' .1 :r - 4 THIS FAPI Saidan er pi pteuee - kpU4 -T JOSH. T. JAMXI, csrroB aji rorxro. MlvCRlKriOMS.08TAOK PAID. )Mr,i 00 SU sftoatAs, $3 60 ; Three Boath. SI IS: OMBoatt,Woitfc rva putf will be delivered by earrUrs, V.reharfre,ia any part or tbe city, at I - V. . . ... kUe rv rates, or enn per wes. .JvrUiar raUs low and liberal I mrHuUtrirt will please report uj aid v ftiUrMio wire their papers rsfttlarly. ffl ENTERPRISE. b0WH & RODDICK, Will open on or aoout 4 Wednesday. June 18, Tl t re on the Soutbwe.it corner .f sfu! mini Market streets. We pur. . .- . r t. . ..... lliA aip J. ae UTMllUr, UiL? tUUIC w U r idsa at 5 and lO Cents. U cannot enumerate the different art m at t his time but our patrons may rest t-urvd that no ff.Mt will be spared to de-' New Enterprise. UVcertaluly will or&r the greatest In-uni-tits that irae ever been shown in i s sctin of the country, as no house in e cuatrr hs better facilities forphe i chse of such articles. BROWN & RODDICK. w - mid alan Lake this ODPOrtunitT of alius tiial we are onering some oyrrvji krrains at 45 Market Street, in our Dry tioda Department. ILinr ahnrr. ni KTWS cm ULLi Y UUUM) A rirsa lUt Kiit ran aafrdr Bar that at pnt - - l Urns DAT we oeen Dec vex prepareu -ji aJereater inducements than ai this par- k-ulir moment. Dress Goods. fat..A t-i.t MiVHViil tnMW II null lot Mti-we at J5c. Call early. rt Lawns Linen Finish, 6c. Worth double. (VLuluiJ Bows tor Gent's wear in Black and White, c, worth 2oc. The alio? e when aoikd can be clAnsed itli a damp cloth. ladles Linen Collars, 5c. A decided Bargia. Summer Shawls. We are "closing out a small lot of the ave at less thau half the cost of manu i.ctuiiri. Children's Col'd Hose. The cher pest lot In this mark t ; 10c pir, and the qaahty is good. UDIEI LISLETHREAD GLOVES, 5c per pair. Comment unnecessary. Parasols and Sunshades. We have just received another lot of the a We and can safely sta'e that they are without exception the cheapest goods ever :Tred by us at any time. foists:: risrs : : i ... For the millions at all prices. Gents' White Shirts, MaWf Wamsntt Cotton and the lst I.iuen front. Our price is still 75 Centl- BROWN & RODDICK, 45 Market Street j'ine 14 Kobesonian copy. LIGHT RUNNING "HEW HOME." TT ULS A SELF-SETTING NEEDLE. 1 automatic Tension. Large space mader aader tha Arm. Spriajc Tension Bhattl.. ObIt one h.U to thread. Der ee for fi'liof tbe Bobbin witboal tallnj: off belt or rua aiaf the machtaa. Large spaoe under proe sr foot. Ladiee pleaae call aad see for joar cItm. Respeeifa'Ir. J. B. F1RRAR, 34.1m 24 If arkst St. Exchange Hotel, QOLBSIlOXlO.iXT. o. 4 7IRST CLl88nOCEin ererr rpeDect. V Vpeeial arraag emeata offered to Com taercial toariiu. ftf. Prices RajoaabIe. J. M. BO.VTINO, oriae ly of Wilaalaf to a aai P. P. 0. Co. L. P. MERRITT, Formerly of PeUrsbarg A BlaeR!d;e tprin(cs, 4 Proprietors. Come I SU 8EE A TERY FINE LOT OF BRKTONXE, ITAUAX, AND KEAL LACES, TLe Bst 8CISS0R8 U the World ! lad tie be-t f ttia; aad fasteet AeUiax CORSET, (Flexible Hip) Bretoaa Lao. Has aad oiber Faaey Artiqlei EICmiQE COJUTfcR. 11 H. H. BPBUNT. r 1 VOL. IV. LOCAL NEWS. - T ffew AdTertlsementa. W. B. Oaa. Beef r Fifth Ward Bucket Company. Ball A Piihall Coaaplste Stock. P.HaiasBiaaia'a Haam.cka. J. B. Faahe Lia-bt Runnier "Xew Home." j . Letters have been receif.d in this city announcing the safe arrival of Mr. A. Sbrier, on the 20th of July, at Bremer ha?en . 1 j i If the Board 'of Health at Memphis does not hurry up, yellow fever will get the advantage of, them and declare itself epidemic before long. To think clearly .and act quickly one must have eoou health, indigestion the foe of health, and, should at ouce be driven from the system by the regular usa of Dr. Bull's Baltimore Pills. Price 25 eta The numbers of the Fifth Ward Bucket Company are notified to (attend a meet ine at their truck heuse to-nicht. See advertisement in another column'. A Iare crowd excurted down jthe river this morning oi thd steam yacht Pass port, the occasion being, the eleventh family excursion tinder j the I auspices of Professor Agostini. j ; 1 wine tor ETenln EDtertalnmenii. The Port Grape Wine of Alfred Speer, of Passaic, New Jersey, is generally pro nounced the most reliable wine to be ob tained, and is sow being used by those fashionables and families who are the most cheice In the (election of wines for evenioor entertainments, tor sue by If. L. Brid?ers A Co . J C. Muud-J and Green k Flanner. The little steam yacht Elizabeth, which baa been recently fitted up by Captain R. P. PaJJison, made a trip to Smith ville to-day to test her capacity, leaving the wharf about 1 o'clock. Mr. Henry Nutt, of Wilmington, was In the city yesterday. Mr. Nutt is one of the most enterprising and valuable citixeui of our seaport town and has done more thau any other man to improve the Wilmington hatbor. Chactolte Obser ver. ' V Persoial. i Hon. 1). L. Kussell, with his family, leaves here to-aiht for Western North Carolina. He goes via Henderson and wi 1 spend a day or two in that pleasant little town, after which he will go on ,to Ashe ville. He Kill be abeent from the city about two weeks. I The Recall To-Day. We have endeavored to get a telephonic report of the results'of the Regatta at the Sound to-Jay but as late as 5 o'clock it failed to come to hand, probably because no one had returned to the mainland at that hour, and hence we are compelled to go to press without it. , : I Wine and cake fur fc.?ening. Alfred Speer of New Jersey, it should be known, is one of the most extensive producers and dealers in Pure Wines and Brandies iu the United States. He makes a Superior Port Wine, which .took the bigbe-.t premium at theOntcnritol, known as S peer's Port Grapo Wine, It id sold by J, O. Munds, P. L. uringers tV Co. and Green & Flanner. i Aug-tf. c hase and Capture. Yesterday a large sturgeon was chased a the river by three Immense sharks. The sturgeon was badly mutilated and was run ashore at New Inlet by the sharks It was captured and j butchered. The sharks played about in the j water lor some time, when a line was thrown out, baited with a piece of jthe sturgeon, and persons on shore had the pleasure of hauling In a twelve-foot shark. The other two remained near . the Inlet for tjme time hut would not bite at the hook. No good Preaching I No man can do a good job of work, preach a good sermou, try a lawsuit well, doctor a patient, or write a good article when he feels miserable and: dull, witn sluggish braiu and u steady nerves, and none should make the attempt in such a condition wben it can be so easily and cheaply removed by a little Uop Bitters. Bee otbtrr column. i! Thermouietrical. From the United States Signal Office in this place we obtain the following report of the thermometer, as taKen , uus nivrn ng at 7:31 o clcrk : Augusta. O...80 Mobile, Ala ...80 AtUa a, Cairo, 111 . ... 00 Charleston, 8. C...81 Montgomery Ala.. .76 ash rille ........... .7T New Orleans.M.MM.80 Xew York....,70 Panta Raasa. f la.67 Savannah, Qa...87 BhTereport .S0 Ht. Loais Mo. -....TO BtMarks, Fla 81 Yicksbarg, Mis.... 77 Washia;toswM.M.M.t WilalsgUa.MMWMM3 Cincinnati... 6o Corsicana, Tex BO FortOibeon, C.N.ST GalTMton....4 ladianola. Jacksonville, Fla8 aoxTUla.......74 LmchDnrr TT Memphis, Tenn..Mf Da WILMINGTON, N. C., Hun Stroke A seaman belonged to a vessel in port was overcome by the intense heat yester day afternoon on the corner of Front and Princess streets. He was carried hito Barbank'a Pharmacy and needful mod icines were applied by Dr. Bur bar k. The man was couveyed to the hospital later iu the afternoon and is doio a well as could be expected. Auomer sum atik.e. A ine mule bitched to a cart fell near the corner of Second and Princess street this morning, about 9 o'clock. Veterin ary surgeons pronouueed it a clear case ol sun stroke. The proper remedies were applied and the mule, which was a hue looking animal, soon revived and was led off to the shade of a friendly tree. Knormoas Spider. A spider of enormous size was caught this morning in Mr. H. G. Glamayer's store, near the corner of Market and Water streets. It is of the species known as dy spider, and is confined in a tumbler as a curiosity. Its body is fully as large as a bird's egg while its head is. about half the size. It is pied and is anything else than pretty. The UlTer. We understand that the water in the Cape Fear has fallen nearly 30 feet si nee ( the late rise, and that it is now at nearly low water. Boatmen bare as yet had no difficulty in passing tht shoals, but it is feared that, unless there is a rise, it wil be so low as to necessitate the use of lighters across the shoal places, j Committed. ; Sheriff Manning this morning received a committment from Justice O. W. Mc Clammy, of Pender, for Fuller Hansley, colored who was tried and found guilty of trespa ss and sentenced to j imprison saent for thirty days. Officer Biddle,who made the arre. t yes terday of this same party, supposed that his crime was burglary and says he was so informed by Mr. Daniel Futch, who gave him the information of the escape of the prisoner. No one has been the leser by oalsinformation, however, and least of all the newspapers, for they have made two items by it. 1 City Court. Alderman Bjwden, Mayor ipra tern , presiding: Fanny Gore was again on the rampage in the "Hollow" last night and was taken to 'the lock-up. This j merning the pro temp, said $1 or five days and the Queen went below. Jno. Smith, colored, for being drunk and disorderly and making an indecent exposure of his person, was sentenced to pay a fine of . $5 or be imprisoned for thirty days, and the namesake of the illustrious man whom Pocahontas saved from Powbattan s club waj lorced to go below. The Heaven in August, i An enthusiastic astronomer thus writes of the Heavens during the present month: "The skies of the soft summer nights will be full of interest for human observation. Two full moons will shed their rounded radiance over the sleeping earth and flood the landscape and seascape with silvery ight. Jupiter will reign supreme in the early astern sky, and Venus, in the height of her renown, will hang in pen sive beauty amid the glowing west.1 Later n tbe night. Mars and Saturn will divide the starry honors with Jupiter, the celes tial trio gaining in size and brightness as they approach their opposition. The oarth will plough her way through the August meteor- zone, and myriad meteors dissolving in fiery tears will give evidence of tbe annual passage. Besides all this, there will be conjunctions and oppositions, visible and invisible, of the great celestial forces, as well as a rarely beautiful phe nomenon - in the occultatien of the red star Antares, the leading brilliant in Scor pio, by the moon on the evening of the 24th, not far from half-past 19. .Observers will have busy work in tracing out the movements here indicated on the glowing map which every star-lit night lies open above our heads. If the pleasure-seekers among the mountains, In rural retreats and on the sea-shore, would cultivate a taste for astronomy, how gTand and uu interruptad would be lb, ir fisld for night ly observation, and how ennooling and -exalting the study of tbe star spangled firmament that nightly renews its mira cles of btauty 1 to earnest and spptecia tire' eyes. fc : : j FRIDAY, AUGUST A Flattering Invtlatlon. Hon. D. K. McRae, of this city, ha received a very cordial invitation trom the National Democratic Committee and the State Central Committee, of j Wiconsin o attend and address a m iss meeting to beheld at Madison on the 9th of Septem ber. Coll. McHae, we understand, is as yor uncertain as to whether ha' will be sblr to attend on the occasion, but fears that heconaotbe spared from his business engagements here at that time The ltaat - It is a fact that although this has been a warm day, or. aiiot day, if you prefer it, yet it has not been so warm as it was yesterday by several degrees. A fine breeze hts prevailed throughout the day and I if it will continue during tbe night it will add greai'y to the comfort of all of us! At 9 o'clock this morning the thermom eter stood in the Keview office at 88; at 11 o'clock at 92; at 12 o'clock at 93; at 1 o'clock at 94; at 3 o'clock at 95 and at 4 o'clock) at 91. ,We clip the follbwiag from the Mary land MedicalJournal . , A loose red woolen flannel shirt should be worn next to the skin (both summer and winter. It should be "loose,' so that its moving upon the skin may keep up a good circulation there: "red." ibe cause white flannel fills up, becomes stiff and impervious: woolen." because woolen flannel cenveys the perspiration from the under to the outer surface where either tbe cotton shirt absorbs it or tbe air dries it without injury to the body. On account of these properties. sailors wear red woolen flannel even dur ing mid-summer in hot countriesj Of course a very thin material should be worn in summer. I Beld Bobbery at SmlthYiUe. Yesterday afternoon, between the hours of one and two o'clock, the boarding house of Mri P. Prioleau, at Smithville, was entered and robbed ef considerable money. The thief entered the house through a window opening into Mrs. Draper's sleeping apartment, and while she was at dinner. Tbe window sash was up and the blinds chained in, but the thief suc ceeded in snapping the links and effecting an entrance. The bureau drawers were i found open and from them the money was taken. There is no clue as to the perpe trator of the theft but it is to be hoped that the scouudrel who is bold enough to rob a dwelling in the broad day-light may be caught and dealt with as severely as the law will permit. . A Runaway. A horse attached to a dray belonging to a colored man by the name of Abram Mosdey became frightened while standing in the Puree 11 House alley to-day, and started off at full speed in the direction of Sscend street turning to the right as soon as he reached the street, he dashed around the corner of the Commercial Hotel into Maiket street, thence down the latter named street in the direction of the river. At the head of the market, a lady who was passing at the time nairowly escaped being run over. The horse had nearly reached Market Dock before he was brought to a ha It. j The owner and driver was carried be fore Acting Mayor Bowden, who repri manded him for leaving his horse stand ing alono and then issued orders to the police to carry into effect the ordinance already in existence against fast driving in the streets and particularly as to drays and trucks. Good I Mr; pro tern. . The Fire T--.li Morning The alarm of fire was sounded about 2 o'clock this morning, caused by the burning of a wooden store building, corner Third and! Orange streets, occupied as a grocery store by Mr. Riohard Teitgen. The alarm was first given by some persons passing along in the street who discovered dense volumes of smoke issuing from, the cracks in tha door. The alarm ws promptly given out but the entire building with its contents was in dames before the department coukjj get there, so thoroughly inflammable: was it all. The building was an old concern, worth probably about $300. It wad the prop erty of Mr. Wm. B. Giles, and on it there was no insurance. Mr. Teitgen says that he had about $1,109 of stock on hand; he was insured with Messrs. Jno. W. Gordon k Bro. in the Liverpool, London & Globe, for $800. Mr. Teitgen was at the Sound last night and knew nothing of his loss until this morning. There is co clue to the origin cf the firC There are several frame dwellings in close proximity to the building which was destroyed and !the fact that they were saved from the names is due to the zealous and efficient efforts of the fire department. 8, 1879. NO. 156 Criminal Court- ! The MttentiDn cf this Conrt to-day was occupied for tbe better pirt of the day with tbe trial of Henry Sebriver, the young man who shot and killed Wm. Jones, colored,' a few diys since in Capt Fear township, n account of which has ilready been published in the Keview Friday having been set apart for the trial a special venire of fifty go xi and lawful citizens wj4 made and at 9 o'clock this ra rning, tbe Coort having convened, the drawing of ihonan.-s l.r those who werej to 8rve or be rt jrcted as jurors fr in among the fifty persons mentioned above was commenced.. In about an hour's time the counsel forj tie defense had bcuied ten jurors but at this time the names were ali exhausted. Another special venire of ten men wa ordered byHhe Court to te suinruoued at once. At a quarter to 12 o'clock the j ir was made up atd tbe counsel on Loth sides proceeded to business The first and only witnesses called were those on the part of the State. A colored man, John Dudley by name, and a colored woman the wife of Randall Ramsey, whom !the defendant at the bar went with the prop er papers to arrest, at the time of the unfortunate killing, and a colored man, John Stanford, by bame. The courjsel for the defense, Hon I D. L. Russell and Marsden Bellamy, Esq., brought forward no witnesses for the defense, but content ed themselves with the evidence of the. State's witnesses'. This entitled the de fence to be last heard before the jury, con sequently Mr. Solicitor Moore opened the argument before the jury. We given none of the evidence have here ated as it was the sime as s at the preliminary examination published several days ago, and which was all,or near ly all, clear to iho&e who heard insufficient to prove that the killing must have been with no malice aforethought, but simply as the result cf an unfortunate combination of circumstancesT the mistaking of! the deceased by the defendant for the party whom he was trying to arrest, as it was night and not clear enough to distinguish features, but sufficiently light by the stars to show that the party running towards the defendant had a weapon in his hand. Col. Moore, the Solicitor, acquitted hie . self in his usual good style before' tho jury. Air. Bellamy opened ror me oeience in an able and exhaustive speech j and Judge Russell closed up with a few sledge hammer blows. His Honor then delivered i a clear and explicit charge of about fif teen or twenty minutes' i duration, and shortly after 2 o'clock j! told i the jury to 'take the question, '9 when they retired to the Jury Room to make up their verdict. At half-past 5 o'clock this afternoon the jury returned to the Court Room and rendered a verdict of not guilty. ! i . What $200 Did in Wall street. August 10th, 1878, a customer wrote Messrs. Lawrence & Co., Bankers, N.,Y, "Dear Sirs : Yours containing remittance for $1,113.25, as. profits on my 200 shares, is received. Accept my thanks, for I jam very well satisfied. You may use this let ter. I would recommend every one who feels disposed to speculate to send for ybur circular. This is but one instance out of thousands, by which the new COM BIN A TION SYSTEM! of operating stocks en ables people withjlarge or small capital to make similar profits. By this excellent plan, the orders of thousands of customers from city and country are pooled into ONE IMMENSE SUM and cooperated as a MIGHTY INDIVIDUAL ACCOUNT. Each member of the combination secures all the advantages of the largest capital united with experienced skill: Profits! di vided monthly ; $10 f Invested returns $o0, or 5 per cent., on the stock, $75 will make $450, and so on, according to the market. MeEsrs. Lawrence & Co's. new circular (mailed free) has "two unerring rules . for success," and explains" everything, so that any one can operate profitably. All kinds of Stocks and bonds wanted. Ntfw Gov ernment loan supplied. Apply & Co., Bankers, 57 Exchange City. ; to Lawrence riace, N. Y. A C1RD TO THE AFFLICTED. Dr- Robertson, 19 South Eutaw street Baltimore, Md , From long experience in hospital 'and pri vate practice!, guarantees a permanent cure in all diseases of the Urinary Orgiiis and of the Nervous System viz ; Organic and Seminal Weakness, Iinpotucy iloss of sexual power) Nervous Debility; aud Trembling, Palpitation of the Heait, Dim ness of bight or Giddiness, Pains in the Back and Nocturnal Emissions, etc., ail resulting trpm abuses in youth or excess in manhood. Diseases recently contracted cured in five to ten days, and the poison entirely eradicated from the system. Also all; skin and blood disease quickly cured. Dr. Robertson, a graduate oi ibe Unive si ty of Maryland, refers to any of the leading physicians of Baltimore. Special attention given to all female complaints. j All consultations sirictlv confileuital and medicines sent t any address. J Call or write, euclcsingy stamp for roply july "1 ly-d&w. The shade trees in this city are sadly in need of trimming. FLEA8E 2T0TICE. We will be glad to receive eonsmnBLaUcni from oar friends on aay and all subjects ot general interest bo t: j Thm name of the writer most 'alwavs be fi r tuaned to the.Editor. CommunicatioLs mast be written on only one side of thepaper. j l Personalities mast be aYolded. And it it w.-ecia!ly md particttlarly;ander trod tLat the Editor does not always endose the views of correspondents, unites so state in the editorial columns. M I , A CARD. ' To all who are suffering from the er. rors and indiscretions of youth. riervo.u weakness, earlv dtv;v l.-w ,.r .,i.L,.i otC.. 1 tnd a 'ri.vo ...:n I rou. FREE OF f!H Ai;cp -i k:. J remedy was discovered by a missionary li South America. Snnd ctr..i ..... V inveione to tne Kev. .irwvuu t K-...J i. tt ' i .... 1 .5 New Advertisoments. Fifth Ward Buckot Compaky V0U ARK NOTIFIED to attend a meet .iut mi your uomj.sny at tie Truck Hours this, FRIDAY fc VISA' ISO', at ft o'clock. Fu?iress of importance, j an 8 It W. B. ORK, Sect'v. Hall & Pearsall VFFEll FOR SALE, AT dole pri Je, V., ... - i it rite.su and COMPLETE stock of Genera Groceries, coni-isdng in part of 100 'Boxea D 8 8idee- 1 Or Bbls. Hew Mess Tork. I 4,0 15 450 Tubs choics Northern Batter. Bbls. Flour made from' NK WHEAT and put up in Fan aney rack ages. j 3000 -ush- Corn WLite ndiMixod.j 500 Bush, fresh Va.. Water Grotnd Meal. OA Bbls. and Bhds New Crop V Cuba Molassvs rn Bbls. 8yrnps and ilolassfi. aug 8 CLYDE'S Mew! York I AND Wilmington, HJ C Steamship Line BENEFACTOR, CAPT. JONES; WILL SAIL FROM I NEW OItK - 1 i i ox SATURDAY. August 9 fr Shippers oan rely npon the prompt sailins; of Steamers as advertised. For Freight Engagements apply to THOS. E. BOND, Snp't, WM. P. CLYDE A CO., j 35 Broadway, New York ang 7. Hammocks. "TVTOW IS THK TIME TO LUV A 1M Hammock if you wish to rest com foitable. Another lot just I in at IIEINSUERGEIi'o. Summer Reading To: keep yourt MIND OCCUI'lkD wLile yoa are cornf ,rtbly resting. Thermometers H IGII IN TKMPEHATUHE, but in Trice at I I low THE LIVE BOOK STORE. a--.g7 I 1 Notice. mHE (JXDEIISIQNED will kttend.at the Court Ilousa on Tliursday. the :1 4 th instant, to examine applicants for Teach ! - ! : . . cr's Certificates. A. li. UL VC K, . - ! i l! l: aag ."-o. Exanniier. i i ona IRE3U AND SO. 1, JU3T ItELKlVED . i - ' 1 ;l. to-dar from PenniTlraaia.. Call and;K U2 4 I NEWBCItV A CilkilESJ Buergies, Buggie? 1 Harness & Saddles, I FOR HALE AT I 3rd st, opposite City Hall. ' KKPAIRINO DONB WITH VEATNEfM AND DISPATCH, j j I flOESE-SHOEINO A SPECIALTFe ao 4 tf She Steamer : i' ' 'i n

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