Tte Daily Review. JOSH. T. JAZZES. Ed. and Prop WILMINGTON. If. C. SATURDAY. AUGUST 9. 18 . VIEWS AND REVIEWS'. Though the Kev. Aa Routb, an aged clergjrcan of Bristol, Teen., has twenty ix children, he bad the courage, a few days ago, to marry his fourth wife. Senator McDonald, of Indiana, Is morally certain of a Democratic victory in 1880. lie thinks the weakeit candi dates that could be brought out by the two parties would be Tilden and Grant. Iodia has become one of the largest wheat producing countries la the world, acd it i anticipated that the crmpletion of the Iudu Railroad, by cheapening car riage, will the Tujjub a wonder Urge exporting province. Ti.e Urgent steal caunon ever cast in IU'Ssu is iow the subj-ct of experiments iu bt. Petersburg. It was made in tbe Government foundry of Obul hoff; it is Vi inches in diameter, 1l'0,000 pounds in we gh, 3.1 feet in length, and throws a Ua'l nearly five miles. The ordinary life ot a locomotive is tb'ity years. fkme of the sruaMer parts rtquiie renewal every six months ; the boiler tubes la?t live years and the crank ax?ts s:x jeajs; tires, boilers and fire box s f;om t.x to seven years ; the side, xl. s aud other parts, thirty years. Suow is bboveiled out of a large grtnite bui dirg in Itcston every mornicg, and tbe boys may p"ay at fnowballing in a temperature ot IfO degrees, if they are quick about it. This building is a wure'v. r r t r the siorage of perishable pro;.-: .-, tn! the air iu it is kept at 40 ly rr.f.ei-.v.nn wih ansmonia The snow gt:br:e ci'iis'ant.'y in the mach'ne room Tiree sot.s ..( t- biaraese twin?, Chang aud I'.' , ri ncv iiv.t,; iu Sainter coun ty, Kti-As. Tuey reteutiy appeared at the United Suv lud office, in Wichita in a coa'est in which on.e of tlem was a df-cd-uit and the other was a witness. They sc upoken of i iotill'gent, wide awake ci; zai s, and fa.iy up to tho spirit of the tin;', s. According to the new German law court regu'.atior.g, which are to come into opeia'i uon tie lt of October next, (Jcioian wi I be the only language which can lw us-.d before tbe tribunals of the empire. Interpreters are to be allowed' when oneor theo her party before the court does Lot understand German, but all pipers aud proccidir.ts must be in the Geiman language. It is ttated that at the instance of G. vei ai r M:C;elUa Senator Randolph, of New Jers.'r, c'r airman of the Senate Cimmi.tec on mi'itiry affairs, will in troduce soa af er the meeting ot Congress aud press th-ouh his committee a bill restoring Geu. Fi'z John Porter to his rank as majr-gener3l, with all tis pay aud allowances since his dismissal. It is said Geo. Sherman favors this move ment. At:ntiou his just been drawn in Eng land to Miss Dick of Vrntmoor, who has voluntarily stayed abed for twenty years. She was prevented by her parents from marrying tb.3 man she lovad, whereupon she bed, declaring that she would never get up again, and has kept her word. She is now ssii to have been the r'g iil 2Ii.9 Mavii-iaa ia Dickens ' l'lptrctatious. Du::sz tLa month of June the daoiaga cauf.d by fires in the United States and C-nada amoved 87,020,100, and during t he first i t months of 1S79 the loss was $.0,873 200. These unusually heavy loes. tnkta ia connection with the ex coition sl!y low rates at which risks have brt.a tsken, exp!aia why so many of the fire insurance companies of the country hvc iceu forced to suspend, while others arc tr rnbling on the verge of bankruptcy. A party of tew'.y-arrived Icelanders are now in New York, and although it is the hottest part of our hot summer they Lave r.-.v"s?d hitherto to lay off their na i!nal cress, lleivy jackets, flannels and furs tint tnci produce the most swel tTio discomfort seem to them more at tractive thin the lightest and most sea sonab'e costume. When generations run into a thousand years the force of habit become prod: piously strong, and this is a qiu'it " lustration of it. JwTkti Miller, speakiug of SittiDg Bull thus exp'ii how his Sioux highness came by bis uiiu, the key to the conundrum havi j Uen imparted to him by the In dians themcrves: "An Indian is never honored wiih a distinctive name,'' said Mr. ilil'er, uu'il he has done something note- wo.tby.and which retells a msrked trai 'of character. When Silti eg Bull was a young mm he wi shot in the legs in battle and disabled, but Le sat bolt upright on tbe ground and continued to fight with the fierceness of a wounded buffalo bull, and It was this incident which drew from the tribe the appellation of Sitting Bull. WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA! During our stay In Athevllle there was a meeting heU there " of the Board of Directors of the Western North Carolina Kail Rcwd. They were met by Mj. W. V. Rollin-, President of the Western D Uion of that road, who was expected to turn OTer to j Maj. Wilson and bi? iiard the ssta of that division, in ac cordance wiih an act of ne Legislature, passed at the recent session, but this Maj Robbiis refused to do', etating that he had been so ad vised by his lawyers. The result will probably be extensive i litigation and a' feast for tbe legaj fraternity. Tbe Ashevillians were particularly interested io the result of this meeting, raone of the objects diseussed was in regard to a site for the depot of tbe Western X. O. K. R., but this quaetion, although brought for ward, was not decided, but was left open for action at a future j meet ng i of the Board. 'We thick, though, from all that we could ascertain, j that the depot will not be within less j, than a miloofthe Court Ilouse. The matter of schedule and connections was also brought up at this meeting when it was decided to make no changes t present. j ! Among those whom we met in Ashe ville were Judge McKoy and bis excellent wife, who had been spending a week or so at Flat Rock, and who came on " to Asheville only a day or tn o before we left there. We were pleased to note the high estimation in which this genial gen tleman and learned jurist is hf la by our neighbors in tbe West as well as among those in his own section of the Htate Judge McKoy's name having been men tioned in connection with the nomination for Congress. from this district next year e broached the subject to him, and were, not much surprised to learn that not only had he not tiTen tDe n1 thought, but that the subject had up to that time. t i i never bean spokon of to nim. ! Among tho many attractions in As ho vilie we must not neglect to mention that of the Opera House. It is located in a large hall on the third 11 jr of the Court Ilouse and is capable of seating seme three hundred persons. The stage effect, funiture. Arc, ar e owned by a company and the chairs, a good, handsome and substan tial article, were turned out at the furni ture manufactory in Old Fort, of which Air. D. A.4Smith, of is President asd Cipt. W. J. Calais, formerly of Wil mington, is Superintendent. The Opera House is now under leas by; the Thorne Comedy Company, who perform there every Thursday and Friday evening duriug the Summer season; i Mr. Thorne is a very good comedian, : and his wife, Miss Bonnie Meyer, if a very good vocal ist and a sprightly, pleasing performer.' Mr. W. M. Paul, known to many persons here, is with this troupe. TUE LOBBY. It la stated that Gen. Ewing, in his Democratic canvass for Governor of Ohio, is making a strong point on the tact that hs party, since having the 'majority in the Ilouse of Representatives,! has affect ed great economies in ; the administration of the government. The notorious fact, however, is pointedly made that since the Democrats obtained the mastery of the House the lobby has utterly disappeared .'rom Washington, which is an argumeat every farmer and mechanic , in Ohio can understand. It means that huge and wasteful leaks in the treasury have been stopped. SUMMER PORK. PACKING. The Cincinnati . Pi if Current says: Daring the past week the total packing la the West has been about 70,000 hogs against 60,000 for the proceeding week and 65,000 for the corresponding time last year. Since March 1 a total of 2, 246,000 has been reached or 165,000 more thanthe same date last year. There are thirteen weeks to the close of the summer season. In which time the manufacture of meats will probably not be much If any less than ,150,000,000 pounds. The foreiga exports daring this period will take! about 125,000,000 pounds, or within 25,000.000 pounds of what will be manufactured, and may pos sibly fully equal the manufacture. It has been commonly said that the cold water poem, Tbe jOld Oaken Bucket," was inspired by a glass of brandy. A writer iu the Boston Herald affiims the truth of the story, and tells it as a personal recollection. Samuel Woodwprth, tbe author, was a printer, and was employed in an office iu Chambers streetNew York. One daj he dropped Into Mallory's bar room, in Franklin; street, to get some brandy and water. The liquor was excel, lent, and Wood worth remarked that it was superior to any he ever tasted. ;MNo,'' said a comrade, "there wmouo thing that you and I used to think far surpassed this in tbe way of dHnkg." "What was that ?" asked Woodworth dubiously. "Fresh spring water that we used to drink from the old j oaken bucket that hung in the well, after our return froM tbe hay field on a sultry day in summer.' The rbythm of the phrase, "The old oaken bucket that hung in tbo well, struck Wood worth at once, and tbe picture of the well at bis boyhood's borne came to his mind. Within 'a few hours be had com pleted the poem. TUE TENNESSEE COMPROMISE. On Thursday Tenneeasee Lrotd tho question of acceptance of the fifty per cent, bond compromise. The can vats baa been very 'earnest, but it is feared that the proposition has t failed. From the following balance sheet pre sented by tbe American, one would con clude that it ought to have succeeded : We pojntedjont the other -day how we have got $40,000,000 of deM the amount of tbe debt a the time tke railroads were sold down to $21,000,000. bow with ac cumulated intereot, $24,000,000, and how we are about to reduoe that to $12, 000,000. Thii we thought about aa much as any man ought to ask In the way of progress out of this burden. Be duced to $12,000,000, it can be easily carried and paid off without feellag it. Some farther figures on this subject will be interesting, The State has received from insolvent roads Including interest from July 1,1870, to date of payment, $6,898,000; interest from July 1, 1870, to Juno 1, 1780, is $1,812,000. Amount received by the State from solvent roads in payment of this indebtedness, $15, 086 074. Interebt on payment to Jan. lr 1880, $6,507,616. The total amount, then, is including interest on the amount, $32,104 490. It seems to us that when a railway sys tem has done that much, altnougn it was almost utterly destroyedeoy tne war, h was a wise thing to build it. We have the beet system in the South. We will have but $12,000 000 debt incurred on account of it: Where would wo bo with out it? These facts are worth considering. i i The bootblack shines while he works Bat the lazy man whines while be shirks. j Haokensaok Republican. The more shirtee the Melican man get webhee, more money Chinaman makee,' is the way an almond-eyed PhiladelDhia Iauudrvman' translates Cleanliness is next to goodiness.' rmladelphia Uhronioie-uexaia. ; 'lie's see.' said a bewildered Repub linan. the other da v. lavinff down i copy oi the Okolona States, whloh he had been reading, 'didn't Lee drive Grant out of Virginia, obliging him to travel in China. JaDan. and nil of them foreign Darts: and didn't Jeff Davis D&rdon Lincoln if Horace Qrea- le v would co on his bond? It does f uddle a man's idees to read this pa per, sure enough.' Cincinnati Satur day Night. I The Wheeling Register gives an so count of a woman who 'had Iauda nnmed herself in the E'ffhtb Ward.' We don't think we ever met a verb that we ere ao taken with' at' first sight. There is something very win" niua about I laudanum. Thou laud a - nnmest. He laudanums. We lauda num. You laudanum. They laudanum. O for one hoar of ! Richard Qrant White. Albany Journal. Out on Michigan avenue a man near 70 years of age started a small con fectionery store, some, months since, and the other day sent word to his three creditors up town that he had failed, and desired to compromise. The trio went down to the store, which they found in full blast, and the four sat down for a talk 'You see, shen tlemens, I do no.rpeeaness, und my family eats up all der brofltsi' ex plained tho tradesman by . way of ex cuse. 'You owe me $12 replied one of the creditors,' 'and each of these others $15 apiece. That makes $42.' Shuss forty-two,' sighed the old man. 'Now then, how much money have you on hand?' 'Shust zlxty tollara and no mare 'Very well, a a you have had bad lack we will settle! with you for 120 cents on tbe dollar, and you can go on as before.' 'Yaw. J will do dot, shentlemens, und I am muoh obliged for such kind treatment.' He got out b''s money, the' 20 per oentum was added to the claims and paid, and before the oreditors retired he insisted on treating them to iee cream. They had beea gone an hour before tbe bid man rushed out snd halted a police man, and said: 'If J fails in peeahness und bays 120 cents on der dollar, vhat does it mean?' 'It means that you don't understand how to fail,' was the reply. 'Is dot possible?' whispered the old man, 'I should say so.' 'Veil, I go pack to der shoe peesness again. Vnen I fails in dot peeeness I makes everything. Vhen I fails in dis pees ness I pays more as Ivowes. Detroit Free Press. I Be wise and Happy. If yon will stop all your extravagant and wrong notions in doctoring yourself and families with expensive doctors or humbug cure-alls, that do harm always,' and use only nature's simple remedies for all your ailments you will be wise, well and happy, and save great expense. The greatest remedy for this, tbe great, wise and good will tell you, is Hop Bitters rely on it. See another column. CHAS. KLEIN, - Mertater ani CaM Haler. No. 24 South Front Street, WILMINGTON, ir. a . 19 A fine iMcrfment of Coffins and Cast keti constantly on hand. Fmrnitoro Repaired, Cleaned and Tarnished Orders by tele, graph or mail promptly filled. jan IS Headquarters for Ale, Lager Beer and Porter. XX. CXAROUfl CL OOX7'0, No. I MarketStreet IAN FURNISH TOO WITH.THK BK3 u . . :. :': Ale, Laer Boor ed Porter, both kef and bottled, la the city. Ooutry orders promptly attended t$ . IlisceilaneoajB. ' Boomo and Board. T7KBT Flint ROOKS AICD BOARD ean ,V bo 'farabbed to families, cooples, or sin fie persons, oa favorable Unas for the Bm mor, atsho .pUoaaal and-ooavenitnt ! dwell ing on tho oorsver ot front and Mai berry streoU. Botn transient, permanent and day board on aooosamodaiod at moderate prions. For partiomlars enqmire of i MKri.L. BO0I1INOT, Jose 14-tf Cor- Front ani I Halbotry ta From Ever Quarter QOMES CHKERINGNEWb OF Good Crops. Our country j friends have been specially economical. Going upon that grand old principle, viz : ! I I "Be Just Before You Are Generous," I i They will surely have considerable money ' ! ! i ' this Fall, as we predict a remunerative i I price for Cotton. There is nothing like having a little surplus. Boatwright & HcKoy WILL KEEP IX STOCK A GOOD ASSORTMENT! OF ! I TO SUPPLY EVERYBODY. - COME AND SEE US. r i V 07" We guarantee GOOD GOODS at as LOW PRICES as can be sold by any i ! houte in the State. Send for Samples i ; ' - . 1 and Prices, Boatwright & HIcKoy, O Cl T Horth Front Dtreet. Corn, Bacon, Llolasses. I 4Q 000 Bah Prime Oorn, cc r Boxes D. S. and Smoked 04D Bides, 2QQ Hhds Now Crop Cuba o r h Bb'i Cnba. K. O. and 8. H OOV Molasses. 1 250 Bbli rwl11 lor i r'Bblc Rairart. Crashed. 1 DUrannlated A, Bztra G, and C, 2 J Q Bf 0offd grades, 00 Tabi choioo Family Lard, Q Bozos Tobaooo, Tax Off. ' ryer Half Bbie and Bozos Skiff, O Tax Off. 1600 Kegs Nails, ALSO, Potash, Lye, Soda, Soap, Starch, Hop Iron, Spirit Barrels, Glue, Ac For sale low by WILLIAMS A MUROBISON, ! fene IT Wholosalo Oro. A Com. Mer. A Young Man Wanted. i i . I - i A YOUNG MAN with a UtUe money can seenre permanent i and desirable omploy moat, or profitable business ia tie city, bj addressing immediately, through Fostoffieo jxno 14 ' " ' j. Kl W . Dealer. Employment , Wanted, TN THIS OinT OR 'ELSEWHERE, m X doors, outaida or, on the road, sales man, writing or canvassing orders and consignments. By a man who Is familiar with trade in all 4ts branches, who will give his undivided time and best efforts for a 'small salary. Address, J, ;)uly 22 j j Wilmington, u. OFBN;'DAY aud sight. SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR, PAR rm Olaer Tonic. Indian Cholacoffno. finsfn. a iitEmi Cirarottos. and foil line of Drugs, Modieiaos and Porfamory. ? - I T. C. MILLER, i Corner U and Ann Stroots. Open day and sight. ansjVtf x ) ; 1 ' : Tte illlUonalre, P, H. O'BBlAJi, or can s-ramasoo, uai., avi s ' "HoraM Oooipomnd is tho boat Cement for books wares lover oawr I feavo artidee mended with it that otanA as srood oi before tber were Lroken. Sold by aU dmr- miatm, and eamntrr soorhami.r f TOT dmjr rit baoa't t it. nor wont, send for a. nd 15 ojrats f or a bottle to JsTO. Tk FATBIC1T, Solo Man'fr, aplJJ-it . Ws4osboxojr.O Uiscellaneous. . TtSST SOLO BY m S1500.00 BZVARE rJCL FOR PARTICULARS " "-nosn-, ADORES s; WhiteSewihq Machine CoP Cleveland, ohiq LIFE IN A BOTTLE. The Most Valuable Medical Discov ery Known to the World-No More Use for Quinine, Calomel or Mineral Poisons Life for the Blood, Strength for the Nerves, and Health for AIL AN OPE LETTER TO THE PUBLIC! Believing that by cleansing tne blood and building up tbe constitution was the only true war ofbani hing disease and being troubled with weakness of the longs, catarrh, very much broken down in constitution, Ao , and after trying the best physicians and paying out my money for many kinds of medicines advertised without finding a permanent cure, 1 btgan doctoring myself, using medicines made from roots and herbs.) I fortunately discovered a ""wonderful Bitters or Blood Cleanser,the first bottle of which gave me new life and vigor, and in lime effected a perma nent euro. I was free from catarrh, my lungs became strong and sound, being able to stand the most severe cold and exposure, and 1 have gained over thirty pounds in weight. , Feel ing confident that I had made a wonderful discovery in medicine, I prepared a quantity ot the Root Bitters, and was in the habit of giving them away to sick friends and neigh bors. I found the medicine effected the moat wonderful cures of all diseases caused from humors or ecrofila in the blood, Imprudence, Bad Stomachj Weakness, Kidney Disease, Torpid Liver, 1 Ac , Ac. The news of my discovery in this way spread from one person to another until I found myself called upon tn nnnlv n&tients with xnedici'.e tar and wide, and I was induced to establish a labor atory for compounding and bottling the Root Bitters in lartre Quantities, and I now d vote al' mv time to this business. I was at first backward in presenting either myself or discovery in this way to the publc, not being a patent meddle man and with small capital, but I am getting bravely over that. Since I first advertised this medicine I have been crowded witn orders from drug gist and country dealers, and the hundreds of letters I have received from persons cared, prove the fact that no! remedy ever did 8- much good in so snort1 a time and h d so mucb success as the Root Bitters. In fact, I a m convinced that they will soon take tbe lead of all other medicines in use. eat ly one hundred retail druggists, right here at home in Cleveland, now sell Root tiit'efs, some of whom have already sold over one thousand bottles. I Root Bitters are strictly a medical repar-f ation, such as was used in the good old days of our forefathers, when people w re cured by some simple root or plant, and when calomel and other poisons of the mineral kingdom were unknown. Iney act strongly on the liver and kidneys, keep the bowels regular and 1 build up the nervous system. They penetrate every part of, the body, searching out every nerve, bone and tissue from the head to tre feet, oleansing and strengthening tbe fountain springs of life, hence they must reach all diseases by purification and nourishment. No matter what your feelings or symptoms are, what the disease or ailment is, use Root Bitters. Don't wait until you are sick, but if yon only feel bad or miserable, use the Bitters at once. It may save your life. Thousands of persons in all parts of the ountry are already using Root Bitters They have saved many lives of consumtives who had been given up by friends and physi cians to die, and have permanently cured many old chronic oases of Catarrh, Scrofula, Rheumatism, Dyspepsia, and Skin Diseases, where all other treatments had faded. Are you troubled with sick headache; coativeness, dizziness, weakness, bad taste in the mouth, nervousness, and broken-down in constitution? Tou will be cured if you take Root Bitters. Have you humors and pimples on your face or skin?. Nothing will give you such good health,! strength, and beauty as Root Bit ters. Si, a- I know that jealous physicians will cry humbug because my discovery cures so many of their patients, b t I care not. It is now my desire and determination to plaoe my Root Bitters as fast as possible within the reach of all those suffering throughout the world, i 8old by wholesale and retail drug gists and country merchants, or sent by ex press on receipt of price, $1.00 per bottle,! or six bottles $5.00.1 For certificates of won derful cures; see my large circular around each bottle of medicine. Head and judge for yourself. j aAsk your druggist or merchant for FRA2IER'S ROOT BITTER, the grea Blood Cleanser,and take no substitute he ma reooinmend because he makes a large profit i i G. W. FRAIZER, Discoverer. 338 Superior St., Cleveland O. For sale by J. O. Munds andT. S. Burbank, Druggists. march 26th eow-daw COMMERCIAL HOTEL WILMINGTON, ! N. C. A- DCHTJTTE, Prop. T HE! COMMERCIAL, formerly the "EM- FIRE H0U8E",having been thoroughly ren- i- I - ovated and refitted is now one of the leading first-class Hotels in the city. The table is . , I - supplied with the best our home and north , i i era markets affords. Board per Day $2 and $2 50 ! fiS" Large Bample Rooms for the Com- mercial trade. . i C3- A Pirit-ClM. Bar and Billiard Hall ; ! j connected with this HoteL 1 ! 'i p9 FREE LUNCH daily from 11 A. M. to 11.30 P. M. - July 19- ! A WEKK In your own town, and no capital risk ed. i'ou can give tbe bu- auiess a trial witnouc expense, i ne oesi opportunity ever offered for those willing to a 99 ' V m work. You anoula try nomu g eise nnui you see for yourself what you can do at the business we .offer. No room to explain here. Tou can devote all your time or only your spare time to tbe business, and make seat pay for every lKur tbat you work Women make as much as men. Send for special private terms and particulars, which -we mail free. $5 Outfit, free. " Don, com plain of bard times while yon have such a - .... ; tf . . . w wnrr . chance.' Aaaress xx xxaajij&a i ol Portland, Maine. June 7-d&w. HiBcellaneous. 90 SJMPLr Schedule H Tax -Notice THE ATTENTION nfaierchaB." J I ders in Pender ntjZt"i following extract the k-.T " f7io 187k: Mi fee 12. Every merchant ;JL.,. i druggist; and every other dealer IV1' buy and sell goods, ware, or erVbSi."1 whateve- name or description; e1(S: are specially taxed elfewhir! ?V',ck M shall, in addftion to Hi. J I o7e A st .ck, pay as a license t,' on. i.,.TV.V" per cen urn on the total aidant otbX in oa out of ths Stat., tor cm or erofit J whether such noriAni k.: WUL .r.-uo uc.c.u mentioned ih.n purchase as pnneif,al or through lu , ,7.2 or c,jnv issiou merchant, r very, ps'rMa top.- ed in this section shall, wlthwItet ST after; the fiat dsy of January dJtwC each' year, oeliver to the Berber' of fvLS a swurh statement of the touliinonntiShu purchas for the preceding six ttipntbjJa ing on the 31st day of December ir th of June Any agent ore mmlMionmercW making such pu-chass .hall, for hU p. pal, make and deliver the statement u herril required. Provided, that the persons t.uucu iu una ncuun mir miii out ia writ ing a list of their purchase, and fvetrij the same before any Justice of the PeccJ iuoir cuhiiiv, ua return saia lut to the Ker. ister of Deeds ; the Register j of jDeedi th5i keep a Vok in which fhall be reco'ded thJ iiKkKircu luvuuiui, b uerrin required sbali furnish the Sheriff with a copy ofi.ij list within -en days after the ae regi, in. 1 It shall be the duty of the HKariff lect from eve ry pers n on the li t t'ttmUh4 him by the Register of Deeds the Uie. braced therein. The Keeister of Deliih i have power to requi a the merchant nukfoj bis stat men t to submit his book, for eim inatin to hun; and every merchant fsilinc to render such list, or refusion on demmd, to sabtnit his books for such iexuminitum. sbll bi guilty of a uiiadetueanor, and oncm. viction shall be hned not more than fifty s - lars .r lmpriioned rot more than thi-tr dji. It shall further be the dntv of th kH(riaLr rr deeds to prosecute erery merchant1 refojiiif j w v v " a vsuvb JL VUMIUIUK 3 U II 1M I formation and . ouipeui g payment roper tax. i j Of the As will be seen thelaw allow, me no J: creUoc in the matter and I hal! b-c nupcli l to prosecute to the full extent f tbe Urn a!l who fail to comply with its provittiorji. I. II' BROWV jane 19 -Register of Deedn, Tender Co A JSure t;ure for Piles A SURE CURE for the blind ,'bleedin il itchincr and ulcerated pilee has been di covered by Dr. William (an Indian remedy), called Dr. William's Indian OintDent. A sinele box has cured the worst old; chronic cases of twenty-five and thirty vear.Vtandijriir, No one need sutler five minutes after at ply. isc tnis wonaeriui sootninsr meaicine Lo tions, instruments and lectaanej ao mre barm than good. William's Uitment ib sorbs the tumors, allays the interne licbing (particulaily at night after gettiL warm in bed), acts as 1 a poultice, give, instant and painless relief, and is prepared only for Filrs,, itching of the private parti and nothing elie.j a, consulted physicians i ck Fbiladel-; phia, Louisville, Cincinnati, Indianapdlii and this city, and spent hundreds ofdollafs, anl found no relief until 1 obtained a box of Dr. William's Indian Ointment some four monthi ago, and it has cured me completely.' I Joskph M. Rtdeb, Cleveland, 0 'Has done me more good thanali the mii cine I ever tried, and 1 have .pent more tbarf lfWl wU1 Acw.tnr. besides medicines 1 aid cure cost me more than $40." I J David Sfa&lins, Icgrahaai, IT, "Have suffered twenty years witblitchiir and ulcerated piles, having used ev0-y rem dr that came to mv notice without benrnt until I used Indian Ointment and redd rid' immediate relief. , Jahei flAimoL. fan old mi'er) j Tecoma,,fiev. taa,- NaPile Remedy ever gained .och rapid Tavor and extensive sale. Bold by all wholesale and retail dru?zits. For lals b J. C. Munds and T. 8. Burbank. tech 20 eow-dAw I A GRfeAT OFFER !"? OKO ANrt upward PIAMiM S12& imwtrdf. not used a vtar, go'd. as new; warranted. NEW PlkSVi and ORGANS at EXTRAORDINARY LOW prioes fob cash. Catalogues Mailed, HOR ACE WTER8, Agent, 40 Kast 14th PtreL V. Y. P. O. Box. 3530. MUIVIMW t JOnn returns In 3q days on flOOtnTM- ipl&VJKJ vested, umciai reporu ana imv- mation rasa. A.iae pronu wexiy,oj pyi. options cf 10 to 0. I J I ' Address, T. rotter Wlgst A up., po- er , 35 Wail St., a, i. UulJ iT"V 4-'J -rr $10 tO lOOOdtoSlmaKiofunli every month. Books sent free explaiuintf everything. Address , M 1 ! BAXTER A Co., Bimkibs, II Wall flt, , July 16-4W . New York. 1 DEAR SIR: Pleas write H large Illus rstJ Catalofeue f I Rifles. Shot Cuns. Revoiyer Address Ureat Western Oun Works, I'M" ! burg, Pa. jnlyKMf V IA1IAICA GINGER SANFORD'S The uniy oomoinaiiwi of the truej Jamaica f Ginger witi tboice Ar omatics abd iwc Brandy ' for Cl-wlera Morbus, Cramp.' an1 Pains, Dlarrhoia ati I) ii e- i JAMAICA Flatuleoey, Wa .w Tone aad Activity i tho Stomach anJ Bo els, and avoidinr tn dangers of Chan or Water. Food and dh GINGER. naate. Ask for Sanford's Jamacia Clngei A MONTH guirau teed. $12 a daf home made by tn start youi Men, women, boys and; glru mMaw .m af mrnrk fdT Hi than anything, else. The , work is ligbt pleasant, and such as antons can go nt at. Those -who .are, wise who see tu' notice will send us their addresses at once and see tor themselves. Costly Ontfit anjx terms free. Now is tho time, 'loose Al ready at work are laying up Urge sums H money. Acona iaua , ifaine. uxne 7 dw. S30