '' , 1 I better than from any Ilouse in the State, 'I i V I i and at pi ices as low as he who sells the owest. i !. Boatwright & McKoy QUARANTEE EVERY ARTICLE sold by! them. Then why delay your visit to them, that is if you desire GOOD GOODS AT REyA'iKABLT LOW PRICES. CP" Space exhausted Wains reeling. . ! "Too be continued in our next." Boatvtight &:McKoy, 6 Cl 7 X7orth rront Street- jalj 28 1 PLEASE 2T0TICE. , IZWe will be glad to receive eominnii aliens from our friends on any and all subjects o f general interest bWt : , ! ( The name of thewriter mnrtalwsys be fir oished to the;Kditor. 1 Communications mnst be written on on' 1 one aide or the.paper. Persnnliti must be avoided. , And it in especially nd particularly ;undr. tood tLat the Editor does not always endoi the views of cor respondeat, unless so state 1 in the editorial columns. I ' "? New Advertlsemori ts. Prof. AgostiniV rpENTII F.XCU&MION to FmithTille and the Forto, on Fteamer Paospott, Jill tale -lsce THURSDAY, 31st ins Italian Band. Tickets 50 c nts ; CI and Servants 26 ce nts. .1 It OPEN DAY ASD.XIOHTj' SIMMOVB 1,1 VER REGULATOR; PAR- , kers Ginger Todic, Idian Cholagofue, Bonfu e Asthma Cigaretts, and full line of Drugs, Med:cinfs apd Perfumery. C. MILLER, j YNw, 'rner iq ana un fctreets. - july 28-tf 1 Exchange Hotel, OOIiDSTJOHO. IV. C. Flttsr ULa.88 HOUrtEin everr respect. IX. Special arrangements offced to Com mercial tourists. t- Prices Reasonable. , J. M. BUNTING, Formerly of Wilmington and P. P. O. Co. L. F. MERRTTT. Formerly of Petersburg & BlueRidge Springs, Jul v8 PrODrietors. I Hall & Pearsall QFFFR FOR SALE, AT close prices,' a FRESH and COMPLETE stock of Genen l Groceries, coafisting in part of 'i 100 25 15 Boxes D. 8. Sides. Bbls. Xew Mess Pork. Tubs choice Northern Butter 450 3000 500 30 50 july 28 Rbls. Flour made from, NE WHEAT and put up in! Fancy Packages. . j ' : Bush. Corn, White and Mixdd ; - -1 r I ' Bush, fresh 7a., Water Ground McaL Bbls, an.d Ilhds New Crop! Cuba Molasses.! Bbls. Syrups and Molars s. Pool's Signal Service Bar- I o mo tor, rR STORM GLiSd AND THERMOMETER COMBINED,) WILL TELL YOU. t.:ii.i-a L a . " ueici ana muicate correctly anr change in tho weathe-, twelve or forty eight hours in advance. It will tell job what kind of a storm ii approaching, and fromj what qiarter it comes invaluable to navigators., Farmers can plan their wortj arc rdi g t' its predictions.. It will save fifty times its' cost in a single season. There is aa acco. ra e thermometer attached, whih alone is worth the price of the combination. Priod $1.00. -x For saie at 1 ' P fi i , 1 lTETXSBERGEK'.S, 1 july 28- Nos. 39 and 4 1 j Mai kct gt. Buggies, Buggier,1 Harness & Saddles, , FOR SALE AT I , OBRnAnDTJA GO'S. 3rd st, opposite City Hall. ' REPAIRING DONE WITH NEATNESS AND DISPATCH. j- HORSE-SHOEING A 8PECIAl.Tr. f July 28-tf I ( CLYDE'S, i i y' . AND . j' 1 Wilmington, W. C.f Steamship Line r The flteamer REGULATOR CAPTp DO AXE, WILL SAIL FROM SEW YORK j SATURDAYS August 2. OM Shippers can rely upon the prompt' sailing of Steamers as advertised. T3 For Freight Enfrajremects apply to - ' TIIOS. E. BO.VD, 8op't, i Wiimin-toa, if. V, rTM. P. CLYDE k CO., 35 Broadway, JTew julj 28. LIGHT RUNNING "fEW HOME." r I T HAS A SELF SETTISO NEEDLK. Aotowatic Tension. Laree space aader onder the Arm. Spring Tension 8hottl. Only one hele to thread. Der'ee for i'ling the Bobbin without taking off be!t or no nine the machine. Large apse under pres sors foot. I adies please call and see for your selves. Bepectfu'lj, J. B. FARBAR, . july 24-lm UUuUtSL , li38iW I.